Appendix G - SFMNP State Plan Guidance

Appendix G - SFMNP State Plan Guidance.docx

Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)

Appendix G - SFMNP State Plan Guidance

OMB: 0584-0541

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Appendix G OMB Control Number 0584-0541, Expiration 12/31/2023


Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program

Fiscal Year (FY) 2023

State Plan Guidance

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is collecting this information in order to provide fresh, nutritious, unprepared, locally grown fruits and vegetables through farmers’ markets and roadside stands to low-income seniors, and to expand awareness and use of, and sales at, farmers’ markets and roadside stands through the Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP). This is a mandatory collection and FNS will use the information to ensure the efficient management of the SFMNP. The collection does not request personally identifiable information under the Privacy Act of 1974. Responses will be kept private to the extent provided by law and FNS regulations. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0584-0541. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 40 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Policy Support, 1320 Braddock Place, 5th Floor, Alexandria, VA 22314. ATTN: PRA (0584-0541). Do not return the completed form to this address.


Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)

Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 State Plan Guidance


State Plan of Operations

Fiscal Year 2023

Please clearly identify any attachments/addenda pages according to the numbering/lettering system used in this format.

State Agency:      

I. Goals

  1. Describe the State agency's plans to achieve the three purposes of the SFMNP (§ 249.1), as follows:

  1. To provide resources in the form of fresh, nutritious, unprepared, locally grown fruits, vegetables, honey and herbs from farmers' markets, roadside stands, and CSA programs to low-income seniors;

  1. To increase the domestic consumption of agricultural commodities by expanding or aiding in the expansion of domestic farmers' markets, roadside stands, and CSA programs; and

  1. To develop or aid in the development of new and additional farmers' markets, roadside stands, and CSA programs.


  1. Describe how the State agency plans to target the Program to areas with high concentrations of eligible persons with the greatest access to farmers' markets, roadside stands, and CSA programs. Be sure to include any special features, such as the use of volunteers and community resources or specialized management information systems, which the State agency plans to enhance its operation and administration of the SFMNP. (§ 249.4(9)(i))


  1. For a State agency submitting its initial application for funding (i.e., a State agency that did not operate the SFMNP in FY 2022), please summarize any prior experience with similar farmers' market projects or programs. The summary should describe:

1. The number of participants served;

2. The extent of the program, (e.g., limited to a city or county, or was it a statewide or an Indian Tribal Organization (ITO)-wide program?) and;

3. The source(s) of funding for the program.

Please include any data that was collected concerning the benefits or impact of the program(s).      

II. General Administration

  1. This section of the SFMNP State Plan Guidance is to report on general operations.

    1. Estimated number of SFMNP participants in FY 2022 (if applicable):      

    1. Estimated number of SFMNP participants in FY 2023:      

    1. Proposed months of Program operation (i.e. SFMNP benefit usage by participants):       through      

    1. Proposed months of SFMNP food instrument issuance:       through      

    1. Proposed months of SFMNP benefit redemption (submission for payment) by farmers, farmers’ markets, roadside stands and/or CSAs:       through      

    1. Proposed months of bulk purchase:       through      

  1. In light of recent changes in technology for both the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), it is important that State agencies clearly identify how SFMNP benefits are provided to participants. Since the inception of the Program, SFMNP benefits are most often provided using either coupons or checks. In the event that a State agency is using a different delivery method such as an e-solution (e.g., mobile app or EBT card), it is expected that where applicable, the State agency address how that method applies to SFMNP.

  1. Are any markets currently providing benefits using an e-solution?

Yes No

If yes, for which programs? WIC SNAP FMNP SFMNP

  1. Do you anticipate providing SFMNP benefits using an e-solution?

Yes No

If yes, when?      

In all markets or in selected areas?      

Please reference and/or attach the appendix/amendment for the State agency’s e-solution as required under Appendix B of the WIC FMNP and SFMNP FY 2022 Guidance Package | Food and Nutrition Service (     

  1. Staffing

List all SFMNP staff positions below, including both full and part-time positions. Attach job descriptions for each position. An organizational chart identifying levels of responsibility can be provided with this list. § 249.4(a)(4) of the Federal SFMNP regulations requires a detailed budget in the State Plan, including a description of the Federal and non-Federal funds that will be used to operate the program. Although use of non-Federal funds is not required, describing the use of any such funds is helpful for the State agency and FNS to understand the administrative capabilities of the State agency; the use of non-Federal funds will not result in the reduction of the Federal grant.

Paid through Federal SFMNP Administrative funds

Position Full Time Part Time











Paid through Non-Federal SFMNP funds/sources (specify source)      











  1. Indicate in the space provided the State agency that will be responsible for performing (or overseeing the local agency or other entity/organization that will perform) each function listed below (State Department of Agriculture, State Department of Health, State Agency on Aging, etc.):

      Lead State agency

      Certify recipients for the SFMNP

      Authorize and train local agencies/clinics

      Issue SFMNP food instruments to participants

      Issue SFMNP food instruments to local agencies/clinics

      Negotiate contracts with CSA farmers

      Negotiate contracts for bulk purchases

      Provide nutrition education for the SFMNP

      Reconcile SFMNP food instrument benefits

      Conduct SFMNP reviews of local agencies/clinics

      Authorize farmers/farmers' markets/roadside stands/CSA programs

      Train farmers/farmers’ markets/roadside stands/CSA programs

      Monitor farmers/farmers' markets/roadside stands/CSA programs

If the SFMNP State agency and the partnering State agency(ies) are different, include as an attachment a copy of each signed agreement between the agencies delineating the functions to be performed as indicated above. The written agreement(s) should delineate the responsibilities of each agency, itemize specific work activities, and identify the responsible designated representative of each agency. Please list attachment.      

  1. Will any other State or local government agency(ies), non-profit or for-profit organizations, or the Extension Service provide services for the SFMNP State agency?

Yes No

If yes, list the State or local government agency(ies) and/or other organizations.


Include a copy of the signed agreement(s) between the SFMNP State agency and other agencies and/or the non-profit or for-profit organizations delineating the services to be performed (§ 249.4)(i).

  1. Indicate the basis on which SFMNP benefits will be issued:

Individuals Households

  1. Indicate the total federal SFMNP benefit amount for each SFMNP participant: $     . §249.8 (b) of the federal SFMNP regulations states that the federal SFMNP benefit level received by each participant, whether a household or individual, may not be less than $20 per year or more than $50 per year (except for certain State agencies that were legacied into the SFMNP using a different benefit level).

H. If applicable, indicate the total federal SFMNP benefit amount for each participant for use at a CSA program (if this benefit amount is different than for use at farmers’ markets or roadside stands): $     .

(§ 249.8(b) of the federal SFMNP regulations states that such SFMNP participants may receive a higher benefit level than non-CSA participants but may not be more than $50 per year, except under certain conditions.)

I. If applicable, indicate the total federal SFMNP benefit amount for each participant for use in a bulk purchase program (if this benefit amount is different than for use at farmers’ markets or roadside stands): $     

J. Are any markets currently/planning to offer incentives (for example, Double Bucks)?

Yes No

If yes, for which programs? WIC SNAP FMNP SFMNP

1. How much is the incentive?      

2. How does the market determine who receives the incentive?      

3. How is the incentive funded?      

K. Do any farmers allow participants to order eligible foods by phone or online for pick-up and payment at the market?

Yes No

If yes, please list the farmers or markets or provide a map detailing which offer online ordering and cite appendix reference.


III. Funding

      1. Please attach a detailed description of the State agency's financial management system that will provide for accurate, current and complete disclosure of the financial status of the SFMNP.

At a minimum, include the following elements:

  1. Procedures to ensure prompt and accurate payment of allowable and allocable costs, and to ensure that costs claimed are in accordance with the cost principles and standard provisions of 2 CFR part 200, subpart E, USDA implementing regulations 2 CFR parts 400 and 415, and FNS guidelines and instructions;

  2. Procedures for obligating funds, including disbursing funds from the Letter of Credit;

  3. Description(s) of how farmers are paid;

  4. Claims procedures for overpayments to farmers, farmers' markets, roadside stands, CSAs, and participants; and

  5. Description of the time-reporting system used to distribute employee salaries and related costs, and procedures and forms for conducting time studies.


      1. Describe in detail the State agency's record keeping system per § 249.23 for the SFMNP, addressing at a minimum the following areas:

  1. Financial operations

  2. Food instrument issuance and redemption

  3. CSA/bulk purchase contracts and payments

  4. SFMNP participation reporting, tracking staff time and other administrative

expenses to ensure that Federal SFMNP funds are only used for costs which are allowable and allocable for the SFMNP


NOTE: A description of the State agency's financial management system is required earlier in Section III(A) above. If some of the same information has already been provided under that section, it is not necessary to duplicate that information. It may either be provided here or cross-referenced to the relevant section.

If forms have been developed to facilitate any of these functions, an example of each form, along with a brief explanation should be attached to this document.

State Agency:


Universal Identifier



If using the excel worksheet provided to assist with calculations, please attach a copy of the worksheet to this section or cite appendix reference.      

1. Total Federal Funds Requested


(Prior Year's Total Federal Grant or Less):

2. Plus: Expansion Funds requested (if any):


(Include expansion funds in calculation of requested funds)



3. Total federal funds requested (line 1 + line 2)

4.Less: Federal Administrative Funds at 10% of total:



5.. Federal Foods Funds (minimum 90% of total):



If using the excel worksheet provided to assist with calculations, please attach a copy of the worksheet to this section or cite appendix reference.      


Food Instrument Management

Market Management

Nutrition Education

Financial Management

Total @ 10%














Certification: Eligibility determinations and outreach services.

Food Instrument Management: Pricing and reconciling/issuing food instruments to recipients, and instructing recipients on the purpose of the program and their proper use.

Market Management: Authorizing, training, technical assistance, marketing, and monitoring of farmers/ farmers’ markets/roadside stands.

Nutrition Education: Instructing recipients on the nutritional benefits of fresh, nutritious, unprepared foods such as fruits and vegetables.

Financial Management: Preparing financial and recipient reports, issuing payments to farmers/farmers’ markets and costs associated with FMNP audits.


If using the excel worksheet provided to assist with calculations, please attach a copy of the worksheet to this section or cite appendix reference.      

This worksheet determines the number of participants that can be supported with the federal funds requested. To ensure that no more than 50 percent of the SFMNP grant has been used for CSA programs; line 4 must not exceed one half of line 3 on this page. If benefits are not used for CSA programs, then only the first three steps below apply. Line 9, the Grand Total, includes non-CSA program caseload and CSA/bulk purchase program caseloads. Line 10 provides the percentage of the SFMNP food funds grant used only for CSA programs.

State Agency:


1. Federal Food Funds for Food Instrument Option (non-CSA/Bulk purchase)


2. Proposed non-CSA Food Instrument


Benefit Level (Minimum $20, Maximum $50) (Except for a current SA that has legacied in a lower benefit level)

3. Total Projected Food Instrument Federal Caseload: (Total federal food funds for food instrument option divided by food instrument benefit level. (Line 1 divided by Line 2))



4. Available Food Funds Remaining for Participants using


CSA and/or Bulk Purchase Programs (total federal food funds minus federal food funds for food instrument option (Worksheet I #5 minus Worksheet III #1))

a. CSA


b. Bulk Purchase


5. Proposed Total CSA Benefit Level (May be the same


as for non-CSA participants, or higher, but must be a minimum $20, maximum $50, and must be the same for all CSA Participants, except per §249.8 (b)).

6. Total Projected CSA Federal Caseload: (#4a divided by #5)


7. Total Projected Bulk Purchase Benefit Level


8. Total Projected Bulk Purchase Caseload: (#4b divided by #7)


9. Grand Total Projected Federal Caseload

Please fill out only one option.

(Line 3) = Food instrument only



(Line 3 + Line 6) = Food instrument and CSA Option



(Line 3 + Line 8) = Food instrument and Bulk Purchase Option



(Line 6) = CSA Only



(Line 8) = Bulk Purchase Only



(Line 3 + Line 6 + Line 8) = all Options


10. Line 4 Worksheet III divided by Line 5 worksheet I (food funds for CSA divided by total Federal food funds) ,


Multiplied by 100 (this total may not be more than 50%)


If using the excel worksheet provided to assist with calculations, please attach a copy of the worksheet to this section or cite appendix reference.      

Please list the source and amount of non-federal funds, if any, which the State agency plans to use for the SFMNP. § 249.4(a) (4) of the federal SFMNP regulations requires a detailed budget in the State Plan, including a description of the federal and non-federal funds that will be used to operate the program. This information supports whether the State agency will have sufficient resources to meet caseload and/or administrative goals beyond those supported by federal funds.





State agency and Local Funds




Private Funds












IV. Certification

A. Targeting Benefits

  1. As required under § 249.4(a)(9), describe the State agency's plans to target areas with a high concentration of eligible persons and access to farmers' markets, roadside stands and/or CSA programs within the broadest possible geographic area. For example, will the State agency concentrate on serving only a few areas where there are large numbers of potential participants who have access to farmers' markets, roadside stands and/or CSA programs, or will it provide State- agency-wide coverage?


  1. Provide a detailed description of the service area(s), including the number (and location, if available) of participating markets/roadside stands/CSA/bulk purchase programs and local agencies (such as Area Agencies on Aging, Senior Centers or CSFP distribution sites).


  1. Estimated number of SFMNP participants per local agency:

Local Agency : # of Participants:

















  1. a. As required under § 249.6(g)(2), when all available program benefits have been allocated to eligible participants will the local agency be required to maintain a waiting list of new applicants likely to be served?

Yes No

  1. To enable the local agency to contact applicants on a waiting list when additional benefits become available, will the waiting list include the name of the applicant, date placed on waiting list, and address or telephone number of the applicant?

Yes No

  1. In State agencies where the FMNP also operates, are the SFMNP service areas the same as the FMNP service areas, or closely overlapping, so that the same farmers’ markets and roadside stands may serve both SFMNP and FMNP participants? If No, please explain.

Yes No      

  1. Application Process (§ 249.6)

  1. The State agency requires all local agencies to use a standardized application process for all persons applying for the SFMNP.

Yes No

  1. The State agency shares       State agency-wide or       at local agency option (check one), a common application or certification form with (check all that apply):

No other benefit programs

Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)

Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Aging Services

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Reduced price health care program(s)

Other (specify):     

  1. a. § 249.6(g) requires that applicants for SFMNP must be notified of eligibility, ineligibility, or placement on a waiting list (if they are likely to be served) within 15 days from the date of application.

Yes No

(Attach the State agency’s standardized format for this, if applicable.)

  1. How does the State agency define “reasonable expectations that additional funds may become available” in order to determine whether to maintain a waiting list?      

  1. Applicants for the SFMNP must be notified of their eligibility or ineligibility for benefits, or of their placement on a waiting list, within 15 days from the date of application. The 15 day period begins when the applicant (check all that apply):

Telephones the local agency to request benefits

Visits the local agency in person

Makes a written request for benefits

Makes an appointment

  1. Each participant or authorized representative is informed on how to use farmers’ market food instruments or their CSA SFMNP benefits, and on the availability of other services, as set forth in § 249.6(d)(3) of the SFMNP regulations.

Yes No

  1. The State agency has procedures to ensure that participants are certified only for the current fiscal year’s period of SFMNP operation.

Yes No

  1. May a participant designate another person as an authorized representative/proxy to do the following if the participant is unable to (check all that apply):

Apply for certification

Shop at farmers’ markets and/or roadside stands

Pick up eligible foods from CSA/bulk purchase program distribution sites

  1. a. Does the State agency limit the number of proxies that one individual can have (e.g., one participant designates three different proxies)? Yes No

  1. If yes, how many?      

  1. Does the State agency limit how many participants may use the same proxy? (e.g., one person is the proxy for 5 participants)?

Yes No If yes, how many?      

  1. If the State agency permits authorized representatives/proxies, are signed statements from the participant required for this purpose per § 249.6(f) of the SFMNP regulations?

Yes No

11. Attach a copy of the State agency’s written procedures regarding the designation of authorized representatives/proxies for the SFMNP. Include details on the process of when the participant signature is obtained (e.g. at time of proxy designation, at another time during the season) and which signature formats are acceptable (e.g. written, text, email, other electronic format, etc).      

  1. Certification for SFMNP is performed at no cost to the applicant or authorized representative.

Yes No

  1. Attach a copy of the FY 2023 Certification or Application form that will be used for the SFMNP.

C. Categorical and Residency Eligibility

  1. Will only individuals who meet the basic regulatory definition of “senior” (i.e., 60 or older) in an SFMNP service delivery area be provided SFMNP benefits, or will the State agency (per § 249.6(a)(1)) also serve special categories of participants?

(Excluding Expansion) (Including Expansion)

Seniors > 60 years of age            

Special categories/groups: (check all that apply):

Higher minimum age

(e.g., 62, 65 – specify in

space provided)      

Native Americans

(> 55 years old)


(*residing in predominantly-elderly housing where congregate nutrition services are provided)

Lower income level

(Specify in space provided)      

Other (specify)


  1. For the residency requirement, the State agency uses:

      State agency residency

      Local agency service area residency

D. Income Eligibility (§ 249.6(a)(3)

  1. For income eligibility, the State agency uses (check all that apply):

      Maximum gross household income of 185% of annual poverty income guidelines

      Maximum gross household income of      % (less than 185%) of annual poverty income guidelines

      Participation in Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)

      Participation in Special Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)*

(* as long as SNAP income eligibility does not exceed 185% of poverty)

      Participation in Food Distribution Programs on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)* as long as FDPIR income eligibility does not exceed 185% of poverty)

      Participation in Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

      Member of a family/economic unit participating in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), or on a waiting list for WIC

      Member of a family/economic unit participating in FMNP

      Participation in another means-tested program for which income eligibility is set at or below 185% of the poverty income guidelines:

  1. For the normal income eligibility screening process and determination of household size, the household is defined by the State agency as a group of related or nonrelated individuals who are living together as one economic unit.

Yes No

  1. a. For documentation of income eligibility per § 249.6(3), the State agency accepts (check all that apply):

Signed statement of applicant (if so, attach copy in Appendix V)

Notice of eligibility or its equivalent for participation in or certification for other programs

Pay stub or other statement of earnings

W-2, tax return, or other tax forms

Other:      (Please describe)

  1. If the State agency accepts a signed statement of applicant, provide a detailed explanation or attach the State agency’s policy explaining when the participant signature is obtained (e.g. at time of application, at another time during the season) and which signature formats are acceptable (e.g. written, text, email, other electronic format, etc).


  1. The State agency requires      State agency-wide, or       at local agency option (check one), the verification of applicant income information.


Yes (check all sources required, as appropriate):


Public assistance offices

State employment offices (wage match, unemployment)

Social Security Administration


Other (specify)      

E. Participant Rights and Responsibilities

  1. If found ineligible, applicants for SFMNP must be notified in writing of the reason(s) for ineligibility and their right to a fair hearing.

Yes No (Attach the standardized form for this in Appendix T)

  1. Each participant or authorized representative is informed during the certification process of their rights and responsibilities as set forth in § 249.6(d)(1)(2) of the Federal SFMNP regulations, and this information is provided in a language other than English where a significant number or proportion of the eligible population needs this information in a language other than English?

Yes No

Please list languages other than English:


F. Participant and Applicant Confidentiality

  1. Does the State agency share information obtained from applicants for and/or participants in the SFMNP with any other programs, agencies, law enforcement officials, or any other organizations or persons?

Yes No

(If “Yes,” explain below or attach documentation such as information-sharing agreements, statements of policies and procedures, legal citations, etc.)


2. Per § 249.24 of the SFMNP regulations, the State agency restricts the use or disclosure of information obtained from applicants/participants to:

    1. Persons directly connected with the administration or enforcement of SFMNP, including investigation and prosecution of SFMNP violations by any public authority;

Yes No

  1. Representatives of public organizations under written agreements for eligibility/outreach purposes regarding other programs, without third party access or disclosure;

Yes No

  1. The Comptroller General of the United States, General Accounting Office (GAO).

Yes No

  1. Does the State agency permit an applicant and/or participant access to the information which the applicant and/or participant have provided to the program?

Yes No

  1. Does the State agency permit an applicant or participant, upon their unsolicited request, to sign a release or similar document allowing the information provided by the applicant and/or participant to be shared with other organizations or persons?

Yes No

  1. Does the State agency prohibit local agencies from requiring the applicant or participant to sign a written consent or release form or similar document to share confidential information with another entity or organization during the SFMNP eligibility determination process, e.g., by completing and separating the certification screening process from the request for a release to be signed?

Yes No (if signing a release is a condition of eligibility, please explain)


G. Dual Participation

Does the State agency have policies and procedures in place to prevent and detect dual participation (in more than one service delivery area at the same time) in SFMNP?

Yes (please describe)      

No (if no, please explain why not)      

H. Nondiscrimination

State agencies are required to comply with all applicable and pertinent laws and regulations regarding the assurance of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color national origin, age, sex, or disability (§ 249.7). Describe the State agency’s system or procedures for:

  1. Public notification of the Department’s nondiscrimination policy;      

  1. Annual reviews of local agencies/clinics to assure nondiscrimination against any of the protected classes listed above.     

  1. Per § 249.7 of the SFMNP regulations, the State agency ensures that no person will be denied benefits, or otherwise discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability.

Yes No

  1. Per § 249.7 of the SFMNP regulations, the State agency (check all that apply):

Notifies the public, participants, and potential participants of the

nondiscrimination policy.

Notifies participants and potential participants of complaint procedures

regarding alleged unlawful discrimination (See Section VIII below regarding

the complaint process.).

Reviews and monitors program activities to ensure compliance with

nondiscrimination policies and procedures.

V. Food instrument, Farmers’ Market, Roadside Stand, Bulk Purchase, and CSA Program Management (§ 249.10)

  1. Issuing SFMNP food instruments to participants: § 249.4(11)(i)

    1. Describe the State agency's procedures for ensuring the secure transportation and storage of food instruments. Include the method used to transport food instruments from the contractor who produces them to the State agency, and from the State agency to the local agencies. Include a description of how unissued SFMNP food instruments are stored, or how secure handling of food instrument stock and electronic food instrument numbers is ensured, at the State agency, local agency, and/or local issuing sites. Also include any type of reporting form used to gather data.


    1. Describe the food instrument issuance system for participants. Include any reporting form used to gather data. This description should include automated as well as manual processes used for issuance of food instruments to SFMNP participants.


    1. If the State agency intends to use a bulk purchase option, describe (1) how the State agency will identify the farmers from whom the eligible fruits and vegetables will be purchased, (2) the entity(ies), if different from the State agency, that will negotiate and contract for the purchase of the produce, (3) how the State agency will ensure that the value of the food provided to each participant falls within the regulatory minimum and maximum levels, (4) how the State agency will ensure that all SFMNP participants receive an amount of food that offers an equitable benefit, and (5) how the State or local agency will distribute the fruits and vegetables to program participants.


    1. For CSA programs, describe the system for ensuring that each SFMNP shareholder receives an equitable amount of eligible foods at each delivery, and that the total value of the eligible foods provided under the SFMNP falls within the minimum and maximum federal SFMNP benefit levels. Also, describe the method for obtaining the participant’s signature on a receipt form or log, attesting to the distribution of eligible food to the recipient on a particular date (please attach a copy of this receipt form or log).


    1. Describe the State agency's system for instructing participants on the proper use of SFMNP food instruments. If this function is performed by the local agency on behalf of the SFMNP State agency, indicate who issues the food instruments; what materials are provided during issuance; and who explains the use of the food instruments and redemption procedures to the participant. For bulk purchase CSA programs, describe how participants will be instructed on the procedures for delivery and distribution of eligible foods through the bulk purchase/CSA programs to the participants.


    1. Describe the State agency's system for instructing participants on the proper use of SFMNP e-solution benefits. If this function is performed by the local agency on behalf of the SFMNP State agency, indicate who issues the benefits; what materials are provided during issuance; and who explains the use of the benefits and redemption procedures to the participant.


7. Describe the State agency's coupon replacement policy or include the statement that SFMNP coupons will not be replaced.


8. Attach a copy of the log or other form used to record food instrument issuance to

valid certified participants (Appendix I).

  1. Authorization of farmers and/or farmers’ markets, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs, and roadside stands.

The State agency is responsible for the fiscal management of, and accountability for, SFMNP-related activities by farmers and/or farmers’ markets, CSA programs, and roadside stands. Each State agency may decide whether to authorize farmers individually, farmers’ markets, or both farmers and farmers’ markets, as well as roadside stands and CSA programs. Only farmers and/or farmers’ markets and roadside stands authorized by the State agency, as set forth in § 249.10 in the Federal SFMNP regulations, may redeem SFMNP food instruments; only CSA programs authorized by the State agency may distribute eligible foods to participants.

    1. Describe the general authorization procedures for farmers and/or farmers’ markets, roadside stands, bulk purchase and CSA programs.


    1. List or attach the criteria used to authorize farmers’ markets (Appendix L). Examples of authorization criteria include: 1) permanent market location; 2) sufficient number of growers who participate in the market; 3) a wide selection of products; 4) authorized to redeem SFMNP food instruments; 5) community support from non-SFMNP sales; 6) produce offered for sale is locally grown; or 7) accessibility to senior service areas.


    1. List or attach the criteria used to authorize farmers (Appendix M). Examples of authorization criteria include: 1) grows a minimum percentage of the produce to be sold (please specify); 2) owns land within the State agency where produce is grown; 3) certified by the State Agriculture Department, ITO, Cooperative Extension Agent or by a Farmers’ Market Association within the State agency; 4) authorized to redeem SFMNP food instruments; 5) offers locally grown produce; or 6) accessible to senior service areas.


    1. List or attach the criteria used to authorize roadside stands (Appendix N).


    1. List or attach the criteria used to authorize CSA programs (Appendix X).


    1. List or attach the criteria used to select farmers for bulk purchase programs (Appendix O).


    1. Per § 249.2 how does the State agency define “eligible foods”? List or attach a list of the fruits, vegetables, honey and/or fresh herbs that can be purchased using SFMNP benefits in Appendix G. (NOTE: For the purposes of the SFMNP, eligible foods mean fresh, nutritious, unprepared, locally grown fruits, vegetables, honey and herbs).

Eligible foods may not be processed or prepared beyond their natural state except for usual harvesting and cleaning processes. Maple syrup, cider, nuts, seeds, dried plums (prunes), dried chilies or tomatoes, eggs, meat, cheese and seafood are examples of ineligible foods for purposes of the SFMNP. State agencies may also describe eligible foods as “all fruits, vegetables, honey and herbs locally grown except…”


    1. Per § 249.2, eligible foods are limited to produce grown within State agency borders or areas in neighboring States agencies adjacent to its borders. How does the State agency define "locally grown produce" in order to designate SFMNP eligible foods?

Within the State agency borders only

Within the State agency borders and adjacent counties (e.g., one county into the next State)

Within the county lines

Other (specify)      

    1. Per § 249.10 (a)(2), to what extent does the State agency permit or prohibit the participation of individuals who are selling produce grown by someone else, in addition to their own produce? Individuals, who exclusively sell produce grown by someone else, such as wholesale distributors, cannot be authorized to participate in the SFMNP.


    1. Per § 249.10 (a)(10), describe how the State agency will ensure that there is no conflict of interest between the State or local agency and any participating farmer, farmers’ market, roadside stand, or CSA program.


    1. Indicate the number of farmers’ markets, farmers, and/or roadside stands, and/or CSA/bulk purchase programs that are expected to be authorized in FY 2023:


      Farmers’ markets

      Roadside stands

      Bulk purchase programs

      CSA programs

    1. Does the State agency require that the Market Manager be bonded?

Yes No

    1. Are tokens used at authorized farmers’ markets? Yes No

If Yes, please describe how they are used in the market.      

14. Are all participants provided with a receipt through the CSA program?

Yes No N/A

If No, please describe the procedure in more detail.      

  1. Farmers, Farmers’ Market, Roadside Stand, and/or CSA/Bulk Purchase Agreements

NOTE: Some State agencies administer the SFMNP by executing agreements with farmers’ market associations that are responsible for managing farmers’ markets. In such instances, the provisions and requirements outlined in this section related to farmers’ markets must also be applied to such State agency/farmers’ market association agreements.

Each State agency shall enter into a written agreement with all participating farmers and/ or farmers’ markets, roadside stands and/or CSA/bulk purchase programs including sanctions for non-compliance with SFMNP requirements. Include the SFMNP State agency—Farmers’/Farmers’ Market /Roadside Stand/CSA/Bulk Purchase Agreement in Appendix P. This agreement as described in § 249.10 must contain at a minimum the following specifications

  1. The farmer and/or farmers’ market and roadside stand shall: (§ 249.10 (b)(1)(i-xii))

i. Provide such information as the State agency shall require for its periodic reports to FNS;

ii. Assure that SFMNP benefits are redeemed only for eligible foods;

iii. Provide eligible foods at the current price or less than the current price charged to other customers;

iv. Accept SFMNP food instruments within the dates of their validity and submit food instruments for payment within the allowable time period established by the State agency;

v. In accordance with a procedure established by the State agency, mark each transacted food instrument with a farmer identifier. In those cases where the agreement is between the State agency and the farmer or roadside stand, each transacted SFMNP food instrument shall contain a farmer identifier and shall be batched for reimbursement under that identifier. In those cases where the agreement is between the State agencyand the farmers' markets, each transacted SFMNP food instrument shall contain a farmer identifier and be batched for reimbursement under a farmers' market identifier;

vi. Accept training on SFMNP procedures and provide training to farmers and any employees with SFMNP responsibilities on such procedures;

vii. Agree to be monitored for compliance with SFMNP requirements – including both overt and covert monitoring;

viii. Be accountable for actions of farmers or employees in the provision of foods and related activities;

ix. Pay the State agency for any food instruments transacted in violation of this agreement;

x. Offer SFMNP recipients the same courtesies as other market customers;

xi. Comply with the nondiscrimination provisions of USDA regulations;

xii. Notify the State agency if any farmer or farmers’ market, roadside stand or CSA ceases operation prior to the end of the authorization period. Provide the State agency with a regularly updated list of all farmers at the authorized market who accept SFMNP food instruments in exchange for their produce, and their effective dates of participation.

  1. The farmer and/or farmers’ market and roadside stand shall not: (§ 249.10 (b)(2)(i-iii))

    1. Collect sales tax on SFMNP food instrument purchases;

    2. Seek restitution from SFMNP recipients for food instruments not paid by the State agency; and

    3. Issue cash change or credit (including rain checks) in exchange for purchases that are in an amount less than the value of the SFMNP food instrument(s).

    4. Neither the State agency nor the farmer and/or farmers’ market, roadside stand or CSA have an obligation to renew the agreement. Either the State agency or the farmer and/or farmers’ market or roadside stand may terminate the agreement for cause after providing advance written notification. The period of time within which such advance notification must be provided is to be stipulated by the State agency as part of the standard agreement.

    5. The State agency may deny payment to the farmer and/or farmers’ market or roadside stand for improperly redeemed SFMNP food instruments, or may establish a claim for payments already made on improperly redeemed food instruments. The State agency may disqualify a market and/or a farmer or roadside stand for program abuse with a minimum of 15 days’ advance written notification.

    6. The State agency may disqualify a farmer and/or farmers’ market, roadside stand or CSA for SFMNP abuse.

    7. A farmer and/or farmers’ market or roadside stand that commits fraud or engages in other illegal activity is liable to prosecution under applicable Federal, State/ITO or local laws.

    8. A farmer and/or a farmer's market, roadside stand or CSA may appeal an action of the State agency denying its application to participate, imposing a sanction, or disqualifying it from participating in the SFMNP. If a State agency has agreements with farmers' markets, then a farmer shall appeal such actions to the farmers' market. Expiration of a contract or agreement shall not be subject to appeal through the SFMNP State agency.

  1. Agreements may not exceed 3 years. The farmers and/or farmers' market, roadside stand and CSA agreements are valid for      years

  1. Agreements with farmers’ markets that do not authorize individual farmers. Those State agencies that authorize farmers' markets but not individual farmers shall require authorized farmers' markets to enter into a written agreement with each farmer within the market that is participating in SFMNP. The State agency must set forth the required terms for the agreement and provide a sample agreement that may be used. Please attach a copy of this agreement, if any.

  1. Describe or attach other cooperative arrangements in Appendix D that may have been negotiated, such as with Cooperative Extension Service programs, or with a State Agriculture Department or ITO, to authorize farmers/farmers’ markets or roadside stands.


  1. Annual training for farmers, farmers’ market managers and/or farmers who operate a roadside stand or CSA program.

State agencies shall conduct annual training for farmers, farmers' market managers, and/or farmers who operate a CSA program in the SFMNP. The State agency must conduct a one-time, interactive training for all farmers and farmers' market managers who have never previously participated in the SFMNP per § 249.10(d).

After a farmer’s/farmers' market manager's first year of SFMNP operation, State agencies have discretion in determining the method used for annual training purposes. At a minimum, annual training shall include instruction emphasizing:

  • Eligible food choices;

  • Proper SFMNP food instrument redemption procedures, including deadlines for submission of food instruments for payment, and/or receipt of payment for CSA programs’ distribution of eligible foods;

  • Equitable treatment of SFMNP participants, including the

availability of eligible foods to SFMNP participants that are of the same quality and cost as those sold to other customers;

  • Civil rights compliance and guidelines;

  • Guidelines for storing SFMNP food instruments safely; and

  • Guidelines for canceling SFMNP food instruments, such as punching holes, rubber-stamping.

Describe the procedures the State agency has in place for the interactive training required for all farmers and farmers’ market managers who have never previously participated in the SFMNP. This description should also include the subsequent training methods made available to authorized farmers and farmers’ market managers after the first year’s interactive training.


E. Food Instrument Benefit Accountability

The food instrument reconciliation process as contained in § 249.10 is intended to assure accountability by enabling the State agency to reconstruct the "life history" of each food instrument, from the time it is issued through its final disposition. While State agencies are not required to extract and show, for each coupon, the participant and the farmer/market associated with the coupon and record the link (e.g., in the form of a spreadsheet or other document), State agencies must have the ability to trace redeemed coupons to a valid recipient and authorized farmer/market.

The State agency is responsible for reconciling validly redeemed food instruments, as well as lost, stolen, voided, or expired, SFMNP food instruments that do not match issuance records. The process for reconciling lost and/or stolen food instruments must ensure that farmers accepting such items in good faith, and through approved procedures, are not unfairly penalized.

1. Describe the State agency's system for identifying and reconciling SFMNP food instruments that were redeemed, voided, expired, or reported lost or stolen. Validly redeemed SFMNP food instruments are those that are issued to a valid SFMNP participant and redeemed by an authorized farmer, farmers’ market, or roadside stand within valid dates. They must, at a minimum:

  • Have a valid participant identifier on the issuance log,

  • Have a unique and sequential serial number;

  • Be transacted within valid dates; and

  • Be redeemed by an authorized farmers' market, an authorized farmer operating under the auspices of the authorized market, or operating a roadside stand.


  1. Describe the State agency’s system for ensuring that food instruments are redeemed only by authorized farmers (including those operating roadside stands), and farmers’ markets for eligible foods.      

  1. Describe the State agency's system for identifying and disallowing food instruments that are redeemed or submitted for payment outside valid dates or by unauthorized farmers or farmers' markets or roadside stands.


  1. Food Instrument Benefit Timeframes

  • Issuance to participants       (no later than September 30)

  • Redemption by participants:       (no later than November 30)

  • Submission for payment by farmers/farmers' markets:      

  • Payment by the State agency:      

All of the functions described above must be completed within a timeframe that allows the State agency to reconcile food instruments, liquidate all obligations, and submit its financial and program data reports (i.e., the FNS-683A) to FNS no later than January 30 of each year.

Provide a copy of the food instrument to be used in the SFMNP in Appendix J.

VI. Management Evaluations and Reviews

Indicate in the chart below the total number of local agencies serving SFMNP recipients, the number of each type of farmers' markets, farmers, roadside stands, and/or CSAs authorized for this year, and the number of reviews of each type in the chart below.

  1. The State agency must ensure that all SFMNP local agencies are reviewed at least once every two years. (§ 249.17(c)(1)(i)) requires a minimum of 10 percent or at least one of each type of authorized outlet (farmer, farmers’ market, roadside stand, CSA) (whichever is greater) must be monitored each year. For example, if there are five authorized farmers’ markets in a participating State agency and 40 authorized farmers, the State agency must review a minimum of one farmers’ market and four farmers. These four farmers may or may not be participating within the one farmers’ market being monitored.

New Fiscal Year:      


Total # of Local Agencies


# of local agencies to be reviewed (This is the # of local agencies not, the # of participating clinics, unless designated as local agencies.)


Total # of Farmers Markets Authorized


# of markets to be reviewed (minimum of 10%)


Total # of Farmers authorized


# of farmers to be reviewed (minimum of 10%)


Total # of Roadside Stands authorized


# of Roadside Stands to be reviewed (minimum of 10%)


Total # of CSAs authorized


# of CSAs to be reviewed (minimum of 10%)

Previous Fiscal Year:      


Total # Local Agencies


# of local agencies reviewed (This is the # of local agencies not, the # of participating clinics, unless designated as local agencies.)


Total # Farmers Markets Authorized


# of markets reviewed


Total # Farmers authorized


# of farmers reviewed


Total # Roadside stands authorized


Total # of CSAs authorized


# of CSAs reviewed

  1. Describe the State agency’s criteria for defining a high-risk farmer. Such criteria must

include at a minimum:

      1. Proportionately high volume of food instruments within a farmers’ market and within a State agency;

      1. Participant complaints;

      1. New farmers, farmers’ markets, and CSA programs in their first year of operation; and

      1. In the case of CSA programs, a history of or ongoing inability to provide the full SFMNP benefit to each shareholder as contracted.


  1. Sanctions

Describe the State agency’s policies and procedures for determining the type and level of sanctions to be applied against farmers, farmers’ markets, roadside stands, and CSA programs that violate federal and/or State agency SFMNP requirements based upon the severity and nature of the SFMNP violations.


  1. Describe the State agency’s plans for reviewing SFMNP practices at local agencies in FY 2023 (§ 249.17(c)(1)(ii)). All local agencies participating in the SFMNP must be reviewed at least once every two years, Attach a copy of the State agency’s monitoring review instrument that will be used to review SFMNP local agencies (Appendix U). Briefly summarize findings and corrective action taken from any reviews conducted in FY 2022:      

  1. Attach a copy of the State agency’s review instrument that will be used to review farmers, farmers’ markets, roadside stands, and CSAs (Appendix R).

  1. Attach a list of all reviews and findings of farmers, markets, roadside stands and CSA programs from the previous year.

VII. Nutrition Education Requirements

  1. Describe in detail, per § 249.9, the State agency’s plan to provide nutrition education to SFMNP participants. If the administering State agency for the SFMNP has entered into an agreement with another agency to provide nutrition education, attach a copy of that other agency’s nutrition education plans for SFMNP participants.


  1. List or attach the location or settings where nutrition education for SFMNP is provided (e.g., local agencies, farmers’ markets, community centers, facilities for the aging, or schools). Identify which, if any, nutrition education resources are provided online and provide links or attach examples.


  1. Does the State agency coordinate with other agencies around issues related to nutrition education and promotion?


Yes (If yes, check the applicable partnerships below):

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Team Nutrition

Area Agencies on Aging

Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)

Children and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (TANF)

Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)

Other FNS programs (specify):      

Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and/or Cooperative Extension Service

Other USDA programs (Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Farm Service Agency (FSA), etc.)

Other government programs (e.g.5 A Day, etc.)

Non-profit organizations (specify):      

For-profit organizations (specify):      

Industry (specify):      

Professional organizations (specify):      

Educational Institutions (specify):      

Religious Institutions (specify):      

Other (specify):      

  1. Describe how nutrition education for SFMNP is coordinated with other nutrition education programs or services, such as WIC FMNP, SNAP, Extension Service, 5 A Day, or State agency initiatives.


  1. Describe the nutrition education materials that have been developed, and describe how they are used. In addition, describe any new materials that are being developed.


  1. Does the State agency plan to develop new participant educational materials containing the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025?

Yes No

If yes, please describe the elements below.


Type of material

Target audience

Project completion date










  1. If the State agency intends to collect survey information to assess the effects of the program on farmers’ markets and the change in consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables by SFMNP participants, attach copies of survey forms.

VIII. Miscellaneous Requirements

  1. Civil Rights

Executive Order (EO) 13988, “Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation.” was issued to all Federal Agencies. The EO set out policies that all persons are entitled to dignity, respect, and equal treatment under the law, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation. The EO does not usurp section 17 of 42 U.S.C, as amended or applicable regulations. However, where appropriate, State agencies may update their policies and procedures to align with the contents of the EO.

  1. Describe per § 249.7(b) the State agency’s procedures for handling complaints of discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability, including timeframes for submitting such complaints and for investigating them and responding to plaintiffs. The State agency’s procedures for handling complaints of discrimination in the SFMNP should be consistent with established and approved procedures for handling such complaints related to other assistance programs administered by the State agency. For example, if one State agency administers both CSFP and the SFMNP, and CSFP-related allegations of discrimination are to be forwarded to FNS Headquarters for investigation and resolution, then SFMNP complaints should be handled in the same way. It is not necessary for the State agency to develop separate, duplicative procedures for the SFMNP if one already exists in a related program administered by the State agency.      

  1. Does the State agency per § 249.7(a)(1) use the statement below on all SFMNP brochures and publications, excluding materials which provide only nutrition education information without mentioning SFMNP, and such items as caps, buttons, magnets and pens, when the size or configuration make it impractical?

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:

    1. mail:
      U.S. Department of Agriculture
      Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
      1400 Independence Avenue, SW
      Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or

    2. fax:
      (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or

    3. email:
      [email protected]

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Yes No

  1. Does the State agency use the statement below, in print size no smaller than the text, in material too small to permit the full statement?

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”

Yes No

  1. Does the State agency use the following statement in radio and television public service announcements:

This institution is an equal opportunity provider”

Yes No

  1. Hearing Procedures and Program Complaints

  1. The State agency must provide a fair hearing procedure whereby local agencies, participants, and farmers/farmers’ markets/roadside stands/CSA programs adversely affected by certain actions of the State agency may appeal those actions. A local agency may appeal an action of the State agency disqualifying it from participating in the SFMNP. A participant may appeal disqualification to receive SFMNP benefits. A farmer, farmer's market, roadside stand, or farmers’ association may appeal an action of the State agency denying its application to participate, imposing a sanction, or disqualifying it from participating in the SFMNP. Expiration of a contract or agreement shall not be subject to appeal through the SFMNP State agency. The State agency must also provide procedures for addressing complaints about program operations.

    1. Describe the State agency’s procedures for offering, conducting, and rendering final decisions on fair hearings requested by local agencies, participants and markets/farmers/roadside stands/CSA programs. The opportunity to request a fair hearing regarding certain adverse actions taken by the State agency must be provided to all farmers and/or farmers’ markets/roadside stands/CSA programs and participants against whom such adverse action is taken.


    1. Describe the State agency’s procedures for handling program complaints from participants, non-participants, markets, farmers, roadside stands, and CSA programs.


  1. Drug-Free Workplace - Describe the State agency's plans to maintain a drug-free workplace and otherwise comply with 2 CFR 421.


  1. Local Agency Debarment/Suspension – Per 2 CFR 417, the SFMNP State agency has on file either 1) a current local agency certification in a format established by the State agency; or, 2) a local agency contract including assurance on debarment / suspension, which may be satisfied by the local agency debarment/suspension certification provided for another program if it covers the same period as the SFMNP local agency contract; or, 3) a record showing that the SFMNP State agency had checked the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) for each local agency.

Yes No

  1. SF-LLL on File - The SFMNP State agency has on file the current SF-LLL, Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying, if lobbying occurs with non-federal funds, for each SFMNP local agency with a sub-grant exceeding $100,000, if any? (This may be satisfied with local agency lobbying disclosures provided for CSFP or Aging services only if the State agency – local agency contract covers both CSFP and Aging Services.)

Yes No

  1. SF-LLL Transmission - The SFMNP State agency has provided a copy of any such disclosures to the FNS Regional Office.

Yes No



Please indicate the fiscal year of the last approved appendix

Please indicate if a change (Y) or if no change (N) has occurred since the last applicable approved appendix



Federal-State Agreement Supplemental Nutrition Programs Agreement (FNS-339), expiration of 6/30/2025



Job Descriptions



Copies of signed agreements between the State agency and another State agency (delineating the functions to be performed)



Copies of cooperative agreements with other entities for authorizing and/or training farmers, farmers’ markets, roadside stands, or CSA programs, or for conducting bulk purchases, if applicable



Supporting documentation for State agency, private, in-kind, or similar program funding (if applicable)



Instructions to participants, including rights and responsibilities



List of fruits, vegetables, honey and/or fresh herbs that are eligible in the program



Samples of reporting forms for record keeping (if available)



Copy of the log or other forms used to record and report food instrument issuance and inventory



Copy of the SFMNP food instrument (coupon, check or e-solution benefit, etc.)



Map outlining service areas and proximity of farmers’ markets, roadside stands, and/or CSA programs from the prior year’s operation to SFMNP local agencies



List of criteria used to authorize farmers’ markets



List of criteria used to authorize farmers



List of criteria used to authorize roadside stands



List of criteria used to authorize farmers for bulk purchase programs.



Copy of prototype agreements for farmers, farmers’ markets, CSAs and bulk purchases (if applicable)



Training materials for farmers, markets, roadside stands and CSAs (if applicable)



State agency’s monitoring tool(s) to review farmers, farmers’ markets, roadside stands, and CSA programs (if applicable)



Sample State agency-wide application/certification form for interested farmers, farmers’ markets, roadside stands



Sample notification of client ineligibility



State agency’s monitoring tool to review local agencies/clinics



Copy of SFMNP application and signed statement to affirm income eligibility



List of criteria for certifying SFMNP participants



List of criteria used to authorize CSA programs (if applicable)



List of SFMNP certification/issuance sites


Please indicate the fiscal year of the last approved appendix

Please indicate if a change (Y) or if no change (N) has occurred since the last applicable approved appendix



State agency training tools for local agencies



Sample proxy form



Examples of nutrition education materials



Copy of form to request an appeal/fair hearing and procedures

Please list any other attachments or appendices:      


Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program

FY 2023

Request for Expansion Funds


Seniors Farmers' Market Nutrition Program

Request for Expansion Funds

Fiscal Year 2023

This section should be completed only if a State agency operated a federally-funded SFMNP in fiscal year (FY) 2022. If a State agency is requesting an increase in federal funds above its base grant, the expansion request should be consistent with expanding benefits to more participants or by enhancing current benefits, or a combination of both, and increasing the consumption of agricultural commodities by expanding, developing, or aiding in the development and expansion of farmers’ markets, roadside stands, and community supported agriculture (CSA) programs. Generally, to be eligible for expansion funds, a State agency must 1) have utilized at least 80 percent of its prior year food grant, and 2) provide documentation supporting the expansion request. A State agency that did not spend at least 80 percent of its prior year food grant may still be eligible for expansion funds if, in the judgment of FNS, a good cause existed for the lower expenditure rate (§ 249.14 (e)(1),(2)).

Contingent upon the availability of funds and the justification provided to FNS, expansion requests will be granted as early in the fiscal year as possible.

1. Base Grant amount for FY 2023 (this is your final FY 2022 grant amount):

$     .

  1. Amount of expansion funds requested (additional Federal funds above your FY 2023

base grant in item number 1): $     .

  1. Estimated amount and percent of Federal SFMNP food funds spent by the State agency

during FY 2022: $      and the percentage:      %.

  1. Briefly describe the reason(s) for requesting funds to expand the SFMNP, including any

supporting documentation. Attach additional sheets as needed.


  1. Number of additional participants above the previous year’s level the State agency hopes

to serve with the expansion funds:      

  1. Number of additional farmers' market sites, roadside stands, CSA programs, and local

agencies (e.g., Area Agencies on Aging or CSFP) the State agency anticipates authorizing:

      New farmers’ market sites

      New roadside stand locations

      New CSA programs

      New local agencies

      New bulk purchase locations

  1. If the State agency intends to increase the benefit level with expansion funds, what will be the benefit level after expansion?

For participants at markets and roadside stands      

For participants in CSA programs      

For participants in bulk purchase programs      

  1. Briefly describe the State agency's administrative capacity to manage the requested increase in SFMNP caseload effectively.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorCannon, Sarah A.
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-09-02

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