Appendix G.1. NextGen Project recruitment materials

Appendix G.1. NextGen Project recruitment materials.pdf

OPRE Evaluation: Next Generation of Enhanced Employment Strategies Project [Impact, Descriptive, and Cost Studies]

Appendix G.1. NextGen Project recruitment materials

OMB: 0970-0545

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Appendix G.1. NextGen Project recruitment materials
G1.1. Bridges parent flyer
G1.2. Bridges student flyer
G1.3. Individual Placement and Support for Adults with Justice-Involvement (IPS JI)
appointment reminder
G1.4. IPS JI marketing flyer
G1.5. IPS JI recruitment flyer
G1.6. IPS JI video storyboard
G1.7. IPS JI social media messages
G1.8. Families Achieving Success Today (FAST) marketing flyer
G1.9. FAST recruitment flyer
G1.10. FAST outreach letter
G1.11. Western Mass MOMS marketing flyer
G1.12. Philadelphia Workforce Inclusion Network services (Philly WINs) marketing flyer
G1.13. Philly WINs recruitment flyer
G1.14A. Bridges 18th birthday mailer card
G1.14B. Bridges 18th birthday mailer letter
G1.15. Bridges end of study letter

OMB No.: 0970-0545
Expiration Date: 04/30/2023

Invitation to Apply for a Free Program: Bridges from School to Work
The high school student in your
household may be eligible to participate
in the Bridges from School to Work
(Bridges) program for free. Bridges is a
program for 17-22 year olds with
Individualized Education Programs
(IEPs) or 504 Plans. Bridges helps
young adults with disabilities find real
jobs with real wages. The program

intensive assistance with getting and
keeping a job;
mentoring and guidance for up to
one year after job placement;
career counseling;
skills training;
work site tours and mock interviews;
job searches leading to connections
with local employers; and
help with applications and résumés.

Over 30 years, Bridges has helped
20,000 young adults get jobs in 12 U.S.
major cities. Bridges is a nonprofit
organization established in 1989 by the
Marriott family. The program is
nationally recognized and respected for
its history of helping young adults with
disabilities succeed in the workforce.
Bridges is participating in a federally
funded research study known as the
NextGen Project. Bridges is included
in the NextGen Project because of its
long track record of helping young
adults find and keep jobs that match
their skills, interests, abilities, and age.
These jobs are not subsidized jobs,
summer employment, internships, or
temporary labor.

What is the NextGen Project?
The NextGen Project, or the Next Generation of Enhanced Employment Strategies Project,
aims to identify promising programs to help people find and keep employment and become
independent. It is a collaboration among several organizations. It is being funded by the
Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) at the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services. The Social Security Administration (SSA) is also a partner on
the project.
OPRE has asked a research organization called Mathematica to conduct a study of Bridges
as part of the NextGen Project. The study will compare the outcomes of two groups of
students. One group will be served by the Bridges program; the other group will be students
who don’t receive Bridges services. By comparing the outcomes of the two groups, the study
will evaluate the usefulness of Bridges. If the student in your household is interested in
Bridges and meets the program’s eligibility requirements, he or she can participate in the
study. Study participants will be randomly assigned by a computer to one of the two study
groups. One group of participants will be offered a spot in Bridges, while the other group
will not. Both participant groups will participate in the study, as described on the next page.


How does the NextGen Project work?
What is involved in study participation? Study requirements are the same for both
participant groups. To begin, a Bridges staff person called an Employer Representative will
help study participants take a survey. This will take less than a half hour. Over the next two
years, Mathematica will contact study participants in both groups twice to learn about their
experiences, about 9 and 21 months from now. Each survey will take about 50 minutes and
study participants will receive gift cards for taking each survey. A few study participants
may be asked to take part in a more in-depth interview about their experience with Bridges.
Additionally, Mathematica will examine study participants’ employment outcomes, earnings,
and receipt of disability benefits. Study participation is completely voluntary, participants
can choose not to participate at any time, and can choose not to respond to any questions
which they do not feel comfortable answering.
How does the NextGen Project decide who gets Bridges services? A computer
program will randomly assign study participants to one of two groups: the group that will
receive Bridges services, and the group that will not. There is a 50/50 chance that each
study participant will be assigned to the group that receives Bridges services. Nothing the
study participant says or does will affect his or her chances of being randomly selected to
receive Bridges. Mathematica and the OPRE have a reputation for carrying out studies like
this in a way that is fair and respectful for all participants. All students will be fully informed
of the study design before becoming a study participant.
What if my student is not randomly assigned to a spot in Bridges? Your student will
still be a NextGen study participant and receive the surveys. He or she will be free to seek
services from other community providers to help with employment or training. We will
supply a list of service providers for consideration. In addition, these study participants will
receive a gift card from the Bridges program to help them get started with their job search.
How will the NextGen Project keep data secure and private? If the student in your
household becomes a study participant, his or her data and information will be used for
program administration and research only. We will keep all information secure, unless the
law requires otherwise, or unless you request a release of your child’s information in writing.
Study participant names will not appear in any public report or be used in any personally
identifiable way.

How does my student sign up?
For the student in your household to participate in the study and potentially receive
Bridges services, we will need his or her consent, as well as yours if the student is under
18. If your student is under 18, please review the attached parental consent form that
elaborates on the information here and provides additional details about the study.
To learn more or ask questions, email us at [EMAIL ADDRESS] or call us at
The purpose of this information collection is to evaluate innovative programs serving individuals facing challenges to employment and economic independence to expand
the evidence base. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0545 and the expiration date is 04/30/2023. If you have
any comments on this collection of information, please contact Mathematica at [email protected].


OMB no.: 0970-0545
Expiration date is 04/30/2023


Transforming the Lives of Young Adults [with Disabilities] through the Power of a Job.

Ready for a Job?
You may be eligible to enroll in Bridges, a program that helps you find jobs that match
your strengths and interests. Bridges guides and supports young adults through the
application and interview process and helps them succeed in the workforce.

Contact Bridges if you …


[OR 504 PLAN]


Bridges from School to Work is part of a research study.
Participation in the study is voluntary and you can stop
participating at any time. Participation in the study does not
guarantee that you will receive Bridges services.
For more information, call or email [Contact Name]:


[email protected]

123 Street Address
City Name, XX 00000

The purpose of this information collection is to evaluate innovative programs serving individuals facing challenges to employment and economic independence
to expand the evidence base. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the
requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0545 and the expiration
date is 04/30/2023. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact Mathematica at [email protected].

OMB No.: 0970-0545
Expiration Date: 04/30/2023

Grand Lake Mental Health Center (GLMHC) NextGen Enrollment
Your meeting with [RC name] to sign up for the NextGen study and free
employment services is scheduled for:
at [time] am/pm
Please bring the following to your meeting:
1. Your Social Security Number
2. The addresses and phone numbers of all places you might be
staying over the next few months
3. The contact information for some family or friends
If you have questions or need to reschedule your meeting, please call [or
text] [RC name] at [phone number].
Directions to [location] if driving: [directions]

Directions to [location] if using public transportation: [directions]

The purpose of this information collection is to evaluate innovative programs serving individuals facing challenges to employment and economic independence to expand the evidence base. An
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0545 and the expiration date is 04/30/2023. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact Mathematica at
[email protected].

OMB No.: 0970-0545
Expiration Date: 04/30/2023

If so, the NextGen study may be a good fit for you!
What services could you get by participating in the study?
 You may be eligible to participate in a study called
NextGen that offers free employment services
through The Grand Lake Mental Health Center
(GLMHC). These services could help you find a job.
 If you participate in the study, you may be eligible to
receive other services you might need from GLMHC
like mental health treatment and housing assistance.
 Everyone who participates will get employment
services, but different people will get different
services. Which type of services you get will be
decided randomly—like flipping a coin. If you
participate in the study, we will also ask you for
permission to collect some information about you.

Grand Lake Mental Health
Center serves residents of
Rogers County. Their mission is
to create a welcoming,
supportive and positive
environment, in which an array
of effective and efficient
trauma-informed, integrated
services will promote an
improved quality of life for
consumers, communities and
each other. They provide a
range of services, including
employment services.

Who can participate in the study and get employment services?
You may be eligible for the study if you:
1. Have been involved with the justice system in the past
2. Are at least 18 years old
3. Are interested in working at a job in the Rogers
County area and are not employed now (other than
odd jobs that don’t guarantee weekly hours)
4. Are allowed to work according to probation, parole, or
other court-ordered rules

The purpose of this information collection is to evaluate innovative programs serving individuals facing challenges to employment and economic independence to expand
the evidence base. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0545 and the expiration date is 04/30/2023. If you have
any comments on this collection of information, please contact Mathematica at [email protected].

OMB No.: 0970-0545
Expiration Date: 04/30/2023

Invitation to Apply for Free Employment Services at
Grand Lake Mental Health Center
You may be eligible to participate in a study that offers free employment services
through Grand Lake Mental Health Center (GLMHC). The study, known as the NextGen
Study, is comparing two approaches for helping people with justice involvement get and
keep a job. The two approaches are called:

Individual Placement and Support (IPS) and,


Local Employment Programs (LEP).

If you join the study, you will receive free employment services through one of these

More about Grand Lake Mental Health Center (GLMHC)
GLMHC serves the Rogers County community. Their mission is to create a
welcoming, supportive and positive environment, in which an array of
effective and efficient trauma-informed, integrated services will promote an
improved quality of life for consumers, communities and each other. In

service of this mission, GLMHC provides a range of services, including
employment services.
How does the NextGen Study work?

Study participants will be randomly assigned by a computer (like flipping a coin) to one of
two study groups. One group will receive IPS services and the other group will receive LEP
services. By comparing how many people in each group get jobs and the kinds of jobs they
get, the study will evaluate which approach works better. If you participate in the study, we
will also ask you for permission to collect some information about you.

What is the IPS approach?
If you are assigned to the IPS group you will:

Work with someone called an IPS specialist to find a job in the community that
fits your interests and skills. The IPS specialist will help you create a resume,
prepare for the interview, and build other skills for your job search.


Get support dealing with issues that may come up in the workplace once you
have a job.


Get mental health services and other supportive services from GLMHC.

What is the LEP approach?
If you are assigned to the LEP group you will:

Work with a trained staff member at GLMHC to connect with employment
resources in the community such as help with resume writing, access to a
computer for online job searches, and career counseling. Some of these services
may also be provided directly by GLMHC.


Get mental health services and other supportive services from GLMHC.

Who can join the study?
To join the study, you must:
1. Have been involved with the justice system in the past year
2. Be at least 18 years old
3. Be eligible for services at GLMHC; GLMHC will help you figure this out
4. Be interested in working at a job in the Rogers County area and not be employed
now (other than odd jobs that don’t guarantee weekly hours)
5. Be allowed to work according to probation, parole, or other court-ordered rules
Some other rules may apply as well.

How do I sign up to be in the study and receive free employment services?
To be in the study, you will need to
meet with someone from GLMHC
called a research coordinator. The
research coordinator will tell you
more about the employment services
and make sure you qualify for the
study. The research coordinator will
then help you schedule a meeting at
GLMHC where you will enroll in
GLMHC’s employment services and
the study. If you are currently at a
correctional facility, the enrollment
meeting at GLMHC will happen once
you are released.
The purpose of this information collection is to evaluate innovative programs serving individuals facing challenges to employment and economic independence to
expand the evidence base. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0545 and the expiration date is 04/30/2023. If you
have any comments on this collection of information, please contact Mathematica at [email protected].

OMB No.: 0970-0545
Expiration Date: 04/30/2023

For jails: Are you interested in working when you
are released? Many people coming out of jail find
it hard to get a job. But, [Name of MHC] can help!
For probation and parole offices: Have you
recently been released on parole or ordered to
probation and want to work now? Many people
with justice system involvement find it hard to
get a job. But, [Name of MHC] can help!
For homeless/mental health/drug courts: Have
you recently been ordered to serve an alternative
sentence—such as a community sentence or one
from a drug court or mental health court—and
want to work while serving your sentence?
[Name of MHC] can help!
For RICCA: Have you recently been released from
jail or prison or been ordered to serve an
alternative sentence—such as a community
sentence or one from a drug court or mental
health court? Do you want to work now? [Name
of MHC] can help!

Slow motion, blurred video clip of African
American woman and white man walking.
Text animates in with voiceover. In each of the
two examples provided here, the second slide
shows that the first line of text would appear
first, and the second line of text (“[Name of MHC]
can help!” will appear next, as it is spoken.

OMB No.: 0970-0545
Expiration Date: 04/30/2023

[Name of MHC] provides mental health and
employment services to people living in the
[insert area] area.

Researchers are running a study at [name of
MHC] to understand which services work best for
helping people who are coming out of the justice
system and looking for work.

Possibly insert image of site exterior or logo.
Video clips each play for 4-5 seconds.

OMB No.: 0970-0545
Expiration Date: 04/30/2023

Everyone who participates in the study will get
employment services free of cost, but different
people will receive different types of
employment services. Which types of services
you get will be decided randomly—like flipping a

No matter which employment services you get, if
you are part of the study, you might also be able
to get other services like mental health treatment
or housing assistance.

If you participate in the study, we will ask you for
permission to collect some information about
you--through surveys and other sources.

Text animates in with voiceover
Still images on screen for 3-4 seconds each with
motion and transitions.

Video clip of two women speaking in
survey/assistance role.

OMB No.: 0970-0545
Expiration Date: 04/30/2023

Transitions to clip of woman and man speaking
looking at a document.

Right now, the researchers are looking for people
to participate in the study.

To be part of the study you must be:
• At least 18 years old
• Eligible for services at [site name]
• Allowed to work according to probation,
parole, or other court rules
• For jails: Interested in working at a job
in the [insert area] area when you are
released, and
• For all others: Interested in working at a
job in the [insert area] area, and
• For jails: Ready to enroll in the study
within a year of your release
• For probation/parole offices: Ready to
enroll in the study within a year of being
ordered to probation or parole
• For RICCA: Enrolled at RICCA within a
year of leaving jail or prison or being
referred there by a court or probation
• For homeless/mental health/drug courts:
Ready to enroll in the study within a year
of your order to serve an alternative

OMB No.: 0970-0545
Expiration Date: 04/30/2023

Your ability to participate in the study also
depends on whether you have received or
applied for disability benefits as an adult and
whether you are awaiting a hearing or trial that
could result in jail or prison time.

Video clip of a man looking thoughtful

For jails: Your jail time does not have to be a
barrier to employment! If you are interested in
working after your release, let [name of MHC
center] help.
For RICCA and probation/parole offices: Your
involvement in the justice system does not have
to be a barrier to employment! If you are
interested in working, let [name of MHC center]

Starts with text transitioning in—

OMB No.: 0970-0545
Expiration Date: 04/30/2023

[Video testimonial of a person who had
involvement with the justice system and received
employment support and other services that
allowed them to be successful. It will likely be
placed here and may include a brief introduction
to provide context.]
You can learn more about whether you qualify
for the study and how to enroll by [site specific

The purpose of this information collection is to evaluate innovative programs serving individuals facing challenges to employment and economic independence to expand the
evidence base. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0545 and the expiration date is 04/30/2023. If you have any comments on
this collection of information, please contact Mathematica at [email protected].

Social Media Marketing Messages for the NextGen Study of Individual Placement and
Support for Adults with Justice Involvement



Opportunity to get free employment services! Do you have recent involvement with the justice
system? Did you want to work in the [INSERT GEOGRAPHIC AREA]? If so, the NextGen study may
be a good fit for you! Click here [INSERT LINK TO VIDEO OR RECRUITMENT FLIER] for more
Opportunity to get free employment services! Do you know someone with recent involvement
with the justice system and who wants to work in the [INSERT GEOGRAPHIC AREA]? If so, the
NextGen study may be a good fit for them! Click here [INSERT LINK TO VIDEO OR RECRUITMENT
Opportunity to get free employment services! Do you work with people with recent
involvement with the justice system and who want to work in the [INSERT GEOGRAPHIC AREA]?
If so, the NextGen study may be a good fit for them! Click here [INSERT LINK TO VIDEO OR

[insert WFS logo]
OMB No.: 0970-0545
Expiration Date: 04/30/2023

What services can you get?
 Ramsey County is participating in a study called the NextGen Project, which will provide
valuable information for the future of Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP)
programming for yourself and other MFIP participants.
 The study will compare two ways of providing services. As a participant of the study, you will
either continue getting services from your current provider or be reassigned to the Families
Achieving Success Today—FAST—program. Which program you get will be decided
randomly—like flipping a coin.
 FAST offers employment and mental health services, along with other support services,
through Workforce Solutions of Ramsey County and Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota.
Someone will work one-on-one with you to find a job that is a good fit for you. You can also
access mental health services for yourself and your children, and get help finding health
 No matter which services you receive, you will receive gift cards to thank you for taking two
brief surveys about your experiences.

Who can participate in the NextGen Project?
You may be eligible if you:
1. Receive MFIP benefits and live in Ramsey County
2. Are at least 18 years old and can communicate
with your service provider in English
3. Have a disability or medical challenge or care for
someone else in your household who has a
disability or medical challenge
 Participation in the study is voluntary and you can
stop participating at any time. Participation in the study does not guarantee that you will
receive FAST services.

 Contact [FILL NAME], at [FILL EMAIL ADDRESS] or call [FILL PHONE NUMBER] to ask
questions and learn about the next steps.
 You can also let your case manager know you are interested, and a study enrollment
coordinator will contact you to set up a telephone meeting.
The purpose of this information collection is to evaluate innovative programs serving individuals facing challenges to employment and economic independence to expand
the evidence base. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0545 and the expiration date is 04/30/2023. If you have
any comments on this collection of information, please contact Mathematica at [email protected].

[insert WFS logo]

OMB No.: 0970-0545
Expiration Date: 04/30/2023

Invitation to Apply for Free, Personalized Employment and Health
Services in Ramsey County
You may be eligible to participate in a study called the NextGen Project that offers free
employment and mental health services through Ramsey County Workforce Solutions
and Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota. The NextGen Project is studying the Families
Achieving Success Today (FAST) program. This opportunity is available to people who
receive Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) benefits and meet the FAST
eligibility criteria.
By participating in the study, you will help collect valuable information for the future of
MFIP programming for yourself and others.

How does the NextGen Project work?
The NextGen Project will compare the employment outcomes of two groups of participants.
One group will receive FAST services and the other group will stay with their assigned MFIP
community provider in Ramsey County. Study participants will be randomly assigned by a
computer (like flipping a coin) to one of the two study groups. By comparing the outcomes
of the two groups, the study will evaluate which approach works better.

What is the FAST program?
If you are randomly assigned to the FAST group you will:

Work with a Family Stabilization Services (FSS) coordinator to set and make progress
toward goals.


Work with a career navigator to find a job in the community that fits your interests and
skills. The career navigator will help you create a resume, prepare for job interviews,
and talk with employers about your interests and goals.


Get mental health treatment for yourself and your children, health insurance, and other
supportive services, if needed.


Get support once you have a job to address concerns that may come up in the workplace.

If you are not randomly assigned to the FAST group, you will stay with your usual MFIP
provider and can continue to receive services available in your community.
No matter which services you receive, you will receive gift cards to thank you for taking
two surveys about your experiences.

Who can participate in the NextGen Project?
You may be eligible if you:
1. Receive MFIP benefits and reside in Ramsey County, Minnesota
2. Are at least 18 years old and can communicate with your service provider in English
3. Have a disability or medical challenge or care for someone else in your household
who has a disability or medical challenge
Some other rules may apply as well.
Participation in the study is voluntary and you can stop participating at any time.
Participation in the study does not guarantee that you will receive FAST services.

How do I sign up?
To have an opportunity to enroll in the FAST program,
you will first need to have a one-on-one telephone
meeting with a study enrollment coordinator. The
study enrollment coordinator will tell you more about
the FAST program and the NextGen Project. The
coordinator will also make sure you qualify for the
study. As long as you qualify and are interested, the
coordinator will then enroll you in the study.
To learn more, ask questions, or take the next step to sign up, email the study
enrollment coordinator, [FILL NAME], at [FILL EMAIL ADDRESS] or call [FILL PHONE
You can also let your case manager know you are interested, and a study enrollment
coordinator will contact you to set up a telephone meeting.
The purpose of this information collection is to evaluate innovative programs serving individuals facing challenges to employment and economic independence to expand the
evidence base. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0545 and the expiration date is 04/30/2023. If you have any comments on
this collection of information, please contact Mathematica at [email protected].

Hello, (name)!
My name is (name). You were recently referred to me by (MFIP counselor) at (organization) because
you are eligible for an opportunity to enroll in Ramsey County’s NextGen Project, which is a study
designed to evaluate different MFIP programs in the county. Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota is leading
the enrollment process for NextGen, and that’s where I come in.
I tried to contact you at (number(s)) and (email) but have not been able to connect. I would love to tell
you about the NextGen Project and, if you’re interested in the opportunity, complete the enrollment
over the phone, which takes about 45 minutes.
Would you give me a call or send me an email so we can set up a time to talk? I will explain the NextGen
Project, answer any questions, and if you decide to enroll, we will go over the consent form and
complete a baseline survey. Enrolling in the NextGen Project is voluntary. If you decide to enroll, you will
receive a gift card for completing a survey about nine months after enrollment and again at 21 months
after enrollment.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Receive gift cards for study participation!

Manage your stress and
connect with others!
Are you a caregiver who feels stressed out by daily life or parenting?
When you enroll in the NextGen study you will have a 50/50 chance of being
offered a slot in the Western Mass MOMS PartnershipSM stress management
Western Mass MOMS Provides:
Classes with other caregivers facing
similar challenges, where participants
learn skills to manage stress
Advice, resources, and services to help
you progress in your career
Staff—experts and peers—to help
connect you to resources in the
Classes held in-person in Springfield and
Holyoke, childcare provided; virtual
option available; receive $25 for each
class attended
If you are not selected for Western Mass MOMS, you
will still be connected to resources in the community.

You may be eligible
if you:
Identify as a woman or
Are aged 18 or older
Are pregnant or care for at
least one child who is
younger than 18
Are feeling stressed, sad,
lonely, overwhelmed
or isolated

Thank you for considering our research study!
For more information or to schedule an enrollment:

Call or text

[email protected]

The purpose of this information collection is to evaluate innovative programs serving individuals facing challenges to employment. An agency may not conduct
or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless
it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0545 and the expiration date is 04/30/2023. If you have any comments on this collection
of information, please contact Mathematica at [email protected].


Philly WINs

Philadelphia Workforce Inclusion Network Services

A WIN for job seekers,
businesses, and

What services does Philly WINs offer?

More information


Philly WINs is part of the NextGen Project. This national study is
testing new and enhanced employment services for people facing
complex employment challenges.


Connections to well-paid, full-time jobs
Hands-on skills assessment
Help with transportation, childcare, state-issued ID,
and other resources
Ongoing support at the job site

Who is eligible?
Existing and new PA CareerLink® Philadelphia customers who meet
these conditions:
• Are aged 18 years or older and live in Philadelphia
• Have a long-lasting mental, emotional, or physical health
condition and/or a disability
• Are not receiving benefits from Social Security Administration
(SSA) or waiting on a decision from SSA

What is PA CareerLink® Philadelphia’s role?
Staff, team leads, and administrators in the PA CareerLink®
Philadelphia centers can refer existing customers who might
be eligible for Philly WINs. A Philly WINs case manager will be
co-located in the center. Stay tuned for further information about
making these referrals. New customers will be referred directly
by PA CareerLink® staff.

Philly WINs is operated by Community Integrated Services in
partnership with Transition Pathways at Drexel University. Together,
they have developed a network of employers who are committed to
providing inclusive workplaces—places that are accommodating of
employees’ health and other needs. These employers provide
well-paid, full-time job opportunities for customers who have the
right skills.
The NextGen Project will study how well Philly WINs works. To do
that, when eligible customers are identified, they will be informed
about the study and asked if they want to participate. If they do, they
will be randomly assigned to a study group using a process like a coin
flip. Half will continue to receive PA CareerLink® services as usual.
The other half will be able to receive Philly WINs services as well as PA
CareerLink ® services. Either way, anyone who signs up will receive
gift cards for participating in two surveys to share their experiences.
The NextGen Project is sponsored by the Administration for Children
and Families’ Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation and the
Social Security Administration. The study is being conducted by a
research firm called Mathematica.

The purpose of this information collection is to evaluate innovative programs serving individuals facing challenges to employment and economic independence
to expand the evidence base. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the
requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0545 and the expiration date is
04/30/2023. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact Mathematica at [email protected]

Looking for Work?

Philly WINs

Philadelphia Workforce Inclusion Network services

A WIN for job seekers, businesses, and Philadelphia

Career opportunities with well-paid, full-time jobs
$$ Incentives available for participation $$

Explore your skills and related career paths 
Access transportation, childcare, and other resources
Connect to a network of employers prepared to accommodate
workers with health and other challenges
Support through interview, hiring, training, and beyond
You may be eligible if you:

•	 Are aged 18 or older and live in Philadelphia
•	 Have a mental, emotional, or physical health condition, and/or a disability
•	 Are not receiving benefits from Social Security Administration (SSA) or waiting on a decision from SSA  

For more information, e-mail, text, or call:
[email protected]

Philly WINs is part of the NextGen study, which assesses the effectiveness of programs designed to help people find employment. This study is conducted by a
research firm called Mathematica. If you opt into the study, you might be selected to receive enhanced services and supports, but even if you are not, you can
access services through PA CareerLink®. Participating in the study is voluntary, and you can stop at any time.
The purpose of this information collection is to evaluate innovative programs serving individuals facing challenges to employment. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is
not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB
# is 0970-0545 and the expiration date is 04/30/2023. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact Mathematica at [email protected]



Best wishes from the NextGen study team on your birthday!
Here’s to another year! Because you have been so important to the study,
we want to stay in touch. See the enclosed letter about study activities.
Please let us know if you have moved, changed
phone numbers, or have a new email address.
Email [email protected] or call us at 1-800-XXX-XXXX.
The purpose of this information collection is to evaluate innovative programs serving individuals facing challenges to employment and economic independence to expand the evidence
base. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0545 and the expiration date is 04/30/2023. If you have any comments on this collection of information,
please contact Mathematica at [email protected].

OMB No.: 0970-0545
Expiration Date: 04/30/2023

As you may remember, Bridges from School to Work (Bridges) is participating in the Next Generation of
Enhanced Employment Strategies Project. Mathematica, a research organization, is conducting this
national study on behalf of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in partnership with the
Social Security Administration. The study aims to identify promising programs to help people find jobs and
become independent. Even if you did not or were not able to get services from Bridges you are still part of
the study.
When you joined the study, a parent or guardian signed a consent form that gave permission for you to
participate. Since you are now 18 years old, we wanted to send you a reminder about the study activities
that your parent/guardian approved. On the next page, we list the study activities, how the study team
protects your data, and your rights as a study participant—including how to leave the study at any time.
I would like to personally extend the study team’s gratitude for your participation in this important study. If
you have questions about the study, or if you have moved, changed phone numbers, or changed email
addresses, please contact Mathematica at [TOLL-FREE NUMBER].

Shawn E. Marsh
Survey Director

The purpose of this information collection is to evaluate innovative programs serving individuals facing challenges to employment and economic independence to expand the
evidence base. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0545 and the expiration date is 04/30/2023. If you have any comments on
this collection of information, please contact Mathematica at [email protected].

Next Generation of Enhanced Employment Strategies Project
The following activities are asked of all participants:
• Take a survey 9 months after enrollment into the study. This survey takes about 50 minutes. A $50 gift card is
sent after finishing the survey.
• Take a second survey 21 months after enrollment into the study. This survey takes about 50 minutes. A $50 gift
card is sent after finishing the survey.
• Researchers will collect information about your jobs and disability benefits from government sources.
Mathematica will contact you to take the surveys, either by telephone or online. Both surveys are voluntary. If you
decide not to participate, any help you are getting will not be affected.
If you did not receive services from Bridges, you may be able to receive them after the study ends. Bridges staff will
contact you after the study ends if they are able to offer services at that time.
The study team will collect information on your earnings from the Social Security Administration and a database
called the National Directory of New Hires. The study team will also collect information on benefits from the Social
Security Administration. We will use your name, sex, date of birth, and Social Security number to get this
information. The study team may collect this information from 2 years before to 20 years after the time you start the
study. The information will be used for research purposes only and will not be used to make decisions about whether
you get benefits or the amount of benefits you get, now or in the future.
The Social Security Administration will do more research on your earnings and receipt of disability benefits. They
will complete this research by 2040. They will use information such as your name, sex, date of birth, and Social
Security number to try to locate you in their records. They will only use your information to do research. They will
not use the information to make decisions about any benefits you receive from the Social Security Administration,
now or in the future. The Social Security Administration will not contact you directly.
The study team is dedicated to keeping your information safe. Your name will never appear in a public report and we
will never report information in a way that could be used to identify you. All information about you will be used for
research and evaluation purposes only. We will keep all information private and secure, unless the law requires
otherwise, or you request release of your information in writing.
• The researchers have a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health. With this
Certificate, no one can force the researchers to share information that might identify you. This is true even if a
court orders them to share information in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative,
or other proceedings.
• The only exception is that researchers can share that you are in the study if a law requires it. Some examples are
laws that require reporting if you tell the interviewers anything that suggests you are very likely to harm
yourself, that you are planning to hurt another person, or that someone is likely to harm you.
• Once all study data collection has been completed, all personally identifiable information collected for the study
will be destroyed from Mathematica’s servers using a secure deletion process.
What are the risks of being in the study?
• You might not like answering some survey questions. You can say no to answering any question you do not
like. You can still be in the study even if you do not answer all the questions.
• The study team will take many steps to keep all information private, but there is a small risk that someone else
could see it. The data collected will include information about your jobs and earnings.
An organization called Health Media Lab protects your rights as someone in the study.
You can leave the study at any time. To do this, please call Mathematica toll-free at [TOLL-FREE NUMBER] and
then write a message that you do not want to be in the study anymore. You can send this message to
[MATHEMATICA STAFF PERSON] at [MATHEMATICA ADDRESS]. Any information we collect about you
before you asked to leave the study will be part of the research.

OMB No.: 0970-0545
Expiration Date: 04/30/2023

Next Generation of Enhanced Employment Strategies Project
Thank you for participating in the Next Generation of Enhanced Employment Strategies Project,
being conducted by Mathematica on behalf of the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services in partnership with the Social Security Administration. The thoughts, perspectives, and
experiences you have shared with us so far are invaluable as we develop our understanding of
programs that are most effective in helping people find jobs and become independent. The
information we uncover through this research will better inform the Department of Health and
Human Services and the Social Security Administration as they work to strengthen services and
better serve young adults.
Although Mathematica has completed survey data collection, further research may be conducted
by Mathematica or the Social Security Administration (using information the agency collects to
administer disability and retirement benefits) through 2040. The Social Security Administration
will not contact you directly, and they will not use the information to make decisions about any
benefits you receive, now or in the future. Your name will never be included in any study
Please note that you can leave the study at any time. To do this, please call Mathematica at
609-799-3535 and then write a message that you do not want to be in the study anymore. You
can send this message to [MATHEMATICA STAFF PERSON] at [MATHEMATICA
ADDRESS]. Any information we collect about you before you asked to leave the study will be
part of the research.
Thank you again for your assistance with this important study. If you have questions about the
study, please contact Mathematica at [TOLL-FREE NUMBER].

Shawn E. Marsh
Survey Director

The purpose of this information collection is to evaluate innovative programs serving individuals facing challenges to employment and economic independence to expand the
evidence base. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0545 and the expiration date is 04/30/2023. If you have any comments on
this collection of information, please contact Mathematica at [email protected].

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Title2. Marketing and recruitment - Bridges student flyer.pdf
File Modified2022-04-28
File Created2022-04-28

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