2022 Economic Census (Stateside and Island Areas)

2022 Economic Census (Stateside and Island Areas)

Attachment A.xlsx

2022 Economic Census (Stateside and Island Areas)

OMB: 0607-0998

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Attachment A

Department of Commerce
United States Census Bureau
OMB Information Collection Request
2022 Economic Census
OMB Control Number 0607-0998

Electronic Questionnaire Instrument Path Numbers, Titles, and Associated Burden Estimates
(Stateside and Island Areas)

2022 Electronic Path Number 2022 Electronic Path Title Firms Establishments Path Totals Estimated Time per Response (Hours) Estimated Annual Burden (Hours)
Regular Paths

11500 Support Activities for Crop and Animal Production
700 21,000 21,500 0.8 17,200.0
21110 Crude Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquid Extraction
550 2,100 2,600 4.2 10,920.0
21210 Coal Mining
500 300 750 4.2 3,150.0
21220 Iron Ore Mining
N<15 N<15 20 4.2 84.0
21221 Gold, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Copper & Nickel Ore Mining
80 150 250 4.2 1,050.0
21224 All Other Metal Ore Mining
20 30 50 4.2 210.0
21230 Stone, Sand, and Gravel Mining & Quarrying
2,700 1,300 4,000 4.2 16,800.0
21236 Kaolin, Clay, and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining
70 50 100 4.2 420.0
21238 All Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining
100 100 250 4.2 1,050.0
21301 Drilling Oil and Gas Wells and Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations
550 3,500 4,000 4.2 16,800.0
21321 Support Activities for Coal, Metal, and Nonmetallic Minerals (except Fuels) Mining
90 450 500 4.2 2,100.0
22110 Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
500 1,300 1,800 1.7 3,060.0
22120 Natural Gas Distribution
90 300 350 1.7 595.0
22130 Water, Sewage and Other Systems
200 3,500 3,700 1.7 6,290.0
23610 Residential and Nonresidential Building Construction
5,000 49,000 54,000 2.3 124,200.0
23710 Highway, Bridge, and Heavy Construction (Utility, Land Subdivision, and Other)
4,300 7,600 12,000 2.3 27,600.0
23810 Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors
1,700 24,500 26,000 2.4 62,400.0
23820 Building Equipment Contractors
6,900 29,000 35,500 2.4 85,200.0
23830 Building Finishing Contractors
2,000 24,500 27,000 2.4 64,800.0
23890 Other Specialty Trade Contractors
1,600 14,000 15,500 2.4 37,200.0
31110 Dog and Cat Food Manufacturing
150 100 400 5.7 2,280.0
31111 Other Animal Food Manufacturing
750 350 1,100 5.7 6,270.0
31120 Flour Milling
200 60 250 5.7 1,425.0
31121 Rice Milling
40 30 70 5.7 399.0
31122 Malt Manufacturing
20 N<15 30 5.7 171.0
31123 Wet Corn Milling and Starch Manufacturing
50 N<15 60 5.7 342.0
31124 Soybean and Other Oilseed Processing
100 40 150 5.7 855.0
31125 Fats and Oils Refining and Blending
40 30 70 5.7 399.0
31126 Breakfast Cereal Manufacturing
30 20 50 5.7 285.0
31130 Beet Sugar Manufacturing
20 N<15 30 5.7 171.0
31131 Cane Sugar Manufacturing
30 N<15 40 5.7 228.0
31132 Nonchocolate Confectionery Manufacturing
80 250 300 5.7 1,710.0
31133 Chocolate and Confectionery Manufacturing from Cacao Beans
60 100 150 5.7 855.0
31134 Confectionery Manufacturing from Purchased Chocolate
200 450 650 5.7 3,705.0
31140 Frozen Fruit, Juice, and Vegetable Manufacturing
100 40 150 5.7 855.0
31141 Frozen Specialty Food Manufacturing
150 150 300 5.7 1,710.0
31142 Fruit and Vegetable Canning
250 200 450 5.7 2,565.0
31143 Specialty Canning
40 40 80 5.7 456.0
31144 Dried and Dehydrated Food Manufacturing
100 90 200 5.7 1,140.0
31150 Fluid Milk Manufacturing
300 60 350 5.7 1,995.0
31151 Creamery Butter Manufacturing
20 20 40 5.7 228.0
31152 Cheese Manufacturing
250 150 400 5.7 2,280.0
31153 Dry, Condensed, and Evaporated Dairy Product Manufacturing
100 40 150 5.7 855.0
31154 Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert Manufacturing
100 100 200 5.7 1,140.0
31160 Animal (except Poultry) Slaughtering
200 500 650 5.7 3,705.0
31161 Meat Processed from Carcasses
350 600 900 5.7 5,130.0
31162 Rendering and Meat Byproduct Processing
150 30 200 5.7 1,140.0
31163 Poultry Processing
300 80 350 5.7 1,995.0
31170 Seafood Product Preparation and Packaging
200 400 550 5.7 3,135.0
31180 Retail Bakeries
600 3,800 4,400 5.7 25,080.0
31181 Commercial Bakeries
500 900 1,400 5.7 7,980.0
31182 Frozen Cakes, Pies, and Other Pastries Manufacturing
70 70 150 5.7 855.0
31183 Cookie and Cracker Manufacturing
80 100 200 5.7 1,140.0
31184 Dry Pasta, Dough, and Flour Mixes Manufacturing from Purchased Flour
150 150 300 5.7 1,710.0
31185 Tortilla Manufacturing
70 200 250 5.7 1,425.0
31190 Roasted Nuts and Peanut Butter Manufacturing
100 90 200 5.7 1,140.0
31191 Other Snack Food Manufacturing
150 90 200 5.7 1,140.0
31192 Coffee and Tea Manufacturing
150 350 500 5.7 2,850.0
31193 Flavoring Syrup and Concentrate Manufacturing
50 50 100 5.7 570.0
31194 Mayonnaise, Dressing, and Other Prepared Sauce Manufacturing
100 100 200 5.7 1,140.0
31195 Spice and Extract Manufacturing
150 150 300 5.7 1,710.0
31196 Perishable Prepared Food Manufacturing
200 350 500 5.7 2,850.0
31197 All Other Miscellaneous Food Manufacturing
150 300 450 5.7 2,565.0
31210 Soft Drink Manufacturing
300 80 400 5.7 2,280.0
31211 Bottled Water Manufacturing
100 100 200 5.7 1,140.0
31212 Ice Manufacturing
150 150 300 5.7 1,710.0
31213 Breweries
300 2,100 2,400 5.7 13,680.0
31214 Wineries
350 2,100 2,400 5.7 13,680.0
31215 Distilleries
90 450 550 5.7 3,135.0
31220 Tobacco Manufacturing
50 40 80 5.7 456.0
31310 Fiber, Yarn, and Thread Mills
90 80 150 5.7 855.0
31320 Broadwoven Fabric Mills
90 100 200 5.7 1,140.0
31321 Narrow Fabric Mills and Schiffli Machine Embroidery
30 90 100 5.7 570.0
31322 Nonwoven Fabric Mills
100 90 200 5.7 1,140.0
31323 Knit Fabric Mills
30 60 90 5.7 513.0
31324 Textile and Fabric Finishing Mills
90 250 350 5.7 1,995.0
31325 Fabric Coating Mills
50 80 150 5.7 855.0
31410 Carpet and Rug Mills
80 50 150 5.7 855.0
31411 Curtain and Linen Mills
150 650 750 5.7 4,275.0
31490 Textile Bag and Canvas Mills
100 950 1,000 5.7 5,700.0
31491 Rope, Cordage, Twine, Tire Cord, and Tire Fabric Mills
40 50 90 5.7 513.0
31492 All Other Miscellaneous Textile Product Mills
150 1,600 1,800 5.7 10,260.0
31510 Hosiery and Sock Mills
20 70 90 5.7 513.0
31511 Other Apparel Knitting Mills
N<15 80 90 5.7 513.0
31520 Cut and Sew Apparel Contractors
80 1,600 1,700 5.7 9,690.0
31521 Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing
50 200 250 5.7 1,425.0
31522 Women's, Girls', and Infants' Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing
40 350 400 5.7 2,280.0
31523 Other Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing
20 250 300 5.7 1,710.0
31524 Apparel Accessories and Other Apparel Manufacturing
50 250 300 5.7 1,710.0
31610 Leather and Hide Tanning and Finishing
20 80 100 5.7 570.0
31611 Footwear Manufacturing
40 150 200 5.7 1,140.0
31690 Women's Handbag and Purse Manufacturing
N<15 40 50 5.7 285.0
31691 All Other Leather Good and Allied Product Manufacturing
30 300 350 5.7 1,995.0
32110 Sawmills
600 1,400 1,900 5.7 10,830.0
32111 Wood Preservation
150 150 300 5.7 1,710.0
32120 Hardwood Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing
60 90 150 5.7 855.0
32121 Softwood Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing
50 N<15 60 5.7 342.0
32122 Engineered Wood Member (except Truss) Manufacturing
50 40 90 5.7 513.0
32123 Truss Manufacturing
300 400 700 5.7 3,990.0
32124 Reconstituted Wood Product Manufacturing
100 40 150 5.7 855.0
32190 Wood Window and Door Manufacturing
250 400 650 5.7 3,705.0
32191 Cut Stock, Resawing Lumber, and Planing
200 350 550 5.7 3,135.0
32192 Other Millwork (including Flooring)
250 750 950 5.7 5,415.0
32193 Wood Container and Pallet Manufacturing
600 1,600 2,200 5.7 12,540.0
32194 Manufactured Home (Mobile Home) Manufacturing
100 70 200 5.7 1,140.0
32195 Prefabricated Wood Building Manufacturing
150 300 500 5.7 2,850.0
32196 All Other Miscellaneous Wood Product Manufacturing
300 1,100 1,400 5.7 7,980.0
32210 Pulp Mills
30 20 50 5.7 285.0
32211 Paper (except Newsprint) Mills
150 20 150 5.7 855.0
32212 Newsprint Mills
N<15 N<15 N<15 5.7 85.5
32213 Paperboard Mills
150 40 150 5.7 855.0
32220 Corrugated and Solid Fiber Box Manufacturing
600 250 850 5.7 4,845.0
32221 Folding Paperboard Box Manufacturing
350 100 450 5.7 2,565.0
32222 Other Paperboard Container Manufacturing
150 70 250 5.7 1,425.0
32223 Paper Bag and Coated and Treated Paper Manufacturing
350 250 550 5.7 3,135.0
32224 Stationery Product Manufacturing
100 100 250 5.7 1,425.0
32225 Sanitary Paper Product Manufacturing
70 40 100 5.7 570.0
32226 All Other Converted Paper Product Manufacturing
150 150 300 5.7 1,710.0
32310 Commercial Printing (except Screen and Books)
2,000 6,200 8,200 5.7 46,740.0
32311 Commercial Screen Printing
200 2,600 2,700 5.7 15,390.0
32312 Books Printing
70 150 200 5.7 1,140.0
32313 Support Activities for Printing
150 500 650 5.7 3,705.0
32410 Petroleum Refineries
150 30 200 5.7 1,140.0
32411 Asphalt Paving Mixture and Block Manufacturing
1,100 150 1,300 5.7 7,410.0
32412 Asphalt Shingle and Coating Materials Manufacturing
150 40 200 5.7 1,140.0
32413 Petroleum Lubricating Oil and Grease Manufacturing
150 90 250 5.7 1,425.0
32414 All Other Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing
50 20 70 5.7 399.0
32510 Petrochemical Manufacturing
40 20 60 5.7 342.0
32511 Industrial Gas Manufacturing
500 20 500 5.7 2,850.0
32512 Synthetic Dye and Pigment Manufacturing
70 30 100 5.7 570.0
32513 Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing
450 90 550 5.7 3,135.0
32514 Ethyl Alcohol Manufacturing
150 70 200 5.7 1,140.0
32515 Cyclic Crude, Intermediate, and Gum and Wood Chemical Manufacturing
50 30 80 5.7 456.0
32516 All Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
450 100 550 5.7 3,135.0
32520 Plastics Material and Resin Manufacturing
550 350 900 5.7 5,130.0
32521 Synthetic Rubber Manufacturing
60 30 100 5.7 570.0
32522 Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments Manufacturing
70 40 100 5.7 570.0
32530 Nitrogenous Fertilizer Manufacturing
80 150 200 5.7 1,140.0
32531 Phosphatic Fertilizer Manufacturing
60 N<15 70 5.7 399.0
32532 Fertilizer (Mixing Only) Manufacturing
200 150 350 5.7 1,995.0
32533 Pesticide and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing
100 40 150 5.7 855.0
32540 Medicinal and Botanical Manufacturing
150 200 350 5.7 1,995.0
32541 Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing
500 250 750 5.7 4,275.0
32542 In-Vitro Diagnostic Substance Manufacturing
100 50 150 5.7 855.0
32543 Biological Product (except Diagnostic) Manufacturing
200 60 250 5.7 1,425.0
32550 Paint and Coating Manufacturing
350 400 800 5.7 4,560.0
32551 Adhesive Manufacturing
250 300 550 5.7 3,135.0
32560 Soap and Other Detergent Manufacturing
150 300 450 5.7 2,565.0
32561 Polish and Other Sanitation Good Manufacturing
100 150 250 5.7 1,425.0
32562 Surface Active Agent Manufacturing
60 30 100 5.7 570.0
32563 Toilet Preparation Manufacturing
150 400 550 5.7 3,135.0
32590 Printing Ink Manufacturing
200 50 250 5.7 1,425.0
32591 Explosives Manufacturing
70 N<15 80 5.7 456.0
32592 Custom Compounding of Purchased Resins
200 150 300 5.7 1,710.0
32593 Photographic Film, Paper, Plate, Chemical, and Copy Toner Manufacturing
40 60 100 5.7 570.0
32594 All Other Miscellaneous Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing
400 500 900 5.7 5,130.0
32610 Plastics Bag and Pouch Manufacturing
150 150 250 5.7 1,425.0
32611 Plastics Packaging Film and Sheet (including Laminated) Manufacturing
200 150 350 5.7 1,995.0
32612 Unlaminated Plastics Film and Sheet (except Packaging) Manufacturing
200 150 350 5.7 1,995.0
32613 Unlaminated Plastics Profile Shape Manufacturing
150 150 300 5.7 1,710.0
32614 Plastics Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing
300 80 350 5.7 1,995.0
32615 Laminated Plastics Plate, Sheet (except Packaging), and Shape Manufacturing
80 80 150 5.7 855.0
32616 Polystyrene Foam Product Manufacturing
200 150 350 5.7 1,995.0
32617 Urethane and Other Foam Product (except Polystyrene) Manufacturing
350 200 500 5.7 2,850.0
32618 Plastics Bottle Manufacturing
350 60 400 5.7 2,280.0
32619 Plastics Plumbing Fixture Manufacturing
80 150 250 5.7 1,425.0
3261B All Other Plastics Product Manufacturing
1,900 2,000 3,900 5.7 22,230.0
32620 Tire Manufacturing (except Retreading)
80 N<15 90 5.7 513.0
32621 Tire Retreading
200 150 350 5.7 1,995.0
32622 Rubber and Plastics Hoses and Belting Manufacturing
150 150 250 5.7 1,425.0
32623 Rubber Product Manufacturing for Mechanical Use
150 150 300 5.7 1,710.0
32624 All Other Rubber Product Manufacturing
250 250 500 5.7 2,850.0
32710 Pottery, Ceramics, and Plumbing Fixture Manufacturing
60 150 200 5.7 1,140.0
32711 Clay Building Material and Refractories Manufacturing
250 150 400 5.7 2,280.0
32720 Flat Glass Manufacturing
60 20 80 5.7 456.0
32721 Other Pressed and Blown Glass and Glassware Manufacturing
60 100 200 5.7 1,140.0
32722 Glass Container Manufacturing
50 N<15 60 5.7 342.0
32723 Glass Product Manufacturing Made of Purchased Glass
250 350 600 5.7 3,420.0
32730 Cement Manufacturing
150 20 150 5.7 855.0
32731 Ready-Mix Concrete Manufacturing
4,500 1,000 5,500 5.7 31,350.0
32732 Concrete Block and Brick Manufacturing
350 200 550 5.7 3,135.0
32733 Concrete Pipe Manufacturing
150 60 200 5.7 1,140.0
32734 Other Concrete Product Manufacturing
600 900 1,500 5.7 8,550.0
32740 Lime Manufacturing
100 N<15 100 5.7 570.0
32741 Gypsum Product Manufacturing
90 30 100 5.7 570.0
32790 Abrasive Product Manufacturing
90 100 200 5.7 1,140.0
32791 Cut Stone and Stone Product Manufacturing
200 1,200 1,400 5.7 7,980.0
32792 Ground or Treated Mineral and Earth Manufacturing
150 40 200 5.7 1,140.0
32793 Mineral Wool Manufacturing
100 70 200 5.7 1,140.0
32794 All Other Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing
200 100 350 5.7 1,995.0
33110 Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy Manufacturing
250 90 300 5.7 1,710.0
33120 Iron and Steel Pipe and Tube Manufacturing from Purchased Steel
150 100 200 5.7 1,140.0
33121 Rolled Steel Shape Manufacturing
100 70 150 5.7 855.0
33122 Steel Wire Drawing
100 70 150 5.7 855.0
33130 Alumina Refining and Primary Aluminum Production
20 30 30 5.7 171.0
33131 Secondary Smelting and Alloying of Aluminum
50 40 90 5.7 513.0
33132 Aluminum Sheet, Plate, and Foil Manufacturing
60 40 100 5.7 570.0
33134 Other Aluminum Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding
150 70 200 5.7 1,140.0
33140 Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Smelting and Refining
50 40 90 5.7 513.0
33141 Copper Rolling, Drawing, Extruding, and Alloying
150 60 200 5.7 1,140.0
33142 Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding
80 60 150 5.7 855.0
33143 Secondary Smelting, Refining, and Alloying of Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum)
80 70 150 5.7 855.0
33150 Iron Foundries
100 200 300 5.7 1,710.0
33151 Steel Investment Foundries
50 50 100 5.7 570.0
33152 Steel Foundries (except Investment)
60 60 100 5.7 570.0
33153 Nonferrous Metal Die-Casting Foundries
100 150 250 5.7 1,425.0
33154 Aluminum Foundries (except Die-Casting)
70 150 200 5.7 1,140.0
33155 Other Nonferrous Metal Foundries (except Die-Casting)
50 100 150 5.7 855.0
33210 Iron and Steel Forging
100 100 200 5.7 1,140.0
33211 Nonferrous Forging
30 20 50 5.7 285.0
33212 Custom Roll Forming
150 150 300 5.7 1,710.0
33213 Powder Metallurgy Part Manufacturing
50 90 150 5.7 855.0
33214 Metal Crown, Closure, and Other Metal Stamping (except Automotive)
300 650 950 5.7 5,415.0
33220 Metal Kitchen Cookware, Utensil, Cutlery, and Flatware (except Precious) Manufacturing
30 70 100 5.7 570.0
33221 Saw Blade and Handtool Manufacturing
200 350 550 5.7 3,135.0
33230 Prefabricated Metal Building and Component Manufacturing
200 350 550 5.7 3,135.0
33231 Fabricated Structural Metal Manufacturing
600 1,900 2,500 5.7 14,250.0
33232 Plate Work Manufacturing
200 850 1,100 5.7 6,270.0
33233 Metal Window and Door Manufacturing
300 450 700 5.7 3,990.0
33234 Sheet Metal Work Manufacturing
700 2,600 3,300 5.7 18,810.0
33235 Ornamental and Architectural Metal Work Manufacturing
150 1,700 1,800 5.7 10,260.0
33240 Power Boiler and Heat Exchanger Manufacturing
150 100 250 5.7 1,425.0
33241 Metal Tank (Heavy Gauge) Manufacturing
250 300 550 5.7 3,135.0
33242 Metal Can Manufacturing
150 40 150 5.7 855.0
33243 Other Metal Container Manufacturing
70 150 200 5.7 1,140.0
33250 Hardware Manufacturing
100 200 350 5.7 1,995.0
33260 Spring Manufacturing
100 200 300 5.7 1,710.0
33261 Other Fabricated Wire Product Manufacturing
200 300 500 5.7 2,850.0
33270 Machine Shops
1,000 9,800 11,000 5.7 62,700.0
33271 Precision Turned Product Manufacturing
450 2,700 3,200 5.7 18,240.0
33272 Bolt, Nut, Screw, Rivet, and Washer Manufacturing
200 350 550 5.7 3,135.0
33280 Metal Heat Treating
250 350 600 5.7 3,420.0
33281 Metal Coating, Engraving (except Jewelry and Silverware), and Allied Services to Manufacturers
500 1,300 1,800 5.7 10,260.0
33282 Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, and Coloring
300 1,400 1,700 5.7 9,690.0
33290 Industrial Valve Manufacturing
200 150 350 5.7 1,995.0
33291 Fluid Power Valve and Hose Fitting Manufacturing
150 80 250 5.7 1,425.0
33292 Plumbing Fixture Fitting and Trim Manufacturing
40 40 70 5.7 399.0
33293 Other Metal Valve and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing
70 80 150 5.7 855.0
33294 Ball and Roller Bearing Manufacturing
90 40 150 5.7 855.0
33295 Small Arms Ammunition Manufacturing
30 60 80 5.7 456.0
33296 Ammunition (except Small Arms) Manufacturing
20 30 50 5.7 285.0
33297 Small Arms, Ordnance, and Ordnance Accessories Manufacturing
50 150 200 5.7 1,140.0
33298 Fabricated Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing
200 350 550 5.7 3,135.0
33299 All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing
400 1,800 2,200 5.7 12,540.0
33310 Farm Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing
200 400 650 5.7 3,705.0
33311 Lawn and Garden Tractor and Home Lawn and Garden Equipment Manufacturing
50 50 100 5.7 570.0
33312 Construction Machinery Manufacturing
200 300 500 5.7 2,850.0
33313 Mining Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing
100 80 200 5.7 1,140.0
33314 Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing
250 200 450 5.7 2,565.0
33320 Food Product Machinery Manufacturing
100 250 350 5.7 1,995.0
33321 Semiconductor Machinery Manufacturing
60 30 90 5.7 513.0
33322 Sawmill, Woodworking, and Paper Machinery Manufacturing
80 200 250 5.7 1,425.0
33323 Printing Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing
40 150 200 5.7 1,140.0
33324 Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
300 800 1,100 5.7 6,270.0
33330 Optical Instrument and Lens Manufacturing
90 150 250 5.7 1,425.0
33331 Photographic and Photocopying Equipment Manufacturing
20 60 90 5.7 513.0
33332 Other Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing
300 450 700 5.7 3,990.0
33340 Industrial and Commercial Fan and Blower and Air Purification Equipment Manufacturing
150 200 350 5.7 1,995.0
33341 Heating Equipment (except Warm Air Furnaces) Manufacturing
90 150 250 5.7 1,425.0
33342 Air-Conditioning and Warm Air Heating Equipment and Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing
250 200 500 5.7 2,850.0
33350 Industrial Mold Manufacturing
200 750 950 5.7 5,415.0
33351 Special Die and Tool, Die Set, Jig, and Fixture Manufacturing
200 1,300 1,500 5.7 8,550.0
33352 Cutting Tool and Machine Tool Accessory Manufacturing
150 550 700 5.7 3,990.0
33353 Machine Tool Manufacturing
150 450 600 5.7 3,420.0
33354 Rolling Mill and Other Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing
90 150 250 5.7 1,425.0
33360 Turbine and Turbine Generator Set Units Manufacturing
100 50 150 5.7 855.0
33361 Speed Changer, Industrial High-Speed Drive, and Gear Manufacturing
80 90 150 5.7 855.0
33362 Mechanical Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing
90 90 200 5.7 1,140.0
33363 Other Engine Equipment Manufacturing
100 70 200 5.7 1,140.0
33390 Air and Gas Compressor Manufacturing
100 100 200 5.7 1,140.0
33392 Elevator and Moving Stairway Manufacturing
40 100 150 5.7 855.0
33393 Measuring, Dispensing, and Other Pumping Equipment Manufacturing
250 100 400 5.7 2,280.0
33394 Conveyor and Conveying Equipment Manufacturing
250 400 600 5.7 3,420.0
33395 Overhead Traveling Crane, Hoist, and Monorail System Manufacturing
100 100 200 5.7 1,140.0
33396 Industrial Truck, Tractor, Trailer, and Stacker Machinery Manufacturing
90 150 250 5.7 1,425.0
33397 Power-Driven Handtool Manufacturing
30 60 90 5.7 513.0
33398 Welding and Soldering Equipment Manufacturing
50 150 200 5.7 1,140.0
33399 Packaging Machinery Manufacturing
100 250 400 5.7 2,280.0
3339B Industrial Process Furnace and Oven Manufacturing
70 150 250 5.7 1,425.0
3339D Fluid Power Cylinder and Actuator Manufacturing
150 100 250 5.7 1,425.0
3339E Fluid Power Pump and Motor Manufacturing
50 60 100 5.7 570.0
3339F Scale and Balance Manufacturing
20 60 80 5.7 456.0
3339G All Other Miscellaneous General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing
300 750 1,000 5.7 5,700.0
33410 Electronic Computer Manufacturing
50 80 100 5.7 570.0
33411 Computer Storage Device Manufacturing
20 60 90 5.7 513.0
33412 Computer Terminal and Other Computer Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing
90 150 250 5.7 1,425.0
33420 Telephone Apparatus Manufacturing
70 70 150 5.7 855.0
33421 Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing
200 200 350 5.7 1,995.0
33422 Other Communications Equipment Manufacturing
50 150 200 5.7 1,140.0
33430 Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing
50 150 200 5.7 1,140.0
33440 Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing
90 200 300 5.7 1,710.0
33441 Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing
200 200 400 5.7 2,280.0
33442 Capacitor, Resistor, Coil, Transformer, and Other Inductor Manufacturing
100 150 250 5.7 1,425.0
33443 Electronic Connector Manufacturing
70 70 150 5.7 855.0
33444 Printed Circuit Assembly (Electronic Assembly) Manufacturing
150 350 500 5.7 2,850.0
33445 Other Electronic Component Manufacturing
300 350 650 5.7 3,705.0
33450 Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus Manufacturing
300 250 550 5.7 3,135.0
33451 Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing
250 50 300 5.7 1,710.0
33452 Automatic Environmental Control Manufacturing for Residential, Commercial, and Appliance Use
50 100 150 5.7 855.0
33453 Instruments and Related Products Manufacturing for Measuring, Displaying, and Controlling Industrial Process Variables
200 350 550 5.7 3,135.0
33454 Totalizing Fluid Meter and Counting Device Manufacturing
60 60 100 5.7 570.0
33455 Instrument Manufacturing for Measuring and Testing Electricity and Electrical Signals
150 250 400 5.7 2,280.0
33456 Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing
200 200 400 5.7 2,280.0
33457 Irradiation Apparatus Manufacturing
40 60 100 5.7 570.0
33458 Other Measuring and Controlling Device Manufacturing
250 350 600 5.7 3,420.0
33460 Blank Magnetic and Optical Recording Media Manufacturing
N<15 20 20 5.7 114.0
33461 Software and Other Prerecorded Compact Disc, Tape, and Record Reproducing
30 150 150 5.7 855.0
33510 Electric Lamp Bulb and Part Manufacturing
20 60 70 5.7 399.0
33511 Residential Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing
20 100 100 5.7 570.0
33512 Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing
80 200 250 5.7 1,425.0
33513 Other Lighting Equipment Manufacturing
50 100 150 5.7 855.0
33520 Small Electrical Appliance Manufacturing
30 60 90 5.7 513.0
33521 Major Household Appliance Manufacturing
60 100 150 5.7 855.0
33524 Power, Distribution, and Specialty Transformer Manufacturing
100 70 200 5.7 1,140.0
33530 Motor and Generator Manufacturing
100 100 250 5.7 1,425.0
33531 Switchgear and Switchboard Apparatus Manufacturing
150 200 350 5.7 1,995.0
33532 Relay and Industrial Control Manufacturing
200 350 550 5.7 3,135.0
33590 Storage Battery Manufacturing
70 40 100 5.7 570.0
33591 Primary Battery Manufacturing
20 30 50 5.7 285.0
33592 Fiber Optic Cable Manufacturing
20 40 60 5.7 342.0
33593 Other Communication and Energy Wire Manufacturing
90 80 150 5.7 855.0
33594 Current-Carrying Wiring Device Manufacturing
100 150 250 5.7 1,425.0
33595 Noncurrent-Carrying Wiring Device Manufacturing
70 40 100 5.7 570.0
33596 Carbon and Graphite Product Manufacturing
70 60 150 5.7 855.0
33597 All Other Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing
150 250 400 5.7 2,280.0
33610 Automobile Manufacturing
30 150 150 5.7 855.0
33611 Light Truck and Utility Vehicle Manufacturing
40 30 80 5.7 456.0
33612 Heavy Duty Truck Manufacturing
40 20 60 5.7 342.0
33620 Motor Vehicle Body Manufacturing
200 300 500 5.7 2,850.0
33621 Truck Trailer Manufacturing
150 200 350 5.7 1,995.0
33622 Motor Home Manufacturing
20 30 50 5.7 285.0
33623 Travel Trailer and Camper Manufacturing
200 300 450 5.7 2,565.0
33630 Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing
150 200 350 5.7 1,995.0
33631 Motor Vehicle Electrical and Electronic Equipment Manufacturing
150 200 350 5.7 1,995.0
33632 Motor Vehicle Steering and Suspension Components (except Spring) Manufacturing
100 80 200 5.7 1,140.0
33633 Motor Vehicle Brake System Manufacturing
90 40 100 5.7 570.0
33634 Motor Vehicle Transmission and Power Train Parts Manufacturing
150 150 300 5.7 1,710.0
33635 Motor Vehicle Seating and Interior Trim Manufacturing
200 100 350 5.7 1,995.0
33636 Motor Vehicle Metal Stamping
350 250 600 5.7 3,420.0
33637 Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing
500 350 850 5.7 4,845.0
33640 Aircraft Manufacturing
100 250 350 5.7 1,995.0
33641 Aircraft Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing
200 100 350 5.7 1,995.0
33642 Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
300 200 500 5.7 2,850.0
33643 Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing
30 N<15 50 5.7 285.0
33644 Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Propulsion Unit and Propulsion Unit Parts Manufacturing
30 N<15 30 5.7 171.0
33645 Other Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
20 20 40 5.7 228.0
33650 Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing
150 40 200 5.7 1,140.0
33660 Ship Building and Repairing
200 150 350 5.7 1,995.0
33661 Boat Building
100 450 550 5.7 3,135.0
33690 Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Parts Manufacturing
20 200 200 5.7 1,140.0
33691 Military Armored Vehicle, Tank, and Tank Component Manufacturing
30 30 60 5.7 342.0
33692 All Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing
30 150 150 5.7 855.0
33710 Wood Kitchen Cabinet and Countertop Manufacturing
200 2,700 2,900 5.7 16,530.0
33711 Upholstered Household Furniture Manufacturing
200 400 600 5.7 3,420.0
33712 Nonupholstered Wood Household Furniture Manufacturing
90 850 950 5.7 5,415.0
33713 Metal Household Furniture Manufacturing
40 150 150 5.7 855.0
33714 Household Furniture (except Wood and Metal) Manufacturing
N<15 100 100 5.7 570.0
33715 Institutional Furniture Manufacturing
100 300 400 5.7 2,280.0
33720 Wood Office Furniture Manufacturing
40 100 150 5.7 855.0
33721 Custom Architectural Woodwork and Millwork Manufacturing
150 1,500 1,700 5.7 9,690.0
33722 Office Furniture (except Wood) Manufacturing
60 80 150 5.7 855.0
33723 Showcase, Partition, Shelving, and Locker Manufacturing
150 500 650 5.7 3,705.0
33791 Mattress Manufacturing
100 150 300 5.7 1,710.0
33792 Blind and Shade Manufacturing
50 150 200 5.7 1,140.0
33912 Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing
350 450 800 5.7 4,560.0
33913 Surgical Appliance and Supplies Manufacturing
400 500 900 5.7 5,130.0
33914 Dental Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing
70 250 300 5.7 1,710.0
33915 Ophthalmic Goods Manufacturing
200 100 300 5.7 1,710.0
33916 Dental Laboratories
400 2,100 2,500 5.7 14,250.0
33991 Jewelry and Silverware Manufacturing
90 700 800 5.7 4,560.0
33992 Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing
150 700 900 5.7 5,130.0
33993 Doll, Toy, and Game Manufacturing
30 200 200 5.7 1,140.0
33994 Office Supplies (except Paper) Manufacturing
80 150 200 5.7 1,140.0
33995 Sign Manufacturing
350 2,600 2,900 5.7 16,530.0
33996 Gasket, Packing, and Sealing Device Manufacturing
350 250 600 5.7 3,420.0
33997 Musical Instrument Manufacturing
40 250 300 5.7 1,710.0
33998 Fastener, Button, Needle, and Pin Manufacturing
20 40 60 5.7 342.0
33999 Broom, Brush, and Mop Manufacturing
40 80 100 5.7 570.0
3399B Burial Casket Manufacturing
30 30 60 5.7 342.0
3399D All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing
150 1,500 1,600 5.7 9,120.0
42311 Motor Vehicles
2,100 4,000 6,100 1.2 7,320.0
42312 Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies
6,100 6,500 12,500 1.0 12,500.0
42313 Tires and Tubes
1,700 900 2,600 1.0 2,600.0
42314 Used Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies
300 1,300 1,600 1.0 1,600.0
42321 Furniture
1,300 4,100 5,400 0.8 4,320.0
42322 Home Furnishings
1,900 5,000 6,900 0.8 5,520.0
42331 Lumber
3,100 3,800 6,900 1.4 9,660.0
42332 Brick, Sand, Cement, and Related Products
1,700 2,000 3,700 1.4 5,180.0
42333 Roofing, Siding, and Insulation Materials
3,000 600 3,600 1.4 5,040.0
42339 Glass and Other Construction Materials
1,400 2,300 3,800 1.4 5,320.0
42341 Photographic Equipment and Supplies
200 400 600 0.8 480.0
42342 Office Equipment (except Office Furniture)
7,000 1,700 8,700 0.8 6,960.0
42343 Computers, Peripheral Equipment, and Packaged Software
3,100 4,900 8,000 1.1 8,800.0
42344 Restaurant, Hotel, and Store Equipment and Supplies
900 2,900 3,800 0.8 3,040.0
42345 Surgical, Medical, Hospital, and Dental Equipment and Supplies
2,900 7,600 10,500 0.8 8,400.0
42346 Optical and Ophthalmic Goods
300 700 1,000 0.8 800.0
42349 Religious, School, and Other Professional Equipment and Supplies
700 1,700 2,400 0.8 1,920.0
42351 Ferrous and Nonferrous Metals
3,400 5,500 8,900 0.8 7,120.0
42352 Coal, Coke, and Other Minerals and Ores
100 250 350 1.8 630.0
42361 Electrical Apparatus and Equipment
7,300 6,600 14,000 1.3 18,200.0
42362 Household Appliances
750 1,800 2,500 1.3 3,250.0
42369 Communications Equipment and Electronic Parts
4,000 7,200 11,000 1.3 14,300.0
42371 Hardware
1,900 3,800 5,700 1.0 5,700.0
42372 Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies
4,400 2,100 6,500 1.0 6,500.0
42373 Heating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Supplies
4,600 1,500 6,200 1.0 6,200.0
42374 Refrigeration Equipment and Supplies
650 500 1,200 1.0 1,200.0
42381 Construction and Mining (except Oil Well) Machinery and Equipment
2,700 2,000 4,700 1.4 6,580.0
42382 Farm, Lawn, and Garden Machinery and Equipment
3,600 3,800 7,400 1.8 13,320.0
42383 Industrial Machinery and Equipment
9,900 17,500 27,500 0.7 19,250.0
42384 Industrial Supplies
4,200 4,800 9,000 1.5 13,500.0
42385 Service Establishment Equipment and Supplies
1,900 2,600 4,500 1.6 7,200.0
42386 Transportation Equipment and Supplies
600 1,800 2,400 0.8 1,920.0
42391 Sporting and Recreational Goods and Supplies
1,100 4,100 5,200 0.9 4,680.0
42392 Toys and Hobby Goods and Supplies
250 1,700 2,000 0.9 1,800.0
42393 Scrap and Recyclable Materials
2,000 5,700 7,700 1.2 9,240.0
42394 Jewelry, Watches, Gemstones, and Precious Metals
450 6,200 6,700 0.8 5,360.0
42399 Miscellaneous Durable Goods
1,300 7,900 9,300 1.0 9,300.0
42411 Printing and Writing Paper
300 450 750 1.4 1,050.0
42412 Stationery and Office Supplies
1,300 2,400 3,700 1.4 5,180.0
42413 Industrial and Personal Service Paper
1,200 2,900 4,000 1.4 5,600.0
42421 Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, and Toiletries
4,000 6,400 10,500 1.8 18,900.0
42431 Piece Goods and Notions
500 2,300 2,800 0.9 2,520.0
42434 Footwear
150 1,000 1,200 0.9 1,080.0
42435 Clothing and Accessories
1,300 8,700 9,900 0.9 8,910.0
42441 General-Line Groceries
800 2,000 2,800 1.6 4,480.0
42442 Packaged Frozen Food
900 2,200 3,100 0.8 2,480.0
42443 Dairy Products
650 1,200 1,900 1.8 3,420.0
42444 Poultry and Poultry Products
90 350 450 2.1 945.0
42445 Confectioneries
650 1,900 2,500 2.2 5,500.0
42446 Fish and Seafood
200 1,700 2,000 2.1 4,200.0
42447 Meat and Meat Products
450 2,100 2,500 2.1 5,250.0
42448 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
750 3,900 4,600 1.0 4,600.0
42449 Grocery Specialties
5,100 9,600 14,500 1.6 23,200.0
42451 Grain and Field Beans
3,300 1,400 4,700 1.9 8,930.0
42452 Livestock
100 500 600 1.9 1,140.0
42459 Farm Product Raw Materials
150 750 850 1.9 1,615.0
42461 Plastics Materials
1,000 1,700 2,700 2.0 5,400.0
42469 Chemicals and Allied Products
4,500 5,000 9,600 1.6 15,360.0
42471 Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals
2,600 1,300 3,900 1.4 5,460.0
42472 Petroleum (except Bulk Stations and Terminals)
1,200 1,300 2,400 1.4 3,360.0
42481 Beer and Ale
750 1,100 1,800 1.2 2,160.0
42482 Wine and Distilled Alcoholic Beverages
800 2,000 2,800 1.2 3,360.0
42491 Farm Supplies
4,800 4,000 8,800 1.3 11,440.0
42492 Books, Periodicals, and Newspapers
350 900 1,200 1.6 1,920.0
42493 Flowers, Nursery Stock, and Florists' Supplies
1,000 2,400 3,400 1.6 5,440.0
42494 Tobacco Products and Electronic Cigarettes
300 1,100 1,500 1.3 1,950.0
42495 Paint, Varnish, and Supplies
1,100 750 1,800 1.2 2,160.0
42499 Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods
1,100 9,400 10,500 1.0 10,500.0
42511 Business to Business Electronic Markets
30 500 550 1.7 935.0
42531 Motor Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies Agents and Brokers
600 1,400 2,000 1.7 3,400.0
42532 Furniture and Home Furnishings Agents and Brokers
70 2,500 2,600 1.7 4,420.0
42533 Lumber and Other Construction Materials Agents and Brokers
50 1,300 1,300 1.7 2,210.0
42534 Professional and Commercial Equipment and Supplies Agents and Brokers
250 3,000 3,200 1.7 5,440.0
42535 Metal and Mineral (except Petroleum) Agents and Brokers
40 600 650 1.7 1,105.0
42536 Electrical and Electronic Goods Agents and Brokers
550 4,100 4,700 1.7 7,990.0
42537 Hardware, Plumbing, and Heating Equipment and Supplies Agents and Brokers
150 1,700 1,800 1.7 3,060.0
42538 Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies Agents and Brokers
400 4,600 5,000 1.7 8,500.0
42539 Miscellaneous Durable Goods Agents and Brokers
200 2,800 3,000 1.7 5,100.0
42541 Paper and Paper Products Agents and Brokers
60 1,800 1,800 1.7 3,060.0
42542 Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, and Toiletries Agents and Brokers
N<15 600 650 1.7 1,105.0
42543 Apparel, Piece Goods, and Notions Agents and Brokers
50 1,500 1,600 1.7 2,720.0
42544 Grocery and Related Products Agents and Brokers
700 3,300 4,100 1.7 6,970.0
42545 Farm Product Raw Materials Agents and Brokers
100 1,100 1,300 1.7 2,210.0
42546 Chemical and Allied Products Agents and Brokers
40 750 750 1.7 1,275.0
42547 Petroleum and Petroleum Products Agents and Brokers
N<15 100 150 1.7 255.0
42548 Beer, Wine, and Distilled Alcoholic Beverages Agents and Brokers
20 150 200 1.7 340.0
42549 Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Agents and Brokers
80 1,900 2,000 1.7 3,400.0
44111 Car Dealers
9,400 15,000 24,500 1.0 24,500.0
44121 Recreational Vehicle Dealers
800 800 1,600 0.9 1,440.0
44122 Boat Dealers
900 1,500 2,500 0.9 2,250.0
44128 Motorcycle, ATV, and All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers
1,000 2,500 3,500 0.9 3,150.0
44131 Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores
22,500 3,100 25,500 1.0 25,500.0
44132 Tire Dealers
9,800 2,400 12,000 1.0 12,000.0
44211 Furniture Stores
10,500 2,900 13,000 1.1 14,300.0
44221 Floor Covering Stores
2,600 2,900 5,500 1.0 5,500.0
44291 Window Treatment Stores
300 750 1,100 1.0 1,100.0
44299 All Other Home Furnishings Stores
5,700 1,000 6,700 1.1 7,370.0
44341 Household Appliance and Electronics Stores
10,500 4,600 15,000 1.1 16,500.0
44411 Home Centers
4,600 1,300 5,900 1.1 6,490.0
44412 Paint and Wallpaper Stores
5,600 350 6,000 1.0 6,000.0
44413 Hardware Stores
6,500 3,200 9,600 1.1 10,560.0
44419 Other building material Dealers
9,000 8,700 18,000 1.0 18,000.0
44421 Outdoor Power Equipment Stores
750 1,600 2,400 1.1 2,640.0
44422 Nurseries, Garden Centers, and Farm Supply Stores
4,900 2,900 7,800 1.1 8,580.0
44511 Supermarkets and Other Grocery (Except Convenience) Stores
26,000 3,800 30,000 1.2 36,000.0
44512 Convenience Stores
3,000 19,500 22,500 1.2 27,000.0
44521 Meat, Fish and Seafood, and Fruit and Vegetable Markets
900 4,500 5,400 1.0 5,400.0
44531 Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores
4,800 16,500 21,500 1.0 21,500.0
44591 Baked Goods Stores
700 1,100 1,900 1.0 1,900.0
44592 Confectionery and Nut Stores
1,500 750 2,300 1.0 2,300.0
44599 All Other Specialty Food Stores
1,600 1,800 3,400 1.0 3,400.0
44611 Pharmacies and Drug Stores
27,000 5,300 32,000 1.2 38,400.0
44612 Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Stores
9,400 800 10,000 1.0 10,000.0
44613 Optical Goods Stores
8,300 600 8,900 1.0 8,900.0
44691 Food (Health) Supplement Stores
3,500 1,300 4,900 1.0 4,900.0
44699 All Other Health and Personal Care Stores
4,300 1,200 5,500 1.0 5,500.0
44711 Gas Stations and Fuel Dealers
56,000 19,500 75,500 1.2 90,600.0
44811 Clothing Stores
55,000 10,000 65,500 1.1 72,050.0
44821 Shoe Stores
18,000 1,300 19,500 0.9 17,550.0
44831 Jewelry Stores
6,200 2,600 8,800 1.0 8,800.0
44832 Luggage and Leather Goods Stores
650 150 750 1.0 750.0
45111 Sporting Goods Stores
5,800 6,000 12,000 1.1 13,200.0
45112 Hobby, Toy, and Game Stores
3,500 1,900 5,400 1.1 5,940.0
45113 Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Stores
1,000 650 1,700 1.0 1,700.0
45114 Musical Instrument and Supplies Stores
1,100 600 1,700 1.0 1,700.0
45121 Book Stores and Newsstands
3,600 1,500 5,100 1.1 5,610.0
45221 Department Stores
3,700 80 3,800 1.2 4,560.0
45231 Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters
8,100 70 8,200 1.2 9,840.0
45239 All Other General Merchandise Stores
41,000 5,500 46,500 1.2 55,800.0
45311 Florists
850 6,000 6,800 1.0 6,800.0
45321 Office Supplies and Stationery Stores
2,600 700 3,300 1.2 3,960.0
45322 Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Stores
6,300 2,200 8,600 1.1 9,460.0
45331 Used Merchandise Stores
7,300 2,000 9,300 1.1 10,230.0
45391 Pet and Pet Supplies Stores
4,900 900 5,800 1.0 5,800.0
45392 Art Dealers
400 1,500 1,900 0.9 1,710.0
45393 Manufactured (Mobile) Home Dealers
800 500 1,300 1.0 1,300.0
45396 Tobacco and Marijuana and Cannabidiol (CBD) Stores
3,100 7,600 10,500 1.0 10,500.0
45398 All Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers
200 2,300 2,500 1.0 2,500.0
45411 Electronic shopping and Mail-order Houses
3,700 44,500 48,000 1.1 52,800.0
45421 Vending Machine Operators
800 500 1,300 1.0 1,300.0
45439 Other Direct Selling Establishments
2,300 21,500 23,500 1.1 25,850.0
48100 Air Transportation
2,400 2,000 4,500 2.2 9,900.0
48300 Water Transportation
550 1,200 1,700 1.3 2,210.0
48400 Truck Transportation
17,000 31,500 48,500 1.8 87,300.0
48500 Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation
3,800 16,000 19,500 1.5 29,250.0
48600 Pipeline Transportation
3,400 150 3,500 2.2 7,700.0
48700 Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation
250 3,000 3,300 1.8 5,940.0
48800 Support Activities for Transportation
13,500 32,500 46,000 1.5 69,000.0
49200 Couriers and Messengers
6,700 4,300 11,000 1.8 19,800.0
49300 Warehousing and Storage
6,700 4,900 11,500 1.8 20,700.0
51210 Motion Picture and Video Production and Distribution
300 3,000 3,300 0.8 2,640.0
51213 Motion Picture and Video Exhibition
2,700 750 3,500 1.1 3,850.0
51219 Postproduction Services and Other Motion Picture and Video Industries
200 1,100 1,300 0.9 1,170.0
51223 Record Production and Music Publishing
250 1,300 1,500 1.2 1,800.0
51224 Sound Recording Studios and Other Sound Recording Industries
100 2,300 2,400 1.3 3,120.0
51311 Newspaper Publishing
3,800 1,700 5,600 1.6 8,960.0
51312 Periodical Publishing
1,400 2,400 3,700 1.6 5,920.0
51313 Book Publishing
600 3,300 3,900 1.6 6,240.0
51314 Directory and Mailing List Publishing
250 700 950 1.6 1,520.0
51319 Greeting Card and Other Miscellaneous Publishing
70 1,100 1,200 1.6 1,920.0
51321 Software Publishing
4,600 2,100 6,700 1.3 8,710.0
51600 Broadcasting and Content Providers
5,500 4,200 9,700 1.6 15,520.0
51700 Telecommunications
3,300 9,700 13,000 1.9 24,700.0
51711 Cable and Other Program Distribution
90 400 450 1.6 720.0
51821 Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services
8,000 4,100 12,000 1.2 14,400.0
51920 Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, and Other Information Services
1,000 3,500 4,500 1.2 5,400.0
52111 Monetary Authorities-Central Bank
60 N<15 60 1.8 108.0
52210 Commercial Banking, Savings Institutions, and Other Depository Credit Intermediation
2,100 1,100 3,200 1.9 6,080.0
52213 Credit Unions
1,000 2,700 3,800 1.9 7,220.0
52220 Credit Card Issuing and Sales Financing
2,300 2,200 4,500 1.5 6,750.0
52229 Nondepository Credit Intermediation, Except Credit Card Issuing and Sales Financing
30,500 8,300 38,500 1.5 57,750.0
52230 Financial Transactions Processing and Other Activities Related to Credit Intermediation
13,500 5,700 19,000 1.4 26,600.0
52231 Mortgage and Nonmortgage Loan Brokers
1,600 3,600 5,200 1.4 7,280.0
52310 Securities and Commodity Contracts Intermediation and Brokerage
1,100 9,300 10,500 1.4 14,700.0
52321 Securities and Commodity Exchanges
20 30 50 1.4 70.0
52390 Other Financial Investment Activities
4,200 31,500 35,500 1.4 49,700.0
52410 Health and Medical Insurance Carriers
500 600 1,100 2.3 2,530.0
52412 Insurance Carriers, Except Life, Health, and Medical
650 3,100 3,800 1.6 6,080.0
52420 Insurance Agencies, Brokerages, and Other Insurance Related Activities
24,000 21,500 45,000 1.4 63,000.0
52430 Life Insurance Carriers and Reinsurance Carriers
50 650 700 2.3 1,610.0
53100 Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers and Activities Related to Real Estate
40,000 35,000 75,500 1.4 105,700.0
53110 Real Estate Lessors
38,000 18,500 56,000 1.4 78,400.0
53200 Consumer Goods Rental and General Rental Centers
10,500 3,700 14,000 1.4 19,600.0
53210 Automotive Equipment Rental and Leasing (Without Drivers)
12,000 3,500 15,500 0.8 12,400.0
53240 Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing
8,100 3,000 11,000 1.4 15,400.0
53300 Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets (except Copyrighted Works)
550 2,200 2,700 1.5 4,050.0
54110 Legal Services
16,500 36,500 53,000 2.0 106,000.0
54120 Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services
22,500 38,500 61,000 1.1 67,100.0
54131 Architectural and Landscape Architectural Services
2,100 7,800 10,000 1.3 13,000.0
54133 Engineering Services
19,500 12,000 31,000 1.3 40,300.0
54134 Drafting Services
50 1,000 1,100 1.2 1,320.0
54135 Building Inspection Services
200 3,400 3,600 1.4 5,040.0
54136 Surveying and Mapping Services
750 4,000 4,800 1.3 6,240.0
54138 Testing Laboratories and Services
2,500 1,900 4,400 1.3 5,720.0
54140 Specialized Design Services
700 11,000 12,000 1.2 14,400.0
54150 Computer Systems Design and Related Services
24,500 30,500 55,000 1.1 60,500.0
54161 Management Consulting Services
11,000 37,000 48,500 1.3 63,050.0
54162 Environmental Consulting and Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services
3,800 10,500 14,500 1.3 18,850.0
54170 Scientific Research and Development Services
4,700 14,500 19,500 1.2 23,400.0
54180 Advertising and Related Services
3,500 8,000 11,500 1.0 11,500.0
54182 Public Relations and Lobbyists
850 2,100 2,900 1.0 2,900.0
54185 Indoor and Outdoor Display Advertising
600 650 1,300 1.0 1,300.0
54186 Direct Mail Advertising
300 700 1,000 1.0 1,000.0
54191 Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
2,900 13,500 16,000 1.2 19,200.0
54192 Photography Services
1,900 4,300 6,200 1.2 7,440.0
54194 Veterinary and Pet Care Services
5,100 12,500 18,000 1.2 21,600.0
55111 Holding Companies
19,000 4,200 23,000 1.6 36,800.0
56110 Office Administrative Services
7,000 5,500 12,500 1.2 15,000.0
56120 Facilities Support Services
6,900 1,500 8,400 1.2 10,080.0
56130 Employment Services
28,000 8,900 37,000 1.2 44,400.0
56140 Business Support Services
8,800 9,100 18,000 1.0 18,000.0
56150 Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services
4,300 3,600 7,800 1.4 10,920.0
56160 Investigation and Security Services
6,100 6,300 12,500 1.2 15,000.0
56170 Services to Buildings and Dwellings
10,500 57,500 68,000 1.2 81,600.0
56190 Other Support Services
2,800 4,900 7,700 1.0 7,700.0
56210 Waste Collection
4,400 3,100 7,500 1.2 9,000.0
56220 Waste Treatment and Disposal
1,400 1,000 2,400 1.2 2,880.0
56290 Remediation and Other Waste Management Services
2,100 4,300 6,400 1.2 7,680.0
61140 Business Schools and Computer and Management Training
1,100 1,800 2,900 1.1 3,190.0
61150 Technical and Trade Schools
2,000 2,400 4,400 1.1 4,840.0
61160 Other Schools and Instruction
4,800 16,500 21,000 1.1 23,100.0
61170 Educational Support Services
1,000 1,600 2,600 1.1 2,860.0
62113 Office of Physicians and Other Health Practitioners
91,500 71,500 163,000 1.2 195,600.0
62121 Offices of Dentists
16,000 54,000 70,500 1.1 77,550.0
62140 Outpatient Care Facilities
33,000 6,300 39,500 1.1 43,450.0
62151 Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories
11,000 2,200 13,500 1.3 17,550.0
62161 Home Health Care Services
11,500 6,000 17,500 1.3 22,750.0
62191 Ambulance Services
3,000 800 3,800 1.3 4,940.0
62199 Other Ambulatory Health Care Services
3,000 1,400 4,400 1.3 5,720.0
62200 Hospitals
5,800 1,200 7,000 1.8 12,250.0
62300 Nursing, Assisted Living, and Residential Care Facilities
57,000 10,500 68,000 1.3 88,400.0
62411 Services for Children and Youth
4,800 2,000 6,800 1.3 8,840.0
62412 Services for the Elderly, Disabled, and Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled
9,800 6,200 16,000 1.3 20,800.0
62419 Services for Families and Individuals
11,000 5,200 16,000 1.3 20,800.0
62423 Food, Shelter, Relief, and Job Training Services
11,000 3,600 14,500 1.3 18,850.0
62441 Child Day Care Services
19,500 18,500 38,000 1.3 49,400.0
71110 Performing Arts Companies
300 5,100 5,400 1.1 5,940.0
71120 Spectator Sports
400 3,800 4,200 1.0 4,200.0
71130 Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events
850 3,900 4,800 1.1 5,280.0
71140 Agents and Managers for Artists, Athletes, Entertainers, and Other Public Figures
250 1,400 1,600 1.1 1,760.0
71150 Independent Artists, Writers, and Performers
150 5,600 5,800 1.1 6,380.0
71210 Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions
850 6,900 7,700 1.4 10,780.0
71310 Amusement Parks and Arcades
1,400 1,800 3,200 1.4 4,480.0
71320 Gambling Industries
1,500 1,700 3,200 1.4 4,480.0
71390 Other Amusement and Recreation Industries
12,000 31,500 43,500 1.4 60,900.0
72110 Traveler Accommodation
14,000 45,500 60,000 1.1 66,000.0
72120 RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks and Recreational Camps
1,200 3,200 4,500 1.1 4,950.0
72130 Rooming and Boarding Houses
250 700 950 1.1 1,045.0
72230 Special Food Services
27,000 8,100 35,500 1.1 39,050.0
72240 Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages)
1,600 15,500 17,000 1.1 18,700.0
72250 Restaurants and Other Eating Places
167,000 118,000 285,000 1.0 285,000.0
81110 Automotive Repair and Maintenance
19,500 61,500 80,500 1.3 104,650.0
81120 Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance
1,800 3,700 5,500 1.1 6,050.0
81130 Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance
2,500 4,600 7,100 1.1 7,810.0
81140 Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance
800 8,500 9,300 1.1 10,230.0
81210 Personal Care Services
18,000 38,500 56,000 0.8 44,800.0
81220 Death Care Services
7,800 4,300 12,000 1.1 13,200.0
81230 Drycleaning and Laundry Services
6,500 11,000 17,500 1.4 24,500.0
81291 Pet Care (except Veterinary) Services
550 9,700 10,000 0.9 9,000.0
81292 Photofinishing
50 400 450 0.9 405.0
81293 Parking Lots and Garages
10,500 500 11,000 0.9 9,900.0
81299 All Other Personal Services
650 5,500 6,100 0.9 5,490.0
81323 Grantmaking and Advocacy
6,500 10,500 17,000 1.1 18,700.0
81349 Civic, Social, and Other Membership Organizations
4,800 19,500 24,500 1.2 29,400.0
n/a 1,769,810 2,106,190 3,875,610

Auxiliaries Paths

4840X Truck Transportation (Enterprise Support)
1,900 2.2 4,180.0
4880X Support Activities for Transportation (Enterprise Support)
700 2.2 1,540.0
4920X Couriers and Messengers (Enterprise Support)
N<15 2.2 33.0
4930X Warehousing and Storage (Enterprise Support)
5,800 2.2 12,760.0
5182X Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services (Enterprise Support)
300 2.2 660.0
5401X Legal Services (Enterprise Support)
20 2.1 42.0
5402X Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services (Enterprise Support)
500 2.1 1,050.0
5403X Architectural and Landscape Architectural Services (Enterprise Support)
N<15 2.1 31.5
5404X Engineering Services (Enterprise Support)
200 2.1 420.0
5405X Drafting Services (Enterprise Support)
N<15 2.1 31.5
5406X Building Inspection Services (Enterprise Support)
- 2.1 0.0
5407X Surveying and Mapping Services (Enterprise Support)
N<15 2.1 31.5
5408X Testing Laboratories and Services (Enterprise Support)
30 2.1 63.0
5409X Specialized Design Services (Enterprise Support)
100 2.1 210.0
5410X Computer Systems Design and Related Services (Enterprise Support)
750 2.1 1,575.0
5411X Scientific Research and Development Services (Enterprise Support)
550 2.1 1,155.0
5412X Advertising and Related Services (Enterprise Support)
60 2.1 126.0
5413X Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (Enterprise Support)
40 2.1 84.0
5414X Photography Services (Enterprise Support)
N<15 2.1 31.5
5415X Veterinary and Pet Care Services (Enterprise Support)
60 2.1 126.0
5511X Corporate, Subsidiary, and Regional Managing Offices (Enterprise Support)
47,000 2.1 98,700.0
5612X Facilities Support Services (Enterprise Support)
150 2.2 330.0
5613X Employment Services (Enterprise Support)
40 2.2 88.0
5614X Business Support Services (Enterprise Support)
450 2.2 990.0
5615X Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services (Enterprise Support)
50 2.2 110.0
5616X Investigation and Security Services (Enterprise Support)
20 2.2 44.0
5617X Services to Buildings and Dwellings (Enterprise Support)
50 2.2 110.0
5619X Other Support Services (Enterprise Support)
200 2.2 440.0
5621X Waste Collection (Enterprise Support)
N<15 2.2 33.0
5622X Waste Treatment and Disposal (Enterprise Support)
N<15 2.2 33.0
5629X Remediation and Other Waste Management Services (Enterprise Support)
30 2.2 66.0
8111X Automotive Repair and Maintenance (Enterprise Support)
500 2.2 1,100.0
8112X Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance (Enterprise Support)
30 2.2 66.0
8113X Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance (Enterprise Support)
150 2.2 330.0
8114X Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance (Enterprise Support)
200 2.2 440.0
8122X Death Care Services (Enterprise Support)
N<15 2.2 33.0
8123X Drycleaning and Laundry Services (Enterprise Support)
N<15 2.2 33.0
8127X Parking Lots and Garages (Enterprise Support)
50 2.2 110.0
n/a 60,000 n/a 60,000

Classification Paths

2100C Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction (Classification)

2,100 2,100 0.1 210.0
2300C Construction (Classification)

71,000 71,000 0.1 7,100.0
3100C Food, Beverage, Textile, Apparel, and Leather Product Manufacturing (Classification)

6,800 6,800 0.1 680.0
3201C Wood, Paper, Printing, and Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing (Classification)

5,600 5,600 0.1 560.0
3202C Petroleum, Chemical, Plastic, and Rubber Product Manufacturing (Classification)

2,800 2,800 0.1 280.0
3301C Fabricated Metal Product, Furniture, and Related Manufacturing (Classification)

6,900 6,900 0.1 690.0
3302C Computer, Electronics, Electrical Equipment, and Miscellaneous Manufacturing (Classification)

5,300 5,300 0.1 530.0
3303C Machinery and Transportation Equipment Manufacturing (Classification)

4,000 4,000 0.1 400.0
4490C Retail Gasoline Stations and Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers (Classification)

13,000 13,000 0.2 2,600.0
4491C Retail Furniture, Home Furnishings, Electronics, Appliances, and Computer Hardware and Software (Classification)

1,800 1,800 0.2 360.0
4492C Retail Building Materials, Hardware, and Lawn and Garden Equipment (Classification)

1,100 1,100 0.2 220.0
4493C Retail Food and Beverages (Classification)

8,400 8,400 0.2 1,680.0
4494C Retail Clothing and Clothing Accessories (Classification)

3,600 3,600 0.2 720.0
4495C Miscellaneous Retailers (Classification)

7,300 7,300 0.2 1,460.0
4840C Truck Transportation (Classification)

15,000 15,000 0.2 3,000.0
5130C Newspaper, Periodical, and Software Publishing (Classification)

1,600 1,600 0.1 160.0
5160C Motion Picture and Video Production and Distribution and Broadcasting Services (Classification)

2,000 2,000 0.1 200.0
5170C Telecommunications and Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services (Classification)

1,300 1,300 0.1 130.0
5239C Financial Activities (Classification)

4,500 4,500 0.2 900.0
5242C Insurance Agencies, Brokerages, and Other Insurance Related Activities (Classification)

4,400 4,400 0.2 880.0
5310C Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers and Activities Related to Real Estate (Classification)

16,000 16,000 0.2 3,200.0
5311C Real Estate Lessors (Classification)

4,700 4,700 0.2 940.0
5320C Rental and Leasing Services (Classification)

1,500 1,500 0.2 300.0
5411C Legal Services (Classification)

2,900 2,900 0.1 290.0
5412C Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services (Classification)

6,900 6,900 0.1 690.0
5413C Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services, Specialized Design Services, and Scientific Research and Development Services (Classification)

6,900 6,900 0.1 690.0
5415C Computer Systems Design and Related Services and Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services (Classification)

40,000 40,000 0.1 4,000.0
5419C Advertising and Related Services, Photography Services, and Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (Classification)

5,200 5,200 0.1 520.0
5611C Office Administrative Services (Classification)

2,600 2,600 0.1 260.0
5613C Employment Services (Classification)

2,800 2,800 0.1 280.0
5614C Business Support Services (Classification)

2,100 2,100 0.1 210.0
5615C Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services (Classification)

600 600 0.1 60.0
5616C Investigation and Security Services (Classification)

1,500 1,500 0.1 150.0
5617C Services to Buildings and Dwellings (Classification)

4,600 4,600 0.1 460.0
5619C Other Support Services (Classification)

750 750 0.1 75.0
5621C Waste Collection (Classification)

750 750 0.1 75.0
5622C Waste Treatment and Disposal (Classification)

40 40 0.1 4.0
5629C Remediation and Other Waste Management Services (Classification)

350 350 0.1 35.0
6100C Educational Services (Classification)

5,400 5,400 0.1 540.0
6210C Ambulatory Health Care Services (Classification)

21,500 21,500 0.1 2,150.0
6230C Nursing and Residential Care Facilities (Classification)

4,400 4,400 0.1 440.0
6240C Social Assistance (Classification)

12,500 12,500 0.1 1,250.0
7110C Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries (Classification)

4,400 4,400 0.1 440.0
7130C Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries (Classification)

1,800 1,800 0.1 180.0
7200C Accommodation, Food Services, and Drinking Places (Classification)

62,500 62,500 0.2 12,500.0
8111C Automotive Repair and Maintenance (Classification)

8,500 8,500 0.1 850.0
8113C Repair and Maintenance (except Automotive) (Classification)

1,700 1,700 0.1 170.0
8120C Personal and Laundry Services (Classification)

7,600 7,600 0.1 760.0
8130C Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations (Classification)

6,300 6,300 0.1 630.0
9902C General Industry (Classification)

24,000 24,000 0.1 2,400.0
n/a n/a 429,290 429,290

Alternative Reporting Unit (ARU) Paths

2111A Crude Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquid Extraction (Consolidated) 150 1,200
150 4.2 630.0
2130A Drilling Oil and Gas Wells and Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations (Consolidated) 250 2,700
250 4.2 1,050.0
2132A Support Activities for Coal, Metal, and Nonmetallic Minerals (except Fuels) Mining (Consolidated) 20 150
20 4.2 84.0
2202A Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation (Consolidated) 90 1,800
90 5.4 486.0
2203A Nuclear Electric Power Generation (Consolidated) N<15 200
N<15 5.4 81.0
2211A Hydroelectric Power Generation (Consolidated) 30 450
30 5.4 162.0
2212A Natural Gas Distribution (Consolidated) 70 2,200
70 5.4 378.0
2213A Water Supply and Irrigation Systems (Consolidated) 40 850
40 5.4 216.0
2214A Solar Electric Power Generation (Consolidated) N<15 90
N<15 5.4 81.0
2215A Wind Electric Power Generation (Consolidated) 20 450
20 5.4 108.0
2216A Geothermal Electric Power Generation (Consolidated) N<15 20
N<15 5.4 81.0
2217A Biomass Electric Power Generation (Consolidated) N<15 60
N<15 5.4 81.0
2218A Other Electric Power Generation (Consolidated) N<15 70
N<15 5.4 81.0
2221A Electric Bulk Power Transmission and Control (Consolidated) 20 300
20 5.4 108.0
2222A Electric Power Distribution (Consolidated) 300 8,000
300 5.4 1,620.0
2232A Sewage Treatment Facilities (Consolidated) N<15 200
N<15 5.4 81.0
2233A Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply (Consolidated) N<15 90
N<15 5.4 81.0
5120A Motion Picture and Video Distribution (Consolidated) N<15 N<15
N<15 5.9 88.5
5121A Motion Picture and Video Production (Consolidated) 50 500
50 5.9 295.0
5122A Integrated Record Production and Distribution (Consolidated) - -
- 5.9 0.0
5170A Wired Telecommunications (Consolidated) 200 21,000
200 7.6 1,520.0
5171A Paging (Consolidated) N<15 200
N<15 7.6 114.0
5172A Cellular and Other Wireless Telecommunications (Consolidated) 300 22,000
300 7.6 2,280.0
5173A Cable and Other Program Distribution (Consolidated) 50 6,200
50 6.1 305.0
5221A Commercial Banking (Consolidated) 2,900 85,500
2,900 6 17,980.0
5222A Savings Institutions (Consolidated) 450 6,700
450 6.2 2,790.0
5223A Credit Unions (Consolidated) 1,600 15,500
1,600 6.2 9,920.0
5231A Investment Banking and Securities Dealing (Consolidated) 100 1,500
100 5.8 580.0
5232A Securities Brokerage (Consolidated) 150 17,000
150 5.8 870.0
5233A Commodity Contracts Dealing (Consolidated) N<15 200
N<15 5.8 87.0
5234A Commodity Contracts Brokerage (Consolidated) 20 150
20 5.8 116.0
5238A Investment Advice (Consolidated) 100 1,900
100 5.8 580.0
5239A Portfolio Management (Consolidated) 350 17,500
350 5.8 2,030.0
5240A Health and Medical Insurance Carriers (Consolidated) 100 5,500
100 3.7 370.0
5241A Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers Consolidated) 200 10,000
200 3.7 740.0
5243A Life Insurance Carriers (Consolidated) 80 6,100
80 3.7 296.0
5244A Reinsurance Carriers (Consolidated) 20 500
20 3.7 74.0
5247A Title Insurance Carriers (Consolidated) 40 2,800
40 3.7 148.0
5248A Insurance Carriers, Except Life, Health, Medical, Property, Casualty, and Title (Consolidated) 20 150
20 3.7 74.0
7,800 240,000 n/a 7,800

Island Areas Paths

Puerto Rico - Mining, Utilities, Transportation, and Warehousing
Puerto Rico - Minería, Utilidades, Transportacion y Almacenaje
Puerto Rico - Construction
Puerto Rico - Industrias de Construcción
Puerto Rico - Manufacturing
Puerto Rico - Manufactura
Puerto Rico - Wholesale Trade
Puerto Rico - Comercio al Por Mayor
Puerto Rico - Retail Trade
Puerto Rico - Comercio al Detal
Puerto Rico - Services
Puerto Rico - Servicios
Puerto Rico - Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Rental and Leasing
Puerto Rico - Finanzas, Seguros, Bienes Raíces, Alquiler y Arrendamiento
Puerto Rico - Accommodation and Food Services
Puerto Rico - Servicios de Alojamiento

9,300 38,000 47,300 1.0 47,300.0
Selected U.S. Territories - Mining, Utilities, Transportation, and Warehousing
Selected U.S. Territories - Construction
Selected U.S. Territories - Manufacturing
Selected U.S. Territories - Wholesale Trade
Selected U.S. Territories - Retail Trade
Selected U.S. Territories - Services
Selected U.S. Territories - Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Rental and Leasing
Selected U.S. Territories - Accommodation and Food Services

1,600 6,200 7,800 1.0 7,800.0
American Samoa - Mining, Utilities, Transportation, and Warehousing
American Samoa - Construction
American Samoa - Manufacturing
American Samoa - Wholesale Trade
American Samoa - Retail Trade
American Samoa - Services
American Samoa - Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Rental and Leasing
American Samoa - Accommodation and Food Services

90 450 540 1.0 540.0

10,990 44,650 55,640

Note: Establishment counts are of the establishments associated with the ARU firms

n/a - not applicable

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