Appendix B. Question-by-question justification for baseline survey - revised
This document provides the sources and justifications for each question on the Baseline Survey (Instrument 1).
Item |
Question text |
Source |
Justification |
B01 |
Are you Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin? 1. No, not of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin 2. Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a 3. Yes, Puerto Rican 4. Yes, Cuban 5. Yes, Another Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin |
from Building Evidence on Employment Strategies (BEES) |
These items measure demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. We will use them to (1) describe the characteristics of study participants and check that random assignment has created treatment and control groups with similar characteristics, (2) define subgroups, 3) provide control variables for regression models that will increase statistical precision, (4) construct weights to adjust for survey nonresponse, and (5) support analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts. |
B02 |
is your race? |
B03 |
is the primary language spoken in your home? Is it… |
B04 |
Are you currently in high school? |
B05 |
is the highest degree or year of school that you have
attained? |
from BEES |
B06 |
What is your current marital status—are you now married, separated, divorced, widowed, or have you never been married? |
and Transitional Employment Demonstration (STED)
B07 |
Do you have a spouse or partner who lives in your household? |
B07a |
How many children under the age of 18 are in your household? |
B07b |
How many adults age 18 or older, including yourself, are in your household? |
B08 |
Do you currently care for someone in your household with a disability? |
B09 |
of the following best describes your [current] housing [during
the past month]? |
from BEES |
B09a |
of the following best describes your housing during the past
month? 3.
rent your home or apartment, |
from BEES |
B10 |
Have you been homeless at any time in the last three months? |
from Rural Welfare to Work |
B10a |
If you add up all the days you have been homeless in the last three months, about how many days have you been homeless? Your best guess is fine. |
Adapted from HUD's Point-In-Time Survey |
B11 |
Are you currently receiving child support? |
B12 |
Are you currently expected to pay child support? |
B13 |
the past year, did you [or anyone in your household] receive
income or assistance from any of the following sources? |
B14 |
For these next questions, please consider only yourself, [not anyone else in your household]. Have you received a check or electronic payment from the Social Security Administration because of a disability in the past year as an adult?cor |
These items measure demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. We will use them to (1) describe the characteristics of study participants and check that random assignment has created treatment and control groups with similar characteristics, (2) define subgroups, 3) provide control variables for regression models that will increase statistical precision, (4) construct weights to adjust for survey nonresponse, (5) support analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts, and (6) determine the target population of interest to the Social Security Administration (namely, individuals who are not currently receiving SSI or awaiting a pending claim). |
B15 |
Are you currently receiving checks or electronic payments from the Social Security Administration because of a disability? |
B16 |
As an adult, in the past five years, have you applied to the Social Security Administration to receive checks or electronic payments because of a disability? |
B17 |
Are you currently awaiting a decision by the Social Security Administration on a pending disability application? |
B18 |
If you had an emergency, about how many people would you be able to count on to help you? Would you say… 1. None 2. One to two 3. Three to five, or 4. More than five? |
from Building Strong Families Evaluation (BSF) |
These items measure social supports for economic well-being and social trust, defined as the belief in the honesty, fairness, or benevolence of another party. We will use them to (1) describe the characteristics of study participants and check that random assignment has created treatment and control groups with similar characteristics, (2) define subgroups, (3) provide control variables for regression models that will increase statistical precision, (4) construct weights to adjust for survey nonresponse, and (5) support analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts. |
B19 |
About how many people could you turn to if you suddenly needed to borrow $100? Would you say… 1. None 2. One to two 3. Three to five, or 4. More than five? |
from BSF |
B20 |
About how many people could you talk to for help or advice? 1. None 2. One to two 3. Three to five, or 4. More than five? |
B21 |
Generally speaking, would you say most people can be trusted? |
Adapted from Pew Social Trends Reports social trust questions |
B22 |
Would you say you trust most people in your neighborhood? |
Adapted from Pew Social Trends Reports social trust questions |
C0 |
Have you ever worked for pay? |
These items measure baseline employment status. We will use them to (1) describe the characteristics of study participants and check that random assignment has created treatment and control groups with similar characteristics, (2) define subgroups, (3) provide control variables for regression models that will increase statistical precision, (4) construct weights to adjust for survey nonresponse, and (5) support analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts.
For programs that serve many people who have been recently incarcerated, we ask about work before they were arrested. |
C01 |
Are you currently working for pay? |
C01a |
In the month before your last arrest, were you working for pay? |
C02 |
In total, how many months did you work for pay [during the past year/in the year before you were last arrested] (including current job)? |
from BEES |
C03 |
In what month and year did you last work for pay? |
from Parents and Children Together Evaluation (PACT) |
C03a |
How much [do/did] you get paid before taxes and deductions, at your [current/most recent/last] job [prior to your arrest]? |
from Evaluation of Employment Coaching for TANF and Other Related
Populations (Coaching) |
C04-C04a |
How many hours per week, including regular overtime hours, [do/did] you usually work at your [current/most recent/last] job [prior to your arrest]? Your best estimate is fine. |
C04b |
Since early 2020, have any of the following changes happened to you at work because of the Coronavirus outbreak? a. Were your hours cut? b. Were you asked to work more hours than usual? c. Were you temporarily laid off or furloughed? d. Did you lose your job? e. Did you quit your job because of the risk of exposure to Coronavirus? |
National and Tribal Evaluation of the 2nd Generation of the Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG 2.0) (OMB No. 0970-0462) |
These items will collect information on the effects of COVID-19 on study participants’ employment patterns since the beginning of the outbreak in early 2020. This will provide important context on how COVID-19 may affect the key outcomes of interest to the impact evaluation. |
C05 |
Does a physical, mental, or emotional condition limit the kind or amount of work you can do? |
These items measure baseline barriers to employment. Some items are also focused specifically on potential employment barriers that are related to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will use them to (1) describe the characteristics of study participants and check that random assignment has created treatment and control groups with similar characteristics, (2) define subgroups, (3) provide control variables for regression models that will increase statistical precision, (4) construct weights to adjust for survey nonresponse, and (5) support analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts. |
C05a |
Is the physical, mental, or emotional condition that limits the kind or amount of work you can do related to the Coronavirus or its effects? |
C06a |
Please indicate if each of the following has made it not at all hard, slightly hard, moderately hard, or very hard for you to work in the past 3 months. Not having good enough care for a child or someone else in your household who needs care due to coronavirus or its effects |
Adapted from Child Support Noncustodial Parent Employment Demonstration (CSPED) (OMB No. 0970-0439) |
C06b |
Please indicate if each of the following has made it not at all hard, slightly hard, moderately hard, or very hard for you to work in the past 3 months. Not having good enough care for a child who is learning at home due to the coronavirus |
Adapted from CSPED (OMB No. 0970-0439) |
C06c |
Please indicate if each of the following has made it not at all hard, slightly hard, moderately hard, or very hard for you to work in the past 3 months. THE RISK THAT YOU WILL GET SICK FROM CORONAVIRUS |
Adapted from CSPED (OMB No. 0970-0439) |
C06d |
Please indicate if each of the following has made it not at all hard, slightly hard, moderately hard, or very hard for you to work in the past 3 months. THE RISK THAT SOMEONE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD OR FAMILY WILL GET SICK FROM CORONAVIRUS |
Adapted from CSPED (OMB No. 0970-0439) |
C07a |
set long-term employment goals that I hope to achieve within a
year, such as finding a job, finding a better job, getting
promoted, or enrolling in further education. |
Setting Questionnaire, adapted from Coaching |
These items measure goal setting and goal pursuit in the context of employment. We will use them to (1) describe the characteristics of study participants and check that random assignment has created treatment and control groups with similar characteristics, (2) define subgroups, (3) provide control variables for regression models that will increase statistical precision, (4) construct weights to adjust for survey nonresponse, and (5) support analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts. |
C07b |
set specific short-term goals that will allow me to achieve my
long-term employment goals. |
Setting Questionnaire, adapted from Coaching |
C07c |
think I should work on finding a job or a better job. |
Questionnaire, adapted from Coaching |
C07d |
think there is nothing I can do being out of work right now. |
Questionnaire, adapted from Coaching |
C08 |
Have you ever been arrested? |
from BEES |
These items measure past involvement with the criminal justice system. We will use them to (1) describe the characteristics of study participants and check that random assignment has created treatment and control groups with similar characteristics, (2) define subgroups, (3) provide control variables for regression models that will increase statistical precision, (4) construct weights to adjust for survey nonresponse, and (5) support analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts.
For programs that serve many people who have been recently incarcerated, we ask about their recent experience with the criminal justice system. |
C09 |
How many times have you been convicted of a crime? |
from BEES |
C09a |
How many times have you been convicted of a felony? |
C10 |
Are you currently under some form of court-ordered supervision? 1. Yes, parole 2. Yes, probation 3. Yes, diversion or alternative sentencing to avoid incarceration 99. Yes, something else, or (SPECIFY) 0. No, not under some form of supervision |
from BEES |
C10a |
Thinking back to the last time you were arrested, were you charged with a crime involving the following? 1. Violence 2. Drugs 3. Theft 4. Sex offense 5. Crime involving minors 6. Property damage 7. Trespassing 99. Something else (SPECIFY) |
C11 |
Have you ever been incarcerated in a juvenile or adult facility, such as a detention center, jail, or prison? |
from BEES |
C12 |
What is the total amount of time you have spent in incarceration? |
C12a |
What amount of time did you spend in your last incarceration? |
New; Developed by Mathematica |
D01-D09 |
SF-12v2 Questionnaire |
Instrument Also
used on BEES |
This questionnaire measures functional health status. We will use them to (1) describe the characteristics of study participants and check that random assignment has created treatment and control groups with similar characteristics, (2) define subgroups, (3) provide control variables for regression models that will increase statistical precision, (4) construct weights to adjust for survey nonresponse, and (5) support analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts. |
D01a |
Are you fully vaccinated against Coronavirus? Fully vaccinated means you got all the required shots. |
New; Developed by Mathematica |
This item will collect information on the effects of COVID-19 on study participants. Vaccination is expected to be associated with employment outcomes because being vaccinated may affect the types of jobs participants would be willing to take. Employers may also require vaccination for some employment. |
D10 |
Are you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing? |
Community Survey (ACS) disability questions Also
used on BEES |
These items measure disability. We will use them to (1) describe the characteristics of study participants and check that random assignment has created treatment and control groups with similar characteristics, (2) define subgroups, (3) provide control variables for regression models that will increase statistical precision, (4) construct weights to adjust for survey nonresponse, and (5) support analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts. |
D11 |
Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses? |
disability questions Also
used on BEES |
D12 |
Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions? |
disability questions Also
used on BEES |
D13 |
Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs? |
disability questions Also
used on BEES |
D14 |
Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing? |
disability questions Also
used on BEES |
D15 |
Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor’s office or shopping? |
disability questions Also
used on BEES |
D16 |
Have you ever been treated for any mental health condition? |
These items measure physical and mental health status. We will use them to (1) describe the characteristics of study participants and check that random assignment has created treatment and control groups with similar characteristics, (2) define subgroups, (3) provide control variables for regression models that will increase statistical precision, (4) construct weights to adjust for survey nonresponse, and (5) support analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts. |
D17 |
What physical, mental, or emotional condition is the main reason you are limited? |
from National Beneficiary Survey (NBS) |
D18a |
the last 30 days about how often did you feel so depressed that
nothing could cheer you up? |
Distress Scale Also
used on BEES |
This questionnaire assesses mental health and distress. We will use these items to (1) describe the characteristics of study participants and check that random assignment has created treatment and control groups with similar characteristics, (2) define subgroups, (3) provide control variables for regression models that will increase statistical precision, (4) construct weights to adjust for survey nonresponse, and (5) support analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts. |
D18b |
the last 30 days about how often did you feel hopeless? |
Distress Scale Also
used on BEES |
D18c |
the last 30 days about how often did you feel restless or
fidgety? |
Distress Scale Also
used on BEES |
D18d |
the last 30 days about how often did you feel that everything was
an effort? |
Distress Scale Also
used on BEES |
D18e |
the last 30 days about how often did you feel worthless? |
Distress Scale Also
used on BEES |
D18f |
the last 30 days about how often did you feel nervous? |
Distress Scale Also
used on BEES |
D19-D21 |
AUDIT-C questionnaire |
AUDIT-C Questionnaire |
This questionnaire measures alcohol dependency. We will use the items to (1) describe the characteristics of study participants and check that random assignment has created treatment and control groups with similar characteristics, (2) define subgroups, (3) provide control variables for regression models that will increase statistical precision, (4) construct weights to adjust for survey nonresponse, and (5) support analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts. |
D22-D31 |
DAST-10 questionnaire |
DAST-10 Questionnaire |
This questionnaire measures drug dependency. We will use the items to (1) describe the characteristics of study participants and check that random assignment has created treatment and control groups with similar characteristics, (2) define subgroups, (3) provide control variables for regression models that will increase statistical precision, (4) construct weights to adjust for survey nonresponse, and (5) support analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts. |
D32 |
next question asks about using prescription pain relievers in any
way a doctor did not direct you to use them. |
from BEES |
This item measures opioid use. We will use it to (1) describe the characteristics of study participants and check that random assignment has created treatment and control groups with similar characteristics, (2) define subgroups, (3) provide control variables for regression models that will increase statistical precision, (4) construct weights to adjust for survey nonresponse, and (5) support analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Mathematica Standard Report Template |
Author | Sclark |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-05-03 |