GC-859 User_Manual

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey

GC-859 User_Manual

OMB: 1901-0287

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GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey
Web-Application User Manual
Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey

Apr 12, 2023


Schedule A: Site Operator Data
1.1 Schedule A Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Schedule B: Reactor Data
2.1 Schedule B Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Schedule C: Fuel Data
3.1 Schedule C.1.1: Data on Discharged Fuel Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Schedule C.1.1: Constellation Specific Assembly Data Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 Schedule C.1.1: Southern Nuclear Specific Assembly Data Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Schedule C.1.2: Fuel Cycle History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5 Schedule C.1.2: Constellation Specific Cycle History Data Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6 Schedule C.1.3: Fuel Assembly Type Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.7 Schedule C.1.4: Shipments/Transfers of Discharged Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.8 Schedule C.2: Projected Assembly Discharges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.9 Schedule C.3: Special Fuel Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.10 C.3.1 Special Fuel Form - Canisters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.11 C.3.2 Special Fuel Form - Uncanistered Fuel Rods/Pieces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.12 C.3.3 Special Fuel Form - Consolidated/Reconstituted/Reconstructed Assemblies; Dimensionally or
Other Than LWR Non-Standard Assemblies and Failed Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.13 Schedule C.4: Potential High-Level Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.14 Schedule C Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Schedule D: Storage Facility Data
4.1 Schedule D.2 Storage Facility Information Pool Storage
4.2 Schedule D.3 Storage Facility Information Dry Storage .
4.3 Site Specific Canister Data File Format Upload . . . . .
4.4 Schedule D Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Schedule E: Non-Fuel Data
5.1 Schedule E Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Schedule F Greater-Than-Class C Waste Data
6.1 Schedule F Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Reset to Base Data



Required Entries



Fast Track Submission - No New Data to Report



10 Notices




























GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

This user manual documents the step-by-step instructions for using the web-application of the Nuclear Fuel Data Survey
Form GC-859 to enter the data requested in Schedules A-F of the survey form. These instructions are written for a survey
respondent (also referred to as a “user” of the web application ) and it is assumed that respondents have registered for
access to the web application and are able to access the data entry screens for their facility or facilities.
After logging into the portal and selecting the appropriate facility, the user will be prompted to enter data sequentially
for each section. A user can exit the sequential process by clicking on the green “My GC-859” button at the upper
left-hand part of the screen, circled below in red (1) in Fig. 1 and the user can click on any section of any schedule to
enter data for that schedule. If the user wishes to return to the sequential data entry they can click on the green “Return
to last GC859 data entry point”, circled in the lower left-hand corner in Fig. 1 below (2).
User can revert all changes by clicking “Reset to Base Data” circled below in red (3). This option can be used when
entering data for practice or if user wants to correct a mistake. For details on reset steps see section Reset to Base Data.
On the input form some of the entries are required and some maybe optional. The required fields are discussed in
Required Entries.
In cases with no new data to report for example for plants that were shutdown for an extended period of time a fast track
submission is available as discussed in section Fast Track Submission.

Fig. 1: “My GC-859” Screen
The sequential data entry process will be discussed within the following subsections of this manual:



GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1






After the user clicks on the “get started” button from the welcome page, they will be taken to the Schedule A page to
enter information for Schedule A for site operating data as shown in Fig. 1.1.

Fig. 1.1: Schedule A Site Operator Data
If the user has access to multiple facilities, they can click on the upper left-hand text circled below in Fig. 1.2 which also
shows the drop-down menu. In this example case, it shows that the user has access to “Diablo Canyon” and “Humboldt
Bay” facilities.


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 1.2: Example Access Menu for Other Facilities
While editing a table within the schedule, the user can click on the “GC-859 Form” link near the top of the page to
return to the last page or the beginning of a new schedule as shown in Fig. 1.3.


Chapter 1. Schedule A: Site Operator Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 1.3: GC-859 Link to Return to Last Page or Beginning of New Section
To enter contact information, the user needs to click the blue “Manage Contacts” button shown in Fig. 1.1 and Fig.
1.2. Once they click this button the “Contact Management” screen in Fig. 1.4 will show. To create a contact the user
clicks on the blue “Create Contact” button in the upper left. This will bring them to a menu where they enter contact
information as shown in Fig. 1.5.


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 1.4: Schedule A Contact Management

Fig. 1.5: Schedule A Create Contact Form
Once contact information is entered, the user can assign a separate contact for each GC-859 schedule by clicking the

Chapter 1. Schedule A: Site Operator Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

gray gear button which will show a drop-down menu with a list of available contacts to assign this schedule to as shown
in Fig. 1.6.

Fig. 1.6: Schedule A Assign Contact for Each GC-859 Schedule
Alternatively, the same contact can be assigned to all schedules by clicking on the green “Assign all points of contact
to..” button as shown in Fig. 1.7.


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 1.7: Schedule A Assign All Points of Contact
After all contacts have been assigned. The user can click on the blue back button next to “Contact Management” to
exit this section as shown in Fig. 1.8.

Fig. 1.8: Contact Information Completion


Chapter 1. Schedule A: Site Operator Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

1.1 Schedule A Comments
Next, user can proceed to the comment section using the grey button “Take me to Schedule A Comments” shown
above in Fig. 1.1. Provide any comments you have concerning Site Operator Data (Section A.1, A.2, A.3) and label
your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer. To enter and edit comments click the “Edit
Comments” button in Fig. 1.9. After completing comments proceed to Schedule B.

Fig. 1.9: Schedule A Comment Section

1.1. Schedule A Comments


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1


Chapter 1. Schedule A: Site Operator Data




After completing comments and exiting the “Contact Management” section, the user can click on the green “Take me
to Schedule B” to begin Schedule B. This will bring them to the screen shown in Fig. 2.1. The counters show a highlevel summary of what’s included in the base data, and how much information you’ve provided. After reviewing the
summary users can proceed to Schedule B.1.

Fig. 2.1: Reactor Data Front Screen
In Schedule B.1 users can review and update the Point of Contact for each reactor on site Fig. 2.2.


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 2.2: Point of Contact Front Screen
Once the user has completed entering or verifying the reactor contact information they can enter Schedule B.2 by
clicking on the green “Take me to Schedule B.2” button shown in Fig. 2.2 which will take them to the screen shown in
Fig. 2.3.
By scrolling down the screen in Fig. 2.3 the user will be able to see the reactor license data that has already been
entered for the facility shown. Item B.2.2, “NRC License Expiration Date” and Item B.2.3 “NRC License Type” can
both be changed by clicking on the blue hyperlink for each of these items circled in Fig. 2.3 in the case where there
was a license extension or the facility was decommissioned and the license changes from an “operating” license to a
“possession only” license. On this page, users can also provide a shutdown date for a shutdown site. For operating
sites, please provide a projected shutdown date if that information is available at this time.


Chapter 2. Schedule B: Reactor Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 2.3: Schedule B License Data Front Screen
Once the License Data has been verified in Schedule B.2, the user can click on the green “Take me to Schedule B.3”
button as shown in Fig. 2.3 . This will take the user to the cycle data screen shown in Fig. 2.4. Information for previous
reactor cycles is provided for review and is shown in Fig. 2.4. Clicking on the hyperlinks at the bottom left of Fig. 2.4
allows the user to edit the information for previous cycles. It is possible to add data for single cycles via a web interface
or download a form that can be filled out and uploaded for one or more cycles. In Fig. 2.4 the blue button on the left,
“Add Cycle via Web Interface” opens up a menu for adding individual cycles and the “Upload Data” button allows for
uploading a comma-separated value (CSV) file with one or more cycles in it.


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 2.4: Schedule B.3 Cycle Data Front Screen
Clicking the “Add Cycle via Web Interface” button on the screen opens the form shown in Fig. 2.5, which allows for
manual entry of cycle data. Many of the forms provided in the web application provide consistency checking for the


Chapter 2. Schedule B: Reactor Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

data entered by the user. An example of the error checking provided by the interface is shown in Fig. 2.6. In this
example the user enters the same cycle number that has already been used and the system returns an error message.

Fig. 2.5: Schedule B.3 Add Cycle via Web Interface

Fig. 2.6: Schedule B.3 Error Message
Clicking the “Upload Data” button brings the user to the form pictured in Fig. 2.7. The web application provides the
ability to upload files with either only cycle data or files which contain both cycle data and assembly data. Fig. 2.7
shows two main options for uploading a data file, (1) built-in cycle file, and (2) built-in assembly-cycle data file. The
built-in assembly-cycle data file combines schedules B.3, C.1.1, and C.1.2. Below these two boxes there is a statement
“Displaying supported file formats for Schedule B.3 along with a hyperlink Click here to see all available formats.”
Clicking on this link shows all upload file formats for all schedules. Only schedules supporting B.3 will be discussed
in this section of the user guide.


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 2.7: Schedule B.3 Cycle Data File Upload
Both options for uploading a file contain a drop-down menu if the user clicks on the gray button with a down arrow
shown in Fig. 2.8 which brings up two options: (1) Download Sample and (2) Download Data for Editing.


Chapter 2. Schedule B: Reactor Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 2.8: Schedule B.3 Links to Sample Datasheets for Importing Data Using a File
If a user clicks on “Download Sample.” This will download a xlsx file with a file name in the format “[facility name]
Example - [year].xlsx” that can be opened using Microsoft Excel. An example file name for Callaway would be:
“Callaway Cycle Example - 2022.xlsx.” An example of the file is shown in Fig. 2.9. This file will have an example of
the format of the data that will be accepted but will not contain actual previously entered data therefore, if this method
is used, the user will need to delete rows not used and replace this data with correct data.


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 2.9: Example Cycle Data using “Download Sample”
Once the file is ready, the user can proceed by clicking the green button “Get Started” in Fig. 2.7. On the file upload
page, users have two options: “Drag and Drop” files onto the page to upload or use the “Choose Files” button and
browse for a file on the local computer. Note that in addition to xlsx format, csv and tab separated file formats are
supported for upload as well.

Fig. 2.10: File Upload Page


Chapter 2. Schedule B: Reactor Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Each uploaded data file is validated and errors are reported back to the user. As an example of an error in this manual
a csv file with rows including only commas is used. When the file is imported, the rows with only commas will be
flagged by the web application as an error. To assure that the errors are from these extra commas and not from the
errors in the entered data, the user should open the file in a text editor to see if there are any extra rows full of commas.
An example of an error message is shown in Fig. 2.11 below.

Fig. 2.11: Schedule B.3 Example Error Message for Cycle Data File Upload
If the user would like to download previous cycle data to update, they would click the “Download Data for Editing”
button shown in Fig. 2.8. This will download a Microsoft Excel (xlsx) file with a file name in the format “[facility
name] Data - [year].xlsx” that can be opened using Microsoft Excel. An example file name for Callaway would be:
“Callaway Cycle Data - 2022.xlsx.” An example is shown in Fig. 2.12. This file will have the actual previously entered
data and new records can be appended to the end of this data. Entries can be modified and will replace existing values
and can be used to correct errors in previous data.

Fig. 2.12: Schedule B.3 Example of Actual Cycle Data using “Download Data for Editing”
As an alternative to entering the cycle data on its own the user can enter assembly and cycle data simultaneously. In
order to enter assembly and cycle data simultaneously, the user should click on the “Built-in Assembly-Cycle Data
File” shown in Fig. 2.7. The user would click on the drop-down menu from the gray button inside that box that looks
similar to the one identified in Fig. 2.8. This will display two options, “Download Sample” and “Download Data for
Editing” and will provide sample data and previous data respectively. These files will allow the user to enter cycle and


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

assembly data in one csv file which will also satisfy the data request for Section C.1.1 that will be discussed in the next
If the user would like to review any of the information that they have entered they can click the green “My GC-859” at
the top of the screen circled in red on Fig. 1. Clicking here will bring them to a to screen similar to that in Fig. 2.13.
The area on the left circled in red can be used to check if the cycle (or assembly information if using C.1.1 import form)
has been added as it shows a summary of the number of added and modified records.

Fig. 2.13: “My GC-859” Screen Including Data Summary

2.1 Schedule B Comments
Finally, user can proceed to the comment section using the button “Take me to Schedule B Comments” shown above in
Fig. 2.4. Users provide any comments concerning Reactor Data (Section B.1, B.2 and B.3) and should label comments
by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer. To enter and edit comments, users click the “Edit Comments”
button in Fig. 2.14. After completing comments proceed to Schedule C.


Chapter 2. Schedule B: Reactor Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 2.14: Reactor Data Comments

2.1. Schedule B Comments


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1


Chapter 2. Schedule B: Reactor Data




Once all of the information from Schedule B has been reviewed and entered, the user can proceed to Schedule C by
clicking on the green “Take me to Schedule C” button shown in Fig. 2.14. Upon clicking this button, or navigating
to Schedule C using other methods previously discussed such as clicking the “My GC-859” button (see Fig. 1), the
user will see a screen similar to that in Fig. 3.1 below. The counters show a high-level summary of what’s included in
the base data, and how much information a user already provided. After reviewing the summary users can proceed to
Schedule C.1.

Fig. 3.1: Schedule C Front Screen
In Schedule C.1, Fig. 3.2, users can review instructions and proceed to Schedule C.1.1 on site.


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.2: Schedule C.1 Front Screen

3.1 Schedule C.1.1: Data on Discharged Fuel Assemblies
Once the user has read the instructions on the Schedule C.1 page, they can click on the green “Take me to Schedule
C.1.1” button to proceed to entering fuel assembly data. The next screen the user will encounter will be similar to Fig.
3.3 below.


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.3: Schedule C.1.1 Front Screen
If the user scrolls below what is shown in Fig. 3.3 on the Schedule C.1.1 form, they will be able to see existing assembly
information that has been previously entered. An example of what a user would see is shown below in Fig. 3.4. Items
that are blue are hyperlinked. Some of these will take the user to a screen where they can review and modify the data.
In addition, user can use a search bar on the right of the screen to search a specific assembly information.

3.1. Schedule C.1.1: Data on Discharged Fuel Assemblies


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.4: Schedule C.1.1 Data on Discharged Fuel Assemblies and Non-Fuel Components Integral to the Assembly.
(Data shown are for example only.)
If the user needs to add new assembly data, they can click on the blue “Create Assembly,” or “Upload Data” buttons
shown in the “Create Assembly” form will take the user to a form, shown in Fig. 3.5, where they can enter individual
assembly data. Data that is required contains an asterisk (*) next to it. If this data is not entered the user will see an
error message before they can proceed.


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.5: Schedule C.1.1 Add Individual Assembly
Fig. 3.5 has a drop-down menu of fuel assembly type codes. For a description of the assembly that these codes are
associated with, the user can go to Appendix E of the survey form. This can be accessed by clicking the help button at
the upper right part of the screen circled in Fig. 3.6 . This will show a drop-down menu and if the user selects “E Fuel
Assembly Type Codes,” they will see a screen similar to the screen in Fig. 3.6 .

3.1. Schedule C.1.1: Data on Discharged Fuel Assemblies


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.6: Appendix E of GC-859 from User Guide of Web Application
If the user clicks the “Upload Data” button shown in Fig. 3.3, they will be taken to a screen similar to Fig. 3.7 . This
screen has two options for uploading data files for Schedule C.1.1. The option on the left, “Built-In Assembly File,”
includes only assembly data. When using this option, the cycle data from Schedule B must be input first. The option on
the right of Fig. 3.7 , “Built-in Assembly-Cycle Data File,” is the same format as the file also available from the Schedule
B file upload shown in Fig. 2.7 and combines cycle (B.3.0), cycle history (C.1.2) and assembly data specification (C.1.1)
into a single file.
Similar to the file upload screen for Schedule B shown in Fig. 2.7 , clicking either of the gray buttons for each file
format option, one is circled in red on Fig. 3.7 , will bring up two options for file upload “Download Sample” and
“Download Data for Editing.” Similar to the cycle data, clicking on the “Download Sample” option will download a
Microsoft Excel (xlsx) file with sample data in the correct format. Clicking on the “Download Data for Editing,” will
download a Microsoft Excel (xlsx) file with actual, previously entered data.

Fig. 3.7: Schedule C.1.1 File Upload


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

An example of the format needed for the assembly only data is shown in Fig. 3.8 . The units for “Initial Uranium” is
kilograms and “Initial Enrichment” is in units of weight percent of U-235. Codes for the assembly type can be found
in Appendix E of the GC-859 survey as shown in Fig. 3.6 .
Since this data in Fig. 3.8 was generated by clicking on the “Download Sample” option shown in Fig. 3.7 , it is example
data used only to provide the proper data format.

Fig. 3.8: Schedule C.1.1 Example Assembly Only Data Format
An example of the format needed for the combined cycle, cycle history, and assembly data is shown in Fig. 3.9 .
“initial_uranium” is in units of kilograms, “initial_enrichment” is in units of weight percent U-235 and “max_burnup”
is in units of MWd/MTU. This data format accounts for assemblies that have been burned in multiple cycles. For the
example data shown in Fig. 3.9 , the first three rows are for the same assembly, but each row represents a different cycle
that the assembly was burned in (cycle history as in schedule C1.2). The burnups entered for this data are the cumulative
burnup at the end of each cycle. For this assembly, Columns A through O are repeated for the same assembly with the
differences in the cycle information shown in Columns P through T. Entering assembly and cycle information using
this data format can be done when entering information in Schedule B.3 shown in Fig. 2.7 .

Fig. 3.9: Schedule C.1.1 Example Cycle and Assembly Data Format
Once the user completes the Microsoft Excel (xlsx, or Comma Separated csv, or tab delimited) data file with the data
that they wish to add or modify, the user then clicks the green “Get Started” button on the lower left portion of Fig.
3.7 . This will bring the user to a screen in Fig. 3.10 where they will be prompted to upload the file by dragging and
dropping the file onto this part of the screen or navigating to the file location by selecting the “choose file” button below
the blue drag and drop area. Upon dropping the file, the application will perform consistency checks and ask the user
to finish uploading. A user may need to fix issues found in the consistency checks to finish uploading.

3.1. Schedule C.1.1: Data on Discharged Fuel Assemblies


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.10: File Upload Screen for Data Files

3.2 Schedule C.1.1: Constellation Specific Assembly Data Format
Constellation (formerly Exelon) facilities will have additional options for uploading assembly data using the Cask
Loader format. If the user is entering data for an Constellation facility and they click on the blue “Upload Data” button
from the main Schedule C.1.1 screen shown in Fig. 3.3, they will be taken to a screen similar to that shown in Fig. 3.11.


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.11: Schedule C.1.1 File Upload for Constellation Facilities
The process for downloading and entering the Microsof Excel (xlsx) data into the correct format is similar to that
previously discussed, however there are two additional data files formats available for Constellation facilities shown in
Fig. 3.11. This includes “Cask Loader Assembly Export” and “Cask Loader Assembly Type Export.”
An example of the “Cask Loader Assembly Export” format is shown below in Fig. 3.12.

Fig. 3.12: Schedule C.1.1 Example of Cask Loader Assembly Export Format for Constellation Facilities
The reactor identifier from Cask Loader format will need to be altered to conform to the data recognizable by the GC859 survey web program. The program will check the data and send the user through automated steps where it will
predict the data that conforms to that in the database and ask the user to confirm the predictions. For example Fig. 3.12
shows “reactor_unit_id” as “118”. An example of what a user might see as part of this process is shown in Fig. 3.13.
After uploading the file shown partially in Fig. 3.12, the program asks the user if reactor id 118 is associated with a
correct reactor unit.

3.2. Schedule C.1.1: Constellation Specific Assembly Data Format


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.13: Schedule C.1.1 Constellation Specific Data Questions
Cask Loader assembly types are different from those in the GC-859 survey program, so the user will be asked to upload
an Assembly Type export from Cask Loader to provide a translation between the two formats. This is shown in Fig.
3.14, where the web application has identified that there are four assembly types that are not known.

Fig. 3.14: Schedule C.1.1 File Upload for Cask Loader Assembly Type Export for Constellation Facilities
The user can also upload an example of the Cask Loader Assembly Type Export form by clicking on the drop-down
menu in the “Cask Loader Assembly Type Export” box shown in Fig. 3.11. Clicking the drop-down will provide a
sample file with this file format for the user to modify. An example of this file format is shown in Fig. 3.15.


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.15: Schedule C.1.1 Example of Cask Loader Assembly Type Export File for Constellation Facilities
After uploading the Cask Loader Assembly Type Export file in the screen showed in Fig. 3.14, the web application
will check the data and will request that the user provide a translation between the assembly types specified in the
Cask Loader Assembly Export File and the GC-859 Assembly types. An example of this is shown in Fig. 3.16. The
web application uses data from the assembly type export (e.g., product line [column C], vendor [column D], cladding
[column M] as shown in Fig. 3.15) to group similar types and asks the user to select a corresponding GC-859 assembly
type from a drop down list as shown in Fig. 3.16 that closely corresponds to the group.

Fig. 3.16: Schedule C.1.1 Cask Loader Specific Assembly Type Questions

3.3 Schedule C.1.1: Southern Nuclear Specific Assembly Data Format
Southern Nuclear facilities will also have an additional option for uploading assembly data using the TracWorks format.
If the user is entering data for a Southern Nuclear facility and they click on the blue “Upload Data” button from the
main Schedule C.1.1 screen shown in Fig. 3.3, they will be taken to a screen similar to that in Fig. 3.17.

3.3. Schedule C.1.1: Southern Nuclear Specific Assembly Data Format


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.17: Schedule C.1.1 File Upload for Southern Nuclear Facilities
The process for downloading and entering the xlsx/csv/tab data into the correct format is similar to that previously
discussed, however there is an additional data file format available for Southern Nuclear facilities. The files for using this
option are accessible by clicking the gray drop-down box in Fig. 3.17 that is within the white box labeled “TracWorks
GC-859 C.1.1 Export.” An example of the “TracWorks GC-859 C.1.1 Export” file format is shown below in Fig. 3.18.

Fig. 3.18: Schedule C.1.1 Example of TracWorks Export Format for Southern Nuclear Facilities
Some of the data in the TracWorks format will need to be translated in order to be recognizable by the GC-859 survey
web program. The program will check the data and send the user through automated steps where it will predict the
data that is compatible with the database. The user will then be asked to confirm the predictions. After uploading the
data file format shown partially in Fig. 3.18, the program asks the user a series of questions shown in Fig. 3.19. The
questions associated with the TracWorks data that the GC-859 web program was unable to recognize in Fig. 3.19 are
(1) which reactor does the excel spreadsheet Book4.xlsx from the example case contain data for, (2) what non-fuel
component does “FC” describe, and (3) for storage location “2001” in the example case, does this refer to the pool or


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.19: Schedule C.1.1 TracWorks Specific Data Questions

3.4 Schedule C.1.2: Fuel Cycle History
As stated in the GC-859 form, Schedule C.1.2 is voluntary. Cycle data is entered or uploaded in Schedule B.3 and
assembly data is entered or uploaded in Schedule C.1.1. The cycle history information can be entered during data
entry into B.2 or C1.1 as discussed above. If the history information is entered during data entry to B.3 or C1.1, the
information is displayed in Schedule C.1.2, Fuel Cycle History. Schedule C.1.2 can be entered by clicking the green
“Take me to Schedule C.1.2: Fuel Cycle History,” shown on the bottom of Fig. 3.3 or navigating to Schedule C.1.2
using other methods previously discussed such as clicking the “My GC-859” button, a user will see a screen similar to
the one below in Fig. 3.20.

3.4. Schedule C.1.2: Fuel Cycle History


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.20: Schedule C.1.2 Fuel Cycle History Front Screen
Scrolling down from the screen shown in Fig. 3.20 a user can review information and continue to modify and add new
information from previous schedules if desired. Immediately below the information in Fig. 3.20, a user can scroll down
to see information similar to Fig. 3.21. There are options here for uploading assembly and cycle data as discussed in
previous schedules. In addition there is an option for exporting the data.


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data

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Fig. 3.21: Schedule C.1.2 Quick Tasks
Further down the Schedule C.1.2 page the user can scroll down to see fuel assembly and cycle information similar to
that in Fig. 3.22. Blue hyperlinks can be clicked to navigate and review this information.

3.4. Schedule C.1.2: Fuel Cycle History


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.22: Schedule C.1.2 Assembly and Cycle Information
Clicking the “Upload Data” button shown in Fig. 3.20 will show some options for uploading files. There are three
available formats for uploading cycle data shown. Two of these data uploading formats have been previously covered
in Schedules B.3, and C.1.1, “Built-in Cycle File,” and “Built-in Assembly-Cycle Data File,” respectively. Clicking
on the gray boxes similar to those circled in Fig. 2.8 and Fig. 3.7 will bring down the drop-down menus that will have
two options, “Download Sample,” will download a Microsoft Excel (xlsx) file in the correct format for uploading,
while “Download Data for Editing,” will download a Microsoft Excel (xlsx) file of previously entered data that can be
appended or modified.

Fig. 3.23: Schedule C.1.2 Cycle Data File Upload


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

The middle option on Fig. 3.23, “Built-in Assembly-Cycle Data (Condensed) File” is an available format for uploading
data onto a single line. To use this data format, the user needs to have created cycle information in Schedule B.3 and
assembly information in Schedule C.1.1. The assembly cycle information will be entered in the format shown in below.
This differs from the format available in “Built-In Assembly-Cycle Data File” shown in Fig. 3.9 in that each assembly
would have its own row in the table rather than being repeated for each cycle it is burned in.

Fig. 3.24: Schedule C.1.2 Assembly-Cycle Data Condensed File

3.5 Schedule C.1.2: Constellation Specific Cycle History Data Format
Constellation plants have specific Constellation Cycle History Report format that can be used. Instead of seeing the
screen in Fig. 3.23, Constellation plants will see a screen similar to that in Fig. 3.25, which contains the fourth data
format option: “Constellation Cycle History Report.” An example of the format for the Constellation Cycle History
Report is shown in Fig. 3.26.

Fig. 3.25: Schedule C.1.2 Constellation Cycle Data File Upload
3.5. Schedule C.1.2: Constellation Specific Cycle History Data Format


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.26: Schedule C.1.2 Example Format for Constellation Cycle History Report
Similar to the assembly data loaded using the Cask Loader format for Schedule C.1.1, the reactor identifiers will need
to be translated to data recognizable by the GC-859 survey web program. The program will check the data and send
the user through automated steps where it will predict what the data is that conforms to that in the database and ask the
user to confirm the predictions. For example Fig. 3.26 shows “reactor_unit_id” as “118.” A user would see the same
questions in Fig. 3.13 where in this example the program asks the user if reactor id 118 is associated with Quad Cities
1 or 2.

3.6 Schedule C.1.3: Fuel Assembly Type Codes
When Schedule C.1.2 data entry is complete the user can advance to Schedule C.1.3 by clicking the green button
“Take me to Schedule C.1.3” shown on the bottom of Fig. 3.20 or by navigating to Schedule C.1.3 using other methods
previously discussed such as clicking the “My GC-859” button.
The information in Schedule C.1.3 is only for review and will look similar to that in Fig. 3.27 as this information was
previously entered as part of the assembly information in Schedule C.1.1 or C.1.2. If the assembly type information
displayed in Schedule C.1.3 needs to be changed, the data in Schedule C.1.1 or C.1.2 will need to be modified. A
description of the fuel assembly associated with each code can be found in Appendix E of the GC-859 survey which is
accessible through the help menu shown in Fig. 3.6 .


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.27: Schedule C.1.3 Assembly Type Information

3.7 Schedule C.1.4: Shipments/Transfers of Discharged Fuel
Schedule C.1.4 covers shipments/transfers of discharged fuel. If fuel is to be shipped or transferred a user can click on
the blue “Create Fuel Transfer” request button shown in Fig. 3.28.

3.7. Schedule C.1.4: Shipments/Transfers of Discharged Fuel


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.28: Schedule C.1.4 Front Screen
If the user clicks on the blue “Create Fuel Transfer Request” button shown on Fig. 3.28, this will display a form needed
to submit a request to transfer an assembly similar to that shown in Fig. 3.29.


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data

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Fig. 3.29: Schedule C.1.4 Request Assembly Transfer Form
After the user fills out the form shown in Fig. 3.29 and clicks the blue “Submit” button, it will send an email to the
receiving plant contact to verify that the assembly was transferred there. An email will also be sent to the system
administrator. This email will contain a notification that there is a fuel transfer request and it can be viewed by clicking
on the link within the message. The message will look similar to Fig. 3.30.

3.7. Schedule C.1.4: Shipments/Transfers of Discharged Fuel


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.30: Schedule C.1.4 Example Email Sent for Requesting Fuel Transfer
The recipient of the email can either click on the link to view the message or navigate to their messages from within the
web application by clicking on their name in the upper right-hand corner of the screen which will reveal a drop-down
menu where they can click on the “Messages” shown in to see their messages.

Fig. 3.31: Accessing Messages


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

3.8 Schedule C.2: Projected Assembly Discharges
Since Schedule C.2 was removed from the GC-859 survey, navigating to this section does not provide any opportunity
to view, change or input data.

3.9 Schedule C.3: Special Fuel Forms
The next schedule where a user can provide data is Schedule C.3 for special fuel forms. If a user needs to enter
information about a single assembly canister they can click on the blue “yes” button shown in Fig. 3.32.

Fig. 3.32: Schedule C.3 Front Screen
If a user selects the “yes” button on Fig. 3.32 they will be taken to a screen similar to that in Fig. 3.33.

3.8. Schedule C.2: Projected Assembly Discharges


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

3.10 C.3.1 Special Fuel Form - Canisters

Fig. 3.33: Schedules C.3.1.1, C.3.1.2 and C.3.1.3 Single Assembly Canisters
If the user scrolls down from the screen shown in Fig. 3.33, they will be able to see all previously entered information
within Schedules C.3.1.1, C.3.1.2 and C.3.1.3 similar to what is shown in Fig. 3.34. Clicking on the blue hyperlinks
under “Canister ID” will allow the user to open up a form for editing information for each entry.


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data

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Fig. 3.34: Schedule C.3 Data
The user can navigate to the form for filling out information on a new single assembly canister by clicking on the “add
single assembly canister” button shown on the bottom of Fig. 3.33. This will bring up a form similar to that in Fig.
3.35. Required parameters are shown with asterisks (*), if these are not entered an error message saying “please fill
out this field” will be displayed upon submission of the data form.

3.10. C.3.1 Special Fuel Form - Canisters


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.35: Schedule C.3 Form to Add Single Assembly Canister
Similar to entering assembly and cycle data, a Microsoft Excel (xlsx) file with this information can be uploaded by
clicking on the blue “upload data” button. This will take the user to a screen where they can download the right format
(order and names of columns, data fromat) for uploading the tabulated information. This process is the same as that
which has been described for cycle and assembly data.


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

3.11 C.3.2 Special Fuel Form - Uncanistered Fuel Rods/Pieces
Proceeding next on the wizard will take a user to reporting of Uncanistered Fuel Rods and Fuel Rod Pieces. The landing
page for schedule C.3.2 is again divided into two parts. The instructions are in the top part of the page as shown in Fig.

Fig. 3.36: Instructions for Schedule C.3.2
The bottom page provides the summary of current inventory as shown in Fig. 3.37.

3.11. C.3.2 Special Fuel Form - Uncanistered Fuel Rods/Pieces


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.37: Inventory Summary for Schedule C.3.2
Users can enter data by uploading a list of inventory using the “Upload Data” button. Alternatively, users can add rods
and pieces individually through a web form. The web form outlines the required data to be provided for each fuel rod
or fuel rod piece as shown in Fig. 3.38.

Fig. 3.38: Form to Enter a Single Fuel Rod or Fuel Rod Piece into Schedule C.3.2
For the “Data Upload” function, users need to prepare a Microsoft Excel (xlsx), or Comma Separated (csv), or tab
separated (tab) file with the data from the form entered on one line per each fuel rod or each fuel rod piece as shown in
Fig. 3.39. After that, the file upload function is similar to what was shown in Fig. 3.7 and Fig. 3.10. After a successful


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

upload, the system returns a message on how many entries were imported. Users can compare this number with a
number of expected imported pieces or lines in the import file.

Fig. 3.39: Example Upload Form for Schedule C.3.2

3.12 C.3.3 Special Fuel Form - Consolidated/Reconstituted/Reconstructed
Assemblies; Dimensionally or Other Than LWR Non-Standard
Assemblies and Failed Fuel
Next, users will be asked if they have to report any Consolidated, Reconstituted, or Reconstructed Assemblies. This
will take users to a landing page for schedule C.3.3.1 in Fig. 3.40.

3.12. C.3.3 Special Fuel Form - Consolidated/Reconstituted/Reconstructed Assemblies;
Dimensionally or Other Than LWR Non-Standard Assemblies and Failed Fuel


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.40: Landing page for schedule C.3.3.1
Users can enter data by uploading a list of inventory using the “Upload Data” button. Alternatively, users assemblies
individually through a web form. The web form outlines the required data to be provided for assembly as shown in Fig.


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 3.41: Form to Assemblies into Schedule C.3.3.1
For the “Data Upload” function, users need to prepare a data file (xlsx, csv or tab) with the data from the form entered
on one line per each assembly as shown in Fig. 3.42. After that, the file upload function is similar to what was shown
in Fig. 3.7 and Fig. 3.10. After a successful upload, the system returns a message on how many entries were imported.
Users can compare this number with a number of expected imported assemblies or lines in the import file.

Fig. 3.42: Example Upload Form for Schedule C.3.3.1

3.12. C.3.3 Special Fuel Form - Consolidated/Reconstituted/Reconstructed Assemblies;
Dimensionally or Other Than LWR Non-Standard Assemblies and Failed Fuel


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Dimensionally or Other Than LWR Non-Standard Assemblies are covered in schedule C.3.3.2. The approach to add
and review non-standard assemblies is similar to description in schedule C.3.3.1. A single assembly form entry has
three entries: Assembly Identifier, Contributing Reactor and a Description field. Similarly if users opt for the “Upload
Data” approach, the xlsx/csv/tab import file must have three columns with the same headings. Each line of xlsx/csv/tab
file will contain information for a single assembly. The file upload function is similar to what was shown in Fig. 3.7
and Fig. 3.10. After a successful upload, the system returns a message on how many entries were imported. Users can
compare this number with a number of expected imported assemblies or with the number of lines in the import file.

3.13 Schedule C.4: Potential High-Level Waste
Schedule C.4 covers potential high-level waste. If the user completes Section C.3 or navigates to Section C.4 using
other means, they will see a screen similar to that in Fig. 3.43. This figure shows what the screen would look like once
the user clicks on the “yes” button which will reveal the blue buttons at the bottom of the screen. These are the “Add
High Level Waste” and “Upload Data.” Clicking the “Add High Level Waste” button will take the user to a form for
entering the data. Clicking the “Upload Data” button will take the user to a screen where the user can download a
Microsoft Excel (xlsx) file with the format acceptable for uploading this data. After completing the Microsoft Excel
(xlsx/csv/tab) file they can click the green “Get Started” button which will take them to the page where the xlsx/csv/tab
file can be uploaded.

Fig. 3.43: Schedule C.4 Potential High-Level Waste

3.14 Schedule C Comments
Finally, user can proceed to the comment section using the button “Take me to Schedule C Comments” shown above
in Fig. 3.43. Users provide any comments concerning Fuel Data (Section C.1 through C.4) and should label comments
by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer. To enter and edit comments, users click the “Edit Comments”
button in Fig. 3.44. After completing comments proceed to Schedule D.


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data

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Fig. 3.44: Schedule C Comments

3.14. Schedule C Comments


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1


Chapter 3. Schedule C: Fuel Data




When Schedule C is complete or the user navigates to Schedule D, they will see a screen similar to that in Fig. 4.1.
The information at the bottom of Fig. 4.1 shows the number of canisters added for the survey year. If the user clicks on
the “Take me to Schedule D.1.0” in Fig. 4.1 they will be asked to review and verify points of contact. This information
was entered in Schedule A.

Fig. 4.1: Schedule D Storage Facility Data Front Screen


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

4.1 Schedule D.2 Storage Facility Information Pool Storage
When the user has completed Schedule D.1 or has navigated to Schedule D.2 using other means such as clicking on
the green “My GC-859” button at the top of the screen (see Fig. 1), they will see a screen similar to that in Fig. 4.2 that
will them to enter pool storage information.

Fig. 4.2: Schedule D.2 Storage Facility Information Pool Storage
Hyperlinks in blue text in Sections 1 and 2 of Fig. 4.2 will scroll the user to the summary information located at the
bottom of the page. Summary information in Schedule D.2 includes the storage capacity of each pool at the facility
and the number of assemblies stored in each pool. An example is shown in Fig. 4.3. Information in Section 2 can be
changed by clicking on the hyperlinks “Edit Storage Capacity .” The information in Section 3 of Fig. 4.2 is pool storage
inventory and is pre-generated based on the information entered in Schedule C. If the user wishes to modify the data
in Section 3, they will have to go back to the data entry for Schedule C.


Chapter 4. Schedule D: Storage Facility Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 4.3: Schedule D.2 Data

4.2 Schedule D.3 Storage Facility Information Dry Storage
When the user has completed reviewing the information in Schedule D.2 they can click on the green “take me to Schedule D.3” button to continue on to Schedule D.3 or navigate to Schedule D.3 using other means previously mentioned.
When beginning Schedule D.3 the user will see a screen similar to the one in Fig. 4.4. The Schedule D.3 form allows
the user to enter information related to dry storage canisters located at a facility. The form in Fig. 4.4 allows users to
perform the following actions:
1. Add canister models and input the coordinate system that provides the orientation of fuel assemblies loaded in
the canister relative to the drain tube. This function is designed aid the user when importing canister loading
maps in Schedule D.3.3.
4.2. Schedule D.3 Storage Facility Information Dry Storage


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

2. Add data for individual canisters.
3. Add reference PDFs canister loading maps that can be associated with canisters.
Since last reporting data, many facilities have begun loading new canisters designs. To check the designs that have been
reported in previous surveys and add new ones the user can click the blue “Manage Canister Models” button at the top
of the form shown in Fig. 4.4 or click the “See Canister Models” button under the Quick Tasks section of the form.
Selecting either of these options will take user to a screen similar to Fig. 4.5. Once in this form the user has the option
to add new canister designs by clicking the “Add Unlisted Canister” in the upper left corner or modify the coordinate
system of canister designs by clicking the “Edit Position Labels” button in the bottom right corner.
If the user adds a canister design, they will be taken to a menu to select available designs. If a design is not available,
the user should contact the admin using the message app and the admin can add the new design using administrative
tools. If the user elects to modify the canister coordinate system to match the scheme used at their site, they will be
taken to a screen similar to Fig. 4.6. These position labels will need to be consistent with those that are entered in the
cask loading map data file shown in Fig. 4.16 under the Schedule D.3.3 form. The orientation of the loading map can
be determined based on the location of the drain tube. It was observed that few utilities previously provided both drain
tube and a north-south direction indicator. User can rotate a canister to indicate proper orientation and also adjust the
north-south direction as needed to indicate the direction of the drain tube or a cell position on the storage pad. The
numbering scheme, orientation, and directions are site specific and need to be specified for each site if different. These
features are optional.


Chapter 4. Schedule D: Storage Facility Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 4.4: Schedule D.3 Dry Storage Facility Information

4.2. Schedule D.3 Storage Facility Information Dry Storage


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 4.5: Schedule D.3 Canister Models


Chapter 4. Schedule D: Storage Facility Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 4.6: Schedule D.3 Assign Positions to Canister Models
The user has two options for adding new canisters, adding a single canister in a web form or uploading a Microsoft
Excel (xlsx), or Comma Separated (csv), or tab separated (tab) file with one or more canisters. If the user would like to
upload data for a single new canister, they can click on the blue “Add Dry Storage Container” button located under the
“Create Single Canister” section of the “Quick Tasks” section shown in Fig. 4.4. This will open up a form similar Fig.
4.7. Once in the canister addition form, the “Vendor/Model Number” of the cask from the drop-down menu will display
a graphic of the canister below the data form for some cask models. Not all cask models will have a corresponding
loading map graphic shown in Fig. 4.6 that appears below the form in Fig. 4.7. If a user is adding a new canister and
there is no layout available and they wish to have one added, they need to contact an administrator.
As an alternative to entering data for each storage system with the web form, users may upload a Microsoft Excel (xlsx),
or Comma Separated (csv), or tab separated (tab) file, which may be more convenient if there are multiple canisters
that need to be entered. One way to begin the process of uploading a file with canisters is to click on the blue “Get
Started” button in the Upload Canister Data section of the “Quick Tasks” section of the screen shown in Fig. 4.4. This
will take the user to the upload screen that will be similar to Fig. 4.8. Once at the file upload screen, the user has the
option of downloading Microsoft Excel (xlsx) files with either sample data or previous facility data, by clicking the
gray drop-down menu. An example of the Microsoft Excel (xlsx) file format provided is shown in Fig. 4.9. Clicking
the “Download Data for Editing” will download a Microsoft Excel (xlsx) file that can be modified or appended to make
changes to existing data or add new data. After adding new data users can proceed to the upload screen by clicking
“Get Started.”

4.2. Schedule D.3 Storage Facility Information Dry Storage


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 4.7: Schedule D.3 Create Dry Storage Container


Chapter 4. Schedule D: Storage Facility Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 4.8: Schedule D.3 Canister Data File Upload

Fig. 4.9: Schedule D.3 Upload Canister Data Format
After clicking on the “Get Started” button shown in the user will be able to upload a file by either dragging the file
into the window or navigating to the file location by clicking on the “choose file” button below the blue “drag-and-drop
your files here” space. The system does some data checking and if canister or overpack models are not recognized will
show the message on the right in Fig. 4.10 giving the user the option to select from known canister or overpack models.
If the file has been uploaded correctly and all data checking has been completed and corrected, the user will receive a
message showing that the file has been successfully uploaded similar to that in Fig. 4.11.
4.2. Schedule D.3 Storage Facility Information Dry Storage


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 4.10: Schedule D.3 File Upload and Data Checking

Fig. 4.11: Schedule D.3 Successful File Upload
A third function of the Schedule D.3 form is to permit users to upload loading map PDFs that can be referenced in other
Schedule D forms. To upload the reference PDFs the user should click on the “Show/Hide PDF Upload” button in the
“Upload Canister Loading Map Reference” section under Quick Tasks in the main D.3 form (Fig. 4.4). Selecting this
option will expand this form to allow the user to drag and drop files or open a navigation window to select them. These
reference PDFs can be selected from “Map Filename” portion of the single canister form (Fig. 4.7) and portions of the
document can be referred to in the “Map Reference” field in Fig. 4.7 or in Column E in of the multiple canister upload
file shown in Fig. 4.9. This “map reference” can be used to state a specific page and figure number when a single file is
used to describe loading maps for multiple canisters. An example of this is shown in Column E of Fig. 4.9 that states
the page and a figure number. This file may be used to describe loading maps for multiple canisters and can be used as
a reference for data in Schedule D.3.3.
Clicking on the blue “Show/Hide PDF Upload” button on the main Schedule D.3 page as shown on the right of Fig.
4.4 will navigate user to the lower part of the Schedule D.3 page where they have access to canister loading map files
by clicking on the hyperlinks. As shown in Fig. 4.12, clicking on the file name shows a drop-down menu with options
to view and download the loading map files, as well as show and modify linked canisters.


Chapter 4. Schedule D: Storage Facility Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 4.12: Schedule D.3 Canister Loading Map File Options
Once the user has completed uploading canister information, canister loading information may be reported in Schedule
D.3.3. Schedule D.3.3 can be accessed by clicking on the “Take me to Schedule D.3.3” which will be a green button
on the screen shown in Fig. 4.4 or by navigating to Schedule D.3.3 using other means. The screen for Schedule D.3.3
will look similar to that in Fig. 4.13.

4.2. Schedule D.3 Storage Facility Information Dry Storage


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 4.13: Schedule D.3.3 Front Screen
If the user scrolls down from the screen shown in Fig. 4.13 they will see all previously uploaded canister maps with
positions and assemblies assigned to these positions similar to Fig. 4.14. The assembly identifiers are hyperlinked
to the assembly information provided in Schedule C and the canister identifiers are also hyperlinked to the canister
information provided in Schedule D 3.2. To create new canister assignments for assemblies the user can click on the
blue “Upload Data” shown in Fig. 4.13. This will take the user to a file upload screen shown in Fig. 4.15.
Canister loading map data will be uploaded from an input data file. The format for the input file can be downloaded by
clicking the gray button with an arrow shown on Fig. 4.15 which will result in a drop-down menu with two options. If
the user clicks on “Download Sample,” they will download a file that shows the acceptable format of the upload data file
in a Microsoft Excel (xlsx) file format. The data in this file is only used to provide an example of the format. If the user
clicks on “Download Data for Editing,” they will get previously entered data that they can edit or append. An example
of this format is shown in Fig. 4.16. Once the user has created the upload file with the canister loading map they wish
to upload they can access the file upload screen by clicking on the green “Get Started” button at the bottom of Fig.
4.15. After a file has been uploaded the user will see a screen similar to that in Fig. 4.17. The successfully uploaded
file will appear under “uploaded files,” on the lower left of Fig. 4.17. In this example, the name of the file was “Diablo
Canyon Canister Map Data Example - 2022.xlsx”. Additional files can be uploaded by repeating the process of either
dragging and dropping the files into the space shown in Fig. 4.17, or by navigating to the file location and selecting the
file the user wishes to upload. When all files have been uploaded the user can click the “Finished Uploading” button
and this will take them to the screen shown in Fig. 4.18. Besides a Microsoft Excel (xlsx) file format, users can use
Comma Separated (csv) or tab separated (tab) file formats for data upload. The downloaded examples are always in
Microsoft Excel (xlsx) file format.


Chapter 4. Schedule D: Storage Facility Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 4.14: Schedule D.3.3 Example of Canister Loading Maps

4.2. Schedule D.3 Storage Facility Information Dry Storage


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 4.15: Schedule D.3.3 File Upload

Fig. 4.16: Schedule D.3.3 Loading Map Data File Format


Chapter 4. Schedule D: Storage Facility Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 4.17: Schedule D.3.3 Canister Map File Uploaded

Fig. 4.18: Schedule D.3.3 Completion of Canister Map File Upload

4.3 Site Specific Canister Data File Format Upload
Southern Nuclear and Constellation facilities will have an additional option for uploading canister data using the TracWorks format. If the user is entering data for a Southern Nuclear or a Constellation facility and they click on the blue
“Upload Data” button from the main Schedule D.3.3 screen shown in Fig. 4.4, they will be taken to a screen similar to
that in Fig. 4.19.

4.3. Site Specific Canister Data File Format Upload


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 4.19: Schedule D.3.3 File Upload for Constellation Facilities
The process for downloading and entering the data into the correct format is similar to that previously discussed,
however there is an additional data file format available for Southern Nuclear and Constellation facilities. The files for
using this option are accessible by clicking the gray drop-down box “Download Sample” shown in Fig. 4.19. In Fig.
4.20 an example of the file format is shown for Southern Nuclear Facilities. The file format has three columns: a unique
canister name, a unique assembly identifier from Schedule C.1.1 and a position where the assembly is located in the


Chapter 4. Schedule D: Storage Facility Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

spent fuel basket.

Fig. 4.20: Schedule D.3.3 Example of TracWorks Fuel Moves Export format for Southern Nuclear Facilities
The example in Fig. 4.21 is for Constellation Facilities.

Fig. 4.21: Schedule D.3.3 Example of TracWorks File Format Constellation Facilities
Some of the data in the TracWorks format will need to be translated in order to be recognizable by the GC-859 survey
web program. The program will check the data and send the user through automated steps where it will predict the data
that is compatible with the database. The user will then be asked to confirm the predictions. After uploading the data
file, the program asks the user a series of question to link the unknown columns to data in the GC-859 database. This
process is similar to discussion under Fig. 3.19.

4.4 Schedule D Comments
Finally, user can proceed to the comment section using the button “Take me to Schedule D Comments” shown above in
Fig. 4.13. Users provide any comments concerning Storage Facility Data (Section D.1 through D.3) and should label
comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer. To enter and edit comments, users click the “Edit
Comments” button in Fig. 4.22. After completing comments proceed to Schedule E.

4.4. Schedule D Comments


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 4.22: Schedule D Comments


Chapter 4. Schedule D: Storage Facility Data




After clicking on the “Take Me to Schedule E” or navigating to Schedule E using other means, users will be directed
to a screen similar to Fig. 5.1. To proceed, click on the green “Take me to Schedule E.2” button displayed in Fig. 5.1.
This will lead users to the screen shown in Fig. 5.2.

Fig. 5.1: Schedule E Non-Fuel Data Front Screen
Schedule E.2 serves as a placeholder for consistency with prior surveys. This data is reported in C.1.1 (Fig. 3.3)
columns 10, 11, and 12. For non-fuel components (NFCs) which have been moved during the current reporting period
to or from an assembly identified as being discharged in a previous reporting period, NFC-related information for the
affected assembly or assemblies can be updated in schedule C.1.1 using an edit window similar to Fig. 3.5 or upload
feature in Fig. 3.7.


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 5.2: Schedule E.2 Non-Fuel Components Integral to an Assembly
Clicking on the green “Take me to Schedule E.3” button shown in Fig. 5.2 will lead the user to Schedule E.3 which is
shown in Fig. 5.3. Schedule E.3 is where the user can report canistered non-fuel components. If the user has canister
non-fuel components to enter, they will click on the blue “Yes” button shown below in Fig. 5.3 and the bottom of the
screen containing the two blue buttons, “Add Canistered Non-fuel Component,” and “Upload Data” will be displayed.


Chapter 5. Schedule E: Non-Fuel Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 5.3: Schedule E.3 Canistered Non-Fuel Components Front Screen
Clicking on the “Add Canistered Non-fuel Component” button shown in Fig. 5.3 will take the user to a form shown in
Fig. 5.4 that can be filled out to enter information about the canistered non-fuel component.


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 5.4: Schedule E.3 Canistered Non-fuel Component Entry Form
After the user completes the form and hits the blue “submit” button at the bottom of the form shown in Fig. 5.4 they
will be taken back to the Schedule E.3 screen shown in Fig. 5.3.
If the user wishes to use the file data import format, they can click the blue “Upload Data” button shown on the bottom
of Fig. 5.3. This will take the user to a file upload screen shown in Fig. 5.5. Clicking on the gray down arrow button
will open a drop-down menu provides two options, “Download Sample,” and “Download Data for Editing” and similar
to that process, clicking on “Download Sample” will download a Microsoft Excel (xlsx) file that has example data with
the correct format, while “Download Data for Editing” will bring up a Microsoft Excel (xlsx) file that has previously
entered data so that new data will need to be appended, and previously entered data can be modified if errors are found.
Once the user has completed the file with the correct format for uploading, they can click on the green “get started”
button shown at the bottom of Fig. 5.5. The user can upload files by either dragging and dropping the files onto the
“Drag-and-drop your files here” space shown on the file upload screen or by clicking the “choose files” button and
navigating to the file location and selecting the file the user wishes to upload. Note that the upload also supports a
Comma Separated (csv) or a tab separated (tab) file in addition to Excel files.


Chapter 5. Schedule E: Non-Fuel Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 5.5: Schedule E.3 File Upload for Canistered Non-fuel Components
Once the user has entered the canistered non-fuel components and returned to the screen shown in Fig. 5.3, they will
be able to scroll down from this screen and see all the canistered non-fuel components that have been entered and can
verify any new data that has just been entered.
When the user has finished entering all canistered non-fuel data and has returned to the screen shown in Fig. 5.3, they
can enter Schedule E.4 by clicking on the green “Take me to Schedule E.4” button. This is not shown in Fig. 5.3
but would be below what is shown there. Alternatively, they can navigate to Schedule E.4 using other means such as
clicking the green “My GC-859” button at the top of the screen (see Fig. 1).
Schedule E.4 is for non-fuel components separated from an assembly and uncanistered. Upon entering Schedule E.4
the user will see a screen similar to that shown in Fig. 5.6.
If the user needs to enter information into Schedule E.4 there are two methods for doing so, they can click on the blue


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

“Add Uncanistered Non-fuel Component” button shown on the left in Fig. 5.6 which will bring up a form to fill out or
they can click on the blue “Upload Data” button on the right in Fig. 5.6 which will navigate the user to a file upload
page where they can download a a Microsoft Excel (xlsx) file file that contains the allowable format as well as a link
for uploading the a Microsoft Excel (xlsx)file file once it’s complete.

Fig. 5.6: Schedule E.4 Non-Fuel Components Separate from a Fuel Assembly and Uncanistered Front Screen


Chapter 5. Schedule E: Non-Fuel Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

5.1 Schedule E Comments
Finally, user will be directed to the comment section for Schedule E. Users provide any comments concerning Non-Fuel
Data (Section E.1 through E.4). Users should label comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
To enter and edit comments, users click the “Edit Comments” button in Fig. 5.7. After completing comments proceed
to Schedule F.

Fig. 5.7: Schedule E Comments

5.1. Schedule E Comments


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1


Chapter 5. Schedule E: Non-Fuel Data




When the user has completed entering data into Schedule E, they can navigate to Schedule F by clicking on the green
“Take me to Schedule F” button shown in Fig. 5.7 or by navigating to Schedule F using other means such as clicking
on the green “My GC-859” button near the top of the page (see Fig. 1). Upon entering Schedule F the user will see a
page similar to Fig. 6.1. If the reactor does not have any previously entered Schedule F data the user may see a screen
similar to Fig. 6.2.

Fig. 6.1: Schedule F Greater-than-Class-C Waste Data Front Screen

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 6.2: Schedule F Greater-than-Class-C Waste Data Alternate Front Screen
Navigating to Schedule F.1 will take the user to a screen to verify the point of contact information for GTCC waste.
The user can get to Schedule F.2 by either clicking on the green “Take me to Schedule F.2” button from the Schedule
F.1 screen (not shown) or navigating directly to Schedule F.2 using other methods. Once they get to Schedule F.2.1
they will see a screen similar to that in Fig. 6.3. If there are activated metals that were previously entered, the user can
scroll down to see a summary of what was entered. The screen in Fig. 6.3 shows an example of a Schedule F section
where no data has previously been entered. If the user has data that needs to be reported, the user can click on the blue
“Yes” button, which will expand the screen to include the information shown below these buttons in Fig. 6.3 giving
two options for reporting activated metals. Clicking the left “Add Activated Metals” button shown on the left in bottom
left of Fig. 6.3 will bring up a form to fill out or clicking on the blue “Upload Data” button on the bottom right in Fig.
6.3 will navigate the user to a file upload page where they can download a a Microsoft Excel (xlsx)file that contains
the allowable format as well as a link for uploading the file once it’s complete. Note that the upload also supports a
Comma Separated (csv) or a tab separated (tab) file in addition to Excel files.


Chapter 6. Schedule F Greater-Than-Class C Waste Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 6.3: Schedule F.2.1 Stored GTCC Activated Metals Front Screen
All data for other F Schedules, Schedule F.2.2 Stored Process Waste/Other Waste, Schedule F.3.1 Projected GTCC
Activated Metals, and Schedule F.3.2 Projected GTCC Process Waste/Other Waste, have the same process for entering
data as that shown for Schedule F.2.1.

6.1 Schedule F Comments
Finally, user will be directed to the comment section for Schedule F. Users provide any comments concerning GTCC
Waste (Section F.1 through F.3). Users should label comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
To enter and edit comments, users click the “Edit Comments”, similar to button in Fig. 5.7 shown in previous chapter.
After completing the comments, proceed to data certification.

6.1. Schedule F Comments


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1


Chapter 6. Schedule F Greater-Than-Class C Waste Data




A user can revert all changes by using the “Reset to Base Data” function. This will erase all changes that were entered
since the initial data status for the current survey period. The purpose of this function is to delete all changes made as
a practice or for training purposes or to correct a mistake or series of mistakes during data entry. To access this menu,
a user clicks on the green “My GC-859” button at the upper left-hand part of the screen, circled in Fig. 7.1 in red (1).
The user then clicks on “Reset to Base Data” circled below in red circle (2).


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 7.1: Access the Reset to Base Data Function
To prevent an accidental loss of data, the user is asked twice to confirm the data reset. In the first window, shown in
figure Fig. 7.2, click “Proceed” to continue restoring to base data.


Chapter 7. Reset to Base Data

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 7.2: Reset Data Screen
After clicking “Proceed”, a pop-up window Fig. 7.3 will show up, asking for an additional confirmation.

Fig. 7.3: Reset Data Po-pup Screen
After clicking “OK”, a final window in Fig. 7.4 initiates the reset process by putting system into a maintenance mode.
Press Home to return to main dashboard.

Fig. 7.4: Reset Data Confirmation Window
This process should only take few minutes. Please refrain from making changes to the system at this time. Check email
address associated with your user name for a message stating that system was reverted back from Maintenance mode
to Editable mode. Example of the email is in Fig. 7.5. This step completes the reset process.


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 7.5: Reset Data Confirmation Email
To abandon data restoration process, click “Cancel” in figure Fig. 7.2 which returns the user to the main dashboard. Or
click “Cancel” in the pop menu in Fig. 7.3 and then “Cancel” in the reset data screen in Fig. 7.2.
Note: Using the data reset function after transferring the fuel in schedule C.1.4 may result in loss of data. Coordinate
with the site administrator on this specific case.


Chapter 7. Reset to Base Data




On the input form some of the entries are required and some maybe optional. The required entries are marked either by
an asterisk next to the header or described below the text field. A detailed contextual description of the required field
can be shown by hovering the cursor over the asterisk. Alternatively, a description of the required field is shown below
the input field. Examples of required fields are highlighted red in Fig. 8.1.

Fig. 8.1: Example of Required Fields
If the required field is not filled, an error message will be show upon submitting the form to the system. The system
will not proceed until the required entries are provided. The following two figures Fig. 8.2 and Fig. 8.3 present the
errors returned upon submitting an empty required field.

Fig. 8.2: Required Field Error


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 8.3: Required Field Error


Chapter 8. Required Entries




In cases with no new data to report for example for plants that were shutdown for an extended period of time, a fast track
submission is available. The respondent is required to review and update Schedule A. If there have been no changes to
data in Schedules B through F since the last survey, the responded can proceed to the Data Certification page using the
button circled in red in Fig. 9.1. This case may apply to plants shutdown for extended period of time or when since the
last survey:
• No spent nuclear fuel (SNF) or high level waste (HLW) was discharged from the reactor to the spent fuel pool
(Schedule B, C);
• No SNF and HLW transferred from wet storage to dry storage (Schedule D);
• There were no changes the capacities wet and dry storage (Schedule D);
• No SNF, HLW, or dry storage canisters were transferred off-site (Schedule C, D);
• No changes were made to non-fuel data (Schedule E);
• And no changes have been made to stored or projected GTCC waste (Schedule F).


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 9.1: Fast Track Submission - No New Data to Report
Note that the button in Fig. 9.1 will only display if the contacts are entered correctly in the contact management page.
If the contacts are entered and there are no changes to report in Schedules B through F, proceed to the data certification
page. On the certification page, confirm that no data has been Modified or Added in the Summary data table (all 0 in
both columns) as shown in Fig. 9.2 below.


Chapter 9. Fast Track Submission - No New Data to Report

GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1

Fig. 9.2: No New Data on Certification Page


GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual, Release : PNNL-34034, Revision 1


Chapter 9. Fast Track Submission - No New Data to Report




Legislative Authority
Data on this mandatory form are collected under authority of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (15 USC
Schedule 761 et seq.), and the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as amended (42 USC 10101 et seq.). Failure to file
after receiving Energy Information Administration (EIA) notification may result in criminal fines, civil penalties and
other sanctions as provided by the law. Data being collected on this form are not considered to be confidential.
Title 18 U.S.C. 1001 makes it a criminal offense for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or
Department of the United States any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements as to any matter within its jurisdiction.
Public Reporting Burden
The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 90 hours per response. The
estimate by respondent category is 100 hours per response for operating nuclear reactors, 60 hours per response for
permanently shutdown nuclear reactors, and 40 hours per response for storage facilities and research/test reactors. The
estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the
data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Energy
Information Administration, Office of Survey Development and Statistical Integration, EI-21, 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20585, and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management
and Budget, 735 17th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20503.
Unsolicited and Prohibited Data
Information regarding security measures or material control and accounting procedures is not solicited; inclusion of
such information in this data is specifically prohibited.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleGC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Web-Application User Manual
AuthorGC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey
File Modified2023-04-12
File Created2023-04-12

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