Form UnNumbered Law Enforcement Use of Geophysical Methods

Law Enforcement Use of Geophysical Methods

Law Enforcement_Geophysical Methods_Questionnaire

Law Enforcement Use of Geophysical Methods

OMB: 1110-0085

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Law Enforcement use of Geophysical Methods

Shape1 The goal of this questionnaire is to gather information on law enforcement use of geophysical methods, such as ground penetrating radar (GPR), electrical resistivity, and magnetometry to detect concealed targets as part of a criminal investigation (for example: homicide graves, drugs, or weapons). This questionnaire will ask which geophysical methods were used, the suspected targets, survey environment, information on the geophysical service providers and summaries of one (1) to three (3) geophysical survey conducted. If you or your organization have not applied geophysical methods in law enforcement investigations or operational searches, there is no need to complete this questionnaire.

Providing your identity, organizational affiliation, and contact information are optional. The results of this questionnaire may be used to understand how geophysical methods are applied to law enforcement investigations. If results from this questionnaire are published in scientific and/or law enforcement publications, identities, organization(s), and contact information will be anonymized.

Within this questionnaire, geophysical methods are grouped into the specific categories, in bold below, that would be more familiar for law enforcement personnel. Below are a few examples of geophysical methods but are not limited to the following:

  • Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

    • Low-to-High frequency (10 MHz to (+) 2000 MHz) GPR antenna systems, Multichannel GPR

  • Electrical Methods

    • Electrical Resistivity (ER), Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Capacitively-Coupled Resistivity (CCR)

    • Including Spontaneous (Self) Potential and Induced Polarization (IP)

  • Electromagnetics

    • Electromagnetic (EM) Induction (e.g., EM38, Metal detectors), Ground Conductivity Meter

  • Magnetometry

    • Proton procession magnetometer, Fluxgate magnetic gradiometer

  • Gravimetry (Gravity)

    • Including microgravity surveys

    • Gravitometers and/or gravity gradiometer

  • Near Surface Seismic

    • Seismic refraction and reflection surveys, multi-channel analysis of surface waves (M.A.S.W.)

    • Surface and subsurface (borehole) seismometers


  1. By completing this questionnaire, you agree to allow FBI Laboratory Division to collect and use your responses. *Required* I consent & continue

  1. May researchers contact you if we have follow-up questions about this questionnaire and/or your geophysical survey(s)? (Optional) Yes No

(If yes)

    • Name: __________________________

    • Preferred title: ______________________

    • Law enforcement Organization/Company/Affiliation: _______________________

    • Phone number: _______________________

    • Email address: __________________________

Do you wish to receive a notification of the results of this questionnaire after publication, check this box and provide the information above.

Law Enforcement Background Information

  1. Will you be answering as an individual or for your organization as a whole? *Required*

  • Individual

  • Organization

  1. If answering as an individual, how many years of experience in law enforcement do you have? _______________ years

  1. What is the name of your current law enforcement organization? Note: The purpose of this question is to account for multiple participants from the same law enforcement organization. (Optional): Shape2

  1. If answering as an individual and have been involved in geophysical surveys for multiple law enforcement organizations, list the names of the organizations you were working for at the time of each geophysical survey (omit the organization in question 3)? (Optional):


  1. Which law enforcement description best describes you or your current organization? *Required*

  • Federal Law enforcement

  • State Law enforcement

  • Tribal Law enforcement

  • County Law enforcement

  • Municipal

  • Other: ______________

Information on Geophysical Service Providers

  1. How did you or your organization select the geophysical service provider(s)? (Check all that apply)

Recommendation by State Soil Scientist

Recommendation by State Archaeologist

Recommendation by State Geologist

University or College Recommendation

Recommendation from law enforcement personnel &/or organization


Other: ______________

  1. How many geophysical surveys were conducted by individuals from the following professional organizations/affiliations?

University/College position/professor/faculty________

State Government ________

Federal Government ______

Private Company__________

Geophysical Instrument Manufacturer ___

Law Enforcement _______

Other: ____________

  1. What were the professional titles of the individuals conducting the geophysical survey(s)? Select all that apply.





Environmental Scientist

Soil Scientist

Forensic Scientist

Civil Engineer

Electrical Engineer

Construction/Utility scanner

Law Enforcement Personnel


Other: _________

  1. What percent of the geophysical surveys conducted for investigations were financially supported by law enforcement organizations (including implementation, acquisition, analysis, and/or interpretation)? _______

  1. *Optional* If you are willing and able, provide the contact information for the entity(s) that conducted the geophysical survey(s):



Organization / affiliation

(private company, university name, etc.)

Phone Number(s)

Email Address(es)

adDitional comments







OTHER: _______

ALL Geophysical Surveys Conducted

  1. Based on the total number of geophysical surveys conducted, how many times was each geophysical method deployed? If possible, provide supplemental information. Leave blank or write (N/A) if not applicable. Example: “Geophysical service providers deployed a ground penetrating radar (method) three times (times deployed) at different locations within a forest, a building, a lake (environment) in attempts to locate clandestine grave, hidden weapons (targets) concealed by forest soil, concrete, water (concealment material).

*Required answer*

Ground Penetrating Radar:

Total number of times deployed* ______

Suspected target(s): __________

Material(s) concealing target(s): ______

Survey environment(s): _________

Electrical Methods:

Total number of times deployed* ________

Suspected target(s): __________

Material(s) concealing target(s): ______

Survey environment(s): _________


Total number of times deployed* ______

Suspected target(s): __________

Material(s) concealing target(s): ______

Survey environment(s): _________


Total number of times deployed* ______

Suspected target(s): __________

Material(s) concealing target(s): ______

Survey environment(s): _________


Total number of times deployed* ______

Suspected target(s): __________

Material(s) concealing target(s): ______

Survey environment(s): _________

Near Surface (NS) Seismic:

Total number of times deployed* ______

Suspected target(s): __________

Material(s) concealing target(s): ______

Survey environment(s): _________

Other: _________

Total number of times deployed ______

Suspected target(s): __________

Material(s) concealing target(s): ______

Survey environment(s): _________

  1. Prior to deployment of geophysical methods, approximately what percent of survey sites used the following search strategies? Leave blank if not applicable.

Human intelligence -confessions, witness statements, etc.: __________

Reconnaissance searches-walk throughs: ________

Dog searches: ____________

Soil Probes: __________

Aerial imaging: ___________

Other: ____________

  1. Prior to a geophysical survey, approximately what percent of survey sites did you or your organization plan to excavate regardless of the results of the geophysical methods? __________

Post Geophysical Survey

  1. After a geophysical method was conducted to find a suspected target, how many times did the following outcomes occur at a geophysical survey area? Leave blank if not applicable.

After excavation, targets were successfully found within areas of interest detected by the geophysical methods: ________

After excavation, targets were found even if geophysical methods were effectively conducted and did not identify areas of interest: ________

After excavation, targets were not found even if the geophysical method identified areas of interest: _________

After excavation, targets were not found even if geophysical methods were effectively conducted, and did not identify areas of interest: _______

No excavation conducted due to geophysical methods results: ________

Other: _______

  1. For the geophysical methods ineffective in detect a suspected target, what do you believe is the rationale for the geophysical methods being ineffective in detecting a suspected target? Examples: Target was not there, target too small to detect, target too deep to detect, surface or subsurface interference, user error, equipment failure…etc.


  1. For the geophysical methods deployed for law enforcement missions, select reasons why you would or would not use this method again. Check all that apply. Leave blank if not applicable:


Ground Penetrating Radar

Electrical Methods




NS Seismic

Other: _______

Reasons why you would use the method again

Saved time

Confirmed regions to excavate based on prior knowledge

Found suspected target(s) in survey environment

Justified excavation based on survey results

Saved money on excavation costs

Less destruction during excavation

Perceived as standard practice

Reasons why you would not use the method again

Cost time

Failed to find target

Insufficient time to conduct adequate survey

Ground conditions limited imaging capabilities

Cost of survey

Shape5 Describe additional reasons why you would or would not use geophysical methods again:

  1. Provide details on 1 to 3 geophysical surveys conducted for your law enforcement organization. At least one (1) summary of a geophysical survey is required for submission. Include the geophysical method(s) deployed, the environmental setting of the survey, suspected target(s) in the questions below:

  1. Search strategies: Human intelligence, dog searches, soil probes ….

  2. Survey Site Environment: Forest, rocky mountainous terrains, beach, croplands, residential backyard … etc.

  3. Material in which the suspected target was presumed to be concealed: Concrete, dry wall, topsoil/organic rich soil, tall grass, (fresh/salt) water, volcanic soil…etc.

  4. Geophysical methods: Ground penetrating radar, Electrical Methods, Electromagnetic Methods, Magnetometry, Gravimetry, Near Surface Seismic, Other

  5. Rationale for ineffectiveness of geophysical method(s): Target was not there, insufficient resolution for target detection, insufficient penetration for target detection, surface/subsurface interference…

If you wish to provide information on more than 5 geophysical surveys, contact [email protected].

  1. Geophysical Survey 1: *Required*

Prior to Geophysical Survey

      1. What search strategies were conducted prior to or in conjunction with the geophysical survey? ____ not applicable

      2. Did warrants limit the time allowed for a geophysical survey? ○ Yes ○ No

        1. If yes, what was the allotted time: _______

      3. Did warrants limit the area or perimeters of search for the geophysical survey? ○ Yes ○ No

      4. Were you or your organization attempting to locate a suspected target or searching to exclude a target from a survey area? ○ Locate ○ Exclude

      5. Suspected Target(s): __________

      6. At the time of the geophysical survey, how long was the suspected target estimated to be concealed? (Example: Homicide weapon buried in residential backyard approximately 5 years prior to survey): _______

During the Geophysical Survey

      1. What year was this geophysical survey completed? _________

      2. Environment of Survey Site:

        1. Describe the search environments where the geophysical method was deployed: ________

        2. Material(s) in which the target was presumed to be concealed: ___________

      3. Geophysical Method

        1. Method (1): ___________ deployed on the ground, from the air, in/on water

        2. Did you deploy more than one geophysical method? If so, list the additional method: (2)_________ deployed on the ground, from the air, in/on water

        3. If known, list the specific geophysical equipment deployed: ______________

Interpretation of Geophysical Survey

      1. Were there areas identified by the geophysical survey of interest to your law enforcement organization? ○ Yes ○ No (if no, precede the excavation.)

        1. If yes, and if multiple geophysical methods were used, which geophysical method identified areas of interest within the survey area? _______________


      1. If the geophysical survey area was excavated, was the excavation conducted with the guidance from the geophysical survey results? ○ Yes ○ No (If no, skip to results)

      2. Was the target found with assistance of the geophysical method(s)? ○ Yes ○ No

        1. If you found the target with the geophysical method(s), briefly describe the conditions of the discovered target(s). Include the depth (or thickness of concealment material), target’s condition (well preserved, highly deteriorated) … etc. :_________________________


      1. Did the geophysical service providers create a formal, written report of the survey results? ○ Yes ○ No

        1. If yes, was the report later submitted into to the courts? ○ Yes ○ No

      2. Overall effectiveness

        1. Was geophysical method 1 effective at detecting the suspected target(s)? ○ Yes ○ No

        2. Was geophysical method 2 effective at detecting the suspected target(s)? ○ Yes ○ No

      3. Rationale for why these methods were ineffective at detecting target(s) (check all that apply). Skip if not applicable:

Target was not there

Inadequate survey area-correct location but outside geophysical survey area

User failure or error

Target was too deep to detect

Inappropriate geophysical equipment deployed for material concealing suspected target

Equipment failure

Target was too small to detect

Subsurface interference- e.g. roots, rebar, cables, debris

Weather conditions -prior to survey

Surface interference – debris or surface vegetation

Target’s composition too similar to overlying material concealing target

Weather conditions - during the survey


For additional information:Shape6

  1. Geophysical Survey 2:

Prior to Geophysical Survey

      1. What search strategies were conducted prior to or in conjunction with the geophysical survey? ____ not applicable

      2. Did warrants limit the time allowed for a geophysical survey? ○ Yes ○ No

        1. If yes, what was the allotted time: _______

      3. Did warrants limit the area or perimeters of search for the geophysical survey? ○ Yes ○ No

      4. Were you or your organization attempting to locate a suspected target or searching to exclude a target from a survey area? ○ Locate ○ Exclude

      5. Suspected Target(s): __________

      6. At the time of the geophysical survey, how long was the suspected target estimated to be concealed? (Example: Homicide weapon buried in residential backyard approximately 5 years prior to survey): _______

During the Geophysical Survey

      1. What year was this geophysical survey completed? _________

      2. Environment of Survey Site:

        1. Describe the search environments where the geophysical method was deployed: ________

        2. Material(s) in which the target was presumed to be concealed: ___________

      3. Geophysical Method

        1. Method (1): ___________ deployed on the ground, from the air, in/on water

        2. Did you deploy more than one geophysical method? If so, list the additional method: (2)_________ deployed on the ground, from the air, in/on water

        3. If known, list the specific geophysical equipment deployed: ______________

Interpretation of Geophysical Survey

      1. Were there areas identified by the geophysical survey of interest to your law enforcement organization? ○ Yes ○ No (if no, precede the excavation.)

        1. If yes, and if multiple geophysical methods were used, which geophysical method identified areas of interest within the survey area? _______________


      1. If the geophysical survey area was excavated, was the excavation conducted with the guidance from the geophysical survey results? ○ Yes ○ No (If no, skip to results)

      2. Was the target found with assistance of the geophysical method(s)? ○ Yes ○ No

        1. If you found the target with the geophysical method(s), briefly describe the conditions of the discovered target(s). Include the depth (or thickness of concealment material), target’s condition (well preserved, highly deteriorated) … etc. :_________________________


      1. Did the geophysical service providers create a formal, written report of the survey results? ○ Yes ○ No

        1. If yes, was the report later submitted into to the courts? ○ Yes ○ No

      2. Overall effectiveness

        1. Was geophysical method 1 effective at detecting the suspected target(s)? ○ Yes ○ No

        2. Was geophysical method 2 effective at detecting the suspected target(s)? ○ Yes ○ No

      3. Rationale for why these methods were ineffective at detecting target(s) (check all that apply). Skip if not applicable:

Target was not there

Inadequate survey area-correct location but outside geophysical survey area

User failure or error

Target was too deep to detect

Inappropriate geophysical equipment deployed for material concealing suspected target

Equipment failure

Target was too small to detect

Subsurface interference- e.g. roots, rebar, cables, debris

Weather conditions -prior to survey

Surface interference – debris or surface vegetation

Target’s composition too similar to overlying material concealing target

Weather conditions - during the survey


For additional information:Shape7

  1. Geophysical Survey 3:

Prior to Geophysical Survey

      1. What search strategies were conducted prior to or in conjunction with the geophysical survey? ____ not applicable

      2. Did warrants limit the time allowed for a geophysical survey? ○ Yes ○ No

        1. If yes, what was the allotted time: _______

      3. Did warrants limit the area or perimeters of search for the geophysical survey? ○ Yes ○ No

      4. Were you or your organization attempting to locate a suspected target or searching to exclude a target from a survey area? ○ Locate ○ Exclude

      5. Suspected Target(s): __________

      6. At the time of the geophysical survey, how long was the suspected target estimated to be concealed? (Example: Homicide weapon buried in residential backyard approximately 5 years prior to survey): _______

During the Geophysical Survey

      1. What year was this geophysical survey completed? _________

      2. Environment of Survey Site:

        1. Describe the search environments where the geophysical method was deployed: ________

        2. Material(s) in which the target was presumed to be concealed: ___________

      3. Geophysical Method

        1. Method (1): ___________ deployed on the ground, from the air, in/on water

        2. Did you deploy more than one geophysical method? If so, list the additional method: (2)_________ deployed on the ground, from the air, in/on water

        3. If known, list the specific geophysical equipment deployed: ______________

Interpretation of Geophysical Survey

      1. Were there areas identified by the geophysical survey of interest to your law enforcement organization? ○ Yes ○ No (if no, precede the excavation.)

        1. If yes, and if multiple geophysical methods were used, which geophysical method identified areas of interest within the survey area? _______________


      1. If the geophysical survey area was excavated, was the excavation conducted with the guidance from the geophysical survey results? ○ Yes ○ No (If no, skip to results)

      2. Was the target found with assistance of the geophysical method(s)? ○ Yes ○ No

        1. If you found the target with the geophysical method(s), briefly describe the conditions of the discovered target(s). Include the depth (or thickness of concealment material), target’s condition (well preserved, highly deteriorated) … etc. :_________________________


      1. Did the geophysical service providers create a formal, written report of the survey results? ○ Yes ○ No

        1. If yes, was the report later submitted into to the courts? ○ Yes ○ No

      2. Overall effectiveness

        1. Was geophysical method 1 effective at detecting the suspected target(s)? ○ Yes ○ No

        2. Was geophysical method 2 effective at detecting the suspected target(s)? ○ Yes ○ No

      3. Rationale for why these methods were ineffective at detecting target(s) (check all that apply). Skip if not applicable:

Target was not there

Inadequate survey area-correct location but outside geophysical survey area

User failure or error

Target was too deep to detect

Inappropriate geophysical equipment deployed for material concealing suspected target

Equipment failure

Target was too small to detect

Subsurface interference- e.g. roots, rebar, cables, debris

Weather conditions -prior to survey

Surface interference – debris or surface vegetation

Target’s composition too similar to overlying material concealing target

Weather conditions - during the survey


For additional information:Shape8

Overview-Exit review:

  1. *Optional*If you wish to include additional information on you or your organization’s use of geophysical methods, please respond in the box below:


If you have any questions regarding the questionnaire, please contact [[email protected]].


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorProulx, Michelle
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-10-13

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