According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0579-XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 75 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected. |
OMB Approved 0579-XXXX
EXP: XX/2023 |
The information you provide will be used for statistical purposes only. Your responses will be kept confidential and any person who willfully discloses ANY identifiable information about you or your operation is subject to a jail term, a fine, or both. This survey is conducted in accordance with the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2018, Title III of Pub. L. No. 115-435, codified in 44 U.S.C. Ch. 35 and other applicable Federal laws. For more information on how we protect your information please visit: https://www.nass.usda.gov/confidentiality. Response is voluntary. |
Date (mm/dd/yy): date
Section A – Case or Control
1. Is
this a case or control farm? [During
the interview, verify the farm name and address printed on the label
are correct for this farm.] t101
o1 Case
farm [Go to Item 2.]
o3 Control farm [Go to Item 3.]
2. If this is a case farm,
a. The following is the 14-day reference period for this farm:
t102/t102a ________________ – _______________ mm/dd/yy – mm/dd/yy
In this questionnaire, we will ask many questions about a 14-day reference period. The “reference period” for your farm is the 14 days between [Insert the dates listed in Item 2a above]. This is the 14 days before the detection of HPAI on this farm.
b. How many turkeys were on this farm on the last day of the reference period? t103 # turkeys
c. During the 2022 HPAI outbreak, how many of the barns on this farm were confirmed or were suspected to be infected with HPAI? t104 # barns
[Go to Section B.]
3. If this is a control farm,
a. The tentative 14-day reference period for this farm is:
t105/t105a _______________ – ______________ mm/dd/yy – mm/dd/yy
b. Did you have turkeys for the entire 14-day period between the dates in Item 3a above? t106
o1 Yes
o3 No
If Yes, the “14-day reference period” for your farm is [Insert the dates listed in Item 3a above]. We will refer to this as the “reference period” throughout the questionnaire. [Proceed to Item 3c.]
If No, help the producer identify the closest 14-day period to the reference period from Item 3a during which they had turkeys on the farm and enter that period into the fields below. This period must be during 2022.
Enter the selected 14-day period here: t107 Start date mm/dd/yy
(Finish date = start date + 14 days) t108 Finish date mm/dd/yy
All questions regarding the “reference period” refer to the 14 days selected above. We will refer to this as the “reference period” throughout the questionnaire.
[If the farm did not have turkeys during 2022, go to Section L.]
c. How many turkeys were on this farm on the last day of the reference period? t109 # turkeys
Section B – Premises Description
1. What stage(s) of turkey production is on this farm?
a. Brooder t201 o1 Yes o3 No
b. Grower t202 o1 Yes o3 No
c. Breeder t203 o1 Yes o3 No
d. Other (specify: ) t204oth t204 o1 Yes o3 No
2. What is the sex of the market type on this farm? [Check all that apply.]
o1 Hens t205
o1 Toms t206
o1 Breeder hens t207
o1 Breeder toms t208
3. Is this farm multiple age or single age? [Check one only.] t209
o1 Multiple age
o2 Single age
4. What other type(s) of poultry is present on this farm?
a. Broiler t210 o1 Yes o3 No
b. Layer t211 o1 Yes o3 No
c. Domestic ducks or geese (exclude wild birds) t212 o1 Yes o3 No
d. Other (specify: ) t213oth t213 o1 Yes o3 No
5. Is this farm certified organic? t214 o1 Yes o3 No
6. Is this facility enrolled in NPIP? t215 o1 Yes o3 No
a. If yes, is this facility enrolled in an NPIP Avian Influenza Program? t216 o1 Yes o3 No
7. Is this a: [Check one only.] t217
o1 Company farm?
o2 Contract farm?
o3 Independent farm?
o4 Other? (specify: ) t217oth
8. How many barns are on this farm? t218 # barns
a. In the last year, how many of these barns housed birds? t219 # barns
For the remainder of the questionnaire, some questions will ask about practices for the entire farm, and other questions will ask about practices for a “selected barn.”
INSTRUCTIONS for selecting a barn:
Case farm: Select the first barn on this premises that was confirmed to be HPAI positive. If more than one barn was confirmed to be HPAI positive on the same date, choose one barn. Answer questions for the 14 days prior to the onset of clinical signs or increased mortality (the reference period). [Section A, Item 2a]
Control farm: Randomly select one barn to be the “selected barn.” Choose one that had birds during the 14-day reference period [Section A, Item 3]. Use this barn to answer all questions about the “selected barn.”
9. What is the barn ID or name for the selected barn? t220
10. During the 14-day reference period, did any birds on the farm or selected barn have access to the outdoors?
a. Any birds on the farm t221 o1 Yes o3 No
b. Selected barn t222 o1 Yes o3 No
11. Were any livestock, excluding poultry, on the farm, or located within 350 yards of the farm, fed hay or grain in the pasture or in outdoor feed troughs during the 14-day reference period?
(350 yards is about the length of three football fields.) t223 o1 Yes o3 No o4 Don’t Know
12. What is the water source for poultry?
a. Off-site
fresh water (for example, municipal, federal, cooperative,
commercial) t224
Yes o3
b. Well t225 o1 Yes o3 No
c. Surface water (for example, pond) t226 o1 Yes o3 No
d. Other (specify: ) t228oth t227 o1 Yes o3 No
13. Are water treatments such as chlorination used in the drinking water for the poultry on this farm? t228 o1 Yes o3 No
a. If Yes, are these treatments given: t229 o1 Continuously? o3 Intermittently?
14. Are windbreaks present on this farm?
Windbreak type |
Present? |
If Yes, distance to closest poultry barn |
a. Evergreen or juniper |
o1 Yes o3 No |
_______ yards |
t230/t233 |
b. Deciduous tree |
o1 Yes o3 No |
_______ yards |
t231/t234 |
c. Structural (for example, hill, natural break) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
_______ yards |
t232/t235 |
15. Are the following water body type(s) visible or within 350 yards (about three football fields) of this farm?
a. Pond t236 o1 Yes o3 No
b. Lake t237 o1 Yes o3 No
c. Stream t238 o1 Yes o3 No
d. River t239 o1 Yes o3 No
e. Wetland or swamp t240 o1 Yes o3 No
f. Wastewater lagoon t241 o1 Yes o3 No
g. Standing water during the 14-day reference period t242 o1 Yes o3 No
h. Drainage ditch or canal t243 o1 Yes o3 No
i. Other (specify: ) t245oth t244 o1 Yes o3 No
[If Question 15 a through i are all equal to No, skip to Question 17.]
16. For those water bodies, including drainage ditches and lagoons within 350 yards on the farm, approximately how many wild waterfowl or shorebirds (for example, ducks, geese, wading birds, gulls) were seen on the water during the 14-day reference period? [Check one only.] t245
o1 None o2 Tens o3 Hundreds o4 Thousands o5 Don’t know
17. What is the distance (in yards) of the closest body of water (for example, pond, lake, stream, river, wetland) to this farm? t246 yards
18. In the 14-day reference period, approximately how many wild waterfowl or shorebirds (for example, ducks, geese, wading birds, gulls) might have been seen on this body of water at one time? [Check one only.] t247
o1 None o2 Tens o3 Hundreds o4 Thousands o5 Don’t know
19. What is the approximate distance (in yards) to the closest field where crops or hay are harvested?
t248 yards
20. What crop was last grown in this field? [Check one only.] t249
o1 Corn
o2 Soybeans
o3 Alfalfa or grass intended for livestock feed
o4 Other (specify: ) t250oth
o5 Don’t know
21. Was this field tilled in:
a. Fall 2021? t250 o1 Yes o3 No o4 Don’t know
b. Spring 2022? t251 o1 Yes o3 No o4 Don’t know
22. Was this field actively worked (for example, tilled, disked, hay harvested, trees cut, row crops harvested) during the 14-day reference period? t252 o1 Yes o3 No o4 Don’t know
23. For this closest field, approximately how many wild waterfowl or shorebirds (for example, ducks, geese, wading birds, gulls) were seen during the 14-day reference period? [Check one only.] t253
o1 None o2 Tens o3 Hundreds o4 Thousands o5 Don’t know
Section C – Wild Birds
1. During the 14-day reference period, how frequently were the following types of wild birds seen on the farm and within 100 yards of the outside of the barns?
Bird type |
Often |
Sometimes |
Never |
a. Waterfowl (for example, ducks, geese) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t301 |
b. Gulls |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t302 |
c. Small perching birds (for example, sparrows, starlings, swallows) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t303 |
d. Blackbirds and crows |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t304 |
e. Other water birds (for example, egrets, cormorants) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t305 |
f. Wild turkeys, pheasants, quail |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t306 |
g. Raptors (for example, eagles, hawks, owls, vultures) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t307 |
h. Pigeons and doves |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t308 |
i. Other (specify: ) t309oth |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t309 |
2. During the 14-day reference period, how frequently were the following types of wild birds seen inside the selected barn?
Bird type |
Often |
Sometimes |
Never |
a. Large birds (for example, pigeons, crows) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t310 |
b. Small birds (for example, finches, sparrows, starlings) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t311 |
c. Other (specify: ) t312oth |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t312 |
3. During the 14-day reference period, did you or other farm workers observe any of the following types of sick or dead wild birds inside the barns or outside of the barns?
Sick/dead bird type |
Inside the barns |
Outside the barns |
a. Large birds (for example, pigeons, crows) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t313/t316 |
b. Small birds (for example, finches, sparrows, starlings) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t314/t317 |
c. Other (specify: ) t315oth |
o1 Yes o3 No |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t315/t318 |
4. If Yes to Questions 3a, 3b, or 3c, what was done with the sick or dead wild birds?
a. Left for predators t319 o1 Yes o3 No
b. Disposal by same method used for daily turkey mortality on farm t320 o1 Yes o3 No
c. Taken to rehab center, animal control or veterinarian t321 o1 Yes o3 No
d. Something else (specify: ) t322oth t322 o1 Yes o3 No
Section D – Farm Biosecurity
1. What best describes the road surface on this farm that vehicles coming onto the operation drive on? [Check one only.] t401
o1 Hard top/asphalt
o2 Gravel
o3 Dirt
o4 Other (specify: ) t401oth
2. In general, do the following types of vehicles:
Codes for question 2 |
1 = come to the perimeter of the farm only |
2 = enter the farm but not near the barns |
3 = come near the barns |
4 = do not come at all |
Enter the codes that apply.
a. Garbage or dumpster pick up t402 code
b. Propane delivery t403 code
c. Feed delivery t404 code
d. Feed ingredient delivery t405 code
e. Renderer t406 code
f. Company
personnel (for example, catch/vaccination crew, barn
service person, veterinarian) t407 code
g. Other business visitors (for example, meter reader, repairman) t408 code
3. In general, how many vehicles (including employee vehicles) come to the following locations on a weekly basis?
a. Perimeter of the farm only t409 vehicles per week
b. Enter the farm but not near the barns t410 vehicles per week
c. Come near the barns t411 vehicles per week
4. Excluding driveways on farm, what is the distance (in yards or miles) from this farm to the nearest public gravel or dirt road? t412y yards OR t412m miles
5. How
frequently is vegetation mowed and/or bush hogged on the
(Answer for when vegetation is present, for example,
spring and summer) t413 times/month
6. Was there a wash station or spray area being used for vehicles during the 14-day reference period? t414 o1 Yes o3 No
[If Question 6 = No, SKIP to Question 8.]
7. During the 14-day reference period, was the vehicle wash station or spray area:
a. Located on the farm? t415 o1 Yes o3 No
b. Were the vehicle tires washed? t416 o1 Yes o3 No
c. Was the vehicle exterior washed? t417 o1 Yes o3 No
d. Was the vehicle interior cleaned (for example, floor mats) t418 o1 Yes o3 No
e. Were the following vehicles washed?
i. Worker vehicles t419 o1 Yes o3 No o4 NA
ii. Feed trucks t420 o1 Yes o3 No o4 NA
iii. Vehicles delivering or removing birds t421 o1 Yes o3 No o4 NA
iv. Other vehicles (specify: ) t422oth t422 o1 Yes o3 No o4 NA
f. What disinfectant was used? t423
g. What
was the distance from the vehicle wash station to the selected
barn in yards?
t424 yards
8. Did workers and visitors always, sometimes, or never park in a restricted area away from the poultry barns during the 14-day reference period?
a. Workers t425 o1 Always o2 Sometimes o3 Never
b. Visitors t426 o1 Always o2 Sometimes o3 Never
9. During
the 14-day reference period, were wild mammals, such as raccoons,
opossums, skunks, coyotes, or foxes, or evidence of their presence,
seen in or around poultry barns?
t427 o1
Yes o3
10. During the 14-day reference period, which of the following pest and wild bird control measures were used on this farm?
a. Rat and mouse bait stations t428 o1 Yes o3 No
i. If Yes, how frequently are they checked per month? t429 times/month
b. Beetle control (for example, sprays, baits, boric acid) t430 o1 Yes o3 No
c. Fly
control (for example, baits, larvicide, space sprays/fogger,
biological predators)
t431 o1
Yes o3
d. Netting on barns to prevent wild bird access t432 o1 Yes o3 No
11. How often were rodents observed in the selected barn during the 14-day reference period? [Check one only.] t433
o1 Frequently (for example, daily)
o2 Occasionally (for example, weekly)
o3 Never
12. What was the intensity of beetles observed in the selected barn during the 14-day reference period? [Check one only.] t434
o1 High
o2 Medium
o3 Low
o4 None
13. What was the intensity of flies observed in the selected barn during the 14-day reference period? [Check one only.] t435
o1 High
o2 Medium
o3 Low
o4 None
14. Does the selected barn have a hard-surface entry pad (for example, concrete, asphalt)? t436 o1 Yes o3 No
If Yes,
a. Is the entry pad cleaned? t437 o1 Yes o3 No
i. If Yes, specify frequency t438/t438a times/ o1 week o2 month OR o3 year
b. Is disinfectant used? t439 o1 Yes o3 No
15. During the 14-day reference period, how frequently were wild birds, wild animals, and rodents able to access poultry feed or feed ingredients (for example, feed spillage, open bag, cover left open)?
For this question, “Always” is 100% of the time, “Most of the time” is 51-99% of the time, “Sometimes” is 1-50% of the time, and “Never” is 0% of the time.
Type |
Always |
Most of the time |
Sometimes |
Never |
a. Wild birds |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
t440 |
b. Wild animals (such as raccoons, opossums, skunks, coyotes, or foxes) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
t441 |
c. Rodents |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
t442 |
16. Does this farm have a written wildlife management plan that includes methods to minimize wildlife or wild bird entry and reduce wildlife attractants such as standing water? t443 o1 Yes o3 No
17. In the 2 years before the 14-day reference period, were any biosecurity audits or assessments (company or third party) conducted on this farm? t444 o1 Yes o3 No o4 Don’t know
18. Considering the following biosecurity topics, how challenging would you say these are for producers to achieve? [Check one box per row.]
Not at all challenging |
Slightly challenging |
Somewhat challenging |
Quite challenging |
Extremely challenging |
a. Keeping feed safe from rodents |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t445 |
b. Keeping feed safe from wildlife |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t446 |
Section E – Biosecurity Investments
1. Over
the past year, has this farm had the following ongoing biosecurity
If Yes, what was the typical monthly cost of each?
Biosecurity type |
Ongoing expenses? |
If Yes, what is the typical monthly cost? |
a. Wash station or spray area being used for vehicles |
o1 Yes o3 No |
$________ |
t501/t507 |
b. Foot baths |
o1 Yes o3 No |
$________ |
t502/t508 |
c. Pest and bait stations |
o1 Yes o3 No |
$________ |
t503/t509 |
d. Wash stations for employees (for example, sinks, showers) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
$________ |
t504/t510 |
e. PPE for employees and visitors (for example, gloves, coveralls, boot covers) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
$________ |
t505/t511 |
f. Other (specify: ) t506oth |
o1 Yes o3 No |
$________ |
t506/t512 |
Total monthly cost |
$________ |
t513 |
2. Since 2015, has this farm built or made permanent improvements or renovations on the following farm structures that impact the farm’s biosecurity?
a. A service room that personnel must enter through that separates “outside area” from “inside area” (for example, Danish entry) t514 o1 Yes o3 No
b. Wash stations for employees (for example, sinks, showers) t515 o1 Yes o3 No
c. Permanent improvements or renovations to limit wild bird access to barns t516 o1 Yes o3 No
d. Barn ventilation system t517 o1 Yes o3 No
e. Other barn improvements or renovations t518 o1 Yes o3 No
f. Feed bins t519 o1 Yes o3 No
g. Permanent vehicle wash stations (for example, automated truck wash) t520 o1 Yes o3 No
h. Other (specify: ) t521oth t521 o1 Yes o3 No
i. If Yes to any in 2a through 2h, what was the approximate total cost of all of these improvements? t522 $
3. Over the next two years, does this farm have plans to build or make permanent improvements or renovations on farm structures such as barns, feed bins, or other structures that impact the farm’s biosecurity? t523 o1 Yes o3 No
4. Since 2015, has this farm built or installed any of the following temporary structures or infrastructure that impact the farm’s biosecurity?
a. Gates t524 o1 Yes o3 No
b. Parking area t525 o1 Yes o3 No
c. Temporary wild bird mitigation t526 o1 Yes o3 No
d. Landscape fabric on air intake inlets or curtains t527 o1 Yes o3 No
e. Temporary vehicle wash stations (for example, hand sprayer) t528 o1 Yes o3 No
f. Other (specify: ) t529oth t529 o1 Yes o3 No
g. If Yes to any in 4a through 4f, what was the approximate total cost of all of these improvements? t530 $
5. Over the next two years, does this farm have plans to build or install any temporary structures that impact the farm’s biosecurity? t531 o1 Yes o3 No
6. How much did the 2014-2015 HPAI outbreak influence your decisions about biosecurity investments for this farm? t532 o1 Not at all o2 Slightly o3 Somewhat o4 Quite a bit o5 Extremely
Section F – Farm Help / Workers
Questions in this section refer to persons such as the producer, employees, farm help, crews, etc.
1. What is the total number of employees working on this farm that have access to or directly work with poultry (including family, both paid and unpaid)? t601 #
2. Did this farm use occasional or emergency workers such as family members or part-time help to fill in for any employees during the 14-day reference period? t602 o1 Yes o3 No
3. During the 14-day reference period, how frequently were the following measures used by workers entering the selected barn?
For this question, “Always” is 100% of the time, “Most of the time” is 51-99% of the time, “Sometimes” is 1-50% of the time, and “Never” is 0% of the time. N/A=not applicable.
Measure |
Always |
Most of the time |
Sometimes |
Never |
N/A-Not available |
a. An established clean/dirty line |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t603 |
b. A service room that personnel must enter through that separates “outside area” from “inside area” |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t604 |
c. Shower |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t605 |
d. Wash hands or use hand sanitizer before entering the barn |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t606 |
e. Wear disposable gloves |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t607 |
f. Different personnel for different barns |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t608 |
g. Locks on the barn doors |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t609 |
h. Wear disposable coveralls |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t610 |
i. Change of clothing/coveralls (washable) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t611 |
j. Change of shoes or use of shoe covers |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t612 |
k. Scrub footwear (bucket and brush) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t613 |
l. Foot bath (liquid) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t614 |
m. Foot bath (dry, such as powdered or particulate) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t615 |
[If both Question 3 l and m = not available, SKIP to Question 5.]
4. What was the frequency that liquid or dry footbath solutions were changed for the selected barn during the 14-day reference period? t616/t616a times/ o1 week o2 month OR o3 year
a. What disinfectant was used in the footbaths? t617
5. During
a typical month, do any workers on this farm visit another poultry
t618 o1
Yes o3
No o4
Don’t know
6. Are any workers or members of their household employed by other poultry operations, other company farms, rendering plants, or processing plants?
a. Workers t619 o1 Yes o3 No o4 Don’t know
b. Members of household t620 o1 Yes o3 No o4 Don’t know
7. Do
any employees own their own poultry, including small backyard
t621 o1
Yes o3
No o4
Don’t know
8. Are employees required to stay off farm after exposure to other poultry? t622 o1 Yes o3 No
a. If Yes, for how long (hours)? t623 hours
9. In
a typical week, how much time is spent by all employees on
biosecurity activities on the farm?
t624 hours
10. Considering the following personnel-related topics, how challenging would you say these are for producers to achieve? [Check one box per row.]
Not at all challenging |
Slightly challenging |
Somewhat challenging |
Quite challenging |
Extremely challenging |
a. Hiring new personnel |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t625 |
b. Retaining trained personnel |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t626 |
c. Communicating the importance of biosecurity to personnel |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t627 |
d. Enforcing daily biosecurity measures |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t628 |
e. Other
personnel-related challenges (Specify: t629oth |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t629 |
Section G – Farm Visitors
1. How
often is a visitor log used to record visitor traffic onto the
t701 o1
Always o2
Sometimes o3
2. Did any of the following types of people visit the farm during the 14-day reference period?
If Yes, how many times did they visit during the 14-day reference period and did they enter the selected barn?
Visitor type |
Did they visit the farm? |
If Yes, |
How many times did they visit? |
Did this visitor enter the selected barn? |
a. Federal/State veterinary or animal health worker |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t702/t725/t748 |
b. Extension agent or university veterinarian |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t703/t726/t749 |
c. Private or company veterinarian |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t704/t727/t750 |
d. Company service person |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t705/t728/t751 |
e. Nutritionist or feed company consultant |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t706/t729/t752 |
f. Bird delivery personnel (for example, poult placement, brood to grow move) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t707/t730/t753 |
g. Vaccination crew |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t708/t731/t754 |
h. Catch crew (bird removal) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t709/t732/t755 |
i. Artificial insemination crew (for breeder farms) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t710/t733/t756 |
j. Feed ingredient delivery person |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t711/t734/t757 |
k. Feed delivery personnel |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t712/t735/t758 |
l. Egg truck personnel (for breeder farms) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t713/t736/t759 |
m. Fresh litter delivery services |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t714/t737/t760 |
n. Litter removal services (for example, litter broker, litter disposal) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t715/t738/t761 |
o. Customer (private individual) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t716/t739/t762 |
p. Wholesaler, buyer, or dealer |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t717/t740/t763 |
q. Renderer |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t718/t741/t764 |
r. Dead bird pickup other than by renderer |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t719/t742/t765 |
s. Rodent control crew |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t720/t743/t766 |
t. Occasional worker (for example, family member, part-time help over holiday) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t721/t744/t767 |
u. Construction workers, repair or maintenance personnel |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t722/t745/t768 |
v. Other business visitors (including other producers, meter readers, package delivery (UPS), propane, or similar) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t723/t746/t769 |
w. Other nonbusiness visitors (including neighbors, family members, friends, and school field trips) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
____ # visits |
o1 Yes o3 No |
t724/t747/t770 |
3. For those visitors who entered the selected barn during the 14-day reference period, did you require the following? [Check one per row.]
Yes, verified at farm |
Yes, visitor responsibility |
No |
a. Change of outer clothing/farm specific clothing/coveralls |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t771 |
b. Foot covers or change of footwear |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t772 |
c. Mask |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t773 |
d. Hand sanitizing or handwashing |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t774 |
e. Gloves |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t775 |
f. Not visit multiple farms in the same day |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t776 |
g. Other (specify: ) t777oth |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t777 |
4. How
often is a restroom facility (including portable) available to crews
that visit the farm?
t778 o1
Always (24 hours/day) o2
Sometimes o3
Section H – Farm Vehicles and Equipment
1. Were
the following vehicles shared with another farm during the 14-day
reference period?
If Yes, how often were they cleaned and
disinfected prior to returning to this farm?
Vehicle type |
Shared with another farm in the 14-day reference period? |
If Yes, how often was it cleaned and disinfected prior to returning to this farm? |
a. Company trucks or trailers (for example, pickup truck, trailer with supplies, supervisor truck, or similar) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t801/t810 |
b. Feed trucks |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t802/t811 |
c. Feed ingredient truck |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t803/t812 |
d. Bird delivery vehicles (for example, placing birds) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t804/t813 |
e. Bird removal vehicles (for example, moved to slaughter, moved to grow) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t805/t814 |
f. Egg removal vehicles (for breeder farms) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t806/t815 |
g. Manure/litter hauling |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t807/t816 |
h. ATV/4-wheeler |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t808/t817 |
i. Other
(specify:______________________) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t809/t818 |
2. Were
the following pieces of equipment shared with another farm during the
14-day reference period?
If Yes, how often were they cleaned and
disinfected prior to returning to this farm?
Equipment type |
Shared with another farm in the 14-day reference period? |
If Yes, how often was it cleaned and disinfected prior to returning to this farm? |
a. Gates/panels |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t819/t830 |
b. Lawn mowers |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t820/t831 |
c. Live haul loaders |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t821/t832 |
d. Catch pens |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t822/t833 |
e. Scales for weighing birds |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t823/t834 |
f. Vaccination equipment |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t824/t835 |
g. Pressure sprayers/washers/foamers |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t825/t836 |
h. Skid-steer loaders |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t826/t837 |
i. Litter/manure handling |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t827/t838 |
j. Tillers/de-caking equipment |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t828/t839 |
k. Other
(specify:______________________) |
o1 Yes o3 No |
Always |
t829/t840 |
3. Considering the following equipment-related topics, how challenging would you say these are for producers to achieve? [Check one box per row.]
Not at all challenging |
Slightly challenging |
Somewhat challenging |
Quite challenging |
Extremely challenging |
a. Keeping shared vehicles cleaned and disinfected |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t841 |
b. Keeping shared small equipment (such as catch pens or litter tillers) cleaned and disinfected |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t842 |
c. Other equipment or vehicle-related challenges (Specify: t843oth _______________) |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
o4 |
o5 |
t843 |
Section I – Litter Handling
1. Was
fresh litter/bedding brought onto the farm during the 14-day
reference period?
t901 o1
Yes o3
a. If Yes, who brought the fresh litter onto the farm? [Check one only.] t902
o1 Company personnel
o2 Litter provider
o3 Other (specify: ) t902oth
2. Is the fresh litter heat treated prior to delivery? t903 o1 Yes o3 No o4 Don’t know
3. Prior to use, is fresh litter stored on the farm:
a. Outside t904 o1 Yes o3 No
i. If Yes, is it covered? t905 o1 Yes o3 No
b. In a shed t906 o1 Yes o3 No
i. If Yes, is the shed closed? t907 o1 Yes o3 No
[If both Questions 3 a and b = No, SKIP to Question 6.]
4. What is the distance (in yards) from the on-site fresh litter storage area to the selected barn?
t908 yards
5. Prior to use, is fresh litter accessible to:
a. Wild birds t909 o1 Yes o3 No
b. Wild animals (for example, raccoons, opossum, coyotes, foxes) t910 o1 Yes o3 No
c. Domestic animals (for example, dogs, cats) t911 o1 Yes o3 No
6. What was the date that used litter was last removed from any barn on this farm prior to the end of the 14-day reference period? t912 mm/dd/yy
7. How was used litter disposed of prior to or during the 14-day reference period?
a. Composted on-farm t913 o1 Yes o3 No
i. If Yes, what is the distance (in yards) to the selected barn? t914 yards
b. Stored on-farm t915 o1 Yes o3 No
c. Applied to land on this farm t916 o1 Yes o3 No
i. If Yes, what was the date litter was applied to land? t917 mm/dd/yy
d. Taken off-site t918 o1 Yes o3 No
8. Was manure or used litter from other farms brought onto this farm or adjacent farms prior to or during the reference period? t919 o1 Yes o3 No o4 Don’t know
9. How
many times was fresh litter added to the selected barn during
the reference period?
These next three questions ask about the litter management practices for the selected barn around the time of the 14-day reference period.
10. Was litter “tilled” after it was placed in the selected barn? t921 o1 Yes o3 No
11. Was there a partial clean out of the selected barn? t922 o1 Yes o3 No
12. When was the last full clean out of the selected barn? [Check one only.] t923
o1 Prior to this flock
o2 Two flocks ago
o3 Three or more flocks ago
Section J – Dead Bird Disposal
1. What is the approximate normal daily mortality on this farm? t1001 #/day
2. During the 14-day reference period, what were the method(s) of dead bird (daily mortality) disposal on this farm?
a. Composting t1002 o1 Yes o3 No
b. Burial t1003 o1 Yes o3 No
c. Incineration t1004 o1 Yes o3 No
d. Rendering t1005 o1 Yes o3 No
e. Landfill t1006 o1 Yes o3 No
f. Other (specify: ) t1007oth t1007 o1 Yes o3 No
3. If Question 2a (composting) or Question 2b (burial) is Yes, how frequently are carcasses covered with:
a. Soil? t1008 o1 Daily o2 Every 2 or more days o3 Never
b. Manure? t1009 o1 Daily o2 Every 2 or more days o3 Never
4. If Question 2d (rendering) is Yes,
a. Is the carcass bin kept covered? t1010 o1 Yes o3 No
b. Are carcasses: [Check one only.] t1011
o1 Taken by the producer or worker to the renderer?
o2 Picked up by the renderer from the farm?
c. How
many times were carcasses moved to the renderer during the 14-day
reference period?
# times
5. Does this farm have an alternative mortality disposal plan if the typical method is disrupted and carcasses cannot be moved off farm? t1013 o1 Yes o3 No
6. Were any wild birds or wild mammals observed around the dead bird collection area (such as burial, compost pile, rendering bin, or similar) during the 14-day reference period?
a. Wild birds t1014 o1 Yes o3 No
b. Wild mammals t1015 o1 Yes o3 No
7. During the 14-day reference period, did this farm use a shared collection point for dead bird disposal? [Check one only.] t1016 o1 Yes – located on this farm o2 Yes – located off this farm o3 No
8. How far is the selected barn (in yards) from the dead bird disposal/holding area including carcass bin for rendering? t1017 yards
Section K – Selected Barn Characteristics
Answer this entire section for the selected barn that was chosen in Section B. Answer questions for the 14-day reference period.
1. Which best describes the ground surface immediately surrounding (within 1 yard) this barn (excluding vehicle approach and loading area)? [Check one only.] t1101
o1 Gravel or hard surface
o2 Dirt
o3 Short grass
o4 Tall grass or brush
2. Were the following type(s) of poultry present in this barn during the 14-day reference period?
a. Brooder t1102 o1 Yes o3 No
b. Grower toms t1103 o1 Yes o3 No
c. Grower hens t1104 o1 Yes o3 No
d. Breeders t1105 o1 Yes o3 No
e. Other (specify: ) t1106oth t1106 o1 Yes o3 No
3. For the flock that was present during the 14-day reference period, how many birds were placed in this barn? t1107 # birds
4. What was the date of placement in this barn? t1108 mm/dd/yy
5. How old were birds when placed in this barn? t1109d days OR t1109w weeks
6. Were different stages of production (for example, brooders and growers) present in this barn at the same time during the 14-day reference period? t1110 o1 Yes o3 No
7. Was there a partial load-out of this barn during the reference period? t1111 o1 Yes o3 No
8. Was there another health concern in this flock during the reference period? t1112 o1 Yes o3 No
a. If Yes, specify condition: t1113
9. Was
this flock being treated for a condition or health concern during the
reference period?
t1114 o1
Yes o3
a. If Yes, specify treatment: t1115
10. How old is this barn structure? t1116 years
11. How long has it been since the last remodel of the barn structure? t1117 years
t1117a o1 NA – Never remodeled
12. How well has the barn structure been maintained? [Check one only.] t1118
o1 Well – For example, walls, curtains, and mud boards do not have holes, no visible daylight, the barn is tight and well insulated
o2 Moderate – For example, barn could have rust or small holes, mud boards may be damaged, curtains may be torn or not in good repair, curtains may not close all the way, insulation may not be in good repair, the poly may be hanging from the ceiling
o3 Poor – For example, holes in walls and mud boards are apparent, tin is rusted, may have leaks in roof, there might be some holes large enough for wild birds to enter, multiple areas with daylight visible, insulation may be hanging from the ceiling
13. Is this barn bird proof? t1119 o1 Yes o3 No
14. During the 14-day reference period, did you notice any water seepage into the barn (for example, water entering the barn from snowmelt or rainwater)? t1120 o1 Yes o3 No o4 Don’t know
15. What type of ventilation was used for this barn during the 14-day reference period? [Check one only.] t1121
o1 Curtain ventilated
o2 Environmental control/tunnel ventilation
o3 Side doors (such as tip outs)
o4 Other (specify: ) t1121oth
16. During the 14-day reference period,
What percentage of time were the curtains open? t1122/t1133 % time o4 Don’t know
How many days were the curtains open or partially open? t1123 /t1134 # days o4 Don’t know
17. Was intake air filtered during the 14-day reference period? t1124 o1 Yes o3 No
a. If Yes, specify type of filter: t1125
18. During the 14-day reference period, was landscape fabric in place on either air intake inlets or along curtains on the barn?
a. On air intake inlets t1126 o1 Yes o3 No
b. Along curtains t1127 o1 Yes o3 No
[If both Question 18a and 18b = No, SKIP to Question 21.]
19. During the 14-day reference period, was any of this landscape fabric installed or replaced on either air intake inlets or along curtains? t1128 o1 Yes o3 No
20. During the 14-day reference period, was any of this landscape fabric sprayed with disinfectant on either air intake inlets or along curtains? t1129 o1 Yes o3 No
a. If Yes, how often was it sprayed: t1130/t1130a times / o1 day OR o2 week
21. How frequently were the following used in this barn during the 14-day reference period? [Check one per row.]
Used regularly |
Not used regularly |
Not available |
a. Cool cell pads |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t1131 |
b. Misters |
o1 |
o2 |
o3 |
t1132 |
Section L – Office Use Only
1. Interview response code. [Check only one.] t1201
o1 Survey completed
o2 Refused
o3 Out of business
o4 No turkeys present during 2022
o5 Inaccessible
o6 Other (specify: ) t1201oth
Comment Section
Please use this section for anything else that you would like to add. For example, how do you think HPAI was/is spreading within your geographic area? t1301
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Neshelaar, Wilhelm - MRP-APHIS, Richmond, VA |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-09-07 |