04112022 - Attachment 3 - DoT Concept Testing Online Focus Group Guide - CLEAN

Fast Track Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

04112022 - Attachment 3 - DoT Concept Testing Online Focus Group Guide - CLEAN

OMB: 0990-0379

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Moderator’s Guide

HRSA Online Focus Groups Concept Testing

Introduction (5 minutes)

Thank you for participating. My name is _____________, and I’ll be moderating our discussion today. I appreciate the time that each of you is taking to attend this group, and I look forward to hearing from you.

I am required by law to report to you the OMB Control Number for this public information request. That number is 0915-0379 which expires xx. I am also required to read you the following statement: [Insert final OMB Statement]

As was discussed in the informed consent form, I am working on this project for a government agency called the Health Resources and Services Administration. This agency shares information related to organ donation. The purpose of this session is to improve materials on this topic.

Before we begin, I would like to start with some ground rules for our discussion today:

  • As a reminder, this discussion is being recorded. That will help me to make sure that I accurately reflect what everyone says here when I write my report. However, nothing that you say will be attributed to you by name. I also want to remind you that other people are observing this discussion.

  • Did everyone understand the informed consent form? Do you have any questions about this form? [Answer all questions, and then proceed]

  • The purpose of our discussion is to hear your opinions. I want to hear everything you have to say, both positive and negative. There are no wrong answers. It’s important for me to know if there’s something you don’t understand or like.

  • Everyone’s participation today is important. Part of my job as moderator is to make sure we get a chance to hear from everyone. So, at times, I may call on you, or ask you to shorten your remarks so someone else has the chance to speak.

  • I have a set of questions that I need to get through. There may be times when I need to move us on to another topic or to focus us on specific topics so that we end on time.

  • This is a group discussion, so you don’t need to wait for me to call on you to speak. Please feel free to respond directly to other people’s thoughts and ideas. However, please speak only one person at a time, and address your comments to the entire group.

  • Does anyone have any questions before we get started?

  1. We appreciate your input. To get started, why don’t we start by introducing ourselves to one another? Please tell us your first name (not your last name), where you live, and one thing you like to do for fun. Who would like to start?

Review Materials: Initial Reactions (15 minutes)

Today we are going to review some materials on organ donation. Some of you are registered as organ donors, and some are not. We’re not here to try to change that. Today we want to better understand how you react to messages about organ donation. All of us—when we see or hear or read messages—react to them in different ways. Some reactions are things that we notice—we laugh, or frown. Some we may not notice unless we are paying very close attention—our heart rate might change or we start thinking about something that reminds us of what we are seeing.

What I want us to spend most of our time today doing is paying very close attention to how we react to things—in this case, to messages on organ donation. We’re going to spend pretty much the entire time reacting to such messages.

I have a series of materials I want to show you. I’ll show each item and give everyone time to review it on their own, and then I will launch a survey with a series of five questions. Please answer the questions using a scale from 1 to 7. “1” will mean the least or the smallest amount of what is being asked about; “7” will mean the highest or greatest amount of what is being asked about. If you have any questions about this, please let me know. Remember: We just want your honest opinions. As we go along, please try to answer for each item individually, as if you had not seen any of the prior examples. Make sure you scroll down to answer all the questions.

I’ll ask everyone to answer silently on their own. Once we’ve finished reviewing all the items, we will talk about them as a group. No one will see your individual answers, so please answer honestly.


Survey Questions

Response Choices

How effective was this item at getting your attention?

1 – Not at all effective






7 – Very effective

How much did you like this item?

1 – Not at all






7 – A great deal

How interested did this make you in living organ donation?

1 – Not at all interested






7 – Very interested

How relevant is this item to you?

1 – Not at all relevant






7 – Very relevant

How much does this item make you want to learn more?

1 – Not at all






7 – Very much

Now that everyone has completed the poll, please type a few words in the chatbox to describe what you think about this item. [MODERATOR TO TYPE INTO CHATBOX NAME OF ITEM BEING TESTED PRIOR TO ANY RESPONSES] [REPEAT FOR EACH]

Review Items: More Detailed Reactions (50 minutes)

Now that we’ve reviewed all the items, let’s talk about them in a little more detail. We will go over them again one at a time. [REPEAT FOR EACH ITEM. MATCH INITIAL ORDER.]

  • Overarching concept 1

  • Overarching concept 2

  • Overview video storyboard

  • Social media content

  • Infographic

Let’s go through each of these items in more depth now.

  1. What are your reactions to this item? Why?

  1. What’s appealing? Or, what do you like about it?

  1. What could be improved? Or, what don’t you like about it?

  1. In your own words, what was this about? Is that important to you?

  1. Was the information clear? Credible? Culturally and linguistically accurate?

  1. What did you think of the design of the item, or how it looks?


    1. Attention

    2. Liking

    3. Interest

    4. Relevancy

    5. Wanting to learn more

  1. If you were going to make this item better, what would you change? Why?


Discuss Materials (15 minutes)

Now that you have seen several different materials on living organ donation. Let’s talk about them as a group.

  1. Let’s start by comparing the two concepts. Which did you prefer? Why?

  1. Overall, what stood out for you as you reviewed the materials? What was the most helpful or useful information?

  1. Were the materials what you were expecting? Why or why not?

  1. What questions do you have about living donation? Do these materials address those questions?

  1. After seeing these materials, would you want to learn more on this topic? Why or why not?

  1. What would you do if you encountered these materials in real life? Would you share any of these items with someone else? Why or why not?

  1. Are you likely to do anything different as a result of seeing these materials? Why or why not?

    1. Would you feel compelled to consider becoming a living organ donor? Why or why not?

  1. Now think about our entire discussion. What’s one thing you learned about living donation as a part of this conversation?

Closing Comments (5 minutes)

This has been a great discussion.


  1. Do you have any final thoughts, comments, or questions on this topic?

This completes our discussion. For more information on organ donation, please visit organdonor.gov. Thank you again for your help with this important project!


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleDoT Discussion Guide
AuthorChristine Brittle, Ph.D.
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-07-04

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