OMB #: 0970-0592
Expiration Date: 09/30/2024
Measuring Human Trafficking Prevalence in Construction:
A Field Test of Multiple Estimation Methods
June 29, 2022
Survey of Construction Workers
Introduction: The survey includes questions about your work experience in construction. It includes questions about you and the types of work you do in the construction industry, how you have found or been recruited for construction jobs, the working conditions at those jobs, how you were treated by your employers, and the work experiences of other people you know who work in construction.
Q # |
Question and Responses |
Follow-up Prompts/ Skip Logic |
Section 1: Professional Background |
If you are logged out of the survey due to inactivity, you will use your PIN to re-enter the survey. If you forget your PIN or do not complete your survey, we will send you an email or text message with the link to finish completing your survey.
Would you prefer to receive the email by email, text message, or both?
01 - Email 02 – Text message 03 – Both
If 01 = Please provide your email Email: Confirm email:
If 02 = Please provide your phone number Phone number:
If 03 = Please provide your email Email: Confirm email:
Please provide your phone number Phone number: |
What is your first name or nickname that other people call you? Please do not give your full name. This information is kept private. |
1 |
Have you worked in the construction industry in the past 24 months?
If no, end of survey, thank you for your time. |
2 |
Which best describes the type of work you do? Select all that apply.
3 |
How long have you worked in construction?
4 |
Are you currently working in construction?
5 |
Is construction currently your primary work?
If yes, skip to Q7. |
6 |
What industry do you work in for most of the year?
7 |
Is your primary residence in the Houston area, or are you here temporarily for a work opportunity?
8 |
In the past 24 months, how many of these strategies have you used to find work in construction? Select all that apply.
9 |
Are you currently employed directly by a construction agency?
If yes, skip to Q12. |
10 |
Are you currently employed through a temporary job agency?
If yes, skip to Q12. |
11 |
Are you currently working as a day laborer (you are employed on a temporary basis with no promise of additional or future work)?
12 |
How are you primarily paid for your work in construction? Select all that apply.
13 |
Are you involved in a construction worker union or other workers advocacy organization?
If no, skip to Q15.
14 |
Which organization or union are you involved in? ______________ |
15 |
Have you ever worked in construction during the recovery and reconstruction efforts shortly after a hurricane or other natural disaster?
Section 2: Work Experiences |
16 |
Sometimes people feel obligated or pressured to take a job against their will. Have you ever felt obligated or pressured to take a job while you were being recruited?
If yes, Q16a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q16b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q16c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
16a |
Did this happen at your current job?
16b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
16c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
17 |
Sometimes lies are used to trick people into accepting a job. Have you ever felt cheated or lied to about the nature of your job or specific responsibilities of the work you were supposed to do?
If yes, Q17a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q17b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q17c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? (Yes/No)
If no, skip to Q19. |
17a |
Did this happen at your current job?
17b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
17c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
18 |
Thinking about the most recent time this happened, what lies or misrepresentations were used to trick you into accepting the job? Select all that apply.
19 |
Sometimes, lies are used to trick or entice people into accepting a job. Have you ever taken a job where any of the following conditions were different than what you were told or promised?
For each yes, Q19A1 – Q19A8. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q19B1 – Q19B8. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q19C1 – Q19C8. For each yes if also yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
19A1 |
You responded “Yes” to: Your work conditions In response to the question: Have you ever taken a job where any of the following conditions were different than what you were told or promised? Did this happen at your current job?
19B1 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
19C1 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
19A2 |
You responded “Yes” to: Your job contract terms In response to the question: Have you ever taken a job where any of the following conditions were different than what you were told or promised? Did this happen at your current job?
19B2 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
19C2 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
19A3 |
Did this happen at your current job?
19B3 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
19C3 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
19A4 |
Did this happen at your current job?
19B4 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
19C4 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
19A5 |
You responded “Yes” to: The location of your job In response to the question: Have you ever taken a job where any of the following conditions were different than what you were told or promised? Did this happen at your current job?
19B5 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
19C5 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
19A6 |
You responded “Yes” to: The identity of your real employer In response to the question: Have you ever taken a job where any of the following conditions were different than what you were told or promised? Did this happen at your current job?
19B6 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
19C6 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
19A7 |
You responded “Yes” to: Pay or other work benefits In response to the question: Have you ever taken a job where any of the following conditions were different than what you were told or promised? Did this happen at your current job?
19B7 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
19C7 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
19A8 |
You responded “Yes” to: The transportation provided In response to the question: Have you ever taken a job where any of the following conditions were different than what you were told or promised? Did this happen at your current job?
19B8 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
19C8 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
20 |
Sometimes, people pay money to help get a job. Have you or has anyone ever paid a recruitment fee or a broker fee to help you get a job?
If yes, Q20a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q20b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q20c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
If no, skip to Q24. |
20a |
Did this happen at your current job?
20b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
20c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
21 |
Thinking about the most recent time this happened, how much was the recruitment fee?
21_currency |
Please indicate the type of currency for the value above.
22 |
Thinking about the most recent time this happened, who paid the recruitment fee? Select all that apply.
23 |
Thinking about the last time this happened, who received the recruitment fee?
24 |
Sometimes, taking on a new job requires people to make expensive travel or transportation arrangements. And sometimes, people must repay the person who provided them with transportation or paid for transportation. This could include either paying for transportation to a new location for a job or paying for daily transportation back and forth to your job location. Have you ever had to repay a person who provided you with or paid for transportation to your job?
If yes, Q24a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q24b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q24c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane recovery?
If no, skip to Q27. |
24a |
Did this happen at your current job?
24b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
24c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
25 |
Thinking about the most recent time this happened, did the person who provided you with transportation or gave you money for transportation require you to do things you did not want to do to repay the money?
If no, skip to Q27.
26 |
If you had to do things you did not want to do in order to repay the money, did this include any of the following? Select all that apply.
27 |
Sometimes, people work for employers who do not let them leave their jobs. Has your employer or people who work for your employer:
For each yes, Q27A1 – Q27A2. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q27B1-Q27B2. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q27C1-Q27C2. For each yes if also yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
27A1 |
You responded “Yes” to: Withheld your pay and/or benefits to prevent you from leaving. Did this happen at your current job?
27B1 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
27C1 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
27A2 |
You responded “Yes” to: Told you that you would lose your pay already earned if you decided to quit. Did this happen at your current job?
27B2 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
27C2 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
28 |
Sometimes, people accumulate a debt to their employers. This could be for things like the cost of their housing/living arrangements, or the costs of getting their job including transportation, documentation, and work permits or other reasons. Have you ever felt that an employer/broker or people who work for your employer:
For each yes, Q28A1 – Q28A5. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q28B1 – Q28B5. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q28C1 – Q28C5. For each yes if also yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
28A1 |
You responded “Yes” to: Charged you fees or overcharged you for goods/services you purchased from your employer (i.e., it would have been cheaper to purchase the good/services somewhere else). Did this happen at your current job?
28B1 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
28C1 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
28A2 |
You responded “Yes” to: Said that the work you did is worth less than it is actually worth, which means you have to work more hours than you should in order to pay off a debt. Did this happen at your current job?
28B2 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
28C2 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
28A3 |
You responded “Yes” to: Charged you excessive interest on a loan to repay your employer for pay advances or goods/services they previously purchased for you. Did this happen at your current job?
28B3 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
28C3 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
28A4 |
You responded “Yes” to: Tried to reduce your pay by charging you excessive fees or overcharging you for things such as rent, food, broken items, or other items. Did this happen at your current job?
28B4 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
28C4 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
28A5 |
You responded “Yes” to: Tried to reduce your pay by cutting down the hours you could work. Did this happen at your current job?
28B5 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
28C5 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
29 |
Have you ever been made to perform additional or specialized services (beyond what was agreed beforehand) without being paid appropriately?
If yes, Q29a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q29b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q29c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
29a |
Did this happen at your current job?
29b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
29c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
30 |
Have you ever had pay, benefits, or other compensation deducted or withheld for no reason (this may include being paid with bad checks)?
If yes, Q30a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q30b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q30c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
30a |
Did this happen at your current job?
30b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
30c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
31 |
Sometimes, people owe money to a broker or someone who helped them get jobs. Have you ever borrowed money or taken a loan or advance pay from someone as a condition of getting a construction job?
If yes, Q31a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q31b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q31c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
If no, skip to Q33. |
31a |
Did this happen at your current job?
31b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
31c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
32 |
Thinking about the last time this happened, how much did you borrow?
32_currency |
Please indicate the type of currency for the value above.
33 |
Have you ever accepted a job without a formal written contract (e.g., day labor)? [A contract is a binding agreement which details the job expectations between you and the employer that is bound by local laws and can protect you.]
If yes, Q33a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q33b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q33c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
33a |
Did this happen at your current job?
33b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
33c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
34 |
Sometimes, employers want to have control over people’s lives outside their job. Has your employer or people who work for your employer ever attempted to control your personal life outside of work in any of these ways?
This could include, for example, threatening to reveal something personal or embarrassing about you, preventing you from participating in your religious beliefs or practices, threatening to exclude you from future employment opportunities, or threatening to isolate you from your family or friends.
If yes, Q34a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q34b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q34c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
34a |
Did this happen at your current job?
34b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
34c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
35 |
Sometimes, employers may not want workers to use mobile phones or other personal devices outside of working hours. Have you ever had your mobile phone or other device taken by your employer or people who work for your employer outside of working hours?
If yes, Q35a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q35b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q35c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
35a |
Did this happen at your current job?
35b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
35c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
36 |
Has your employer ever required that you work longer than normal hours, unusually long days, or outside of normal working hours without being properly compensated for overtime?
If yes, Q36a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q36b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q36c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
If no, skip to Q39. |
36a |
Did this happen at your current job?
36b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
36c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
37 |
Thinking about the most recent time this happened, on average, how many days of the week were you required to be available?
38 |
Thinking about the most recent time this happened, on average, how many hours of the day were you required to work extra hours?
39 |
Sometimes employers expect employees to work without proper health and safety equipment. Has your employer or people who work for your employer asked you to do dangerous work without proper protective gear?
If yes, Q39a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q39b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q39c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
39a |
Did this happen at your current job?
39b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
39c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
40 |
Have you been injured on the job?
If yes, Q40a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q40b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q40c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
Q40d. If yes, did your employer allow you to seek medical treatment for the injury? (Yes/No) |
40a |
Did this happen at your current job?
40b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
40c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
40d |
Did your employer allow you to seek medical treatment for the injury?
41 |
Some people have found themselves performing illegal activities for their employer or for people who work for their employer either knowingly or without their knowledge. Have you been made to engage in activities that you believe were illegal?
If yes, Q41a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q41b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q41c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
If no, skip to Q43. |
41a |
Did this happen at your current job?
41b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
41c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
42 |
What types of activities were you made to do?
43 |
Thinking about your work in construction, have you ever lived in housing provided by your employer?
If no, skip to Q46. |
44 |
Thinking about the most recent time this happened, why did you live in housing provided by your employer? Select all that apply.
45 |
Thinking about the most recent time this happened, would you consider this living arrangement to be: Select all that apply.
If yes to any, Q45A1 - Q45A5. Did you experience this at your current job? (Yes/No) Q45B1 - Q45B5. Did you experience this within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q45C1 - Q45C5. If yes and yes to Q15, Did you experience this when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
45A1 |
You responded “Yes” to: Unclean or unsanitary. Did you experience this at your current job?
45B1 |
Did you experience this within the last 2 years?
45C1 |
Did you experience this when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
45A2 |
You responded “Yes” to: Overcrowded or have no privacy. Did you experience this at your current job?
45B2 |
Did you experience this within the last 2 years?
45C2 |
Did you experience this when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
45A3 |
You responded “Yes” to: Structurally unsound. Did you experience this at your current job?
45B3 |
Did you experience this within the last 2 years?
45C3 |
Did you experience this when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
45A4 |
You responded “Yes” to: In a dangerous area and unsecured. Did you experience this at your current job?
45B4 |
Did you experience this within the last 2 years?
45C4 |
Did you experience this when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
45A5 |
You responded “Yes” to: Harmful to your health. Did you experience this at your current job?
45B5 |
Did you experience this within the last 2 years?
45C5 |
Did you experience this when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
46 |
Sometimes people are not allowed to keep their own identification or travel documents. Has your employer/people who work for your employer ever taken/confiscated your identity papers (such as passport, work permit) or made it so that you were you unable to access your identity papers?
If yes, Q46a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q46b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q46c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
If no, skip to Q48. |
46a |
Did this happen at your current job?
46b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
46c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
47 |
Which documents? Select all that apply.
48 |
Sometimes an employer, recruiter, or other individuals will watch or keep an eye on workers in their personal space, either in person or with the use of recording equipment, such as video cameras. Were you ever watched at your living quarters or personal spaces by your employer, recruiter, or other individuals?
If yes, Q48a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q48b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q48c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
If no, skip to Q50. |
48a |
Did this happen at your current job?
48b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
48c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
49 |
Thinking of the most recent time this happened, how often were you watched?
50 |
Sometimes, employers try to control the extent to which employees can freely move about or communicate with other people. While working in construction, have you ever felt like you were not free to visit or communicate with family members, friends, coworkers, or anyone else? Select all that apply.
If yes (responses 1 or 2), Q50a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q50b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q50c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
50a |
Did this happen at your current job?
50b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
50c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
51 |
Sometimes, workers are still able to visit with or communicate with family members or friends, but employers keep an eye on and try to limit those activities. Have you ever experienced any limitations on your movement and communication, such as having employers supervise or listen in on your communication, or restricted or monitor your movement during hours when you were not working? Select all that apply.
If yes (responses 1, 2, 3, or 4), Q51a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q51b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q51c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
51a |
Did this happen at your current job?
51b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
51c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
52 |
Sometimes, employers constantly monitor their employees at work. Have you had a work experience where someone was watching or monitoring you at work at all times?
If yes, Q52a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q52b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q52c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
52a |
Did this happen at your current job?
52b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
52c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
53 |
Have you ever had a debt imposed on you without your consent? For instance, has your employer decided that you owed them money for reasons you didn’t agree with (For example, to take on someone else’s debt, including a family member, or to pay for things like housing, utilities, personal protective equipment or other things that were not part of your work agreement, or other reasons)?
If yes, Q53a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q53b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q53c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
53a |
Did this happen at your current job?
53b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
53c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
54 |
Has your employer or people who work for your employer ever used physical violence on other individuals in front of you?
If yes, Q54a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q54b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q54c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
54a |
Did this happen at your current job?
54b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
54c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
55 |
Has your employer or people who work for your employer ever: Select all that apply.
If yes, Q55a1 – Q55a4. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q55b1 – Q55b4. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q55c1 – Q55c4. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
55A1 |
You selected: …threatened sexual violence against you. Did this happen at your current job?
55B1 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
55C1 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
55A2 |
You selected: …used sexual violence against you. Did this happen at your current job?
55B2 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
55C2 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
55A3 |
You selected: …threated sexual violence against someone you care about. Did this happen at your current job?
55B3 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
55C3 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
55A4 |
You selected: …used sexual violence against someone you care about. Did this happen at your current job?
55B4 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
55C4 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
57 |
Sometimes, people stay at a job because they were threatened with being reported to law enforcement or immigration authorities. Has your employer or people who work for your employer ever: Select all that apply.
For each yes, Q57a1 – Q57a2. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q57b1 – Q57b2. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q57c1 – Q57c2. For each yes if also yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
57A1 |
You selected: …threatened to report you to the authorities or deport you. Did this happen at your current job?
57B1 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
57C1 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
57A2 |
You selected: …threatened to report to the authorities or deport someone you care about. Did this happen at your current job?
57B2 |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
57C2 |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
58 |
Sometimes people experience violence that may not be physical. Has your employer or people who work for your employer ever hurt you emotionally or psychologically, such as belittling, humiliating, or putting you down?
If yes, Q58a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q58b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q58c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
58a |
Did this happen at your current job?
58b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
58c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
59 |
Sometimes people experience violence that may not be physical.
Has your employer or people who work for your employer threatened to harm your reputation, either personal or professional?
If yes, Q59a. Did this happen at your current job? (Yes/No) Q59b. Did this happen within the last 2 years? (Yes/No)
Q59c. If yes and yes to Q15, Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery? |
59a |
Did this happen at your current job?
59b |
Did this happen within the last 2 years?
59c |
Did this happen when you were working in hurricane/natural disaster recovery?
Section 3: Work Experiences of Friends |
60a |
How many construction workers in the Houston area do you know by name and face and with which you have come into contact within the last two weeks? Your best guess is fine.
60b |
How many of those construction workers felt obligated to take a construction job against their will or felt tricked, cheated, or lied to so that they would accept a job?
61 |
How many of those construction workers have not received the pay, benefits, or other compensation they were due?
62 |
How many of those construction workers have had employers who control their lives outside of their job, such as controlling where they go or restricting their ability to communicate with friends or family outside of work hours?
63 |
How many of those construction workers have had employers who take their identity papers or other important documents?
64 |
How many of those construction workers have had employer who have used or threatened physical or sexual violence against them or someone they care about?
65 |
How many of those construction workers were required to work without proper protective gear?
66 |
How many of those construction workers have stayed at a job because they were threatened with being reported to law enforcement or immigration authorities?
67 |
What is your gender?
68 |
What is your age?
69 |
Were you born in the United States? The United States include the 50 states and the District of Columbia, but not U.S. territories.
If yes, DK, or RE, skip to Q70. |
69a |
In what country were you born?
69b |
How many years altogether have you been living in the United States?
70 |
How long have you been working in Houston?
73 |
What is your race? Select one or more.
74 |
Are you of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin?
75 |
What is the primary language spoken at your home?
76 |
Are you currently married or in a legally recognized domestic partnership?
If yes, skip to Q80. |
77 |
Have you ever been married?
If not, skip to Q80 |
78 |
Are you…?
79 |
How many children currently live with you all or most of the time, where you are a parent or like a parent?
80 |
Did you receive a high school diploma or a GED for finishing high school?
If no, skip to Q81b. |
80a |
Have you attended college, community college, or junior college?
80aa |
Was this college, community college, or junior college in the U.S.?
Choose not to answer |
If 80a=yes |
80b |
What is the highest level of school you have completed?
If 80=no |
81 |
Have you ever been diagnosed with a physical or cognitive disability?
If yes, What were you diagnosed with? What year did you receive the diagnosis? |
81a |
What were you diagnosed with?
81b |
What year did you receive the diagnosis?
Choose not to answer |
82 |
What is your English proficiency?
84 |
What are the last four digits of your phone number? Please do not give your full phone number. |
Section 5: Sampling Method |
If using TLS sampling method AND individual is not a seed for the VLTS, skip to question 88.
If using the VLTS sampling method OR an individual from the TLS sample will be a seed for the VLTS, also include questions 86-87 |
86 |
Would you be willing to give a referral to other construction workers you know in the Houston area? You can earn $25 for each person you refer that participates in the survey.
If no, skip to end of survey.
87 |
We would like to ask you for some demographic information of the five other construction workers that you know best. You will be able to recruit up to three of them. (For each person)
If using TLS sampling method, also include these questions: |
88 |
Have you worked at any other construction sites in the past 2 weeks, other than the one where you were approached to take this survey?
If no, skip to end of survey.
89 |
Where were the other sites that you worked? Please list address or nearest cross streets. |
90 |
For each site listed, what days/times have you typically worked there? (select all that apply)
91 |
Were you recently invited to participate in this survey at a different construction site?
If no, skip to end of survey.
92 |
IDo you remember which site and on which day? Please list the day and address or nearest cross streets. |
93 |
Did you complete the survey then?
INCENT1: [IF PRELOAD [REFER] =1]: To show our appreciation for completing the survey, we would like to send you a link to an [VENDOR] gift card for [$XX], delivered by email, we will need your name and email address.
01: Gift card emailed to me
02: Decline – I do not want to receive an Amazon gift card for completing this survey.
EMAIL1: Please provide an email address for delivery of the electronic gift card. ________________
EMAIL2: Please enter your email address again to confirm. ________________
Email_check: The email addresses that you provided do not match, please click [Next] to many any corrections.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Pfeffer, Rebecca |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-07-13 |