Within household selection: Two adults will be randomly selected in the household to respond.
For random half of respondents, unipolar scales appear as they are written. (C1)
For other half, unipolar scales are all reverse order (C2)
Respondents may skip any question. Please assign a value of “999” to any item a respondent skips.
Do not include back buttons
No soft prompts
Header: U.S. Census Bureau Logo
Footer: OMB number and expiration date
Split ballots indicated in the programming for specific items
Intro. Welcome! Thank you for participating in this survey as a member of the ASK US Panel. This survey is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau. This purpose of this survey is to inform research to improve the census. You will receive $10 for your participation in this survey.
This survey is available in English and Spanish. Please select the
language in which you prefer to complete the survey.
you would like to change your language selection later, please use
the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of each page to select
the language in which you prefer to complete the survey.
• Ask this question for all respondents
• Only one response permitted here, and respondents will be able to toggle between languages in the remaining of the survey
/* END PAGE */
Thank you for participating. Completing this 15-minute survey will help the U.S. Census Bureau plan for the 2030 Census. You will receive $10 for your participation in this survey.
We estimate that completing this voluntary survey will take 15 minutes on average. Send comments regarding this time estimate or any other aspect of this survey to [email protected].
The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to protect your information. The Census Bureau is not permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify you. Federal law protects your privacy and keeps your answers confidential (Title 13, United States Code, Section 9 and Title 5, U.S. Code, Section 552a).
This collection has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). This eight-digit OMB approval number, xxxx-xxxx, confirms this approval and expires on mm/dd/yyyy.
The uses of your data are limited to those identified in the Privacy Act System of Record Notice titled, “SORN COMMERCE/Census-5, Decennial Census Programs.”
** U.S. Census Bureau Notice and Consent Warning **
You are accessing a United States Government computer network. Any information you enter into this system is confidential. It may be used by the Census Bureau for statistical purposes and to improve the website. If you want to know more about the use of this system, and how your privacy is protected, visit our online privacy webpage at http://www.census.gov/about/policies/privacy/privacy-policy.html.
Use of this system indicates your consent to collection, monitoring, recording, and use of the information that you provide for any lawful government purpose. So that our website remains safe and available for its intended use, network traffic is monitored to identify unauthorized attempts to access, upload, change information, or otherwise cause damage to the web service. Use of the government computer network for unauthorized purposes is a violation of Federal law and can be punished with fines or imprisonment (PUBLIC LAW 99-474).
/* END PAGE */
Display_Q1. The census is the count of all the people who live in the United States. It happens every 10 years. It asks how many people live in your household, their age, sex, race, and ethnicity. The last census was in 2020. [Adapted from 2020 CBAMS mindset panel]
Qhearcensusaid. Before today, do you remember ever hearing about the census, or do you not remember hearing about it? Select only one answer. [2020 Creative testing only in EN]
Do remember hearing about it
Do not remember hearing about it
Only one response permitted
If QORDER = C1 then show written order of answers choices.
If QORDER = C2 then show reversed order of answer choices.
Intent1. If the census were held today, how likely would you be to fill out the census form? Select only one answer. [2020 CBAMS and 2020 CBAMS mindset panel]
Extremely likely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not too likely
Not at all likely
Only one response permitted
If QORDER = C1 then show written order of answers choices.
If QORDER = C2 then show reversed order of answer choices.
/* END PAGE */
Display_Q2. As you may know, the last census started around April 1st, 2020. Please think about the 2020 Census when answering the following questions. [New]
SRParticipation2020_1. Did you or someone else in your household respond to the 2020 Census? Select only one answer. [New]
Yes, I responded [GO TO SRParticipation2020_2]
Yes, someone else in my household responded [GO TO SRParticipation2020_2]
Only one response permitted
ASK if SRParticipation2020_1=1 OR 2
SRParticipation2020_2. How did [INSERT IF SRParticipation2020_1=1:you/SRParticipation2020_1=2: your household] respond to the 2020 Census? Select only one answer. [Adapted from Frames 2pac survey]
On a paper form
Over the telephone
In person
SRParticipation2020_2. How did [INSERT IF SRParticipation2020_1=1:you/SRParticipation2020_1=2: your household] respond to the 2020 Census? Select only one answer. [Adapted from Frames 2pac survey]
On a paper form
On the telephone
In person
Do not remember
ASK if SRParticipation2020_1 =3
NOPART1. Which of the following are the TOP THREE reasons why your household did not complete the 2020 Census? Select up to three answers. [New]
Did not want a U.S Census Bureau worker to come to my home
Did not have time or forgot to respond
Did not want to give out personal information
Do not trust the government
Did not get a census form
Concerned about citizenship status
Other [specify]
/* END PAGE */
TrustAcc. How much trust do you have in the accuracy of the 2020 Census results? Select only one answer. [New]
A great deal
Quite a lot
Very little
None at all
/* END PAGE */
CensImp. Thinking about the census overall, how important do you feel it is for you to fill out the census form? Select only one answer. {2018 CBAMS II]
Extremely important
Very important
Somewhat important
Not too important
Not at all important
Only one response permitted
If QORDER = C1 then show written order of answer choices.
If QORDER = C2 then show reversed order of answer choices.
Personally_counted. How much, if at all, do you think it matters if you personally are counted in the census? Select only one answer. [2020 CBAMS]
A great deal
A lot
A moderate amount
A little
Not at all
Only one response permitted
If QORDER = C1 then show written order of answer choices.
If QORDER = C2 then show reversed order of answer choices.
all_motivators_A. Which ONE of the following is the most important reason, to you personally, that you should fill out the census form every ten years? Select only one answer. [2020 CBAMS]
It helps determine funding for public services in my community, like schools and fire departments
It determines how many elected representatives my state has in Congress
It is used to enforce civil rights laws
It provides information for my local government to plan for changes in my community
It shows that I am proud of my cultural heritage
It is my civic duty (along with voting, jury duty, paying taxes)
It contributes to a better future for my community
Other [specify]
all_motivators_B. Which of the following are the most important reason(s), to you personally, that you should fill out the census form every ten years? Select all that apply. [2020 CBAMS]
It helps determine funding for public services in my community, like schools and fire departments
It determines how many elected representatives my state has in Congress
It is used to enforce civil rights laws
It provides information for my local government to plan for changes in my community
It shows that I am proud of my cultural heritage
It is my civic duty (along with voting, jury duty, paying taxes)
It contributes to a better future for my community
Other [specify]
/* END PAGE */
/*Random Rotate series where 50% get harm first and 50% get benefit first/
Benefits_harms1. Do you believe that answering and submitting your census form could benefit you? [Frames 2pac survey]
Benefits_harms2. Do you believe that answering and submitting your census form could benefit your community? [Frames 2pac survey]
Benefits_harms3. Do you believe that answering and submitting your census form could harm you? [Frames 2pac survey]
Benefits_harms4. Do you believe that answering and submitting your census form could harm your community? [Frames 2pac survey]
Benefits_harms5. Which of the following statements comes the closest to your opinion?
/randomize response options/
The benefits the government can provide by collecting data about me are greater than the risks
The risks of the government collecting data about me are greater than the benefits it can provide
/* END PAGE */
/* RANDOM ROTATE SERIES (census knowledge) */
ASK ALL: The following questions are about the census in general. There is no need to look up this information. Please answer to the best of your knowledge.
use1. Is the census used to decide how much money communities will get from the government, or is it not used for this? Select only one answer. [CBAMS 2020 and CBAMS mindset panel]
1) Yes, used for this
2) No, not used
3) Don't know
Only one response permitted
Do NOT rotate answer choices
use2. Is the census used to decide how many representatives each state will have in Congress, or is it not used for this? Select only one answer. [CBAMS 2020 and CBAMS mindset panel]
1) Yes, used for this
2) No, not used
3) Don't know
Only one response permitted
Do NOT rotate answer choices
use3. Is the census used to see what changes have taken place in the size, location, and characteristics of the people in the United States, or is it not used for this? Select only one answer. [CBAMS 2020 and CBAMS mindset panel]
1) Yes, used for this
2) No, not used
3) Don't know
Only one response permitted
Do NOT rotate answer choices
use4. Is the census used to determine property taxes, or is it not used for this? Select only one answer. [CBAMS 2020 and CBAMS mindset panel]
1) Yes, used for this
2) No, not used
3) Don't know
Only one response permitted
Do NOT rotate answer choices
use5. Is the census used to help the police and FBI keep track of people who break the law, or is it not used for this? Select only one answer. [CBAMS 2020 and CBAMS mindset panel]
1) Yes, used for this
2) No, not used
3) Don't know
Only one response permitted
Do NOT rotate answer choices
use6. Is the census used to locate people living in the country without documentation, or is it not used for this? Select only one answer. [CBAMS 2020 and CBAMS mindset panel]
1) Yes, used for this
2) No, not used
3) Don't know
Only one response permitted
Do NOT rotate answer choices
use7. Does the census count both citizens and non-citizens, or only citizens? Select only one answer. [CBAMS 2020 and CBAMS mindset panel]
1) Yes, used for counting both citizens and non-citizens
2) No, used only for counting citizens
3) Don't know
legal1. Does the law require you to answer the census questions, or is this not required by law? Select only one answer. [CBAMS 2020 and CBAMS mindset panel]
1) Yes, required by law
2) No, not required by law
3) Don't know
Only one response permitted
Do NOT rotate answer choices
legal2. Is the Census Bureau required by law to keep information confidential, or is this not required by law? Select only one answer. [CBAMS 2020 and CBAMS mindset panel]
1) Yes, required by law
2) No, not required by law
3) Don't know
Only one response permitted
Do NOT rotate answer choices
Legal3. Does the U.S. Constitution require that the census be conducted, or is this not something the Constitution requires? Select only one answer. [CBAMS 2020 and CBAMS mindset panel]
1) Yes, the U.S. Constitution requires it
2) No, the U.S. Constitution does not require it
3) Don't know
Only one response permitted
Do NOT rotate answer choices
/* END PAGE */
ASK ALL: The following questions are about the 2020 Census:
Concern4.How concerned are you, if at all, about the accuracy of 2020 Census results? Select only one answer. [New]
Extremely concerned
Very concerned
Somewhat concerned
Not too concerned
Not at all concerned
Only one response permitted
If QORDER = C1 then show written order of answer choices.
If QORDER = C2 then show reversed order of answer choices.
Concern1. How concerned are you, if at all, that the U.S. Census Bureau will not keep answers to the 2020 Census confidential? Select only one answer. CBAMS [CBAMS 2020 and CBAMS mindset panel]
Extremely concerned
Very concerned
Somewhat concerned
Not too concerned
Not at all concerned
Only one response permitted
If QORDER = C1 then show written order of answer choices.
If QORDER = C2 then show reversed order of answer choices.
Concern2. How concerned are you, if at all, that the U.S. Census Bureau will share individuals’ answers to the 2020 Census with other government agencies? Select only one answer. CBAMS [Adapted from CBAMS 2020 and CBAMS mindset panel]
Extremely concerned
Very concerned
Somewhat concerned
Not too concerned
Not at all concerned
Only one response permitted
If QORDER = C1 then show written order of answer choices.
If QORDER = C2 then show reversed order of answer choices.
SPLIT BALLOT A. Concern2 Probe1. What does the phrase “share individuals’ answers to the 2020 Census with other government agencies” mean to you in the previous question? [open-ended] [New]
SPLIT BALLOT B. Concern2Probeclosed. The previous question asked: How concerned are you, if at all, that the U.S. Census Bureau will share individuals’ answers to the 2020 Census with other government agencies? Your response was [Fill response to Concern2] [New]
When you answered, how did you understand “sharing individual’s answers to the 2020 Census with other government agencies?” Was it… Select one answer
Sharing statistics so government agencies can fulfill their mission
Sharing individual answers so government agencies can fulfill their mission
Sharing individual answers tied to a specific person’s name
Something else: [specify]
Concern3. ]How concerned are you, if at all, that an unauthorized person or hacker might gain access to 2020 Census responses? Select only one answer. [2PAC Survey/Adapted from 2020 CBAMS]
Extremely concerned
Very concerned
Somewhat concerned
Not too concerned
Not at all concerned
Only one response permitted
If QORDER = C1 then show written order of answer choices.
If QORDER = C2 then show reversed order of answer choices.
/* END PAGE */
Media1. How often do you get news from… [New]
Print Publications
Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram
Online websites, publications, articles
Family and friends
Members from my community/neighborhood
Chat groups in applications such as WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal
Media2. Below is a list of different sources people get information from. Do you remember hearing about the 2020 Census from any of these sources? Select all that apply [New]
Print Publications
Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram
Online websites, publications, articles
Family and friends
Leaders from community organizations, such as churches and schools
Chat groups in applications such as WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal
Other [specify]
Media3. Below are the information sources you selected. Please rank these sources in order of how much you trust each one of them. For example, a score of 1 means you believe it is the most trustworthy source on the list. [Repeat selections from Media3 If they selected one or more only] [New]
Mis1. Do you remember hearing any of the following about the 2020 Census: [New]
People were directed to fake links to fill out their online census form
The 2020 Census included questions about citizenship
People were pretending to be census workers to get access to people’s home
Filling out your census form was required to receive a stimulus payment during the COVID 19 pandemic.
Do not know [GO TO FEEDBACK]
IntroMis2. In the previous question you selected that you heard the following information about the 2020 Census: [New]
Mis2. Where did you hear this information? [open-ended] [New]
Mis3. How much did you feel the need to verify the accuracy of this information? [New]
A great deal
Quite a lot
Very little
Not at all
Mis4. When it comes to getting information about current events and important issues in the United States and around the world, do you think the spread of misinformation is a major problem, a minor problem or not a problem at all? Select only one answer. [I-poll. Survey by Pearson Institute. Conducted by AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research 09/09/2021-09/13/2021]
Major problem
Minor problem
Not a problem at all
SELFNAT. Were you born in the United States, on the island of Puerto Rico, another U.S. territory, or in another country? [ Adapted from 2020 Tracking Survey]
United States
Puerto Rico
Other U.S. territory
In another country
MOTHERNAT. Where was your MOTHER born? [https://www.pewresearch.org/race-ethnicity/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2021/07/RE_2021.07.15_State-of-Latinos_TOPLINE.pdf]
United States
Puerto Rico
Other U.S. territory
In another country
FATHERNAT. Where was your FATHER born? [https://www.pewresearch.org/race-ethnicity/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2021/07/RE_2021.07.15_State-of-Latinos_TOPLINE.pdf]
United States
Puerto Rico
Other U.S. territory
In another country
Thank you for your participation in this survey and for being a member of the ASK US Panel. The next few questions ask for feedback about your experience as a member of the ASK US Panel.
Feedback1. How satisfied, if at all, were you with the level of incentives provided by the ASK US Panel? [New]
Extremely satisfied
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not too satisfied
Not at all satisfied
Feedback2. How did you find the length of time in between panel enrollment and the first survey? Was it too long, just right, or not long enough? [New]
Too long
Just right
Not long enough
Universe: If R was provided a tablet then ask Feedback4
Feedback3. Did you prefer to complete this survey on your personal device or on the tablet we provided? [New]
Prefer my personal device (1)
Prefer the provided tablet (2)
Universe: if Feedback4 =2
Feedback4. How difficult, if at all, did you find using the tablet we provided? [New]
Extremely difficult
Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Not too difficult
Not at all difficult
Universe: If R did not receive a tablet or if Feedback4=1
Feedback5. How difficult, if at all, did you find using your own device to answer this survey? [New]
Extremely difficult
Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Not too difficult
Not at all difficult
Feedback6. If asked, would you enroll in another panel like the ASK US Panel? [New]
Feedback7. Please provide any feedback you have about this survey and about your experience as a member of the ASK US Panel. [New]
[open-ended text box]
Page Title: Submit_Page
Section Submit Page (Submit)
Your completion of this survey marks the end of the ASK US Panel. Thank you for your participation in the pilot program.
Please click on the “Submit” button when you are finished.
/* END PAGE */
Page Title: Thank_You_Page
Section Thank You Page (display_ThankYou)
Thank you for participating in the [ADD NAME OF THE SURVEY].
If you have any questions about this survey please visit. You can validate that this survey is a legitimate federally-approved information collection using the U.S. Office of Management and Budget approval number, expiring on.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | YAGT |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-05-30 |