Trade-offs and Synergies in Designing for Resilience and Sustainability

NIST Generic Clearance for Community Resilience Data Collections

Instrument Trade-offs and Synergies in Designing for Resilience and Sustainability

Trade-offs and Synergies in Designing for Resilience and Sustainability

OMB: 0693-0078

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Trade-offs and Synergies in Designing for Resilience and Sustainability
OMB Control # 0693-0078 Expiration Date 7/31/2022

You were selected to participate in this study given your professional expertise. In this project you will answer questions and
generate individual concept maps that represent your understanding of relative trade-offs and synergies in designing for
resilience and sustainability.
Your responses will lead to greater clarity across these domains that are both critical to increasingly cost-effective strategies for
mitigating damage from extreme disturbances and persistent stresses, such as extreme weather events and continued climate
change impacts. In this study you will be asked questions about your background, field of expertise, and understanding of
resilience and sustainability concepts. Please know that there are no right or wrong answers to any of these questions, we just
want your experience and opinions.
The concept mapping activity will take no more than one hour of your time to complete. There will be an optional focus group in
which the group’s aggregated concept map will be presented for confirmation.
If you feel uncomfortable answering any of the questions, you can skip them, or stop participation at any time. Your
participation is voluntary and without compensation. If you decide to participate in the study, you may withdraw your consent
and stop participation at any time without penalty.
Your responses will never be linked to your individual identity. Instead, findings will be attributed to characteristics associated
with your background. Information collected in this study may be shared by NIST with researchers at NIST or with researchers
outside NIST. The information that you provide may be used in future research. Any future research will include protections to
ensure that both the sharing and use of the information complies with the conditions that I just described. There are NO
KNOWN RISKS or direct benefits to you.
We hope to gain more knowledge on how sustainability and resilience are conceptualized to better guide allocation of
resources that can help researchers, practitioners, and government refine planning for future extreme weather and climate
change associated impacts.

To consent, please click “yes” and complete this brief optional survey. At the end of the survey you can schedule a
time to complete the concept mapping activity.

Yes, I would like to participate in this study
No, I decline participation

Thanks for agreeing to participate in this study! Please complete this
brief survey:

OMB Control # 0693-0078
Expiration Date 7/31/2022
A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be
subject to a penalty for failure to comply with an information collection subject to the requirements of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 unless the information collection has a currently valid OMB Control Number. The
approved OMB Control Number for this information collection is 0693-0078. Without this approval, we could not
conduct this information collection. Public reporting for this information collection is estimated to be approximately
eight minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering
and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the information collection. All responses to this
information collection are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this
information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden to the National Institute of Standards and
Technology at: 100 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, Attn: Dr. Jennifer Helgeson, Associate Program Manager
for the NIST Community Resilience Program, NIST Engineering Laboratory; or contact at [email protected].

In your own words define RESILIENCE. Please write a short

In your own words please define SUSTAINABILITY. Please write a
short definition.

Please provide up to 10 keywords for resilience and/or
sustainability (Please add a minimum of five keywords).
Keyword 1

Keyword 2

Keyword 3

Keyword 4

Keyword 5

Keyword 6

Keyword 7

Keyword 8

Keyword 9

Keyword 10

Please organize your keywords into the following categories
(you can drag and drop)

» Keyword 1

Relevant to Sustainability

» Keyword 2
» Keyword 3
» Keyword 4
» Keyword 5
» Keyword 6

Relevant to Resilience

» Keyword 7
» Keyword 8
» Keyword 9
» Keyword 10

Relevant to both Resilience and

Which of the following statements do you agree with most?
Select only one.
Resilience of the system is necessary, but not sufficient, for sustainability
Resilience of the system is sufficient, but not necessary, for sustainability
Resilience of the system is neither necessary nor sufficient for sustainability
Resilience is both necessary and sufficient for sustainability

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?


Systems that are resilient may not be sustainable


Systems that are not resilient are not sustainable


Systems that are not sustainable may be resilient




Which of the following diagrams most accurately describes the relationship between resilient and sustainable
(Notes: R
= Resilient systems;  S = Sustainable systems)

None of the above (Please explain)

Please confirm your preferred email address:

Which of the following categories most accurately describes
your current position(s)? Select all that apply
Student (undergraduate)
Student (Graduate)
Teaching/Research Assistant
Postdoctoral Researcher
Adjunct Professor
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Full Professor
Private Industry
Government (Federal)
Government (State)
Government (Local)
Other (Please specify):

Click to write the question text
Performing arts



Visual arts

Social work




Engineering and

Languages and



Environmental studies and


Earth science


Space science


Family and consumer


Human physical
performance and


Computer science

Journalism, media studies,
and communication



Library and museum



Medicine and health


Architecture and design

Military sciences

Political science

Urban planning / Town





Other (Please specify)


How many years have you been working on issues related to
resilience and/or sustainability? (Enter a number)

Please explain how your work is related to resilience and/or

How much of your work do you consider to be interdisciplinary
in nature? (interdisciplinary indicates that you work with at

least one person from another discipline, or the work
produced blurs lines between disciplines)
None at all
A little
A moderate amount
A lot
A great deal

What spatial scale does the majority of your work address?
Please select one.
single building
single infrastructure system
building clusters
local/municipal level
state or territory
Other (Please provide additional details):

Please provide some examples of how you apply principles of
sustainability and resilience in your personal life?

Do you belong to a professional organization with a focus on
resilience and/or sustainability?
If yes, please list them below. 

In which region of the world have you spent the majority of
your adult life (18+ years of age)?

Please enter dates and times that work best for you to
complete the concept mapping activity (We will follow up on
that with you to schedule a short meeting).
Available option 1

Available option 2

Available option 3

Available option 4

Available option 5

Thank you for your time and participation. If you would like a
copy of your responses emailed to you, please click “yes”

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2021-10-21
File Created2021-10-21

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