TPP Performance measures Technical Assistance Survey

Fast Track Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

TPPPM TA Support Survey with Emails and Instructions

TPP Performance measures Technical Assistance Survey

OMB: 0990-0379

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Form Approved

OMB No. 0990-0379

Exp. Date 08/31/2023

OAHPM Support Survey

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0990-0379. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, to review and complete the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OS/OCIO/PRA, 200 Independence Ave., S.W., Suite 336-E, Washington D.C. 20201, Attention: PRA Reports Clearance Officer

  1. Invitation email

Hello TPP grantees,

We invite you to complete a short survey (about 10 minutes) to help evaluate the technical assistance we provide to help you submit your performance measures to OPA. As OAHPM Support nears three years of providing you with technical assistance, we would like to know how we are doing and how we can improve our services. The survey requests your feedback on the help desk (email and telephone assistance), online live events via webinar and office hours, and online tools and written materials. Please submit your completed survey by Month Day, 2022.

Below is your link to the survey.


Your responses will only be saved when you click on the “Next” and “Submit” button. You may also complete a portion of the survey and then return to the link to finish at a later time. Should you have any further questions on how to complete the survey, please contact Imogen Fua at [email protected] or (301) 881 2590 x 272

We thank you for your time and look forward to your survey responses.


OAHPM Support


  1. Thank you for completing the survey

Hello TPP grantee,

Thank you, we have received your OAHPM Support Survey. We look forward to improving our services based your feedback.


OAHPM Support


  1. One week later after invitation letter to those who have not completed the survey.

Hello TPP grantee,

We would like to remind you to complete the OAHPM Support Survey. This short survey (about 10 minutes) will help us evaluate our technical assistance efforts in helping you to submit your performance measures to OPA. The survey involves getting your feedback on the help desk (email and telephone assistance), online live events via webinar and office hours, and online tools and written materials. Please submit your completed survey by Month Day, 2022.

Below is your link to the survey.


Your responses will only be saved when you click on the “Next” and “Submit” button. You may also complete a portion of the survey and then return to the link to finish at a later time. Should you have any further questions on how to complete the survey, please contact Imogen Fua at [email protected] or (301) 881 2590 x 272

We thank you for your time and look forward to your survey responses.


OAHPM Support


  1. End of two weeks after invitation letter to those who have not completed the survey.

Hello TPP grantee,

We still have not received your survey and we would like to hear from you! We would like to extend the deadline one more week to give you the opportunity to give us your feedback on our technical assistance efforts. This short survey (about 10 minutes) involves getting your feedback on the help desk (email and telephone assistance), online live events via webinar and office hours, and online tools and written materials. Please submit your completed survey by Month Day, 2022.

Below is your link to the survey.


Your responses will only be saved when you click on the “Next” and “Submit” button. You may also complete a portion of the survey and then return to the link to finish at a later time. Should you have any further questions on how to complete the survey, please contact Imogen Fua at [email protected] or (301) 881 2590 x 272

We thank you for your time and look forward to your survey responses.


OAHPM Support

Instructions: Please help us evaluate and improve the services OAHPM Support provides by completing this survey. This survey should take about 10 minutes to complete, and your responses will be completely anonymous. Your responses are saved when you click on the “Next” or “Submit” button. You may also complete a portion of the survey and return to finish it at a later time.

  1. Have you contacted OAHPM Support for any technical assistance? □ No □ Yes

1a. If yes, please rate the technical assistance you received from OAHPM Support below.


Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

Technical assistance contact returned my emails or phone calls in a timely manner.

Technical assistance contact was respectful and professional.

Technical assistance contact was knowledgeable.

Technical assistance contact resolved my issue in a timely manner.


1b. Please describe any issues or challenges you experienced with technical assistance from OAHPM Support. Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

  1. Please rate the live online technical assistance events conducted by OAHPM Support.


I have not attended this event

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

I find the webinar(s) helpful in understanding what data to enter.

I find the webinar(s) helpful in understanding how to enter data in

The live online office hours where I was able to ask my specific questions were helpful.

2a. Are there any other topics that you would like OAHPM Support to address during these live online technical assistance events?


  1. Please rate the technical assistance tools created to help you in submitting your performance measures data.


I have not used this tool

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

I find the User Guide helpful in understanding what data to enter.

I find the User Guide helpful in understanding how to enter data in

The Section Data Tracker is helpful.

The tutorial videos on are helpful.

3a. Please describe any issues or challenges you experienced with these technical assistance tools. Do you have any suggestions for improvement?


3b. Are there any other topics you would like OAHPM Support to address in these technical assistance tools?


  1. What part(s) of the system would you like more tools or technical assistance on?

Yes, more tools and technical assistance

Creating or accessing user account and adding users within my organization.

Entering Grantee data

Entering Section data

Shape5 Other:

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorImogen Fua
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-06-24

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