Attachment K - Question-by-Question Justification - First Follow Up Survey

Attachment K QXQ for First follow-up survey_PUBLIC_v8_clean.docx

OPRE Evaluation: Evaluation of Employment Coaching for TANF and Other Related Populations [Experimental impact study and an Implementation study]

Attachment K - Question-by-Question Justification - First Follow Up Survey

OMB: 0970-0506

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first follow-up SURVEY

Question BY Question JUSTIFICATION

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This document provides the source and justifications for each question on the First Follow-up Survey (Attachment C).

Question #

Question text





Introduction questions – connecting to the respondent and reminding them about the follow-up survey


(OMB No. 0970-0403)

These items are used to verify that the interviewer is speaking with the correct respondent.


Verifying the respondent is the same from Baseline

Adapted from PACT

(OMB No. 0970-0403)



In the past month, have you or anyone in your household received any income from…

  1. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF (this is also known as welfare)

  2. Supplemental Security Income, or SSI

  3. Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI

  4. Food stamps or SNAP

  5. Women, Infants, and Children, or WIC

  6. Unemployment Insurance

  7. Housing choice vouchers, Section 8, project-based rental assistance, public housing, housing where an agency helps you pay the rent, or other housing assistance


(OMB No. 0607-0810)

These items measure follow-up public assistance benefit receipt. We will use them to assess the impact of the program on self-sufficiency.


How much money have you or anyone in your household received from TANF in the past month? If both you and someone else in your household received money from TANF, please add those amounts together.

RWtW 30 month

(OMB No. 0970-0246)


Are you currently working for pay? Working for pay can include regular paid jobs, odd jobs, temporary jobs, work done in your own business, “under the table” work, or any other types of work you have done for pay.


(OMB No. 0970-0439)

These items measure follow-up employment by developing a list of all the jobs the respondent has worked in the past year.


Have you worked for pay at any time since [RA MONTH YEAR]?


First I am going to ask about your current job or jobs. Please tell me who you work for. This could be the name of a job, organization, person, or you could work for yourself or have your own business. If you currently work at more than one job, please start with the job where you usually work the most hours.


Including all types of jobs, do you currently have any other paid jobs?


Please tell me who you work for on that job?


Since [RA MONTH YEAR], please tell me who you worked for? This could be the name of a job, organization, person, or you could work for yourself or have your own business. If you had more than one job, please start with the job where you worked the most hours.


Have you had any other paid jobs since [RA MONTH YEAR] that you haven’t told me about?


Did you receive assistance from an organization or an agency to help get at [JOB NAME 1]? Did you receive assistance from an organization or an agency [to help get/to become] [JOB NAME 1/self-employed]. Please do not include temp agencies.

Adapted from RWtW 30 month

(OMB No. 0970-0246)

These items measure service receipt.


Now thinking of the job you [do/did] at [JOB NAME 1]. When did you start working for [JOB NAME 1/yourself]?


(OMB No. 0970-0439)

These items measure follow-up employment by developing a list of all the jobs the respondent has worked in the past year.


Are you still working for [JOB NAME/yourself]?


When did you stop working at this job?


Which of the following best describes your employment at that job? [Were/Are] you working…

  • as a regular full-time employee,

  • as a regular part-time employee,

  • for a temporary help agency,

  • for a company that contracts out you or your services,

  • as an independent contractor, independent consultant, or freelance worker,

  • as a day laborer,

  • as an on call employee

  • for friends, family, or other people doing part-time tasks or odd jobs,

  • or something else?


(OMB No. 1205-0504)

These items measure job quality and characteristics. We will use them to: (1) assess the impact of the program on job quality and (2) to inform analysis comparing survey-based and NDNH-based earnings measures.


[Do/Did] you have taxes taken out of your paycheck for the work you [do/did] at this job?


(OMB No. 0970-0439)


How many hours [do/did] you usually work in a week at this job? Your best estimate is fine.


Now thinking about your job at [JOB NAME], how much do/did you get paid, before taxes and deductions, at this job? If your pay varies/varied, please provide an average amount. If you are paid per job or for completing a particular task, please tell us the total amount you usually made per week or per month while doing this type of work.


Did you always earn [A10 WAGE] per [HOUR/UNIT FROM A10] at this job?


How much were you paid when you started working at this job before taxes and deductions?

RWtW 30 month

(OMB No. 0970-0246)

This item measures job progression. We will use it to assess the impact of the program on labor market outcomes.


Which of the following benefits [are/were] available to you at your job…

  1. Paid leave for holidays, vacation, or illness?

  2. Health insurance or membership in an HMO or PPO plan?

  3. Retirement benefits?


(OMB No. 0970-0439)

These items measure job quality and characteristics. We will use them to: (1) assess the impact of the program on job quality and (2) to inform analysis comparing survey-based and NDNH-based earnings measures.


[Have/Had] you been promoted to a higher position with greater responsibility while working at this job?

Adapted from RWtW 30 month

(OMB No. 0970-0246)

These items are measures of career progression used to assess the impact of the program on labor market outcomes.


How likely do you think it is that you will be promoted by [employer] in the next 12 months?

RWtW 30 month

(OMB No. 0970-0246)


Since [RA MONTH YEAR], was there anything else you did for pay, such as odd jobs, “under the table” jobs, or any other type of work, that we haven’t already talked about?


(OMB No. 0970-0403)

These items are measures of informal employment used to assess the impact of the program on labor market outcomes.


What is your best guess of how much money you received from these activities in a typical month since [RA MONTH YEAR]? Please do not include money you made from jobs we talked about earlier.

Question #

Question text




How satisfied are you with your current [job/jobs]? Would you say very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, or not satisfied?


(OMB No. 0970-0403)

This item is a measure of job satisfaction.


Are you currently looking for a job?

Adapted from WIA

(OMB No. 1205-0504)

These items measure whether the respondent is in the labor force and actively looking for a job.


How would you describe your current status? Are you…

  • Temporarily laid off,

  • Retired,

  • In school or training,

  • Unable to work because of caring for another family member,

  • Unable to work because of pregnancy,

  • Sick or disabled,

  • Gave up looking for work, or

  • Something else?


Since [RA MONTH YEAR], have you…

  1. Updated your resume?

  2. Looked into the requirements needed to get a job you wanted?

  3. Been able to get stable and reliable childcare that would allow you to work, go to school, or go to job interviews?

  4. Looked into how to get new skills or credentials to get a job or advance your career?

  5. Figured out how to get transportation to school or a job you wanted?


Developed by Mathematica

These items measure follow-up job-search behaviors that could be influenced by coaching programs. We will use them to: (1) assess the impact of the program on key intermediate outcomes and (2) support the analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts.


Since [RA MONTH YEAR], have you received a job offer?


How many times did that happen?


Did you receive any of these job offers when you were working in another job?


How many times did you receive a job offer when working?


Thinking about a typical month since [RA MONTH YEAR] when you were not working, how often did you…

  1. Look for job openings?

  2. Submit a job application?

  3. Attend an interview?


Thinking about a typical month since [RA MONTH YEAR] when you were working, how often did you…

  1. Look for job openings?

  2. Submit a job application?

  3. Attend an interview?


Since [RA MONTH YEAR], did you do any of the following because there wasn’t enough money?

  1. Cut the size of your meals or skip meals because you couldn’t afford enough food?

  2. Move in with other people, even for a little while, because of financial problems?

  3. Ask to borrow money from friends or family?

  4. Go without a phone because you could not afford to pay the bill or buy extra cell phone minutes?

  5. Took a payday loan or auto-title loan, or sold or pawned your belongings?

  6. Thought about going to the doctor, dentist or hospital, but decided not to because of the cost?


These items measure follow-up economic well-being that could be influenced directly or indirectly by coaching programs. We will use them to assess the program’s impact.


Do you currently own your home or apartment or have a mortgage, rent it, pay some amount toward rent, live rent free with a friend or relative, or do you have some other arrangement?




Now I am going to read you a list of things that some people find challenging in finding and keeping a good job.

Please tell me if the following has made it not at all hard, a little hard, somewhat hard, very hard, or extremely hard for you to find or keep a good job since [RA MONTH YEAR].

  1. Not having reliable transportation

  2. Not having good enough childcare or family help

  3. Not having the right clothes or tools for work

  4. Not having the right skills or education

  5. Having a criminal record

  6. A lack of good jobs available in your area

  7. Not being able to do certain kinds or amounts of work, training, or school work because of your health

Adapted from ACS

(OMB No. 0607-0810)

These items measure follow-up challenges to employment that are targeted by coaching programs. We will use them to: (1) assess the impact of the program on key intermediate outcomes and (2) support the analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts.


Do you have a regular child care arrangement you can use so that you can go to a job, a job interview, school, or other appointment?


Developed by Mathematica


Now I would like to talk about backup child care arrangements. If your child care falls through would you say that you always, very often, sometimes, rarely, or never have a backup child care arrangement?


How many backup child care arrangements do you have?


Are you unable to do certain kinds or amounts of work, training, or school work because of ...

a. A physical disability or illness?

b. An emotional or mental health problem?

c. A learning disability?

Adapted from RWtW 30 month

(OMB No. 0970-0246)


Do you currently have a valid driver’s license? By valid we mean that it not expired, and has not been suspended or taken away.

Adapted from ACS

(OMB No. 0607-0810)


In the past six months, have you ever not been able to apply to a job because you didn’t have a valid driver’s license?


Developed by Mathematica


Please tell me if you strongly disagree, disagree, agree, or strongly agree with the following statements.

  1. I know I need to get a job or a better job and really think I should work on finding one.

  2. I guess being out of work is not good, but there is nothing I can do about it right now.

  3. I set employment goals based on what is important to me or my family.

  4. I set long-term employment goals that I hope to achieve (such as finding a job, finding a better job, getting promoted, or enrolling in further education).

  5. I set specific short-term goals that will allow me to achieve my long-term employment goals.

  6. Based on everything I know about myself, I believe I can achieve my employment goals.

  7. When I set employment goals, I think about barriers that might get in my way and make specific plans for overcoming those barriers.

  8. Even when I face challenges, I continue to pursue my employment goals.

i. I keep track of my overall progress toward my

long-term employment goals and adjust my

plans if needed.

a-b. LASER Questionnaire

c-g. Goal Setting Questionnaire

h. New

Developed by Mathematica


These items measure goal setting and goal pursuit in the context of employment, two key domains that are targeted by coaching programs. We will use them to: (1) assess the impact of the program on goal setting and goal pursuit (2) support the analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts.


During the past month, how often has each of the following behaviors been a problem? Would you say that the following behaviors have been a problem never, sometimes, or often?

  1. Item 25

  2. Item 49

  3. Item 52

  4. Item 6

  5. Item 71

  6. Item 75

  7. Item 24

  8. Item 53

  9. Item 9

  10. Item 15 - edited

  11. Item 63 - edited

  12. Item 2

BRIEF-A Questionnaire (These Items Are Copyright Protected so they cannot be included in the OMB submission. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission by Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc)

These items measure five sub-domains of executive functioning that coaching programs could influence: (1) emotional control, (2) initiation, (3) planning and organizing, (4) task monitoring, and (5) self-monitoring. We will use them to: (1) assess the impact of the program on self-regulation skills and (2) support the analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts.


During the past month, how often has each of the following behaviors been a problem? Would you say that the following behaviors have been a problem never, sometimes, or often?

a. Item 28

b. Item 69

c. Item 1

d. Item 72

e. Item 23

f. Item 50

g. Item 64

h. Item 70- edited

BRIEF-A Questionnaire (These Items Are Copyright Protected so they cannot be included in the OMB submission. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission by Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc)

These items measure five sub-domains of executive functioning that coaching programs could influence: (1) emotional control, (2) initiation, (3) planning and organizing, (4) task monitoring, and (5) self-monitoring. We will use them to: (1) assess the impact of the program on self-regulation skills and (2) support the analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts.


Since [RA MONTH YEAR], how often have you…

  1. Lost your temper with someone other than friends or family?

  2. Said something that you later regretted to someone other than friends or family?

  3. Decided not to apply for a job because you didn’t think you would get an interview?

  4. Overcame a barrier that could have prevented you from finding or keeping a job?

  5. Been late for a job, interview, program meeting, class, or training session?

  6. Missed an appointment related to work, looking for a job, a program, school, or training, for a reason other than you were sick or ill?


Developed by Mathematica

These items measure manifest behaviors that reflect self-regulation skills and could be influenced by coaching programs. We will use them to: (1) assess the impact of the program on self-regulation skills and (2) support the analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts.


Next, I’m going to read a list of opinions people have about themselves. After I read each one, I want you to tell me whether you strongly disagree, disagree, agree, or strongly agree.

  1. I am able to do things as well as most people.

  2. I certainly feel useless at times.

  3. All in all, I tend to feel that I am a failure.

Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale

These items measure self-esteem. Coaching programs could affect self-esteem, which in turn could affect employment and self-sufficiency outcomes. We will use these items to: (1) assess the impact of the program on self-esteem and (2) support the analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts.



Since [RA MONTH YEAR], have you attended any workshops or classes that provided instruction on how to find a job? These may have provided help with things such as resume writing, interviewing, and networking.

Adapted from SNAP ET

(OMB No. 0584-0604)

These items measure receipt of employment services. We will use these measures to: (1) describe the employment services that participants received, (2) characterize the employment services that participants would have received in the absence of participation in the program, and (3) support the analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts.


Since [RA MONTH YEAR], about how many times did you attend workshops or classes that focused on finding a job? Your best estimate is fine.


Developed by Mathematica


We are interested in learning if you met one-on-one with someone to receive assistance in finding a job or advancing your career. By one-on-one assistance, we mean meeting with someone whose job it is to help you find a job. This assistance may have been provided by a coach, case manager, counselor, or some other type of worker. It could have been in-person or by phone.

Since [RA MONTH YEAR] have you met one-on-one with someone to receive job assistance?

Adapted from SNAP ET

(OMB No. 0584-0604)

These items measure receipt of one-on-one services in the vein of coaching. We will use these measures to: (1) describe the one-on-one services that participants received, (2) characterize the one-on-one services that participants would have received in the absence of participation in the program, and (3) support the analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts.


When did you start receiving one-on-one job assistance? Your best guess is fine.


Developed by Mathematica


When did you stop receiving the one-on-one job assistance? Your best guess is fine.


How regularly [did/do] you receive one-one-one job assistance since [RA MONTH YEAR]? Was it weekly, every two weeks, twice a month, monthly, quarterly, annually, or something else?


How many times did you receive the one-on-one job assistance since [RA MONTH YEAR]? Your best guess is fine.


On average, how long [are/were] each of these one-on-one meetings? Your best estimate is fine.


Now thinking about the [FILL FROM C2d] times when you received one-on-one job assistance, how many different coaches, case managers, counselors, or other types of workers did you work with?


How many different organizations provided this one-on-one job assistance to you?


What type of one-on-one job assistance did you receive? Did someone help you…

a. Set a short-term goal?

b. Set a long-term goal?

c. Make a plan to achieve your goal?

d. Be on time for appointments?

e. Be more organized?

f. Be calmer in stressful situations?

g. Get along with others?

h. Any other type of assistance? (specify)


Since [RA MONTH YEAR], did any coach, case manager, counselor, or other type of worker provide you with names of employers who were interviewing, or set up interviews with employers for you?


(OMB No. 0970-0403)

These items measure receipt of employment services. We will use these measures to: (1) describe the employment services that participants received, (2) characterize the employment services that participants would have received in the absence of participation in the program, and (3) support the analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts.


Since [RA MONTH YEAR], did you complete any career assessments to find out what types of jobs would be good for you? A career assessment may be used to help identify a career that is right for you based on your interests and skills.

Adapted from SNAP ET

(OMB No. 0584-0604)


Since [RA MONTH YEAR], did you participate in any education programs? This includes adult basic education or GED courses, English as a Second Language classes, online courses, and college or other types of school. Do not include training programs to develop skills for a particular job or occupation or any other work experience in which all or part of your wages were paid for by a program.


(OMB No. 0970-0403)


Are you participating in the program now?


Did you complete the program?


Did you receive a diploma or degree from the program?


Developed by Mathematica


Since [RA MONTH YEAR], did you participate in any training programs to develop skills for a particular job or occupation? These are sometimes called vocational training programs. Do not include training programs provided by your employer.

Adapted from PACT

(OMB No. 0970-0403)


Are you participating in the program now?


(OMB No. 0970-0403)


Did you complete the program?


Did you receive a diploma, degree, or license from the program?


Developed by Mathematica


Since [RA MONTH YEAR], did you participate in a work experience program in which all or part of your wages were paid for by a program like TANF or [other local program]? This type of work experience program is usually temporary. Its goal is to help the workers develop skills so that they can obtain a job in which the employer pays all the wages. Sometimes this work experience is called subsidized employment, supported work, or transitional employment.

Adapted from PACT

(OMB No. 0970-0403)


Are you currently participating in this work experience?


Developed by Mathematica


How many weeks [did you participate/have you participated] in this work experience?


The next questions are about other services you may have received. Since [RA MONTH YEAR], did you receive…

  1. Childcare assistance including vouchers or funds?

  2. Transportation assistance (such as gas cards or bus passes)?

  3. Clothes, uniforms, tools or other supplies and equipment?

  4. Tuition assistance?

  5. Assistance finding stable housing?

  6. Assistance with budgeting, credit, banking, or other financial matters?

  7. Assistance expunging a criminal record or other legal assistance?

  8. Help related to domestic violence?

  9. Help with marital and other family relationships?

  10. Help with child behavioral issues?

  11. Cash or a gift card

Adapted from SNAP ET

(OMB No. 0584-0604)

These items measure receipt of support services. We will use these measures to: (1) describe the support services that participants received, (2) characterize the support services that participants would have received in the absence of participation in the program, and (3) support the analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts.


Since [RA MONTH YEAR], did you receive alcohol, drug, or other substance abuse counseling?

Adapted from PACT

(OMB No. 0970-0403)


Since [RA MONTH YEAR], did you receive mental health treatment?


Since [RA MONTH YEAR], did you receive any services to help with stress reduction or other approaches to improve your emotional well-being?



Have you ever been convicted of a crime?

Adapted from BSF

(OMB No. 0970-0304)

These items measure baseline and follow-up conviction history. We will use baseline conviction history to (1) describe the characteristics of study participants and check that random assignment has created treatment and control groups with similar characteristics, (2) define subgroups, (3) provide control variables for regression models that will increase statistical precision, (4) construct weights to adjust for survey nonresponse, and (5) support analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts. We will use follow-up conviction history to: (1) assess the impact of the program on interactions with the criminal justice system and (2) support the analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts.


Were you ever convicted of a crime before [RA MONTH YEAR]?


Were you convicted of a felony before [RA MONTH YEAR]?


Developed by Mathematica


Were you ever convicted of a crime after [RA MONTH YEAR]?


Were you convicted of a felony after [RA MONTH YEAR]?


What is the highest level of education you have completed?

Adapted from COBRA

(OMB No. 1291-0001)

These items provide demographic characteristics at follow-up. We will use them to (1) describe demographic characteristics at follow-up, (2) assess changes in demographic characteristics from baseline, and (3) support the analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts.


What is your current marital status – are you now married, separated, divorced, widowed, or have you never been married?

Adapted from CPS


How many adults age 18 or older currently live in your household at least half the time? Please include yourself.


(OMB No. 0970-0400)


How many children under age 18 live with you at least half the time? This includes biological, adopted, foster, step, and any other children.


Were you born in the United States or some other country?


Developed by Mathematica

This item measures a baseline demographic characteristic. We will use it to (1) describe the characteristics of study participants and check that random assignment has created treatment and control groups with similar characteristics, (2) define subgroups, (3) provide control variables for regression models that will increase statistical precision, (4) construct weights to adjust for survey nonresponse, and (5) support analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts.



Verifying respondent’s contact information


(OMB No. 0970-0403), YouthBuild

(OMB No. 1205-0503)

Contact information for the respondent and for additional contacts who might be able to reach the respondent is necessary to locate the respondent for the second follow-up survey.


Collecting information for up to three additional contacts


(OMB No. 0970-0403)


Thanking participant


(OMB No. 0970-0403)

Sources: acs (american community survey), BRIEF-A Questionnaire (Behavior rating inventory of executive function – adult version), BSF (BUILDING STRONG fAMILIES), cps (current population survey), csped (child support noncustodial parent employment demonstration), GSAB (Goal Systems assessment battery), goal setting questionnaire, jsa (job search assistance), laser qUESTIONNAIRE (Lam Assessment on Stages of Employment Readiness), PACT (parents and children together), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, SHARP (student health and risk prevention), snap et (Supplemental nutrition assistance program employment and training), wia (workforce investment act), COBRA (Impact of the ARRa subsidy on cobra take-up) and wfnj (work first new jersey).

B6c-g (Goal Setting Questionnaire) Noonan, P.M., & Gaumer Erickson, A.S. (2017). The skills that matter: Teaching intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies in any classroom. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

B5 (BRIEF-A) Reproduced by special permission of the Publisher, Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. (PAR), 16204 North Florida Avenue, Lutz, Florida 33549, from the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function-Adult Version by Robert M. Roth, PhD, Peter K. Isquith, PhD and Gerard A. Gioia, PhD, Copyright 1996, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005 by PAR. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission from PAR. For Review Only, Do NOT Copy

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