App_Y. Burden table Rev 10.19.2021

App_Y. Burden table Rev 10.19.2021.xlsx

WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2 (WIC ITFPS-2)Year 9 Extension

App_Y. Burden table Rev 10.19.2021

OMB: 0584-0580

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Respondents Non-Respondents

Respondent Type Respondent Description Type of Study Activity Appendices Sample size Number of Respondents Frequency of Response (annual) Total Annual Responses Average Hours per Response Sub-Total Annual Burden Number of non -respondents Frequency of Response (annual) Total Annual Responses Average Hours per response Sub-Total Annual Burden Total Burden Hours Hourly Rate Base Annual Respondent Cost Fringe Benefits Total Annualized Cost
Individuals and Households Caregivers of
former WIC children
Year 9 Study Consent Form (a) A1/A2 3,020 2,668 1 2,668 0.08 222.78 352 1 352 0.08 29.39 252.17 $7.25 $1,828.23 $603.32 $2,431.55
Study extension letter (a) B1/B2 3,020 2,668 1 2,668 0.05 133.67 352 1 352 0.05 17.64 151.30 $7.25 $1,096.94 $361.99 $1,458.93
Contact Information Form - Round 1 (b) C1/C2 2,668 1,067 1 1,067 0.10 106.93 1,601 1 1,601 0.10 160.40 267.33 $7.25 $1,938.17 $639.60 $2,577.76
Contact Information Form Reminder - Round 2 (b) D1/D2 2,668 1,067 1 1,067 0.10 106.93 1,601 1 1,601 0.10 160.40 267.33 $7.25 $1,938.17 $639.60 $2,577.76
Contact Information Form Reminder - Round 3 (b) D1/D2 1,601 641 1 641 0.10 64.23 960 1 960 0.10 96.17 160.40 $7.25 $1,162.90 $383.76 $1,546.66
Contact Information Form Reminder - Round 4 (b) D1/D2 960 384 1 384 0.10 38.47 576 1 576 0.10 57.70 96.17 $7.25 $697.25 $230.09 $927.34
Year 9 Interview advance letter ( c ) E1/E2 2,668 2,268 1 2,268 0.05 113.62 400 1 400 0.05 20.05 133.67 $7.25 $969.08 $319.80 $1,288.88
Year 9 telephone interview ( d ) F1/F2 3,020 1,068 1 1,068 1.00 1,068.00 1,952 1 1,952 0.01 19.52 1,087.52 $7.25 $7,884.52 $2,601.89 $10,486.41
Year 9 replicate dietary intake interview ( e ) F3/F4 160 107 1 107 0.50 53.67 53 1 53 0.01 0.53 54.20 $7.25 $392.92 $129.66 $522.58
Year 9 H/W measurement card (f) H1/H2 2,668 748 1 748 1.00 747.60 1,920 1 1,920 0.01 19.20 766.80 $7.25 $5,559.33 $1,834.58 $7,393.91
Reminders for Year 9 interview from Study Liaison (g) G1a/G1b 1,068 427 1 427 0.03 14.27 641 1 641 0.03 21.40 35.67 $7.25 $258.62 $85.34 $343.96
Reminders for Year 9 non-locatable active interview (g) G2a/G2b 641 256 1 256 0.03 8.56 385 1 385 0.03 12.85 21.41 $7.25 $155.22 $51.22 $206.44
Reminders for Year 9 study participation refusal conversion (g) G3a/G3b 385 154 1 154 0.03 5.14 231 1 231 0.03 7.72 12.86 $7.25 $93.23 $30.77 $123.99
Reminders for Year 9 Interivew Telephone Research Center voicemail , first message (g) G5a/G5b 231 92 1 92 0.03 3.09 139 1 139 0.03 4.63 7.72 $7.25 $55.94 $18.46 $74.40
Reminders for Year 9 study participant not answering calls (g) G4a/G4b 139 56 1 56 0.03 1.86 83 1 83 0.03 2.79 4.64 $7.25 $33.66 $11.11 $44.77
Reminders for Year 9 Interview Telephone Research Center voicemail, expiring interview (g) G6a/G6b 83 33 1 33 0.03 1.11 50 1 50 0.03 1.66 2.77 $7.25 $20.10 $6.63 $26.73
Height and weight reminders & Year 9 text or email provider measures - Round 1 (Mail, Text, or Email) (h) I1/I2 & J1/J2 694 278 1 278 0.05 13.91 416 1 416 0.01 4.16 18.07 $7.25 $131.02 $43.24 $174.26
Height and weight reminders & Year 9 text or email provider measures - Round 2 (Mail, Text, or Email) (h) I1/I2 & J1/J2 416 166 1 166 0.05 8.34 250 1 250 0.01 2.50 10.83 $7.25 $78.54 $25.92 $104.45
Height and weight reminders & Year 9 text or email provider measures - Round 3 (Mail, Text, or Email) (h) I1/I2 & J1/J2 250 100 1 100 0.05 5.01 150 1 150 0.01 1.50 6.51 $7.25 $47.20 $15.58 $62.77
Year 9 thank you (i) K1/K2 1,068 1,068 1 1,068 0.03 35.67 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 35.67 $7.25 $258.62 $85.34 $343.96
Birthday card respondent year 9 (j) L1/L2 2,668 2,134 1 2,134 0.02 35.64 534 1 534 0.02 8.92 44.56 $7.25 $323.03 $106.60 $429.63
Birthday card child age 9 (k) M1/M2 2,668 2,134 1 2,134 0.03 71.28 534 1 534 0.03 17.84 89.11 $7.25 $646.06 $213.20 $859.25
Individuals and Households Subtotal (a) ( c )
3,020 2,668 7 19,585 0.15 2,859.76 352 37 13,179 0.05 666.96 3,526.72
$25,568.72 $8,437.68 $34,006.40
State & Local Government State WIC staff point of contact Announcement of study extension to WIC State agencies N1 27 27 1 27 0.08 2.25 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 2.25 $60.81 $137.10 $45.24 $182.34
Study extension webinar (l) O 27 27 1 27 1.00 27.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 27.00 $60.81 $1,641.87 $541.82 $2,183.69
Conference calls on extension (m) P 27 27 1 27 1.00 27.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 27.00 $60.81 $1,641.87 $541.82 $2,183.69
Study extension summary and agreement (n) Q1/Q2/Q3 27 27 1 27 0.77 20.73 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 20.73 $60.81 $1,260.46 $415.95 $1,676.42
Participant contact information request (p) R 14 14 9 126 0.08 10.52 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 10.52 $60.81 $639.78 $211.13 $850.91
Administrative data on Lost to Followup Participants (o) S 27 27 1 27 57.76 1,559.50 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 1,559.50 $60.81 $94,833.26 $31,294.98 $126,128.24
Subtotal ( r )
27 27 10 261 6 1,647.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 1,647.00
$100,154.34 $33,050.93 $133,205.28
WIC site staff
point of contact
N2 Announcement of study extension to WIC sites N2 52 52 1 52 0.08 4.34 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 4.34 $15.50 $67.30 $22.21 $89.51
Study extension webinar O 52 52 1 52 1.00 52.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 52.00 $15.50 $806.00 $265.98 $1,071.98
Conference call on extension P 52 52 1 52 1.00 52.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 52.00 $15.50 $806.00 $265.98 $1,071.98
Study extension summary and agreement (n) Q1/Q2/Q3 52 52 1 52 0.77 39.92 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 39.92 $15.50 $618.77 $204.19 $822.96
Participant contact information request (p) R 52 52 15 780 0.08 65.13 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 65.13 $15.50 $1,009.52 $333.14 $1,342.65
Year 9 H/W measurement card (q) H1/H2 52 52 4 208 0.17 34.74 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 34.74 $15.50 $538.41 $177.67 $716.08
Subtotal ( r )
52 52 23 1,196 0.21 248.13 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 248.13
$3,845.99 $1,269.18 $5,115.17
State/Local Government Subtotal
79 79 18 1,457 1.30 1,895.13 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 1,895.13
$104,000.33 $34,320.11 $138,320.44

WIC site staff
point of contact
Study extension announcement N2 28 28 1 28 0.08 2.34 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 2.34 $15.50 $36.24 $11.96 $48.20

Study extension webinar O 28 28 1 28 1.00 28.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 28.00 $15.50 $434.00 $143.22 $577.22
Profit/Non-Profit Business Conference call on extension P 28 28 1 28 1.00 28.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 28.00 $15.50 $434.00 $143.22 $577.22
Study extension summary and agreement (n) Q1/Q2/Q3 28 28 1 28 0.77 21.50 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 21.50 $15.50 $333.18 $109.95 $443.13
Participant contact information request (p) R 28 28 15 420 0.08 35.07 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 35.07 $15.50 $543.59 $179.38 $722.97
Year 9 H/W measurement card (q) H1/H2 28 28 4 112 0.17 18.70 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 18.70 $15.50 $289.91 $95.67 $385.58
Subtotal ( r )
28 28 23 644 0.21 133.61 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 133.61
$2,070.92 $683.40 $2,754.32
Health care provider Year 9 H/W measurement card (s) H1/H2 428 428 1 428 0.17 71.48 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 71.48 $38.47 $2,749.68 $907.39 $3,657.08
Profit/Non-Profit Business Subtotal
456 456 2 1,072 0.19 205.08 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 205.08
$4,820.60 $1,590.80 $6,411.40
3,555 3,203 7 22,114 0.224 4,960 352 37 13,179 0.051 666.96 5,626.94
$134,389.65 $44,348.59 $178,738.24
Unique respondents is equal to the largest category of respondents, those who receive the study consent form. Unique nonrespondents is equal to largest category of non-respondents, those who do not complete the 72-month interview. Total respondents + nonrespondents is larger than sample size as some study participants may respond to some data collection activities and be non-respondents for others.

(a) Starting sample = 3,020, the number of active participants at the end of the 72-month interview. Assume 6% attrition per year for Years 7 and 8, so 2,668 will be sent consent forms for the Age 9 study

(b) Assume 40% of respondents will complete Contact Information Form based on completion rates for 63, 66, and 69 Contact Information Form completion rate

(c) Assume 85% will read the advance letter.

(d) Assume 50% of those who completed the 72-month interview or 35.4% of sample will complete the 9-Year interview

(e) Assume 15% of completes will be sampled for 2nd AMPM and 67% will complete 2nd AMPM

(f) Assume 70% of respondents to the 72-mo interview will go to the WIC site or their provider for H/W measurement. Assume 1 hour for reading letter, travel to/from WIC site or provider, and measuring child.

(g) Potential respondents for 9-Year interviews may get 1 or more of the 6 study reminders. Total burden for these reminders = 8 minutes and average length of time for these reminders is 2 minutes.

(h) Assume potential respondents for 9-Year HT/WT measures will get an average of 2 reminders to go to WIC or their doctor's office to have their child measured.

(i) Assume 100% of respondents will have a valid email/text/mail address to receive thank you.

(j) Assume 80% of cohort will read birthday cards. Mother and child will both read child card.

(k) Total respondents + nonrespondents is larger than sample size as some study participants may respond to some data collection activities and be non-respondents for others.

(l) Assume study extension webinar attended by all 27 states and 1 point of contact from each site.

(m) Assumes 1 conf. call with state and 1 conf. call with site with 1 point of contact per site.

(n) Time burden for Appendix Q1 is 0.1837 hours, time burden for Appendix Q2 is 0.25 hours, and time burden for Appendix Q3 is 0.334 hours for a total of 0.7677 hours

(o) assume 0.05 hours per record in the administrative data request (n = 1,093)

(p) Assume will request participant contact information from WIC sites about once a month over data collection period. Assume 14 WIC agencies who previously agreed to provide updated participant contact information will continue to do so.

(q) Assume 50% of participants who return measurement cards will be measured at WIC with about 4 children weighed and measured per site ((694*.50)/80=4). Assume 10 minutes of staff time for measurements per child.

(r) Subtotal for Frequency of Response is left blank because for some categories, the frequency for some activities is more than 1

(s) Assumes 50% of participants who return measurement cards will be measured at healthcare providers

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