NCCC-1 NCCC Project Sponsor Survey

AmeriCorps NCCC Project Sponsor Survey


OMB: 3045-0190

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AmeriCorps NCCC Sponsor Survey

Thank you for your partnership with the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC). 

Below are a series of questions regarding your interactions and experiences with the team and on the project. This survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT: Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated 20 minutes per submission, including reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, completing the form, and reviewing the collection of information. Comments on the burden or content of this instrument may be sent to the Corporation for National and Community Service, Attn: Amy Borgstrom, 250 E. Street SW, Washington, D.C. 20525. You are not required to respond to the collection unless the OMB control number and expiration date displayed on page 1 are current and valid. (See 5 C.F.R. 1320.5(b)(2)(i).)

OMB Control Number: 3045-0190
Expiration Date: 1/21/2023

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Organization Name:



  • North Central Region (1)

  • Pacific Region (2)

  • Southwest Region (3)

  • Southern Region (4)

Location of Project (State):

▼ Alabama (AL) (1) ... Wyoming (WY) (55)

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Was this your first time personally working with an AmeriCorps NCCC team?

  • Yes (1)

  • No (2)

On how many projects have you personally worked with an AmeriCorps NCCC team, including the most recent project?

  • 1-2 (1)

  • 3-4 (2)

  • 5 or more (3)

How frequently did you work with the AmeriCorps NCCC team your organization sponsored?

  • Very Frequently (21 or more hours/week) (1)

  • Fairly Frequently (16 to 20 hours/week) (2)

  • Occasionally (11 to 15 hours/week) (3)

  • Rarely (6 to 10 hours/week) (4)

  • Very Rarely or Never (0 to 5 hours/week) (5)

Please provide the dollar value and/or in-kind contributions of the following resources leveraged or contributed by your organization or community stakeholders to support the project. Please use this template to help you determine the totals below. 

  • Cash Resources (1) __________________________________________________

  • In-Kind Resources (2) __________________________________________________

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On a scale of 1-5, please indicate whether the following are strengths (5) or weaknesses (1) for the AmeriCorps NCCC program based on your experience on this project:

1 Weakness (1)

2 (2)

3 (3)

4 (4)

5 Strength (5)

N/A (0)

Ability to work as a team (1)

Ability to work with diverse communities (2)

Accomplished project’s goals (3)

Flexibility and adaptability (4)

Integrating and adapting to local communities (5)

Level of team engagement (6)

Meeting community need (7)

Professionalism (8)

Supervisor opportunities for leadership growth (9)

Supervisor support from NCCC staff (10)

Team building or dynamics (11)

Team support from NCCC staff (12)

Team work ethic or dedication (13)

Other (please specify) (14)

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Before the arrival of the NCCC team, how satisfied were you with the level of communication with AmeriCorps NCCC staff, including project site visits and project development calls?

  • Very satisfied (1)

  • Satisfied (2)

  • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (3)

  • Dissatisfied (4)

  • Very dissatisfied (5)

  • Not applicable (6)

During project implementation, how successful was AmeriCorps NCCC staff in identifying opportunities for teams to meet project outputs and outcomes, including determining solutions to any challenges that occurred?

  • Successful (1)

  • Marginally Successful (2)

  • Neutral – Neither Successful or Unsuccessful (3)

  • Marginally Unsuccessful (4)

  • Unsuccessful (5)

  • Not applicable (6)

The overall quality of the service work performed by the AmeriCorps NCCC team on this project can best be described as:

  • Exceptional (1)

  • High (2)

  • Average (3)

  • Low (4)

  • Do Not Know or Not Applicable (5)

Please specify the degree to which the AmeriCorps NCCC team met the goals of the project.

  • Exceeded (1)

  • Met (2)

  • Partially met (3)

  • Did not meet (4)

With AmeriCorps NCCC’s assistance, how much quicker (if applicable) was the service accomplished than if a team had not served with your organization?

  • More than 1 year (1)

  • 6 months to 1 year (2)

  • 1 to 6 months (3)

  • 0 to 1 month (4)

  • Not at all (5)

  • Not applicable (6)

Please describe the implementation of the project to include best practices and recommendations for strengthening future projects with your organization.






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AmeriCorps NCCC defines inclusion as the equal and full acceptance of all persons with respect to race, ethnicity, age, sex, disability, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression that leads to a sense of belonging. To what degree do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Not at all (1)

To a small extent (2)

To a moderate extent (3)

To a large extent (4)

N/A (0)

NCCC Members were inclusive of those within the organization

NCCC members were inclusive of those in the community they served

Individuals in your organization were inclusive of all Members of the AmeriCorps NCCC team

Individuals in your organization became more inclusive due to interacting with the AmeriCorps NCCC team.

Members of the AmeriCorps NCCC team were inclusive of all members of their team.

[Blank space will not appear on electronically fillable form]

To what extent did the AmeriCorps NCCC team’s efforts on this project strengthen the community in which they served?

[Blank space will not appear on electronically fillable form]

Not at all (1)

To a small extent (2)

To a moderate extent (3)

To a large extent (4)

N/A (0)

Increased built capital/infrastructure (1)

Increased natural capital (2)

Increased community safety and livability (3)

Improved immediate well-being of vulnerable community members (4)

Improved effectiveness of disaster relief and recovery efforts (5)

Increased efficiency and effectiveness of community-led volunteer efforts (6)

Increased human capital of community volunteers (7)

Reduced (short-term) food insecurity (8)

Increased access to affordable housing (9)

Increased access to positive youth development programs or education amongst vulnerable populations (10)

Promoted disaster resilience—preventing disasters (11)

Promoted disaster resilience-mitigating effects of disasters (12)

Promoted disaster resilience- enhancing efficiency of recovery (13)

Promoted economic development in low-income and/or disaster affected regions (14)

Improved health (including long-term health complications of disaster, e.g. from mold) (15)

Increased trust and sense of community/community engagement and empowerment (16)

Other (please specify): (17)

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Please specify to what extent your organization will be able to sustain the project’s outputs and outcomes.

  • Completely (1)

  • To a large extent (2)

  • To a moderate extent (3)

  • To a small extent (4)

During the service round, did you observe if the AmeriCorps NCCC members were able to successfully (select all that apply):  

  • Meet community need? (1)

  • Integrate into the community? (2)

  • Work with diverse populations; on the NCCC team and within the community? (3)

  • Gain professional skills from their service project? (4)

  • Work as a team to deliver on project/community goals? (5)

  • Develop life skills during the service round? (6)

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Did AmeriCorps NCCC members gain life skills that you observed during the service round? If so, please select all that apply. 

  • Communication Skills (1)

  • Professionalism (2)

  • Leadership (3)

  • Decision-making (4)

  • Understanding Diversity (5)

  • Conflict Mitigation (6)

  • Health and Well-being (7)

  • Interpersonal Skills (8)

  • Safety Skills (9)

  • Self-Management (10)

  • Civic Engagement (11)

  • Teamwork (12)

  • Other: (13) __________________________________________________

If your organization provided additional training and certifications to the AmeriCorps NCCC team, to what extent were the members able to acquire the skills or certifications demonstrated in that training?

  • The team fully acquired all additional skills or certifications that it was trained on. (1)

  • The team partially acquired the additional skills or certifications it was trained on. (2)

  • The team did not acquire the skills or certifications that it was trained on. (3)

  • Not applicable. (4)

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Please share a quote or short description about your experience with AmeriCorps NCCC that we can use in publications.






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If given the opportunity, would your organization sponsor another AmeriCorps NCCC team in the future? 

  • Yes (4)

  • No (5)

Please explain why or why not.






What did your organization do to champion the AmeriCorps NCCC program prior to the team’s arrival, during their time on the project, and after? 






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Do you have any other organizations you would like to refer that you believe would benefit from partnering with an AmeriCorps NCCC team?

  • Yes (1)

  • No (2)

Referral #1

  • Name of Organization: (1) __________________________________________________

  • Person of Contact: (2) __________________________________________________

  • Email: (3) __________________________________________________

  • Phone Number: (4) __________________________________________________

  • Best Method of Contact: (5) __________________________________________________

Referral #2

  • Name of Organization: (1) __________________________________________________

  • Person of Contact: (2) __________________________________________________

  • Email: (3) __________________________________________________

  • Phone Number: (4) __________________________________________________

  • Best Method of Contact: (5) __________________________________________________

Would you like an AmeriCorps NCCC staff member contact you about any of your responses to the survey?

  • Yes (1)

  • No (2)

Please provide the best method of contact.

  • Name: (1) __________________________________________________

  • Email Address: (2) __________________________________________________

  • Phone Number: (3) __________________________________________________

More than 600 employers are now a part of the Employers of National Service program, which recognizes the valuable skills gained by more 1 million Americans who have participated in AmeriCorps since 1994 and the 215,000 who have participated in the Peace Corps since 1961.

Through this initiative, employers have increased access to a dedicated, highly qualified, and mission-oriented pool of potential employees, and national service alumni have additional opportunities to apply their skills in the workplace.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming an Employer of National Service, please click here for more information.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleAmeriCorps NCCC Sponsor Survey
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-09-20

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