D. Question-by-question
justification for follow-up surveys –
This document provides the source and justifications for each question on the First Follow-up Survey (Instrument 3) and Second Follow-up Survey (Instrument 4). The instruments are similar—the second follow-up survey uses the same question text as the first follow-up survey. However, reference dates for recall periods are different across the instruments. The second follow-up survey includes a recall period back to the random assignment date for those who did not complete the first follow-up survey and a recall period back to the first follow-up survey completion date for those who did complete it. The first follow-up survey includes a section on program satisfaction that is not included in the second follow-up survey.
Item |
Question text |
Source |
Justification |
.Intro2 |
When you enrolled in the [NEXTGEN PROGRAM] in [RA MONTH/YEAR], what was your marital status? |
of Employment Coaching for TANF and Other Related Populations
(Coaching) |
These items are used to verify that the interviewer is speaking to the sample member. |
.Intro3 |
What are the last 4 digits of your Social Security number? |
.Intro4 |
What is your date of birth? |
A01 |
you currently working for pay? |
from Building Evidence on Employment Strategies (BEES) |
Items A01-A12 collect information on each job the respondent has worked since randomization (first follow-up survey) or since responding to the last follow-up survey. It includes information to measure the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the respondent’s work. We will use this information to estimate impacts of the intervention on earnings and other employment outcomes. |
A02 |
Have you worked for pay at any time since [RA MONTH YEAR]? |
from BEES |
A02a |
Since [RA MONTH YEAR], have any of the following changes happened to you at work because of COVID-19? a. Were your hours cut? b. Were you asked to work more hours than usual? c. Were you temporarily laid off or furloughed? d. Did you lose your job? e. Did you quit your job because of the risk of exposure to COVID-19? |
National and Tribal Evaluation of the 2nd Generation of the Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG 2.0) (OMB No. 0970-0462 |
A03 |
First I am going to ask about your current job or jobs.] Please tell me who you work for. |
from BEES |
A04 |
Including all types of jobs, do you currently have any other paid jobs? |
from BEES |
A04a |
Since [RA MONTH YEAR], please tell me who you worked for. |
from BEES |
A04b |
Have you had any other paid jobs since [RA MONTH YEAR]? |
from BEES |
A05 |
When did you start working for [[JOB NAME 1]/yourself]? |
from BEES |
A06 |
Are you still working for [JOB NAME/yourself]? |
from BEES |
A06a |
When did you stop working at this job? |
from BEES |
A07 |
How many hours [do/did] you usually work in a week at this job? Your best estimate is fine. |
from BEES |
A08 |
Now thinking about [being self-employed/your job at [JOB NAME]], how much [do/did] you get paid before taxes and deductions, at this job? Please include tips, commissions, and regular overtime. |
from BEES |
A09 |
Did you always earn [WAGE] per [HOUR/UNIT]/your current wage] at this job? |
from Coaching |
A10 |
How much were you paid when you started working at this job before taxes and deductions? |
from Coaching |
A11 |
Since [RA MONTH YEAR], was there anything [else] you did for pay, such as odd jobs, temporary jobs, work done in your own business, jobs or tasks you found using a web or mobile app, “under the table” work, “off the books” work, paid work experience, [or] apprenticeships, [or any other type of work], [that you haven’t reported/that we haven’t already talked about]? |
from BEES |
A12 |
What is your best guess of how much money you received from these activities in a typical month since [RA MONTH YEAR]? Please do not include money you made from jobs you reported earlier. Just make your best guess for how much money you’ve received from these activities. |
from Coaching |
A13 |
For the next questions, please think about the job at which you [currently / most recently] work[ed] the most hours. What is the name of that job? |
Items A13-A19e ask about the characteristics of one recent or current job held by the respondent. The purpose is to examine any differences in the quality or types of job held by members of the treatment and control groups. |
A13a |
Which of the following best describes your employment at that job? [Were/Are] you working . . . 1. as a regular full-time or part-time employee, 2. for a temporary help agency, 3. for an occasional job or task service that relies on a website or mobile app that connects you to customers (such as Uber or Lyft) 4. as an independent contractor, independent consultant, or freelance worker, 5. in your own business, 6. as a day laborer, 99. or something else (PLEASE specify)? |
from BEES |
A13b |
(Is/Was) this job a seasonal or temporary job? |
from BEES |
A14 |
(Do/did) you usually work a daytime schedule or some other schedule at your [JOBNAME] job? |
from BEES |
A15 |
Which of the following best describes the hours you usually work(ed) at your [JOB NAME] job? 1. An evening shift (anytime between 2 P.M. and midnight) 2. A night shift (anytime between 9 P.M. and 8 A.M.) 3. A rotating shift (one that changes periodically from days to evenings or night) 4. A split shift (one consisting of two distinct period each day) 5. An irregular schedule 99. Some other shift (specify) |
from BEES |
A16 |
Which of the following benefits [are/were] available to you at your [JOB NAME] job? 1. Health insurance or membership in a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan? 2. Paid leave for vacation, illness, or holidays? 0. None of the above |
from BEES |
A17 |
[Have/Had] you been promoted to a higher position with greater responsibility while working at this job? |
from BEES |
A18 |
How likely do you think it is that you will be promoted at your [JOBNAME] job in the next 12 months? 1. Very likely 2. Somewhat likely 3. Not very likely 4. Not likely at all |
from BEES |
A19a |
Has your employer because of your physical or mental health condition… Provided you with any special equipment or assistive technology (PROBE: For example special tools or equipment, software, or devices to accommodate your condition in the workplace.) |
from the National Beneficiary Survey (NBS) |
A19b |
Has your employer because of your physical or mental health condition… Made any changes in your work schedule? (PROBE: For example, working fewer hours, changing the time you arrive or leave, or taking more breaks to accommodate your condition in the workplace.) |
from NBS |
A19c |
Has your employer because of your physical or mental health condition… Made any changes to the tasks you were assigned or how they are performed? (PROBE: For example, a light duty job or less demanding job tasks to accommodate your condition in the workplace.) |
from NBS |
A19d |
Has your employer because of your physical or mental health condition… Made any changes to the physical work environment to make things easier for you? (PROBE: For example, modifying your work area, improving accessibility in the building, or providing assigned parking to accommodate your condition in the workplace.) |
from NBS |
A19e |
Has your employer because of your physical or mental health condition… Arranged for co-workers or others to assist you? (PROBE: For example, providing a personal care attendant, interpreter, or job coach while at work.) |
from NBS |
A20 |
How satisfied are you with your [jobname]? Would you say very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, or not satisfied? 1. VERY SATISFIED 2. SOMEWHAT SATISFIED 3. NOT SATISFIED |
from BEES |
This item is a measure of job satisfaction. We will use it to estimate impacts of the intervention on job satisfaction. |
A21 |
Are you currently looking for a job? |
from BEES |
These items measure current employment status. We will use it to estimate impacts of the intervention on employment status. |
A21a |
How would you describe your current employment status? Are you… 1. Temporarily laid off, 2. Retired, 3. In school or training, 4. Unable to work because of caring for another family member, 5. Unable to work because of pregnancy 6. Unable to work due to illness, disability, or ongoing mental health or substance use issues or treatment, 7. Gave up looking for work 8. Incarcerated, or 99. Something else? (SPECIFY) |
from BEES |
A22 |
Does a physical, mental, or emotional condition limit the kind or amount of work you can do? |
from NBS |
Items A22, A22a, A23a-A23d measure challenges to employment. We will use them to estimate impacts of the intervention on each employment challenge. |
A22a |
Is the physical, mental, or emotional condition that limits the kind or amount of work you can do related to COVID-19 or its effects? |
New; Developed by Mathematica |
A23a |
Please indicate if each of the following has made it not at all hard, a little hard, somewhat hard, very hard, or extremely hard for you to work or pursue education or training in the last three months. Not having good enough care for a child or someone else in your household who needs care due to COVID-19 or its effects |
from Child Support Noncustodial Parent Employment Demonstration
A23b |
Please indicate if each of the following has made it not at all hard, a little hard, somewhat hard, very hard, or extremely hard for you to work or pursue education or training in the last three months. Not having good enough care for a child who is learning at home due to COVID-19 |
from CSPED |
A23c |
Please indicate if each of the following has made it not at all hard, a little hard, somewhat hard, very hard, or extremely hard for you to work or pursue education or training in the last three months. The risk that you will get sick from COVID-19 |
from CSPED |
A23d |
Please indicate if each of the following has made it not at all hard, a little hard, somewhat hard, very hard, or extremely hard for you to work or pursue education or training in the last three months. The risk that someone in your household or family will get sick from COVID-19 |
from CSPED |
A24a |
I set long-term employment goals that I hope to achieve within a year, such as finding a job, finding a better job, getting promoted, or enrolling in further education. 1. STRONGLY DISAGREE 2. DISAGREE 3. AGREE 4. STRONGLY AGREE |
Setting Questionnaire, adapted from Coaching |
These items will be used to estimate the impact of the intervention on the extent to which the sample member is setting employment goals and is motivated to find a job. We will use them to (1) estimate impacts of the intervention on outcomes of interest and (2) support the analysis of the mediating factors driving program impacts. |
A24b |
I set specific short-term goals that will allow me to achieve my long-term employment goals. 1. STRONGLY DISAGREE 2. DISAGREE 3. AGREE 4. STRONGLY AGREE |
Setting Questionnaire, adapted from Coaching |
A24c |
I think I should work on finding a job or a better job. 1. STRONGLY DISAGREE 2. DISAGREE 3. AGREE 4. STRONGLY AGREE |
Questionnaire, adapted from Coaching |
A24d |
I think there is nothing I can do about being out of work right now. 1. STRONGLY DISAGREE 2. DISAGREE 3. AGREE 4. STRONGLY AGREE |
Questionnaire, adapted from Coaching |
A25a |
Would you say that you are confident, somewhat confident, or not confident in your ability to look for jobs by yourself? |
New; Developed by Mathematica |
These items measure confidence in the ability to seek employment. They will be used to measure the impact of one NextGen Project program that targets these items as part of its intervention. |
A25b |
Would you say that you are confident, somewhat confident, or not confident in your ability to fill out job applications by yourself? |
New; Developed by Mathematica |
A25c |
Would you say that you are confident, somewhat confident, or not confident in your ability to create or update a resume by yourself? |
New; Developed by Mathematica |
A25d |
Would you say that you are confident, somewhat confident, or not confident in your ability to do a job interview by yourself? |
New; Developed by Mathematica |
A25e |
Would you say that you are confident, somewhat confident, or not confident in your ability to fill out forms that are needed to start work by yourself? |
New; Developed by Mathematica |
A25f |
Would you say that you are confident, somewhat confident, or not confident in your ability to get along with coworkers or customers by yourself? |
New; Developed by Mathematica |
A25g |
Would you say that you are confident, somewhat confident, or not confident in your ability to ask a manager or supervisor for changes to your schedule, time off, or other necessary changes by yourself? |
New; Developed by Mathematica |
A25h |
Would you say that you are confident, somewhat confident, or not confident in your ability to offer advice to family or friends about things like searching for jobs, doing job interviews, or getting along with coworkers by yourself? |
New; Developed by Mathematica |
B01a |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR], did you receive help with planning your future career, which could include an assessment of your interests and skills? |
from BEES |
These items measure one-on-one and group service receipt. We will use these measures to: (1) describe the employment services that study participants received (either from the program being studied or other sources), (2) describe the employment services that control group members received, and (3) estimate the impact of the intervention on the receipt of employment services. |
B01b |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR], did you receive help with preparing a resume or filling out job applications? |
from BEES |
B01c |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR], did you receive help with preparing for job interviews? |
from BEES |
B01d |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR], did you receive help with getting referrals to available jobs or setting up interviews for specific job openings? |
from BEES |
B01e |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR], did you receive help with obtaining a valid drivers’ license? |
B01f |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR], did you receive help with obtaining documents you need to work, such as a social security card or photo identification? |
B01g |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR], did you receive help with how to talk with an employer about a disability and any changes they need to make to accommodate it? |
B01h |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR], did you receive help with how to act when you are at work? |
from BEES |
B01i |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR], did you receive help with communicating your legal history to an employer, clearing or sealing criminal records, or other legal help? |
B01j |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR], did you receive help with finding or paying for child care or care for other dependents? |
from Rural Welfare to Work |
B01k |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR], did you receive help with finding, using, or paying for transportation? |
from Rural Welfare to Work |
B01l |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR], did you receive help with paying for clothing, tools, or other supplies for work? |
from Rural Welfare to Work |
B01m |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR], did you receive help with meeting your employer’s COVID-19-related requirements such as the need to wear masks or be vaccinated? |
B01n |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR], did you receive help with finding or paying for temporary, transitional, or permanent housing? |
B01o |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR], did you receive help with understanding how work may affect your eligibility for benefits such as Social Security, disability insurance, TANF, or Medicaid? |
B01p |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR], did you receive help with any other employment help? |
from BEES |
B02 |
Since [RA MONTH/YEAR] did you participate or attend any organizations or activities where people provided advice or support in a group setting? |
B03 |
You said that you received help related to finding or keeping a job since [RA MONTH/YEAR]. Would you say you received the most help from the 1. [NAME OF LOCAL WELFARE PROGRAM] 2. [NAME OF AMERICAN JOB CENTERS IN STATE] or an unemployment office, 3. Food Stamp Program or SNAP, 4. [NAME OF LOCAL VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM] 5. [NEXTGEN PROGRAM] 6. [NAME OF SITE-SPECIFIC PROVIDER 1] 7. [NAME OF SITE-SPECIFIC PROVIDER 2] 8. [NAME OF SITE-SPECIFIC PROVIDER 3] 9. [NAME OF SITE-SPECIFIC PROVIDER 4] 10. [NAME OF SITE-SPECIFIC PROVIDER 5] 11. Or some other place (SPECIFY: __________) |
from BEES |
B04, B07 |
Since [RA MONTH YEAR], did you attend any school or education program? |
from BEES |
We will use these measures to estimate the impact of the intervention on completion of an education program and receipt of a degree or diploma. |
B04a, B07a |
Are you attending any of these education programs now? |
from Coaching |
B04b, B07c |
[Since RA MONTH YEAR], did you receive any diploma or degree? |
from Coaching |
B04c, B07d |
What specific diploma or degree did you receive? If you received more than one, please [select all that apply/let me know about all of them]. |
from Workforce Investment Act Gold Standard Evaluation |
B05, B08 |
Since [RA MONTH YEAR], did you participate in any training programs to build skills for a particular job or occupation? |
from BEES |
We will use these items to estimate the impact of the intervention on completion of a training program and receipt of a professional certification. |
B05a, B08a |
Are you attending any of these training programs now? |
from BEES |
B05b. B08b |
Since [RA MONTH YEAR] did you receive any professional certificate or state or industry license? |
from BEES |
B06 |
Are you currently in high school? |
We will use these measures to estimate the impact of the intervention on completion of an education program and receipt of a degree or diploma. |
B06a |
Do you have a high school diploma? Do not count a GED or General Education Development credential. |
B06b |
Since [RA MONTH YEAR], did you attend any program to earn a GED or General Education Development credential? |
from BEES |
B06c |
Are you attending any GED program now? |
from BEES |
B06d |
Since [RA MONTH YEAR], did you receive a GED or General Education Development credential? |
B07b |
Are you attending any college or university now? |
from BEES |
B09 |
Since [RA MONTH YEAR], have you received help for problems related to drug or alcohol use? |
from BEES |
These items will be used to (1) describe the substance use services that study participants received (either from the program being studied or other sources), (2) describe the substance use services that control group members received; and (3) estimate the impact of the intervention on the receipt of substance use services. |
B09a |
At what type of place did you receive help for problems related to drug or alcohol use? Was it … 1. A hospital or clinic with overnight stays, 2. A hospital or clinic without overnight stays, 3. A residential substance treatment program with overnight stays, 4. A non-residential substance treatment program without overnight stays, 5. A support group, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous 6. [NEXTGEN PROGRAM] facilities, or 7. Some other type place SPECIFY (__________) |
from BEES |
B10 |
In the last six months, have you received help for problems related to your emotions, nerves, anger management or mental health? This would include help dealing with depression, anxiety, or other conditions from a mental health center, a therapist, a psychologist or psychiatrist, social worker, counselor, doctor, or other provider. |
These items will be used to (1) describe the mental health services that study participants received (either from the program being studied or other sources), (2) describe the mental health services that control group members received; and (3) estimate the impact of the intervention on the receipt of mental health services. |
B10a |
Where did you receive help with problems related to your emotions, nerves, anger management or mental health? Was it… 1. A mental health agency 2. A clinic or doctor’s office 3. A hospital with overnight stays 4. A hospital without overnight stays 5. Some other type of place (please specify) 6. [NEXTGEN PROGRAM] |
from BEES |
B10b |
In the last six months, how many times did you visit a mental health agency, clinic, doctor’s office, hospital, or other type of place for treatment for problems related to emotions, nerves, anger management or mental health? Do not include visits for physical medical conditions or substance use. |
B11 |
In the last six months, have you received any treatment for any physical medical condition at a hospital, clinic, or doctor’s office? Do not include visits for mental health or substance use. |
These items will be used to (1) describe the physical medical health services that study participants received (either from the program being studied or other sources), (2) describe the physical medical health services that control group members received; and (3) estimate the impact of the intervention on the receipt of physical medical health services. |
B11a |
In the last six months, how many times did you visit a hospital, clinic, or doctor’s office for treatment for any physical medical condition? Your best estimate is fine. Do not include visits for mental health or substance use. |
B12 |
In the last six months, have any of your children under the age of 18 received help for problems related to their emotions, nerves, anger management or mental health? This would include help dealing with their depression, anxiety, or other conditions from a mental health center, a therapist, a psychologist or psychiatrist, social worker, counselor, doctor, or other provider. |
These items will be used to (1) describe the mental health services that study participants children received (either from the program being studied or other sources), (2) describe the mental health services that control group members received for their children; and (3) estimate the impact of the intervention on the receipt of mental health services for respondents’ children. |
B12a |
Where did your child (or children) receive help with their problems related to emotions, nerves, anger management or mental health? Was it… 1. A mental health agency 2. A clinic or doctor’s office 3. A hospital with overnight stays 4. A hospital without overnight stays 5. Some other type of place (please specify) 6. [NEXTGEN PROGRAM] |
from BEES |
C01 |
Which of the following best describes your housing during the past month? 1. own your own home or apartment, 2. rent your home or apartment, 3. homeless or live in emergency or temporary housing, such as a shelter, 4. live in a halfway house, sober house, or other transitional housing, 5. live in a group home 6. live with friends or relatives and pay rent 7. live with friends or relatives and do not pay rent , or 99. some other arrangement? (SPECIFY: __________) |
from BEES |
We will use these items to estimate the impact of the intervention on housing stability. |
C01a |
Which of the following best describes your housing during the past month? 1. live with a parent or guardian and pay rent, 2. live with a parent or guardian and do not pay rent, 3. rent your home or apartment, 4. homeless or live in emergency or temporary housing, such as a shelter, 5. live in a halfway house, sober house, or other transitional housing, 6. live in a group home 7. live with friends or relatives and pay rent 8. live with friends or relatives and do not pay rent, or 99. some other arrangement? (SPECIFY: __________) |
from BEES |
C02 |
Have you been homeless at any time in the last three months? |
from Rural Welfare to Work |
C03 |
During the past year, did you [or anyone in your household] receive income or assistance from any of the following sources? 1. Disability benefits from the Social Security Administration. These are also called Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) 2. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or [STATE SPECIFIC TANF NAME] 3. Unemployment Insurance 4. Food Stamps/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)/ [STATE-SPECIFIC PROGRAM] 5. Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) 6. Medicaid or [STATE SPECIFIC MEDICAID] or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) 0. NONE OF THE ABOVE |
from BEES |
This item measures public assistance benefit receipt. We will use it to estimate impacts of the intervention on outcomes of interest. |
C04.a |
In the last six months, has there been a time when you did not pay the full amount of the rent of mortgage because you could not afford it? |
We will use these items to estimate impacts of the intervention on economic well-being. |
C04.b |
In the last six months, has there been a time when you were evicted from your home or apartment for not paying the rent or mortgage? |
C04.c |
In the last six months, has there been a time when you filed in court for bankruptcy? |
C04.d |
In the last six months, has there been a time when you did not pay the full amount of the gas, oil, or electricity bills? |
C04.e |
In the last six months, has there been a time when you had service turned off by the gas or electric company, or the oil company would not deliver oil? |
C04.f |
In the last six months, has there been a time when you had cellular or land telephone service disconnected because payments were not made? |
C04.g |
In the last six months, has there been a time when you could not fill or postponed filling a prescription for drugs when they were needed because you could not afford it? |
C04.h |
In the last six months, has there been a time when you did not pay the full amount of child support payments because you could not afford it? |
C04.i |
In the last six months, has there been a time when you did not pay the full amount of other bills? |
C04a |
Getting enough food can be a problem for some people. Which of these statements best describes the food eaten in your household in [PRIOR MONTH]? Would you say there was… 1. enough of the kinds of food you want, 2. enough, but not always the kinds of food you want, 3. sometimes not enough to eat, or 4. often not enough to eat? |
C04b |
Do you currently receive any financial help from your parents, relatives, friends, or neighbors in paying for transportation or rides to places you need to be? |
C04b1 |
About how much financial help do you currently receive from your parents, relatives, friends, or neighbors in paying for transportation or for rides to places you need to be? Would you say they pay for… 1. all, 2. most, 3. or a little of your transportation or rides |
C04c |
Do you currently receive any financial help from your parents, relatives, friends, or neighbors in paying for food, meals, or groceries? |
C04c1 |
About how much financial help do you currently receive from your parents, relatives, friends, or neighbors in paying for food, meals, or groceries? Would you say they pay for… 1. all, 2. most, 3. or a little of your food, meals, or groceries |
C04d |
Do you currently receive any financial help from your parents, relatives, friends, or neighbors in paying for some or all of your cellular phone service? |
C04d1 |
About how much financial help do you currently receive from your parents, relatives, friends, or neighbors in paying for your cellular phone service? Would you say they pay for… 1. all, 2. most, 3. or a little of your cellular phone service |
C04e |
Do you currently receive any cash gifts or money from your parents, relatives, friends, or neighbors on a regular basis? |
C04e1 |
About how much do your parents, relatives, friends, or neighbors provide in the form of money or cash gifts on a regular basis? |
C05 |
If you had an emergency about how many people would you be able to count on to help you? Would you say… 1. None 2. One to two 3. Three to five 4. More than five |
from Building Strong Families Evaluation (BSF) |
We will use these items to estimate the impact of the intervention on social supports for economic well-being and social trust defined as the belief in the honesty, fairness, or benevolence of another party. |
C06 |
About how many people could you turn to if you suddenly needed to borrow $100? Would you say… 1. None 2. One to two 3. Three to five 4. More than five |
from BSF |
C07a |
About how many people could you talk to for help or advice? 1. None 2. One to two 3. Three to five 4. More than five |
from BEES |
C07b |
Generally speaking, would you say most people can be trusted? |
Adapted from Pew Social Trends Reports social trust questions |
C07c |
Would you say you trust most people in your neighborhood? |
Adapted from Pew Social Trends Reports social trust questions |
C08 |
Healthy Families Parenting Inventory (HFPI), Parenting Efficacy questions |
Copyright LeCroy & Milligan Associates, Inc. 2004 |
We will use this item to estimate the impact of the intervention on parenting skills and efficacy for one NextGen Project program. |
C09a |
Now [I/we] have some questions about your future financial situation. Would you say that you are confident, somewhat confident, or not confident that in five years’ time you will earn enough to support yourself without financial help from your parents, relatives, friends, or neighbors? 1. Confident 2. Somewhat confident 3. Not confident |
We will use this item to estimate the impact of one NextGen program on confidence about financial independence in the future. |
C09b |
Would you say that you are confident, somewhat confident, or not confident that in five years’ time you will be working at a paid job? 1. Confident 2. Somewhat confident 3. Not confident |
C10, C11 to C21 |
SF-12v2 Questionnaire |
Instrument Also
used on BEES |
We will use these items to estimate the impact of the intervention on functional health status.
C10a |
Are you fully vaccinated against COVID-19? Fully vaccinated means you got all the required shots. |
New; Developed by Mathematica |
This item will collect information on the effects of the Coronavirus on study participants. Vaccination is expected to be associated with employment outcomes because being vaccinated may affect the types of jobs participants would be willing to take. Employers may also require vaccination for some employment. |
C10b |
Are you currently covered by any type of health insurance plan, either private or government, including Medicare or Medicaid? |
Adapted from the 1996 Content Test, U.S. Census Bureau and BEES (OMB No. 0970-0537) |
This item measures health insurance coverage. Some NextGen programs may affect whether someone obtains health insurance coverage. |
C22.a |
During the last 30 days about how often did you feel so depressed that nothing could cheer you up? 0. NONE OF THE TIME 1. A LITTLE OF THE TIME 2. SOME OF THE TIME 3. MOST OF THE TIME 4. ALL THE TIME |
Distress Scale Also
used on BEES |
We will use these items to estimate the impact of the intervention on mental health status. |
C22.b |
During the last 30 days about how often did you feel hopeless? 0. NONE OF THE TIME 1. A LITTLE OF THE TIME 2. SOME OF THE TIME 3. MOST OF THE TIME 4. ALL THE TIME |
Distress Scale Also
used on BEES |
C22.c |
During the last 30 days about how often did you feel restless or fidgety? 0. NONE OF THE TIME 1. A LITTLE OF THE TIME 2. SOME OF THE TIME 3. MOST OF THE TIME 4. ALL THE TIME |
Distress Scale Also
used on BEES |
C22.d |
During the last 30 days about how often did you feel that everything was an effort? 0. NONE OF THE TIME 1. A LITTLE OF THE TIME 2. SOME OF THE TIME 3. MOST OF THE TIME 4. ALL THE TIME |
Distress Scale Also
used on BEES |
C22.e |
During the last 30 days about how often did you feel worthless? 0. NONE OF THE TIME 1. A LITTLE OF THE TIME 2. SOME OF THE TIME 3. MOST OF THE TIME 4. ALL THE TIME |
Distress Scale Also
used on BEES |
C22.f |
During the last 30 days about how often did you feel nervous? 0. NONE OF THE TIME 1. A LITTLE OF THE TIME 2. SOME OF THE TIME 3. MOST OF THE TIME 4. ALL THE TIME |
Distress Scale Also
used on BEES |
C22a |
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale Revised (CESD-R) |
Center for Epidemiologic Studies |
One NextGen Project program currently uses the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale Revised as a screening tool to determine program eligibility. Administering this screener at follow-up will measure program impacts using this scale. Other programs in the NextGen Project will not use this scale. |
C23 |
Taken all together, how would you say things are going these days? Would you say that you are… 1. Very happy 2. Pretty happy, or 3. Not too happy? |
General Social Survey |
We will use this item to estimate the impact of the intervention on mental health status. |
C24 to C26 |
AUDIT-C questionnaire |
AUDIT-C Questionnaire |
We will use these items to estimate the impact of the intervention on alcohol dependency. |
C27 to C36 |
DAST-10 questionnaire |
DAST-10 Questionnaire |
We will use these items to estimate the impact of the intervention on drug dependency. |
C37 |
next question asks about using prescription pain relievers in any
way a doctor did not direct you to use them. |
from BEES |
C38 |
Are you currently under some form of court-ordered supervision? |
We will use these items to estimate the impact of the intervention on criminal justice system involvement. |
C39 |
Since [RA MONTH YEAR], have you been arrested? [Do not include any arrests for violating the terms of court-ordered supervision.] |
C40 |
Since [RA MONTH YEAR], how many times have you been arrested? [Do not include any arrests for violating the terms of court-ordered supervision.] |
from Reentry Employment Opportunities (REO) |
C41 |
How many of these arrests since [RA MONTH YEAR] resulted in at least one conviction? |
from REO |
C42 |
How many of these convictions since [RA MONTH YEAR] were felony convictions? |
from REO |
C43 |
Since [RA MONTH YEAR], have you been incarcerated in a detention center, jail, or prison? Do not include any incarcerations for violating the terms of court-ordered supervision. |
from REO |
C44 |
Since [RA MONTH YEAR], have you been incarcerated in a detention center, jail, or prison for violating the terms of court-ordered supervision? |
from REO |
C45 |
What is the total time you have spent in incarceration since [RA MONTH YEAR]? If less than 1 month, please record 1 month. Include any incarceration for any reason. |
New; Developed by Mathematica |
D01 |
Since [RA], have you received any services from [NEXTGEN PROGRAM] or participating in any [NEXTGEN PROGRAM] activities? |
We will use these items to describe treatment group members’ satisfaction with the intervention. |
D02a |
Would you say [NEXTGEN PROGRAM] helped you very much, somewhat, a little or not at all with setting career goals? 1. VERY MUCH 2. SOMEWHAT 3. A LITTLE 4. NOT AT ALL |
Adapted from the Pathways to Careers Evaluation |
D02b |
Would you say [NEXTGEN PROGRAM] helped you very much, somewhat, a little or not at all with getting information about job opportunities? 1. VERY MUCH 2. SOMEWHAT 3. A LITTLE 4. NOT AT ALL |
Adapted from the Pathways to Careers Evaluation |
D02c |
Would you say [NEXTGEN PROGRAM] helped you very much, somewhat, a little or not at all with getting a job? 1. VERY MUCH 2. SOMEWHAT 3. A LITTLE 4. NOT AT ALL |
from BEES |
D02d |
Would you say [NEXTGEN PROGRAM] helped you very much, somewhat, a little or not at all with having a trusted person to turn to for job-related advice? 1. VERY MUCH 2. SOMEWHAT 3. A LITTLE 4. NOT AT ALL |
D03 |
Overall, how would you rate your experience at [NEXTGEN PROGRAM]? Would you say it was very good, good, fair, or poor? 1. VERY GOOD 2. GOOD 3. FAIR 4. POOR |
from BEES |
D04 |
Are you still receiving any services from [NEXTGEN PROGRAM] or participating in any [NEXTGEN PROGRAM] activities? |
We will use these items to describe the reasons why treatment group members may have stopped engaging in the intervention. |
D05 |
What was the primary reason you (did not participate / stopped going) to [NEXTGEN PROGRAM]? Was it… 1. You didn’t have transportation or had issues with transportation 2. You were incarcerated 3. You didn’t have the time 4. You got a job 5. You moved 6. You were expecting a child 7. You had child care problems 8. You had health problems or an injury 9. A family member became ill 10. You had pressure from your family 11. You did not like the program 12. You did not like or get along with the program staff 13. You no longer wanted to find employment 14. You completed the [NEXTGEN PROGRAM] program, or 99. Some other reason? (SPECIFY: __________) |
from BEES |
E01 to E07 |
Respondent's contact information |
from BEES |
These items collect contact information for the respondent and for additional contacts who might be able to reach the respondent. We will use these items to locate respondents for follow-up surveys. |
E08 to E10 |
Contact information for up to three additional contacts |
from BEES |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Mathematica Standard Report Template |
Author | Sclark |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-05-03 |