EIA-930 Instructions_2022

Electric Power and Renewable Electricity Surveys

EIA-930 Instructions_2022

OMB: 1905-0129

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Approved: OMB No. 1905-0129
Approval Expires: xx/xx/xxxx
Burden: 80 annual hours



The purpose of this data collection is to provide basic operating
information about the nation’s electric pow er system on a current
and historical basis. While regional transmission organizations
and electric utilities have primary responsibility for electric system
operations, many other entities, such as industry participants ,
policymakers, legislators, regulators, emergency and disaster
response officials, entrepreneurs, economic analysts, industry
researchers, and the public, have a direct interest in electric
system operations and the associated data. This collection
provides a centralized and comprehensive source for hourly
electric industry operating data.

If you have questions about this U.S. Energy Information
Administration (EIA) data collection, please contact the EIA
Customer Care Center at 1-855-EIA-4USA (1-855-342-4872) or
by email to [email protected].

All entities in the contiguous United States that are listed in the
North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC’s )
Compliance Registry as a balancing authority must submit
information as required by this data collection.
Registered balancing authorities that are parties to the
coordinated functional registration agreement JRO00001 are
required to jointly submit for the Midcontinent Independent
System Operator (MISO).

At the beginning of each year, respondents w ill receive an email
asking them to verify 1) contact information, 2) a list of directly,
physically connected balancing authorities, 3) if applicable a list
and description of demand sub-regions (a system map specifying
the sub-regions is sufficient), and 4) a description of their
submission method.

voluntarily submit their hourly data w ithin 30 minutes of the end
of the operating hour. Respondents w ho are “generation-only ”
balancing authorities are not required to submit the same-day file.
Daily files are to be submitted daily by 7:00 a.m. Easter n
Prevailing (Standard or Daylight Saving) Time. The daily files are
to remain available at the posting location for one year.

Same-day and daily file submissions are to be made using EIA ’s
standard XML or CSV file format (see FILE LAYOUT).
Respondents can transmit their data using one of tw o methods :
post files to a respondent-specified Internet w ebsite or submit the
files to a secure EIA-designated w ebsite. Please provide to EIA
the URL and any access instructions for the respondent-specified
w ebsite. Respondents may, at their discretion, provide the public
w ith access to the posted files at their Internet address.
As an alternative, respondents may arrange w ith EIA to set up
automated file retrieval using business-to-business data transfer
or w eb services technology. Contact EIA to discuss.

Report all data as hourly integrated values in megaw atts by hour
ending time. Round all reported megaw att data to the nearest
Report hourly date-time stamps using the Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC) that correlates w ith the respondent’s local time. For
example, the date-time stamp for March 1, 2017, hour ending
1:00 AM Eastern Standard Time (w ith UTC Offset = 5) should be
reported as:

Additionally, respondents are required to inform EIA via email to
[email protected] of any change in their submission process or
the information listed in the previous tw o paragraphs at least
seven business days prior to the effective date of the change.

Sam e-day files: Use the follow ing filename format, w hich w ill
remain the same for every hourly submission and w ill not
change from day-to-day or hour-to-hour:


w here XX[X][X] is the respondent’s Balancing Authority Code
(see DATA DEFINITIONS). An example filename using MISO is:

Data is to be submitted in tw o files: “same-day” and “daily” files.
Sam e-day files are to be submitted hourly, no later than w ithin
60 minutes of the end of the operating hour. Respondents may

“XX[X][X]samedaydemand.x ml or .csv”

“MISOsamedaydemand.x ml” or “MISOsamedaydemand.csv”
Daily files: Use the follow ing filename format:

EIA-930 Hourly and Daily Balanc ing Authority Operations Reports – Instructions

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“XX[X][X]dailyDDDYYYY.xml or .csv”
w here XX[X][X] is the respondent’s Balancing Authority Code
(see DATA DEFINITIONS) and DDDYYYY is the day-of-year date
that is the file’s original required submission date. An example
filename using MISO’s daily file submission for March 1, 2017 is:
“MISOdaily0602017.x ml” or “MISOdaily0602017.csv”
Sam e-day files should contain:

Hourly total actual demand for each hour up to and including
the most recent operating hour of the day


Corresponding hourly UTC date-time stamps

A single file should be used for the hourly same-day submissions
w ith a standard filename as specified in the FILENA MES section.
A new hourly value and date-time stamp should be added to the
file each hour for the most recent operating hour. In the case of
the first posting of each day (submitted betw een 12:00-12:30 a.m.
respondent’s local time), the same-day file w ill contain demand
values for the full set of hours for the previous day. In the next
hour’s posting (submitted betw een 1:00-1:30 a.m. respondent’s
local time), the same-day file w ill only contain the demand value
for the first hour of the current day (hour ending 1:00 a.m.
respondent’s local time); the previous day’s values are dropped.
Daily files should contain:

Yesterday’s hourly day-ahead demand forecast for today


Yesterday’s hourly total actual demand


In certain circumstances:
Yesterday’s hourly total actual demand know n to be
used to store energy
(This information is only required by respondents that
are unable to account for electricity known to be used
to store energy as described the Data Type “D” section
of the instructions.)

*Respondents that calculate hourly actual demand values for subregions w ithin the tie line boundaries of their system (e.g., local
balancing authorities, areas, zones, operating companies, etc.) in
the normal course of business w ithin one month of the operating
day are required to report these values. If reporting demand by
sub-region, please provide to EIA information about these subregions in advance (see PERIODIC INFORMA TION UPDATES) .
Example XML and CSV files are available on the EIA Website.
Please refer to the XML and XML schema example files for the
XML file layout and structure.
The CSV file layout for both the same-day and daily files should
contain a header row w ith these fields:
Product Name, Posting Type, Balancing Authority Code, Data
Type, Data Code, Data Date, UTC Offset, HR1, HR2, HR3, HR4,
HR5, HR6, HR7, HR8, HR9, HR10, HR11, HR12, HR13, HR14,
HR15, HR16, HR17, HR18, HR19, HR20, HR21, HR22, HR23,
HR24, HR25
Please report the follow ing information for each field. See the
DATA QUALITY section for more discussion of the relationship
betw een various data elements.
Product Nam e: This is a standard required field. Please use
“EIA-930” as the value.
Posting Type: This is a standard required field. Use “Same-Day ”
for the same-day file and use “Daily” for the daily file
Balancing Authority Code: This is the balancing authority’s two
to four character ID code used to uniquely identify balancing
authorities in the industry’s e-tag interchange scheduling system.
A current list of balancing authorities and their e-tag ID codes is
provided on the EIA Website.
Data Type: This field is used to specify the type of record being
Note: electricity from the system that is know n to be used to
store energy should be excluded from demand (D) and
included as a negative contribution to net generation (NG).
Only respondents that are unable to account for energy
storage in this w ay are required to report data type “DS”


Yesterday’s hourly total net generation


Yesterday’s hourly net generation by energy source


Yesterday’s hourly total net metered tie line flow

UTC0 = the hourly UTC date-time stamps corresponding w ith
the hourly data for the current day (i.e., the reporting day).
This is reported on both the same-day and daily files.


Tw o-days-prior-to-today’s hourly net metered tie line flow
w ith each directly, physically connected balancing authority

UTC1 = the hourly UTC date-time stamps corresponding w ith
the hourly data for the day prior to the reporting day.


As soon as available, w ithin one month after the operating
day, hourly actual demand by sub-region*

UTC2 = the hourly UTC date-time stamps corresponding w ith
the hourly data for the day tw o days prior to the reporting day.


Corresponding hourly UTC date-time stamps

UTCD = the hourly UTC date-time stamps corresponding
w ith the hourly demand by sub-region data. This should only
be used if reporting demand by sub-region. (Report UTCD
separately even if it is the same date as UTC1 or UTC2.)

A single file should be produced each day for the daily submission
w ith a standard filename as specified in the FILENA MES section.
The daily files are to remain available at the posting location for
one year.

DF = day-ahead demand forecast. This value should alw ays
be positive.

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D = actual demand. This value should alw ays be positive.
This is reported on both the same-day and daily files.
For hours w hen electricity from the system is know n to
be used to store energy (via pumped storage, batteries
or other energy storage devices), this electricity should
be excluded from the actual demand reported on For m
EIA-930 and instead be included as a negativ e
contribution to net generation. Respondents that are
unable to account for electricity know n to be used to
store energy this w ay should instead report the hourly
electricity from the system that w as know n to be used to
store energy using data code “DS”.
DS = reported actual demand know n to be used to store
energy. This field is only required by respondents that are
unable to account for electricity known to be used to store
energy as described in the previous paragraph.
In cases w hen electricity from the system is know n to be
used to store energy (via pumped storage, batteries or
other energy storage devices), but cannot be excluded
from the actual demand reported on Form EIA-930,
report the hourly electricity from the system that was
know n to be used to store energy using data code “DS”.
NG = net generation. This value should usually be positive.
How ever, negative values may be reported for hours w hen
there is net energy storage. Also station use for a generationonly balancing authority that exceeds gross output w ill yield
negative net generation.
In cases w hen electricity from the system is know n to be
used to store energy (via pumped storage, batteries or
other energy storage devices) this electricity should be
excluded from the actual demand reported on Form EIA 930 and instead be included as a negative contribution
to net generation.
Load resources acting as “generation” by agreeing to
reduce load in exchange for financial compensation
should not be included in the reported net generation.
FLOW = net metered tie line flow . This value can be positive
or negative. Positive net flow s indicate that the electricity is
flow ing out of the respondent’s balancing authority. Negativ e
net flow s indicate that the electricity is flow ing into the
respondent’s balancing authority.
Data Code: This field is used to further specify the data being
reported for Data Types “D,” “NG,” and “FLOW.” Except as noted
below , all Data Codes pertain to the daily file only.
For Data Type “D”
Use “SYS” w hen reporting total actual demand (on both the
daily and same-day files)
Use “YY[Y][Y]” respondent-specified sub-region codes
w hen reporting demand by sub-region
For Data Type “NG”
Use “SYS” w hen reporting total net generation
Use “ZZ[Z]” codes below w hen reporting net generation by
energy source:

NG –
PS –

natural gas
all petroleum products
hydro (excluding pumped storage*)
pumped storage
solar w ithout integrated battery storage
solar w ith integrated battery storage
w ind w ithout integrated battery storage
w ind w ith integrated battery storage
battery storage
other energy storage
all other energy sources
unknow n

*Hydro: If pumped storage cannot be distinguished from
conventional hydroelectric generation then combine the two
energy sources and report as WAT. In cases of combined
reporting: for hours w hen storage exceeds generation, report
the net storage as a negative net generation for the hour; for
hours w hen generation exceeds storage, report the net
generation as a positive net generation for the hour.
Pum ped storage: For hours w hen pumped storage units
store more electricity than they generate, report the net
storage as a negative net generation for the hour. For hours
w hen pumped storage units generate more electricity than
they store, report the net generation as a positive net
generation for the hour.
Batteries: For hours w hen batteries or other energy storage
devices store more electricity than they generate, report the
net storage as a negative net generation for the hour. For
hours w hen batteries or other energy storage devices
generate more electricity than they store, report the net
generation as a positive net generation for the hour.
Dual-fuel or m ultiple fuel generators: For dual-fuel
generators (w hich can sw itch from one fuel to another), use
the energy source code for the actual fuel used if know n,
otherw ise use the energy source code for the primary fuel of
the generator. For multiple fuel generators (w hich can use
multiple fuels simultaneously), use the energy source codes
to report generation from each fuel used if know n, otherw ise
use the energy source code for the primary fuel of the
generator for the entire amount of generation.
Unknow n: For dual-fuel or multiple fuel generators do not
report the energy source as unknow n. See the guidance
above for reporting dual-fuel or multiple fuel generators.
Total Net Generation: For hours w hen storage devices such
as pumped storages or batteries store more electricity than
the entire system generates, report the net storage as a
negative net generation for the hour. For hours w hen
storage devices such as pumped storages or batteries store
less electricity than the entire system generates, report net
generation as a positive net generation for the hour.
Confidentiality requirements: In cases w here there are 3
or few er generators in an energy source category, and tariffs
or other agreements require this information to be masked,
use the “other” category (“OTH”) for this generation.
For Data Type “FLOW”

EIA-930 Hourly and Daily Balanc ing Authority Operations Reports – Instructions

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Use “SYS” w hen reporting total net metered tie line flow
Use “XX[X][X]” balancing authority codes for the
receiving/supplying balancing authority w hen reporting net
metered tie line flow w ith directly, physically connected
balancing authorities.
Data Date: Report the local date associated w ith the data being
reported using the day-of-year (DDDYYYY) format. For the
same-day file, the Data Date w ill be the day that is currently being
reported in the file. For the daily file, the Data Date w ill differ for
each Data Type reported in the file.
For example, in the daily file submission for March 1, 2015
(0602015), the Data Dates w ould be:
• 0602015 for UTC0 and DF
• 0592015 for UTC1, D-SYS, DR, NG-SYS, NG-ZZ[Z], and
• 0582015 for UTC2, FLOW-XX[X][X]
• For UTCD and D-YY[Y][Y], it w ill depend on the
respondent’s timing of reporting this data
UTC Offset: Report a value betw een 4 and 8 that represents the
difference betw een UTC time and the respondent’s local time.
Use the reference table below to determine the UTC offset.
U.S. Time


Daylight Savings













Note: When reporting data for the second Sunday in March w hen
Standard Time turns to Daylight Saving Time, use the UTC offset
for Daylight Saving Time. And w hen reporting data for the first
Sunday in November w hen time turns from Daylight Saving Time
to Standard Time, use the UTC offset for Standard Time. Refer
to the daily and same-day examples of the time change
transitions on the EIA Website.
HR#: Represents fields for reporting one value for each
sequential hour of the day in respondent’s local time (e.g., HR5 is
hour ending 5 a.m.). HR25 field is alw ays included in the file
layout but should only be used to report data for the first Sunday
in November w hen time turns from Daylight Saving Time to
Standard Time resulting in a 25th hour on that date. On the
second Sunday in March w hen Standard Time turns to Daylight
Saving Time, HR24 w ill be blank because there w ill only be 23
hours of data to report.
Consider the follow ing scenario w here a reporting entity has a
solar generating resource and an unintegrated battery storage.
Suppose the solar resource generates 20 MWh of electricity in an
hour, 3 MWh of the generated electricity is used to charge the
battery, 12 MWh of load is served by the reporting entity (in
addition to the 3 MWh used to charge the battery), and 5 MWh is
exported to a neighboring balancing authority.

In this scenario,
Net generation (NG) should be reported as 17 MWh (20
MWh generated minus 3 MWh used for energy storage)
Demand should be reported as 12 MWh (do not include
the 3 MWh of electricity used for energy storage)
Net metered tie line flow (FLOW) should be reported as
5 MWh.
Reported actual demand know n to be used to store
energy (DS) should be om itted from reporting
Solar generation (Data Code SUN) should be reported
as 20 MWh
Battery generation (Data Code BAT) should be reported
as -3 MWh
Respondents unable to account for electricity know n to be used
to store energy as illustrated above, may alternatively report as
follow s:
Demand may be reported as 15 MWh (12 MWh of
traditional load plus 3 MWh of electricity used for energy
Net generation (NG) may be reported as 20 MWh (The
full 20 MWh of generation is reported if energy storage
cannot be excluded minus 3 MWh used for energy
Net metered tie line flow (FLOW) should be reported as
5 MWh.
Reported actual demand know n to be used to store
energy (DS) may be reported as 3 MWh.
Solar generation (Data Code SUN) should be reported
as 20 MWh
Battery generation (Data Code BAT) may be om itted
Consider the follow ing scenario w here a reporting entity has a
solar generating resource and an integrated battery storage.
Suppose the solar resource generates 20 MWh of electricity in an
hour, 3 MWh of the generated electricity is used to charge the
integrated battery, 12 MWh of load is served by the reporting
entity (in addition to the 3 MWh used to charge the battery), and
5 MWh is exported to a neighboring balancing authority.
In this scenario,
Net generation (NG) should be reported as 17 MWh (20
MWh generated minus 3 MWh used for energy storage)
Demand should be reported as 12 MWh (do not include
the 3 MWh of electricity used for energy storage)
Net metered tie line flow (FLOW) should be reported as
5 MWh.
Reported actual demand know n to be used to store
energy (DS) should be om itted from reporting
Solar generation w ith integrated battery storage (Data
Code SNB) should be reported as 17 MWh
Respondents unable to account for electricity know n to be used
to store energy as illustrated above, may alternatively report as
follow s:
Demand may be reported as 15 MWh (12 MWh of
traditional load plus 3 MWh of electricity used for energy
Net generation (NG) may be reported as 20 MWh (The
full 20 MWh of generation is reported if energy storage
cannot be excluded minus 3 MWh used for energy
Net metered tie line flow (FLOW) should be reported as

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5 MWh.
Reported actual demand know n to be used to store
energy (DS) may be reported as 3 MWh.
Solar generation (Data Code SUN) may be reported as
20 MWh
Battery generation (Data Code BAT) may be om itted

Expected data revisions: When respondents cannot report
finalized data by the due date and time, they should submit their
best estimates on schedule and correct the data w ith a
resubmission w ithin 3 days or as soon as the actual data is
available. For example if the initial reporting of total net meter ed
tie line flow needs to be revised because of adjustments made
during the check-out process w ith neighboring balancing
authorities, then a new daily files should resubmitted. In cases
w here changes are routinely made respondents should make
arrangements w ith EIA to schedule a regular resubmission
Unexpected data revisions: When unexpected reporting errors
exceed 10 MWh for any hour, resubmit corrected data to
address the imbalance w ithin 30 days. If such corrections
cannot be made w ithin 30 days, respondents should make
arrangements w ith EIA to discuss an alternative resubmission
Energy balance: The values reported for total actual demand,
total net generation, and total net metered tie line flow are
expected to balance hourly (i.e., the sum of demand and net
metered tie line flow is expected to equal net generation).
For hours w hen electricity from the system is know n to be used
to store energy (via pumped storage, batteries or other energy
storage devices), the energy balance relationship should also
continue to balance. In such hours the actual demand value
should have been low ered by the amount of electricity
consumed for storage purposes and a corresponding negative
contribution should have been reflected in the reported net
Dem and forecast: If you do not produce a day-ahead demand
forecast in the normal course of business that is directly
comparable to actual demand as defined for this collection (see
discussion of physical vs. commercial operations below ), you are
not required to produce a consistent demand forecast for the
purposes of EIA-930 reporting. Please report the day-ahead
demand forecast generated in the normal course of business.
Dem and: To the extent possible, the sum of the values reported
for actual demand by sub-region is expected to equal reported
total actual demand each hour. Where discrepancies exist due to
different methods for calculating these tw o data elements, please
provide a short description of the methods used.
Net generation: To the extent possible, the sum of the values
reported for net generation by energy source is expected to equal
reported total net generation each hour. Where discrepancies
exist due to different methods for calculating these tw o data
elements, please provide a short description of the methods used.
Net m etered tie line flow s: To the extent possible, the sum of
the values reported for net metered tie line flow with each directly,

physically connected balancing authority is expected to equal
reported total net metered tie line flow each hour. Where
discrepancies exist due to different methods for calculating these
tw o data elements, please provide a short description of the
methods used.
Reported net metered tie line flow w ith each directly, physically
connected balancing authority is expected to match that reported
by the corresponding balancing authority.
Anom alous data: Please suppress anomalous data values such
as erroneous zero and large positive or negative values in sameday files. Submit the same-day file on schedule w ith the
appropriate date-time stamp for the reporting hour, but leave the
demand value blank. Replace the blank demand value w ith a
valid value as soon as possible in subsequent same-day file
submissions. Do not report zeros for any energy values unless
they are valid zeros.
Please suppress anomalous data values such as erroneous zero
and large positive or negative values in daily files. Submit the daily
file on schedule w ith the appropriate date-time stamp for the
reporting hour, but leave the energy value blank. Replace the
blank w ith a valid value as soon as possible and resubmit the daily
file. Do not report zeros for any energy values unless they are
valid zeros.
Physical vs. com m ercial operations: With the EIA-930 data
collection EIA is attempting to represent electric system
operations in as purely a physical w ay as possible. Ow nership
and dispatch are irrelevant to the determination of w hat is
associated w ith a balancing authority.
Therefore, dynamic transfer arrangements implemented as either
pseudo-ties or dynamic schedules are to be ignored in or
excluded from reporting, meaning that metered tie line flow s are
not to be adjusted and actual demand and net generation should
reflect only demand and net generation occurring w ithin the
physical tie line boundaries of the balancing authority.
Generators physically embedded w ithin the tie line boundary of
your balancing authority, but ow ned, operated, or dispatched by
another balancing authority, are to be included, for the purposes
of the EIA-930, in your reporting of net generation. The
transmission connection of that plant to your system is not
considered to be a tie line boundary.
Similarly, if your balancing authority is supplied from a generator
that is ow ned, operated, or dispatched by you, but is located
outside the tie line boundary of your balancing authority, it is not
to be included, for the purposes of the EIA-930, in the reporting
of your net generation. The transmission connection(s) of isolated
plants physically embedded w ithin the tie line boundary of another
balancing authority is not considered to be a tie line boundary.
Ultimate customer load that is physically embedded w ithin the tie
line boundary of your balancing authority, but is supplied by
another balancing authority, is to be included, for the purposes of
the EIA-930, in your reporting of actual demand. The transmission
connection of that load area to your system is not considered to
be a tie line boundary.
Similarly, if your balancing authority supplies electricity to ultimate
customer load outside the tie line boundary of your balancing
authority, it is not to be included, for the purposes of the EIA-930,
in the reporting of your actual demand. The transmission
connection(s) to load areas w ithin the tie line boundary of another
balancing authority is not considered to be a tie line boundary.

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If ultimate customer load is supplied through your system and the
load area is not physically embedded in another balancing
authority, include that load in your actual demand, even though
you consider the load area outside your metered tie line
In situations w here it is not possible or practical to exclude all
dynamic transfer arrangements implemented as either pseudoties or dynamic schedules in the reporting of generation, demand,
and interchange, then it is the responsibility of the impacted
balancing authorities to reach an agreement w ith their
counterparts on a consistent reporting of generation, demand,
and interchange. Any such agreements betw een balancing
authorities should be communicated to EIA. To simplify the
implementation of these agreements and to reduce the burden of
all parties involved, EIA encourages balancing authorities to
consider using other existing industry conventions that may
already be in place. Once an agreement has been communicated
to EIA, none of the impacted balancing authorities should alter
that reporting agreement w ithout mutual agreement of all
impacted balancing authorities.

completing and review ing the collection of information. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of
this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing
this burden, to the U.S. Energy Information Administration,
Office of Survey Developm ent and Statistical Integration, EI21 Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue S.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20585-0670; and to the Office of Inform ation
and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Managem ent and Budget,
Washington, D.C. 20503. A person is not required to respond to
the collection of information unless the form displays a valid OMB

The timely submission of Form EIA-930 by those required to
report is mandatory under 15 U.S.C. §772(b), as amended.
Failure to respond may result in a civil penalty of not more than
$10,633 each day for each violation. The government may bring
a civil action to prohibit reporting violations w hich may result in a
temporary restraining order or a preliminary or permanent
injunction w ithout bond. In such civil action, the court may also
issue mandatory injunctions commanding any person to comply
w ith these reporting requirements.
Title 18 U.S.C. §1001 m akes it a crim inal offense for any
person know ingly and w illingly to m ake to any Agency or
Departm ent of the United States any false, fictitious, or
fraudulent statements as to any m atter w ithin its jurisdiction.
In the case of the EIA-930, EIA w ill not pursue sanctions if
mechanical failure or other factors beyond the control of the
respondent cause a failure to report.

All information reported on Form EIA-930 is public information
and may be publicly released in company identifiable form.

In order to comply w ith the requirement of the Federal
Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA), an
Interconnection Security Agreement (ISA) may need to be
signed if either (1) data is submitted to EIA using an automated
business-to-business data transfer or w eb services technology
or (2) data is posted to a respondent-specified Internet w ebsite
that requires access w ith a user name and passw ord.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is
estimated as an annual average to be 80 hours per respondent,
including the time for review ing instructions, searching existing
data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and

EIA-930 Hourly and Daily Balanc ing Authority Operations Reports – Instructions

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File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorLee, April
File Modified2022-11-15
File Created2022-11-15

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