No.: 75F40120P00437
OMB Control No. 0910-0697
Expiration Date: 12/31/2023
Survey to Determine Euthanasia Practices and Use of Pentobarbital Among Veterinarians Practicing in the United States
A quantitative survey of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) members will be conducted to gauge practitioner understanding of euthanasia methods and gathering information for decision-making considerations for choice of euthanasia method by species, and recommendations made (or not) for disposal of the resulting carcass.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0910-0697 and the expiration date is 12/31/2023. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 10 minutes, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to [email protected].
(Web greeting will be on the opening survey page with the title of the survey and the AVMA’s logo)
Thank you for participating in this AVMA survey. Your feedback is important to us and will help us determine additional needs for information and options around euthanasia and carcass disposal that we hope will assist you as you practice.
This survey is being conducted by the AVMA in collaboration with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (FDA CVM). Individual responses will be kept secure to the extent permitted by law, and only group statistics are compiled and included in reports. Your responses to demographic questions may be used to update your profile in the AVMA’s database.
Should you have questions, please contact the AVMA by emailing Laura Pikel at [email protected].
Hidden values: AVMAID, MemberTypeID, Graduation date, Age, Preferred State, Gender, Employment Type
[Show Q1 to all respondents]
Which of the
following species do you euthanize? (Select all
that apply)
Bison/Cattle (Beef &
Equids (horses,
mules, donkeys)
Small exotics (birds,
pocket pets, pot-bellied pigs,
Farmed avian (poultry,
Food fish
Rodents (purpose bred
for research)
Non-human primates
Do not euthanize
animals [Skip to non-euthanasia use of
pentobarbital section, Q5-Q5c and
Please indicate which of the
following euthanasia methods you use (Select all
that apply):
Anesthetic Overdose
(Other than
MgSO4 or
Gas (e.g.
Carry Forward Selected Choices from "Which of the following species do you euthanize? (Select all that apply)"
When you euthanize, how often do you choose ${lm://Field/1} for the following species when performing euthanasia? (Rarely = < 25%, Sometimes = 25-75%, Often = > 75%)
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Sheep/Goats |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Bison/Cattle (beef & dairy) |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Equids (horses, mules, donkeys) |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Swine |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Dogs/Cats |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Small exotics (birds, pocket pets, reptiles) |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Farmed avian (poultry, waterfowl) |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Camelids |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Food fish |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Ornamental fish |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Rodents (purpose bred for research) |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Non-human primates |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Wildlife |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Zoo animals |
o |
o |
o |
o |
This Question: If
Please indicate which of the following euthanasia methods you use?
(Select all that apply) = Pentobarbital
If a food animal species (e.g. cattle (beef/dairy), sheep/goat, poultry etc.) is considered a family pet, how often are you likely to utilize pentobarbital for euthanasia of that animal?
( ) Often (>75% of the time)
( ) Sometimes (25-75% of the time) ( ) Rarely (<25% of the time)
( ) Never
Do you ever use pentobarbital agents for indications other than euthanasia? ( ) Yes
( ) No
Display This Question:
If Do you ever use pentobarbital agents for indications other than euthanasia? = Yes
5a. For which species do you utilize pentobarbital agents for indications other than euthanasia? (Select all that apply)
Bison/Cattle (beef & dairy) Equids (horses, mules, donkeys) Swine
Small exotics (birds, pocket pets, pot-bellied pigs, reptiles) Farmed avians (poultry, waterfowl)
Camelids/Cervids Food fish Ornamental fish
Rodents (purpose bred for research) Non-human primates
This Question: If
Do you ever use pentobarbital agents for indications other than
euthanasia? = Yes
Forward Selected Choices from "For which species do you utilize
pentobarbital agents for indications other than euthanasia? (Select
all that apply)"
5b. For what other indications do you utilize pentobarbital agents other than euthanasia for? (Select all that apply for each species)
Anesthesia |
Seizures |
Sedation |
Tranquilizer |
Other |
Sheep/Goats (xx1) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Bison/Cattle (beef & dairy) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Equids (horses, mules, donkeys) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Swine |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Dogs/Cats |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Small exotics (birds, pocket pets, pot-bellied pigs, reptiles) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Farmed avian (poultry, waterfowl) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Camelids/Cervids |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Food fish |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Ornamental fish |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Rodents (purpose bred for research) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Non-human primates |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Wildlife |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Zoo animals |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
This Question: If
Other is selected in Q5b.
[Show if used pentobarbital]
When utilizing pentobarbital for euthanasia, which route of administration do you use (select all that apply)? ( ) Intracardiac
( ) Intrahepatic ( ) Intraosseous
( ) Intraperitoneal/Intracoelomic ( ) Intrarenal
( ) Intravenous ( ) Oral
( ) Other (please specify)
This Question: If
Please indicate which of the following euthanasia methods you use?
(Select all that apply) = Pentobarbital
When using a pentobarbital product for euthanizing the following species, what dosage do you use? (Select all that apply)
How often do you utilize;${lm://Field/1} for the following species when performing euthanasia? (Loop 1: Pentobarbita...) Q3 species selected - Often Is Selected
Or How often do you utilize ${lm://Field/1} for the following species when performing euthanasia? (Loop 1: Pentobarbita...) Q3 species selected - Sometimes Is Selected
Or How often do you utilize ${lm://Field/1} for the following species when performing euthanasia? (Loop 1: Pentobarbita...) Q3 species selected - Rarely Is Selected
1 mL per 10 pounds |
Less than 1 mL per 10 pounds |
Greater than 1 mL per 10 pounds |
Sheep/Goats |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Bison/Cattle (beef & dairy) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Equids (horses, mules, donkeys) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Swine |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Dogs/Cats |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Small exotics (birds, pocket pets, pot- bellied pigs, reptiles) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Farmed avian (poultry, waterfowl) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Camelids/Cervids |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Food fish |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Ornamental fish |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Rodents (purpose bred for research) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Non-human primates |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Wildlife |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Zoo animals |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Display This Question:
If Please indicate which of the following euthanasia methods you use? (Select all that apply) = Pentobarbital
When using
pentobarbital, which available product(s) do you use? (Select all
that apply)2
Beuthanasia-D Special (Merck Animal
Combuthal Powder
(Biomeda Animal Health
Euthasol® (Virbac AH,
(Med-Pharmex, Inc.)
Euthanasia-III Solution
(Covetrus North
Euthanasia Solution
Pharmaceuticals Ltd.)
Pharmaceuticals Ltd.)
VET one® Euthanasia
Pentobarbital Sodium
and Phenytoin Sodium (Akorn Animal
Health, Inc.)
Pentobarbital sodium Injection (Covetrus North
Socumb™ (Henry
Schein Animal
Somnopentyl Injection
(Intervet Inc.)
Other (Specify)
often do you utilize;${lm://Field/1} for the following species when
performing euthanasia? (Loop 1: Pentobarbita...) Q3 species selected
- Often Is Selected Or
selected - Sometimes Is
Selected Or
selected - Rarely Is
When utilizing pentobarbital for euthanasia for the following species, how often do you pre-anesthetize/deeply sedate with an injectable agent prior to administering pentobarbital? (Rarely = < 25%, Sometimes = 25-75%, Often = > 75%)
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Sheep/Goats |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Bison/Cattle (beef & dairy) |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Equids (horses, mules, donkeys) |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Swine |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Dogs/Cats |
o |
o |
o |
Small exotics (birds, pocket pets, pot-bellied pigs, reptiles) |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Farmed avian (poultry, waterfowl) |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Camelids/Cervids |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Food fish |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Ornamental fish |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Rodents (purpose bred for research) |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Non-human primates |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Wildlife |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Zoo animals |
o |
o |
o |
o |
How often do you utilize;${lm://Field/1} for the following species when performing euthanasia? (Loop 1: Pentobarbita...) Q3 species selected - Often Is Selected
Or How often do you utilize ${lm://Field/1} for the following species when performing euthanasia? (Loop 1: Pentobarbita...) Q3 species selected - Sometimes Is Selected
Or How often do you utilize ${lm://Field/1} for the following species when performing euthanasia? (Loop 1: Pentobarbita...) Q3 species selected - Rarely Is Selected
When utilizing pentobarbital for euthanasia for the following species, how often do you pre-anesthetize with gaseous anesthesia prior to administering pentobarbital? (Rarely = < 25%, Sometimes = 25-75%, Often = > 75%)
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Often |
Sheep/Goats |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Bison/Cattle (beef & dairy) |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Equids (horses, mules, donkeys) |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Swine |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Dogs/Cats |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Small exotics (birds, pocket pets, pot-bellied pigs, reptiles) |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Farmed avian (poultry, waterfowl) |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Camelids/Cervids |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Food fish |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Ornamental fish |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Rodents (purpose bred for research) |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Non-human primates |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Wildlife |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Zoo animals |
o |
o |
o |
o |
This Question: If
Please indicate which of the following euthanasia methods you use?
(Select all that apply) = Pentobarbital
When using a pentobarbital agent for euthanasia, who is responsible for the carcass after euthanasia? (select all that apply)
( ) Client
( ) Veterinarian ( ) Facility
( ) Depends on circumstances
How often do you utilize;${lm://Field/1} for the following species when performing euthanasia? (Loop 1: Pentobarbita...) Q3 species selected - Often Is Selected
Or How often do you utilize ${lm://Field/1} for the following species when performing euthanasia? (Loop 1: Pentobarbita...) Q3 species selected - Sometimes Is Selected
Or How often do you utilize ${lm://Field/1} for the following species when performing euthanasia? (Loop 1: Pentobarbita...) Q3 species selected - Rarely Is Selected
Which of the following methods are you aware of for the disposal of remains following pentobarbital euthanasia for
? (Select all that apply for each species)
Rendering |
Burial |
Incinerator |
Biodigester |
Composting |
Other |
Sheep/Goats |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Bison/Cattle (beef & dairy) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Equids (horses, mules, donkeys) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Swine |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Dogs/Cats |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Small exotics (birds, pocket pets, pot-bellied pigs, reptiles) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Farmed avian (poultry, waterfowl) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Camelids/Cervids |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Food fish |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Ornamental fish |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Rodents (purpose bred for research) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Non-human primates |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Wildlife |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Zoo animals |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
This Question: If
Other is selected in Q12.
[Show if used pentobarbital]
Which of the following methods do you use or recommend for the disposal of remains following pentobarbital euthanasia for [insert species from Q2]: (select all that apply for each species) [Only show options selected in Q12]
Rendering |
Burial |
Incinerator |
Biodigester |
Composting |
Other |
Sheep/Goats |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Bison/Cattle (beef & dairy) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Equids (horses, mules, donkeys) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Swine |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Dogs/Cats |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Small exotics (birds, pocket pets, pot-bellied pigs, reptiles) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Farmed avian (poultry, waterfowl) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Camelids/Cervids |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Food fish |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Ornamental fish |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Rodents (purpose bred for research) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Non-human primates |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Wildlife |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Zoo animals |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
This Question: If
Other is selected in Q13.
How often do you utilize;${lm://Field/1} for the following species when performing euthanasia? (Loop 1: Pentobarbita...) Q3 species selected - Often Is Selected
Or How often do you utilize ${lm://Field/1} for the following species when performing euthanasia? (Loop 1: Pentobarbita...) Q3 species selected - Sometimes Is Selected
Or How often do you utilize ${lm://Field/1} for the following species when performing euthanasia? (Loop 1: Pentobarbita...) Q3 species selected - Rarely Is Selected
When utilizing pentobarbital agent(s), where is the euthanasia performed? (Select all that apply for each species)
In a clinic |
On client’s property |
Wilderness |
Mobile clinic |
Other |
Sheep/Goats |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Bison/Cattle (beef & dairy) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Equids (horses, mules, donkeys) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Swine |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Dogs/Cats |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Small exotics (birds, pocket pets, pot-bellied pigs, reptiles) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Farmed avian (poultry, waterfowl) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Camelids/Cervids |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Food fish |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Ornamental fish |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Rodents (purpose bred for research) |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Non-human primates |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Wildlife |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
Zoo animals |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
▢ |
This Question: If
Other is selected in Q14.
Communication between veterinarian and client
15. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Strongly Disagree |
Disagree |
Neither Agree nor Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly Agree |
The method of euthanasia is explained to my client, to help ensure disposal of the carcass is appropriate |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
I advise my clients on disposal based on euthanasia technique and species |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
I am familiar with local and state laws surrounding use of pentobarbital for euthanasia and carcass disposal |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
I am familiar with federal laws surrounding use of pentobarbital for euthanasia and carcass disposal |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
Please indicate how often you communicate with your client(s):
Never |
Someti mes |
About half the time |
Most of the time |
Alway s |
I don’t use pentobarbital |
That the use of pentobarbital to euthanize animals is a concern for relay toxicosis to wildlife and other species |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
That the use of pentobarbital to euthanize animals raises a concern for rendering the carcass |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
That disposal methods available for animals euthanized with pentobarbital can contaminate the soil and/or water |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
How often do you utilize;${lm://Field/1} for the following species when performing euthanasia? (Loop 1: Pentobarbita...) Q3 species selected - Often Is Selected
Or How often do you utilize ${lm://Field/1} for the following species when performing euthanasia? (Loop 1: Pentobarbita...) Q3 species selected - Sometimes Is Selected
Or How often do you utilize ${lm://Field/1} for the following species when performing euthanasia? (Loop 1: Pentobarbita...) Q3 species selected - Rarely Is Selected
Have you or your clients experienced issues (e.g., weather, environmental concerns, local restrictions, renderer refusal) regarding the disposal of carcass remains following pentobarbital euthanasia of the following species?
Yes |
No |
Sheep/Goats |
▢ |
▢ |
Bison/Cattle (beef & dairy) |
▢ |
▢ |
Equids (horses, mules, donkeys) |
▢ |
▢ |
Swine |
▢ |
▢ |
Dogs/Cats |
▢ |
▢ |
Small exotics (birds, pocket pets, pot-bellied pigs, reptiles) |
▢ |
▢ |
Farmed avian (poultry, waterfowl) |
▢ |
▢ |
Camelids/Cervids |
▢ |
▢ |
Food fish |
▢ |
▢ |
Ornamental fish |
▢ |
▢ |
Rodents (purpose bred for research) |
▢ |
▢ |
Non-human primates |
▢ |
▢ |
Wildlife |
▢ |
▢ |
Zoo animals |
▢ |
▢ |
This Question: If
Yes is selected in Q5b.
If you have experienced issues with disposal of animals euthanized with pentobarbital, please describe.
[Show if Age is blank in the data file]
For statistical purposes, what is your age?
Please indicate the type of
community you work in:
Do you have any additional comments that you were not able to convey throughout this survey? [Open-ended]
Euthanasia Methods and
Pentobarbital Use Survey
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Karen Flayhart |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-07-11 |