Instrument - Arctic River Post-Summit-1 KM

Evaluation of the Arctic Rivers Project

Instrument - Arctic River Post-Summit-1 KM

OMB: 1028-0137

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Arctic Rivers Summit - Post-summit survey questions

OMB Control Number:  1028-NEW 

Expiration Date: xxxx 

This evaluation is being conducted by the Arctic Rivers Project, Ryan Toohey, with the U.S. Geological Survey is the main contact ([email protected]) for this evaluation.


We will collect information from stakeholders of the Arctic Rivers Project, which include representatives of Indigenous communities in Alaska, representatives of Indigenous organizations, State and Federal entities, and others regarding the effectiveness of participatory methods and achievement of overall project goals. Evaluation information will be collected via an online survey. Questions will focus on the relevancy of the project to participants, methods used to engage with participants, feedback about project components, input for the direction of the project, preferred communication methods, current and future use of project products. This information will allow for a greater understanding of the effectiveness of community engagement, the co-production process, and participation in the direction of the project. This information will help guide the project through its various phases, and it will help enhance communication and product development. We aim to share this information directly with participants in the project and the larger co-production of knowledge community through peer-reviewed publications and other science communication products.


We estimate that it will take an hour to complete the interview.  Your responses will not be shared with anyone outside of the Arctic Rivers Project team, but may be anonymized, aggregated, and published in a future report or journal article. We will share the survey results with you and will be sure to get permission if we would like to include direct quotes in any way. We thank you for your time! 


Privacy Act Statement: You are not required to provide your contact information in order to submit your survey response. However, if you do not provide contact information, we may not be able to contact you for additional information to verify your responses. If you do provide contact information, this information will not be shared with any other organization and will only be used to initiate follow-up communication about this project if needed. The records for this collection will be maintained in the appropriate Privacy Act System of Records identified as [DOI Social Networks (Interior/USGS-8) published at 76 FR 44033, 7/22/2011].  

The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501), states that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and you are not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number and expiration date. You may submit comments on any aspect of this collection. Please note that comments submitted in response to this collection are public record. Comments on this collection should be sent to the Clearance Office at [email protected].  [16 U.S.C. 1a7] authorized collection of this information. This information will be used by the U.S. Geological Survey to better serve the public. Response to this request is voluntary. We estimate that it will take 60 minutes to prepare and respond to this collection. We will not distribute responses associated with you as an individual. We ask you for some basic contact information to help us interpret the results and, if needed, to contact you for clarification.  

Arctic Rivers Summit - Post-summit survey questions


The following questionnaire is trying to evaluate how you, personally, felt the Arctic Rivers Summit, and all of its parts, were either beneficial or failed to meet your expectations. We are asking your opinion of the Arctic Rivers Summit, and all of its parts.

1. Do you agree with any of the following statements as a result of attending the Summit?

(Please select all that apply)

  • I learned more about climate science

  • I learned from other communities about adaptation strategies

  • I learned about climate impacts from other communities

  • I learned about funding opportunities from other communities

  • I learned how to be involved in the Arctic Rivers Project

  • I provided guidance for the science in the Arctic Rivers Project

  • I networked with other communities and scientists

  • I shared my knowledge and experiences

  • Worked with others to identify actions and strategies to adapt to climate change

  • I shared my knowledge on how to best communicate results and products of the Arctic Rivers Project

  • Other (please describe)

2. Are there other topics you would have liked to hear more about at the Summit?

Open Response

3. If we were to have a future meeting, how would you like that meeting structured?

  • Similar to this meeting

  • Opportunity to submit abstracts and present research

  • Opportunity to host or attend workgroup sessions

  • Opportunity to host or attend training sessions

  • Opportunity to submit session ideas

  • Opportunity to brainstorm other research/project ideas

  • Other ideas (please describe)

4. What parts of the Arctic Rivers Summit did you think worked well? (Please select all that apply)

  • Participatory mapping – ice (yes/no/ unsure)

  • Participatory mapping – fish

  • Inform the modeling: Climate

  • Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) breakout session

  • Tour of the Native Villages at the Alaska Native Heritage Center

  • Elders share Session

  • Weaving together Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science for Management Session

  • Status of Arctic Rivers Session

  • Arctic Rivers Project Overview Session

  • Networking with other communities

  • Networking with scientists

  • Other?

4a. Please describe what you liked about the above activities. Please feel free to provide any other feedback on what you think worked well

5. What parts of the Arctic Rivers Summit needed extra attention or could have been improved? (Please select all that apply)

  • Participatory mapping – ice (yes/no/unsure)

  • Participatory mapping – fish

  • Inform the modeling: Climate

  • Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats breakout session

  • Tour of the Native Villages

  • Elders share Session

  • Weaving together Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science for Management Session

  • Status of Arctic Rivers Session

  • Arctic Rivers Project Overview Session

  • Networking with other communities

  • Networking with scientists

  • Other?

5a. Please describe how we could improve the above activities and please feel free to provide any other feedback on ways the Summit could have been improved

6. What did you learn from other summit attendees? (Please select all that apply)

Can you identify from whom you learned? No/Yes: Community member, Agency representative, Project member, Scientist, other )

  • Climate science

  • Climate impacts

  • Adaptation strategies

  • Key contacts (scientific programs, grants programs, other communities),

  • Indigenous Knowledge

  • Potential funding opportunities

  • Public comment opportunities

  • Other (please describe)

7. Now that you have attended the Summit, has your understanding of knowledge co-production changed?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

[Yes and unsure route to 7a, no routes to 8]

7.a. How has your understanding of knowledge co-production changed?

Open response

8. Now that you have attended the Summit, has your understanding of free, prior, and informed consent changed?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

[Yes and unsure route to 8a, no routes to 9]

8a. What do you consider to be key components of free, prior, and informed consent?

Open response

9. Do you feel that you were adequately informed ahead of time about the knowledge you were asked to share during the Summit?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

[No and unsure route to 9a, yes routes to 10]

9a. How could we have better informed you of how you would be asked to share knowledge?

Open response

10. Do you feel that you fully understand how the knowledge you shared will be used?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

[No and unsure route to 10a., yes routes to 11]

10a. How could we improve your understanding of how your knowledge will be used?

Open response

11. Do you feel that you fully understand how the knowledge you shared will be protected?

[No and unsure route to 11a., yes routes to 12]

11a. How could we improve your understanding of how the knowledge you shared will be protected?

Open response

12. Which of the following would you or your community like to participate in? (Please select all that apply)

  • Fish

  • Ice

  • Storylines

  • None of the above

  • Not sure

[All responses except “no” route to 12a.]

12a Would you please provide your contact information so that we can discuss further opportunities referenced in the previous question?

  • Name

  • Phone number

  • Email address

12. Would you like to contribute to any of the products coming out of the summit?

  • Arctic Rivers Summit Proceedings (Yes/No/Unsure)

  • Arctic Rivers Project Inform the Modeling Report

  • Arctic Rivers Summit Action Plan

  • Other (please describe)

[All responses except “no” route to 12a. unless they have already provided contact information in which case this 12a is skipped]

12a Please provide your contact information

  • Name

  • Phone number

  • Email address

13. Who else (individual or organization) do you think would benefit from participating in the ARP?

Open response

14.What else would you like to share with us?

Open response

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorToohey, Ryan C
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-09-13

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