Appendix G ET-State-Plan-Handbook_Updated FY23

Appendix G ET-State-Plan-Handbook_Updated FY23.pdf

SNAP Employment and Training Performance Measurement, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements

Appendix G ET-State-Plan-Handbook_Updated FY23

OMB: 0584-0614

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Appendix G - SNAP E&T State Plan Handbook


Food and Nutrition Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture

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Title of Document:
Document ID:
Date of Issuance:

SNAP E&T State Plan Handbook

May 6, 2022
Document replaces earlier version of the E&T State Plan Handbook
Provides guidance to State agencies to develop their E&T State plans.

Pursuant to the Congressional Review Act and Executive Order 12866, the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs has designated this document as not major and not


Table of Contents
Part 1: Description of State Plan Requirements ...................................................................... 5
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 6
Program Design .................................................................................................................. 7
Allocation of 100 Percent Federal Funds.......................................................................... 12
Reallocation of 100 Percent Federal Funds ..................................................................... 12
Reporting Measures ......................................................................................................... 14
Part 2: E&T State Plan Templates ........................................................................................... 18
Preparing to Submit the E&T State Plan .......................................................................... 19
A. Cover Page and Authorized Signatures...................................................................... 22
B. Amendment Log ............................................................................................................ 23
C. Acronyms ...................................................................................................................... 24
D. Assurances .................................................................................................................... 25
E. State E&T Program, Operations, and Policy............................................................... 27

Summary of E&T Program ........................................................................................ 27


Program Changes ..................................................................................................... 28

III. Consultation and Coordination with the Workforce Development System ................ 28
Consultation ................................................................................................................. 28
Coordination ................................................................................................................. 29
IV. Consultation with Indian Tribal Organizations (ITOs) ................................................ 30

Utilization of State Options ........................................................................................ 31

VI. Characteristics of Individuals Served by E&T ........................................................... 32
VII. Organizational Relationships..................................................................................... 33
VIII. Screening for Work Registration ............................................................................... 34
IX. Screening for Referral to E&T ................................................................................... 35

Referral to E&T.......................................................................................................... 36

XI. Assessment ............................................................................................................... 37
XII. Case Management Services ..................................................................................... 37
XIII. Conciliation Process (if applicable) ........................................................................... 38
XIV. Disqualification Policy for General Work Requirements ............................................ 39
XV. Good Cause .............................................................................................................. 40
XVI. Provider Determinations ............................................................................................ 41
XVII. Participant Reimbursements .................................................................................... 41
Participant Reimbursement Details ..................................................................................... 42


XVIII. Work Registrant Data ............................................................................................. 44
XIX. Outcome Reporting Measures .................................................................................. 44
National Reporting Measures ..................................................................................... 44
State Component Reporting Measures ...................................................................... 45
F. Pledge to Serve All At-Risk ABAWDs (if applicable) ................................................. 48
G. Component Detail ......................................................................................................... 52

Non-Education, Non-Work Components ................................................................... 52


Educational Programs ............................................................................................... 57

III. Work Experience (WE) .............................................................................................. 61
Work Activity and Unsubsidized WBL Components ................................................... 61
Subsidized WBL Components .................................................................................... 66
H. Estimated Participant Levels ....................................................................................... 71
I. Contracts/Partnerships .................................................................................................. 72
J. Budget Narrative and Justification .............................................................................. 75
Part 3 – E&T State Plan Operating Budget Excel Workbook ................................................ 77

Contracts and Partnerships Matrix .............................................................................. 78

A-1. Intermediary subcontracts, if applicable ...................................................................... 78

Operating Budget ........................................................................................................ 78


Funding Sources & Total Fiscal Year Plan Funding.................................................... 78


Optional: County Administrated Budget Summary ...................................................... 78


Optional: County Administered Components .............................................................. 78

Appendices................................................................................................................................ 79

County Administered Programs ................................................................................ 80


Available E&T Components ...................................................................................... 82

III. Template for Requesting Reallocated 100 Percent Federal Funds .......................... 83
IV. Resources ................................................................................................................. 85


Part 1: Description of
State Plan Requirements


This document provides guidance to State agencies administering and operating the
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E&T)
program on how to prepare and submit their annual plan to the Food and Nutrition
Service (FNS) for review and approval.
State agencies should review this Handbook to ensure E&T State plans contain all
necessary information. Lack of information in any aspect of an E&T plan will result in
FNS requesting additional information or clarification from the State agency, which
could delay plan approval. State agencies may contact their FNS Regional Office for
further information on SNAP E&T policies and Federal financial management policies.
This document supersedes all previous versions of the E&T Handbook.
State agencies should also refer to the E&T Toolkit, which contains policy guidance and
useful program tools. The E&T Toolkit can be found on the SNAP Employment &
Training webpage, under E&T Policy and Guidance at:


Program Design
Section 6 of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, as amended, (the Act) provides that
each State agency shall implement an employment and training program for the
purpose of assisting members of SNAP households in gaining skills, training, work, or
experience that will increase their ability to obtain regular employment and meets State
or local workforce needs.
In accordance with 7 CFR 273.7(c)(4), a SNAP E&T program must include case
management and one or more training components such as: supervised job search, job
search training, workfare, work experience, educational programs, self-employment
activities, job retention, and other appropriate programs, projects, or pilots as approved
by FNS.
In accordance 7 CFR 273.7(c)(5), the State agency must design its E&T program in
consultation with the State workforce development board, or with private employers or
employer organizations, if the State agency determines the latter approach is more
effective and efficient. Each component of the State agency’s E&T program must be
delivered through its statewide workforce development system, unless the component is
not available locally through such a system.
State agencies have a great deal of flexibility in the design of their SNAP E&T
programs. They may design E&T programs that accomplish any of the following:

Meet the range of needs of SNAP participants, as well as employer needs.


Help those who are work-ready transition to good paying jobs or help those who
need additional skills to enroll in education or training programs that lead to indemand careers.


Assist participants as they transition to employment through the use of retention

State agencies have an opportunity to expand the reach of their SNAP E&T program by
forging partnerships with, for example, State and local agencies, American Job Centers,
community-based organizations, community colleges, foundations, and employers to
more fully utilize and leverage available Federal funding.
FNS has created several tools and resources that State agencies can use to help build
SNAP E&T programs that move participants toward better paying jobs. Most notably,
the SNAP E&T Operations Handbook: a Step-by-Step Guide to Planning and
Implementing a SNAP E&T Program provides State agencies a road map for planning,
implementing, and growing a SNAP E&T program, focusing on developing third-party
partnerships. The SNAP E&T Toolkit also provides important policy information related
to operating an E&T Program.


In addition, the SNAP to Skills website, includes briefs on best practices such as career
pathways, serving unique populations, partnering with programs under the Workforce
Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), or using behavioral science to improve
participation and engagement. The website also includes webinars on using
intermediaries, tips on how to ramp up an E&T program, and partnering with community
Contact your FNS Regional Office for information on how FNS can support your State's
efforts to build a more skilled workforce through SNAP E&T.

Requirement to Develop an E&T State Plan
All State agencies are required to submit an annual E&T State plan to FNS for review
and approval by August 15th for the upcoming Federal fiscal year (FY). The following
section details the regulatory requirements associated with this plan.
The regulations at 7 CFR 272.2 require each State agency to prepare and submit a
State Plan of Operation, which includes an E&T State plan. As part of this State Plan of
Operation, in accordance with 7 CFR 272.2(c), State agencies must also submit a
Budget Projection Statement annually by August 15 (Form 366-A, OMB No. 05840083). This statement provides projections of the total costs for major areas of program
operations, including E&T.
In accordance with 7 CFR 272.2(e), FNS has 30 days to approve, deny, or request
additional information for the E&T State plan. If additional information is requested, the
State agency must provide this as soon as possible, and FNS shall approve or deny the
plan within 30 days after receiving the information. FNS will notify the State agency of
the plan approval (or denial) and the authorized allocation amount. Funds are then put
in the State agency’s Line of Credit for the State agency to draw down to pay
administrative costs and participant reimbursements.
Further, the regulations at 7 CFR 273.7(c)(6) outline the types of information the State
agency must include in the E&T State plan, including the following:

The nature of the E&T components the State agency plans to offer and the
reasons for such components, including cost information.


A detailed description of case management services.


An operating budget for the year.


Planned exemptions from mandatory E&T.


The characteristics of the population the State agency intends to serve in E&T.


The estimated number of volunteers the State agency expects to serve in E&T.


The geographic areas covered and not covered by the E&T State Plan and why,
and the type and location of services to be offered.



The method the State agency uses to count all work registrants as of the first day
of the new fiscal year.


The method the State agency uses to report work registrant information on the
quarterly Form FNS–583.


The method the State agency uses to prevent work registrants from being
counted twice within a Federal fiscal year.


The organizational relationship between the units responsible for certification and
the units operating the E&T program, including units of the statewide workforce
development system, if available.


The relationship between the State agency and other organizations it plans to
coordinate with for the provision of services, including organizations in the
statewide workforce development system, if available.


The availability, if appropriate, of E&T programs for Indian Tribal members living
on reservations.


Information about the conciliation process, if appropriate.


The payment rates for child care.


The combined (Federal/State) State agency reimbursement rate for
transportation costs and other expenses reasonably necessary and directly
related to participation incurred by E&T participants.


Information about expenses the State agency proposes to reimburse.


For each component that is expected to include 100 or more participants,
reporting measures that the State agency will collect and include in the annual
Outcome Report.


Requests for reallocated funds (to be included in a separate narrative and budget
worksheet from the overall E&T budget).


Information about the ABAWD Pledge, if applicable.

State agencies may use the template in Part 2 of this handbook to ensure all required
information is included in the E&T State plan.

State Agency Responsibilities for Implementation of the E&T
State Plan
The State agency is responsible and accountable for implementation of the E&T State
plan once it is approved. The State agency must make allowable cost determinations
and monitor E&T partners and contractors to ensure funds are spent appropriately. The
State agency is fully liable for repayment of Federal funds, should those costs later be


determined unallowable. The State agency is responsible for providing clear direction
and, as necessary, technical assistance to any subrecipient and contractors to ensure
that all projects support the State’s E&T goals and objectives, and to clarify which
expenses are eligible for reimbursement through SNAP. For more information on
allowable costs, please see the E&T Toolkit.

Annual Plan Submission Schedule
State agencies must submit State E&T plans for the upcoming Federal FY to the
appropriate FNS Regional office by August 15. Earlier submission is encouraged to
allow time for any issues, and facilitate earlier approval of the plan.
Once approved, State E&T plans are effective October 1, which is the start of the
Federal FY. FNS cannot reimburse State agencies for E&T expenditures until an
approved E&T State plan is in effect. State agencies choosing to start activities without
FNS approval risk not receiving reimbursement for those activities. FNS will consider
retroactive reimbursements of E&T activities to the plan submission date or October 1,
whichever is later, if plans are subsequently approved.
For more information on retroactive reimbursements, see the FNS memo issued May
30, 2012 entitled “Approval of SNAP E&T Plans.”

WIOA Combined State Plan and Submission
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was designed to help job
seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the
labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in
the global economy. Under WIOA, States must outline a four-year strategy for the
State’s workforce development system by developing a Unified State Plan that includes
operational plans for WIOA’s core programs and mandatory partners.
State agencies have the option to submit a Combined State Plan that includes the core
programs as well as other optional Federal employment and training programs,
including SNAP E&T and Work programs authorized under section 6(o) of the Act.
However, even if SNAP E&T is included in the State’s WIOA Combined State Plan, the
State agency must still submit certain elements of the E&T State plan to FNS on an
annual basis. For more information on these requirements, see the March 14, 2016
memo, “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training, WIOA
Unified and Combined State Plans.”

Plan Availability and Confidentiality
In accordance with 273.7(c)(6), a State agency’s E&T State plan must be available for
public inspection at the State agency headquarters. State agencies are encouraged to
post the E&T State plans on a public website. State agencies should exclude personally
identifiable information that cannot be shared under Federal or State requirements.


After an E&T State plan is approved, it becomes a part of the record of FNS
transactions, and will be made available to the public. Information that FNS determines
to be of a confidential, privileged, or proprietary nature will be held in confidence to the
extent permitted by law. Therefore, any information that the State agency wishes to
have considered as confidential, privileged, or proprietary should be clearly marked
within the E&T State plan. Any drafts or unapproved versions of the E&T State plan will
be not released to the public.

Plan Modifications
If a State agency wishes to make significant changes to its approved E&T program, it
must submit a formal plan modification to its FNS Regional Office for review at least 30
days before the planned implementation. The modification must be approved before it is
implemented. If the State agency implements any major changes prior to FNS approval,
it may be liable for any costs associated with those changes. If a State agency is unsure
if a change to its E&T program requires a State plan amendment, the State agency
should discuss the change with its FNS Regional Office.
The following are examples of changes that require a formal modification of the E&T
State plan:

Major changes in components (e.g., adding, deleting, or modifying a component).


Significant changes in State policy (e.g. major changes to State E&T


When FNS approves the State agency’s request for additional 100 percent
Federal funds and the funds will be used to make significant changes to the State
E&T program.


Changes in the amount of 50 percent reimbursement funds requested.


Change in the method of providing participant reimbursements.


Shifting 50-50 funds between administrative and participant reimbursement


Adjustments to outcome reporting measures or methodology for data collection.


The SNAP E&T budget exceeds $100,000 and there is a change in activities that
result in a change of 5 percent or greater of the total program budget.


Amounts budgeted for indirect costs are transferred to absorb increases in direct

The plan modification should include a cover letter that explains the proposed
change(s). The modified plan should be attached in final copy with updated dates to
reflect the date of the revision. Tables included in the plan must be updated, if affected.


Minor changes that do not affect the participation levels or component cost do not need
prior approval. For example, a State agency would not need prior approval to substitute
one contractor for another if it does not affect the scope or operation of a component.
Although FNS approval is not required for these changes, all changes to the E&T State
plan should be reported to FNS within 30 days of the change. A revised plan should be
submitted electronically with page changes noted in a cover letter.

Allocation of 100 Percent Federal Funds
In accordance with 7 CFR 273.7(d), E&T is funded through three major funding
streams: 100 percent Federal funds, 50-50 funds, and ABAWD Pledge funds. The
allocation and reallocation process for 100 percent Federal funds is discussed more
below. More information about 100 percent Federal funds, 50-50 funds, and ABAWD
Pledge funds, as well as allowable uses of E&T funds, are discussed in the E&T Toolkit.
FNS allocates a $103.9 million grant to State agencies, annually, for the purpose of
administering and operating their E&T programs. FNS often refers to these funds as
“100 percent Federal funds” because no State commitment of funds is required to
receive these funds.
The initial allocation of 100 percent Federal funding is based on a formula. Ninety
percent of the grant is based on the number of State work registrants relative to
nationwide statistics. The remaining ten percent is based on the number of ABAWDs in
a State. Funding is NOT based on the number of participants in an E&T program. No
State receives less than $100,000.
In the spring, FNS distributes a preliminary allocation memo that approximates the
amount of 100 percent Federal funds each State agency will receive for the upcoming
fiscal year. In the summer, FNS produces a final allocation memo that reflects any
changes in work registrant or ABAWD counts reported by the State agencies.
While E&T 100 percent Federal funds are available to FNS for two years, State
agencies’ annual allocations are only available to States for one year. Any 100 percent
Federal funds that are not spent during the first FY are recovered by FNS at the end of
the FY to be reallocated to other State agencies for the second FY according to a
reallocation formula.

Reallocation of 100 Percent Federal
In accordance with 7 CFR 273.7(d)(1)(iii), FNS will reallocate the unobligated,
unexpended portion of the prior FY’s 100 percent grant to State agencies that request


funds and provide documentation of a demonstrated need, according to the priority for
the reallocation of funds.

Priorities for Reallocation
If a State agency will not obligate or expend all of the funds allocated to it for a Federal
FY under paragraph 7 CFR 273.7(d)(1)(i), FNS will reallocate the unobligated,
unexpended funds to other State agencies during the fiscal year or subsequent fiscal
year. FNS will allocate recovered funding to meet State agencies' requests. However, if
requests for reallocated funds exceed the amount available, some State agencies may
not receive re-allocated funds or receive less than requested. The reallocation must
occur within a timeframe that allows each State agency receiving reallocated funds at
least 270 days to expend the reallocated funds. In accordance with 7 CFR
273.7(d)(1)(iii), priorities for this reallocation are as follows:
A. Not less than 50 percent shall be reallocated to requesting State agencies
that were awarded grants to operate SNAP E&T pilots under the Agricultural
Act of 2014 (P.L. 113-79) (2014 Farm Bill), to conduct employment and
training (E&T) programs and activities authorized under the pilots that the
Secretary determines have the most demonstrable impact on the ability of
participants to find and retain employment that leads to increased household
income and reduced reliance on public assistance. The Secretary shall base
the determination on project results from the independent evaluation of the
SNAP E&T pilots or, if the project results are not yet available, on SNAP E&T
pilot reports or other information relating to the performance of SNAP E&T
pilot programs and activities.
B. Not less than 30 percent shall be reallocated to State agencies requesting
funds to implement or continue allowable E&T programs and activities that
the Secretary determines have the most demonstrable impact on the ability of
participants to find and retain employment that leads to increased household
income and reduced reliance on public assistance, and that is targeted
o Individuals 50 years of age or older.
o Formerly incarcerated individuals.
o Individuals participating in a substance abuse treatment program.
o People with disabilities seeking to enter the workforce.
o Other individuals with substantial barriers to employment, such as
disabled veterans, or
o Households facing multi-generational poverty to support employment and
workforce participation through an integrated and family-focused approach
to providing supportive services.


C. The remainder of the funds shall be reallocated to requesting State agencies
to use for allowable E&T programs and activities that the Secretary
determines have the most demonstrable impact on the ability of participants
to find and retain employment that leads to increased household income and
reduced reliance on public assistance.
State agencies receiving reallocated funds under priority A noted above may also be
considered for reallocated funding under priority B.

Process for Requesting Reallocated Funds
Per 7 CFR 273.7(c)(6)(xix), State agencies must request reallocated funds as part of
their E&T State plan for the year they would plan to use the reallocated funds. The
request must use a separate budget and narrative from the general budget for the
upcoming Federal FY, and explain how the State agency intends to use the funds. FNS
will review all State agency requests for reallocated funds and notify State agencies of
the approval of any reallocated funds. FNS’ approval or denial of requests for
reallocated funds will occur separately from the approval or denial of the rest of the E&T
State plan.
A template for requesting additional funds is provided in Appendix III at the end of this
Handbook. The request must contain the information requested in the template for
proper review and consideration by FNS.

Reporting Measures
State Outcome Reports
States agencies must annually report on two sets of outcome measures for the E&T
program: national measures and component-specific measures. The national measures
are the same for every State, and capture outcome information for a broad swath of
activities within the State’s E&T program. The component-specific measures are unique
to each State agency and must be paired to every component the State agency plans to
offer that is expected to serve at least 100 participants. The following section describes
the information to include in the E&T State plan and provides guidance on data sources
and sampling plans. State agencies may also review Interim Final Rule: SNAP
Employment and Training Program Monitoring, Oversight and Reporting Measures and
the Questions and Answers Memorandum for more information.

Reporting Information to Include in the E&T State Plan
National Reporting Measures


In the E&T State plan, State agencies must include a clear description of how
information for each national reporting measure will be collected, including the reporting
time-frame, the data source(s), and the methodology used to obtain data for the annual
report. The national measures are similar to the performance indicators for the core
programs in WIOA and data collection could be coordinated with the State’s labor
Component Measures
Additionally, State agencies must identify reporting measures for each proposed
component that is expected to serve at least 100 participants during the year and
include those measures in the E&T State plan. Measures developed by the State
agency should reflect the proximate goals of the specific component and must measure
an “outcome”. For instance, a proximate goal details the number of individuals who
received an industry-recognized credential upon completion of a component, rather than
a more distal goal like the number of individuals who achieved employment. While
employment is a significant achievement, many components are designed to achieve
outcomes more directly related to participation. Additionally, included measures should
not constitute “process” measures, which refer to specific steps in a process that may
lead to the outcome. For instance, an outcome measure would detail how many
individuals graduated from a component, whereas a process measure would detail how
many individuals participated in a component. The State agency must also include in
the E&T State plan the methodology the State agency will use to determine the
outcomes. The following are examples of outcome measures:

The percentage and number of program participants who received E&T services
and are in unsubsidized employment subsequent to the receipt of those services.


The percentage and number of participants who gained skills likely to lead to
employment as measured through testing, quantitative or qualitative assessment,
or other method.


The percentage and number of participants who obtain a recognized credential,
including a registered apprenticeship, or a regular secondary school diploma or
its recognized equivalent, while participating in, or within one year after receiving
E&T services.


The percentage and number of participants who do not comply with employment
and training requirements and become ineligible for SNAP under section 6(b) of
the Act.

Data Sources
Each State agency will determine the data source(s) and the collection methodology it
will use to gather data for the reporting measures, and include this information in its
E&T State plan. While FNS prefers that State agencies use administrative data, such as


quarterly wage records, there are many data sources that State agencies may consider
using, including the following:

Quarterly wage records (QWR). QWR data provides intrastate and interstate
wages paid to an individual, the social security number (or numbers, if more than
one) of the individual and the name, address, State, and the Federal employer
identification number of the employer paying the wages to the individual.


The National Directory of New Hires (NDNH). The NDNH is a database
established pursuant to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
Reconciliation Act of 1996 to assist State child support agencies in locating
parents and enforcing child support orders. State agencies may also use NDNH
for the purpose of administering SNAP. NDNH includes data on New Hires,
Quarterly Wage Information, and Unemployment Insurance.


Management Information Systems (MIS). State agencies may already have
MIS systems that could be augmented or adapted from another department,
such as the State workforce department, to track E&T activities and employment


Manual Follow-up. State agencies may manually follow-up with E&T
participants and former participants. This type of data collection can be difficult
as client contact information may change over time and it is very resource
intensive. State agencies should review internal resources and those of providers
when considering this source of data.


Follow-up surveys. For some reporting measures, a random sample of E&T
participants and former participants may be used to obtain estimates of the
required information. State agencies electing use of a sample will be required to
obtain approval through the E&T State plan approval process.

Random Sampling Guidelines
State agencies may use a random sampling methodology to gather the outcome data. If
a State agency uses a random sample rather than tracking all E&T participants, the
following sample sizes must be used.
Universe Size of E&T
Participants for Reporting
5000 and over
300 to 4,999
Under 300

Reporting Measure Random
Sample Size to be
All participants


State agencies using a random sample must include the sampling procedures in its E&T
State plan. All sampling procedures used by the State agency must be described,

Sample Design. All sampling plans must conform to principles of probability
sampling. A systematic sample design for samples should be used because of its
relative ease to administer and its validity, and because it yields a sample
proportional to variations in the caseload over the course of the year. (To obtain
a systematic sample, a State agency would select every “kth” case after a
random start between 1 and k. The value of “k” is dependent upon the estimated
size of the universe and the sample size.) The plan must specify the method of
sample selection.


Sample Universe and Frames. The State agency must select a random sample
from a sample frame. The State agency must ensure that sample frames
accurately reflect their sample universes. The frame for active cases must list all
households that participated in E&T in the fiscal year. The description of the
sample frames must include: source, availability, accuracy, completeness,
components, location, form, frequency of updates, and structure.


Sample Size. The above chart contains the required sample size. This is the
minimum number of cases which must be selected each year to for any reporting
measure based upon the number of cases or individuals in the sample universe.
The sample sizes assume that State agencies will use a systematic or simple
random sample design.


Sample Selection. The description of the methods of sample selection must
include procedures for: estimating caseload size, computation of sampling
intervals and random starts, as appropriate. A time schedule for each step in the
sampling procedures must be included.


Part 2: E&T State Plan


Preparing to Submit the E&T State Plan
State agencies are encouraged to submit their E&T State plans using the following
template. This template supersedes previous versions in the E&T State Plan Handbook.
The E&T State Plan template is available on the FNS website for download and use.
State agencies should provide their initial submissions as Microsoft Word and Excel
documents to the appropriate FNS Regional Office for review and approval. The review
process often involves exchanges between FNS and State agencies, which may result
in some adjustments. Please keep in mind that an E&T State plan is a public document
and must be made available to the public upon request, so the E&T State plan should
be submitted in its final format without track changes or comments.
While the use of these templates is optional, using a different format may delay plan
approval if all of the required and requested information is not covered. It is to the State
agency’s advantage to use the recommended templates in this handbook.
While drafting your plan:

Use standard 12-point font.


Use at least 1-inch margins.


Insert a header or footer containing: State agency name, Federal FY, and date of
plan update.


Number pages consecutively, including the attachments.


Check for spelling and grammar errors.

Include in your plan:

Cover page.


Acronym section including those for the State agency, the E&T program, E&T
providers, and any information systems.


Amendment log.


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable


A. Cover Page and Authorized Signatures ............................................................................. 22
B. Amendment Log ................................................................................................................... 23
C. Acronyms .............................................................................................................................. 24
D. Assurances ........................................................................................................................... 25
E. State E&T Program, Operations, and Policy ...................................................................... 27

Summary of E&T Program ........................................................................................ 27


Program Changes ..................................................................................................... 28

III. Consultation and Coordination with the Workforce Development System ................ 28
IV. Consultation with Indian Tribal Organizations (ITOs) ................................................ 30

Utilization of State Options ........................................................................................ 31

VI. Characteristics of Individuals Served by E&T ........................................................... 32
VII. Organizational Relationships..................................................................................... 33
VIII. Screening for Work Registration ............................................................................... 34
IX. Screening for Referral to E&T ................................................................................... 35

Referral to E&T.......................................................................................................... 36

XI. Assessment ............................................................................................................... 37
XII. Case Management Services ..................................................................................... 37
XIII. Conciliation Process (if applicable) ........................................................................... 38
XIV. Disqualification Policy for General Work Requirements ............................................ 39
XV. Good Cause .............................................................................................................. 40
XVI. Provider Determinations ............................................................................................ 41
XVII.Participant Reimbursements ..................................................................................... 41
XVIII.Work Registrant Data............................................................................................... 44
XIX. Outcome Reporting Measures .................................................................................. 44
F. Pledge to Serve All At-Risk ABAWDs (if applicable) ......................................................... 48
G. Component Detail ................................................................................................................ 52

Non-Education, Non-Work Components ................................................................... 52


Educational Programs ............................................................................................... 57

III. Work Experience (WE) .............................................................................................. 61
H. Estimated Participant Levels .............................................................................................. 71
I. Contracts/Partnerships ......................................................................................................... 72
J. Budget Narrative and Justification ..................................................................................... 75


Enter State and Plan Year


Table B.I.
Table C.I.
Table D.I.
Table D.II.
Table E.I.
Table E.II.
Table E.III.
Table E.IV.
Table F.I.
Table F.II.
Table F.III.
Table F.IV.
Table G.I.
Table G.II.
Table G.III.
Table G.IV.
Table G.V.
Table G.VI.
Table G.VII.
Table G.VIII.
Table G.IX.
Table G.X.
Table G.XI.
Table G.XII.
Table G.XIII.
Table G.XIV.
Table G.XV.
Table G.XVI.
Table G.XVII.
Table G.XVIII.
Table G.XIX.
Table G.XX.
Table G.XXI.
Table G.XXII.
Table G.XXIII.
Table I.I.
Table I.II.
Table I.III.
Table I.IV.
Table I.V.
Table J.I.

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Amendment Log ............................................................................................... 23
Acronyms.......................................................................................................... 24
Assurances ....................................................................................................... 25
Additional Assurances ...................................................................................... 26
Estimates of Participant Reimbursements........................................................ 42
Participant Reimbursement Details .................................................................. 43
National Reporting Measures ........................................................................... 44
Component Outcome Measures....................................................................... 46
Pledge Assurances........................................................................................... 48
Information about the size of the ABAWD population ...................................... 50
Available Qualifying Activities ........................................................................... 51
Estimated cost to fulfill the pledge .................................................................... 51
Non-Education, Non-Work Component Details: Supervised Job Search ......... 54
Non-Education, Non-Work Component Details: Job Search Training .............. 54
Non-Education, Non-Work Component Details: Job Retention ........................ 55
Non-Education, Non-Work Component Details: Self-Employment Training ..... 55
Non-Education, Non-Work Component Details: Workfare ............................... 56
Educational Program Details: Basic/Foundational Skills Instruction ................ 58
Educational Program Details: Career/Technical Education Programs or other
Vocational Training ........................................................................................... 58
Educational Program Details: English Language Acquisition ........................... 59
Educational Program Details: Integrated Education and Training/Bridge
Programs .......................................................................................................... 59
Educational Program Details: Work Readiness Training.................................. 60
Educational Program Details: Other ................................................................. 60
Work Experience: Work Activity ....................................................................... 62
Work Experience: Internship ............................................................................ 62
Work Experience: Pre-Apprenticeship.............................................................. 63
Work Experience: Apprenticeship .................................................................... 63
Work Experience: On-the-Job Training ............................................................ 64
Work Experience: Transitional Jobs ................................................................. 64
Work Experience: Work-based learning - Other ............................................... 65
Subsidized Work Experience: Internship – Subsidized by E&T ....................... 68
Subsidized Work Experience: Pre-Apprenticeship– Subsidized by E&T .......... 68
Subsidized Work Experience: Apprenticeship – Subsidized by E&T ............... 69
Subsidized Work Experience: Transitional Jobs – Subsidized by E&T ............ 69
Subsidized Work Experience: Work-based learning - Other Subsidized by E&T ........................................................................................... 70
Contractor/Partner Details ................................................................................ 72
Contractor/Partner Details ................................................................................ 73
Contractor/Partner Details ................................................................................ 73
Contractor/Partner Details ................................................................................ 74
Contractor/Partner Details ................................................................................ 74
Direct Costs ...................................................................................................... 75


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

A. Cover Page and Authorized Signatures
State: Click or tap here to enter text.
State Agency Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Federal FY: Click or tap here to enter text.
Date Submitted to FNS (revise to reflect subsequent amendments): Click or tap here to
enter text.
List State agency personnel who should be contacted with questions about the E&T
State plan.




Certified By:


State Agency Director (or Commissioner)


Certified By:


State Agency Fiscal Reviewer



Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

B. Amendment Log
In accordance with 7 CFR 273.7(c)(8), State agencies must submit plan revisions to the
appropriate FNS Regional office for approval if it plans to make a significant change.
For a complete list of situations requiring an amendment to the E&T State plan, see
Plan Modifications in the E&T State Plan Handbook. The State agency must submit the
proposed changes for approval at least 30 days prior to the planned implementation.
Please use the log below to document the submission of an amended plan. A single line
in the log should capture each time a plan is amended and resubmitted, not each
individual amendment throughout the plan.
To expedite the review process for amendment changes, please highlight areas where
text has been added or changed. After FNS approval of amendment changes,
highlighting must be removed and a clean, updated plan submitted to FNS.
Table B.I. Amendment Log
Brief description of
changes or purpose
for amendment (If
amendment includes
Amendment budget changes,
include in description)

Sections of
Plan Changed
areas of plan
with changes)

submitted approved
to FNS
by FNS


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

C. Acronyms
State agencies may consider including acronyms for the SNAP State agency, SNAP
E&T program name, State’s management information system, and SNAP E&T providers
or contractors.
Below is a list of common acronyms utilized within this plan. Please delete acronyms
that do not apply and add additional acronyms in alphabetical order.
Table C.I. Acronyms
Acronym Definition
Able-Bodied Adult without Dependents
Employment and Training
Fiscal Year
Food and Nutrition Service
General Assistance
Indian Tribal Organization
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
United States Department of Agriculture
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

D. Assurances
By signing on the cover page of this document and checking the boxes below, the State
agency Director (or Commissioner) and financial representative certify that the below
assurances are met.
Table D.I. Assurances
Check the box to indicate you have read and understand each
I. The State agency is accountable for the content of the E&T State
plan and will provide oversight of any sub-grantees. (7 CFR
273.7(c)(4) and 7 CFR 273.7(c)(6))
II. The State agency is fiscally responsible for E&T activities funded
under the plan and is liable for repayment of unallowable costs. (7
CFR 271.4, 7 CFR 276.2, and 7 CFR 277.16)
III. State education costs will not be supplanted with Federal E&T
funds. (7 CFR 273.7(d)(1)(ii)(C))

Check Box

IV. Cash or in-kind donations from other non-Federal sources have not
been claimed or used as a match or reimbursement under any
other Federal program. (7 CFR 277.4(d)(2))


V. Documentation of State agency costs, payments, and donations for
approved E&T activities are maintained by the State agency and
available for USDA review and audit. (7 CFR 277.17)


VI. Contracts are procured through appropriate procedures governed
by State procurement regulations. (7 CFR 277.14)


VII. Program activities are conducted in compliance with all applicable
Federal laws, rules, and regulations including Civil Rights and
OMB regulations governing cost issues. (7 CFR parts 271, 272,
273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 281, and 282)


VIII. E&T education activities directly enhance the employability of the
participants; there is a direct link between the education activities
and job-readiness. (7 CFR 273.7(e)(2)(vi))


IX. Program activities and expenses are reasonable and necessary to
accomplish the goals and objectives of SNAP E&T. (7 CFR



Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Table D.II. Additional Assurances
The following assurances are only applicable to State agencies
with the situations described below. If the condition applies,
check the box to indicate you have read and understand each
I. If in-kind goods and services are part of the budget, only public inkind services are included. No private in-kind goods or services
are claimed. (7 CFR 277.4(d) and (e))
II. The E&T Program is implemented in a manner that is responsive to
the special needs of Indian Tribal members on Reservations. The
State agency shall consult on an ongoing basis about portions of
the E&T State Plan which affect them; submit for comment all
portions of the E&T State Plan that affect the Indian Tribal
Organization (ITO); if appropriate and to the extent practicable,
include ITO suggestions in the E&T State plan. (For States with
Indian Reservations only.) (7 CFR 272.2(b)(2) and 7 CFR

Check Box




Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

E. State E&T Program, Operations, and Policy

Summary of E&T Program

a) Provide the vision and mission of the State E&T program. In addition, describe how
your State agency’s E&T program meets the purpose of E&T which is to: 1)
increase the ability of SNAP participants to obtain regular employment; and 2) meet
State or local workforce needs.

b) Is the State’s E&T program administered at the State or county level?

c) (For county-administered States only) Describe how counties share information with
the State agency (e.g. county E&T plans), and how the State agency monitors
county operations.

d) Provide the geographic areas of the State where the E&T program operates, and
describe the rationale for this selection. Designate which areas, if any, operate
mandatory E&T programs.

e) Provide a list of the components offered.

f) Provide the web addresses (URLs) of State E&T policy resources such as
handbooks and State administrative code, if available.


Enter State and Plan Year


Enter amendment date, as applicable

Program Changes

Please complete this section if applicable, and only include changes to the program for
the upcoming Federal fiscal year (FY).
a) Summarize changes for the upcoming Federal fiscal year (FY) from the prior FY.
Significant changes may include new initiatives, changes in funding or funding
sources, policy changes, or significant changes to the number of partners or
participants. Significant changes could include those made as a result of
management evaluation findings or participation in program improvement initiatives,
such as SNAP to Skills. It is not necessary to include changes made as a result of
new Federal rulemaking.

b) Highlight any changes from above that the State agency is making to the E&T
program based on the prior year’s performance, for instance changes made as a
result of E&T outcome and participation data.


Consultation and Coordination with the Workforce
Development System

State agencies must design the E&T program in consultation with the State workforce
development board and operate the E&T program through the Statewide workforce
development system (7 CFR 273.7(c)(5)). The goal of this section is to explain the
relationship between the State agency and other organizations it plans to consult and
coordinate with for the provision of services, including organizations in the statewide
workforce development system. The statewide workforce development system refers to
a network of providers, which may include government and the public sector;
community-based organizations and non-profits; employers and industry; occupational
training providers; and post-secondary institutions, such as community colleges. Please
note the State workforce development board is an entity that establishes regional
strategic plans and sets funding priorities for their area. They are distinct from State
workforce agencies.

Consultation with the workforce development system generally includes discussions to
learn about services provided in the community and how each organization functions
and coordinates with others in the community. State agencies can demonstrate they


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

consulted with their State workforce development board by noting the dates of
conversations, who they spoke with, what they spoke about, and how they incorporated
this information into the design of their E&T program.
a) Consultation with State workforce development board: Describe how the State
agency consulted with the State workforce development board in designing its
SNAP E&T program. This description should include with whom the State agency
consulted and the outcomes of the consultation. If the State agency consulted with
private employers or employer organizations in lieu of the State workforce
development board, skip to question (b).

b) Consultation with employers: If the State agency consulted with private
employers or employer organizations in lieu of the State workforce development
board, document this consultation and explain the determination that doing so was
more effective or efficient. Include with whom the State agency consulted and the
results of the consultation.

Coordination with the workforce development system consists of efforts to partner with
workforce providers to directly serve SNAP E&T participants or to align the flow or types
of services offered across programs.
c) Special State Initiatives: Describe any special State initiatives (i.e. Governorinitiated or through State legislation) that include SNAP E&T. Describe any efforts
taken by the State agency to coordinate these programs, services, partners, and/or
activities with the State’s E&T program.

d) Coordination with title I of WIOA: Describe the extent to which the State agency
is carrying out SNAP E&T programs in coordination with title I programs under the
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

e) WIOA Combined Plan: Is SNAP E&T included as a partner in the State’s WIOA
Combined Plan?
☐ Yes
☐ No

f) TANF/GA Coordination: Describe how the State agency is coordinating with
TANF/GA programs, services, partners, and/or activities. Describe any TANF/GA
special initiatives targeting specific populations and any actions taken to coordinate
with these efforts.

g) Other Employment Programs: Describe how the State agency is coordinating its
SNAP E&T program with any other Federal or State employment program (e.g.
HUD, child support, re-entry, refugee services).


Consultation with Indian Tribal Organizations (ITOs)

State agencies are required to consult with Tribes about the SNAP State Plan of
Operations, which includes the E&T State Plan, per 7 CFR 272.2(b) and 272.2(e)(7).
The consultations must pertain to the unique needs of Tribal members. State agencies
are required to document the availability of E&T programs for Tribal members living on
reservations in accordance with 7 CFR 273.7(c)(6)(xiii). The goal of this section is to
describe how the State agency consulted with Indian Tribal Organizations (ITOs),
describe the results of the consultation, and document the availability of E&T programs
for Tribal members living on reservations.
a) Did the State agency consult with ITOs in the State?
☐ Yes, ITOs in the State were consulted. (Complete the rest of this section.)

☐ No, ITOs are located in the State but were not consulted. (Skip the rest of this

☐ Not applicable because there are no ITOs located in the State. (Skip the rest of
this section.)


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

b) Name the ITOs consulted.

c) Outcomes: Describe the outcomes of the consultation. Provide specific examples
of how the State agency incorporated feedback from ITOs into the design of the
E&T program (e.g., unique supportive service, new component, in-demand

d) Enhanced reimbursement: Will the State agency be seeking enhanced
reimbursement for E&T services (75%) for ITO members who are residents of
reservations, either on or off the reservation?
☐ Yes
☐ No


Utilization of State Options

State agencies have the flexibility to implement policy options to adapt and meet the
unique needs of State populations. Check which options the State agency will
a) The State agency operates the following type of E&T program (select only one):
☐ Mandatory per 7 CFR 273.7(e)
☐ Voluntary per 7 CFR 273.7(e)(5)(i)
☐ Combination of mandatory and voluntary
b) The State agency serves the following populations (check all that apply):
☐ Applicants per 7 CFR 273.7(e)(2)

☐ Exempt members of zero benefit households that volunteer for SNAP E&T per
7 CFR 273.10(e)(2)(iii)(B)(7)

☐ Categorically eligible households per 7 CFR 273.2(j)


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

c) Does the State agency enable ABAWDs to regain SNAP eligibility through E&T and
verify that the ABAWD will meet the work requirement within 30 days subsequent to
application per 7 CFR 273.24(d)(1)(iv)?
☐ Yes
☐ No


Characteristics of Individuals Served by E&T

State agencies are required to include information about the categories and types of
individuals they plan to exempt from mandatory E&T participation (7 CFR 273.7
(c)(6)(iv)), as well as the characteristics of the population they plan to place in E&T (7
CFR 273.7 (c)(6)(v)).
a) Describe the categories and types of individuals the State will exempt from
mandatory E&T participation. In accordance with 7 CFR 273.7(e), State agencies
may exempt from mandatory E&T participation, categories of work registrants (e.g.
all those in counties X, Y, Z, or those in their first 30 days of receipt of SNAP) and
individual work registrants based on certain personal characteristics or
circumstances (e.g. lack of transportation or temporary disability). These
exemptions are in addition to the federal exemptions from work requirements at
273.7(b) and only applicable to the E&T requirement at 7 CFR 273.7(a)(1)(ii).
Exemptions from Mandatory E&T must also be listed in Table H ‘Estimated
Participant Levels’ Sheet of the Excel Workbook.
(Note: States than run all-voluntary E&T programs would note that they exempt all
work registrants.)

b) How frequently will the State plan to re-evaluate these exemptions from mandatory

c) What are the characteristics of the population the State agency intends to serve in
E&T (e.g. target population)? This question applies to both mandatory and
voluntary participants.

☐ Homeless


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

☐ Veterans
☐ Students

☐ Single parents

☐ Returning citizens (aka: ex-offenders)
☐ Underemployed

☐ Those that reside in rural areas

☐ Other: Click or tap here to enter text.


Organizational Relationships

State agencies are required to include information on the organizational relationship
between the units responsible for certification and the units operating the E&T
components, including units of the statewide workforce development system, if
available. For the purposes of the questions below, E&T providers are considered to be
units of the Statewide workforce development system. FNS is specifically interested in
ensuring that the lines of communication are efficient and that, if applicable,
noncompliance with mandatory E&T is reported to the certification unit within 10 working
days after the noncompliance occurs, per 7 CFR 273.7(c)(4). State agencies must also
include information on the relationship between the State agency and other
organizations it plans to coordinate with for the provision of services.
The following questions are about how the E&T program is structured in your State
a) Please indicate who at the State agency directly administers the E&T program (i.e.
establishes E&T policy, contracts for E&T services, monitors providers). For
example, if the E&T program unit is separate from the SNAP certification unit, and if
there are separate E&T units at the county level.

b) How does the E&T unit coordinate and communicate on an ongoing basis with the
units responsible for certification policy?

c) Describe the State’s relationships and communication with intermediaries or E&T
providers (if applicable):


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

1. Describe how the State agency, intermediaries, E&T partners, share
participant data and information. Include the names of any MIS systems (or
other modes of communication) used.

2. If the State uses an MIS system, describe the E&T related data that is tracked
and stored in those systems (e.g. referrals, noncompliance with program
requirements, provider determinations, etc.), and whether the system(s)
interact with each other.

3. Describe how the State agency shares new policies, procedures, or other
information with the intermediary or other E&T partners.

4. Describe the State agency’s process for monitoring E&T partners’ program
and fiscal operations. Include plans for direct monitoring such as visits, as
well as indirect monitoring such as reviewing program data, financial invoices,

5. Describe how the State agency evaluates the performance of partners in
achieving the purpose of E&T (assisting members of SNAP households in
gaining skills, training, work, or experience that will increase their ability to
obtain regular employment and meets State or local workforce needs).


Screening for Work Registration

State agency eligibility staff must screen for exemptions from work registration, per 7
CFR 273.7(a).


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

a) Describe how the State agency screens applicants to determine if they are work

b) How does the State agency work register non-exempt individuals? For example,
does the State agency make a notation in the file, do individuals sign a form, etc.?

c) At what point in the certification process does the State agency provide the written
explanation and oral notification of the applicable work requirements?


Screening for Referral to E&T

The State agency must screen each work registrant to determine if it is appropriate,
based on State specific criteria, to refer them to the E&T program per 7 CFR 273.7
(c)(2). State agencies may operate program components in which individuals elect to
participate, per 7 CFR 273.7(e)(4).
a) List the State-specific criteria eligibility workers use to screen individuals to
determine if it is appropriate to refer them to the State’s SNAP E&T program. (Note:
This question is not asking about criteria that may be unique to each provider.)

b) Describe the process for screening during the certification and recertification
process. Include the staff involved in the screening, how the staff conduct the
screening, and when the screening occurs.

c) (If applicable) Describe the process for screening upon receipt of a request for
referral to E&T from an E&T provider (reverse referral). Include the staff involved in
the screening, how the staff conduct the screening, and when the screening occurs.


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

d) How and when are participants informed about participant reimbursements? In the
case of mandatory participants, how and when does the State agency ensure
individuals are exempted from mandatory E&T if the costs of participant
reimbursements exceed any State agency cap or are not available?


Referral to E&T

In accordance with 7 CFR 273.7(c)(2), the State agency must refer participants to E&T.
a) What information does the State provide to E&T participants when they are referred
and how is the referral communicated (e.g. information about accessing E&T
services, case management, dates, contact information)?

b) If a State receives and approves a referral request from an E&T provider (reverse
referral), how does the State communicate to the SNAP participant that they are in
SNAP E&T and about their rights to receive participant reimbursements, etc.?

c) After referral, describe what the E&T participant must do next. For instance, if the
participant must report for an orientation describe who conducts the orientation,
where the orientation occurs (e.g. in-person at a provider, log-in to a computer
program, telephone interview with a case manager), and what happens during the
orientation. If the next step varies throughout the State, describe the most common
next step.


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

d) How is information about the referral communicated within the State agency? For
instance, is the information entered into an MIS by the eligibility worker and
reviewed by an E&T specialist?

e) How is information about the referral communicated to E&T providers, as
applicable? If the State works with E&T providers outside the State agency, how
does the E&T provider know a SNAP participant has been referred to them?



As a best practice, SNAP participants should be assessed after referral to ensure they
receive targeted E&T services.
a) Does the State require or provide an assessment?
☐ Yes (Complete the remainder of this section.)
☐ No (Skip to the next section.)
b) If yes, describe the processes in the State, if any, to provide E&T participants with
an assessment (e.g. who conducts the assessment, when are participants
assessed, what tools are used, and how are the results shared with State agency
staff, providers, and/or participants)


Case Management Services

The State E&T program must provide case management services to all E&T
participants. In accordance with 7 CFR 273.7(c)(6)(ii), State agencies are required to
include specific information about the provision of case management services in the
E&T State plan.
a) What types of E&T case management services will the State agency provide?
Check all that apply.
☐ Comprehensive intake assessments


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

☐ Individualized Service Plans
☐ Progress monitoring

☐ Coordination with service providers
☐ Reassessment

☐ Other. Please briefly describe: Click or tap here to enter text.
b) Describe how case management services are delivered in your State. For instance,
in one model case management is provided by E&T specialists who provide
assessments and other services after participants are referred to E&T. In other
instances, case management is integrated into the component. If your State uses
more than one model, describe the one or two most common ways of delivering
case management services.

c) Using the table below, describe how E&T case managers coordinate with other staff
and services. Coordination can involve tracking E&T participation, sharing
information that may be relevant to participation in E&T (e.g. information related to
good cause or a work exemption), and referral to additional services.
Communication/Coordination with:
SNAP eligibility staff:
State E&T staff:
Other E&T providers:
Community resources:

d) Describe how the State agency will ensure E&T participants receive targeted case
management services through an efficient administrative process, per 7 CFR


Conciliation Process (if applicable)

In accordance with 7 CFR 273.7(c)(3), State agencies have the option to offer a
conciliation period to noncompliant E&T participants. The conciliation period provides


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

mandatory E&T participants with an opportunity to comply before the State agency
sends a notice of adverse action. The conciliation process is not a substitute for the
determination of good cause when a client fails to comply.
a) Does the State agency offer a conciliation process?
☐ Yes (Complete the remainder of this section.)
☐ No (Skip to the next section.)

b) Describe the conciliation process and include a reference to State agency policy or

c) What is the length of the conciliation period?


Disqualification Policy for General Work Requirements

This section applies to the General Work Requirements, not just to E&T, and
should be completed by all States, regardless of whether they operate a
mandatory or voluntary E&T program.
All work registrants are subject to SNAP work requirements at 7 CFR 273.7(a). A
nonexempt individual who refuses or fails to comply without good cause, as defined at 7
CFR 273.7(i)(2), (i)(3), and (i)(4), with SNAP work requirements will be disqualified and
subject to State disqualification periods. Noncompliance with SNAP work requirements
includes voluntarily quitting a job or reducing work hours below 30 hours a month, and
failing to comply with SNAP E&T (if assigned by the State agency).
a) What period before application does the State agency use to determine voluntary
quit and/or reduction in work effort without good cause per 7 CFR 273.7(j)(1)?
☐ 30 days
☐ 60 days

☐ Other: Click or tap here to enter text.


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

b) For all occurrences of non-compliance discussed below, must the individual also
comply to receive benefits again?
☐ Yes
☐ No

c) For the first occurrence of non-compliance per 7 CFR 273.7(f)(2)(i), the individual
will be disqualified until the later of:
☐ One month or until the individual complies, as determined by the State agency
☐ Up to 3 months

d) For the second occurrence of non-compliance per 7 CFR 273.7(f)(2)(ii), the
individual will be disqualified until the later of:
☐ Three months or until the individual complies, as determined by the State
☐ Up to 6 months

e) For the third or subsequent occurrence per 7 CFR 273.7(f)(2)(iii), the individual will
be disqualified until the later of:
☐ Six months or until the individual complies, as determined by the State agency
☐ Time period greater than 6 months
☐ Permanently

f) The State agency will disqualify the:
☐ Ineligible individual only

☐ Entire household (if head of household is an ineligible individual) per 7 CFR


Good Cause

In accordance with 7 CFR 273.7(i), the State agency is responsible for determining
good cause when a SNAP recipient fails or refuses to comply with SNAP work
requirements. Since it is not possible for FNS to enumerate each individual situation
that should or should not be considered good cause, the State agency must take into
account the facts and circumstances, including information submitted by the employer
and by the household member involved, in determining whether or not good cause


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

a) Describe the State agency process to determine if a non-exempt individual has
good cause for refusal or failure to comply with a SNAP work requirement. Include
how the State agency reaches out to the SNAP participant, employers, and E&T
providers (as applicable), as well as how many attempts are made to reach out to
the SNAP participant for additional information.

b) What is the State agency’s criteria for good cause?

c) Please describe the State agency’s process to determine good cause if there is not
an appropriate and available opening for an E&T participant.


Provider Determinations

In accordance with 7 CFR 273.7(c)(18) a State agency must ensure that E&T providers
are informed of their authority and responsibility to determine if an individual is ill-suited
for a particular E&T component.
a) Describe the process used by E&T providers to communicate provider
determinations to the State agency.

b) Describe how the State agency notifies clients of a provider determination. Please
include the timeframe for contacting clients after receiving a provider determination.


Participant Reimbursements

In accordance with 7 CFR 273.7(d)(4), State agencies are required to pay for or
reimburse participants for expenses that are reasonable, necessary, and directly related
to participation in E&T. State agencies may impose a maximum limit for reimbursement
payments. If a State agency serves mandatory E&T participants, it must meet all costs


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

associated with mandatory participation. If an individual’s expenses exceed those
reimbursements available by the State agency, the individual must be placed into a
suitable component or must be exempted from mandatory E&T.
Table E.I. Estimates of Participant Reimbursements
I. Estimated number of E&T participants to receive
participant reimbursements. This is an
unduplicated count. If an individual participates
in more than one month, they would only be
counted once.
State agencies should take into consideration the
number of mandatory E&T participants projected in
Table H – Estimated Participant Levels in the Excel
Workbook, and the number of mandatory E&T
participants likely to be exempted, if the State agency
cannot provide sufficient participant reimbursements.

Estimated number of E&T participants to receive
participant reimbursements per month. This is a
duplicated count. This calculation can include
the same individual who participates in more
than one month.
Estimated budget for E&T participant
reimbursements in upcoming FY.
Estimated budget for E&T participant
reimbursements per month in upcoming FY.
(Row III/12)
Estimated amount of participant reimbursements
per E&T participant per month. (Row IV/Row II)


Participant Reimbursement Details
Complete the table below with information on each participant reimbursement
offered/permitted by the State agency (do not indicate information for each provider). A
description of each category is included below.

Allowable Participant Reimbursements. Every State agency must include child
care and transportation in this table, as well as other major categories of
reimbursements (examples of categories include, but are not limited to: tools, test
fees, books, uniforms, license fees, electronic devices, etc.). Mandatory States
must meet all costs associated with participating in an E&T program, or else they
must exempt individuals from E&T.


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable


Participant Reimbursement Caps (optional). States have the option to
establish maximum levels (caps) for reimbursements available to individuals.
Indicate any caps on the amount the State agency will provide for the participant


Who provides the participant reimbursements? Indicate if the participant
reimbursement is provided by the State agency, a provider, an intermediary, or
some other entity. The State agency remains ultimately responsible for ensuring
individuals receive participant reimbursements, even if it has contracted with
another entity to provide them.


Method of disbursement. Indicate if the participant receives the participant
reimbursement in advance or as a reimbursement. Also indicate if the amount of
the participant reimbursement is an estimated amount or the actual amount.

Table E.II. Participant Reimbursement Details
The following table should be completed with details that reflect the State agency’s
policies on allowable reimbursements. If the response varies by E&T provider, include
examples to illustrate this variation. Expenses must be listed in the State plan and
approved by FNS to be allowable.

Caps (optional)

Who provides the

Method of

a) If providing dependent care, specify payment rates for child care reimbursements,
established in accordance with the Child Care and Development Block Grant
(CCDBG) and based on local market rate surveys. If alternative dependent care is
provided by the State agency in lieu of reimbursement, describe these


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

b) If dependent care agencies have a waiting list or otherwise cap the number of
enrolled dependents, how will the State agency ensure E&T participants with
dependent care needs receive dependent care?


Work Registrant Data

The SNAP general work requirements are described at 7 CFR 273.7(a). Individuals who
do not meet an exemption from the general work requirements, as listed in 7 CFR
273.7(b)(1), are subject to the general work requirement and must register for work. In
accordance with 7 CFR 273.7(c)(10), the State agency must submit to FNS the number
of work registrants in the State as of October 1st. This information is submitted on the
first quarter E&T Program Activity Report.
a) Describe the process the State agency uses to count all work registrants in the
State as of the first day of the new fiscal year (October 1). Please provide
information about how data is pulled from the eligibility system. For instance, how
work registrants are identified and how counting is conducted.

b) Describe measures taken to prevent duplicate counting.


Outcome Reporting Measures

National Reporting Measures
Table E.III. National Reporting Measures
[Check the data source used for the national
reporting measures. Check all that apply]
Quarterly Wage Records (QWR)

& Earnings
☐ Yes ☐ No

of Education
of Training
☐ Yes ☐ No

State Information Management System (MIS). Indicate ☐ Yes ☐ No
below what MIS system is used.
Manual Follow-up with SNAP E&T Participants. Answer ☐ Yes ☐ No
follow-up question below.

☐ Yes ☐ No

National Directory of New Hires (NDNH)

☐ Yes ☐ No

☐ Yes ☐ No

☐ Yes ☐ No


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

[Check the data source used for the national
reporting measures. Check all that apply]
Follow-up Surveys. State agencies must complete the
Random Sampling Plan section below, if follow-up
surveys is used.
Other - Describe source: Click or tap here to enter text.

& Earnings
☐ Yes ☐ No

of Education
of Training
☐ Yes ☐ No

☐ Yes ☐ No

☐ Yes ☐ No

a) If a State MIS is used, please indicate the system (e.g., SNAP eligibility system,
State’s Department of Labor MIS).

b) If a manual follow-up with SNAP E&T participants is conducted, describe the
process for follow-up, including the contact method (e.g., verbal contact, email, or

c) If a State agency is not using Quarterly Wage Records (QWR) as the source for the
national measures, describe the State agency’s plan to move toward using QWR
including a timeline for completion.

State Component Reporting Measures
d) Check all data sources used for the State-specific component measures.
☐ Quarterly Wage Records (QWR)

☐ National Directory of New Hires (NDNH)

☐ State Management Information System. Indicate the MIS used below.

☐ Manual follow-up with SNAP E&T Participants. Answer follow-up question
☐ Follow-up Surveys. Answer follow-up question below.


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

e) If a State MIS is used, please indicate the system (e.g., SNAP eligibility system,
State’s Department of Labor MIS).

f) If a manual follow-up with SNAP E&T participants is conducted, describe the
process for follow-up, including the contact method (e.g., verbal contact, email, or

g) If follow-up surveys are used, please describe the sample frame. This description
must include source, availability, accuracy, completeness, components, location,
form, frequency of updates and structure.

h) If follow-up surveys are used, please describe the sample selection. This
description must include the method of sample selection, procedures for estimating
caseload size, computation of sampling intervals and random starts, as appropriate,
and a time schedule for each step in the sampling procedure.

Using the table below, indicate the outcome measure that will be used for each
component that the State agency will offer that is intended to serve at least 100
participants in the FY. Explain in detail the methodology for acquiring the component
data. Please ensure the component names listed here match the component names in
the FNS-583 report and Section G: Component Detail.
Table E.IV. Component Outcome Measures

Supervised Job

Outcome Measure
Example: Number of
people who obtain
employment after
completion of component.

Methodology including the
timeframes being reported (e.g.
denominator and numerator).
Example: Numerator will include
those participants who obtained
employment after completing
component during the period of 101-2019 to 9-30-2020


Enter State and Plan Year


Enter amendment date, as applicable

Outcome Measure

Methodology including the
timeframes being reported (e.g.
denominator and numerator).
Denominator will include the
number of participants that
participated in supervised job
search during the period of 10-12019 to 9-30-2020.


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

F. Pledge to Serve All At-Risk ABAWDs (if applicable)
The Act authorizes FNS to allocate $20 million annually to State agencies that commit,
or pledge, to ensuring the availability of education, training, or workfare opportunities
that permit able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) to remain eligible beyond
the 3-month time limit.
To be eligible for these additional funds (pledge funds), State agencies must pledge to
offer and provide an opportunity in a work program that meets the participation
requirements of 7 CFR 273.24 to every applicant and recipient who is in the last month
of the 3–month time limit and not otherwise exempt. Individuals are exempt from the
time limit if they meet an exception under 7 CFR 273.24(c), reside in an area covered
by a waiver in accordance with 7 CFR 273.24(f), or who are exempted by the State
under 7 CFR 273.24(g). ABAWDs who meet the criteria outlined in 7 CFR 273.7(d)(3)(i)
are referred to as “at-risk” ABAWDs.
a) Is the State agency pledging to offer qualifying activities to all at-risk ABAWDs?
☐ Yes (Complete the rest of this section.)

☐ No (Skip to Section G: Component Detail.)

Table F.I. Pledge Assurances
Check the box to indicate that the State agency understands and agrees
to comply with the following provisions, per 7 CFR 273.7(d)(3).
The State agency will use the pledge funds to defray the costs of offering
every at-risk ABAWD a slot in a qualifying component.
The cost of serving at-risk ABAWDs is not an acceptable reason for failing to
live up to the pledge. The State agency will make a slot available and the
ABAWD must be served even if the State agency exhausts all of its 100
percent Federal funds and must use State funds.
While a participating State agency may use a portion of the additional funding
to provide E&T services to ABAWDs who are not at-risk, the State agency
guarantees that at-risk ABAWDs are provided with opportunities by the State
agency each month to remain eligible beyond the 3-month time limit.
The State agency will notify FNS immediately if it realizes that it cannot
obligate or expend its entire share of the ABAWD allocated funds, so that
FNS may make those funds available to other participating pledge States
within the fiscal year.
The State agency will be ready on October 1st to offer and provide qualifying
activities and services each month an ABAWD is at-risk of losing their
benefits beyond the 3-month time limit.





Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

b) Where will the State agency offer qualifying activities?
☐ Statewide

☐ Limited areas of the State (Complete questions c and d below.)
c) Explain why the State agency will offer qualifying activities in limited areas of the
☐ ABAWD waiver for parts of the State
☐ Will use discretionary exemptions

☐ Other: Click or tap here to enter text.
d) If the State agency will be offering qualifying activities only in limited areas of the
State, please list those localities/areas.

e) How does the State agency identify ABAWDs in the State eligibility system?

f) How does the State agency identify ABAWDs that are at-risk?

g) When and how is the offer of qualifying activities made? Include the process the
State agency uses to ensure that at-risk ABAWDs receive an offer of a qualifying
component for every month they are at risk, including how the offer is made.

The next set of questions is intended to establish the State agency’s overall capacity
and ability to serve all at-risk ABAWDs during the fiscal year through the services
available in SNAP E&T as well as through other qualifying activities available through
other Federal or State employment and training programs. In addition to SNAP E&T
components, qualifying activities for ABAWDs include programs that operate outside of
SNAP E&T. Such as Optional Workfare programs, WIOA title I programs, programs
under Section 236 of the Trade Act of 1974, Veterans employment and training


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

programs offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Department of Labor,
and Workforce Partnerships in accordance with 7 CFR 273.7(n).
h) What services and activities will be provided through SNAP E&T? (List the
components and participant reimbursements.) This should be consistent with the
components detailed in Section G, as well as Section E-XIV regarding participant

i) What services and activities will be provided outside of SNAP E&T? (List the
operating program, such as title 1 of WIOA, services and activities.)

j) To pledge, State agencies must have capacity to offer a qualifying activity to every
at-risk ABAWD for every month they are at-risk. What is the State agency’s plan if
more ABAWDs than expected choose to take advantage of the offer of a qualifying
activity? For instance, how will the State agency ensure the availability of more
slots? What steps has the State agency taken to guarantee a slot through
agreements or other arrangements with providers?

Table F.II. Information about the size of the ABAWD population


How many ABAWDs did you serve in E&T in the previous FY?


How many SNAP recipients are expected to be ABAWDs this
fiscal year? This should be an unduplicated count. If an
individual is an ABAWD at any time during the fiscal year,
they would be counted only once. Note: This should be
consistent with the projected number of ABAWDs shown on
Table H row 11 in the Excel Workbook.)
How many ABAWDs will meet the criteria of an at-risk
ABAWD? This should be an unduplicated count. If an
individual is an at-risk ABAWD at any time during the fiscal
year, they would be counted only once. (Note: This should be
consistent with the projected number of at-risk ABAWDs
shown on Table H row 14 in the Excel Workbook.)


Enter State and Plan Year


Enter amendment date, as applicable

Number of at-risk ABAWDs averaged monthly? This should
be annual total from line (III) divided by 12.


Table F.III. Available Qualifying Activities
When considering all the qualifying activities that the pledging State agency intends to
offer to at-risk ABAWDs, provide a projected estimate for each category below.


average monthly
slots available to
at-risk ABAWDs

average monthly
slots offered to
at-risk ABAWDs

at-risk ABAWD
participation for
plan year

All other programs
outside of SNAP E&T
Total slots across all
qualifying activities
Table F.IV. Estimated cost to fulfill the pledge

What is the projected total cost to serve all at-risk
ABAWDs in your State?


Of the total in (I), what is the total projected
administrative costs of E&T?


Of the total in (I), what is the total projected costs for
participant reimbursements in E&T?


k) Explain the methodology used to determine the total cost to fulfill the pledge.


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

G. Component Detail
The goal of this section is to provide a comprehensive description of E&T program
components and activities that the State agency will offer. A State agency’s E&T
program must include one or more of the following components: supervised job search;
job search training; workfare; work experience or training; educational programs; selfemployment activities; or job retention services. The State agency should ensure that
the participation levels indicated in this section align with other sections of the State
Plan, such as the projected participant levels in Section H – Estimated Participant
Complete the following questions for each component that the State agency intends to
offer during the fiscal year.

Non-Education, Non-Work Components


Complete the tables below with information on each non-education, non-work
component that the State agency intends to offer during the fiscal year. If the State
does not plan to offer one of the components in the table, please leave the cells
blank. For each component that is offered, the State should include the following

Summary of the State guidelines implementing supervised job search
(applies to SJS only). This summary of the State guidelines, at a minimum,
must describe: The criteria used by the State agency to approve locations for
supervised job search, an explanation of why those criteria were chosen, and
how the supervised job search component meets the requirements to directly
supervise the activities of participants and track the timing and activities of


Direct link (applies to SJS only). Explain how the State agency will ensure that
supervised job search activities will have a direct link to increasing the
employment opportunities of individuals engaged in the activity (i.e. how the
State agency will screen to ensure individuals referred to SJS are job ready and
how the SJS program is tailored to employment opportunities in the community).


Description of the component (applies to JST, SET, and Workfare). Provide
a brief description of the activities and services.
o For JR Only: Provide a summary of the activities and services. Include a
description of how the State will ensure services are provided for no less
30 days and no more than 90 days.


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable


Target population. Identify the population that will be targeted. Include special
populations such as ABAWDs, Returning Citizens, Homeless, Older
Disconnected Youth, etc.


Criteria for participation. What skills, knowledge, or experience is necessary for
participation in the component? For example, literacy or numeracy levels, recent
labor market attachment, computer literacy etc.


Geographic area. Where will the component be available (statewide, regional,
counties, localities not covered by ABAWD waivers, areas covered by American
Job Centers, etc.).


E&T providers. Identify all entities that will provide the service.


Projected annual participation. Project the number of unduplicated individuals.


Estimated annual component costs. Project only administrative costs


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Table G.I. Non-Education, Non-Work Component Details: Supervised Job Search
Supervised Job Search (SJS)
Summary of the State
guidelines implementing
Direct link
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs
Table G.II. Non-Education, Non-Work Component Details: Job Search Training
Job Search Training (JST)
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Table G.III. Non-Education, Non-Work Component Details: Job Retention
Job Retention (JR)
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs
Table G.IV. Non-Education, Non-Work Component Details: Self-Employment
Self-Employment Training (SET)
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Table G.V. Non-Education, Non-Work Component Details: Workfare
Workfare (W)
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs


Enter State and Plan Year


Enter amendment date, as applicable

Educational Programs

Complete the tables below with information on each educational program component
that the State agency intends to offer during the fiscal year. If the State does not plan
to offer one of the components in the table, please leave the cells blank. For each
component that is offered, the State should include the following information:

Description of the component. Provide a summary of the activities and


Target population. Identify the population that will be targeted. Include special
populations such as ABAWDs, Returning Citizens, Homeless, Older
Disconnected Youth, etc.


Criteria for participation. What skills, knowledge, or experience is necessary for
participation in the component? For example, literacy or numeracy levels, recent
labor market attachment, computer literacy etc.


Geographic area. Where will the component be available (statewide, regional,
counties, localities not covered by ABAWD waivers, areas covered by American
Job Centers, etc.).


E&T providers. Identify all entities that will provide the service.


Projected annual participation. Project the number of unduplicated individuals.


Estimated annual component costs. Project only administrative costs.


Not supplanting: Federal E&T funds used for activities within the education
component must not supplant non-Federal funds for existing educational services
and activities. For any education activities, provide evidence that costs attributed
to the E&T program are not supplanting funds used for other existing education


Cost parity: If any of the educational services or activities are available to
persons other than E&T participants, provide evidence that the costs charged to
E&T do not exceed the costs charged for non-E&T participants (e.g. comparable


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Table G.VI. Educational Program Details: Basic/Foundational Skills Instruction
Basic/Foundational Skills Instruction (includes High
School Equivalency Programs) (EPB)
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs
Not supplanting
Cost parity
Table G.VII. Educational Program Details: Career/Technical Education Programs
or other Vocational Training
Career/Technical Education Programs or other
Vocational Training (EPC)
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs
Not supplanting
Cost parity


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Table G.VIII. Educational Program Details: English Language Acquisition
English Language Acquisition (EPEL)
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs
Not supplanting
Cost parity
Table G.IX. Educational Program Details: Integrated Education and
Training/Bridge Programs
Integrated Education and Training/Bridge Programs
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs
Not supplanting
Cost parity


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Table G.X. Educational Program Details: Work Readiness Training
Work Readiness Training (EPWRT)
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs
Not supplanting
Cost parity
Table G.XI. Educational Program Details: Other
Other (EPO): State agency must provide description
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs
Not supplanting
Cost parity


Enter State and Plan Year


Enter amendment date, as applicable

Work Experience (WE)

Work experience is divided into two subcomponents per 7 CFR 273.7(e)(2)(iv): Work
activity (WA) and Work-based learning (WBL). WBL activities like internships,
apprenticeships, and on-the-job training, among others, may provide wages subsidized
by the E&T program. In order to capture information about WBL activities that may be
subsidized or unsubsidized by E&T, there are two sets of tables below for each kind of
WBL activity – the first group of tables are for activities not subsidized by E&T (e.g.
Work-based learning – Internships) and the second group of tables are for activities
subsidized by E&T (e.g. Work-based learning – Internships - Subsidized by E&T). Note
that subsidized means programs where E&T funding is used to subsidize wages of
participants. Subsidized in this context does not mean programs where participants
receive a subsidized wage from another source.

Work Activity and Unsubsidized WBL Components
Complete the tables below with information on Work Activity and each unsubsidized
WBL component that the State agency intends to offer during the fiscal year. If the
State does not plan to offer one of the components in the table, please leave the
cells blank. For each component that is offered, the State should include the following

Description of the component. Provide a summary of the activities and


Target population. Identify the population that will be targeted. Include special
populations such as ABAWDs, Returning Citizens, Homeless, Older
Disconnected Youth, etc.


Criteria for participation. What skills, knowledge, or experience is necessary for
participation in the component? For example, literacy or numeracy levels, recent
labor market attachment, computer literacy etc.


Geographic area. Where will the component be available (statewide, regional,
counties, localities not covered by ABAWD waivers, areas covered by the
American Job Centers, etc.).


E&T providers. Identify all entities that will provide the service.


Projected annual participation. Project the number of unduplicated individuals.


Estimated annual component costs. Project only administrative costs.


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Table G.XII. Work Experience: Work Activity
Description of the
Target population

Work Activity (WA)

Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs
Table G.XIII. Work Experience: Internship
Description of the
Target population

Internship (WBLI)

Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Table G.XIV. Work Experience: Pre-Apprenticeship
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs
Table G.XV. Work Experience: Apprenticeship
Apprenticeship (WBLA)
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Table G.XVI. Work Experience: On-the-Job Training
On-the-Job-Training (WBLOJT)
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs
Table G.XVII. Work Experience: Transitional Jobs
Transitional Jobs (WBLTJ)
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Table G.XVIII. Work Experience: Work-based learning - Other
Work-based learning - Other (WBLO): State agency
must provide description
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Subsidized WBL Components
For assistance with developing the State’s E&T SWBL budget, please refer to the
optional SWBL tool on the Operating Budget Excel Workbook.
For all of the included subsidized components, the State agency attests
to the following:


Will pay the individual a wage at least equal to the State or Federal minimum
wage, whichever is higher.


Operates in compliance with all applicable labor laws.
Will not displace or replace existing employment of individuals not
participating in E&T.
Provides the same benefits and working conditions as non-E&T participants
doing comparable work for comparable hours.


Complete the tables below with information on each subsidized WBL component that
the State agency intends to offer during the fiscal year. If the State does not plan to
offer one of the components in the table, please leave the cells blank. For each
component that is offered, the State should include the following information:

Description of the component. Provide a summary of the activities and


Target population. Identify the population that will be targeted. Include special
populations such as ABAWDs, Returning Citizens, Homeless, Older
Disconnected Youth, etc.


Criteria for participation. What skills, knowledge, or experience is necessary for
participation in the component? For example, literacy or numeracy levels, recent
labor market attachment, computer literacy etc.


Geographic area. Where will the component be available (statewide, regional,
counties, localities not covered by ABAWD waivers, areas covered by the
American Job Centers, etc.).


E&T providers. Identify all entities that will provide the service.


Projected annual participation. Project the number of unduplicated individuals.


Estimated annual component costs. Project only administrative costs.


Length of time the SWBL will run. Indicate the maximum number of hour
participants can receive SWBL (e.g. 300 hours). Indicated if there is variation in
how many hours will be offered to participants.


Enter State and Plan Year


Enter amendment date, as applicable

What other administrative costs, if any, will be associated with the SWBL.
Examples include workers compensation, payroll taxes paid by the employer,
and costs, direct or indirect costs associated with training and administering the


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Table G.XIX. Subsidized Work Experience: Internship – Subsidized by E&T
Internship – Subsidized by E&T (WBLI - SUB)
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs
Length of time the SWBL
will run
Other administrative costs
associated with SWBL
Table G.XX. Subsidized Work Experience: Pre-Apprenticeship– Subsidized by
Pre-Apprenticeship– Subsidized by E&T (WBLPADetails
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs
Length of time the SWBL
will run
Other administrative costs
associated with SWBL


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Table G.XXI. Subsidized Work Experience: Apprenticeship – Subsidized by E&T
Apprenticeship – Subsidized by E&T (WBLA- SUB)
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs
Length of time the SWBL
will run
Other administrative costs
associated with SWBL
Table G.XXII. Subsidized Work Experience: Transitional Jobs – Subsidized by
Transitional Jobs – Subsidized by E&T (WBLTJ Details
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs
Length of time the SWBL
will run
Other administrative costs
associated with SWBL


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Table G.XXIII. Subsidized Work Experience: Work-based learning - Other Subsidized by E&T
Work-based learning - Other -Subsidized by E&T
(WBLO - SUB): State agency must provide
Description of the
Target population
Criteria for participation
Geographic area
E&T providers
Projected annual
Estimated annual
component costs
Length of time the SWBL
will run
Other administrative costs
associated with SWBL


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

H. Estimated Participant Levels
Complete the Estimated Participant Levels sheet in the Excel Workbook projecting
participation in E&T for the upcoming Federal FY. Use the numbers in the Excel
Workbook as a reference to answer the question below.
a) If less than 20% of E&T participants are expected to receive participant
reimbursements, please provide an explanation.


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

I. Contracts/Partnerships
For each partner/contractor that receives more than 10% of the E&T operating budget,
complete the table below. If all partners receive less than 10% of the budget, provide
the information in the table for the five providers who receive the largest total amount of
E&T funding. Partners are the entities that the State agency has contracted with or has
agreements (MOUs or MOUAs) with for the delivery of E&T services. All partner
contracts must be available for inspection by FNS as requested. (Note: All E&T partners
and contracts will be included in the Contract and Partnership Matrix in the Operating
Budget Excel Workbook.)
Table I.I. Contractor/Partner Details
Contract or Partner Name:
Service Overview:
Components Offered:

☐ Yes ☐ No

Credentials Offered:
Participant Reimbursements Offered:
Target Population:
Monitoring of contractor:
Ongoing communication with contractor:
Total Cost of Agreement:
Eligible for 75 percent reimbursement for
E&T Services for ITOs:
New Partner:

☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Table I.II. Contractor/Partner Details
Contract or Partner Name:
Service Overview:
Components Offered:

☐ Yes ☐ No

Credentials Offered:
Participant Reimbursements Offered:
Target Population:
Monitoring of contractor:
Ongoing communication with contractor:
Total Cost of Agreement:
Eligible for 75 percent reimbursement for
E&T Services for ITOs:
New Partner:

☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No

Table I.III. Contractor/Partner Details
Contract or Partner Name:
Service Overview:
Components Offered:

☐ Yes ☐ No

Credentials Offered:
Participant Reimbursements Offered:
Target Population:
Monitoring of contractor:
Ongoing communication with contractor:
Total Cost of Agreement:
Eligible for 75 percent reimbursement for
E&T Services for ITOs:
New Partner:

☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

Table I.IV. Contractor/Partner Details
Contract or Partner Name:
Service Overview:
Components Offered:

☐ Yes ☐ No

Credentials Offered:
Participant Reimbursements Offered:
Target Population:
Monitoring of contractor:
Ongoing communication with contractor:
Total Cost of Agreement:
Eligible for 75 percent reimbursement for
E&T Services for ITOs:
New Partner:

☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No

Table I.V. Contractor/Partner Details
Contract or Partner Name:
Service Overview:
Components Offered:

☐ Yes ☐ No

Credentials Offered:
Participant Reimbursements Offered:
Target Population:
Monitoring of contractor:
Ongoing communication with contractor:
Total Cost of Agreement:
Eligible for 75 percent reimbursement for
E&T Services for ITOs:
New Partner:

☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

J. Budget Narrative and Justification
Provide a detailed budget narrative that explains and justifies each cost and clearly
explains how the amount for each line item in the operating budget was determined.
Note that the E&T State plan is a public document and must be made available to the
public upon request, so the budget should not identify individual names or salaries that
are not subject to public disclosure requirements. State agencies should note that the
direct costs noted below are exclusively those attributed to the State and local SNAP
Table J.I. Direct Costs
Salary/Wages: List staff positions in FTE and time spent
on the project.
Example: E&T Program Manager - $60,000 x .50 FTE =
5 E&T Counselors - $25,000 x 1.00 FTEs x 5 = $125,000
Fringe Benefits: If charging fringe and benefits to the
E&T program, provide the approved fringe rate.
Contractual Costs: All contracts and partnerships
should be included in the “contracts and partnerships”
matrix of the E&T State Plan Operating Budget
Workbook. Briefly summarize the type of services
contractors/partners will provide, such as direct E&T
program services, IT services, consulting, etc.
Non-capital Equipment and Supplies: Describe noncapital equipment and supplies to be purchased with
E&T funds.
Materials: Describe materials to be purchased with E&T
Travel & Staff Training: Describe the purpose and
frequency of staff travel charged to the E&T program.
This line item should not include E&T participant
reimbursements for transportation. Include planned staff
training, including registration costs for training that will
be charged to the E&T grant.
Building/Space: If charging building space to the E&T
program, describe the method used to calculate space
Equipment & Other Capital Expenditures: Describe
equipment and other capital expenditures over $5,000
per item that will be charged to the E&T grant. (In
accordance with 2 CFR 200.407, prior written approval
from FNS is required.)


Enter State and Plan Year

Enter amendment date, as applicable

a) Indirect Costs. Indirect costs (also called overhead costs) are allowable activities
that support the E&T program, but are charged directly to the State agency. If using
an indirect cost rate approved by the cognizant agency, include the approval letter
as an attachment to the E&T State plan.

b) Participant Reimbursements (Non-Federal plus 50 percent Federal
reimbursement). Participant reimbursements should include the total participant
reimbursement amount from the contracts/partners matrix of the E&T State Plan
Operating Budget Excel Workbook, as well as any participant reimbursements the
State agency plans to provide.


Part 3 – E&T State Plan
Operating Budget
Excel Workbook


The SNAP E&T State Plan Operating Budget Excel Workbook has several sections and
can be found on the FNS website. Complete the workbook and submit it with the E&T
State Plan template from Part 2 and any other additional materials.

A. Contracts and Partnerships Matrix
A-1. Intermediary subcontracts, if applicable
B. Operating Budget
C. Funding Sources & Total Fiscal Year Plan Funding
D. Optional: County Administrated Budget Summary
E. Optional: County Administered Components




I. County Administered Programs
State agencies must provide a description of their organizational structure, including
whether the program is State, county, locally, or regionally administered in the annual
State Plan of Operations (7 CFR 272.2(a)). In a county-administered E&T program, the
State agency delegates planning, implementing, and operating E&T programs to its
county SNAP agencies. Each county may design its own E&T program, determining its
own E&T activities, participant reimbursements, and contractors. The State agency is
ultimately responsible for the actions of individual counties and through oversight and
monitoring must ensure counties are operating within all laws and regulations governing
the SNAP program. The State agency is ultimately responsible to FNS for the operation
of the E&T program.
FNS understands the challenges State agencies face in consolidating all of the E&T
plans for individual counties. Therefore, this section describes optional templates that
State agencies with county-run E&T programs may complete.

County Administered Budget Summary
Included in Part 3, SNAP E&T State Plan Operating Budget Excel Workbook is a
County Budget Summary table that State agencies may complete if they choose to
summarize the budget of individual counties, in addition to the State agency’s budget.
Each county should still have its own budget and budget narrative that conforms to the
guidance in the E&T State Plan Handbook and makes those items available to FNS
upon request. State agencies are not required to submit separate county plans to FNS
as part of the E&T State Plan.

Instructions for Operating Budget and County Budget
If a State agency chooses to use the optional County Administered Budget Summary,
the State agency should complete Section B – Operating Budget contained within the
SNAP E&T Budget Workbook for its own operations and expenses and the County
Administered Budget Summary for the county costs. Information from the County
Administered Budget Summary will transfer to the overall State Plan Operating Budget.
Specific instructions for completing the County Administered Budget Summary is
contained within the SNAP E&T State Plan Operating Budget Excel Workbook.

E&T Components by County
Included in Part 3, SNAP E&T State Plan Operating Budget Excel Workbook is a
County Administered Components table that State agencies may complete. State
agencies should ensure that the information contained in this optional table conform
with Section G - Component Detail in terms of the components that the State agency
intends to offer, as well as the number of participants per component. Appendix II


contains the available E&T Components and their acronyms that are reflected in the
SNAP E&T Program Activity Report (FNS-583). Specific instructions for completing this
optional table are provided in the SNAP E&T State Plan Operating Budget Excel


II. Available E&T Components

Supervised Job Search
Job Search Training
Job Retention Services
Self-Employment Training
Educational Program, Basic Education and/or Foundational Skills
Instruction (includes High School Equivalency programs)
Educational Program, Career and/or Technical Education Programs or
Other Vocational Training
Educational Program, English Language Acquisition
Educational Program, Integrated Education and Training or Bridge
Educational Program, Work Readiness Training
Educational Program – Other. State must provide description
Work Activity
Work-based learning, Apprenticeship
Work-based learning, Apprenticeship, Subsidized by E&T
Work-based learning, Internship
Work-based learning, Internship, Subsidized by E&T
Work-based learning, On-the-job Training
Work-based learning, On-the-job Training, Subsidized by E&T
Work-based learning, Pre-apprenticeship
Work-based learning, Pre-apprenticeship, Subsidized by E&T
Work based learning, Transitional Jobs
Work based learning, Transitional Jobs, Subsidized by E&T
Work-based learning- Other, State must provide description
Work-based learning- Other, State must provide description, Subsidized
by E&T


III. Template for Requesting Reallocated
100 Percent Federal Funds
Use the following questions to request reallocated 100 percent Federal funds. This
template should be submitted with the E&T State plan.
a) Provide the specific amount of additional funds requested.

b) Indicate which of the following prioritized categories the reallocated funds will be
used for:
☐To conduct E&T programs and activities authorized as part of the requesting
State’s 2014 Farm Bill pilot (priority A).
☐To target a highly-barriered population and state the targeted population
including any specific characteristic of the individuals to be targeted, such as
disabled veterans (priority B).
☐To conduct other E&T programs and activities that would meet the
requirements of priority C.
c) Provide a detailed plan for the use of the additional funds:
o Describe the new or existing services or initiatives the funds will support. If
applying under priority A, describe the 2014 E&T pilot activity that will be
continued using the re-allocated funds.

o Detail the cost of these services. Clearly demonstrate how the State
agency determined the costs.

o Describe the partners involved.


o Describe the location where the services will be provided.

o Describe the specific components or activities that will be provided and the
estimated number of participants to be served in each component.

o Describe how the proposed plan enhances existing services or builds new
opportunities for participants to gain access to employment and training

o Provide any information the State agency has on how the use of additional
funds will support E&T programs and activities that have a demonstrable
impact on the ability of participants to find and retain employment that
leads to increased household income and reduced reliance on public

o Include any other useful details to better explain the proposed plan for the
use of the additional funds.


IV. Resources

SNAP E&T Operations Handbook: a Step-by-Step Guide to Planning
and Implementing a SNAP E&T Program


SNAP E&T Toolkit


SNAP to Skills website


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleSNAP E&T State Plan Handbook
SubjectSNAP E&T, employment and training, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, handbook, E&T State Plan template, FY23
AuthorFood and Nutrition Service
File Modified2022-08-24
File Created2022-05-09

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