Published 60-Day FRN

1660-NW133 - Published 60 Day-FRN New (Main) 2022 01 25.pdf

Generic Collection for Civil Rights and Equity

Published 60-Day FRN

OMB: 1660-0154

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 25, 2022 / Notices

telephone 202–475–3528, or fax 202–
372–8405, for questions on these

Public Participation and Request for
This notice relies on the authority of
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995;
44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq., chapter 35, as
amended. An ICR is an application to
OIRA seeking the approval, extension,
or renewal of a Coast Guard collection
of information (Collection). The ICR
contains information describing the
Collection’s purpose, the Collection’s
likely burden on the affected public, an
explanation of the necessity of the
Collection, and other important
information describing the Collection.
There is one ICR for each Collection.
The Coast Guard invites comments on
whether this ICR should be granted
based on the Collection being necessary
for the proper performance of
Departmental functions. In particular,
the Coast Guard would appreciate
comments addressing: (1) The practical
utility of the Collection; (2) the accuracy
of the estimated burden of the
Collection; (3) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of
information subject to the Collection;
and (4) ways to minimize the burden of
the Collection on respondents,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
In response to your comments, we
may revise this ICR or decide not to seek
an extension of approval for the
Collection. We will consider all
comments and material received during
the comment period.
We encourage you to respond to this
request by submitting comments and
related materials. Comments must
contain the OMB Control Number of the
ICR and the docket number of this
request, [USCG–2022–0042], and must
be received by March 28, 2022.

khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES

Submitting Comments
We encourage you to submit
comments through the Federal
eRulemaking Portal at https:// If your material
cannot be submitted using https://, contact the person
CONTACT section of this document for
alternate instructions. Documents
mentioned in this notice, and all public
comments, are in our online docket at and can be
viewed by following that website’s
instructions. Additionally, if you go to
the online docket and sign up for email

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alerts, you will be notified when
comments are posted.
We accept anonymous comments. All
comments received will be posted
without change to https:// and will include
any personal information you have
provided. For more about privacy and
submissions in response to this
document, see DHS’s eRulemaking
System of Records notice (85 FR 14226,
March 11, 2020).


Information Collection Request
Title: The Great Lakes Pilotage.
OMB Control Number: 1625–0086.
Summary: The Office of Great Lakes
Pilotage is seeking an extension of
OMB’s current approval for Great Lakes
Pilotage data collection requirements for
the three U.S. pilot associations it
regulate. This extension would require
continued submission of data to an
electronic collection system and Form
CG–4509. This system is identified as
the Great Lakes Pilot Management
System which replaced the manual
paper submissions used to collect data
on bridge hours, vessel delay, vessel
cancellation, pilot travel and
administration, revenues, pilot
availability, and related data. This
extension ensures the required data is
available in a timely manner and allows
immediate accessibility to data crucial
from both an operational and ratemaking standpoint.
Need: To comply with the statutory
and regulatory requirements respecting
the rate-making and oversight functions
imposed upon the agency.
Forms: CG–4509, Application for
Registration as United States Registered
Respondents: The three U.S. pilot
associations regulated by the Office of
Great Lakes Pilotage and members of the
public applying to become Great Lakes
Registered Pilots.
Frequency: Daily, Weekly, Monthly,
Quarterly, Semi-annually, Annually, On
occasion; frequency dictated by marine
traffic levels and association staffing.
Hour Burden Estimate: The estimated
burden increased to 1,214 hours a year.
This increase is an update due to
increased traffic on the Great Lakes and
better record keeping in the past four
years. The information requested from
the respondents has not changed.
Authority: The Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995; 44 U.S.C. chapter 35, as


Dated: January 19, 2022.
Kathleen Claffie,
Chief, Office of Privacy Management, U.S.
Coast Guard.
[FR Doc. 2022–01407 Filed 1–24–22; 8:45 am]

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Federal Emergency Management
[Docket ID: FEMA–2022–0006; OMB No.

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request; Generic Clearance
for Civil Rights and Equity
Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Department of
Homeland Security.
ACTION: 60-day notice and request for
The Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), as part of
its continuing effort to reduce
paperwork and respondent burden,
invites the general public to take this
opportunity to comment on a new
information collection. In accordance
with the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995, this notice seeks comments
concerning FEMA’s collection of
demographic characteristics of those
who apply for the Agency’s programs or
disaster assistance.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before March 28, 2022.
ADDRESSES: To avoid duplicate
submissions to the docket, please
submit comments at under Docket ID
FEMA–2022–0006. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
All submissions received must
include the agency name and Docket ID.
Regardless of the method used for
submitting comments or material, all
submissions will be posted, without
change, to the Federal eRulemaking
Portal at and
will include any personal information
you provide. Therefore, submitting this
information makes it public. You may
wish to read the Privacy and Security
Notice that is available via a link on the
homepage of
Brian Thompson, Supervisory
Emergency Management Specialist,
Recovery Directorate, Federal
Emergency Management Agency, 540–
686–3602, Brian.Thompson6@ You may contact the
Information Management Division for
copies of the proposed collection of
information at email address: FEMAInformation-Collections-Management@

proposes to collect demographic
information from those who apply for




khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES

Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 25, 2022 / Notices
benefits to improve its approach to
ensuring compliance with its civil
rights, nondiscrimination and equity
requirements, and obligations as
outlined in federal civil rights laws such
as Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d, Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C.
794, and the Robert T. Stafford Disaster
Relief and Emergency Assistance Act
(the Stafford Act). Such demographic
data concerning individuals who
participate in or benefit from the
Agency’s programs and activities will
increase FEMA’s ability evaluate the
accessibility and distributional equity of
their programs and then make
alterations or pivot based upon
identified areas of concern, thereby
demonstrating compliance with civil
rights laws.

obligations as outlined in federal civil
rights laws such as the Civil Rights Act,
Rehabilitation Act, and the Stafford Act.
Affected Public: Individuals or
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Responses:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 78,202.
Estimated Total Annual Respondent
Cost: $3,069,429.
Estimated Respondents’ Operation
and Maintenance Costs: $0.
Estimated Respondents’ Capital and
Start-Up Costs: $0.
Estimated Total Annual Cost to the
Federal Government: $3,814,696.

Collection of Information
Title: Generic Clearance for Civil
Rights and Equity.
Type of Information Collection: New
information collection.
OMB Number: 1660–NW133.
FEMA Forms: Under the Generic
Clearance, each Federal Emergency
Management Agency component will
submit their specific forms for the
collection of demographics. FEMA
Form: FF–256–FY–21–100, Generic
Clearance Civil Rights and Equity. The
Agency is prepared to add these
questions to the Individuals and
Households program registration, FF–
104–FY–21–123 (formerly FEMA Form
009–0–1T (English)), Tele-Registration,
Disaster Assistance Registration, FF–
104–FY–21–125 (formerly FEMA Form
009–0–1Int (English)), internet, Disaster
Assistance Registration, FF–104–FY–
21–122 (formerly FEMA Form 009–0–1
(English)), Paper Application/Disaster
Assistance Registration. The
demographic data will help the
Individuals and Households program
improve operational outcomes for
vulnerable communities by using
analysis of demographic data against
program outcomes to evaluate whether
any disparities in eligibility
determinations appear to impact
vulnerable communities. FEMA would
then use this data to determine how to
improve service delivery for all
survivors. FEMA expects a burden of no
more than 5 minutes per registration to
answer the additional questions, with
the entire estimated annual burden
outlined below.
Abstract: The Federal Emergency
Management Agency will use the
demographic characteristics collected
from applicants and beneficiaries to
assess its civil rights, nondiscrimination
and equity requirements, and

Comments may be submitted as
indicated in the ADDRESSES caption
above. Comments are solicited to (a)
evaluate whether the proposed data
collection is necessary for the proper
performance of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) evaluate the
accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of
information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(c) enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) minimize the burden
of the collection of information on those
who are to respond, including through
the use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of

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Millicent L. Brown,
Records Management Branch, Team Lead,
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer,
Mission Support, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Department of
Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. 2022–01314 Filed 1–24–22; 8:45 am]

Fish and Wildlife Service
[Docket No. FWS–R3–ES–2021–0167;

Receipt of Incidental Take Permit
Application and Proposed Habitat
Conservation Plan for the Ford Ridge
Wind Project, Ford County, Illinois;
Categorical Exclusion

Fish and Wildlife Service,


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Notice of availability of
documents; request for comment and


We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, have received an
application from Ford Ridge Wind Farm
LLC (applicant), for an incidental take
permit (ITP) under the Endangered
Species Act, for its Ford Ridge Wind
Project (project). If approved, the ITP
would be for a 6-year period and would
authorize the incidental take of an
endangered species, the Indiana bat, and
a threatened species, the northern longeared bat. The applicant has prepared a
habitat conservation plan that describes
the actions and measures that the
applicant would implement to avoid,
minimize, and mitigate incidental take
of the Indiana bat and northern longeared bat. We request public comment
on the application, which includes the
applicant’s proposed habitat
conservation plan (HCP), and on the
Service’s preliminary determination that
this HCP qualifies as ‘‘low-effect,’’
categorically excluded under the
National Environmental Policy Act. To
make this determination, we used our
environmental action statement and
low-effect screening form, both of which
are also able for public review.
DATES: We will accept comments
received or postmarked on or before
February 24, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Document availability:
Electronic copies of the documents
this notice announces, along with
public comments received, will be
available online in Docket No. FWS–
R3–ES–2021–0167 at http://
Comment submission: In your
comment, please specify whether your
comment addresses the proposed HCP,
draft environmental action statement, or
any combination of the aforementioned
documents, or other supporting
documents. You may submit written
comments by one of the following
• Online:
Search for and submit comments on
Docket No. FWS–R3–ES–2021–0167.
• By hard copy: Submit comments by
U.S. mail to Public Comments
Processing, Attn: Docket No. FWS–R3–
ES–2021–0167; U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service; 5275 Leesburg Pike, MS: PRB/
3W; Falls Church, VA 22041–3803.
Kraig McPeek, Field Supervisor,
Illinois-Iowa Ecological Services Field
Office, by email at kraig_mcpeek@ or telephone at 309–757–5800,
extension 202; or Andrew Horton,
Regional HCP Coordinator, Interior



File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2022-01-25
File Created2022-01-25

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