FTZs 60-day FR notice

87FR25294 (04-28-2022) FTZs 60-day FR notice.pdf

Foreign Trade Zones (FTZs): Effects of FTZ Policies and Practices on U.S. Firms Operating in U.S. FTZs and Under Similar Programs in Canada and Mexico

FTZs 60-day FR notice

OMB: 3117-0233

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 82 / Thursday, April 28, 2022 / Notices

Mary Suter, University of Arkansas
Museum, Biomass 125, Fayetteville, AR
72701, telephone (479) 575–3456, email
[email protected].
here given in accordance with the
Native American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), 25 U.S.C.
3003, of the correction of an inventory
of human remains and associated
funerary objects under the control of the
University of Arkansas Museum,
Fayetteville, AR. The human remains
and associated funerary objects were
removed from the Bradley Site,
Crittenden County, AR.
This notice is published as part of the
National Park Service’s administrative
responsibilities under NAGPRA, 25
U.S.C. 3003(d)(3). The determinations in
this notice are the sole responsibility of
the museum, institution, or Federal
agency that has control of the Native
American human remains and
associated funerary objects. The
National Park Service is not responsible
for the determinations in this notice.
This notice corrects the minimum
number of individuals and associated
funerary objects published in a Notice of
Inventory Completion in the Federal
Register (65 FR 49835, August 15,
2000). The correction is being made to
include additional human remains and
associated funerary objects that were
found during a re-inventory of the
collection. Transfer of control of the
items in this correction notice has not

jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES1

In the Federal Register (65 FR 49835,
August 15, 2000), column 1, paragraph
4 is corrected by substituting the
following paragraph:
In 1932, human remains representing a
minimum of 29 individuals were recovered
from the Bradley Site (3CT7), Crittenden
County, AR, during excavations conducted
by the University Museum. No known
individuals were identified. The 145
associated funerary objects are composed of
134 objects present in the Museum
collections and 11 objects that are currently
missing. The 134 associated funerary objects
are one deer antler tine, one lot of ash, one
shell bead, nine ceramic bottles, eight
ceramic bowls, two bone die, one discoidal,
two ear plugs. two effigy bottles, six effigy
bowls, one effigy jar, one gorget, three
ceramic jars, one deer mandible, 94 body
sherds, one rim sherd. The University of
Arkansas Museum continues to look for the
missing 11 associated funerary objects, which
are one bone awl, four ceramic bottles, three
ceramic bowls, one effigy bowl, one bone
needle, and one ceramic sherd.

In the Federal Register (65 FR 49835,
August 15, 2000), column 2, paragraph

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2, sentences 1 and 2 are corrected by
substituting the following sentences:
Based on the above-mentioned
information, officials of the University
Museum, University of Arkansas have
determined that, pursuant to 43 CFR
10.2(d)(1), the human remains listed above
represent the physical remains of a minimum
of 29 individuals of Native American
ancestry. Officials of the University Museum,
University of Arkansas also have determined
that, pursuant to 43 CFR 10.2(d)(2), the 145
objects listed above are reasonably believed
to have been placed with or near individual
human remains at the time of death or later
as part of the death rite or ceremony.

Additional Requestors and Disposition
Lineal descendants or representatives
of any Indian Tribe or Native Hawaiian
organization not identified in this notice
that wish to request transfer of control
of these human remains and associated
funerary objects should submit a written
request with information in support of
the request to Dr. Mary Suter, University
of Arkansas Museum, Biomass 125,
Fayetteville, AR 72701, telephone (479)
575–3456, email [email protected], by
May 31, 2022. After that date, if no
additional requestors have come
forward, transfer of control of the
human remains and associated funerary
objects to the Quapaw Nation
[previously listed as The Quapaw Tribe
of Indians] may proceed.
The University of Arkansas Museum
is responsible for notifying the Quapaw
Nation [previously listed as The
Quapaw Tribe of Indians] and the
Tunica-Biloxi Indian Tribe that this
notice has been published.
Dated: April 20, 2022.
Melanie O’Brien,
Manager, National NAGPRA Program.
[FR Doc. 2022–09159 Filed 4–27–22; 8:45 am]

[Investigation No. 332–588]

Foreign Trade Zones (FTZs): Effects of
FTZ Policies and Practices on U.S.
Firms Operating in U.S. FTZs and
Under Similar Programs in Canada and
Mexico; Proposed Information
Collection; Comment Request; Foreign
Trade Zones Questionnaire
United States International
Trade Commission.
ACTION: Notice of request for public
comments regarding a proposed data
collection in Commission Investigation
No. 332–588.

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In accordance with the
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995, the U.S. International Trade
Commission (Commission or USITC)
hereby gives notice that it plans to
submit a request for approval of a
questionnaire to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and requests public comment on
its draft proposed collection.
DATES: To assure that the Commission
will consider your comments, it must
receive them no later than 60 days after
publication of this notice in the Federal
ADDRESSES: All Commission offices are
in the U.S. International Trade
Commission Building, 500 E Street SW,
Washington, DC. Due to the COVID–19
pandemic, the Commission’s building is
currently closed to the public. Once the
building reopens, persons with mobility
impairments who will need special
assistance in gaining access to the
Commission should contact the Office
of the Secretary at 202–205–2000.
project leaders for this investigation are
Ann Marie Carton, Fernando Gracia,
and Lin Jones. Please direct all written
comments Ann Marie Carton at 202–
205–2781 or via email at
[email protected].
The public record for this
investigation may be viewed on the
Commission’s electronic docket (EDIS)
at https://edis.usitc.gov. General
information concerning the Commission
may be obtained by accessing its
internet address (https://www.usitc.gov).
Hearing-impaired individuals are
advised that information on this matter
can be obtained by contacting the TDD
terminal on 202–205–1810.
information requested by the
questionnaire is for use by the
Commission in connection with
Investigation No. 332–588, Foreign
Trade Zones (FTZs): Effects of FTZ
Policies and Practices on U.S. Firms
Operating in U.S. FTZs and Under
Similar Programs in Canada and
Mexico, instituted under the authority
of section 332(g) of the Tariff Act of
1930 (19 U.S.C. 1332(g)). This
investigation and report were requested
by the United States Trade
Representative (USTR) on December 14,
2021. This investigation was initiated
on January 26, 2022, and the notice of
investigation was published in the
Federal Register on January 31, 2022
(87 FR 4914). The Commission will
deliver its report to USTR by April 14,
2023. As stated in the notice of
investigation, the USTR requested that
the Commission’s report include




Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 82 / Thursday, April 28, 2022 / Notices
detailed data and other information on
firms operating in FTZs in the United
States, and under similar programs in
Canada, and Mexico. Such information
is not available in the requested
specificity from governmental and other
public sources. The Commission
indicated in its notice of investigation
that it will need to obtain much of such
data and information through a survey.
The survey will assist the Commission
in developing, as requested, an
overview of economic activity and
policies and practices in U.S. FTZs and
under similar programs in Canada and
Mexico, and the effects of those policies
and practices on the cost
competitiveness of products of firms
operating in these programs. Similar
programs in Canada include the Duties
Relief Program, Drawback Program,
Export Distribution Center Program, and
Exporters of Processing Services
Program. Similar programs in Mexico
include Industria Manufacturera,
Maquiladora y de Servicios de
Exportacio´n (IMMEX), Value Added Tax
(VAT)/Special Tax on Production and
Services (IEPS) Certification, Programa
de Promocio´n Sectorial (PROSEC), Rule
8 (Regla 8), and Operadores Econo´micos
Autorizados (OEA) (previously Nuevo
Esquema de Empresas Certificadas
Summary of Proposal: The
Commission intends to submit the
following draft information collection
plan to OMB and invites public
(1) Number of forms submitted: 1.
(2) Title of form: Foreign Trade Zones
(3) Type of request: New.
(4) Frequency of use: Industry
questionnaire, single data gathering,
scheduled for 2022.
(5) Description of respondents: U.S.
firms granted authority, and exercising
this authority, to produce in a U.S. FTZ.
(6) Estimated number of respondents:
(7) Estimated total number of hours to
complete the questionnaire per
respondent: 20 hours.
(8) Information obtained from the
questionnaire that qualifies as
confidential business information will
be so treated by the Commission and not

disclosed in a manner that would reveal
the individual operations of a business.
Method of Collection: Respondents
will be sent a letter with a link and
individual code for accessing the online
form. Once the online form is complete,
respondents will be directed to submit
the form by selecting a submit button.
Request for Comments: Comments are
invited on (1) the draft questionnaire;
(2) whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary; (3) the
accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the
burden (including hours and cost) of the
proposed collection of information; (4)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (5) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
The draft questionnaire and other
supplementary documents may be
downloaded from the USITC website at
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and
included in the request for OMB
approval of this information collection;
they will also become a matter of public
record. As such proprietary or
confidential business information
should not be submitted as part of
comments on the draft questionnaire.
By order of the Commission.
Issued: April 25, 2022.
Lisa Barton,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2022–09115 Filed 4–27–22; 8:45 am]

Drug Enforcement Administration
[Docket No. DEA–1000]

Importer of Controlled Substances
Application: Lipomed
Drug Enforcement
Administration, Justice.
ACTION: Notice of application.

Lipomed has applied to be
registered as an importer of basic
class(es) of controlled substance(s).
Refer to Supplemental Information
listed below for further drug


Registered bulk manufacturers of
the affected basic class(es), and
applicants therefore, may file written
comments on or objections to the
issuance of the proposed registration on
or before May 31, 2022. Such persons
may also file a written request for a
hearing on the application on or before
May 31, 2022.
ADDRESSES: The Drug Enforcement
Administration requires that all
comments be submitted electronically
through the Federal eRulemaking Portal,
which provides the ability to type short
comments directly into the comment
field on the web page or attach a file for
lengthier comments. Please go to
https://www.regulations.gov and follow
the online instructions at that site for
submitting comments. Upon submission
of your comment, you will receive a
Comment Tracking Number. Please be
aware that submitted comments are not
instantaneously available for public
view on https://www.regulations.gov. If
you have received a Comment Tracking
Number, your comment has been
successfully submitted and there is no
need to resubmit the same comment. All
requests for a hearing must be sent to:
(1) Drug Enforcement Administration,
Attn: Hearing Clerk/OALJ, 8701
Morrissette Drive, Springfield, Virginia
22152; and (2) Drug Enforcement
Administration, Attn: DEA Federal
Register Representative/DPW, 8701
Morrissette Drive, Springfield, Virginia
22152. All requests for a hearing should
also be sent to: Drug Enforcement
Administration, Attn: Administrator,
8701 Morrissette Drive, Springfield,
Virginia 22152.
accordance with 21 CFR 1301.34(a), this
is notice that on February 9, 2022, 150
Cambridgepark Drive, Suite 705,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140,
applied to be registered as an importer
of the following basic class(es) of
controlled substance(s):

jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES1

Controlled substance

Drug code

3-Fluoro-N-methylcathinone (3-FMC) ..............................................................................................................................
Cathinone ........................................................................................................................................................................
Methcathinone .................................................................................................................................................................
4-Fluoro-N-methylcathinone (4-FMC) ..............................................................................................................................
Pentedrone (a-methylaminovalerophenone) ...................................................................................................................
Mephedrone (4-Methyl-N-methylcathinone) ....................................................................................................................
4-Methyl-N-ethylcathinone (4-MEC) ................................................................................................................................
Naphyrone .......................................................................................................................................................................
N-Ethylamphetamine .......................................................................................................................................................

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File Modified2022-04-28
File Created2022-04-28

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