MRSEC Final Report Guidelines
NSF is transitioning to a new reporting system through, which requires NSF to comply with guidance about report content and specifies what information can be collected by the agency. This information is specified in the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) resulted from an initiative of the Research Business Models (RBM) Subcommittee of the Committee on Science (CoS), a committee of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC).
Based on that guidance, MRSEC reports will remain identical in format in the PDF files submitted to NSF. Two major changes are: (1) all diversity information collected must be based entirely on voluntary self-reporting, (2) all budgetary information in the report must be attested to by the university ARO.
To implement item 1, we will establish a web-based interface on MRSEC.ORG for individuals to voluntarily self-report Demographic data. Do not collect Demographic information from any other source or by any others means.
Please prepare the report using the headings, instructions, and the table templates provided, in the order indicated in the following guide. The narrative sections are to be written in third person. The report must be submitted through the annual report option of (Note, that annual report due dates in the system are based on the initial award date and may not coincide with the continuation date of the award). Please submit the entire report as a single pdf file including the budget pages and tables. If the pdf file exceeds the pdf file size limit, the file may be broken into several pdfs. In addition, report only those publications/patents that acknowledge MRSEC support in the acknowledgement section should be (a) listed in section 14 of the annual report, and (b) counted in Appendix E. It is encouraged that the NSF MRSEC Program and the local Center name be acknowledged as well.
A separate Certification of Cost Sharing (for old MRSEC awards that required cost sharing) documented on an annual and cumulative basis needs to be submitted via by a university administrator in the Sponsored Project Office, if applicable. questions should be referred to the Help Desk (1-800-381-1532).
Checklist for MRSEC Final Reports
List all Center Participants (faculty level and equivalent) for the entire duration of the award by academic department.
i. Receiving Center support (salary, student, or post-doc). Indicate years active (format: 20xx – 20yy).
ii. Affiliated, not receiving Center support.
Recent Activities - Extended executive summary (5-10 pages) covering the period since the last annual report. Include two sections: Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts. Include a paragraph describing center based post-doc mentoring activities.
Impact of the MRSEC Award - Summative narrative with Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts sections describing a handful of significant achievements of the MRSEC award (3-5 pages). Take a high level view of, for example, the scientific accomplishments, infrastructure development, cultural changes, broadening participation, etc., that would not have been possible without the center mode of funding. Do not include incremental advances. There is no need to cover every IRG or Center aspect.
Lists of graduate students and post-docs - List all graduate students supported by this award that have graduated grouped by Terminal Masters and Ph.D. List all post-docs supported by this award that have finished their study. Please state full names and placement if know.
Lists of all publications and patents resulting from MRSEC support. Usual format: NSF style references, actually published, with MRSEC faculty level participants in bold face, sorted by IRGs and Seeds, and primary (>50%), partial support, and attributable to Shared Equipment Facilities.
Highlights – Optional - Highlights of recent activities or of significant achievements of the MRSEC, as appropriate. Please post Highlights at and send PowerPoint files to [email protected].
Data Tables – complete the following data tables.
Number of faculty (or equivalent for nonacademic participants), the participants' departmental affiliation, postdocs, graduate students, undergraduates, and support staff in the MRSEC, showing number of women and members of underrepresented minority groups. For information on which ethnic and minority groups constitute URMs, see for example:
NOTE: (1) The salaried faculty participants are those who receive faculty salary support.
(2) The sum of faculty participants by department will be the same as the sum faculty participants in the top of the table and listed at the beginning of the annual report. Pick one department affiliation for faculty with multiple affiliations. (3) Indicate in a footnote center participants, by academic level not name, that are disabled. Example, 2 post docs and one graduate student are disabled.
Center:______________________ Award Period xx/20xx – xx/yyyy
Total |
Female |
Underrepresented minority |
Faculty participants(tenure track) |
- Receiving salary support from MRSEC funds |
Faculty participants(non-tenure track) |
- Receiving salary support from MRSEC funds |
Faculty participants by Department (tenure and non-tenure track) |
Physics |
materials science |
Chemistry |
biological sciences |
geological sciences |
Mathematics |
electrical engineering |
chemical engineering |
mechanical engineering |
other engineering |
other science |
Postdocs |
Graduate Students (do not include PREM) |
Undergraduate Students (not REU or PREM) |
Technical Support Staff – Shared Facilities |
Technical Support Staff – non Shared Facilities |
IRG Leaders |
Education Staff not reported elsewhere |
Administrative Support Staff |
Center:______________________ Award Period xx/20xx – xx/yyyy
Designation |
Number of Active Participants |
Number funded by NSF MRSEC |
REU Students total |
Female |
underrepresented minority |
RET Teachers total |
Female |
underrepresented minority |
Other Pre-College Teachers total |
Female |
underrepresented minority |
Undergraduate Faculty total |
Female |
underrepresented minority |
Number of K-12 students receiving MRSEC funds for stipend (not supplies) |
Number of K-12 students Impacted Participants |
K-12 Students total |
Female |
underrepresented minority |
$K |
Breakout of MRSEC Educational Funds (do not include supplements) |
K-12 |
MRSEC REU support |
Other Undergraduate support |
RET support, not supplement |
Informal Science |
Total Education Outreach (same as Total as MRSEC Education Budget column) |
REU and RET Site support (separate NSF award) |
REU and RET supplements |
Output - Provide cumulative numerical data on Publications, Patents and Center graduates.
Center:______________________ Award Period xx/20xx – xx/yyyy
Designation |
Cumulative Total |
Publications from IRGs and Seeds |
Primary Publications that acknowledge MRSEC Support |
Partial Publications that acknowledge MRSEC Support |
Number of Primary and Partial Publications that acknowledge MRSEC Support co-authored by 2 or more Center faculty level participants |
Shared Facilities |
Patents |
Awarded |
Pending |
Licensed |
Terminal Masters Students Graduated |
Ph.D. Students Graduated |
Post-doctors Completed Study |
Academic Inst. |
National Labs |
Industry |
Non-science |
No data/no job |
Total |
Women |
URM (All) * |
URM (US) * |
* URM = Under-Represented Minorities in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Please report two numbers for graduate students and post-docs: all URM and those that are US citizens or Permanent Resident Aliens.
For information on which ethnic and minority groups constitute URMs, see for example:
NSF MRSEC support by IRG and other activities for both the current and the requested award period. Note: For each entry in the Table, include indirect costs. Subtotals for Research, Education Activities and Human Resources, Outreach and Knowledge Transfer, Shared Equipment and Computational Facilities, and Administration should be the same as those reported in the breakout budget Excel Spreadsheet. Include major capital equipment under shared experimental facilities. Support for graduate students should normally be included under research, not under education and human resources.
Center:______________________ Award Period xx/20xx – xx/yyyy
Designation |
$K Cumulative over award period |
% of total budget |
IRG 1 |
IRG 2 |
IRG 3 |
Additional IRGs as appropriate |
Total all IRGs |
Seeds and Emerging Areas |
Total Research (IRG’s + Seed’s) |
Education Activities and Human Resources |
Knowledge Transfer (industry and others) |
Shared Experimental and Computational Facilities |
MRSEC Administration |
Total |
100 |
Shared facilities equipment |
Other equipment |
Total equipment |
SEF Technical staff supported by Center |
Partnering Institutions- Many MRSECs have associations with a number of universities in the US and abroad, as well as with other types of research, educational, and industrial organizations. These partnerships may or may not involve financial arrangements between the Center and the partner. Partnerships generally imply significant participation in the planning and execution of activities of the Center. They can include minority-serving institutions that have substantial research and / or educational interactions with the Center. Do not include one-on-one collaborations.
Partnering institutions may be associated with NSF awardees under the programs designed to enhance minority participation such as the Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP), Alliances for Graduate Education Program (AGEP), Centers for Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST), and the Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP). List for each of these programs the lead institution of each awardee with which the Center has formal relationships.
The table distinguishes between partnerships with academic institutions and non-academic institutions. Academic partners generally include domestic and foreign universities/colleges. Generally, K-12 institutions are not included in this list unless they have significant input into the education outreach activities of the Center. Non-academic partners include those from industry, National Laboratories or other federal government agencies, state supported institutions, museums, etc.
Partnering Institutions
(with examples shown)
Center:______________________ Award Period xx/20xx – xx/yyyy
Indicate nature of financial support and type of partnering institution (more than one box may be checked)
Name of Institution |
Receives Financial Support from MRSEC |
Contributes financial support to the MRSEC |
Minority Serving institution Partner |
Female Serving Institution Partner |
National Lab/other govt Partner |
Industry Partner |
Museum Partner |
International Partner |
I. Academic Partnering Institutions |
University A |
University B |
X |
X |
University C |
X |
Total Number Academic Partners |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
II. Non-academic Partnering Institutions |
Company D |
X |
X |
National Lab E |
X |
Museum F |
X |
X |
Company G |
X |
X |
Total Number Non-academic Partners |
4 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Total Number of academic and non-academic partners |
7 |
Appendix F
Please list the titles of all Seed projects since the start of the award. Indicate the expectations for the seed at the time of award, the result of this investment, and whether or not the work can be categorized as transformative. If transformative, add a footnote describing why.
Title of Seed Projects |
Expectation(s) |
Outcomes |
Date started (mm/yy) |
Date ended (mm/yy) |
Integrate into IRG |
Nucleate new IRG |
Bring new faculty into the center |
Other (Specify) |
Transformative Science? |
Integrated into IRG |
Nucleated new IRG |
Attracted external funds |
Other (Specify) |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Totals |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Appendix G
Please list the name of all start-up companies based on MRSEC research from this and previous MRSEC, MRL, and MRG award periods.
Company Name |
Year of establishment |
Brief Name of IRG or SEED where research originated |
Estimated Number of Employees |
City, State, Zip |
Website |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | MRSEC Class of 2002 Annual Report Guidelines |
Author | NSFUSER |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-09-19 |