Data Dictionary

Attachment 3_Flat Data Dictionary_February2022.xlsx

National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS)

Data Dictionary

OMB: 0920-1304

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Download variable order Supported Modes in 3.0 Variable Name Download Tab/Table Name Form-Page and Section Format Description User entered?
1 All CDCID All Page 1, CDC Use Only Number The CDCID is an autogenerated unique ID that represents a single NORS report. Links record from a single NORS report across all tables of the flattened database. No
2 All StateID All Page 1 Text The report ID entered by the reporting site. The StateID is unique to each report created by a NORS reporting agency. Yes
3 All ReportingSite Report N/A Text Reporting site of the report author. No
4 All AgencyName All N/A Text Name of the NORS agency reporting the outbreak. No
5 All AgencyContact Report N/A Text Name of primary agency contact. No
6 All AgencyTitle Report N/A Text Title of agency contact. No
7 All AgencyEmail Report N/A Text Email address of agency contact. No
8 All AgencyPhone Report N/A Text Phone number of agency contact. No
9 All RecordStatus Report N/A Text Indicates whether the report is active, finalized, or deleted. Yes
10 All CDCStatus Report N/A Text NORS value for internal data management processes. Indicates whether a report has been excluded (e.g., due to multistate consolidation), cleaned, or closed out (data cleaning status applied for NORS reports for some primary modes). No
11 Water CDCWaterStatus Report N/A Text NORS value that indicates whether CDC has classified a waterborne disease outbreak report as excluded, cleaned, or closed out as a result of routine data cleaning and review activities. No
12 All NORSUserID Report N/A Text User ID of the person who created the report. No
13 All StartTimeStamp Report N/A MM/DD/YYYY Time Date NORS report was created. No
14 All FinalTimeStamp Report N/A MM/DD/YYYY Time Date NORS report was most recently finalized, if any. No
15 All PrimaryMode Outbreak, Setting Page 1, Primary mode of transmission Text Primary mode of transmission. Yes
16 All DateFirstIll Outbreak Page 1, Dates MM/DD/YYYY Earliest date of reported illness onset. Yes
17 All DateLastIll Outbreak Page 1, Dates MM/DD/YYYY Latest date of reported illness onset. Yes
18 All InitialExposure Outbreak Page 1, Dates MM/DD/YYYY Earliest date of reported exposure. Yes
19 All LastExposure Outbreak Page 1, Dates MM/DD/YYYY Latest date of reported exposure. Yes
20 All LocalReportDate Outbreak Page 1, Dates MM/DD/YYYY Date reported to local authorities. Yes
21 All DateInvestigation Outbreak Page 1, Dates MM/DD/YYYY Date the outbreak investigation began. Yes
22 All GeneralRemarks Outbreak Page 24, Remarks Text General remarks about the outbreak. Briefly describe any important aspects of the outbreak not covered, including links to communications or publications. Yes
23 All CDCRemarks Outbreak N/A Text General comments added by CDC NORS managing administrators. No
24 All References Outbreak N/A Text Publications or other references related to outbreak added by CDC. No
26 All MultiStateExposure Exposure Page 1, Geographic Location True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Exposure occurred in multiple states/reporting sites. See 'State' variable for list of states involved. Yes
27 All MultiStateResidence Exposure Page 1, Geographic Location True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Cases resided in multiple states/reporting sites. See 'State' variable for list of states involved. Yes
28 All MultiCountyExposure Exposure Page 1, Geographic Location True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Exposure occurred in multiple counties. See 'County' variable for list of counties involved. Yes
29 All MultiCountyResidence Exposure Page 1, Geographic Location True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Exposure occurred in a single county, but cases resided in another county or multiple counties. See 'County' variable for list of counties involved. Yes
30 All LandNA Exposure Page 1, Geographic Location True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Type of land does not apply. Yes
31 All LandTribalLand Exposure Page 1, Geographic Location True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Exposure occurred on tribal land. Yes
32 All LandNatPark Exposure Page 1, Geographic Location True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Exposure occurred in a national park. Yes
33 All LandOthFed Exposure Page 1, Geographic Location True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Exposure occurred on federal land not specified in the list. Yes
34 All ExposureLocation Exposure Page 1, Geographic Location Text Name of city, town, or place of exposure. Yes
35 All ExposureState Exposure Page 1, Geographic Location Text The state where the exposure occurred. For a single state of exposure and a multistate residency exposure, the state will be listed. For multiple states of exposure, the value will be null (left blank). See the States table for information on all states involved in this outbreak (i.e., state of exposure, state of residency). Yes
36 All ExposureStateCount Exposure Page 1, Geographic Location Integer The case count for each exposure state for a single state of exposure and a multistate residency exposure, the exposure state count will be listed. For multiple states of exposure, the value will be null (left blank). Yes
37 All State# Exposure Page 1, Geographic Location Text Name of each state involved in the outbreak. If multiple states were involved but there was only one exposure state, it will be included in the list of states. Yes
38 All StateIsExposure# Exposure Page 1, Geographic Location True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if this is a state where the exposure occurred. Yes
39 All StateCount# Exposure N/A Number The case count for each state for multistate exposure or multistate residency outbreaks. This information can be entered on the reporting form when additional states are reported as part of a multistate exposure or multistate residency outbreak. Yes
40 All OtherStateMore Exposure N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
41 All ExposureCounty Exposure Page 1, Geographic Location Text Name of county within the exposure state where exposure occurred. For multiple states of exposure, the exposure county value will be null (left blank). See the Counties table for information on all counties involved in this outbreak. Yes
42 All County# Exposure Page 1, Geographic Location Text Name of each county involved in the outbreak. If multiple counties were involved but there was only one exposure county, it will be included in the list of counties. Yes
43 All CountyIsExposure# Exposure Page 1, Geographic Location True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if this is a county where the exposure occurred. If yes, this must be a county in the exposure state. Yes
44 All OtherCountyMore Exposure N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
45 All ConfirmedPrimary PrimaryCases Page 1, Primary Cases Number Number of laboratory-confirmed primary cases. Yes
46 All ProbablePrimary PrimaryCases Page 1, Primary Cases Number Number of probable primary cases. Yes
47 All EstimatedPrimary PrimaryCases Page 1, Primary Cases Number Estimated total number of primary cases, including lab-confirmed and probable. Yes
48 Food, Animal Year# PrimaryCases Page 1, Primary Cases Number For an outbreak spanning multiple calendar years, indicates a single year of the outbreak during which illnesses occurred. Yes
49 Food, Animal YearConfirmedIll# PrimaryCases Page 1, Primary Cases Number Number of lab-confirmed cases for the indicated year. Yes
50 Food, Animal YearProbableIll# PrimaryCases Page 1, Primary Cases Number Number of probable ill cases for the indicated year. Yes
51 Food, Animal YearTotalPrimaryIll# PrimaryCases Page 1, Primary Cases Number Total number of primary cases for the indicated year. Yes
52 Food, Animal YearMore Primary Cases
Number Indicates whether or not additional rows of data are available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
53 P2P, Water, Unknown TravelCaseDom PrimaryCases Page 3, Primary Cases Yes/No/Unknown/NA Indicates if any primary cases traveled domestically for at least one night away from their primary residence. Yes
54 P2P, Water, Unknown TravelCaseInt PrimaryCases Page 3, Primary Cases Yes/No/Unknown/NA Indicates if any primary cases traveled internationally for at least one night away from their primary residence. Yes
55 Food TravelSourceInt PrimaryCases Page 3, Primary Cases Yes/No/Unknown/NA For foodborne outbreaks, indicates if the outbreak was associated with the source case-patient traveling internationally. Yes
56 All CaseCharRemarks PrimaryCases Page 3, Primary Cases Text Remarks about case characteristics. Yes
57 All NumberMale CaseAgeSex Page 1, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases who identify as male. Yes
58 All NumberFemale CaseAgeSex Page 1, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases who identify as female. Yes
59 All NumberSexUnknown CaseAgeSex Page 1, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases of unknown sex. Yes
60 All PercentMale CaseAgeSex Page 1, Primary Cases Number Percentage of primary cases who identify as male. Yes
61 All PercentFemale CaseAgeSex Page 1, Primary Cases Number Percentage of primary cases who identify as female. Yes
62 All PercentSexUnknown CaseAgeSex Page 1, Primary Cases Number Percentage of primary cases of unknown sex. Yes
63 All NumberAgeUnder1 CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases age less than one year. Yes
64 All NumberAge1to4 CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases age one to four years. Yes
65 All NumberAge5to9 CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases age five to nine years. Yes
66 All NumberAge10to17 CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases age 10 to 17 years. Yes
67 All NumberAge18to49 CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases age 18 to 49 years. Yes
68 All NumberAge50to64 CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases age 50 to 64 years. Yes
69 All NumberAge65to74 CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases age 65 to 74 years. Yes
70 All NumberAge75plus CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases equal to or over 75 years of age. Yes
71 All NumberAgeUnknown CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases of unknown age. Yes
72 All PercentAgeUnder1 CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Percentage of primary cases age less than one year. Yes
73 All PercentAge1to4 CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Percentage of primary cases age one to four years. Yes
74 All PercentAge5to9 CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Percentage of primary cases age five to nine years. Yes
75 All PercentAge10to17 CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Percentage of primary cases age 10 to 17 years. Yes
76 All PercentAge18to49 CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Percentage of primary cases age 18 to 49 years. Yes
77 All PercentageAge50to64 CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Percentage of primary cases age 50 to 64 years. Yes
78 All PercentageAge65to74 CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Percentage of primary cases age 65 to 74 years. Yes
79 All PercentAge75plus CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Percentage of primary cases equal to or over 75 years of age. Yes
80 All PercentAgeUnknown CaseAgeSex Page 2, Primary Cases Number Percentage of primary cases of unknown age. Yes
87 All IncUnknown CaseIncDur Page 2, Primary Cases True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Information on incubation period is unknown. Yes
88 All IncShort CaseIncDur Page 2, Primary Cases Number Shortest incubation period, in selected units. Yes
89 All IncShortUnit CaseIncDur Page 2, Primary Cases Text Units of shortest incubation time. Yes
90 All IncMedian CaseIncDur Page 2, Primary Cases Number Median incubation period, in selected units. Yes
91 All IncMedianUnit CaseIncDur Page 2, Primary Cases Text Units of median incubation time. Yes
92 All IncLong CaseIncDur Page 2, Primary Cases Number Longest incubation period, in selected units. Yes
93 All IncLongUnit CaseIncDur Page 2, Primary Cases Text Units of longest incubation time. Yes
94 All IncubationNum CaseIncDur Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases for whom information on incubation period is available. Yes
95 All DurUnknown CaseIncDur Page 2, Primary Cases True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if information on duration of illness is unknown. Yes
96 All DurShort CaseIncDur Page 2, Primary Cases Number Shortest duration time, in selected units. Yes
97 All DurShortUnit CaseIncDur Page 2, Primary Cases Text Units of shortest duration time. Yes
98 All DurMedian CaseIncDur Page 2, Primary Cases Number Median duration time, in selected units. Yes
99 All DurMedianUnit CaseIncDur Page 2, Primary Cases Text Units of median duration time. Yes
100 All DurLong CaseIncDur Page 2, Primary Cases Number Longest duration time, in selected units. Yes
101 All DurLongUnit CaseIncDur Page 2, Primary Cases Text Units of longest duration time. Yes
102 All DurationNum CaseIncDur Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases for whom information on duration of illness is available. Yes
103 All HealthcareNum CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases who visited a health care provider. Yes
104 All HealthcareInfo CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Total number of primary cases for whom information on health care visit is available. Yes
105 All ERNum CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases who visited an emergency room. Yes
106 All ERInfo CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Total number of primary cases for whom information on emergency room visit is available. Yes
107 All IHSNum CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases who visited an Indian Health Service (IHS) or tribal facility. Yes
108 All IHSInfo CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Total number of primary cases for whom information on IHS or tribal facility visit is available. Yes
109 All DeathsNum CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases who died. Yes
110 All DeathsInfo CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Total number of primary cases for whom information on survival is available. Yes
111 All HospitalNum CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases who were hospitalized. Yes
112 All HospitalInfo CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Total number of primary cases for whom information on hospitalization is available. Yes
113 All HUSNum CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases with hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). Yes
114 All HUSInfo CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Total number of primary cases for whom information on HUS is available. Yes
115 All DissemInfectNum CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases with a disseminated infection. Yes
116 All DissemInfectInfo CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Total number of primary cases for whom information on disseminated infection is available. Yes
117 All PregLossNum CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases with a pregnancy loss. Yes
118 All PregLossInfo CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Total number of known primary cases who are pregnant. Yes
119 All DaycareNum CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases who attended or worked in child daycare. Yes
120 All DaycareInfo CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Total number of primary cases for whom information on child daycare is available. Yes
121 All HomelessNum CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases who were experiencing homelessness. Yes
122 All HomelessInfo CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Total number of primary cases for whom information on homelessness is available. Yes
123 All WorkplaceNum CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases exposed in the workplace. Yes
124 All WorkplaceInfo CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Total number of primary cases for whom information on workplace exposure is available. Yes
125 All ImmCompNum CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of primary cases who were immunocompromised. Yes
126 All ImmCompInfo CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Total number of primary cases for whom information on immunocompromised status is available. Yes
127 All MSMNum CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of adult male primary cases who report sexual contact with another male. Yes
128 All MSMInfo CaseInfo Page 2, Primary Cases Number Total number of adult male primary cases for whom information on sexual contact with another male is available. Yes
129 All Symptom# CaseSymptom Page 2, Primary Cases Text Name of sign or symptom. Yes
130 All SymptomCases# CaseSymptom Page 2, Primary Cases Number Number of cases with sign or symptom specified in the corresponding 'Symptom' field. Yes
131 All SymptomInfo# CaseSymptom Page 2, Primary Cases Number Total number of cases for whom information is available for the symptom specified in the corresponding 'Symptom' field. Yes
132 All SymptomMore CaseSymptom N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
133 All ConfirmedSecondary SecondaryCases Page 3, Secondary Cases Number Number of laboratory-confirmed secondary cases. Yes
134 All ProbableSecondary SecondaryCases Page 3, Secondary Cases Number Number of probable secondary cases. Yes
135 All TotalSecondary SecondaryCases Page 3, Secondary Cases Number Total number of laboratory-confirmed and probable secondary cases. Yes
136 All TotalCases SecondaryCases Page 3, Secondary Cases Number Sum of all primary and secondary cases reported in the 'EstimatedPrimary' and 'TotalSecondary' fields. Yes
137 Food, Animal SecDeathsNum SecondaryCases Page 3, Secondary Cases Number Number of secondary cases who died. Yes
138 Food, Animal SecDeathsInfo SecondaryCases Page 3, Secondary Cases Number Total number of secondary cases for whom information on survival is available. Yes
139 Food, Animal SecHospitalNum SecondaryCases Page 3, Secondary Cases Number Number of secondary cases who were hospitalized. Yes
140 Food, Animal SecHospitalInfo SecondaryCases Page 3, Secondary Cases Number Total number of secondary cases for whom information on hospitalization is available. Yes
141 Food, Animal SecHUSNum SecondaryCases Page 3, Secondary Cases Number Number of secondary cases with hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). Yes
142 Food, Animal SecHUSInfo SecondaryCases Page 3, Secondary Cases Number Total number of secondary cases for whom information on HUS is available. Yes
143 All SecondaryFood SecondaryCases Page 3, Secondary Cases True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates whether foodborne transmission was a secondary mode of transmission. Yes
144 All SecondaryWater SecondaryCases Page 3, Secondary Cases True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates whether waterborne transmission was a secondary mode of transmission. Yes
145 All SecondaryAnimal SecondaryCases Page 3, Secondary Cases True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates whether animal contact was a secondary mode of transmission. Yes
146 All SecondaryPerson SecondaryCases Page 3, Secondary Cases True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates whether person-to-person transmission was a secondary mode of transmission. Yes
147 All SecondaryEnviron SecondaryCases Page 3, Secondary Cases True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates whether an environmental exposure was a secondary mode of transmission. Yes
148 All SecondaryUnknown SecondaryCases Page 3, Secondary Cases True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates whether an indeterminate or unknown mode was a secondary mode of transmission. Yes
149 All SamplesTested LabEnviro Page 3, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether any specimens or environmental, food, or water samples were collected and tested. Yes
150 All SampleTypeHuman LabEnviro Page 3, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether human samples were tested. Yes
151 All SampleTypeHumanNum LabEnviro Page 3, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Number Number of persons from whom clinical specimens were collected, if clinical diagnostic specimens were collected. Yes
152 All SampleTypeFW LabEnviro Page 3, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether food workers were tested. Yes
153 All SampleTypeAnimal LabEnviro Page 3, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether animal samples were tested. Yes
154 All SampleTypeFood LabEnviro Page 3, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether food samples were tested. Yes
155 All SampleTypeWater LabEnviro Page 3, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether water samples were tested. Yes
156 All SampleTypeOther LabEnviro Page 3, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether other environmental samples were tested. Yes
157 All SampleTypeOthSp LabEnviro Page 3, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Text Specify other environmental sample types. Yes
158 All HumanTestedFor# LabEnviro Page 3, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Text Indicates what the human sample was tested for (e.g., bacteria, viruses). Yes
159 All HumanTestedForMore LabEnviro N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
160 All OtherTestedFor# LabEnviro Page 3, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Text Indicates what the animal/food/water/other environmental sample was tested for (e.g., bacteria, viruses). Yes
161 All OtherTestedForMore LabEnviro N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
162 All HumanTestType# LabEnviro Page 4, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Text Indicates the type of test used for the human sample. Yes
163 All HumanTestTypeSp LabEnviro Page 4, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Text Specify the other type of test used for the human sample Yes
164 All HumanTestTypeMore LabEnviro N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
165 All OtherTestType# LabEnviro Page 4, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Text Indicates the type of test used for the animal/food/water/other environmental sample. Yes
166 All OtherTestTypeSp LabEnviro Page 4, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Text Specify the other type of test used for animal/food/water/other environmental sample. Yes
167 All OtherTestTypeMore LabEnviro N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
168 All NARMSAST LabEnviro Page 4, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Yes/No/Unknown Indicates if CDC NARMS performed antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Yes
199 Water SampleLocation# WaterSamples Page 4, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Text Indicates which of the following sampling locations were tested. Yes
200 Water SampleLocationSp# WaterSamples Page 4, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Text Specify other sampling locations that were tested Yes
201 Water SampleLocationMore WaterSamples N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
202 Water WaterEnvSampImp WaterSamples Page 4, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether environmental sampling results implicate water as the primary mode of transmission. Yes
203 Water WaterImpVeh WaterSamples Page 4, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Yes/No/Unknown If 'WaterEnvSampImp' = yes, indicates if environmental sampling results implicate the vehicle(s) of transmission. Yes
204 Water WaterHistImp WaterSamples Page 4, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Yes/No/Unknown Indicates if historical or other environmental health evidence implicate water as the primary mode of transmission. Yes
205 Water WaterHistImpDescribe WaterSamples Page 4, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Text If 'WaterHistImp' = yes, indicates historical or environmental health evidence that implicated water as the mode of transmission. Yes
206 Water WaterEnvAttach WaterSamples Page 4, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if environmental sampling results are attached to this report. Yes
207 Water SampleResult# WaterSamples Page 4, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Text Environmental sampling results (e.g., Fecal indicators, pH, Temperature, Turbidity, Residual/free disinfectant, Combined disinfectant, Etiologic agent(s), Other). Yes
208 Water SampleResultSp# WaterSamples Page 4, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Text Specify other environmental sampling results Yes
209 Water SampleResultSupport# WaterSamples Page 4, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if there are supporting environmental sampling results. Yes
210 Water SampleResultDescribe# WaterSamples Page 4, Laboratory and Environmental Investigation Text Describe relevant environmental sampling results (e.g., fecal indicators identified in well water on [insert date]). Yes
211 Water SampleResultMore WaterSamples N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
212 All EtiologyKnown Etiology Page 5, Etiology and Isolates True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates that there is at least one confirmed or suspected outbreak etiology (based on either laboratory confirmation or epidemiological evidence). Yes
213 All GenusName# Etiology Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Text Genus of the identified etiology. Yes
214 All SpeciesName# Etiology Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Text Species of the identified etiology. Yes
215 All SubtypeName#
Etiology Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Text Subtype (e.g., serotype, genotype). Yes
216 All Polymerase# Etiology N/A Text Polymerase of the norovirus etiology indicated in the corresponding 'GenusName' field. Yes
217 All Capsid# Etiology N/A Text Capsid of the norovirus etiology indicated in the corresponding 'GenusName' field. Yes
218 All OtherCharacteristics# Etiology Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Text Other characteristics of the identified etiology specified in the corresponding 'GenusName' field. Yes
219 All NumPosTotal# Etiology Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Number Total number of primary cases testing positive by culture, CIDT, or any other test. Yes
220 All NumPosCulture# Etiology Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Number Number of positive culture confirmed primary cases. Yes
221 All NumPosCIDT# Etiology Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Number Number of CIDT positive only primary cases. Yes
222 All Confirmed# Etiology Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Text Indicates whether the etiology listed in the corresponding 'GenusName' field is confirmed or suspected. Yes
223 All PatientSpecimen# Etiology Page 5, Etiology and Isolates True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates whether the etiology in the corresponding 'GenusName' field was identified/detected in a patient specimen. Yes
224 All FoodSample# Etiology Page 5, Etiology and Isolates True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates whether the etiology in the corresponding 'GenusName' field was identified/detected in a food sample. Yes
225 All EnvironmentalSample# Etiology Page 5, Etiology and Isolates True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates whether the etiology in the corresponding 'GenusName' field was identified/detected in an environmental sample. Yes
226 All FoodWorkerSpecimen# Etiology Page 5, Etiology and Isolates True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates whether the etiology in the corresponding 'GenusName' field was identified/detected in a food worker specimen. Yes
227 All WaterSample# Etiology Page 5, Etiology and Isolates True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates whether the etiology specified in the corresponding 'GenusName' field was identified/detected in a water sample. Yes
228 All AnimalSpecimen# Etiology Page 5, Etiology and Isolates True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates whether the etiology in the corresponding 'GenusName' field was identified/detected in an animal specimen. Yes
229 All EtiologyValue# Etiology N/A Text Indicates whether the listed etiology is bacterial, chemical, viral, parasitic, or hepatitis. Value is automatically assigned for analysis purposes. No
230 All EtiologyMore Etiology N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
231 All CDCSystem# Isolate Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Text The CDC laboratory system with associated isolate or specimen data for the isolate listed in the corresponding 'StateLabID' field. Yes
232 All CDCLabOutbreakID# Isolate Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Text The CDC laboratory outbreak identifier for the isolate or strain listed in the corresponding 'StateSampleID' field. Yes
233 All Enzyme1_# Isolate Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Text Indicates the CDC PulseNet pattern designation for an enzyme for an isolate (set #). E.g., Enzyme1_3 indicates the first PulseNet pattern designation for an enzyme for the third isolate. Yes
234 All Enzyme2_# Isolate Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Text Indicates the CDC PulseNet pattern designation for an enzyme for an isolate (set #). E.g., Enzyme2_3 indicates the second PulseNet pattern designation for an enzyme for the third isolate. Yes
235 All SequenceInfo# Isolate Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Text Other molecular designation/CaliciNet sequenced region for the isolate/strain listed in the corresponding 'StateSampleID' field. Yes
236 All SubtypeInfo# Isolate Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Text Other molecular designation/CaliciNet genotype for the isolate listed in the corresponding 'StateSampleID' field. Yes
237 All StateSampleID# Isolate Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Text Sample identifier assigned by state lab for this isolate/strain. Yes
238 All CDCSampleID# Isolate Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Text CDC-assigned laboratory identifier (CaliciNet key, Accession ID, or PulseNet key) for this isolate/strain. Yes
239 All SourceType# Isolate Page 5, Etiology and Isolates Text Source or sample type for the specimen from the PulseNet or CaliciNet database. Yes
240 All IsolatesMore Isolate N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
241 P2P, Environmental, Unknown MajorSetting Setting Page 5, Settings Text Name of major setting where exposure occurred for person-to-person, environmental contamination, and indeterminate/unknown primary mode of transmission outbreaks. Yes
242 P2P, Environmental, Unknown MajorSettingSp Setting Page 5, Settings Text Specify other major setting where exposure occurred for person-to-person, environmental contamination, and indeterminate/unknown primary mode of transmission outbreaks. Yes
243 All SettingExposure# Setting Page 5, Settings Text Setting where exposure occurred. For foodborne outbreaks, this is the location where food was eaten. For person-to-person, environmental contamination, and indeterminate/unknown mode outbreaks, this is any setting(s) of exposure in addition to the major setting of exposure. Yes
244 All SettingExposureSp# Setting Page 5, Settings Text Specify other settings where exposure occurred. For foodborne outbreaks, this is the location where food was eaten. For person-to-person, environmental contamination, and indeterminate/unknown mode outbreaks, this is any setting(s) of exposure in addition to the major setting of exposure. Yes
245 All SettingExposureMore Setting N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
246 All SettingExposureRemarks Setting Page 5, Settings Text Remarks field for additional information about settings of exposure for all modes except water. Yes
247 Food WherePrepName# Setting Page 6, Settings Text Location where the implicated food was prepared. Yes
248 Food WherePrepNameSp# Setting Page 6, Settings Text Specify other location where the implicated food was prepared Yes
249 Food WherePrepMore Setting N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
250 Food WherePrepRemarks Setting Page 6, Settings Text Remarks field for additional information about the location of preparation for the implicated food. Yes
251 All AssociatedEvent Setting Page 7, Settings Yes/No/Unknown Indicates if the exposure was associated with a specific event or gathering. Yes
252 All EventName# Setting Page 7, Settings Text Indicates the type of event or gathering, if the outbreak exposure was associated with a specific event or gathering. Yes
253 All EventNameSp Setting Page 7, Settings Text Specify the other type of event or gathering, if the outbreak exposure was associated with a specific event or gathering. Yes
254 All EventMore Setting N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
255 All LTC# Setting Page 7, Settings Text Indicates the type(s) of care affected by the long-term care outbreak (e.g., nursing home/skilled nursing, assisted living, independent living, intermediate care, memory care, other). Yes
256 All LTCSp Setting Page 7, Settings Text Specify other type of care affected by the long-term care outbreak Yes
257 All LTCMore Setting N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
258 All NumSchoolPublic Setting Page 7, Settings Number Number of involved schools with public funding. Yes
259 All NumSchoolPrivate Setting Page 7, Settings Number Number of involved schools with private funding. Yes
260 All NumSchoolUnk Setting Page 7, Settings Number Number of involved schools with unknown or undetermined funding. Yes
261 All MultipleSchools Setting Page 7, Settings Text Indicates if the outbreak involved one or more schools. Yes
262 All NumofMultipleSchools Setting Page 7, Settings Number Number of schools if multiple schools were involved in the outbreak. Yes
263 All GradeLevelK
Setting Page 7, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates grade level of the students in the outbreak. Yes
264 All GradeLevel1 Setting Page 7, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates grade level of the students in the outbreak. Yes
265 All GradeLevel2 Setting Page 7, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates grade level of the students in the outbreak. Yes
266 All GradeLevel3 Setting Page 7, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates grade level of the students in the outbreak. Yes
267 All GradeLevel4 Setting Page 7, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates grade level of the students in the outbreak. Yes
268 All GradeLevel5 Setting Page 7, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates grade level of the students in the outbreak. Yes
269 All GradeLevel6 Setting Page 7, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates grade level of the students in the outbreak. Yes
270 All GradeLevel7 Setting Page 7, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates grade level of the students in the outbreak. Yes
271 All GradeLevel8 Setting Page 7, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates grade level of the students in the outbreak. Yes
272 All GradeLevel9 Setting Page 7, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates grade level of the students in the outbreak. Yes
273 All GradeLevel10 Setting Page 7, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates grade level of the students in the outbreak. Yes
274 All GradeLevel11 Setting Page 7, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates grade level of the students in the outbreak. Yes
275 All GradeLevel12 Setting Page 7, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates grade level of the students in the outbreak. Yes
276 All GradeLevelCollege Setting Page 7, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates grade level of the students in the outbreak. Yes
277 All GradeLevelUnknown Setting Page 7, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates grade level of the students in the outbreak. Yes
278 All DFName Setting Page 7, Settings Text Name of correctional/detention facility where outbreak exposure occurred. Yes
279 All DFOversight Setting Page 7, Settings Text Indicates whether correctional/detention facility is run by the government, by a privately contracted business, or unknown. Yes
280 All DFType Setting Page 7, Settings Text Indicates type of correctional/detention facility. Yes
281 All DFTypeSp Setting Page 7, Settings Text Specify other type of correctional/detention facility. Yes
282 Food DFInmateFW Setting Page 7, Settings Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether inmate food workers were involved in food preparation. Yes
283 Food DFOtherFW Setting Page 7, Settings Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether other food workers were involved in food preparation. Yes
284 Food DFInmateFWImp Setting Page 7, Settings Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether inmate food workers were implicated in food worker contamination as a contributing factor. Yes
285 Food DFOtherFWImp Setting Page 7, Settings Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether other food workers were implicated in food worker contamination as a contributing factor. Yes
286 P2P, Environmental, Unknown GuestExposed Setting Page 8, Settings Number Number of residents, guests, attendees, patients, etc. who were exposed in the major setting. Yes
287 P2P, Environmental, Unknown StaffExposed Setting Page 8, Settings Number Number of staff, crew, etc. who were exposed in the major setting. Yes
288 P2P, Environmental, Unknown GuestIll Setting Page 8, Settings Number Number of residents, guests, attendees, patients, etc. who were exposed in the major setting and became ill during the outbreak. Yes
289 P2P, Environmental, Unknown StaffIll Setting Page 8, Settings Number Number of staff, crew, etc. who were exposed in the major setting and became ill during the outbreak. Yes
290 P2P, Environmental, Unknown GuestAR Setting Page 8, Settings Decimal The attack rate among residents and guests, calculated by dividing the number of residents and guests ill by the number exposed. Yes
291 P2P, Environmental, Unknown StaffAR Setting Page 8, Settings Decimal The attack rate among staff and crew, calculated by dividing the number of staff and crew ill by the number exposed. Yes
296 Water TreatedRecExposure SettingWater Page 6, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 The implicated type of water exposure was treated recreational water. Yes
297 Water UntreatedRecExposure SettingWater Page 6, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 The implicated type of water exposure was untreated recreational water. Yes
298 Water DrinkingExposure SettingWater Page 6, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 The implicated type of water exposure was drinking water. Yes
299 Water OtherExposure SettingWater Page 6, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 The implicated type of water exposure was an other or environmental exposure to water. Yes
300 Water UndeterminedExposure SettingWater Page 6, Settings True/False, 1/0, -1/0 The implicated type of water exposure was an undetermined exposure to water. Yes
301 Water WaterSettingExposureRemarks SettingWater Page 7, Settings Text Remarks for additional information about water setting of exposure. Yes
302 Water RecWaterExposure# SettingRecWater N/A Text Indicates type of recreational water (e.g., treated, untreated). Yes
303 Water RecVenue# SettingRecWater Page 6, Settings Text Water venue of exposure (e.g., hot tub/spa/whirlpool; pool - other swimming pool; hot spring). Yes
304 Water RecVenueSp# SettingRecWater Page 6, Settings Text Specify other water venue of exposure (e.g., hot tub/spa/whirlpool; pool - other swimming pool; hot spring). Yes
305 Water RecSubtype# SettingRecWater Page 6, Settings Text Water venue subtype (i.e. indoor, outdoor, or unknown). Yes
306 Water RecSetting# SettingRecWater Page 6, Settings Text Setting of exposure (e.g., hotel/motel). Yes
307 Water RecSettingSp# SettingRecWater Page 6, Settings Text Specify other setting of exposure (e.g. hotel/motel) Yes
308 Water RecTreatment# SettingRecWater Page 6, Settings Text Indicates how the water in the venue was treated (e.g., no treatment, disinfection,
home filtration).
309 Water RecTreatmentSp# SettingRecWater Page 6, Settings Text Specify how the water in the venue was treated Yes
310 Water RecTreatmentDescription#_# SettingRecWater Page 6, Settings Text Indicates additional description of the treatment used at a recreational water venue. Yes
311 Water RecTreatmentDescriptionSp#_# SettingRecWater Page 6, Settings Text Specify other description of the treatment used at a recreational water venue. Yes
312 Water RecTreatmentDescriptionMore SettingRecWater N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
313 Water RecStabilizerLevel# SettingRecWater Page 6, Settings Text Indicates the chlorine stabilizer levels in the venue at the time of the outbreak, when 'RecTreatmentDescription' = 'Cyanuric Acid' or 'Dichlor/Trichlor'. Yes
314 Water RecVenueMore SettingRecWater N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
315 Water DWSystem# SettingDrinkingWater Page 6, Settings Text Water system (e.g., commercially-bottled water, community water system, individual water system). Yes
316 Water DWSystemSp# SettingDrinkingWater Page 6, Settings Text Specify other drinking water system Yes
317 Water DWEPAID# SettingDrinkingWater Page 6, Settings Text Public water system EPA ID number which is an identification number assigned by the EPA to public water systems. Yes
318 Water DWSource# SettingDrinkingWater Page 6, Settings Text Water source (e.g., ground water, surface water or unknown). Yes
319 Water DWSourceSp# SettingDrinkingWater Page 6, Settings Text Specify other drinking water source Yes
320 Water DWDescription# SettingDrinkingWater Page 6, Settings Text Water source description (e.g. spring; well; lake). Yes
321 Water DWDescriptionSp# SettingDrinkingWater Page 6, Settings TExt Specify other drinking water sources description Yes
322 Water DWTreatment# SettingDrinkingWater Page 6, Settings Text Indicates how the water in the system was treated (e.g., no treatment, disinfection,
home filtration).
323 Water DWTreatmentSp# SettingDrinkingWater Page 6, Settings Text Specify other way the water in the system was treated Yes
324 Water DWTreatmentDescription#_# SettingDrinkingWater Page 6, Settings Text Indicates additional description of the treatment used at a drinking water venue. Yes
325 Water DWTreatmentDescriptionSp#_# SettingDrinkingWater Page 6, Settings Text Specify other additional description of the treatment used at a drinking water venue. Yes
326 Water DWTreatmentDescriptionMore SettingDrinkingWater N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
327 Water DWSetting# SettingDrinkingWater Page 6, Settings Text Setting of exposure (e.g., hotel/motel). Yes
328 Water DWSettingSp# SettingDrinkingWater Page 6, Settings Text Specify other setting of exposure Yes
329 Water DWSystemMore SettingDrinkingWater N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
330 Water OtherWaterExposure# SettingOtherWater N/A Text Indicates other type of water (e.g., other exposures to water, including other environmental exposures to water). Yes
331 Water OtherSystem# SettingOtherWater Page 7, Settings Text Indicates the system or source of the water (e.g., cooling tower; drainage ditch; fountain - ornamental). Yes
332 Water OtherSystemSp# SettingOtherWater Page 7, Settings Text Specify other system or source of the water Yes
333 Water OtherSetting# SettingOtherWater Page 7, Settings Text Setting of exposure (e.g, hotel/motel). Yes
334 Water OtherSettingSp# SettingOtherWater Page 7, Settings Text Specify other setting of exposure Yes
335 Water OtherTreated# SettingOtherWater Page 7, Settings Yes/No/Unknown/NA Indicates if the water system/source was treated to reduce or prevent the risk of disease transmission. Yes
336 Water OtherTreatment# SettingOtherWater Page 7, Settings Text Indicates how the water in the system/source was treated. Yes
337 Water OtherTreatmentSp# SettingOtherWater Page 7, Settings Text Specify how the water in the system/source was treated. Yes
338 Animal AnimalUndetermined AnimalContact Page 8, Animal Contact True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if an animal vehicle was not identified for the outbreak. Yes
339 Animal AnimalReasonUnd# AnimalContact Page 8, Animal Contact Text If animal vehicle undetermined, indicates reason(s) supporting animal contact as the mode of transmission (e.g., epidemiologic evidence, laboratory evidence, environmental evidence, traceback investigation, other). Yes
340 Animal AnimalReasonUndSp AnimalContact Page 8, Animal Contact Text Specify other reason supporting animal contact as the mode of transmission Yes
341 Animal AnimalReasonUndMore AnimalContact N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
342 Animal AnimalNum AnimalContact Page 8, Animal Contact Number Number of animals involved in the outbreak. Yes
343 Animal AnimalNumUnk AnimalContact Page 8, Animal Contact True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if the number of animals in the outbreak was unknown. Yes
344 Animal AnimalDeaths AnimalContact Page 8, Animal Contact Number Number of animals that died during the outbreak period of interest. Yes
345 Animal AnimalDeathsUnk AnimalContact Page 8, Animal Contact True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if the number of animals that died during the outbreak period of interest was unknown. Yes
346 Animal AnimalDeathsIll AnimalContact Page 8, Animal Contact Number Number of animals that died as a result of the outbreak-associated illness. Yes
347 Animal AnimalDeathsIllUnk AnimalContact Page 8, Animal Contact True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if the number of animals that died as a result of the outbreak-associated illness was unknown. Yes
348 Animal AnimalEnvironment AnimalContact Page 8, Animal Contact Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether the animal's living environment was implicated as a potential source of the outbreak. Yes
349 Animal AnimalWork# AnimalContact Page 8, Animal Contact Text If any outbreak-associated case-patients were exposed in the workplace, indicates the occupation(s) of primary cases exposed in the workplace (e.g., farm/dairy worker, pet store worker, agricultural store worker, processing plant/slaughterhouse worker, other). Yes
350 Animal AnimalWorkSp AnimalContact Page 8, Animal Contact Text Specify other occupation of primary cases exposed in the workplace Yes
351 Animal AnimalWorkMore AnimalContact N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
352 Animal AnimalFeedImplicated AnimalContact Page 8, Animal Contact Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether pet food or animal feed was implicated as a potential source of the outbreak. Yes
353 Animal AnimalFeedType# AnimalContact Page 8, Animal Contact Text Indicates the type of pet food implicated. Yes
354 Animal AnimalFeedTypeSp AnimalContact Page 8, Animal Contact Text Specify other type of pet food implicated Yes
355 Animal AnimalFeedTypeMore AnimalContact N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
356 Animal AnimalCompendium AnimalContact Page 9, Animal Contact Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether the "Compendium of Measures to Prevent Disease Associated with Animals in Public Settings" was used during the investigation. Yes
357 Animal AnimalRemarks
AnimalContact Page 9, Animal Contact Text Animal remarks/comments. Yes
359 Animal AnimalType# AnimalVehicle Page 8, Animal Contact Text Specify the animal type. Yes
360 Animal AnimalConfirmed# AnimalVehicle Page 8, Animal Contact Text Indicates whether the animal vehicle specified in the corresponding 'AnimalType' field was confirmed or suspected. Yes
361 Animal AnimalReasonConfirmed#_# AnimalVehicle Page 8, Animal Contact Text Indicates reason suspected or confirmed for the animal vehicle (e.g., laboratory, environmental, epidemiologic, traceback, other). Yes
362 Animal AnimalVehicleDiarrhea# AnimalVehicle Page 8, Animal Contact Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether the animal experienced a diarrheal illness. Yes
363 Animal AnimalVehicleImport# AnimalVehicle Page 8, Animal Contact Text Indicates whether the animal was imported into the U.S. Yes
364 Animal AnimalVehicleCountry# AnimalVehicle Page 8, Animal Contact Text If the animal was imported into the U.S., indicates the country of source. Yes
365 Animal AnimalVehicleCriteria#_# AnimalVehicle Page 8, Animal Contact Text Indicates if any of the animal(s) implicated in the outbreak met any of the following criteria. Yes
366 Animal AnimalVehicleCriteriaSp# AnimalVehicle Page 8, Animal Contact Text Specify other criteria met by any of the animal(s) implicated in the outbreak Yes
367 Animal AnimalVehicleMore AnimalVehicle N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
368 Environmental AntiBacNum Fungal Page 9, Fungal Number Number of cases treated with systemic antibacterial medication before fungal infection was diagnosed. Yes
369 Environmental AntiBacInfo Fungal Page 9, Fungal Number Total number of cases for whom information on systemic antibacterial use before fungal diagnosis is known. Yes
370 Environmental AntiFungalNum Fungal Page 9, Fungal Number Number of cases treated with systemic antifungal medication. Yes
371 Environmental AntiFungalInfo Fungal Page 9, Fungal Number Total number of cases for whom information on systemic antifungal use is known. Yes
372 Environmental EnvSample Fungal Page 9, Fungal Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether environmental samples were collected. Yes
373 Environmental EnvSampleResult Fungal Page 9, Fungal Text If environmental samples were collected, indicates the results. Yes
374 Environmental FungalCF# Fungal Page 9, Fungal Text Indicates which contributing factors were involved in the fungal disease outbreak. Yes
375 Environmental FungalCFSp# Fungal Page 9, Fungal Text Specify birds, bats, or other as a contributing factor involved in the fungal disease outbreak. Yes
376 Environmental Industry Fungal Page 9, Fungal Text Major industry of occupational exposure. Yes
377 Environmental Occupation Fungal Page 9, Fungal Text Occupation of persons with occupational exposure. Yes
378 Environmental PPENum Fungal Page 9, Fungal Number Number of cases that wore PPE at any time during the suspected exposure. Yes
379 Environmental PPEInfo Fungal Page 9, Fungal Number Total number of cases for whom information on PPE use is known. Yes
380 Environmental PPESp Fungal Page 9, Fungal Text Specify type of PPE. Yes
381 Environmental FungalCFMore Fungal N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
382 Food FoodVehicleUndetermined Food Page 10, Food True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if a food vehicle was not identified for the outbreak. Yes
383 Food ReasonFood# Food Page 10, Food Text If food vehicle undetermined, indicates reason(s) supporting foodborne as the mode of transmission (e.g., epidemiologic evidence, laboratory evidence, environmental evidence, traceback investigation, other). Yes
384 Food ReasonFoodSp Food Page 10, Food Text Specify other reason supporting foodborne as the mode of transmission Yes
385 Food ReasonFoodMore Food N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
386 Food FoodManager Food Page 10, Food Yes/No/Unknown Indicates whether a certified food protection manager was at the location of preparation. Yes
387 Food FoodManagerAll Food Page 10, Food Yes/No/Unknown If the location of preparation has a certified food protection manager, indicates whether the certified food protection manager is on site during all hours of operation. Yes
388 Food FoodWorkerImplicated Food Page 11, Food Yes/No/Unknown Indicates if food worker was implicated as a source of contamination. Yes
389 Food FoodName# FoodVehicle Page 10, Food Text Name of the implicated food suspected or investigated. Yes
390 Food FoodConfirmed# FoodVehicle Page 10, Food Text Indicates whether the food vehicle specified in the corresponding 'FoodName' field was confirmed or suspected. Yes
391 Food FoodReasonSuspected#_#
FoodVehicle Page 10, Food Text Indicates reason suspected or confirmed for the implicated food. Yes
392 Food FoodReasonSuspectedMore
FoodVehicle N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
393 Food IngredientName#_#
FoodVehicle Page 10, Food Text Indicates the ingredient name for the implicated food suspected or investigated. Yes
394 Food ContaminatedIngredient#_#
FoodVehicle Page 10, Food True/False, 1/0, -1/0 For the implicated food in the corresponding 'IngredientName' field, indicates if the ingredient was the contaminated ingredient. Yes
395 Food IngredientMore
FoodVehicle N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
396 Food MethodOfProcessing#_#
FoodVehicle Page 10, Food Text For the implicated food in the corresponding 'FoodName' field, indicates method of processing. Yes
397 Food MethodOfProcessingSp# FoodVehicle Page 10, Food Text For the implicated food in the corresponding 'FoodName' field, specify other method of processing. Yes
398 Food MethodOfProcessingMore FoodVehicle N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
399 Food LevelOfPreparation#_#
FoodVehicle Page 10, Food Text For the implicated food in the corresponding 'FoodName' field, indicates level of preparation. Yes
400 Food LevelOfPreparationSp#
FoodVehicle Page 10, Food Text For the implicated food in the corresponding 'FoodName' field, specify other level of preparation. Yes
401 Food MethodOfPreparation#_#
FoodVehicle Page 10, Food Text For the implicated food in the corresponding 'FoodName' field, indicates method of preparation. Yes
402 Food MethodOfPreparationSp# FoodVehicle Page 10, Food Text For the implicated food in the corresponding 'FoodName' field, specify other method of preparation. Yes
403 Food MethodOfPreparationMore FoodVehicle N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
404 Food Packaging#_# FoodVehicle Page 10, Food Text For the implicated food in the corresponding 'FoodName' field, indicates the type of packaging. Yes
405 Food PackagingMore FoodVehicle N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
406 Food FoodImported# FoodVehicle Page 10, Food True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if the implicated food in the corresponding 'FoodName' field was imported into the U.S. Yes
407 Food FoodCountryName# FoodVehicle Page 10, Food Text If the contaminated food was imported, indicates the name of the country, if known. Yes
408 Food Produced# FoodVehicle Page 10, Food Text Indicates if the product was produced under U.S. domestic regulatory oversight (e.g., yes, federal; yes, state only; no; unknown). Yes
409 Food Sold# FoodVehicle Page 10, Food Text Indicates if the product was sold under U.S. domestic regulatory oversight (e.g., yes, federal; yes, state only; no; unknown). Yes
410 Food FoodVehicleMore FoodVehicle N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
411 Food ContributingFactorsUnknown FoodContribFactor Page 11, Food True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if contributing factors are unknown. Yes
412 Food CFConReason FoodContribFactor Page 11, Food Text If no contamination factor available to enter, indicates the reason why (e.g., N/A, unknown, none identified). Yes
413 Food CFProReason FoodContribFactor Page 12, Food Text If no proliferation factor available to enter, indicates the reason why (e.g., N/A, unknown, none identified). Yes
414 Food CFSurReason FoodContribFactor Page 12, Food Text If no survival factor available to enter, indicates the reason why (e.g., N/A, unknown, none identified). Yes
415 Food CFRemarks FoodContribFactor Page 13, Food Text Remarks about contributing factors. Yes
416 Food ContributingFactorType# FoodContribFactor Pages 11, 12, 13, Food Text Type of contributing factor. Yes
417 Food ContributingFactorName# FoodContribFactor Pages 11, 12, 13, Food Text Name of contributing factor. Yes
418 Food ContributingFactorSp# FoodContribFactor Pages 11, 12, 13, Food Text Specify name of other contributing factor Yes
419 Food CFFinal# FoodContribFactor Page 11, 12, 13, Food True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Contributing factor occurred at the point of final prep/sale. Yes
420 Food CFPreHarvest# FoodContribFactor Page 11, 12, 13, Food True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Contributing factor occurred pre-harvest. Yes
421 Food CFPostHarvest# FoodContribFactor Page 11, 12, 13, Food True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Contributing factor occurred post-harvest. Yes
422 Food CFUnkHarvest# FoodContribFactor Page 11, 12, 13, Food True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Contributing factor occurred before point of final sale, but unknown if pre- or post-harvest. Yes
423 Food CFUnkLoc# FoodContribFactor Page 11, 12, 13, Food True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Unknown where contributing factor was noted. Yes
424 Food ContributingFactorMore FoodContribFactor N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
425 Food, Animal TracebackName# TracebackRecall Page 13, Traceback & Recall Text Company name for the traceback. Yes
426 Food, Animal TracebackType# TracebackRecall Page 13, Traceback & Recall Text Company type for the traceback listed in the corresponding 'TracebackName' field. Yes
427 Food, Animal TracebackCountry# TracebackRecall Page 13, Traceback & Recall Text Country for the source in the traceback listed in the corresponding 'TracebackName' field. Yes
428 Food, Animal TracebackState# TracebackRecall Page 13, Traceback & Recall Text U.S. state for the source in the traceback listed in the corresponding 'TracebackName' field. Yes
429 Food, Animal TracebackFindings# TracebackRecall Page 13, Traceback & Recall Text Indicates which traceback findings the traceback point represents (e.g., source of contamination, amplified contamination, point of service or sale, etc.). Yes
430 Food, Animal TracebackAgency# TracebackRecall Page 13, Traceback & Recall Text Indicates which federal agencies were involved in the traceback investigation (e.g., CDC, FDA, USDA/APHIS, USDA/FSIS, other, none). Yes
431 Food, Animal TracebackAgencySp TracebackRecall Page 13, Traceback & Recall Text Specify other federal agencies were involved in the traceback investigation Yes
432 Food, Animal TracebackMore TracebackRecall N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
433 Food, Animal Recall TracebackRecall Page 13, Traceback & Recall True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates whether a food product was recalled. Yes
434 Food, Animal RecallItem TracebackRecall Page 13, Traceback & Recall Text Exact item recalled. Yes
435 Food, Animal RecallLink TracebackRecall Page 13, Traceback & Recall Text Link to offical recall announcement. Yes
436 Food, Animal RecallComments TracebackRecall Page 13, Traceback & Recall Text Comments about the recall. Yes
439 Water NumberExposed WaterEvidence Page 13, Water Number Estimated total number of persons with primary water exposure. Yes
440 Water EnviroEvidence WaterEvidence Page 13, Water True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if environmental health data supported implicating water as the outbreak exposure. Yes
441 Water EpiEvidence WaterEvidence Page 13, Water True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if epidemiologic data supported implicating water as the outbreak exposure. Yes
442 Water PriorExpEvidence WaterEvidence Page 13, Water True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if prior experience supported implicating water as the outbreak exposure. Yes
443 Water ClinLabEvidence WaterEvidence Page 13, Water True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if clinical laboratory data supported implicating water as the outbreak exposure. Yes
444 Water EstimatedRisk WaterEvidence Page 13, Water Yes/No/Unknown Indicates if data were collected to estimate association in a waterborne disease outbreak. Yes
445 Water CommonSource WaterEvidence Page 13, Water Yes/No/Unknown If 'EstimatedRisk' = no or unknown, indicates if water was the common source shared by persons who were ill. Yes
446 Water WaterRemarks WaterEvidence Page 14, Water Text Remarks field for additional information about the waterborne disease outbreak investigation. Yes
447 Water EpiExposure# WaterEvidence Page 13, Water Text A vehicle of pathogen transmission, such as an exposure (e.g., swimming pool use) or setting (e.g., hotel stay), measured in an epidemiologic study. Yes
448 Water EpiAttackRate# WaterEvidence Page 13, Water Decimal The attack rate for the exposure in the epidemiologic study. Attack rate is the proportion of exposed persons who became ill out of the total number of people exposed. Yes
449 Water EffectMeasure# WaterEvidence Page 13, Water Decimal The effect measure value, with reference to a vehicle of transmission in a waterborne disease outbreak specified in the corresponding 'EpiExposure' field. Yes
450 Water EffectMeasureType# WaterEvidence Page 13, Water Text The type of effect measure reported, with reference to a vehicle of transmission in a waterborne disease outbreak specified in the corresponding 'EpiExposure' field. Yes
451 Water pValue# WaterEvidence Page 13, Water Decimal The p-value for the effect measure with reference to the vehicle of transmission indicated in the corresponding 'EpiExposure' field. Yes
452 Water ConfidenceInterval# WaterEvidence Page 13, Water Text The confidence interval for the effect measure, with reference to the vehicle of transmission indicated in the corresponding 'EpiExposure' field. Yes
453 Water EpiDataMore WaterEvidence N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
454 Water FacilityChar# WaterLegionella Page 14, Water Text Indicates specific characteristics of the facility where a waterborne disease outbreak occurred when Legionella or other biofilm-associated pathogens are implicated as the etiology. Yes
455 Water FacilityCharSp WaterLegionella Page 14, Water Text Specify other characteristics of the facility where a waterborne disease outbreak occurred when Legionella or other biofilm-associated pathogens are implicated as the etiology. Yes
456 Water FacilityRemarks WaterLegionella Page 14, Water Text Remarks about facility characteristics in a facility where a waterborne disease outbreak occurred when Legionella or other biofilm-associated pathogens are implicated as the etiology. Yes
457 Water WMP WaterLegionella Page 14, Water Yes/No/Unknown Indicates if the facility had a water management program in place before the outbreak. Yes
458 Water WMPDescription# WaterLegionella Page 14, Water Text Indicates elements included in water management program of the facility where a waterborne disease outbreak occurred when Legionella or other biofilm-associated pathogens are implicated as the etiology. Yes
459 Water WMPDesign# WaterLegionella Page 14, Water Text Indicates who designed the water management program for the facility where a waterborne disease outbreak occurred when Legionella or other biofilm-associated pathogens are implicated as the etiology. Yes
460 Water WMPDesignSp WaterLegionella Page 14, Water Text Specify other designer of the water management program for the facility where a waterborne disease outbreak occurred when Legionella or other biofilm-associated pathogens are implicated as the etiology. Yes
461 Water LDRecommend WaterLegionella Page 14, Water Yes/No/Unknown/NA Indicates if recommendations were provided to the facility to decrease the risk of Legionella exposure in a facility where a waterborne disease outbreak occurred when Legionella or other biofilm-associated pathogens are implicated as the etiology. Yes
462 Water LDRecommendDescription# WaterLegionella Page 14, Water Text If recommendations were provided, indicates which recommendations were given to the facility where a waterborne disease outbreak occurred when Legionella or other biofilm-associated pathogens are implicated as the etiology. Yes
463 Water LDRecommendDescriptionSp WaterLegionella Page 14, Water Text Specify other recommendations that were given to the facility where a waterborne disease outbreak occurred when Legionella or other biofilm-associated pathogens are implicated as the etiology. Yes
464 Water LDSamples WaterLegionella Page 14, Water Yes/No/Unknown/NA Indicates if samples were tested for Legionella at a laboratory participating in a national proficiency program (e.g., ELITE, ELAP, AIHA). Yes
465 Water BiofilmRemarks WaterLegionella Page 14, Water Text Remarks about biofilm-associated pathogens section. Yes
466 Water TreatedInspection WaterQuality Page 14, Water Yes/No/Unknown/NA Indicates if water venue(s) were inspected in the 6 months prior to the outbreak. Yes
467 Water TreatedRecRemarks WaterQuality Page 15, Water Text Remarks field for additional information about the treated recreational water outbreak investigation. Yes
468 Water UntreatedQuality WaterQuality Page 16, Water Yes/No/Unknown/NA Indicates if venue met recreational water quality standards at the time of the outbreak. Yes
469 Water UntreatedQualityTest WaterQuality Page 16, Water Yes/No/Unknown Indicates if microbiological water quality testing results were collected in the 3 months before the outbreak. Yes
470 Water UntreatedRecRemarks WaterQuality Page 16, Water Text Remarks field for additional information about the untreated recreational water outbreak investigation. Yes
471 Water DrinkingMonth WaterQuality Page 17, Water Yes/No/Unknown/NA Indicates if the drinking water system had any monitoring violations in the 1 month prior to the outbreak. Yes
472 Water DrinkingMonthText WaterQuality Page 17, Water Text Additional description if drinking water system had monitoring violations in the 1 month prior to the outbreak. Yes
473 Water DrinkingMCL WaterQuality Page 17, Water Yes/No/Unknown/NA Indicates if the drinking water system had any maximum contaminant level (MCL) violations in the 1 month prior to the outbreak. Yes
474 Water DrinkingMCLText WaterQuality Page 17, Water Text Additional description if drinking water system had MCL violations in the 1 month prior to the outbreak. Yes
475 Water DrinkingYear WaterQuality Page 17, Water Yes/No/Unknown/NA Indicates if the drinking water system had any violations in the 12 months prior to the outbreak. Yes
476 Water DrinkingYearText WaterQuality Page 17, Water Text Additional description if the drinking water system had any violations in the 12 months prior to the outbreak. Yes
477 Water DrinkingRemarks WaterQuality Page 17, Water Text Remarks fields for additional information about the drinking water outbreak investigation. Yes
478 Water SourceFactor WaterQuality Page 17, Water Yes/No/Unknown Indicates if there was a problem with the quality of the source water. Yes
479 Water TreatDistribFactor WaterQuality Page 17, Water Yes/No/Unknown Indicates if the water quality was affected by a problem occurring with the water treatment or within the distribution system before entry into a building or house. Yes
480 Water NonUtilityFactor WaterQuality Page 17, Water Yes/No/Unknown Indicates if the water quality was affected by a problem occurring after the water meter or outside the jurisdiction of a water utility. Yes
481 Water OtherEnvExposureDescription WaterQuality Page 19, Water Text Indicates how the exposure(s) to the water system/source occurred. Yes
482 Water OtherEnvExposureSp WaterQuality Page 19, Water Text Specify how the exposure(s) to the water system/source occurred. Yes
483 Water OtherEnvExposureRemarks WaterQuality Page 19, Water Text Other exposures to water remarks. Yes
484 Water SuspectedTreatedRec WaterQuality Page 20, Water True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if treated recreational water exposure was a suspected exposure for an undetermined exposure to water outbreak. Yes
485 Water SuspectedUntreatedRec WaterQuality Page 20, Water True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if untreated recreational water exposure was a suspected exposure for an undetermined exposure to water outbreak. Yes
486 Water SuspectedDrinking WaterQuality Page 20, Water True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if drinking water exposure was a suspected exposure for an undetermined exposure to water outbreak. Yes
487 Water SuspectedOtherEnvironmental WaterQuality Page 20, Water True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if other or environmental exposure to water was a suspected exposure for an undetermined exposure to water outbreak. Yes
488 Water SuspectedUnidentified WaterQuality Page 20, Water True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if there was not an identified water exposure for an undetermined exposure to water outbreak. Yes
489 Water SuspectedExposureRemarks WaterQuality Page 20, Water Text Remarks field for additional information about the suspected exposure in an undetermined exposure to water outbreak investigation. Yes
490 Water UndeterminedCF WaterQuality Page 20, Water Yes/No/Unknown Indicates if contributing factors were documented or suspected in an undetermined exposures to water outbreak investigation. Yes
491 Water UndeterminedCFRemarks WaterQuality Page 20, Water Text Remarks field for contributing factors for undetermined exposure to water outbreaks. Yes
492 Water WaterFactorGroup# WaterContribFactor Pages 15, 16, 18, 19, Water Text Indicates the factor group that the contributing factor corresponds to (e.g., people, environment, policy and management, maintenance, etc.). Yes
493 Water WaterFactorType# WaterContribFactor Pages 15, 16, 18, 19, Water Text Indicates the water factor type associated with the corresponding 'WaterFactor' (e.g., drinking, untreated, treated, other). Yes
494 Water WaterFactor# WaterContribFactor Pages 15, 16, 18, 19, Water Text A contributing factor reported for any type of waterborne disease outbreak in NORS. Yes
495 Water WaterFactorSp# WaterContribFactor Pages 15, 16, 18, 19, Water Text Specify other contributing factormreported for any type of waterborne disease outbreak in NORS Yes
496 Water WaterFactorStatus# WaterContribFactor Pages 15, 16, 18, 19, Water True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates if the contributing factor was documented/observed or suspected. Yes
497 Water WaterFactorMore WaterContribFactor N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
498 All Detection# OutbreakInvestigation Page 20, Outbreak Detection & Investigation Methods Text Indicates how the outbreak was initially detected. Yes
499 All DetectionSp OutbreakInvestigation Page 20, Outbreak Detection & Investigation Methods Text Specify other way the outbreak was initially detected Yes
500 All DetectionMore OutbreakInvestigation N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
501 All InvestigationMethod# OutbreakInvestigation Page 20, Outbreak Detection & Investigation Methods Text Name of investigation method(s) used to investigate outbreak. Yes
502 All InvestigationMethodSp# OutbreakInvestigation Page 20, Outbreak Detection & Investigation Methods Text Specify other investigation method(s) used to investigate outbreak Yes
503 All MethodCategory# OutbreakInvestigation Page 20, Outbreak Detection & Investigation Methods Text Type(s) of investigation method(s) used to investigate outbreak (e.g., epidemiologic, environmental, and traceback). Yes
504 All InvestigationComments OutbreakInvestigation Page 20, Outbreak Detection & Investigation Methods Text Indicates additional comments related to investigation methods. Yes
505 All InvestigationMore OutbreakInvestigation N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
506 All eFORSID LinkedSystems N/A Text This is the unique ID previously assigned to a report originally entered in eFORS. All previous eFORS reports have been migrated into NORS. No
507 All NEARSID# LinkedSystems Page 20, Outbreak Detection & Investigation Methods Text This field is used to link NORS reports to environmental health investigation reports in the National Environmental Assessment Reporting System (NEARS) (formerly Environmental Health Specialists Network). Yes
508 All OHHABSID# LinkedSystems Page 20, Outbreak Detection & Investigation Methods Text This field is used to link NORS reports to reports in the One Health Harmful Algal Bloom System (OHHABS). Yes
509 All InterventionAny Intervention Page 21, Interventions Yes/No/Unknown Indicates if any interventions were recommended or implemented. Yes
510 All InterventionNone Intervention Page 21, Interventions Text If no interventions were recommended or implemented, indicates why. Yes
511 All InterventionType# Intervention Pages 21, 22, 23, 24, Interventions Text Intervention type. Yes
512 All InterventionTypeSp# Intervention Pages 21, 22, 23, 24, Interventions Text Specify other intervention type Yes
513 All InterventionPoint# Intervention Pages 21, 22, 23, 24, Interventions Text Indicates if the intervention type was recommended or implemented at the point of intervention or point of exposure. Yes
514 Animal, Food, Other/Unknown InterventionDist# Intervention Pages 21, 22, 23, 24, Interventions Text Indicates if the intervention type was recommended or implemented at the point of distribution (e.g., shipping facility, transportation equipment). Yes
515 Animal, Food, Other/Unknown InterventionProc# Intervention Pages 21, 22, 23, 24, Interventions Text Indicates if the intervention type was recommended or implemented at the point of processing (e.g., pasteurization plant). Yes
516 Animal, Food, Other/Unknown InterventionSource# Intervention Pages 21, 22, 23, 24, Interventions Text Indicates if the intervention type was recommended or implemented at the source (e.g., farm). Yes
517 All InterventionMore Intervention N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
518 All InterventionComms Intervention Page 24, Interventions Yes/No/Unknown Indicates if any public communications were released for this outbreak. Yes
519 All Comms# Intervention Page 24, Interventions Text Indicates which group(s) released public communications for the outbreak (e.g., federal government, industry, state/local/territorial health department, etc.). Yes
520 All CommsGovtSp Intervention Page 24, Interventions Text Specify other state/local/territorial agency that relased public communications for the outbreak Yes
521 All CommsOthSp Intervention Page 24, Interventions Text Specify other group(s) not already listed that released public communications for the outbreak. Yes
522 All CommsMore Intervention N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
523 All InterventionRemarks Intervention Page 24, Interventions Text Interventions and outbreak communications remarks. Yes
524 All Attachment Attachments N/A True/False, 1/0, -1/0 Indicates whether or not one or more attachments have been included in the NORS report. 0="False", 1 or -1="True" Format depends on export and import program No
525 All AttachmentName# Attachments N/A Text The filename of the attachment(s) to the NORS report, if any. No
526 All AttachmentUploadDate# Attachments N/A MM/DD/YYYY Upload date of the attachment(s). No
527 All AttachmentsMore Attachments N/A Number Indicates the number of additional rows of data available in NORS that could not be downloaded in the flat file structure due to size limits. No
528 All IssueStatus# Finalization N/A Text Indicates whether the finalization issue for the report is open or closed. No
529 All IssueName# Finalization N/A Text Name of the finalization issue flagged for the report. No
530 All IssueResponse# Finalization N/A Text Response to finalization issue, if addressed (e.g., "Verified" for a checkbox, or free text for explanations). No
531 All IssueDescription# Finalization N/A Text Description of the finalization issue flagged for the report. No
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