Chemical Verification

TSCA Section 5 Premanufacture Review of New Chemical Substances and Significant New Use Rules for New and Existing Chemical Substances

TDD 9 21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide v3 0p

Chemical Verification

OMB: 2070-0038

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CDX Chemical Safety and Pesticide
Programs (CSPP) Registration User
Environmental Protection Agency

Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics

Table of Contents
Table of Contents......................................................................................................................i
List of Exhibits......................................................................................................................... iii

Introduction..................................................................................................................... 7

Purpose .................................................................................................................... 7


Topics Covered ......................................................................................................... 7


Application Support ................................................................................................... 8


System Requirements..................................................................................................... 9

Supported Browsers.................................................................................................. 9


Screen Resolution ..................................................................................................... 9


CDX Main Navigation .................................................................................................... 10

Overview................................................................................................................. 10


CDX Homepage ...................................................................................................... 10


CDX Core Registration.................................................................................................. 22

Terms and Conditions ............................................................................................. 22


Program Service...................................................................................................... 23


Role Access ............................................................................................................ 27


User and Organization Information........................................................................... 36


Logging in to MyCDX for New Users ........................................................................ 49


Section 5 Notices and Supports User Role Guidance..................................................... 53

Primary Authorized Official Criteria .......................................................................... 53


Secondary Authorized Official Criteria ...................................................................... 53


Primary Support Criterion ........................................................................................ 53


Secondary Support Criterion .................................................................................... 53


Primary Agent/Consultant Criteria ............................................................................ 53


Secondary Agent/Consultant Criteria ....................................................................... 54


eReporting User Role Guidance .................................................................................... 56


Chemical Data Reporting User Role Guidance .............................................................. 57


CDX Role Sponsorship Registration .............................................................................. 58



Electronic Signature Agreement............................................................................... 58


Role Sponsorship .................................................................................................... 60


Role Sponsorship/Invitation ..................................................................................... 61


Registration Information........................................................................................... 74
Multiple Authorized Official Functionality........................................................................ 79

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


Multiple AO Functionality ......................................................................................... 79
Additional Verification.................................................................................................... 80


Identity Verification Process..................................................................................... 80


CDX Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA) ............................................................ 84


RMAM Approval ...................................................................................................... 90


Registration Notifications ......................................................................................... 91


Managing User and Organization Information ................................................................ 93


Managing Organization Information ......................................................................... 93


Managing Program Services .................................................................................... 98


Organization Information ....................................................................................... 102


Logging in to CDX for Migrated Users ......................................................................... 106


Selecting Security Questions ................................................................................. 107


Selecting Primary Organization.............................................................................. 108


Resetting Password............................................................................................... 110


Logging in to CDX for Returning Users ........................................................................ 112


Reset Password .................................................................................................... 114

MyCDX Overview........................................................................................................ 120


MyCDX ................................................................................................................. 120


CDX Inbox............................................................................................................. 129


My Profile.............................................................................................................. 131


Submission History................................................................................................ 138


Frequently Asked Questions .................................................................................. 141

Appendix A.......................................................................................................................... 145

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

List of Exhibits
Exhibit 3-1: CDX Homepage Screen (Scroll 1) ....................................................................... 11
Exhibit 3-2: CDX Homepage Screen (Scroll 2) ....................................................................... 12
Exhibit 3-3: About CDX Screen (Scroll 1) ............................................................................... 13
Exhibit 3-4: About CDX Screen (Scroll 2) ............................................................................... 14
Exhibit 3-5: Recent Announcements Screen .......................................................................... 15
Exhibit 3-6: Terms and Conditions Screen (Scroll 1) ............................................................... 16
Exhibit 3-7: Terms and Conditions Screen (Scroll 2) ............................................................... 17
Exhibit 3-8: Terms and Conditions Screen (Scroll 3) ............................................................... 18
Exhibit 3-9: Help Screen ........................................................................................................ 19
Exhibit 3-10: Contact Us (Scroll 1) ......................................................................................... 20
Exhibit 3-11: Contact Us (Scroll 2) ......................................................................................... 21
Exhibit 4-1: CDX Terms and Conditions Screen ..................................................................... 23
Exhibit 4-2: TSCA Rules Under CSPP Workflow Table ........................................................... 24
Exhibit 4-3: Program Service Screen (Scroll 1) ....................................................................... 25
Exhibit 4-4: Program Service Screen (Scroll 2) ....................................................................... 26
Exhibit 4-5: Program Service Screen (Filtered View) .............................................................. 27
Exhibit 4-6: Role Access Screen ............................................................................................ 28
Exhibit 4-7: Role Access: Additional Information Screen ......................................................... 29
Exhibit 4-8: Find Existing Facility Screen ................................................................................ 30
Exhibit 4-9: Facility Search Results Screen ............................................................................ 31
Exhibit 4-10: Facility Search Results Screen (No Facilities Found).......................................... 32
Exhibit 4-11: Create Facility Screen ....................................................................................... 33
Exhibit 4-12: Confirm New Facility Screen.............................................................................. 34
Exhibit 4-13: Selected Facilities Screen (Scroll 1) ................................................................... 35
Exhibit 4-14: Selected Facilities Screen (Scroll 2) ................................................................... 36
Exhibit 4-15: User and Organization Screen ........................................................................... 38
Exhibit 4-16: User and Organization Screen - Organization Information .................................. 40
Exhibit 4-17: User and Organization Screen – Search Results................................................ 41
Exhibit 4-18: User and Organization Screen – Advanced Search (Part 1) ............................... 42
Exhibit 4-19: User and Organization Screen – Advanced Search (Part 2) ............................... 43
Exhibit 4-20: User and Organization Screen – Advanced Search (Part 3) ............................... 44
Exhibit 4-21: User and Organization – Request to Add Organization Screen ........................... 47
Exhibit 4-22: Confirmation Screen.......................................................................................... 48

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-23: Confirmation Email ............................................................................................ 49
Exhibit 4-24: CDX Login Screen............................................................................................. 50
Exhibit 4-25: Resend Verification Email Screen ...................................................................... 51
Exhibit 4-26: Validation Code Not Found Screen .................................................................... 52
Exhibit 5-1: Section 5 Notices and Supports User Role Matrix ................................................ 55
Exhibit 6-1: eReporting User Role Matrix................................................................................ 56
Exhibit 7-1: CDR User Role Matrix......................................................................................... 57
Exhibit 8-1: Electronic Signature Agreement Screen............................................................... 59
Exhibit 8-2: MyCDX Screen ................................................................................................... 60
Exhibit 8-3: Role Sponsorship Screen .................................................................................... 61
Exhibit 8-4: Role Sponsorship/Invitation Screen ..................................................................... 62
Exhibit 8-5: Role Sponsorship Review Screen ........................................................................ 63
Exhibit 8-6: Email Confirmation Pop-Up Window .................................................................... 64
Exhibit 8-7: CDX Role Sponsorship Request Email ................................................................ 65
Exhibit 8-8: Sponsorship Information – Log-In Screen ............................................................ 66
Exhibit 8-9: Sponsorship Information Screen .......................................................................... 67
Exhibit 8-10: Account Registration Screen (Scroll 1) ............................................................... 68
Exhibit 8-11: Account Registration Screen (Scroll 2) ............................................................... 69
Exhibit 8-12: CDX Role Sponsorship Request Email .............................................................. 70
Exhibit 8-13: Role Sponsorship Login Screen......................................................................... 71
Exhibit 8-14: Role Sponsorship Review Screen ...................................................................... 72
Exhibit 8-15: Account Registration Screen (Scroll 1) ............................................................... 73
Exhibit 8-16: Account Registration Screen (Scroll 2) ............................................................... 74
Exhibit 8-17: Registration Information Screen (Scroll 1) .......................................................... 76
Exhibit 8-18: Registration Information Screen (Scroll 2) .......................................................... 77
Exhibit 8-19: Organization Information Screen........................................................................ 78
Exhibit 10-1: CDX Registration: Additional Verification Screen................................................ 81
Exhibit 10-2: LexisNexis Data Collection Pop-Up Window ...................................................... 82
Exhibit 10-3: LexisNexis Results Screen ................................................................................ 83
Exhibit 10-4: LexisNexis Continuing Without Verification Screen............................................. 83
Exhibit 10-5: Electronic Signature Agreement Screen............................................................. 84
Exhibit 10-6: eSIG-PIN Entry CROMERR 20-5-1 Question/Answer Screen ............................. 86
Exhibit 10-7: Electronic CDX ESA Screen .............................................................................. 87
Exhibit 10-8: CROMERR eSignature Widget (Screen 1) ......................................................... 88

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 10-9: CROMERR eSignature Widget (Screen 2) ......................................................... 89
Exhibit 10-10: Paper CDX ESA Pop-Up Window .................................................................... 90
Exhibit 10-11: CDX Registration – Role Activation Email ........................................................ 91
Exhibit 10-12: CDX Registration – Role Status Change Email ................................................ 92
Exhibit 11-1: My Profile Screen .............................................................................................. 94
Exhibit 11-2: Modify User/Organization Information Screen (Scroll 1)...................................... 95
Exhibit 11-3: Modify User/Organization Information Screen (Scroll 2)...................................... 96
Exhibit 11-4: Modify User/Organization Information Screen (Scroll 3)...................................... 97
Exhibit 11-5: MyCDX Screen ................................................................................................. 99
Exhibit 11-6: Manage Program Services Screen................................................................... 100
Exhibit 11-7: Program Service Screen (Scroll 1) ................................................................... 101
Exhibit 11-8: Role Access Screen ........................................................................................ 102
Exhibit 11-9: Organization Information Screen...................................................................... 103
Exhibit 11-10: Electronic Signature Agreement Screen ......................................................... 104
Exhibit 11-11: Application Profile Settings Screen ................................................................ 105
Exhibit 12-1: CDX Homepage Screen (Scroll 1) ................................................................... 106
Exhibit 12-2: CDX Homepage Screen (Scroll 2) ................................................................... 107
Exhibit 12-3: Security Questions Screen .............................................................................. 108
Exhibit 12-4: Primary Organization – Single Organization Screen ......................................... 109
Exhibit 13-1: CDX Homepage Screen (Scroll 1) ................................................................... 112
Exhibit 13-2: CDX Homepage Screen (Scroll 2) ................................................................... 113
Exhibit 13-3: Login Screen/Forgot Password Link................................................................. 115
Exhibit 13-4: Password Reset Screen (Part 1) ...................................................................... 116
Exhibit 13-5: Password Reset Screen (Part 2) ...................................................................... 116
Exhibit 13-6: Password Reset Screen (Part 3) ...................................................................... 117
Exhibit 13-7: Password Reset Instructions Email .................................................................. 118
Exhibit 13-8: Change System Password Screen................................................................... 119
Exhibit 14-1: MyCDX Homepage Screen.............................................................................. 120
Exhibit 14-2: Manage Program Services Screen................................................................... 122
Exhibit 14-3: Deactivation Confirmation Pop-up Window ...................................................... 123
Exhibit 14-4: Request a New Role Screen............................................................................ 124
Exhibit 14-5: Program Service Screen.................................................................................. 125
Exhibit 14-6: Role Access Screen ........................................................................................ 126
Exhibit 14-7: Organization Information Screen...................................................................... 127

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-8: Manage Program Services Screen - Nominate Link ......................................... 128
Exhibit 14-9: Nomination Screen .......................................................................................... 129
Exhibit 14-10: MyCDX Inbox Screen .................................................................................... 130
Exhibit 14-11: My Profile Screen .......................................................................................... 131
Exhibit 14-12: My Profile - Edit User Information Screen....................................................... 133
Exhibit 14-13: User Account Deactivation Screen ................................................................. 134
Exhibit 14-14: My Profile - Organization Details Screen ........................................................ 135
Exhibit 14-15: My Profile – Organization Details Screen (Edit Organization).......................... 136
Exhibit 14-16: My Profile – Organization Details Screen (Set Primary Organization).............. 137
Exhibit 14-17: My Profile - Add an Organization Screen........................................................ 138
Exhibit 14-18: Submission History Screen ............................................................................ 139
Exhibit 14-19: Submission Details Screen (Scroll 1) ............................................................. 140
Exhibit 14-20: Submission Details Screen (Scroll 2) ............................................................. 141
Exhibit 14-21: Frequently Asked Questions Screen .............................................................. 142
Exhibit 14-22: FAQ Expanded Program Service Screen ....................................................... 143
Exhibit 14-23: CROMERR 20-5-1 Question Reset Alert Screen ............................................ 144
Exhibit 14-24: CROMERR 20-5-1 Authorization Code Entry Screen ..................................... 144

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide



Central Data Exchange (CDX) is a web-based system used for various electronic environmental
data submissions to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). CDX allows
users submitting data to EPA to register for the specific program of interest. The CDX system
also allows for several offices within EPA to use a common framework where a user can access
several different flows to satisfy reporting requirements across multiple offices. More
information about CDX is available at


The purpose of this document is to walk through the registration and user profile management
processes in CDX, specifically for Chemical Safety and Pesticide Programs (CSPP) workflow
submissions. If the user is currently submitting under Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
electronically, the user should register for the CSPP workflow. The CDX modernization effort
improves the user experience through an updated user interface, as well as streamlined user
registration processes for CDX web users, including the migration of user accounts and profiles
for users who currently use the system. This document will assist new CDX users register with
the CDX system as well as reacquaint existing users with new system processes and registering
for specific CSPP roles.

Topics Covered

This document will cover the registration process, updates from the old CDX system, and the
MyCDX profile. The sections are described below:
 Section 2 lists the system requirements. This section describes what a user needs to access
and interact with the system.
 Section 3 outlines the main CDX navigation. This section guides the user through the CDX
screens that do not require a user account.
 Section 4 describes the CDX core registration process. This section introduces a user to the
registration process.
 Section 5 describes the program organization a user should register for based on the
document or submission they are reporting on within the Section 5 Notices and Supports
 Section 6 provides guidance regarding selecting and registering for the appropriate user role
for the eReporting modules, including For Your Information (FYI), Section 4, Section 8(a),
Section 8(d), and Section 8(e).
 Section 7 provides guidance regarding selecting and registering for the appropriate user role
for the Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) module.
 Section 8 describes the role sponsorship module and the process of registering for additional
agent/consultant roles as it applies to the Section 5 Notices and Supports application.
 Section 9 describes the multiple Authorized Official (AO) functionality. This section guides
the user through how to utilize this functionality.
 Section 10 describes additional verification processes that users may have to go through after
registration. This section will only apply to users registering for flows that require additional
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

identity verification. Additionally, this section will walk a user through the different
verification processes that he/she could face based on the program service he/she selects.
 Section 11 describes the process of managing user and organization information and adding
program services after a user has completed the initial registration process.
 Section 12 describes the log in process for users who have been migrated from the system
prior to the update on October 1, 2012. This section will identify what a migrated user should
expect when logging into the updated system.
 Section 13 describes the log in process for returning users. This section will identify what a
return user should expect after their initial log in.
 Section 14 gives a MyCDX overview. This section will review existing and new functions of
the system and walk a user through navigating the new system.
Application Support
Help can be accessed by using the following options:
 By Telephone:
Person-to-person telephone support is available from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm eastern standard
time/eastern daylight time (EST/EDT). Call the CDX Help Desk’s toll-free line at 888-8901995 or 970-494-5500 for callers from Puerto Rico and Guam.
 By Email:
Send an email to Technical Support at [email protected] with “Technical Support” in the
‘Subject’ line.
 By Chat:
Click the ‘Chat with the CDX Help Desk’ link on the ‘Contact Us’ page to generate a web
form to enter information regarding your help request.
 By Contact Form:
Enter information in the text fields under the ‘Contact Form’ section of the ‘Contact Us’
 By Website:
Users can contact the CDX team from the ‘Contact Us’ screen at
and read the help section at
A ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ (FAQ) section is also available.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


System Requirements

To use CDX, the following are required:
 An e-mail account
 JavaScript enabled web browser
 Internet access
 Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher

Supported Browsers

 Internet Explorer (IE) 7 or above

Go to the following link to download:

 Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or above

Go to the following link to download:

 Safari 4 or above

Go to the following link to download:

 Google Chrome

Go to the following link to download:

 Opera


Go to the following link to download:
Screen Resolution

Screen resolution should be set to 1024 x 768 or greater.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


CDX Main Navigation

The following section provides an overview of the pages that are accessible upon first navigating
to the CDX Homepage before beginning the registration process.


CDX is an application used by EPA programs and various stakeholders to manage environmental
data transmitted to EPA to meet EPA reporting requirements. As part of the CDX system, the
user registration component is used to facilitate user access to a program. Within the user
registration component, program offices have the ability to define the roles and information
required by new users to complete the registration process. Based on the program service and
role combinations, each program has different information that a user must provide. CDX
captures the requirements for each program service and role and prompts the user for only the
information required. Some roles do not require any additional information, whereas others
require identity proofing and/or additional information processing. The following sections will
walk through how a user will register for different program services.

CDX Homepage

The CDX homepage is the landing screen from which you have the ability to access and interact
with CDX. The CDX home screen can be accessed by the following link:,
and provides the user with the following features:
 Log In: If you already have a CDX account, you may log into the system by entering your
user identification (ID) and password information and clicking the ‘Log In’ button located on
the right-hand side of the screen.
 Registration: If you do not have a CDX account, click the ‘Register with CDX’ button to
begin the registration process outlined later in this section.
 Welcome Announcement: This text area provides welcome text that is visible to all users
who visit CDX.
 Important Alerts: The alerts in the ‘Notices’ box that appear below the ‘Welcome
Announcement’ provide you with system or program-specific information. The ‘Notices’ box
will only appear if there are any alerts regarding CDX.
 Warning Notice and Privacy Policy: The ‘Warning Notice and Privacy Policy’ statements
are displayed on the CDX homepage providing you with a list of the terms of use for the
CDX system, whether you decide to log into, or register with, the system.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 3-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDX Homepage’ screen (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 3-1: CDX Homepage Screen (Scroll 1)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 3-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDX Homepage’ screen (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 3-2: CDX Homepage Screen (Scroll 2)


About CDX

From the CDX homepage, you can access the ‘About CDX’ screen from the tab labeled ‘About’
at the top of the screen. The ‘About CDX’ screen provides general information about the CDX
system requirements and procedures that site users should be aware of concerning regulation,
user information, and system information. Tabs are available across the top part of the CDX
homepage for a user to read information regarding specific CDX topics. Additional information
is provided in the ‘FAQ’ section. Please see Section 14.5 for more information on the ‘FAQ’

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 3-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘About CDX’ screen (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 3-3: About CDX Screen (Scroll 1)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 3-4 shows a screen capture of the ‘About CDX’ screen (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 3-4: About CDX Screen (Scroll 2)


Recent Announcements

From the CDX homepage, you can access the ‘Recent Announcements’ screen from the tab
labeled ‘Recent Announcements’ at the top of the screen. This page provides an extended list of
announcements, both current and archived. The most recent announcements are displayed as
important alerts on the homepage. If an alert on the homepage is too long, it will display in a
teaser format with a hyperlink to view more details. Upon clicking the hyperlink on the
homepage, the user will be directed to the ‘Recent Announcements’ screen to view the
announcement in its entirety. An ‘Older announcements’ link displays at the bottom of a set of
announcements to display announcements from the past six months.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 3-5 shows a screen capture of the ‘Recent Announcements’ screen:
Exhibit 3-5: Recent Announcements Screen


Terms and Conditions

From the CDX homepage, you can access the ‘Terms and Conditions’ screen from the tab
labeled ‘Terms and Conditions’ at the top of the screen. This page provides the terms and
conditions for use of the application. This includes EPA’s privacy statement, warning notice, and
user credential notices. Any user who registers for or has a CDX account is legally bound by
these conditions.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 3-6 shows a screen capture of the ‘Terms and Conditions’ screen (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 3-6: Terms and Conditions Screen (Scroll 1)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 3-7 shows a screen capture of the ‘Terms and Conditions’ screen (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 3-7: Terms and Conditions Screen (Scroll 2)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 3-8 shows a screen capture of the ‘Terms and Conditions’ screen (Scroll 3):
Exhibit 3-8: Terms and Conditions Screen (Scroll 3)



This page provides multiple options for users to contact the CDX help desk. Users can contact
the help desk by phone or email. The contact information is for both domestic and international
end users (see Exhibit 3-9). Users also have the ability to send a message to EPA help desk via
the contact form. You may access the contact form by clicking the ‘Contact Us’ link above the
login section (see Exhibit 3-10 and Exhibit 3-11).

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 3-9 shows a screen capture of the ‘Help’ screen:
Exhibit 3-9: Help Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 3-10 shows a screen capture of the ‘Contact Us’ screen (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 3-10: Contact Us (Scroll 1)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 3-11 shows a screen capture of the ‘Contact Us’ screen (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 3-11: Contact Us (Scroll 2)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


CDX Core Registration

To begin the registration process, click the ‘Register with CDX’ button that displays in the CDX
header on the main CDX navigation screens as listed in Section 3.

Terms and Conditions

After clicking the ‘Register with CDX’ button, the CDX ‘Terms and Conditions’ screen (see
Exhibit 4-1) displays the following terms and conditions:
 Acceptance of warning and privacy policies
 Choosing a complex password
 Protecting your password
 Notifying CDX of possible misuse of account
 Limiting distribution of CDX software
 Agreement to notify CDX of changes in duties
You can accept the terms and conditions by selecting the ‘I Accept’ radio button and clicking the
‘Proceed’ button. You can also cancel the registration by selecting the ‘I Decline’ radio button
and clicking the ‘Proceed’ button or by clicking the ‘Cancel’ button. Once you have accepted the
registration agreement, the application redirects you to proceed with the registration process. If
you do not agree to the terms and conditions, you will not be able to continue with the
registration process.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-1 shows a screen capture of the CDX ‘Terms and Conditions’ screen:
Exhibit 4-1: CDX Terms and Conditions Screen


Program Service

The ‘Program Service’ screen is the first step in the registration process and is indicated in the
breadcrumb bar at the top of the page.
The ‘Program Service’ screen displays a list of available program services from which you can
choose (see Exhibit 4-3). You may filter the open program service list by typing the program
service name or other related program metadata in the text bar (see Exhibit 4-5). You can select a
program by clicking the program name (e.g. ‘CSPP: Submissions for Chemical Safety and
Pesticide Programs’). The selection on this page will determine the information you must enter
on subsequent pages.
The search component provides an enhanced search capability that instantly displays search
results as search criteria and keywords are entered by the user. For example, typing the word
‘chemical safety’ or typing the TSCA Section 5 Notices and Supports form type into the search
field will display ‘Submissions for Chemical Safety and Pesticide Programs’ in the search
results. The system will take you to the ‘Role Access’ screen once you select the program

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-2 shows a list of applications that are currently available under CSPP:
Exhibit 4-2: TSCA Rules Under CSPP Workflow Table

Subm ission

Form Type

of Application

TSCA Section 5 Notices and

Premanufacture Notice (PMN)

Significant New Use Notice

To Be Determined

Test Marketing Exemption
Application (TMEA)
Low Volume Exemption (LVE)
Low Release/Low Exposure
Exemption (LOREX)

Microbial Commercial Activity
Notice (MCAN)
TSCA Experimental Release
Application (TERA)
Tier I Exemption
Tier II Exemption
Biotechnology Test Market
Exemption (TME)


Suspension Request
Test Data
Transfer of Ownership
Withdrawal Request
Other Correspondence

Bona Fide


Notice of Commencement (NOC)


Alternative Control Measures (ACM)


TSCA Section 8(e) Notice

Section 8(e) Notice



TSCA Section 8(d) Health &
Safety Data Reporting

Section 8(d) Health & Safety Data



TSCA Section 8(a) PAIR

Section 8(a) Preliminary Assessment
Information Rule (PAIR) Reporting



TSCA Section 4

Section 4




For Your Information (FYI)




Chemical Data Reporting (CDR)

CDR Form U & Joint


TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘Program Service’ screen (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 4-3: Program Service Screen (Scroll 1)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-4 shows a screen capture of the ‘Program Service’ screen (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 4-4: Program Service Screen (Scroll 2)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-5 shows a screen capture of a filtered view of the ‘Program Service’ screen:
Exhibit 4-5: Program Service Screen (Filtered View)


Role Access

The ‘Role Access’ screen is the second step in the registration process. It will be highlighted in
the top breadcrumb bar. Completed steps are indicated with a checkmark. You are also able to
navigate back to the first step by clicking the ‘Program Service’ step in the top breadcrumb bar.
The CDX application allows programs to define user roles that can be selected during
registration. After selecting a program service on the ‘Program Service’ page, the ‘Role Access’
screen will appear and will allow you to register for a specific role (see Exhibit 4-6).
If a user will be registering under the ‘CSPP: Submissions for Chemical Safety and Pesticide
Programs’ program service and creating any type of Section 5 Notices and Supports form, there
is additional guidance regarding which role a user should register under. For additional guidance
regarding which role to register under, see Section 5.
Based on program requirements and provisioning, this section will provide the appropriate fields
for additional information to be collected. Fields will display for the user to enter a facility ID or
to use the Facility Registry Services (FRS) (see Section 4.3.2). An additional screen will appear
only for the roles requiring additional information (see Section 4.3.1).
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

The programs that are provisioned to utilize only one role (out of all possible user roles,
including Primary Authorized Officials, Secondary Authorized Officials, Primary
Agents/Consultants, Secondary Agents/Consultants, Primary Supports, and/or Secondary
Supports) without additional information will skip this page and direct the user to provide his/her
user and organization information.
Exhibit 4-6 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Access’ screen:
Exhibit 4-6: Role Access Screen


Role Access: Additional Information

The ‘Role Access: Additional Information’ screen displays only for roles requiring additional
information that is not collected on the previous screen. Based on program requirements and
provisioning, this screen provides the following:
 Program-specific entry fields to collect data that will not be captured in subsequent pages in
the registration process (e.g., the CSPP program requires the Support role to provide the
Authorizing Official ID)
 Text boxes, radio buttons, and drop-down lists for data collection

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-7 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Access: Additional Information’ screen:
Exhibit 4-7: Role Access: Additional Information Screen


EPA Facility Information

Some programs require users to provide facility information for specific program roles. If a role
requires facility information, text boxes to capture facility information and a ‘Search Facilities’
button will be displayed (see Exhibit 4-8). If you already know your facility ID number, you will
be able to input it into the ‘Facility ID’ field. If you do not know your facility ID number, enter
in as much information related to the facility as possible to perform a search. Click the ‘Search
Facilities’ button to search for existing EPA facilities (see Exhibit 4-8) based on the fields that
you have entered. For certain programs, if the facility information cannot be found, you have the
opportunity to create a facility and submit the information for review and inclusion in FRS (see
Exhibit 4-10).
The facility search, search results, and creation pages are displayed in screen captures below. At
least two search fields must be populated on the ‘Find Existing Facility’ screen in order for the
search function to return results.
If you do not have any facility information currently, or if you cannot find the facility you are
looking for, click the ‘Continue Without Facilities’ button to skip this step and navigate to the
‘User and Organization’ screen.
Certain applications within the CSPP program service will extract and use FRS data from CDX,
which requires the user to identify and associate facilities with the appropriate user roles. If you
are registering under the CSPP workflow, please add the necessary facilities.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-8 shows a screen capture of the ‘Find Existing Facility’ screen:
Exhibit 4-8: Find Existing Facility Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

The ‘Facility Search Results’ screen displays after clicking the ‘Search Facilities’ button on the
‘Find Existing Facility’ screen. Based on the search criteria entered on the ‘Find Existing
Facility’ screen, a number of results may display. Select your facility from the list by checking
the checkbox associated with an EPA Registry ID or check the checkbox located in the column
header to select all facilities generated by the search, and clicking the ‘Select’ button. If you do
not see the facility in the results, you may search again by clicking the ‘Search Again’ button, or
you can add a facility by clicking the ‘Create New Facility’ button.
Exhibit 4-9 shows a screen capture of the ‘Facility Search Results’ screen:
Exhibit 4-9: Facility Search Results Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

If the system cannot find any facilities based on the information entered on the ‘Find Existing
Facility’ screen, then the ‘Facility Search Results’ page will display no results. You may search
again by clicking the ‘Search Again’ button, or you can add a facility by clicking the ‘Create
New Facility’ button.
If you cannot find the facility you are looking for, click the ‘Continue Without Facilities’ button
to skip this step and navigate to the ‘User and Organization’ screen.
Exhibit 4-10 shows a screen capture of the ‘Facility Search Results’ screen if no facilities are
Exhibit 4-10: Facility Search Results Screen (No Facilities Found)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

The ‘Create Facility’ screen displays after clicking the ‘Create New Facility’ button on the
‘Facility Search Results’ screen. Enter as much information as possible related to the new facility
you would like to create; at a minimum, the ‘Facility Name,’ ‘Facility Address 1,’ ‘City,’ ‘State,’
and ‘Zip Code’ fields are required. Once you have entered in the minimum information required
to create a new facility, click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘Confirm New Facility’ screen.
If you do not have any facility information currently, click the ‘Continue Without Facilities’
button to skip this step and navigate to the ‘User and Organization’ screen.
Exhibit 4-11 shows a screen capture of the ‘Create Facility’ screen:
Exhibit 4-11: Create Facility Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Click the ‘Select’ button on the ‘Confirm New Facility’ screen to navigate to the ‘Selected
Facilities’ screen. The selected facility will now display at the bottom of the page.
Exhibit 4-12 shows a screen capture of the ‘Confirm New Facility’ screen:
Exhibit 4-12: Confirm New Facility Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Click the ‘Continue With Selected Facilities’ button on the ‘Selected Facilities’ screen to
navigate to the ‘User and Organization’ screen.
Exhibit 4-13 shows a screen capture of the selected facilities table on the ‘Selected Facilities’
screen (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 4-13: Selected Facilities Screen (Scroll 1)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-14 shows a screen capture of the ‘Selected Facilities’ screen (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 4-14: Selected Facilities Screen (Scroll 2)


User and Organization Information

The ‘User and Organization’ screen is the third step in the registration process. It will be
highlighted in blue on the top breadcrumb bar. Completed steps are indicated with a checkmark.
The ‘Registration Information’ summary section is at the top and is updated with the selections
being made. You will also be able to navigate back to the previous steps by clicking the
corresponding step.
Both the user and organization information are captured on the same screen. The information
entered in this portion of the registration process is used to support account validation and
establish levels of assurance.
CDX will provide multiple levels of user validation, which will be specific to the role selected.
All new CDX users will be required to activate their account after these registration steps by

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

following the instructions sent to the email address provided during the registration process for
their specified organization.
When additional identity proofing is required, you will be prompted to follow the additional
registration steps that may support the LexisNexis identity validation and/or Electronic Signature
Agreement (ESA) signing processes. This prompt will occur after your initial login to the


Part 1: User Information

The ‘User Information’ section collects the following information (see Exhibit 4-15):
 User ID (required)
 Title (required)
 First Name (required)
 Middle Initial
 Last Name (required)
 Suffix
 Password (required)
 Re-type Password (required)
 Security Question 1 (required)
 Security Answer 1 (required)
 Security Question 2 (required)
 Security Answer 2 (required)
 Security Question 3 (required)
 Security Answer 3 (required)
Please note that the user ID and password information may be requested for re-authentication
with features throughout CDX including any submission processes within your specific CDX
application. The ‘Security Question’ and ‘Security Answer’ fields are also used for reauthentication in the event you forget your password and need to reset it.
When creating a user ID, it must abide by the following rules:
 Must be at least 8 characters
 No special characters may be used with the exception of ‘_,’ ‘@,’ and ‘.’
When creating a password, it must abide by the following rules:
 Must be at least 8 characters
 Must be no more than 15 characters
 Must contain one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number
 May not begin with a number
 May not be the same as your user ID

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

 May not contain the word ‘Password’
 May not contain any special characters or spaces
 Must be changed every 90 days
Exhibit 4-15 shows a screen capture of the ‘User and Organization’ screen:
Exhibit 4-15: User and Organization Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


Part 2: Organization Information

The CDX system requires you to search for your organization before you are able to create a new
organization. You are first asked to do a simple search (see Exhibit 4-16) by entering the
‘Organization Name’ or the ‘Organization ID.’ Partial search terms can be entered. The matching
search results will be returned in a table displaying the ‘Organization ID,’ ‘Organization Name,’
‘Address,’ ‘City,’ ‘State,’ and ‘ZIP Code’ (see Exhibit 4-17). If the simple search returns too
many results, you may use the advanced search option (see Exhibit 4-18). Once the search is
executed, the search results will display a list of matching valid organizaitons from which you
can select. Click the corresponding Organization ID to add that organization to the ‘User and
Organization’ screen.
Once an organization has been selected or created, you will be required to enter an email address
and phone number, with the option of entering a phone number extension or fax number (see
Exhibit 4-19 and Exhibit 4-20).
This step is extremly important because the organization you designate as your primary
organization impacts the multiple AO functionality. For additional details regarding multiple AO
functionality, refer to Section 9.1.
Search results will only display organizations that have been previously verified by a
Registration Maintenance Account Manager (RMAM), LexisNexis, or a help desk user.
Organizations that have not been verified can be searched for by using the organization ID.
The first organization a user adds will be set as the primary organization. The primary
organization is important because it indicates the user’s primary email address in CDX.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-16 shows a screen capture of the ‘Organization Information’ section of the ‘User and
Organization’ screen:
Exhibit 4-16: User and Organization Screen - Organization Information

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-17 shows a screen capture of the ‘Organization Information’ section of the ‘User and
Organization’ screen:
Exhibit 4-17: User and Organization Screen – Search Results

Organization Advanced Search

When an organization does not appear in the basic search results, you have the option to perform
an advanced search for a valid organization. Click the ‘Use advanced search’ hyperlink below
the existing organization search results to perform a search with the following criteria (see
Exhibit 4-18):
 Organization ID
 Organization Name
 Country
 Mailing Address
 Mailing Address 2
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

 City
 State
 ZIP/Postal Code
After entering in at least two of the listed search criteria, click the ‘Search’ button to return a list
of results.
Exhibit 4-18 shows a screen capture of the ‘User and Organization– Advanced Search’ screen
(Part 1):
Exhibit 4-18: User and Organization Screen – Advanced Search (Part 1)

Once the search is executed, the search results will display a list of matching valid organizations
from which you can select. Click the corresponding Organization ID to add that organization to
the ‘User and Organization’ screen.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-19 shows a screen capture of the ‘User and Organization– Advanced Search’ screen
(Part 2):
Exhibit 4-19: User and Organization Screen – Advanced Search (Part 2)

Once an organization has been selected or created, you will be required to enter an email address
and phone number, with the option of entering a phone number extension and/or a fax number.
After entering in the required information, click the ‘Submit Request for Access’ button to
navigate to the ‘Confirmation’ screen:
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-20 shows a screen capture of the ‘User and Organization– Advanced Search’ screen
(Part 3):
Exhibit 4-20: User and Organization Screen – Advanced Search (Part 3)

Request to Add Organization

If an organization does not appear in the basic or advanced search results, you have the option to
request the addition of another organization. Both international and domestic organizations can
be added. The fields will differ based on the location of the organization that you request to add.
If you no longer wish to add an organization, click the ‘Back to Search Results’ link to navigate
back to the search results.
This feature will collect the following information for U.S. organizations (see Exhibit 4-21):
 Organization Name (required)
 Country (required)
 Mailing Address (required)
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

 Mailing Address 2
 City (required)
 State (required)
 ZIP/Postal Code (required)
 Email (required)
 Re-enter Email (required)
 Phone Number (required)
 Phone Number Ext
 Fax Number
This feature will collect the following information for Canadian organizations:
 Organization Name (required)
 Country (required)
 Mailing Address (required)
 Mailing Address 2
 City (required)
 Province (required)
 ZIP/Postal Code (required)
 Email (required)
 Re-enter Email (required)
 Phone Number (required)
 Phone Number Ext
 Fax Number
This feature will collect the following information for all other international organizations:
 Organization Name (required)
 Country (required)
 Mailing Address (required)
 Mailing Address 2
 Mailing Address 3
 Mailing Address 4
 City (required)
 ZIP/Postal Code (required)
 Email (required)
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

 Re-enter Email (required)
 Phone Number (required)
 Phone Number Ext
 Fax Number
After all required fields have been completed, click the ‘Submit Request for Access’ button to
complete your request. After your user account has been activated, the requested organization
will be added to the CDX system. The organization will be available in subsequent searches by
organization ID only, unless the organization has been verified by the help desk, RMAM, or

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-21 shows a screen capture of the ‘User and Organization - Request to Add
Organization’ screen:
Exhibit 4-21: User and Organization – Request to Add Organization Screen


Confirmation Screen

After you complete the core registration components, you will be taken to the ‘Confirmation’
screen (see Exhibit 4-22). This screen provides your confirmation number and instructions with
how to activate your new user ID. You will need to access the email inbox of the email address
associated with the organization that you registered to see the confirmation link. Copy the
confirmation number that displays for your records. The confirmation number will allow the
CDX Help Desk to review your registration if you contact them before your account is activated.
If the selected program service or role has any additional requirements (e.g., ESA, LexisNexis
identity proofing, etc.), it will be performed after you click the activation link in the email and
log into the application.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-22 shows a screen capture of the ‘Confirmation’ screen:
Exhibit 4-22: Confirmation Screen


Confirmation Email

Once you have submitted your core registration information and reached the ‘Confirmation’
screen, an email will be sent to the email address you entered for the organization that you
registered for on the ‘User and Organization’ screen (see Exhibit 4-23). The email will contain
the account confirmation and the additional instructions. Once you receive the email, click the
activation link. The link will take you to the CDX login screen where you will be asked to enter
your user ID and password.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-23 shows a screen capture of the Confirmation Email:
Exhibit 4-23: Confirmation Email


Logging in to MyCDX for New Users

Once you have clicked the activation link in the confirmation email, you will be taken to the
CDX login screen (see Exhibit 4-24). If you try to log in prior to clicking the confirmation link,
you will be taken to the user account completion screen where you can request another
verification email to be sent to the email address on file (see Exhibit 4-25). If you enter the
wrong validation code, or if the validation code has expired, an on-screen message will appear
notifying you to contact the CDX Help Desk (see Exhibit 4-26).
After the correct information is accurately entered, you will be taken to the next screen to
complete the program service role’s registration requirements (if applicable).

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-24 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDX Login’ screen:
Exhibit 4-24: CDX Login Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-25 shows a screen capture of the ‘Resend Verification Email’ screen:
Exhibit 4-25: Resend Verification Email Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 4-26 shows a screen capture of the ‘Validation Code Not Found’ screen:
Exhibit 4-26: Validation Code Not Found Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


Section 5 Notices and Supports User Role Guidance

Users registering under the CSPP workflow for submitting Section 5 forms should refer to the
following guidance to determine under which user role(s) to register.

Primary Authorized Official Criteria

A Primary Authorized Official is the authorized official of a company who sponsors other users.
A user who meets the following criteria should register as a Primary Authorized Official:
 A user who needs to be able to create, edit, submit, or amend an initial Section 5 Notices and
Supports form. Any user whose company headquarters is a non-U.S. based company that
falls under this criteria should also register as an AO but will be unable to submit a form
 A user who must be able to assign Supports
 A user who must be able to delete forms
 A user who may need to sponsor Primary Agents/Consultants
Secondary Authorized Official Criteria
A Secondary Authorized Official is the secondary authorized official of a company who
sponsors supporting users. A user who meets the following criteria should register as a
Secondary Authorized Official:
 A user who needs to be able to create, edit, submit, or amend a Joint Submission/Letter of
Support Submission for a PMN, Biotechnology, or Bona Fide Notice
 A user who must be able to assign Supports
 A user who may need to sponsor Secondary Agents/Consultants
A user who is from a non-US based company can submit a Letter of Support for PMN,
Biotechnology, or Bona Fide Notices. A user from a non-U.S. based company cannot submit an
original Joint Submission for PMN or Biotechnology forms or a Letter of Support for Bona Fide

Primary Support Criterion

A user who meets the following criterion should register as a Primary Support:
 A user who needs to be able to edit an unlocked Section 5 Notices and Supports form,
including PMN, Biotechnology, Bona Fide Notice, NOC, Support, and/or ACM forms
Secondary Support Criterion
A user who meets the following criterion should register as a Secondary Support:
 A user who needs to be able to edit a Joint Submission/Letter of Support for PMN,
Biotechnology, or Bona Fide Notice

Primary Agent/Consultant Criteria

A Primary Agent/Consultant is a user sponsored by a Primary Authorized Official. A user who
meets the following criteria should register as a Primary Agent/Consultant:

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

 A user who is identified by an AO to serve as an agent or consultant to the sponsoring
organization, and is able to create, edit, amend, or delete forms
 An agent/consultant who will not have the authority to submit original main forms, including
PMN, Biotechnology, Bona Fide, or NOC forms. However, this user may submit Support
and ACM forms
 A user who will not be able to assign forms to Support users
A user will not be able to register for the Primary Agent/Consultant role through the core
registration process; it will be a closed registration process meaning that a Primary AO must
identify an individual as a Primary Agent/Consultant via his/her email address.The Primary
Agent/Consultant will then review the sponsorship request.

Secondary Agent/Consultant Criteria

A Secondary Agent/Consultant is the user who will be sponsored by a Secondary Authorized
Official. A user who meets the following criteria should register as a Secondary
 A user who needs to be able to create/edit a Joint Submission for a PMN or Biotechnology
 A user who needs to be able to create/edit a Letter of Support for a PMN, Biotechnology, or
Bona Fide Notice
 A user who will not be able to submit Letters of Support/Joint Submissions or assign forms
to Supports
A user will not be able to register for the Secondary Agent/Consultant role through the core
registration process; it will be a closed registration process meaning that a Secondary AO must
identify an individual as a Secondary Agent/Consultant via their email address. The Secondary
Agent/Consultant will then review the sponsorship request.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 5-1 displays a table of the capabilities of user roles within the Section 5 Notices and
Supports application:
Exhibit 5-1: Section 5 Notices and Supports User Role Matrix

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


eReporting User Role Guidance

Users registering under the CSPP workflow for submitting FYI, Section 4, Section 8(a), Section
8(d), or Section 8(e) submissions should refer to the following table to determine under which
user role(s) to register.
Exhibit 6-1 displays a table of the capabilities of user roles within the eReporting application:
Exhibit 6-1: eReporting User Role Matrix

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


Chemical Data Reporting User Role Guidance

Users registering under the CSPP workflow for submitting CDR forms should refer to the
following guidance to determine under which user role(s) to register.
Exhibit 7-1 displays a table of the capabilities of user roles within the CDR application:
Exhibit 7-1: CDR User Role Matrix

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


CDX Role Sponsorship Registration

The role sponsorship registration process is recommended for specific users reporting under
TSCA Section 5. These users are likely not a part of the main organization, but have been hired
to consult for an organization.
To begin the process of identifying a separate user as an Agent/Consultant, log into the CDX
account identified as a Primary AO and deactivate the existing Primary AO role. The Primary
AO will log back into the CDX account, re-add the Primary AO role, log out and log back in,
and access the ‘Role Sponsorship’ tab. This process is neccesary because a user needs to reestablish their role with sponsorship provisioning.

Electronic Signature Agreement

After registering as a Primary AO, log into CDX and complete the eSig-PIN questions (see
Exhibit 8-1). The application does not accept the same answer for each challenge question.
 Challenge Question 1 (required)
 Challenge Question 1 Answer (required)
 Challenge Question 2 (required)
 Challenge Question 2 Answer (required)
 Challenge Question 3 (required)
 Challenge Question 3 Answer (required)
 Challenge Question 4 (required)
 Challenge Question 4 Answer (required)
 Challenge Question 5 (required)
 Challenge Question 5 Answer (required)
You can select the challenge question from the drop-down menu and provide a unique response
for each challenge question in the text field. Click the ‘Save Answers’ button to activate the
‘Role Sponsorship’ tab on the ‘MyCDX’ page.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘Electronic Signature Agreement’ screen:
Exhibit 8-1: Electronic Signature Agreement Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘MyCDX’ screen:
Exhibit 8-2: MyCDX Screen


Role Sponsorship

Click the ‘Role Sponsorship’ tab to identify a new or current user who will serve as an
The ‘Role Sponsorship’ screen displays various options available, including initiating the role
sponsorship process, approving/denying sponsorship requests, and viewing/modifying existing

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Sponsorship’ screen:
Exhibit 8-3: Role Sponsorship Screen


Role Sponsorship/Invitation

The ‘Role Sponsorship/Invitation’ screen is the next step in identifying a user as an Authorized
Official who wishes to sponsor under the Agent/Consultant user role.
In the ‘Step 1: Recipient Information’ field set, an Authorized Official enters the email address
of the user to sponsor as an Agent/Consultant.
In the ‘Step 2: Sponsorship Information’ field set, an Authorized Official selects the program
service that a potential Agent/Consultant will be working under (i.e., ‘Submissions for Chemical
Safety and Pesticide Programs’), and selects the apropriate role from the ‘Role’ drop-down
Click the ‘Submit’ button to navigate to the ‘Role Sponsorship Review’ screen (see Exhibit 8-5).

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-4 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Sponsorship/Invitation’ screen:
Exhibit 8-4: Role Sponsorship/Invitation Screen


Role Sponsorship Review

The ‘Role Sponsorship Review’ screen displays the details of the role sponsorship, including the
program service, user role, and email address of the identified Agent/Consultant.
The AO will indicate whether the provided email address is correct or incorrect and provide
updates if necessary.
To proceed with the role sponsorship process, select the ‘Yes, the provided email address is
correct’ radio button and click the ‘Submit’ button. If you select the ‘No, the provided email
address is incorrect and must be updated’ radio button, click the ‘Back’ button and re-enter the
agent/consultant user information. A pop-up window displays to confirm the email address of the
specified Agent/Consultant (see Exhibit 8-6). You must enter the email address of the specified
Agent/Consultant before the application generates the email invitation. Multiple confirmations
are required to confirm email address accuracy.
Click the ‘Confirm’ button to generate an email that will be sent to the identified
Agent/Consultant. As an Agent/Consultant, you will receive an email to review or cancel the
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

sponsorship request. Click the ‘review this sponsorship’ link within the email to generate the
‘Sponsorship Information’ screen. Click the ‘cancel this sponsorship request’ link within the
email to cancel the sponsorship request (see Exhibit 8-7).
Exhibit 8-5 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Sponsorship Review’ screen:
Exhibit 8-5: Role Sponsorship Review Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-6 shows a screen capture of the ‘Email Confirmation’ pop-up window:
Exhibit 8-6: Email Confirmation Pop-Up Window

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-7 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDX Role Sponsorship Request’ email:
Exhibit 8-7: CDX Role Sponsorship Request Email


Sponsorship Information

The ‘Sponsorship Information’ page displays when a potential Agent/Consultant clicks the
‘review this sponsorship’ link within the Agent/Consultant sponsorship email. A potential
Agent/Consultant has the option to log into an existing account, or create a new account.
If a user chooses to create a new account, click the ‘Create New Account’ button on the
‘Sponsorship Information – Log-In’ page (see Exhibit 8-8). This displays an additional
‘Sponsorship Information’ page where a potential Agent/Consultant must approve or reject a
CDX official’s request to view your contact information to sponsor you for the corresponding
Agent/Consultant role (see Exhibit 8-9).
If a user chooses to log into an existing account, select the user ID from the ‘User ID’ drop-down
menu, enter the password, and click the ‘Log In’ button to log into your CDX account.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-8 shows a screen capture of the ‘Sponsorship Information – Log-In’ screen:
Exhibit 8-8: Sponsorship Information – Log-In Screen

Click the ‘Approve’ button to navigate to the ‘Account Registration’ page and enter in the user
and organization information of the user who logged in to identify himself/herself as a primary

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-9 shows a screen capture of the ‘Sponsorship Information’ screen:
Exhibit 8-9: Sponsorship Information Screen

Verify the user and organization information of the user who logged in to identify himself/herself
as a primary agent/consultant on the ‘Account Registration’ screen.
Select the ‘Select a Current Organization’ radio button to select a current organization or select
the ‘Request to Add an Organization’ radio button to add a new organization.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-10 shows a screen capture of the ‘Account Registration’ screen.
Exhibit 8-10: Account Registration Screen (Scroll 1)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-11 shows a screen capture of the ‘Account Registration’ screen (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 8-11: Account Registration Screen (Scroll 2)

After adding an organization, an email will be sent to the sponsoring Authorized Official to
indicate that the Agent/Consultant sponsorship requires approval. As an AO, click the ‘review
this sponsorship request’ link within the email to be directed to the ‘Role Sponsorship Login’

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-12 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDX Role Sponsorship Request’ email:
Exhibit 8-12: CDX Role Sponsorship Request Email

Enter your password on the ‘Role Sponsorship Login’ screen and click the ‘Log In’ button to log
into your CDX account.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-13 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Sponsorship Login’ screen:
Exhibit 8-13: Role Sponsorship Login Screen

The next step is for the AO to indicate which role the sponsoring user will select to use as a
sponsor for this request. Select the appropriate user role from the ‘Role’ drop-down menu, enter
a facility ID (or enter N/A), and click the ‘Approve’ button to approve the role sponsorship
request and navigate to the ‘Account Registration’ screen.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-14 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Sponsorship Review’ screen:
Exhibit 8-14: Role Sponsorship Review Screen

The ‘Account Registration’ screen contains both the user and organization information of the AO
on the same page. Select the ‘Select a Current Organization’ radio button to select the
organization that the AO will use to sponsor this request or select the ‘Request to Add an
Organization’ radio button to enter in additional information related to the organization.
After all required fields have been completed, click the ‘Submit Request for Access’ button to
complete your request.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-15 shows a screen capture of the ‘Account Registration’ screen (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 8-15: Account Registration Screen (Scroll 1)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-16 shows a screen capture of the ‘Account Registration’ screen (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 8-16: Account Registration Screen (Scroll 2)


Registration Information

Clicking the ‘Create New Account’ button on the ‘Role Sponsorship’ screen will generate the
‘Account Registration’ screen, which allows the user access to information for a Primary
Agent/Consultant with the CSPP program service to create login information. The ‘Account
Registration’ page displays the new user role under the CSPP program service.


Part 1: User Information

The ‘User Information’ section collects the following information (see Exhibit 8-17 and Exhibit
 User ID (required)
 Title (required)
 First Name (required)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

 Middle Initial
 Last Name (required)
 Suffix
 Password (required)
 Re-type Password (required)
 Security Question 1 (required)
 Security Answer 1 (required)
 Security Question 2 (required)
 Security Answer 2 (required)
 Security Question 3 (required)
 Security Answer 3 (required)
Please note that the user ID and password information may be requested for re-authentication
with features throughout CDX including any submission processes within your specific CDX
application. The ‘Security Question’ and ‘Security Answer’ fields are also used for reauthentication in the event you forget your password and need to reset it.
When creating a user ID, it must abide by the following rules:
 Must be at least 8 characters
 No special characters may be used with the exception of ‘_,’ ‘@,’ and ‘.’
When creating a password, it must abide by the following rules:
 Must be at least 8 characters
 Must be no more than 15 characters
 Must contain one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number
 May not begin with a number
 May not be the same as your user ID
 May not contain the word ‘Password’
 May not contain any special characters or spaces
 Must be changed every 90 days

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-17 shows a screen capture of the ‘Registration Information’ screen (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 8-17: Registration Information Screen (Scroll 1)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 8-18 shows a screen capture of the ‘Registration Information’ screen (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 8-18: Registration Information Screen (Scroll 2)


Part 2: Organization Information

Unlike the previous system, the new CDX system requires you to search for your organization
before you are able to create a new organization. You are first asked to do a simple search (see
Exhibit 4-16). From the simple search you will be able to search by entering the ‘Organization
Name’ or the ‘Organization ID.’ The matching search results will be returned in a table
displaying the ‘Organization ID,’ ‘Organization Name,’ ‘Address,’ ‘City,’ ‘State,’ and
‘ZIP/Postal Code’ (see Exhibit 4-17). If the simple search returns too many results, you may use
the advanced search option (see Exhibit 4-18 and Exhibit 4-19) or choose to search again. You
may also choose to create an organization from a link below the search results (see Exhibit 4-21).
You will need to click the ‘Organization ID’ link to select your organization. Once an
organization has been selected or created, you will be required to enter an email address and
phone number, with the option of entering a phone number extension or fax number (see Exhibit
4-20 and Exhibit 4-21).
The search results will only display organizations that have been previously verified by an
RMAM, LexisNexis or a help desk user. Organizations that have not been verified can be
searched for by using the organization ID.
The first organization a user adds will be set as the primary organization. The primary
organization is important because it indicates the user’s primary email address in CDX. The
primary organization can be changed within CDX registration information at any time.
The ‘Organization Information’ section collects the following information (see Exhibit 8-19):
 Organization Name (required)
 Mailing Address 1 (required)
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

 Mailing Address 2
 City (required)
 State/Province (required)
 Zip Code/Postal Code (required)
 Country (required)
 Email (required)
 Re-enter Email (required)
 Phone Number (required)
 Phone Number Extension
 Fax Number
Exhibit 8-19 shows a screen capture of the ‘Organization Information’ screen:
Exhibit 8-19: Organization Information Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


Multiple Authorized Official Functionality

In all CSPP applications, AOs that register under the same organization name in CDX can view
all forms and submissions belonging to that organization on the ‘Forms’ or ‘Submissions’ screen
within an application.

Multiple AO Functionality

The multiple AO functionality means that all AOs registered under the same organization are
able to view all forms and submissions created by other AOs under that organization.
Organization names are not case-sensitive, however spacing and abbreviation in an organization
name are considered. Although users from the same company may be able to view forms created
and submitted by other users under the same organization name, all forms will still require a
passphrase to be accessed.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


Additional Verification

Based on the program service and role chosen when registering for an account in CDX,
additional information may be needed to complete registration. After you log into CDX from the
activation link, you will be redirected to the screens for the additional information required for
your role.

Identity Verification Process

When applicable, you will be given the option to use the electronic identity verification process
(see Exhibit 10-1). The CDX registration process provides an identity verification service called
LexisNexis, which is a third-party service that verifies a user's identity. If you choose to proceed
with the electronic verification process, click the ‘Proceed to Verification’ button.
The LexisNexis service will launch a new window, which navigates a user away from CDX to
collect additional Personally Identifiable Information (PII) that CDX does not store or use. If you
choose not to utilize LexisNexis and click the ‘sign the paper form’ link (see Exhibit 10-1), CDX
will proceed to the existing paper processing option and instruct you to print, sign, and mail any
identity proofing documentation.
Based on the role provisioning, the ‘LexisNexis Data Collection’ window will either display the
user and organization information collected by CDX, which is not editable (see Exhibit 10-2), or
display fields for a user to enter in PII information. The window also displays text fields in which
you must provide the necessary PII for LexisNexis to complete the identity validation.
You will be redirected back to CDX after submitting the information and one of the following
scenarios will occur:
1. You successfully validate to the minimum standards. After clicking the ‘Continue’
button, the system will direct you to set your 20-5-1 questions and allow you to
electronically sign the ESA (see Section 10.2.1).
2. You unsuccessfully validate to the minimum standards after clicking the ‘Continue’
button. If your user identity proofing failed, you can only sign the paper ESA. If the
organization or user-organization association fails, then you have up to five (5) times to
improve your score for validation. You will only be able to make edits to your
organization information. If you fail more than 5 times, you will be taken to the paper
3. You choose to sign the paper ESA by clicking the ‘Continue’ button without submitting
the LexisNexis form and clicking the paper ESA link (see Exhibit 10-3).
4. You choose to discontinue the registration process by clicking the ‘Cancel’ button on the
‘Additional Verification’ screen (see Exhibit 10-1). You will be sent the paper ESA in
your MyCDX inbox. You must contact the CDX helpdesk for further information to
obtain access to the program role requested.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 10-1 shows a screen capture of ‘CDX Registration: Additional Verification’ screen:
Exhibit 10-1: CDX Registration: Additional Verification Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 10-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘LexisNexis Data Collection’ pop-up window:
Exhibit 10-2: LexisNexis Data Collection Pop-Up Window

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 10-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘LexisNexis Results’ screen:
Exhibit 10-3: LexisNexis Results Screen

Exhibit 10-4 shows a screen capture of the ‘LexisNexis Results (without Verification)’ screen:
Exhibit 10-4: LexisNexis Continuing Without Verification Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 10-5 shows a screen capture of the ‘Electronic Signature Agreement’ screen:
Exhibit 10-5: Electronic Signature Agreement Screen


CDX Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA)

Some roles require a user to have an ESA. If you do not have a current ESA, you will be
prompted to sign an ESA, which can be signed electronically or manually. The following
sections provide more detail about each option. If a user has signed an ESA for either the TSCA
or Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) program service/workflow, the existing ESA may be reused
for the CSPP workflow.


Electronic CDX Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA)

Applicable only to some roles, CDX provides twenty questions to choose from which will help
validate your identity. You will be prompted to enter Cross-Media Electronic Reporting

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Regulation (CROMERR) questions after you have successfully passed LexisNexis identity
proofing or have been approved via the help desk.
You will choose five questions and provide answers for each. You will not be allowed to select
and provide duplicate questions or answers. The questions that you select should be easy for you
to remember, but difficult for someone else to guess. You will be required to answer one of these
five questions upon submitting any forms that utilize the CROMERR widget for electronic
signatures. You will be prompted with a question randomly chosen by the system during the
signing process.
If you pass LexisNexis validation and choose to sign the ESA electronically, the system will
verify that the CROMERR 20-5-1 questions and answers have been set. If the questions and
answers were previously set, you will be directed to a page to view the ESA. If these have not
been set, you will be directed to a page to provide five questions and answers before proceeding
to the ESA page (see Exhibit 10-6). The questions must be completed before you can
electronically sign the CDX (or flow-specific) ESA or sponsor letter. Click the ‘Save Answers’
button after providing the questions and answers. You will receive an email confirmation of your
20-5-1 questions to both your provided email address and MyCDX inbox.
After you complete the 20-5-1 question process, review the ESA, and click the ‘Sign
Electronically’ button, the system will launch the CDX CROMERR widget. As part of the CDX
CROMERR widget process, you will be required to re-validate your user ID and password,
provide the answer to one of the 20-5-1 questions, and officially sign the ESA (see Exhibit 10-7,
Exhibit 10-8, and Exhibit 10-9).
When you officially sign the ESA, a copy of the ESA, along with your electronic signature, is
stored in the CDX CROMERR archives. A copy of the ESA is also sent to your MyCDX inbox.
If you choose the paper ESA process, the questions will not be displayed in CDX until your
program service role has been activated. After your role has been activated, you will be
prompted to provide your questions and answers before being able to navigate to the ‘MyCDX’
landing page.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 10-6 shows a screen capture of the ‘CROMERR 20-5-1 Question and Answer’ on the
‘eSIG-PIN Entry’ screen:
Exhibit 10-6: eSIG-PIN Entry CROMERR 20-5-1 Question/Answer Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 10-7 shows a screen capture of the ‘Electronic CDX ESA’ screen:
Exhibit 10-7: Electronic CDX ESA Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 10-8 and Exhibit 10-9 show screen captures of the ‘CROMERR eSignature Widget’ popup window:
Exhibit 10-8: CROMERR eSignature Widget (Screen 1)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 10-9: CROMERR eSignature Widget (Screen 2)


Paper ESA

If you do not wish to leverage the LexisNexis process or are unable to be properly validated to
meet the minimum requirements for the program, you will be required to follow the existing
paper ESA process. The paper process allows you to print the ESA, provide a wet ink signature,
and mail the signed ESA to EPA. A copy of the ESA form will be saved in your CDX ‘Inbox’
for future reference and reprinting.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 10-10 shows a screen capture of the ‘Paper CDX ESA’ pop-up window:
Exhibit 10-10: Paper CDX ESA Pop-Up Window


RMAM Approval

For some program service roles, a user must wait for a program RMAM, an individual
responsible for the approval of program service role access requests, to grant access to the role.
In this case, the user will not be able to do anything beyond entering registration information. If
you have any issues waiting for the approval, you will need to reach out to the point of contact
for the program service.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


Registration Notifications

After completing the registration process, you will receive confirmation of successful registration
(see Exhibit 10-11). If you choose the paper ESA option, you will receive a confirmation email
when your role has been approved (see Exhibit 10-12).
Exhibit 10-11 shows a screen capture of a ‘CDX Registration’ email after you have successfully
registered with CDX:
Exhibit 10-11: CDX Registration – Role Activation Email

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 10-12 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDX Registration’ email after you have changed a
role status or have successfully created an account with CDX and are awaiting approval:
Exhibit 10-12: CDX Registration – Role Status Change Email

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


Managing User and Organization Information

Once you have entered registration information and activated the user account, you may perform
various functions such as adding additional organizations to a username, modifying user
information, or adding additional program services to a username.

Managing Organization Information

If necessary, a user is able to add additional organizations that may be associated with a
username. The new organization will then be added to the ‘Organization Details’ section. During
subsequent logins, a user will be able to select the organization for which they would like to
submit forms.
To add additional organizations to a username, click the ‘Modify User / Organization
Information’ button on the ‘My Profile’ tab that displays after logging in. A user can then choose
to either search for an existing organization to add or request a new organization to be added. If a
user chooses to add a new organization, populate the required organization contact information
and click the ‘Submit Request for Access’ button.
The additional organization then displays in the ‘Organization Details’ section of the ‘My
Profile’ page.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 11-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘My Profile’ screen:
Exhibit 11-1: My Profile Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 11-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘Modify User/Organization Information’ screen
(Scroll 1):
Exhibit 11-2: Modify User/Organization Information Screen (Scroll 1)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 11-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘Modify User/Organization Information’ screen
(Scroll 2):
Exhibit 11-3: Modify User/Organization Information Screen (Scroll 2)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 11-4 shows a screen capture of the ‘Modify User/Organization Information – Add
Organization’ screen (Scroll 3):
Exhibit 11-4: Modify User/Organization Information Screen (Scroll 3)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


Managing Program Services

Users may need to submit forms under several different program services. The following
sections provide more details regarding how multiple program services can be added.

Adding Program Services

If necessary, a user may add additional program services for organizations under which a user is
registered, including any associated roles that are appropriate for that specific program service.
You may add a program service (see Exhibit 11-5, Exhibit 11-6, and Exhibit 11-7) and associate
a program service with a current organization or a new organization.
Applicable only to some roles, CDX provides twenty questions to choose from which will help
validate your identity. You will be prompted to enter CROMERR questions after you have
successfully passed LexisNexis identity proofing or have been approved via the help desk.
You will choose five questions and provide answers for each. You will not be allowed to select
and enter duplicate questions or answers. The questions that you select should be easy for you to
remember, but difficult for someone else to guess. You will be required to answer one of these
five questions upon submitting any forms that utilize the CROMERR widget for electronic
signatures. You will be prompted with a question randomly chosen by the system during the
signing process.
If you pass LexisNexis validation and choose to sign the ESA electronically, the system will
verify that the CROMERR 20-5-1 questions and answers have been set. If the questions and
answers were previously set, you will be directed to a page to view the ESA (see Exhibit 11-10).
If these have not been set, you will be directed to a page to provide five questions and answers
before proceeding to the ESA page. The questions must be completed before you can
electronically sign the CDX (or flow-specific) ESA or sponsor letter. You must click the ‘Save
Answers’ button after providing the questions and answers. You will receive an email
confirmation of your 20-5-1 questions to both your provided email address and CDX inbox.
After you complete the 20-5-1 question process, review the ESA, and click the ‘Sign
Electronically’ button, the system will launch the CDX CROMERR widget. As part of the CDX
CROMERR widget process, you will be required to re-validate your user ID and password,
provide the answer to one of the questions, and officially sign the ESA.
When you officially sign the ESA, a copy of the ESA, along with your electronic signature, is
stored in the CDX CROMERR archives. A copy of the ESA is also sent to your CDX inbox.
If you choose the paper ESA process, the questions will not be displayed in CDX until your
program service role has been activated. After your role has been activated, you will be
prompted to provide your questions and answers before being able to navigate to the ‘MyCDX’
landing page.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 11-5 shows a screen capture of the ‘MyCDX’ screen:
Exhibit 11-5: MyCDX Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 11-6 shows a screen capture of the ‘Manage Program Services’ screen:
Exhibit 11-6: Manage Program Services Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 11-7 shows a screen capture of the ‘Program Service’ screen:
Exhibit 11-7: Program Service Screen (Scroll 1)


Request Role Access

After selecting the program service on the ‘Program Service’ screen to which you would like to
associate your username, the next step will be to select the appropriate user role to associate with
the program service and to manage any facilities associated with the program service, if
Based on program requirements and provisioning, this section will provide the appropriate fields
for additional information to be collected. Fields will display for the user to enter a facility ID or
to use the Facility Registry Services (FRS) (see Section 4.3.2). An additional screen will appear
only for the roles requiring additional information (see Section 4.3.1).

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 11-8 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Access’ screen:
Exhibit 11-8: Role Access Screen


Organization Information

The ‘Organization Information’ screen is the last step in adding a new program service. Click the
‘Select a Current Organization’ radio button to select the organization that the AO will use to
sponsor this request or click the ‘Request to Add an Organization’ radio button to search for an
organization to add.
The new CDX system requires you to search for your organization before you are able to create a
new organization. You are first asked to do a simple search (see Exhibit 4-16) by entering the
‘Organization Name’ or the ‘Organization ID.’ Partial search terms can be entered. The matching
search results will be returned in a table displaying the ‘Organization ID,’ ‘Organization Name,’
‘Address,’ ‘City,’ ‘State,’ and ‘ZIP Code’ (see Exhibit 4-17). If the simple search returns too
many results, you may use the advanced search option (see Exhibit 4-18 and Exhibit 4-19) or
choose to search again. You may also choose to create an organization from a link below the
search results (see Exhibit 4-17). Click the ‘Organization ID’ link to select your organization.
Once an organization has been selected or created, you will be required to enter an email address
and phone number, with the option of entering a phone number extension or fax number (see
Exhibit 4-19 and Exhibit 4-20).
After all required fields have been completed, click the ‘Submit Request for Access’ button to
complete your request.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 11-9 shows a screen capture of the ‘Organization Information’ screen:
Exhibit 11-9: Organization Information Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 11-10 shows a screen capture of the ‘Electronic Signature Agreement’ screen:
Exhibit 11-10: Electronic Signature Agreement Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 11-11 shows a screen capture of the ‘Application Profile Settings’ screen that is
displayed if a user is registered for multiple organizations under the same program service:
Exhibit 11-11: Application Profile Settings Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


Logging in to CDX for Migrated Users

For users who were registered in CDX before the updates, logging in will behave in the same
manner. You can log into CDX by navigating to the CDX homepage, entering your user
credentials established during registration, and clicking the ‘Log In’ button in the top right corner
of the screen (see Exhibit 12-1).
Exhibit 12-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDX Homepage’ screen (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 12-1: CDX Homepage Screen (Scroll 1)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 12-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDX Homepage’ screen (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 12-2: CDX Homepage Screen (Scroll 2)


Selecting Security Questions

After you log into the updated CDX system for the first time using an account that was created
before October 1, 2012, you will be prompted to select three security questions that will replace
the secret question and secret answer in the legacy CDX system. The security questions will be
used to help verify your identity for when you contact the CDX help desk (see Exhibit
12-3Error! Reference source not found.).

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 12-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘Security Questions’ screen:
Exhibit 12-3: Security Questions Screen


Selecting Primary Organization

The updated system requires the user to have a primary organization that will act as the primary
point of contact for users for any generic CDX information. If you only have one organization
that you are associated with, the system will automatically assign that one as your primary
organization (see Exhibit 12-4). If you have multiple organizations that you are associated with,
you will be required to select the primary organization from a drop-down menu (see Exhibit
12-5). The drop-down menu will list all of the organizations tied to your account.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 12-4 and Exhibit 12-5 show screen captures of the ‘Primary Organization’ screen:
Exhibit 12-4: Primary Organization – Single Organization Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 12-5: Primary Organization – Multiple Organizations Screen


Resetting Password

The modernized CDX system will follow the same policies as the legacy CDX system (preOctober 1, 2012). If you log into the system without having updated an expired password
(passwords expire every 90 days), you will be prompted to change your password after you have
selected security questions and a primary organization (see Exhibit 12-6). Please note that you
will not be able to reuse previous passwords. After you update your password, and click the
‘Submit’ button, you will be sent a confirmation email and be taken to ‘MyCDX’ page.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 12-6 shows a screen capture of the ‘Password Expiration Reset’ screen:
Exhibit 12-6: Password Expiration Reset Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


Logging in to CDX for Returning Users

You can log into CDX by navigating to the CDX homepage, entering your user credentials
established during registration, and clicking the ‘Log In’ button in the top right corner of the
screen (see Exhibit 13-1). You will only be allowed three failed login attempts before locking
your account. For issues regarding a forgotten password, please refer to the ‘Reset Password’
portion of this guide (see Section 13.1).
Exhibit 13-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDX Homepage’ screen (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 13-1: CDX Homepage Screen (Scroll 1)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 13-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDX Homepage’ screen (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 13-2: CDX Homepage Screen (Scroll 2)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


Reset Password

In the event that you forget your password, a ‘Forgot your password?’ link is available on the
‘CDX Homepage’ and on the ‘Log In’ screen (see Exhibit 13-3).
The ‘Forgot Password?’ link directs you to the ‘Password Reset’ screen (see Exhibit 13-4 and
Exhibit 13-5) where you are asked to enter your registered email address and user ID; the user ID
and primary email address must match. After you submit your user ID and email address, the
system will verify the credentials and you will be prompted to provide an answer to one of the
three security questions previously set during the registration process (see Exhibit 13-5). You
will be provided with three chances to provide your secret answer. After three incorrect attempts,
your account will be locked and you will be required to contact the CDX Helpdesk to access
your account.
After you click the ‘Submit’ button to confirm your password reset request, a screen will appear
confirming that your account has been reset to allow you to create a new password (see Exhibit
13-6). An email will also be sent to your primary email address used during the password reset
process. The system-generated email will contain a link, which will direct you to a screen
allowing you to create a new password (see Exhibit 13-7).
Click the link located in the email to navigate to the ‘Change System Password’ screen. Once
you have clicked the link in the email, the reset code will no longer be valid. Navigating away
from this screen will require you to go through the password reset process again. Once on the
‘Change System Password’ screen, enter a new password in the ‘New Password’ text field and
retype it into the ‘Re-enter New Password’ text field (see Exhibit 13-8). Click the ‘Submit’
button to navigate back to the main ‘MyCDX’ screen.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 13-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘Forgot your password?’ link on the ‘Log In’ screen:
Exhibit 13-3: Login Screen/Forgot Password Link

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 13-4 shows a screen capture of the ‘Password Reset’ screen (Part 1):
Exhibit 13-4: Password Reset Screen (Part 1)

Exhibit 13-5 shows a screen capture of the ‘Password Reset’ screen (Part 2):
Exhibit 13-5: Password Reset Screen (Part 2)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 13-6 shows a screen capture of the ‘Password Reset’ screen (Part 3):
Exhibit 13-6: Password Reset Screen (Part 3)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 13-7 shows a screen capture of the ‘Password Reset Instructions’ email:
Exhibit 13-7: Password Reset Instructions Email

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 13-8 shows a screen capture of the ‘Change System Password’ screen:
Exhibit 13-8: Change System Password Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


MyCDX Overview

The following section covers the management of account information for existing users. You
must log into CDX to navigate to the ‘MyCDX’ screen. From this page, you can change
information related to your user account, profile, program, and organization.


‘MyCDX’ is the landing page for all users upon logging into CDX. Through this central location,
the tool provides standard and role-based functionalities to enhance each user’s productivity. To
optimize the user experience, the dashboard has a tabbed navigation structure that allows you to
view and perform routine tasks with a few mouse clicks. The core tabs that are visible to all
registered users are ‘MyCDX,’ ‘Inbox,’ ‘My Profile,’ and ‘Submission History.’
The ‘MyCDX’ tab displays two sections: services and system-generated messaging for user
interaction with registered programs and notification.
Exhibit 14-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘MyCDX Homepage’ screen:
Exhibit 14-1: MyCDX Homepage Screen


News and Updates

The ‘MyCDX’ tab provides system-wide and program-specific alerts, news, and updates to
inform users about upcoming or ongoing activities within CDX (see Exhibit 14-1). Messages
displayed in this section will be sorted in reverse chronology driven by a start and end date to
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

prevent lists from becoming too long. In instances where a message does not have an end date, it
will remain on the list. You can view older messages by clicking a hyperlink that displays a list
of those messages. Users with pending account creations will be able to view program-specific
messages. The system-generated messages include, but are not limited to, the following:
 System outages
 Password expiration countdown
 User account validation
 Program-specific notifications



To access a program, you must click the desired hyperlink in the ‘Role’ column. The list of
programs in the ‘Role’ column accommodates instances where you have multiple roles for one
program. The role may be ‘Awaiting Approval’ ( ), ‘Awaiting Digital Signature Agreement
(DSA) Approval’ ( ), ‘Awaiting ESA Approval’ ( ), or ‘Active’ ( ). Hovering the cursor
over the icons in the ‘Status’ column will provide additional information for a particular role.
Only roles that are ‘Active’ will be hyperlinked.

Manage Program Services

You can access the ‘Manage Program Services’ screen by clicking the hyperlink above the table
listing your program service roles on the ‘MyCDX’ tab (see Exhibit 14-2).
The ‘Manage Program Services’ link allows you view all of your roles in the system for your
specific organization as well as the current statuses of these roles (e.g., active, awaiting approval,
deactivated). You can also request to add new roles and program services to an existing
organization. If you want to add another organization, please refer to Section 14.3.2.
From this page, you will have the option to edit or deactivate the roles in the list. If you
deactivate a role in the list, you must provide confirmation in the pop-up window (see Exhibit
14-3). The ‘OK’ button will deactivate the chosen role. The ‘Cancel’ button will close the popup box and no action will be taken. Once a role has been deactivated, it cannot be reactivated and
you will need to request to add the role to the program service again.
You may add another role for a program flow that you are already associated to by clicking the
‘Request New Role’ link next to the existing flow, which will take you to the screen seen below
(see Exhibit 14-4). You will be directed to additional information or verification screens if the
role requires them.
If you wish to add a new program service, click the ‘Add Program Service’ button. The addition
of a new program service will direct you to the ‘Request Program Service’ screen (see Exhibit
14-5). Here you will be required to select the program service you wish to add, similar to a new
registration (see Section 4.2). Following the program selection, you will be required to select the
role (see Exhibit 14-6). You will be required to complete any additional verification processes if
necessary. This method may be used to register for another role for the current organization
which you are already registered under or a new organization (see Exhibit 14-7). To add another
role for a separate organization, you have the option to add this on the ‘User/Organization’ page.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘Manage Program Services’ screen:
Exhibit 14-2: Manage Program Services Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘Deactivation Confirmation’ pop-up window:
Exhibit 14-3: Deactivation Confirmation Pop-up Window

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-4 shows a screen capture of the ‘Request a New Role’ screen:
Exhibit 14-4: Request a New Role Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-5 shows a screen capture of the ‘Program Service’ screen:
Exhibit 14-5: Program Service Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-6 shows a screen capture of the ‘Role Access’ screen:
Exhibit 14-6: Role Access Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-7 shows a screen capture of the ‘Organization Information’ screen:
Exhibit 14-7: Organization Information Screen


For specific program flows and/or roles, nomination of another user will be allowed. To access
the nomination process, you will need to click the ‘Nominate’ link displayed in the ‘View
Details’ column (see Exhibit 14-8). If the link is not present, the program/role does not allow
nomination. Clicking the link will take you to the ‘Nominate’ screen (see Exhibit 14-9). You will
be required to enter data about the user that you wish to nominate.
 Title (required)
 First Name (required)
 Middle Initial
 Last Name (required)
 Suffix
 Email (required)
 Re-enter Email (required)
Under the ‘Program Information’ section, the program you selected will be populated and a
‘Select Role’ drop-down menu will be populated. You will need to select the role from the
dropdown menu to complete the nomination. The ‘Role’ drop-down menu will only display roles
that you have added to your profile, and roles that allow nominations.
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Under the ‘Organization Information’ section, you will need to conduct an organization search,
similar to that used during registration (see Section 4.4.2). Once all required information has
been filled out and the nomination request has been submitted, you will be directed back to the
‘Manage Program Services’ screen.
Exhibit 14-8 shows a screen capture of the ‘Nominate’ link on the ‘Manage Program Services’
Exhibit 14-8: Manage Program Services Screen - Nominate Link

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-9 shows a screen capture of the ‘Nomination’ screen:
Exhibit 14-9: Nomination Screen


CDX Inbox

Your CDX user inbox can be accessed via the tab on top of the ‘MyCDX’ user homepage. A
sample view of a user inbox can be seen below in Exhibit 14-10. To open an inbox item, click
the hyperlink in the ‘From’ column. Deleting a message can be done by clicking the checkbox
TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

associated with the desired message and clicking the ‘Delete’ button. To select all, click the
header checkbox located in the grey header section. Attachments may also be downloaded by
opening the message and clicking the file link located within the inbox item.
Exhibit 14-10 shows a screen capture of the ‘MyCDX Inbox’ screen:
Exhibit 14-10: MyCDX Inbox Screen

The items in the system ‘Inbox’ will be similar to those received at the email address you
provided during registration. While the message and title are subject to change, you can expect to
see some of the following messages in your CDX inbox:
 Subject: [Program Service Specific] ESA is attached – As part of the registration process
for some program services, you will be required to print and sign an ESA. A digital copy of
this form is available for download from this message in your user ‘Inbox.’
 Subject: eSIG-PIN Questions Answered – This message is to inform you that you have
successfully established your 20-5-1 question and answer sets. The email contains the five
questions you have chosen, but for security purposes, does not include your answers.
 Subject: You successfully signed a document – This message will appear after you have
successfully submitted a form. It informs you that you have successfully signed a form with

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide


My Profile

From the ‘MyCDX’ page, click the ‘My Profile’ tab to edit user and organization information
(see Exhibit 14-11). The ‘My Profile’ tab provides a view of the user and organization
information that you created during registration and any additional modifications or organization
information added after registration.
Exhibit 14-11 shows a screen capture of the ‘My Profile’ screen:
Exhibit 14-11: My Profile Screen


Modify User Information

To modify any of the user profile information, you must click the ‘Modify User / Organization
Information’ button. The page will display both sections and the user will have the ability to
modify all fields except the following user information fields (see Exhibit 14-12):

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

 User ID
 Prefix
 First Name
 Middle Initial
 Last Name
 Suffix
For changes to the above fields, you will need to contact the CDX help desk. From this screen,
you will also be able to change your password by clicking the ‘Change Password’ link.
Another feature on this page is the ability for you to request the deactivation of your entire user
account. When you deactivate an account, you will not be able to log into CDX using that user
ID. You must contact the help desk to reactivate a previously deactivated account and roles. To
deactivate your account you will need to provide your password (see Exhibit 14-13). Since
deactivating the user account deactivates all user roles and prevents the user from accessing
CDX, only the person who knows the password should be allowed to deactivate a user account.
This also prevents users from unintentionally deactivating an account.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-12 shows a screen capture of the ‘My Profile - Edit User Information’ section:
Exhibit 14-12: My Profile - Edit User Information Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-13 shows a screen capture of the ‘User Account Deactivation’ screen:
Exhibit 14-13: User Account Deactivation Screen


Modify Organization Information

The ‘My Profile’ screen described above also has the ‘Organization Details’ section seen below
in Exhibit 14-15. This section allows the user to edit current organization information and add
new organizations.
Within the ‘Organization Details’ section, you will see all the organizations to which you are
registered under. If you have more than one organization listed, you will be able to identify
which organization is flagged as your primary organization.
The ‘Organization Details’ section allows you to change information related to your
organization(s) (see Exhibit 14-15). You can navigate to this section by clicking the ‘Modify
User/Organization Information’ link. Changes can be made to each organization by clicking the
organization name, which will expand to reveal additional details. You can modify the following
 Phone Number (required)
 Phone Number Extension
 Fax Number
Please note that your email address is not editable. To make changes to your organization contact
email you will need to contact the CDX helpdesk. The reason for this is because a user’s email
address is linked to the ESA. In the event that a user needs to change their email address, per
CROMERR requirements, the system needs to have on record and send a notification to the old
and new email address that this change has been made.
When you click into organization information, a ‘Make Primary’ button displays if you have
more than one organization associated with your account (see Exhibit 14-16). The button will
only be displayed for an organization if it is not your primary organization. Modifying your
primary organization will also change your primary email address, meaning any email
correspondences will be sent to the email address you provide for your primary organization.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

You may also add a new organization from this screen by following the steps in Section 4.4.2
where searching and adding organizations are described (see Exhibit 14-17).
Exhibit 14-14 and Exhibit 14-15 show screen captures of the ‘My Profile - Organization Details’
Exhibit 14-14: My Profile - Organization Details Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-15: My Profile – Organization Details Screen (Edit Organization)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-16 shows a screen capture of the ‘My Profile - Set Primary Organization’ section:
Exhibit 14-16: My Profile – Organization Details Screen (Set Primary Organization)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-17 shows a screen capture of the ‘My Profile - Add an Organization’ section:
Exhibit 14-17: My Profile - Add an Organization Screen


Submission History

The ‘Submission History’ tab provides a historical list of transactions for users to access. The tab
has the capability to list recent transactions from various CDX components including:
 Web History
 Next Generation Node 2.0 (NGN)
 WebLogic
 .NET node
Transactions are displayed for a specific timeframe. Any transactions that occurred before the
pre-determined timeframe can be accessed by navigating to an archive of the transactions via the
‘Search’ tab. Details for each submission can be accessed by clicking the ‘Submission ID’ link
(see Exhibit 14-18).

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-18 shows a screen capture of the ‘Submission History’ screen:
Exhibit 14-18: Submission History Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-19 shows a screen capture of the ‘Submission Details’ screen (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 14-19: Submission Details Screen (Scroll 1)

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-20 shows a screen capture of the ‘Submission Details’ screen (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 14-20: Submission Details Screen (Scroll 2)


Frequently Asked Questions

The ‘FAQ’ page is only available to logged-in users and provides responses to general,
registration, account, and program-specific questions about the CDX system (see Exhibit 14-21).
The screen allows the user to navigate to the responses via a top-down approach. All the topics
that are covered are listed in a collapsed view. To view the questions that are covered under a
topic, click the hyperlink for that topic to expand. Once the questions are displayed, you can
click the questions hyperlink to expand and minimize (see Exhibit 14-22).

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-21 shows a screen capture of the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ screen:
Exhibit 14-21: Frequently Asked Questions Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-22 shows a screen capture of questions displayed under a specific program service on
the ‘FAQ Expanded Program Service’ screen:
Exhibit 14-22: FAQ Expanded Program Service Screen


CDX Application Submission Error

If a user is experiencing a challenge question/answer error message during the submission
process, the user needs to contact the help desk and request a 20-5-1 reset. When the challenge
questions are successfully reset, the user will receive an email with an authorization code, which
will allow you to reset your questions and answers. To reset your eSIG-PIN questions and
answers, login and access the ‘MyCDX’ screen. While this authorization code is active, you will
see a link on the right-hand side under the ‘Alert’ section to reset your eSIG-PIN. The link will
take you to a screen where you will be prompted to enter the authorization code and
subsequently provide your new questions and answers. Please be careful when entering the
authorization code as you only have three (3) chances to enter it correctly.

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Exhibit 14-23 shows a screen capture of the ‘Question Reset Alert’ screen:
Exhibit 14-23: CROMERR 20-5-1 Question Reset Alert Screen

Exhibit 14-24 shows a screen capture of the ‘Authorization Code Entry’ screen:
Exhibit 14-24: CROMERR 20-5-1 Authorization Code Entry Screen

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

Appendix A
The following table displays all the definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations used in this
document and their full name.
Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Full Nam e


Alternative Control Measures
Authorized Official


Chemical Data Reporting


Central Data Exchange


Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation


Chemical Safety and Pesticide Programs


Digital Security Agreement


Environmental Protection Agency


Electronic Signature Agreement


Eastern Standard Time/Eastern Daylight Time


Frequently Asked Questions


Facility Registry System


For Your Information




Internet Explorer


Low Release/Low Exposure Exemption


Low Volume Exemption


Microbial Commercial Activity Notice


Next Generation Node 2.0


Notice of Commencement


Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics


Preliminary Assessment Information Rule


Personally Identifiable Information


Premanufacture Notice


Registration Maintenance Account Manager


Significant New Use Notice


TSCA Experimental Release Application


Test Market Exemption


Test Marketing Exemption Application


Toxics Release Inventory


Toxic Substances Control Act

TDD 9.21 OPPT CIS CDX CSPP Registration User Guide

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2015-04-03
File Created2015-04-03

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