Tree Testing of HRSA's MCHB Website

Fast Track Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery


Tree Testing of HRSA's MCHB Website

OMB: 0990-0379

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Form Approved 

OMB No. 0990-0379 

Exp. Date  08/31/2023 

MCHB Tree Testing Script (Test Instrument)

Welcome Message

Thank you for participating in HRSA/MCHB’s website study. 

This activity will take you 15 to 20 minutes to complete. 

Your response will help us understand how to organize the content on our website and make it more useful for you.  


Here's how it works:

You will be asked to find a certain item and presented with a list of links.

  1. Click through the list until you arrive at one that you think helps you complete the task.

  2. If you take a wrong turn, you can go back by clicking one of the links above.

  3. This is not a test of your ability, there are no right or wrong answers.

That's it, let's get started!

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0990-0379. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to:  U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OS/OCIO/PRA, 200 Independence Ave., S.W., Suite 336-E, Washington D.C. 20201, Attention: PRA Reports Clearance Officer. 





Success Metric


Program-specific information

You are currently participating in an MCHB grant program and need to review information about your program. Where would you expect to find a page covering your program?

Programs and Impact > Programs > Program Page


Upcoming grants

You would like to know which funding opportunities will be opening over the next three months. Where would you expect to find a list of upcoming opportunities?

Funding > Grants Forecast


Title V Information System

You are a part of a maternal and child health organization that is interested in learning more about the state priorities set through partnerships from the Title V program. You know this data can be found in the Title V Information System (TVIS). Where would you expect to find a link to the TVIS?

Data & Research > Title V Information System (TVIS)


MCHB’s strategic goals and objectives

You are a part of a maternal and child health organization that is interested in learning more about MCHB’s strategic goals. Where would you expect to find this information?

About Us > Mission, Vision, and Work


Open funding opportunities

You are a part of an organization that works to improve maternal and child health across the nation. You want to know which MCHB grants are currently accepting applications. Where would you go to find a list of these grants?

Funding > Find Funding


Capacity building resources

You are a current awardee and want to find what kinds of resources MCHB's technical assistance centers may hold. Where would you expect to find these resources?

Capacity Building Resources > Search Resources


Programs and Impact > Programs > Program Page > Program Resources


Publications coming out of the National Survey of Children’s Health

You are a researcher who is interested in exploring the results of the National Survey of Children’s Health, including any research papers and journal articles based on the newest available data. Where would you expect to find a list of research papers and journal articles pertaining to the National Survey of Children’s Health?

Data & Research > National Survey of Children’s Health > Publications and Presentations


How MCHB impacts MCH through focus areas

You are a part of a maternal and child health organization that is interested in learning more about MCHB’s overall approach and efforts around mental health. Where would you expect to find this information?

Programs and Impact > Focus Areas > Mental and Behavioral Health


MCHB-funded areas of research

You are a researcher and are interested in learning about which maternal and child health research networks MCHB invests in. Where would you expect to see a breakdown of MCHB-funded research networks?

Data & Research > Research Investments


State-level information from the Discretionary Grant Information System

You are a current awardee that needs to report information into the Discretionary Grant Information System (DGIS) and you need to track down a reporting form for a specific population you are working with. Where would you expect to find this form?

Data & Research > Discretionary Grant Information System (DGIS) Reporting > State Page


Information about a specific funded research project.

You are researcher at your local university and you heard of a research project done through MCHB that is in your field of study. Where would you expect to find detailed information about a specific MCHB funded research project?

Data & Research > Search Funded Projects > Project Page

Data & Research > Research Investments


Information about current grantees

You are part of an organization that focuses on improving maternal and child health. You want to learn more about who MCHB’s existing grantees are, as there may be opportunities for collaboration. Where would you expect to find this list of existing grantees?

Funding > Awarded Grantees

Post-Task Question

This question will be asked after each completed task to give participants an opportunity to explain their reasoning.

  1. Why did you expect to find it here?

Post-Study Questions

  1. What tasks were particularly easy?

  2. What tasks were particularly difficult?

  3. Were there any terms that you didn’t understand? If so, what were they?

  4. Any other comments that you’d like to share?


All done, awesome! Thanks again for your participation. Your feedback is incredibly useful in helping to determine how our content should be organized, so we can make our website easier to use.

You may now close this window or navigate to another web page.

Information Architecture

Main Navigation

  • Home

  • Funding

    • Find Funding

    • Awarded Grantees

    • Grants Forecast

    • Challenge Competitions

  • Programs & Impact

    • Programs

      • Program Page

    • Focus Areas

      • Infant Health

      • Early Childhood Health

      • Child and Adolescent Health

      • Maternal Health

      • Mental and Behavioral Health

      • Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs

      • Building MCH Leaders and the MCH Workforce

    • Fact Sheets & Infographics

  • Data & Research

    • Overview

    • National Survey of Children’s Health

      • Participants

      • Publications and Presentations

      • Questionnaires, Datasets, and Supporting Documents

    • Research Investments

    • Search Funded Projects

      • Project Report Page

    • Title V Information System (TVIS)

    • Discretionary Grants Information System

      • State Page

    • Home Visiting Performance Reporting and Evaluation

    • Grantee Publications

  • Capacity Building Resources

    • Overview

    • Search Resources

  • About Us

    • Mission, Vision, and Work

    • How We Approach the Work

    • History of MCHB

    • Divisions

      • Division Page

    • Careers

      • Become a Grants Reviewer

      • Maternal and Child Health Careers

    • Staff

Utility Navigation

  • Search

  • Sitemap

Footer Navigation / Quick Links

  • National Survey of Children’s Health

  • Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Block Grant

  • Home Visiting

  • Healthy Start

  • Contact

  • Social Media Links

Test Screenshots

Image 1: Welcome Message

Image 2: Instructions

Image 3: Task 1

Image 4 – Task 1 post-task question

Image 5 – Task 2

Image 6 – Task 2 post-task question

Image 7 – Task 3

Image 8 – Task 3 post-task question

Image 9 – Task 4

Image 10 – Task 4 post-task question

Image 11 – Task 5

Image 12 – Task 5 post-task question

Image 13 – Task 6

Image 14 – Task 6 post-task question

Image 15 – Task 7

Image 16 – Task 7 post-task question

Image 17 – Task 8

Image 18 – Task 8 post-task question

Image 19 – Task 9

Image 20 – Task 9 post-task question

Image 21 – Task 10

Image 22 – Task 10 post-task question

Image 23 – Task 11

Image 24 – Task 11 post-task question

Image 25 – Task 12

Image 26 – Task 12 post-task question

Image 27 – Post-test question 1

Image 28 – Post-test question 2

Image 29 – Post-test question 3

Image 30 – Post-test question 4

Image 31 – Thank you message

File Typeapplication/zip
AuthorJeanette Stair
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-06-24

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