Part 774

Part 774.doc

30 CFR Part 774 - Revision; Renewal; and Transfer, Assignment, or Sale of Permit Rights

Part 774

OMB: 1029-0116

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774.1 Scope and purpose

774.9 Information collection

774.10 Regulatory authority review of permits

774.11 Post-permit issuance requirements for regulatory authorities and other actions based on ownership, control, and violation information.

774.12 Post-permit issuance information requirements for permittees

774.13 Permit revisions

774.15 Permit renewals

774.17 Transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights

AUTHORITY: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq., as amended; and Pub. L, 100-34

SOURCE: 48 FR 44395, Sept. 28, 1983, unless otherwise noted.

[For the list of Final Rules affecting these sections, as published in the Federal Register, see

"Regulation History - Changes to the Regulations Parts 700-890, 3/13/79 - 6/30/00".]

30 CFR Sec. 774.1 Scope and purpose.

This part provides requirements for revision; renewal; transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights; entering and updating information in AVS following the issuance of a permit; post-permit issuance requirements for regulatory authorities and permittees; and other actions based on ownership, control, and violation information.

[65 FR 79667, Dec. 19, 2000]

30 CFR Sec. 774.9 Information collection.

(a) Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the information collection requirements of this part. Regulatory authorities will use this information to: (1) Determine if the applicant meets the requirements for revision; renewal; transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights;

(2) Enter and update information in AVS following the issuance of a permit; and

(3) Fulfill post-permit issuance requirements and other obligations based on ownership, control, and violation information. Persons must respond to obtain a benefit. A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB clearance number for this part is 1029-0116.

(b) We estimate that the public reporting burden for this part will average 8 hours per response, including time spent reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of these information collection requirements, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Information Collection Clearance Officer, Room 210, 1951 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20240. Please refer to OMB Control Number 1029-0116 in any correspondence.

[54 FR 13823, Apr. 5, 1989; redesignated and revised at 65 FR 79667, Dec. 19, 2000]

30 CFR Sec. 774.10 Regulatory authority review of permits.

(a) The regulatory authority shall review each permit issued and outstanding under an approved regulatory program during the term of the permit. This review shall occur not later than the middle of each permit term and as follows:

(1) Permits with a term longer than 5 years shall be reviewed no less frequently than the permit midterm or every 5 years, whichever is more frequent.

(2) Permits with variances granted in accordance with Sec. 785.14 of this chapter (mountaintop removal) and Sec. 785.18 of this chapter (variance for delay in contemporaneous reclamation requirement in combined surface and underground mining operations) of this chapter shall be reviewed no later than 3 years from the date of issuance of the permit unless, for variances issued in accordance with Sec. 785.14 of this chapter, the permittee affirmatively demonstrates that the proposed development is proceeding in accordance with the terms of the permit.

(3) Permits containing experimental practices issued in accordance with Sec. 785.13 of this chapter and permits with a variance from approximate original contour requirements in accordance with Sec. 785.16 shall be reviewed as set forth in the permit or at least every 2 1/2 years from the date of issuance as required by the regulatory authority, in accordance with Secs. 785.13(g) and 785.16(c) of this chapter, respectively.

(b) After the review required by paragraph (a) of this section, or at any time, the regulatory authority may, by order, require reasonable revision of a permit in accordance with Sec. 774.13 to ensure compliance with the Act and the regulatory program.

(c) Any order of the regulatory authority requiring revision of a permit shall be based upon written findings and shall be subject to the provisions for administrative and judicial review in part 775 of this chapter. Copies of the order shall be sent to the permittee.

(d) Permits may be suspended or revoked in accordance with subchapter L of this chapter.

[48 FR 44395, Sept. 28, 1983; redesignated at 65 FR 79667, Dec. 19, 2000]

30 CFR Sec. 774.11 Post-permit issuance requirements for regulatory authorities and other actions based on ownership, control, and violation information.

(a) For the purposes of future permit eligibility determinations and enforcement actions, we, the regulatory authority, must enter into AVS the data shown in the following table --


We must enter into AVS all... within 30 days after...

(1)Permit records the permit is issued or subsequent

changes made.

(2)Unabated or uncorrected the abatement or correction period

violations for a violation expires.

(3)Changes of ownership or receiving notice of a change.


(4)Changes in violation status abatement, correction, or termination

of a violation, or a decision from

an administrative or judicial tribunal.


(b) If, at any time, we discover that any person owns or controls an operation with an unabated or uncorrected violation, we will determine whether enforcement action is appropriate under part 843, 846 or 847 of this chapter. We must enter the results of each enforcement action, including administrative and judicial decisions, into AVS.

(c) We must serve a preliminary finding of permanent permit ineligibility under section 510(c) of the Act on you, an applicant or operator, if the criteria in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) are met. In making a finding under this paragraph, we will only consider control relationships and violations which would make, or would have made, you ineligible for a permit under Secs. 773.12(a) and (b) of this subchapter. We must make a preliminary finding of permanent permit ineligibility if we find that --

(1) You control or have controlled surface coal mining and reclamation operations with a demonstrated pattern of willful violations under section 510( c) of the Act; and

(2) The violations are of such nature and duration with such resulting irreparable damage to the environment as to indicate your intent not to comply with the Act, its implementing regulations, the regulatory program, or your permit.

(d) You may request a hearing on a preliminary finding of permanent permit ineligibility under 43 CFR 4.1350 through 4.1356.

(e) We must enter the results of the finding and any hearing into AVS.

(f) At any time, we may identify any other person who owns or controls an entire operation or any relevant portion or aspect thereof. If we identify such a person, we must --

(1) Issue a written finding to the person and the applicant or permittee describing the nature and extent of ownership or control; and

(2) Enter our finding under paragraph (f)(1) of this section into AVS; and

(3) Require the person to --

(i) Disclose their identity under Sec. 778.11(c)(5) of this subchapter; and

(ii) Certify they are a controller under Sec. 778.11(d) of this subchapter, if appropriate.

(g) A person we identify under paragraph (f)(1) of this section may challenge the finding using the provisions of Secs. 773.25, 773.26 and 773.27 of this subchapter.

[65 FR 79667, Dec. 19, 2000]

30 CFR Sec. 774.12 Post-permit issuance information requirements for permittees.

(a) Within 30 days after the issuance of a cessation order under Sec. 843.11 of this chapter, or its State regulatory program equivalent, you, the permittee, must provide or update all the information required under Sec. 778.11 of this subchapter.

(b) You do not have to submit information under paragraph (a) of this section if a court of competent jurisdiction grants a stay of the cessation order and the stay remains in effect.

(c) Within 60 days of any addition, departure, or change in position of any person identified in Sec. 778.11( c) or

(d) of this subchapter, you must provide --

(1) The information required under Sec. 778.11(e) of this subchapter; and

(2) The date of any departure.

[65 FR 79667, Dec. 19, 2000]

30 CFR Sec. 774.13 Permit revisions.

(a) General. During the term of a permit, the permittee may submit an application to the regulatory authority for a revision of the permit.

(b) Application requirements and procedures. The regulatory authority shall establish --

(1) A time period within which the regulatory authority will approve or disapprove an application for a permit revision; and

(2) Guidelines establishing the scale or extent of revisions for which all the permit application information requirements and procedures of this subchapter, including notice, public participation, and notice of decision requirements of Secs. 773.6, 773.19(b) (1) and (3), and 778.21, shall apply. Such requirements and procedures shall apply at a minimum to all significant permit revisions.

(c) Criteria for approval. No application for a permit revision shall be approved unless the application demonstrates and the regulatory authority finds that reclamation as required by the Act and the regulatory program

can be accomplished, applicable requirements under Sec. 773.15 which are pertinent to the revision are met, and the application for a revision complies with all requirements of the Act and the regulatory program.

(d) Request to change permit boundary. Any extensions to the area covered by the permit, except incidental boundary revisions, shall be made by application for a new permit.

[65 FR 79668, Dec. 19, 2000]

30 CFR Sec. 774.15 Permit renewals.

(a) General. A valid permit, issued pursuant to an approved regulatory program, shall carry with it the right of successive renewal, within the approved boundaries of the existing permit, upon expiration of the term of the permit.

(b) Application requirements and procedures. (1) An application for renewal of a permit shall be filed with the regulatory authority at least 120 days before expiration of the existing permit term.

(2) An application for renewal of a permit shall be in the form required by the regulatory authority and shall include at a minimum --

(i) The name and address of the permittee, the term of the renewal requested, and the permit number or other identifier;

(ii) Evidence that a liability insurance policy or adequate self-insurance under Sec. 800.60 of this chapter will be provided by the applicant for the proposed period of renewal;

(iii) Evidence that the performance bond in effect for the operation will continue in full force and effect for any renewal requested, as well as any additional bond required by the regulatory authorities pursuant to subchapter J of this chapter;

(iv) A copy of the proposed newspaper notice and proof of publication of same, as required by Sec. 778.21 of this chapter; and

(v) Additional revised or updated information required by the regulatory authority.

(3) Applications for renewal shall be subject to the requirements of public notification and public participation contained in Secs. 773.6 and 773.19(b) of this chapter.

(4) If an application for renewal includes any proposed revisions to the permit, such revisions shall be identified and subject to the requirements of Sec. 774.13.

(c) Approval process -- (1) Criteria for approval. The regulatory authority shall approve a complete and accurate application for permit renewal, unless it finds, in writing that --

(i) The terms and conditions of the existing permit are not being satisfactorily met;

(ii) The present surface coal mining and reclamation operations are not in compliance with the environmental protection standards of the Act and the regulatory program;

(iii) The requested renewal substantially jeopardizes the operator's continuing ability to comply with the Act and the regulatory program on existing permit areas;

(iv) The operator has not provided evidence of having liability insurance or self-insurance as required in Sec. 800.60 of this chapter;

(v) The operator has not provided evidence that any performance bond required to be in effect for the operation will continue in full force and effect for the proposed period of renewal, as well as any additional bond the regulatory authority might require pursuant to subchapter J of this chapter; or

(vi) Additional revised or updated information required by the regulatory authority has not been provided by the applicant.

(2) Burden of proof. In the determination of whether to approve or deny a renewal of a permit, the burden of proof shall be on the opponents of renewal.

(3) Alluvial valley floor variance. If the surface coal mining and reclamation operation authorized by the original permit was not subject to the standards contained in sections 510(b)(5) (A) and (B) of the Act and Sec. 785.19 of this chapter, because the permittee complied with the exceptions in the proviso to section 510(b)(5) of the Act, the portion of the application for renewal of the permit that addresses new land areas previously identified in the reclamation plan for the original permit shall not be subject to the standards contained in sections 510(b)(5) (A) and (B) of the Act and Sec. 785.19 of this chapter.

(d) Renewal term. Any permit renewal shall be for a term not to exceed the period of the original permit established under Sec. 773.19.

(e) Notice of decision. The regulatory authority shall send copies of its decision to the applicant, to each person who filed comments or objections on the renewal, to each party to any informal conference held on the permit renewal, and to OSM if OSM is not the regulatory authority.

(f) Administrative and judicial review. Any person having an interest which is or may be adversely affected by the decision of the regulatory authority shall have the right to administrative and judicial review set forth in part 775 of this chapter.

[65 FR 79668, Dec. 19, 2000]

30 CFR Sec. 774.17 Transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights.

(a) General. No transfer, assignment, or sale of rights granted by a permit shall be made without the prior written approval of the regulatory authority.

(b) Application requirements. An applicant for approval of the transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights shall--

(1) Provide the regulatory authority with an application for approval of the proposed transfer, assignment, or sale including --

(i) The name and address of the existing permittee and permit number or other identifier;

(ii) A brief description of the proposed action requiring approval; and

(iii) The legal, financial, compliance, and related information required by part 778 of this chapter for the applicant for approval of the transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights.

(2) Advertise the filing of the application in a newspaper of general circulation in the locality of the operations involved, indicating the name and address of the applicant, the permittee, the permit number or other identifier, the geographic location of the permit, and the address to which written comments may be sent;

(3) Obtain appropriate performance bond coverage in an amount sufficient to cover the proposed operations, as required under subchapter J of this chapter.

(c) Public participation. Any person having an interest which is or may be adversely affected by a decision on the transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights, including an official of any Federal, State, or local government agency, may submit written comments on the application to the regulatory authority within a time specified by the regulatory authority.

(d) Criteria for approval. The regulatory authority may allow a permittee to transfer, assign, or sell permit rights to a successor, if it finds in writing that the successor --

(1) Is eligible to receive a permit in accordance with Secs. 773.12 and 773.15 of this chapter;

(2) Has submitted a performance bond or other guarantee, or obtained the bond coverage of the original permittee, as required by subchapter J of this chapter; and

(3) Meets any other requirements specified by the regulatory authority.

(e) Notification. (1) The regulatory authority shall notify the permittee, the successor, commenters, and OSM, if OSM is not the regulatory authority, of its findings.

(2) The successor shall immediately provide notice to the regulatory authority of the consummation of the transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights.

(f) Continued operation under existing permit. The successor in interest shall assume the liability and reclamation responsibilities of the existing permit and shall conduct the surface coal mining and reclamation operations in full compliance with the Act, the regulatory program, and the terms and conditions of the existing permit, unless the applicant has obtained a new or revised permit as provided in this subchapter.

[65 FR 79668, Dec. 19, 2000]

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