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pdfOperating Fund Grant:
Calculation of Utilities Expense Level
U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development
Office of Public and Indian Housing
PHA-Owned Rental Housing
OMB Approval No. 2577-0029 (exp. 01/31/2024)
Public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average .75 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. This information is required by
Section 9(a) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, as amended, and by 24 CFR Part 990 HUD regulations. HUD makes payments for the operation and maintenance of low-income housing projects to PHAs/projects. The Operating Fund
determines the amount of operating fund grant to be paid to PHAs/projects. PHAs/projects provide information on the Project Expense Level (PEL), Utilities Expense Level (UEL), Other Formula Expenses (Add-ons) and Formula Income
– the major Operating Fund components. HUD reviews the information to determine each PHA’s/project’s Formula Amount and the funds to be obligated for the period to each PHA/project based on the appropriation by Congress. HUD
also uses the information as the basis for requesting annual appropriations from Congress. Responses to the collection of information are required to obtain a benefit. The information requested does not lend itself to confidentiality.
1. Name of Public Housing Agency:
4. ACC Number:
2. Funding Period:
Section 1 – General Information
1/1/____ to 12/31/____
5. Operating Fund Project Number:
6. Fiscal Year End:
Non Frozen
Frozen EPC
Frozen Other
Flat Rate
Rolling Base Incentive
Utility (e.g.
Water, Gas,
Non Frozen
Frozen EPC
Frozen Other
Flat Rate
3. Type of Submission:
Flat Rate
Non Frozen
Frozen EPC
Frozen Other
Revision No. _____
7. ROFO Code
8. DUNS Number:
(HUD Use Only):
Non Frozen
Frozen EPC
Frozen Other
Flat Rate
Utility (e.g.
Utility (e.g.
Utility (e.g.
Water, Gas,
Water, Gas,
Water, Gas,
Section 2 – Current Consumption Level
Non Frozen
Frozen EPC
Frozen Other
Flat Rate
Utility (e.g.
Water, Gas,
Non Frozen
Frozen EPC
Frozen Other
Flat Rate
Utility (e.g.
Water, Gas,
Total Column
Actual consumption (12month period 7/1/__ to
Unit of consumption (e.g.,
gallons, kWh, therms)
Section 3 – Rolling Base Consumption Level
Rolling base year 1- actual
consumption (12-month
period 7/1/__ to 6/30/__)
Rolling base year 2 - actual
consumption (12-month
period 7/1/__ to 6/30/__)
Rolling base year 3 - actual
consumption (12-month
period 7/1/__ to 6/30/__)
Total consumption during 3year rolling base period
(Line 02 + Line 03 + Line 04)
form HUD-52722
Operating Fund Project Number:
Utility (e.g.
Water, Gas,
Utility (e.g.
Water, Gas,
Utility (e.g.
Water, Gas,
Utility (e.g.
Water, Gas,
Utility (e.g.
Water, Gas,
Utility (e.g.
Water, Gas,
Total Column
Average rolling base
consumption (Line 05 3)
Actual consumption for new
Rolling Base Consumption
(Line 06 + Line 07)
Section 4 – Base Consumption
Base Consumption (Lesser of
Line 01 or Line 08)
Actual consumption > rolling
base (If Line 01 is greater than
Line 08, enter the difference as
positive; if not, enter 0)
Actual consumption < rolling
base (If Line 01 is less than
Line 08, enter the difference as
positive; if not, enter 0)
75%/25% Split (Line 10 x 0.25)
75%/25% Split (Line 11 x 0.75)
Annualization of consumption
for new units
Payable consumption (Sum of
Line 09, Line12, Line13 and
Line 14)
Section 5 – Utility Consumption Incentive
Section 6 – Payable Consumption
Section 7 – Actual Utility Costs and Average Rate
Actual utility costs (12-month
period 7/1/__ to 6/30/__)
Actual average utility rate (Line
16 Line 01)
Section 8 – Base Utilities and Inflation/Deflation Factor
Base utilities expense level –
whole dollars (Line 15 x Line
Form HUD-52722
Operating Fund Project Number:
Total Column
Total base utilities expense
level – (sum columns of Line
Surcharges for excess
consumption of PHA-supplied
utilities (12-month period 7/1/__
to 6/30/__) – whole dollars
Base utilities expense level
minus surcharges (Line 18
minus Line 19)
Utilities inflation/deflation factor
Section 9 – Calculation of Utilities Expense Level
Utilities expense level adjusted
for inflation/deflation – whole
dollars (Line 20 x Line 21)
Energy rate incentive
Utilities expense level – whole
dollars (Line 22 + Line 23)
Eligible unit months (from the
original form HUD-52723,
Column B, Line 15 plus Line 17
minus Line 04)
Utilities Expense Level – PUM
(Line 24 Line 25)
Section 10 – Remarks (provide section, part and line numbers)
Instructions to form HUD-52722 – Calculation of Utilities Expense Level
Form HUD-52722
This form is used to calculate the utilities expense level component of eligibility for operating funds pursuant to 24 CFR Parts 990.170 – 990.185. It is used for PHA-owned rental housing projects and PHA
units in mixed housing developments when operating subsidy is requested for such developments under the Operating Fund Program.
This form shall not be used for the Turnkey III and Mutual Help Homeownership Programs, Section 23 and 10(c) Leased Housing Programs, or the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Program.
Submission of form HUD-52722. Submit form HUD-52722 to the HUD field office for approval together with form HUD-52723, Calculation of Operating Subsidy. A separate form must be prepared and
submitted for each project identified as such for the purpose of asset management under 24 CFR 990.265. A PHA that owns and operates fewer than 250 units and treats its entire portfolio as a single project
under 24 CFR 990.260(b) shall prepare and submit one form.
Supporting documentation. The PHA shall retain supporting documentation substantiating the data reported on this form for a period of five years after the year in which operating subsidy funds were
received pursuant to 24 CFR 990.325.
Timeline. The Operating Fund Grant Program different timelines to calculation and distribute Operating Funds. HUD calculates UEL based on the Reporting Period and Rolling Base Years. HUD distributes
Operating Funds based on the Funding Period.
Funding Period: Operating Subsidy, eligibility, and funding are all calculated on the calendar year, starting January 1st and ending on December 31st.
Reporting Period: Utility cost and consumption are entered on the HUD-52722 by reporting period, starting July 1st and ending June 30th. The reporting period ends six months prior to the funding
Rolling Base Years: Utility cost and consumption entered on the HUD-52722 for Rolling Base Year 1, 2, & 3, follow the same July 1st to June 30th calendar as the Reporting Period.
Example: Funding Period, Reporting Period, and Rolling Base Years
Rolling Base Year -3
Rolling Base Year -3
Rolling Base Year -2
Rolling Base Year -2
Rolling Base Year -1
Rolling Base Year -1
Reporting Period
Reporting Period
Funding Period
Section 1 – General Information
1. Name of Public Housing Agency. Enter the name of the Public Housing Authority (PHA).
2. Funding Period 1/1/__ to 12/31/__. The funding period refers calendar year starting January 1st and ending on December 31st.
3. Type of Submission. If this is the first submission to HUD for this funding period, enter an “X” in the Original box. For all subsequent submissions to HUD for this funding period, enter an “X” in the
Revision box and enter the revision number.
4. ACC Number. Enter the number of the Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) covering the projects for which this form is submitted.
5. Operating Fund Project Number. Enter the operating fund project number for which this form is being submitted.
6. Fiscal Year End. Enter an “X” in the box that corresponds to the ending date of the PHA’s fiscal year.
7. ROFO Code. Enter the region and field office code for the HUD field office that has jurisdiction over the PHA (HUD use only).
8. DUNS Number. Enter the PHA’s Dunn & Bradstreet Universal Numbering System identification number.
Rolling Base Incentive
Enter an “X” in the box if the project indicating the appropriate Rolling Base Consumption Level Category for the specific utility:
Form HUD-52722
Non Frozen: The utility is charged based on consumption and does not have a HUD-approved frozen rolling base.
Frozen EPC: The project has an Energy Performance Contract (EPC) and the utility has a HUD-approved frozen rolling base pursuant to 24 CFR 990.185(a)(1).
Frozen Other: The utility received HUD-approval to freeze the rolling base at HUD-approved rolling base consumption levels prior to September 30th before the funding year. The PHA may not omit
the utility from submission or submit rolling base consumptions levels or units of consumptions that modify the HUD-approved levels.
Flat Rate: The utility is charged at a fixed fee regardless of usage.
Complete the following for each utility. Round all consumption data on Lines 01 through 15 to the nearest whole number.
Section 2 – Current Consumption Level
Line 01: Actual consumption.
Reported consumption must be
substantiated by utility bills.
Line 01a: Unit of consumption. (e.g.,
therms, kilowatt hours, gallons, cubic feet,
Non Frozen
Enter the actual total consumption for the
annual reporting period ending June 30th.
Frozen EPC
Enter the actual total consumption for the
annual reporting period ending June 30th.
Frozen Other
Enter the actual total consumption for the
annual reporting period ending June 30th.
Flat Rate
Enter zero.
Indicate for each type of utility the unit of
measurement for the consumption shown
on Line 01. If a utility type/rolling base
incentive pair includes more than one unit
of consumption, units must be converted
and merged into one entry.
Indicate for each type of utility the unit of
measurement for the consumption shown
on Line 01.
Indicate for each type of utility the unit of
measurement for the consumption shown
on Line 01.
Enter zero.
Frozen EPC
Enter the frozen rolling base at the level
calculated for the year the conservation
measures are implemented
Enter the frozen rolling base at the level
calculated for the year the conservation
measures are implemented
Enter the frozen rolling base at the level
calculated for the year the conservation
measures are implemented
Enter the sum of Lines 02, 03 and 04 in
each column.
Divide Line 05 by the number 3
Frozen Other
Enter the HUD approved frozen rolling
Flat Rate
Enter zero.
Enter the HUD approved frozen rolling
Enter zero.
Enter the sum of Lines 02, 03 and 04 in
each column.
Divide Line 05 by the number 3
Enter zero.
Section 3 – Rolling Base Consumption Level
Line 02: Rolling base year 1 - actual
Non Frozen
Enter the actual consumption for rolling
base year 1.
Line 03: Rolling base year 2 - actual
Enter the actual consumption for rolling
base year 2.
Line 04: Rolling base year 3 - actual
Enter the actual consumption for rolling
base year 3.
Line 05: Total consumption during the
3-year rolling base period.
Line 06: Average rolling base
Enter the sum of Lines 02, 03 and 04 in
each column.
Divide Line 05 by the number 3
Line 07: Actual consumption for new
Enter the actual consumption for any new
units included in Line 01 that have less
than 12 months of actual consumption
data. The consumption reported in this line
should also be included in Line 01. The
consumption entered on this line will be
used to adjust the rolling base to include
new units.
Enter the sum of Lines 06 and 07 in each
Enter zero.
Enter zero.
Enter zero.
Enter the value in line 06.
Enter the value in line 06.
Enter zero.
Non Frozen
Frozen EPC
Frozen Other
Flat Rate
Line 08: Rolling Base Consumption.
Enter the HUD approved frozen rolling
Enter zero.
Section 4 – Base Consumption
Form HUD-52722
Line 09: Base consumption.
Enter the lesser of Line 01: Actual
consumption or Line 08: Rolling Base
Enter the value in line 08.
Enter the value in line 08.
Enter zero.
Non Frozen
If Line 01 is greater than Line 08, enter the
difference as a positive amount. If not,
enter zero.
If Line 01 is less than Line 08, enter the
difference as a positive amount. If not,
enter zero.
Multiply the amount in each column on Line
10 greater than (>) rolling base by 0.25 and
enter the result.
Multiply the amount in each column on Line
11 less than (<) rolling base by 0.75 and
enter the result.
Frozen EPC
Enter zero.
Frozen Other
Enter zero.
Flat Rate
Enter zero.
Enter zero.
Enter zero.
Enter zero.
Enter zero.
Enter zero.
Enter zero.
Enter zero.
Enter zero.
Enter zero.
Non Frozen
Enter the estimated consumption for new
units that are eligible for subsidy during the
funding period but do not have a full 12
months of actual consumption data on
Lines 01 and 07. The amount of
consumption entered on this line item
should reflect the estimated difference
between a full year of consumption and the
number of months reported on Lines 01
and 07. (For example, if the PHA/project
reports four months of consumption for new
units on Lines 01 and 07, the PHA/project
would estimate an additional eight months
of consumption for these new units on this
line item.)
Frozen EPC
Enter zero.
Frozen Other
Enter zero.
Flat Rate
Enter zero.
Sum Lines 09, 12, 13 and 14 of each
column and enter the result in the
corresponding column on Line 15.
Enter the value in line 08.
Enter the value in line 08.
Enter zero.
Non Frozen
Enter the actual total utility costs for the
reporting period ending June 30th for the
consumption entered in Line 01. Round to
whole dollars.
Frozen EPC
Enter the actual total utility costs for the
reporting period ending June 30th for the
consumption entered in Line 01. Round to
whole dollars.
Frozen Other
Enter the actual total utility costs for the
reporting period ending June 30th for the
consumption entered in Line 01. Round to
whole dollars.
Divide Line 16 by Line 01. Round results to
four decimal places.
Divide Line 16 by Line 01. Round results to
four decimal places.
Divide Line 16 by Line 01. Round results to
four decimal places.
Flat Rate
Enter the actual total
utility costs for the
reporting period
ending June 30th
Round to whole
Enter zero.
Section 5 – Utility Consumption Incentive
Line 10: Actual consumption greater
than (>) rolling base.
Line 11: Actual consumption less than
(<) rolling base.
Line 12: 75%/25% Split.
Line 13: 75%/25% Split.
Section 6 – Payable Consumption
Line 14: Annualization of consumption
for new units.
Line 15: Payable consumption.
Section 7 Actual Average Utility Costs and Average Rate
Line 16: Actual utility costs.
Line 17: Actual average utility rate.
Form HUD-52722
Section 8 – Base Utilities and Inflation/Deflation Factor
Line 18: Base utility expense level.
Non Frozen
Multiply Line 15 by Line 17. Round to whole
Frozen EPC
Multiply Line 15 by Line 17. Round to whole
Frozen Other
Multiply Line 15 by Line 17. Round to whole
Flat Rate
Enter value from
Line 16.
Line 19: Total base utilities expense level. Enter the total of all columns in Line 18 (or the last form HUD-52722 if multiple forms HUD-52722 are being submitted).
Line 20: Surcharges for excess consumption of PHA-supplied utilities. In the Total column, enter the amount of charges to residents for excess utility consumption for PHA-supplied utilities for the 12month period ending June 30th that is 6 months prior to the first day of the funding period. Round to whole dollars.
Line 21: Base utilities expense level minus surcharges. Subtract the amount in Line 19 from the amount in Line 20 and enter the result in Line 21.
Line 22: Utilities inflation/deflation factor. Enter the applicable utilities inflation/deflation factor supplied by HUD pursuant to 24 CFR 990.170(d).
Section 9 – Calculation of Utility Expense Level
Line 23: Utilities expense level adjusted for inflation/deflation. Multiply the amount in Line 21 by the utilities inflation/deflation factor in Line 22 and enter the result in Line 23. Round to whole dollars.
Line 24: Rate Reduction incentive. Enter the amount in whole dollars for an approved utility rate reduction incentive. If a PHA/project has been approved by HUD for the utility rate reduction incentive
pursuant to 24 CFR 990.185(b), calculate actual utility costs as they would have been if the rate savings action had not been taken. If these costs are greater than actual utility costs on Line 16, calculate onehalf of the difference and enter on Line 24. (The calculation of “costs” as they would have been had the action not been taken requires calculation of such costs on a monthly basis.) Documentation to support
these rate savings must be submitted with the form HUD-52722 to the HUD field office.
Line 25: Utilities expense level (whole dollars). Sum Lines 22 and 23 and enter in the Total column on Line 24.
Line 26: Eligible unit months. From the original form HUD-52723, Calculation of Operating Subsidy for the Funding Period, enter Line 15 plus Line 17 minus Line 04 from Section 2, column B, in the Total
Line 27. Utilities expense level (PUM). Divide Line 24, Total column, by Line 25, Total column, and enter the result in the Total column of Line 26. Round to two decimal places. This amount shall be
entered on Section 3, Part A, Line 05 of the form HUD-52723, Calculation of Operating Subsidy.
Special Instructions for Specific Items
New units. PHAs/projects should follow the instructions in this part when new units are eligible for subsidy in the funding period. Consumption associated with these new units should be added to
consumption of existing units on the following lines for the applicable columns:
Line 01: Actual consumption. If there is no consumption for new units during the reporting period, do not add any consumption. If there is partial or full consumption for new units during the reporting period,
add the actual consumption during the reporting period.
Line 02: Rolling base year 1 – actual consumption. If there is no consumption or partial consumption for new units during the reporting period, do not add any consumption. Once there are a full 12 months
of consumption for new units during the reporting period, add the actual consumption during the reporting period.
Line 03: Rolling base year 2 – actual consumption. If there is no consumption or partial consumption for new units during the reporting period, add the same consumption that was added to Line 02. Once
there are a full 12 months of consumption for new units during the reporting period, add the actual consumption during the reporting period.
Line 04: Rolling base year 3 – actual consumption. If there is no consumption or partial consumption for new units during the reporting period, add the same consumption that was added to Line 03. Once
there are a full 12 months of consumption for new units during the reporting period, add the actual consumption during the reporting period.
Line 07: Actual consumption for new units. If there is no consumption for new units Line 01, do not enter any consumption on Line 07. If Line 01 has partial or full consumption for new units but Line 02
does not have any consumption for new units, enter the same amount of consumption for new units that was entered on Line 01. If Line 02 also has consumption for new units, do not enter any consumption
on Line 07.
Note: Lines 02 through 07 are all used to calculate the rolling base on Line 08. In order to make the rolling base on Line 08 comparable to Line 01 so that the utility consumption incentive can be calculated,
Line 08 must always include the same number of months of consumption as Line 01.
Form HUD-52722
Line 14: Annualization of consumption for new units. If there is partial consumption for new units on Lines 01 and 07, enter the estimated difference between a full 12 months of consumption and the
number of months reported on Lines 01 and 07. If there is a full 12 months of consumption for new units on Line 01, do not enter any consumption on Line 14. Note: Line 14 is necessary for new units that are
eligible to receive operating subsidy during the funding period but for which consumption is only partially reflected on Line 01.
PHAs/projects will not resubmit or adjust the form HUD-52722, Calculation of Utilities Expense Level, for new units coming online after the June 30th date used in Line 01, actual consumption. Additional
funding for utility expenses associated with these new units will be handled only through a change in eligible unit months on form HUD-52723, Calculation of Operating Subsidy. Consumption data for new units
will begin to be incorporated in the form HUD-52722 the following year.
New Projects. For new projects without any full or partial reporting period consumption data, the PHA may the PUM UEL of a comparable project in lieu of completing the HUD-52722. The PHA must provide
in the comments section of the HUD-52723 indicating the development number that was used as the basis for the PUM UEL and a description of why the PHA chose that development number as a
In the subsequent funding year enter the actual consumption in Line 01 and then enter the same amount on Line 07. Enter the estimated consumption for the remaining 12 months of the reporting period in Line
Year 1: The project uses the PUM UEL from a comparable project and does not submit the HUD-52722.
Year 2: If the project has partial consumption during the reporting period, enter the partial consumption in Line 01 and Line 07. Then enter an estimate for the consumption of the remaining months in
the reporting in Line 14.
Year 3: If the project has one full year of actual consumption during the reporting period, enter the 12 months of actual consumption during the reporting period in Line 01 and Line 07. Enter zero in
Line 14.
Year 4 and subsequent years: Continue to enter actual consumption for the reporting period in Line 01. Enter the prior reporting period consumption data as the Rolling Base – Year 1 on Line 02. If
Line 03 and 04 have partial or no data enter value from Line 02. Enter zero Lines 07 and 14.
Demolition or disposition of units. PHAs that are disposing or demolishing projects or entire buildings within a project shall exclude all data by utility (rate, consumption, rolling base, eligible unit months,
etc.) for these projects or buildings once the actual consumption (see Line 01) for the 12-month period ending June 30th that is 6 months prior to the first day of the funding period no longer contains a full 12
months (including no months) of consumption for these projects or buildings. The PHA also shall make an appropriate adjustment to the rolling base. PHAs shall provide HUD additional details (i.e., amounts,
calculation and methodology) regarding this adjustment in the remarks section of this form or as a separate attachment.
PHAs that are permanently disposing or demolishing units equal to or more than 10% of the total units within a building shall also follow the instructions, above, as they relate to the utility information regarding
these units. If the PHA is permanently disposing or demolishing less than 10% of the total units within a building or 5 or fewer units within a building, the PHA shall make no adjustment; that is, this transaction
will flow through the rolling base without any adjustment.
As required by 24 CFR Part 990.155, Additions and deletions of units, PHAs will periodically report to HUD projects, or entire buildings in a project, that are eligible for an asset-repositioning fee. This event will
trigger a decline in the number of eligible unit months reported on the form HUD-52723, Calculation of Operating Subsidy. This event will not trigger a resubmission or an adjustment to the form HUD-52722,
Calculation of Utilities Expense Level.
Consumption Data Unavailable. If a PHA/project has not maintained or cannot recapture actual consumption data from its existing units (not new units), the PHA will notify the HUD field office of this
event. The PHA/project will develop comparable consumption data (an estimate) regarding a particular utility or utilities from its records or from the records of comparable units for the full Rolling Base Period
that is consistent with the methodology approved by the HUD field office when they were notified.
The estimated consumption should be based upon actual experience taking into account, where possible, physical attributes of the units, the relationship of the heating degree days of the period of actual
experience and the missing experience when considering utilities used for space heating. If consumption of comparable units is utilized, that consumption must have taken place during the same period.
If the HUD field office approves the use of data for a period of at least 24 months, it shall be expanded to the full rolling base period. For example, if the PHA/project has two years of actual consumption, one
year of actual consumption on Line 01 and the first year of the rolling base (Line 02), the consumption of the first year of the rolling base will be used to populate the consumption of the previous two years of
the rolling base (Lines 03 and 04).
Other situations requiring adjustments to avoid distortion of the rolling base consumption level.
A PHA/project shall report its rolling base so as not to materially distort the rolling base period. The following events trigger a material distortion to the rolling base: a conversion from one energy source to
another; interruptible service sufficient to cause discernible variance from normal consumption patterns; a switch from resident-purchased to PHA-supplied utilities; or a switch from PHA-supplied to residentpurchased utilities. Actual consumption of projects having the situations described above shall be established or adjusted in accordance with the instructions, below, and other guidance.
The overriding consideration of all of the adjustments is that the consumption data shall not be distorted by including in Lines 02 - 08 consumption information that is not comparable to Line 01 of this form.
Conversion from one utility type to another type (e.g., from oil to gas). A PHA/project shall convert the discontinued utility consumption data into a comparable unit of consumption of the new utility. The
PHA/project will convert the rolling base consumption data into the same common unit of measurement. If the actual consumption data that would be reported in Line 01 contains consumption for both utilities
types, the PHA/project will convert the discontinued utility into the same common unit of measurement.
Switch of utilities from resident-purchased to PHA-supplied. PHAs/projects will follow the Special Instructions for Specific Items - New Units, paragraph 2, for switches from resident-purchased to PHAsupplied utility(ies).
Form HUD-52722
Switch of utilities from PHA-supplied to resident-purchased. PHAs/projects that switch from PHA-supplied to resident-purchased utilities will exclude all data by utility (rate, consumption, rolling base,
eligible unit months, etc.) for these resident-purchased utilities on the next original form HUD-52722 submission following the switch. PHAs shall provide HUD additional details (i.e., amounts, calculation and
methodology) regarding this adjustment in Section 10, Remarks, of this form or as a separate attachment.
Interruptible service. If the PHA/project has a utilities combination which provides for interruptible service from one energy source to another, the HUD field office shall be contacted to determine a reasonable
reporting method on this form, if the interruption is sufficient to cause discernible variance from normal consumption patterns. This adjustment would, of course, not be considered until after the interruption had
occurred and, if possible, not until after the heating season has ended.
Unoccupied projects and units. For a project that is temporarily unoccupied (e.g., extensive modernization), PHAs/projects shall make no adjustment to this form.
Form HUD-52722
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | HUD-52722 |
Author | H23132 |
File Modified | 2022-03-09 |
File Created | 2022-03-09 |