DE Semi-Annual Performance (Technical) Report Form

State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program (SDEPG) Reporting Requirements

DE Semi_Annual Report Form.xlsx

DE Semi-Annual Performance (Technical) Report

OMB: 0660-0050

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DE Semi-Annual Report Cover
DE Performance Technical Report
List of Organizations
Stakeholder Engagment Tracker

Sheet 1: DE Semi-Annual Report Cover

State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program
Semi-Annual Report Form
This form will serve as a tool to capture the State Digital Equity Planning Semi-Annual Report.

The Semi-Annual report for the State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program is due on a semi-annual basis for the periods ending March 31 and September 30 of each year. The Semi-Annual Report is due within thirty (30 days) after the end of the reporting period.

Technical progress reports shall contain information as prescribed in 2 C.F.R. § 200.329 ( and Department of Commerce Financial Assistance Standard Terms and Conditions (dated November 12, 2020), Section A.01.

If you have any further questions, or require technical assistance, please reach out to your assigned Federal Program Officer.
Click on the link below to view the report form.
DE Semi-Annual Report

Sheet 2: DE Performance Technical Report

OMB Control No. XXX-XXXX Expiration Date: TBD
GENERAL Recipient Organization:
Award Identification Number:
Recipient Street Address:
Report Submission Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
City, State, Zip Code:
Final Report
EIN Number:

Award Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
Reporting Period Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
Award End Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
Reporting Period End Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
Summary Please use the table provided to indicate the State Digital Equity Plan percentage of completion and major accomplishments or barriers.
MILESTONE CATEGORIES Percent Complete Provide a brief description (100 words or less) of the primary activities involved in reaching this percentage of completion.
1a. Overall State Digital Equity Plan

1b. Please describe significant project accomplishments during this reporting period funded through SDEPG grant. (600 words or less)

1c. Please describe any challenges to achieving project accomplishments during this reporting period funded through SDEPG grant. (600 words or less)

1d. Please describe significant project accomplishments you plan to accomplish during the next reporting period. (600 words or less)

1e. Please expand on any pilots, programs, or projects you are investing in as part of the planning process. What Covered Populations are being served through these investments, and where (geographically) are the investments being made? (600 words or less)

State Digital Equity Plan - Statutory Requirements, Covered Populations
Outcomes Outcomes (Statutory Requirement #3)
Please use the following table to provide the statuses on the progress for the State Digital Equity Plan requirements.
Statutory Requirement Progress towards meeting the requirement (Not Started, In Progress, Complete) If Complete or In Progress, provide a brief narrative describing plan contents.
100 words or less. How would digital inclusion further these goals?
(If Not Started, enter N/A)
2. An assessment of how the measurable objectives identified in the Covered Population section (question #5 of this form) will impact and interact with the State's: a. Economic and workforce development goals, plans, and outcomes Not Started
b. Educational outcomes In Progress
c. Health outcomes Complete
d. Civic and social engagement; and

e. Delivery of other essential services

Stated Vision Stated Vision (Additional Requirement #1)
3a. Share the state vision of digital equity that is measurable
(ex: Achieve 100% high-speed broadband access and 95% of Americans adopt broadband by 2027).

3b. What are your state's priority goals? (i.e. education, workforce, health, economic development, access to public services?)
How would digital inclusion further these goals?

3c. How does your state plan to measure progress on these goals?
State Digital Equity Plan - Statutory Requirements: Covered Populations Please use the following table to provide the statuses on the progress for the State Digital Equity Plan requirements regarding Covered Populations.
Statutory Requirement #1
4. Identification of barriers to digital equity faced by Covered Populations in the State
Covered Population Have you identified any barriers to implementing digital inclusion and achieving digital equity for Covered Populations? (Yes/ No) If so, please list the barriers to implementing digital inclusion and achieving digital equity in your state for each covered population: How did you identify these barriers? What was the source of information?
4a. Individuals who live in covered households

4b. Aging Individuals

4c. Incarcerated individuals, other than individuals who are in a Federal correctional facility

4d. Veterans

4e. Individuals with disabilities

4f. Individuals with a language barrier (including individuals who are English learners and have low levels of literacy)

4g. Individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group

4h. Individuals who primarily reside in a rural area

Statutory Requirement #2
5. Measurable Objectives for documenting and promoting, among each Covered Population located within your State
Measurable Objective (as required by the NOFO) Progress towards setting an objective (Not Started, In Progress, Complete) Which covered populations have you engaged with on this objective? Which Covered Populations do you have data on regarding each measurable objective? Please provide the data sources (e.g. statistics, interviews, surveys) for each covered population for which you have data (E.g. availability, online accessibility, digital literacy).

Please also indicate if you have engaged with any other groups or populations not previously mentioned (e.g. sheltered homeless, LGBTQIA+, school-aged children).
5a. The availability of, and affordability of access to, fixed and wireless broadband technology; Complete
Individuals who live in covered households
Individuals who live in covered households

Aging Individuals
Aging Individuals

Incarcerated individuals, other than individuals who are incarcerated in a Federal correctional facility
Incarcerated individuals, other than individuals who are incarcerated in a Federal correctional facility


Individuals with disabilities
Individuals with disabilities

Individuals with a language barrier (including individuals who are English learners and have low levels of literacy)
Individuals with a language barrier (including individuals who are English learners and have low levels of literacy)

Individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group
Individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group

Individuals who primarily reside in a rural area
Individuals who primarily reside in a rural area
5b. The online accessibility and inclusivity of public resources and services; In Progress
Individuals who live in covered households
Individuals who live in covered households What are your state's goals for making online services of state and local governments more accessible?

Aging Individuals
Aging Individuals

Incarcerated individuals, other than individuals who are incarcerated in a Federal correctional facility
Incarcerated individuals, other than individuals who are incarcerated in a Federal correctional facility


Individuals with disabilities
Individuals with disabilities

Individuals with a language barrier (including individuals who are English learners and have low levels of literacy)
Individuals with a language barrier (including individuals who are English learners and have low levels of literacy)

Individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group
Individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group

Individuals who primarily reside in a rural area
Individuals who primarily reside in a rural area
5c. Digital literacy; Not Started
Individuals who live in covered households
Individuals who live in covered households Does your state have a plan or goal to adopt digital skills standards and self assessments? How does your state define digital literacy?

Aging Individuals
Aging Individuals

Incarcerated individuals, other than individuals who are incarcerated in a Federal correctional facility
Incarcerated individuals, other than individuals who are incarcerated in a Federal correctional facility


Individuals with disabilities
Individuals with disabilities

Individuals with a language barrier (including individuals who are English learners and have low levels of literacy)
Individuals with a language barrier (including individuals who are English learners and have low levels of literacy)

Individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group
Individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group

Individuals who primarily reside in a rural area
Individuals who primarily reside in a rural area
5d. Awareness of, and the use of, measures to secure the online privacy of, and cybersecurity with respect to an individual and covered populations

Individuals who live in covered households
Individuals who live in covered households

Aging Individuals
Aging Individuals

Incarcerated individuals, other than individuals who are incarcerated in a Federal correctional facility
Incarcerated individuals, other than individuals who are incarcerated in a Federal correctional facility


Individuals with disabilities
Individuals with disabilities

Individuals with a language barrier (including individuals who are English learners and have low levels of literacy)
Individuals with a language barrier (including individuals who are English learners and have low levels of literacy)

Individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group
Individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group

Individuals who primarily reside in a rural area
Individuals who primarily reside in a rural area
5e. The availability and affordability of consumer devices and technical support those devices (such as software integration, email applications, and more)

Individuals who live in covered households
Individuals who live in covered households

Aging Individuals
Aging Individuals

Incarcerated individuals, other than individuals who are incarcerated in a Federal correctional facility
Incarcerated individuals, other than individuals who are incarcerated in a Federal correctional facility


Individuals with disabilities
Individuals with disabilities

Individuals with a language barrier (including individuals who are English learners and have low levels of literacy)
Individuals with a language barrier (including individuals who are English learners and have low levels of literacy)

Individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group
Individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group

Individuals who primarily reside in a rural area
Individuals who primarily reside in a rural area
State Digital Equity Plan - Statutory Requirements, Continued
State Digital Equity Plan - Statutory Requirements,
Please use the following table to provide the statuses on the progress for the remaining statutory State Digital Equity Plan requirements.
Statutory Requirement Progress towards meeting the requirement (Not Started, In Progress, Complete) If Complete or In Progress, provide a brief narrative describing plan contents.
100 words or less.
(If Not Started, enter N/A)
Statutory Requirement #4
6. In order to achieve the measurable objectives identified in the Covered Population section, a description of how the State plans to collaborate with key stakeholders

(A list of potential key stakeholders can be found in Section IV.C.1.b.i. of the NOFO)

Statutory Requirement #5
7. Please refer to the List of Organizations Template (linked below) to provide a list of organizations with which the Administering Entity for your State collaborated in developing the Plan.
List of Organizations
7a. Did you complete the List of Organizations tab?
State Digital Equity Plan - Additional Requirements
State Digital Equity Plan - Additional Requirements Please use the following table to provide the statuses on the progress towards meeting the State Digital Equity Plan "Additional requirements" on p. 21 of the NOFO.
Requirements Progress towards meeting the requirement (Not Started, In Progress, Complete) If Complete or In Progress, provide a brief narrative describing plan contents.
100 words or less.
(If Not Started, enter N/A)
Additional Requirement #2
8. A digital equity needs assessment, including a comprehensive assessment of the baseline from which the State is working and the State’s identification of the barriers to digital equity faced generally and by each of the covered populations in the State Assessment of the baseline from which the State is working

The State’s identification of the barriers to digital equity faced generally for adoption and use

The State’s identification of the barriers to digital equity faced by each of the covered populations in the State

Additional Requirement #3
9. An asset inventory, including current resources, programs, and strategies that promote digital equity for each of the covered populations, whether publicly or privately funded, as well as existing digital equity plans and programs already in place among municipal, regional, and Tribal governments An asset inventory, including current resources, programs, and strategies that promote digital equity for each of the covered populations, whether publicly or privately funded

Existing digital equity plans and programs already in place among municipal, regional, and Tribal governments

Additional Requirement #4
10. To the extent not addressed in connection with item 4 of Section IV.C.1.b.i in the NOFO, a coordination and outreach strategy, including opportunities for public comment by, collaboration with, and ongoing engagement with representatives of each category of covered populations within the State and with the full range of stakeholders within the State

Additional Requirement #5
11. A description of how municipal, regional, and/or Tribal digital equity plans will be incorporated into the State Digital Equity Plan;

Additional Requirement #6
12. An implementation strategy that is holistic and addresses the barriers to participation in the digital world, including affordability, devices, digital skills, technical support, and digital navigation. 12a. The strategy should establish measurable goals, objectives, and proposed core activities to address the needs of covered populations

12b. The strategy should set out measures ensuring the plan’s sustainability and effectiveness across State communities

12c.The strategy should adopt mechanisms to ensure that the plan is regularly evaluated and updated

Additional Requirement #7
13. An explanation of how the implementation strategy addresses gaps in existing state, local, and private efforts to address the barriers identified pursuant to Section IV.C.1.b.i, item 1, of the NOFO

Additional Requirement #10
14. A description of how the State will coordinate its use of State Digital Equity Capacity Grant funding and its use of any funds it receives in connection with the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program, other federal or private digital equity funding.

Additional Requirement #8
15. A description of how the State intends to accomplish the implementation strategy described above by engaging or partnering with: a. Workforce agencies such as state workforce agencies and state/local workforce boards and workforce organizations

b. Labor organizations and community-based organizations

c. Institutions of higher learning, including but not limited to four-year colleges and universities, community colleges, education and training providers, and educational service agencies

16. How is your state considering ensuring affordability?
What means will the state propose to affect affordability?
(Short response)
Additional Requirement #9
17. A timeline for implementation of the plan

CERTIFICATION I certify to the best of knowledge and belief that this report is correct and complete for performance of activities for the purposes set forth in the award documents.
Typed or printed name and title of Authorized Certifying Official: Telephone (area code, number and extension):

Signature of Certifying Official: Email Address:


Sheet 3: List of Organizations

Statutory Requirement #5
List of Organizations with which the Administering Entity for your State collaborated in developing the Plan
Organization Name Type of organization
Engagement Purpose
(Select the purpose that best matches).
If you select "Other", please specify in the notes.
Notes Link to the organization's website (if available)
Include the name of the Organization, as it appears on the Organization's website and records. Select the category that best matches from the dropdown list. If you select "Other", please specify in the notes column. Select the category that best matches from the dropdown list. If you select "Other", please specify in the notes column. Include any notes or clarifications regarding your previous responses. Please list the organization's website, if applicable.

Sheet 4: Stakeholder Engagment Tracker

State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program: Stakeholder Engagement Tracker
Engagment Title/Description Engagement Date Engagement Type Engagement Location Target Audience Target Audience Location Target Audience County # Engaged Covered Populations Reached


Which covered populations did you engage?

Include a brief title of the engagement

(Example: Community Outreach Listening Session #1)
Enter the date as MM/DD/YYYY Include the type of stakeholder engagement that occurred, using the dropdown list If applicable, please include the physical address of where the engagement took place Who was the engagement for?

(Example: Covered Populations, Regional Listening Session, etc.)
Is this local, regional, or statewide engagement? If available, indicate which counties will be represented by this engagement How many people were engaged?

(Example: # of people who attended the event, completed the survey, etc.)
Individuals who live in covered households Aging individuals Incarcerated Individuals Veterans Individuals with disabilities Individuals with a language barrier Individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group Individuals who primarily reside in a rural area Add notes of what was discussed and any key themes or feedback (optional)

Sheet 5: List

Yes/No Response Status Type of Organization Engagement Purpose Covered Populations Engagement Type Target Audience Location
Yes X Not Started Alaska Native-serving Institution Plan Development Individuals who live in covered households Meeting/Presentation Local
In Progress Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-serving Institution Community Outreach Aging Individuals Survey Regional

Complete Civil Rights Organization Data Collection Incarcerated individuals, other than individuals who are incarcerated in a Federal correctional facility Listening Session (Virtual) Statewide Engagement

Community Anchor Institution Other Veterans Listening Session (In-person)

County or Municipal Government
Individuals with disabilities Email

Economic Development
Individuals with a language barrier (including individuals who are English learners and have low levels of literacy) Other

Individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group

Health or Telehealth Organization (Direct Service and Policy focus)
Individuals who primarily reside in a rural area

Hispanic-serving Institution

Historically Black College or University

Indian Tribe, Alaska Native Entity, or Native Hawaiian Organization

Industry Representative or Association (501c6)

Institutions of Higher Education (if not listed above)

Local Education Agency

Native American-serving, nontribal Institution

Native Hawaiian-Serving Institution

Nonprofit Organization (501c3)

Organization that Represents Covered Populations

Predominantly Black Institution

Public Housing Authority

Tribal College or University

Workforce Development Organization


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