1810-0687 FY 2022_Sec_7003_Appl_Insturctions _Clean 6.23.22 (002)

Impact Aid Program – Application for Section 7003 Assistance

1810-0687 FY 2022_Sec_7003_Appl_Insturctions _Clean 6.23.22 (002)

OMB: 1810-0687

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OMB NO. 1810-0687








Phone: 202-260-3858

Email: [email protected]

DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m. EST, January 31, 2023

Table of Contents

The Impact Aid Section 7003 Program

Section 7003 grants are for local educational agencies (LEAs) that educate Federally connected children. These may be the children of members of the uniformed services, children who live on Indian lands, children who live on Federal property or certain types of Federally subsidized low rent housing, and children whose parents work on Federal property. Section 7003 grants include supplemental payments for certain categories of Federally connected children who receive special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

We recommend that you review the authorizing statute (Section 7003 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act) and regulations (34 CFR Part 222), as they provide detailed eligibility requirements, definitions of terms, and the specific requirements of various sections of the law.

Eligibility Thresholds

Basic Eligibility Threshold – In order to receive an Impact Aid payment, an LEA must have at least 400 or 3% eligible Federally connected children in average daily attendance (ADA).

Additional Eligibility Threshold: To receive a payment for children who only reside on Federal property (other than low rent housing) or only work on Federal property, your LEA must have at least 1,000 in or 10 percent of these children in ADA. This is an additional threshold to the 400 or 3% in ADA for the other categories of children.

Who May Apply

Any LEA that serves significant proportions of Federally connected children may apply for assistance.

When to Apply

Deadline—The deadline for submitting this electronic application is:

11:59 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Tuesday, January 31, 2023.

How to Apply

You must submit this application using the Impact Aid Grant System which is available on the Internet at TBD URL. If you are not already a registered user, you must register on this web site to begin application process. Whether you are a new user or have used this web site in the past, we encourage you to log on to the site and familiarize yourself with it at your earliest convenience, and to complete the application process well before January 31, 2023.

Ask For Help

Contact the Impact Aid Program by clicking the Ask for Help button at the top of the application page if you have questions about these instructions.

Mandatory Forms

Your application must contain all mandatory information, including:

  • LEA Applicant Information

  • Membership and Average Daily Attendance

  • Heavily Impacted Tax Rate Certification Form (You must upload this form if you check the box on the cover page indicating that you wish to apply for heavily impacted funding)

  • Housing Undergoing Renovation or Rebuilding Contact Information (Must be uploaded at time of application submission for LEAs that have military installation or Indian housing undergoing renovation or rebuilding)

  • Expenditures for CWD ONLY IF DISPLAYED

  • Applicants that have US Department of Education Schools in their LEAONLY IF DISPLAYED

  • Fiscal Report on Expenditures of all Construction Related Funds and AccountsONLY IF DISPLAYED

  • Federally Connected Children

    • Board Approved Indian Policies and Procedures (IPPs) (must be board approved after 2/1/2022); OR

    • IPP Waivers – waivers will only be accepted at the time of application.

  • Electronically signed Section 7003 Full Assurances

Late Applications—Applications that are incomplete after January 31, 2023 (e.g. missing documentation) but are completed before March 31, 2023 will receive payments for that fiscal year with a 10% late penalty. Applicants that file between February 1, 2023 and March 31, 2023 will receive payments for that fiscal year reduced by 10%.

Amendments— LEAs may amend their application to modify and update their applications until June 30, 2023. If you are amending your application to include additional students, those students must be enrolled in your school district as of the survey date.

Special Section 7003 Application Note—An LEA newly established by the State that is in its first year of operation may apply for section 7003 assistance for both FY 2023 and FY 2024 using this application. Newly established LEAs may apply for FY 2024 using current year data. If you believe that your school district meets these very narrow requirements, you should submit a letter with your application requesting consideration for FY 2023 and 2024 funding. The deadline for the few new districts applying for FY 2024 assistance under this exception is also January 31, 2023.

Cover Page

If your LEA has applied for Impact Aid in previous years, most of the items on the cover page will be copied from your LEA’s application from last year. If any of this information has changed or is missing, make the necessary corrections before submitting this year’s application. New applicants must provide the requested information on the cover page and at a minimum complete every field with an asterisk.

Survey DateEnter the date that the first membership survey was taken.

Survey Forms or Source Check – Select one or both boxes to indicate how you collected information on the Federally connected children in membership.

Impact Aid Number – If you have applied for Impact Aid before, this number should display.

PR/Award Numbers If you have applied for Impact Aid before, this number should display.

Applicant Name and AddressYour LEA’s name and address will be displayed as they are listed in the Impact Aid information system. The name should be your LEA’s legal name and the address should be the mailing address of your school district offices.

Contact PersonThe Contact Person information you provide should be for the person on your LEA’s staff who is most knowledgeable about this application and the data used to create it. Please verify the email address. If you need to change the contact person, you can do this from your LEA’s record.

Section 7003(b)(2) Heavily Impacted Districts—Check this box only if your LEA qualifies as a heavily impacted district. Only a very select few LEAs meet the percentage of Federally connected students in ADA, the per-pupil expenditure (PPE) and tax rate requirements.

If you are applying for funding under section 7003 (b) (2), you must select the box on the first page AND submit a copy of the Heavily Impacted Tax Rate Certification Form. You should contact your state educational agency (SEA) for assistance obtaining the data necessary to complete the form. The form must be signed and certified by the person who is providing the data.

  1. Enter the name of the LEA

  2. Enter the LEA’s Impact Aid number

  3. For school year 2020-2021enter the LEA’s:

    • Mill levy for current expenditures

    • Mill levy for debt service

    • Mill levy for capital outlay

    • Total mill levy

  4. For school year 2020-2021 enter the State’s average:

    • Mill levy for current expenditures

    • Mill levy for debt service

    • Mill levy for capital outlay

    • Total mill levy

  5. For school year 2020-2021 enter the LEA’s total average daily attendance

  6. Enter the contact information for the person entering the data including:

    • Name

    • Title

    • Signature

    • Phone Number

    • Email

Membership and ADA

Under Current Year Membership, enter, for the application’s survey date, the following:

  • The number of children enrolled in the LEA school year (SY 2023-2024) on the survey date. Do not include students for whom tuition is paid to attend schools outside the LEA.

  • The number of children for whom the LEA receives tuition payments (tuition-in).

  • The number of children for whom the LEA pays tuition to other LEAs or other educational entities (tuition out) under tuition agreements.

Average Daily Attendance – Every State except the District of Columbia has a state average attendance rate. Entering actual ADA is optional. If you do elect to complete this, choose Total ADA for the Year or Sampled ADA, and enter the required information. For Total ADA, enter the actual annual ADA for the preceding regular school year (2021-2022) of children reported on line 5 of the preceding year membership. Include tuition-out ADA; but exclude tuition-in ADA. In addition, you must upload your report indicating your ADA. You may also enter the hours of summer school attendance for the preceding school year (Summer 2020), by checking the appropriate box, if your LEA offered summer school. In order to calculate summer school ADA, you must also enter the number of days in the regular school year. For Sampled ADA, download the template and enter the days you have sampled. Upload the completed form in order to use sampled ADA.

Housing Undergoing Renovation or Rebuilding

This is option information that may be submitted by applicant LEAs where housing on a military installation or on Indian lands is temporarily unavailable for occupancy because it is undergoing renovation or rebuilding.

The LEA must identify the:

  1. Housing official’s first and last name

  2. Housing official’s Email address

  3. Housing official’s Phone number

You will find this form by checking the Housing Renovation box on the left side of the screen. If you are providing information for more than one military installation, add an explanation at the bottom of the screen with the additional contact information.

Expenditures for Children with Disabilities (CWD)

If your LEA received a payment for children with disabilities on last year’s application you must complete Table 7. The majority of this information will come from the LEA’s annual financial report.

Line 1. – Report additional expenditures for educational services for all children with disabilities beyond standard educational costs (e.g., ramps and accessible rest rooms, additional administrative costs, assessment costs, counselors or social workers, special teachers, etc.). Do not include expenditures for gifted and talented children or expenditures for the regular educational cost of children with disabilities.

Line 2. – Report State aid received for all current expenditures for elementary and secondary education purposes (exclude capital outlay and debt service). Include State aid for special educational programs.

Line 3. – Report all State aid received specifically for special education (exclude State aid for gifted and talented children).

Line 4. – Report total funds received from Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, U.S.C. 1400 et seq.).

Line 5. – Report any Federal or private aid received for children with disabilities not included on Lines 1 to 4 (e.g. Medicare).

Line 6. – Report the total number of children with disabilities in the LEA’s membership, both Federally connected and not Federally connected, with current signed IEPs in effect on the IDEA count date. Do not include children who have IEPs solely because they are in gifted and talented programs.

Fiscal Report on Expenditures of all Construction Related Funds and Accounts

If your LEA received construction funds under section 7007 in the preceding year you must complete Table 10.

Line 1. – Report all construction funds and accounts available for construction purposes.

Line 2. – Report all section 7007 receipts received in the preceding fiscal year.

Line 3. – Report any other funds and grants received that can be used for construction purposes.

Line 4. – Report transfers into this fund.

Line 5. – Report transfers out of this fund.

Line 6. – If your construction funds are included in your general fund, enter all expenditures except construction-related expenditures (e.g., equipment, instructional materials).

Line 7. – Report total expenditures for construction-related activities

Line 8. – Enter the total amount of debt service (do not include if it is already included on line 7).

Line 9. – In the help text, the system will calculate the total on Line 9 as:

Line 1 + Line 2 + Line 3 + Line 4 Line 5 - Line 6 - Line 7 - Line 8.

Report on Condition of Facilities

Rate the overall condition of your LEA’s facilities. Choose one selection to indicate the overall condition of your LEA’s facilities. This number should represent both the physical condition of the facilities and the ability of the buildings to meet the functional requirements of instructional programs.

Federally Connected Children

Pre-Kindergarten Children (pre-k)

You may claim pre-k children if they are Federally connected children who receive a free public education from your LEA. In addition, Federal funds other than Impact Aid (e.g., Head Start, Early Learning grants, IDEA) cannot constitute a substantial portion of the funding of the education program for these children. If you claim pre-K children, you must include all pre-K children in membership and ADA in that section.

Claiming Children

Count total children for each property only once. Indicate how many of the total children are children with disabilities, i.e. those who have an IEP or IFSP on the survey date (not gifted and talented programs).

You will be asked to categorize the Federally connected children into the following general groups ahead of entering them into the application:

  • Children residing on Indian lands (Section 7003(a)(1)(C))

  • Children whose parents are in the Uniformed Services (Section 7003(a)(1)(B) and (D)(i))

  • Children whose parents are both an accredited foreign government official and a foreign military officer (Section 7003(a)(1)(A)(ii) and (D)(ii))

  • Children who reside on Federally owned low rent housing (Section 7003(a)(1)(E))

  • Children not included in the above categories who either reside on Federal property, or whose parents work on Federal property, or both (Section 7003(a)(1)(A)(i), (F), (G)(i), and (G)(ii))

Children Residing on Indian lands

If you claim children residing on Indian lands, you must submit a copy of your current Indian Policies and Procedures (IPPs) or a waiver statement from each local tribe for the children attending your school district with your application by the application deadline. These documents must be approved and updated annually with an approval date after February 1, 2022. You can upload either document in PDF format to your electronic application. Whichever method you chose, IPP or a waiver, is the only method you may use for that year. You may not switch from an IPP to a waiver. If you submit an application without an IPP or a waiver, your application is not complete. Make sure that your IPP or waiver letter uploads correctly with the application. Download the checklist document in the application for more information on the requirements for IPPs and waivers.

Enter the total number of children for each Indian lands property, and indicate how many of those children are children with disabilities, i.e. those who have an IEP or IFSP on the survey date (not gifted and talented programs).

If you have a child who lives on Federal property that is not already in the Federal property database, you may enter the name and location information on the table below the table of properties that exist in the database.

Children Whose Parents Are in the Uniformed Services

If you claim children whose parents are in the Uniformed Services and who also live on Federal property, enter the property the children reside on first. Enter the total number of children for each property, and indicate how many of those children are children with disabilities, i.e. those who have an IEP or IFSP on the survey date (not gifted and talented programs).

If you have a child who lives on Federal property that is not already in the Federal property database, you may enter the name and location information on the table below the table of properties that exist in the database.

Enter total children whose parents are in the Uniformed Services, but who do not reside on Federal property below the section of children who reside on Federal property. Then indicate how many of those children are children with disabilities, i.e. those who have an IEP or IFSP on the survey date (not gifted and talented programs).

Applicants that have US Department of Education Schools in their LEA Column (1) – Enter the name of the building owned by the U.S. Department of Education

Column (2) – Enter the total number of children attending this school on the survey date

Column (3) – Enter the number of children of active-duty uniformed services claimed on Tables 1 or 3 attending this facility.

Column (4) – Enter the number of children of active-duty uniformed services claimed on Tables 2 or 5 attending this facility.

Children whose parents are both an accredited foreign government official and a foreign military officer

If you claim children whose parents are accredited foreign government officials and foreign military officers and who also live on Federal property, enter the property the children reside on first. Enter the total number of children for each property, and indicate how many of those children are children with disabilities, i.e. those who have an IEP or IFSP on the survey date (not gifted and talented programs).

If you have a child who lives on Federal property that is not already in the Federal property database, you may enter the name and location information on the table below the table of properties that exist in the database.

Enter total children whose parents are accredited foreign government officials and foreign military officers, but who do not reside on Federal property below the section of children who reside on Federal property. Then indicate how many of those children are children with disabilities, i.e. those who have an IEP or IFSP on the survey date (not gifted and talented programs).

Children Who Reside in Federal Low Rent Housing

If you claim children who live in Federal low rent housing, enter the property the children reside on first, then enter the total number of children who reside there and attend school in your LEA. Eligible Federal low rent housing does not include housing funded by Section 8 vouchers or Low-Income Tax Credits.

If you have a child who lives on Federal property that is not already in the Federal property database, you may enter the name and location information on the table below the table of properties that exist in the database.

Children Who Live On and Whose Parents Work On Federal Property

Enter the property the children reside on first, then enter the property that the parent works on. Then enter the total number of children who are associated with the two properties.

If you have a child who lives on Federal property that is not already in the Federal property database or whose parent works on Federal property that is not already in the database, you may enter the name and location information on the table below the table of properties that exist in the database. Indicate whether the new property is a residence or a place of employment, then add the companion property.

Children Who Live On Federal Property

To receive a payment for children who only reside on Federal property (other than low rent housing) or only work on Federal property, your LEA must have at least 1,000 in or 10 percent of these children in ADA. The application will tell you how many children you need to have in these categories in order to qualify for payment.

If you claim children who only live on Federal property, who were not claimed elsewhere, enter the name of the Federal property first, then enter the total number of children who reside there.

If you have a child who lives on Federal property that is not already in the Federal property database, you may enter the name and location information on the table below the table of properties that exist in the database. If you do not have the required number of students in this category to qualify for payment, new properties in this category will be removed from your application upon submission and will not be researched for property eligibility.

Children Whose Parents Work On Federal Property

To receive a payment for children who only reside on Federal property (other than low rent housing) or only work on Federal property, your LEA must have at least 1,000 in or 10 percent of these children in ADA. The application will tell you how many children you need to have in these categories in order to qualify for payment.

If you claim children whose civilian parents work on Federal property, who were not claimed elsewhere, enter the name of the Federal property first, then enter the total number of children with a parent who works on the property.

If you have a child whose parent works on Federal property that is not already in the Federal property database, you may enter the name and location information on the table below the table of properties that exist in the database. If you do not have the required number of students in this category to qualify for payment, new properties in this category will be removed from your application upon submission and will not be researched for property eligibility.


On the final page, you will see a summary of all the data you have entered. When your application is ready to be signed, click the Ready for Signature button. If you stay on the page, that is an indication that there are errors on the application. Please scroll up and look at the items highlighted in red or with a red text message. Once all errors are cleared, click the Ready for Signature button again. You should receive a pop-up message that the application will be sent to users in your LEA who are able to sign the application.

Users who can sign, i.e. Signatories and Core users, can log in to IAGS, navigate to the task list at the bottom of the homepage, click the arrow next to the task to sign, review the application information and make any edits necessary. Once the application is complete, the user can review the assurances at the bottom of the page and check the box at the bottom indicating that the user has read and understands the assurances. Then, the user can click the Submit button, and the application will be complete. If you stay on the page, that is an indication that there are errors on the application. Please scroll up and look at the items highlighted in red or with a red text message. Once all errors are cleared, click the Submit button again. You should receive a pop-up message that submission is successful. You can check the status of your submission on the home page, where it will indicate the date of submission and whether the application was timely filed. Users for the LEA will also receive a confirmation email.

State Education Agency (SEA) Copy

You must forward a complete copy of the application to your SEA at the same time you submit it electronically to the U.S. Department of Education. Your SEA Impact Aid contact is included in a list on our website at www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oese/impactaid/searl.html.


Impact Aid Program


LEA Name

Impact Aid Number

LEA Tax Rates(s) in Mills

School Year:


Current Expenditures:

Debt Service:

Capital Outlay:



STATE AVERAGE Tax Rate(s) in Mills

School Year:


Current Expenditures:

Debt Service:

Capital Outlay:



LEA Average Daily Attendance

School Year:


Average Daily Attendance:





Telephone Number

Email Address

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1810-0687. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 11.72 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefit (20 USC 7703). If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, application or survey, please contact Impact Aid Program, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW Washington, DC 20202-6244, or email [email protected].

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleApplication Instructions
AuthorAmanda Ognibene
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-08-30

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