Impact Aid Program – Application for Section 7002 Assistance

Impact Aid Program – Application for Section 7002 Assistance


Impact Aid Program – Application for Section 7002 Assistance

OMB: 1810-0036

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OMB NO. 1810-0036


Phone: 202-260-3858
Email: [email protected]

DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m. EST, January 31, 202x

Paperwork Burden Statement: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to
respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB
control number for this information collection is 1810-0036. The time required to complete this information
collection is estimated to average 1.5 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching
existing data sources, gathering, and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain a benefit (20 USC 7702). If
you have any comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly
to: Impact Aid Program, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202-6244, or
email [email protected].

The Impact Aid Section 7002 Program ..................................................................................... 2
Who May Apply ....................................................................................................................... 2
When to Apply ........................................................................................................................ 2
How to Apply........................................................................................................................... 2
Late Applications .................................................................................................................. 3
Amendments ........................................................................................................................ 3
Mandatory Forms .................................................................................................................... 3
Applicant Name and Address ............................................................................................... 3
Contact Person ..................................................................................................................... 3
Federal Properties ................................................................................................................... 4
Federal Revenue ...................................................................................................................... 4
Opt-Out Option ....................................................................................................................... 5
Acreage and Taxable Value ...................................................................................................... 5
Verification Documentation for Acreage and Taxable Value ........................................................6
Tax Rate Information ............................................................................................................... 6
Submission .............................................................................................................................. 7
Sample Certification Verification Document ............................................................................ 8
Sample Opt-Out Document……………………………………………………………………………………………….……9


The Impact Aid Section 7002 Program
Payments for Federal Property under Section 7002 of the Elementary and Secondary Education
Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), assist local school districts
that have lost a portion of their local tax base because of federal ownership of property. To be
eligible, a school district must demonstrate that the federal government has acquired, since
1938, real property with an assessed valuation of at least 10 percent of all real property in the
district at the time of acquisition. For detailed requirements on eligibility, definition of terms,
and other requirements, see ESEA section 7002, and the program regulations, 34 CFR §§222.20.24, as amended September 20, 2016 (available at
You can prepare and submit this application only by using the Impact Aid Grant System (IAGS),
which is available on the Internet at If you need further assistance in
preparing this application, please call the Impact Aid Program (IAP) office at 202-260-3858.

Who May Apply
Any local educational agency (LEA) in which the Federal government has acquired significant
amounts of local real property since 1938 may apply for assistance. The term “LEA” means a
board of education or other legally constituted local school authority that has administrative
control and direction of free public elementary and secondary education through grade 12 in a
county, township, independent or other school district located within a State. An eligible LEA
must provide free public elementary and/or secondary education, under public supervision and
direction without tuition charge, pursuant to the law of the State in which the LEA is located.

When to Apply
Deadline—The deadline for submitting this electronic application is:
11:59 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, January 31, 202x

How to Apply
You must submit this application using the Impact Aid Grant System which is available on the
Internet at Your LEA must have a registered core user on this web site to
begin application process. To register a core user, please visit the Request Access form at and read the directions at the top of the page.
Whether you are a new user or have used this web site in the past, we encourage you to log on
to the site and familiarize yourself with it at your earliest convenience, and to complete the
application process well before January 31, 202x. Videos covering how to start an application
and navigate the Impact Aid Grant System are available online at

Ask for Help

Contact the Impact Aid Program by clicking the Ask for Help button at the top of the application
page if you have questions about these instructions.

Late Applications—Applications that are incomplete on January 31, 202x (e.g., missing
documentation) but are completed before April 1, 202x will receive payments for that fiscal
year with a 10% late penalty. Applicants that file between January 31, 202x and April 1, 202x
will receive payments for that fiscal year reduced by 10%.

Amendments—LEAs may amend their application to modify and update their
applications until June 30, 202x.

Mandatory Forms
Your application must contain all mandatory forms and data, including:

Cover Page
Federal Properties
Federal Revenue or Opt-Out Form
Acreage and Taxable Value (if not opting out)
Acreage and Taxable Value Verification
Tax Rate Information (if not opting out)

*LEAs that are new or that report revenue must complete the entire application and cannot
elect the opt-out option.

Cover Page
Applicant Name and Address—Your LEA’s name and address will be displayed as they are
listed in the Impact Aid Program records. The name should be your LEA’s legal name and the
address should be the mailing address of your school district offices. We use this address to
mail information to you.

Contact Person—The Contact Person information you provide should be for the person on
your LEA’s staff who is most knowledgeable about this application and the data used to create
it. Please be careful to provide an accurate email address. The IAP uses this address to provide
applicants with timely information throughout the year. It is the LEAs responsibility to update
changes in contact personnel to ensure Listserv information is received.


Federal Properties
You will need to list all Section 7002-eligible Federal property in the LEA. Since all Federal acres
in your LEA may not be Section 7002-eligible, it is essential that you include only Section 7002
acres that have been approved by the Impact Aid Program. Do not assume that all Federal
acres in your LEA are eligible or approved for the purposes of Section 7002. Contact your
program analyst if you have any questions concerning the number of approved Section 7002eligible acres in your LEA.
1. In column 1, enter the name of the Section 7002-eligible Federal property.
2. In column 2, enter the name of the corresponding taxing jurisdiction.
3. In column 3, enter the number of Federal acres associated with and approved as eligible
federal acres for the purposes of the Impact Aid Program.
If the total number of Section 7002-eligible acres has changed from last year’s total (increase or
decrease), you will need to submit official documentation of this change which will be verified
by the Impact Aid Program prior to approval. An example of the documentation required is a
deed showing the property has been acquired by the Federal government (increase in acres)
or returned to the LEA (decrease in acres). Submit this documentation to the Impact Aid
Program by uploading it in PDF format to the designated place in the application.

Federal Revenue
List all revenue from Federal and non-Federal sources during the second preceding fiscal year
(e.g., FY 202x-202x data for the FY 202x application) from activities associated with section
7002-eligible Federal property. If revenue is from Federal programs, provide the name of each
Federal program and the name of the Federal agency responsible for administering that
program. Do not report:

Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) administered by the Department of Interior (DOI)
under the authority of Chapter 69 of Title 31 of the U.S. Code. For more information
about these DOI PILT payments, see
Payments from Department of Defense to support education
Any payments from this Department (ED), such as your Impact Aid payments.

Federal payments that must be reported include payments from the US Forest Service, Bureau
of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
including payments under the following laws:


Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act
Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands
Material Disposal Act
Refuge Revenue Sharing Act
Federal Power Act
Secure Rural School and Community Self-Determination Act
Taylor Grazing Act
Any other Federal or non-Federal revenue derived from activities associated with
Section 7002- eligible Federal Property

If only a portion of the Federal property generating the revenue is eligible under Section 7002,
prorate the revenue to reflect the share attributable to the section 7002-eligible property. For
example, if the LEA has 10,000 acres of U.S. Forest Service property that generated $20,000 in
timber revenues, but only 2,000 acres are eligible under section 7002, the LEA should report
one-fifth (20 percent) of the total, or $4,000, as revenue associated with section 7002-eligible
Federal property. Do not report Impact Aid revenue or receipts from other U.S. Department of
Education programs. If you receive no other revenue for the Section 7002-eligible acreage,
leave the section blank and mark the form as complete.

Opt-Out Option for Acreage, Taxable Value, and Tax Rate
An LEA that received a payment under Section 7002 for FY 2010 or any subsequent fiscal year,
and that have no other Federal revenues to report, may choose to “Opt-Out” of consideration
for any available “remaining funds.” If the LEA does not want to be considered for “remaining
funds” under Section 7002(h)(3), the LEA must answer “No” to the question, “Other than
Impact Aid funds, does your LEA receive any revenue generated from the 7002-eligible Federal
acres?” Once it does so, a checkbox will appear with the statement, “I only wish to receive a
Foundation Payment and don’t need to fill out the rest of the application.” LEAs choosing this
“Opt-Out” option will also need to sign an extra statement at the end verifying that it does not
want to receive a “remaining funds” payment.

Acreage and Taxable Value
To assist the Secretary in determining the taxable value of the eligible federal property, an
authorized LEA official must obtain the information required, and provide the source of the
official data, such as a document from a State website or website address. Upload a PDF file of
this documentation to the application. If the information was obtained directly from a local
official (e.g., local tax assessor), you must submit a certification by that official that includes the
person’s name, title, email address, and telephone number. If the required verification
documentation is not uploaded into IAGS, your application will not be considered complete,
and you will be ineligible for payment.


1. Enter the type and name of the taxing jurisdiction first. This information must match the
jurisdictions listed under the Federal Property section. If the LEA is located in more than one
taxing jurisdiction (e.g., two counties) or contains more than one taxing jurisdiction (e.g., two
townships), enter the information for each jurisdiction on a separate line.
2. Enter the total number of acres located in the LEA or taxing jurisdiction. Include all types of
property (taxable and non-taxable, including the Federal acres) in the total acreage amount.
This number should include all land and water acreage in your school district. Although it is
not recommended, if you submit data from the U.S. Census Bureau it must be data from the
most recent data collection, AND you must include a certification from your local assessor that
your school district boundaries have not changed and, therefore, that these numbers are still
current. Without this certification, we will not accept the Census Bureau data. It is preferred
that you obtain this data from your local assessor or other local/state source.
3. Enter the total taxable value, for the purpose of levying property tax for school purposes for
current expenditures, of real property located within the boundaries of the LEA for the prior
fiscal year (e.g., for the FY 202x application, enter the taxable value for the 202x-202x year, or
the specific value as of January 202x). If the LEA is located in more than one taxing jurisdiction
(e.g., two counties) or contains more than one taxing jurisdiction (e.g., two townships), enter
the information for each jurisdiction separately.

Verification Documentation for Acreage and Taxable Value
Upload the documentation that provides the source of the official data for the total LEA acres
and total Taxable Value, as described above. In addition, if you are using Census Data, you
must also upload the additional certification regarding district boundaries.
Because IAP must analyze the sufficiency of the supporting documentation, you should apply
early in case there are problems that may need correction.
Note: Many LEAs continue to provide inadequate certification of their total acreage and
taxable value data, which greatly slows the processing of their applications. Therefore, we
are providing a suggested certification format at the end of this application package for use
with your application. Using this suggested format will help ensure that you provide
adequate certification of your acreage and taxable value data and speed the processing of
your application.

Tax Rate Information
Enter the local real property tax levy, in mills or dollars, that was used to raise funds for current
operating expenditures for the local educational agency (LEA) for the prior fiscal year (e.g., FY
202x-202x data for the FY 202x application). Enter a single tax rate for school operations
expenditures for all types of real property in the jurisdiction using the dropdown box to
indicate measurement (i.e., mills, dollars, etc.). When funds for current operating expenditures

for the LEA are raised by more than one taxing jurisdiction, enter the tax rate information for
each additional jurisdiction on a separate line.
California LEAs will be contacted separately for the data necessary to impute their tax rates. If
this data is currently available, it can be submitted with the signed cover page and assurances

On the final page, you will see a summary of all the data you have entered. When your
application is ready to be signed, click the Ready for Signature button. If you stay on the page,
that is an indication that there are errors on the application. Please scroll up and look at the
items highlighted in red or with a red text message. Once all errors are cleared, click the Ready
for Signature button again. You should receive a pop-up message that the application will be
sent to users in your LEA who are able to sign the application.
Users who are able to sign, i.e., Signatories and Core users, can log in to IAGS, navigate to the
task list at the bottom of the homepage, click the arrow next to the task to sign, review the
application information and make any edits necessary. Once the application is complete, the
user can review the assurances at the bottom of the page and check the box at the bottom
indicating that the user has read and understands the assurances. If the LEA has opted out of
receiving a “remaining funds” payment, the user who is signing will need to consent by
checking the appropriate box before submitting the application. Then, the user can click the
Submit button, and the application will be complete.
If you stay on the page, that is an indication that there are errors on the application. Please
scroll up and look at the items highlighted in red or with a red text message. Once all errors are
cleared, click the Submit button again. You should receive a pop-up message that submission is
successful. You can check the status of your submission on the home page, where it will
indicate the date of submission and whether the application was timely filed. Users for the LEA
will also receive a confirmation email.


Sample Certification Verification Document
1. Name of LEA and Impact Aid Number (include application year):

2. Name of taxing jurisdiction:

3. Total number of acres (includes taxable and non-taxable and water acreage) located in
the LEA:

4. Total taxable value of real property in the LEA:

5. Did LEA boundary changes occur since last application? (yes or no response):
If yes, please submit documentation explaining the change (any changes in the geographical
boundaries of the LEA, such as acre increases, decreases or consolidations).

Certifying Official
Telephone Number:


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2022-06-30
File Created2021-12-01

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