4150.2, CHG-1
Accurate and thorough appraisal reporting is critical to the
accuracy of underwriting for the mortgage insurance process. The
need for accuracy is greater for FHA-insured mortgages because
buyers tend to have more limited income and lower equity in the
properties. This chapter presents the requirements for reporting
complete and accurate appraisal information to HUD. An appraisal
performed for HUD/ FHA purposes requires that all sections of the
Comprehensive Valuation Package (CVP) must be completed. The CVP
constitutes the reporting instrument to HUD for FHA-insured
When the appraisal is completed, submit the CVP and all required
attachments - maps, photographs, sketches, etc. to the lender.
Also, for new and proposed construction, submit the plans,
specifications, construction documents and the completed
builder's certification (Form HUD-92541). Submit the original
package and a complete copy to the lender.
The CVP is required for reporting the appraisal findings,
analyses and conclusions about the observed conditions of the
property. A complete HUD appraisal package includes three parts:
the Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (URAR), the Valuation
Conditions Form and the Homebuyer Summary. These are described
The URAR is the standard appraisal reporting form available
through all lenders. The following are required in
reporting appraisal findings on the URAR:
o All information must be reported consistently with the
HUD protocol in Appendix D of this Handbook.
o All findings must be reported consistent with Standard
2 of USPAP for a summary report.
o All boxes must be filled in and relevant factual data
included, unless specifically noted.
o All calculations must be verified.
o Consistency between the sections must be verified.
1. Departure from HUD Requirements
HUD requirements are presented in this Handbook. Any
departure from these requirements must be explained in
the URAR or as an attachment to the appraisal. Present
the reasoning, the result of such departure and any
additional limitations to the use of the appraisal or
the reported value as a result of this departure.
Departure from USPAP is not permitted for an appraisal
submitted to HUD.
2. Certification
Within the URAR, the appraiser must certify that the
reported value is an unbiased, independent valuation of
the subject property. This certification is consistent
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4150.2, CHG-1
with that required by USPAP. Of particular importance
is the certification that the appraisal is not based on
any of the following:
o a requested minimum value
o a specific value
o the approval of a loan as indicated
If the appraiser is subject to additional
certifications in developing and reporting the
appraisal, include them in the URAR report. Such
additional certifications may be the result of state
certification requirements in certain jurisdictions or
of relationships with professional appraisal and real
estate organizations.
The assigned appraiser is required to sign the report
making him/her fully and wholly accountable for the
information presented on the URAR and in developing the
appraisal findings. If any party provided significant
professional assistance, name this party on the
certification and note the contribution.
3. Statement of Limiting Conditions
For each appraisal, the URAR includes the standard
limiting conditions. The appraiser must confirm these
limiting conditions and strike any that do not apply.
Also, if there are additional limiting conditions,
clearly state them. If the limiting conditions differ
or are contrary to the limiting conditions stated on
the URAR, fully disclose those limiting conditions and
make them known in the value estimate. Cite any value-
influencing limiting conditions with the report of the
estimate of market value.
The repair conditions reported in the VC segment
of the report constitute a limiting condition for the
development of the appraisal because HUD appraisals
estimate value "as-repaired." The reported estimate
assumes that the noted deficiencies have been
corrected. It is, therefore, important that the
appraiser certify to testing specific systems and
examining all areas of the house to note the
The Valuation Conditions (VC) Form specifically addresses
physical conditions of the property- that may render the
property uninhabitable or cause health and safety concerns.
Note the conditions observed during the walk-through on the
VC form as of the date of appraisal. A home inspection. is
not required to complete the VC. The VC form is divided
into Site and Property Analysis as well as other property
related information.
o VC-1 identifies the site hazards and nuisances that may
render a location ineligible for FHA insurance.
o VC-2 through VC-11 identify the basic structural and
mechanical components of the property and are the bases
for determining if the property is habitable and
eligible for FHA-insured financing.
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(5-1) o VC-12 and VC-13 provide further information on the property.
o The addenda include a provision for current market
assessed value and a summary of estimated repair costs.
Each section must be completed entirely, based on the
instructions in the protocol in Appendix D of this Handbook.
The appraiser must observe the property's components, test
certain basic operations, view areas of the home that may
include adverse conditions and report on readily observed
adverse conditions. In all instances, the observations are
as of the effective date of value, as identified in the VC
and appraisal segments.
o For each item in VC-1, a "YES" renders the property
ineligible for FHA mortgage insurance.
o For each specific item in VC-2 through VC-11, "YES"
indicates a limiting condition on the appraisal subject
to the repair of the deficiency or further inspection.
o For each specific item in VC-2 through VC-11, "NO"
indicates that the appraiser did not observe a
deficient condition.
The appraiser may encounter a negative physical condition
that does not require repair or inspection. In this
instance the appraisal is based upon the existing condition.
"NO" is not a substitute for a home inspection by a
qualified professional home inspector, but merely indicates
that the appraiser did not observe the condition during the
property inspection for valuation purposes.
For both "YES" and "NO" responses, exercise care and
judgment in reporting the extent and the magnitude of the
observed condition. The mere presence of an item may not
require an inspection or repair. Likewise, depending on the
condition observed, a minor observation may prove to be
significant to the soundness of the property. The property
analysis relies heavily on the appraiser's judgment. It is
important to note all considerations as comments for each
Valuation Condition.
For detailed instruction regarding the Valuation Conditions
Form, please see the protocol in Appendix D of this
Appraisals performed for HUD/FHA are not intended to protect
the buyer: they protect HUD. Many homebuyers mistakenly
believe that a HUD appraisal and subsequent inspection is a
guarantee that the property is free from defects when, in
fact, the appraisal only establishes the value of the
property for mortgage insurance purposes. Buyers need to
secure their own home
inspection through the services of a qualified inspector and
satisfy themselves about the condition of the property. If
available in a timely manner, home inspection reports should
be sent to the appraiser; this affords the appraiser the
opportunity to make valuation adjustments as needed.
This part summarizes required repairs from the appraiser's
observation of the physical condition. The Homebuyer
Summary intends to protect the homebuyer by informing
him/her of any material conditions that typically make the
property ineligible for FHA mortgage insurance.
> If any of the VC's are marked "YES" in the VC form, the
appraiser must denote it in the appropriate box of the
Homebuyer Summary and explain, in detail, the nature of
the problem.
The summary also includes a notice to the homebuyer
regarding the value of securing a home inspection, by a
qualified inspector.
The Homebuyer Summary and Valuation Conditions Form are available
electronically from the HUD Internet website:
HUD reserves the right to request and review the appraiser's work
files supporting an FHA-insured mortgage at any time and without
prior notice. Appraisers on the FHA Register must comply with
the record-keeping and inspection requirements as a condition of
performing appraisals for FHA-insured mortgages.
The appraiser is required to keep supporting documentation
in addition to a copy of the CVP. These files must be
maintained for five years after the date of preparation or
at least two years after final disposition of any judicial
proceeding in which testimony was given, whichever expires
last. This is consistent with the Record Keeping Rule of
Although there is no prescribed file for-mat or content, the
appraiser's work files must include information to support
all findings, observations and conclusions supporting the
value estimate. The files must indicate the rationale for
adjustments and the market data analyzed in the development
of the appraisal report. The files must include
documentation of the acceptance of the assignment and
historical and factual information, such as photographs and
maps. A sample documentation file index is provided below.
This is not a comprehensive list of information.
Section Supporting Data
Acceptance of assignment File memorandum
Property Description Legal description
Floor plans
Tax map and information
Field notes from inspection
Listing information
Offer to purchase
Notes from the field visit
Demographic data
Cost Approach Relevant Marshall Swift
(if applicable) information
Calculations performed
Land Sales detail
Sales Comparison Approach Sale details and photographs
Transaction information
Derivation of adjustments
Interview notes
income approach Market rent comparable
(if applicable) Cap rate justification
Historical financial
VC Conditions Noted Photograph of condition
Field notes
Support for any assumed
Calculation of cost to
repair a VC
Additional Information Surveys
Relevant market data
Other sources of data
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | 4150 |
Author | BPS |
Last Modified By | Urnell Johnson-Spears |
File Modified | 2013-04-12 |
File Created | 2013-04-12 |