87 FR 59863 (60-day correction)

87FR59863 60 Day Correction.pdf

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87 FR 59863 (60-day correction)

OMB: 2120-0015

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 190 / Monday, October 3, 2022 / Notices
impacts to wetlands are not avoidable,
CWA permitting with the USACE and
TDEC will be conducted as appropriate.
• Establish a buffer around forested
wetland W019, which is rated as having
exceptional value, such that it would
not be impacted by project activities.
Mitigation Measures
• Design the diffuser ports that are
TVA will use the following means to
part of the discharge system to direct
avoid or minimize environmental harm: effluent upwards into the water column
Appropriate best management practices so that limited physical alteration or
during any site preparation,
scouring occurs, thereby minimizing
construction, operation, and
impacts to benthic habitats.
• Work to minimize and avoid
decommissioning of advanced nuclear
reactors, including those described in A impacts in native cedar glade areas
Guide for Environmental Protection and during design, construction, and
Best Management Practices for
• Time any proposed actions within
Tennessee Valley Authority, the
660 feet of active osprey nests to avoid
Tennessee Erosion and Sediment
nesting seasons, or coordinate with the
Control Handbook, the project-specific
U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife
stormwater pollution prevention plan,
and those associated with a site-specific Services for guidance to ensure
compliance under Executive Order
Integrated Pollution Prevention Plan.
In addition, TVA will:
• When feasible, remove trees within
• Conduct additional site-specific
the Project Area in winter (October 15–
investigations to evaluate the presence
March 31) when most species of
of karst features in areas proposed for
migratory birds would not be nesting
structure development.
• Ensure that any disturbance of
and/or would be away from the region.
• Review any proposed tree removal
contaminated sediments within the
plans once site-specific designs are
Clinch River arm of the Watts Bar
completed to determine if impacts to
Reservoir would be subject to the terms
of the Watts Bar Interagency Agreement potentially suitable Indiana bat and
northern long-eared bat habitat may
that includes the USACE, U.S.
occur. Consultation under Section 7 of
Department of Energy, TDEC, and the
the Endangered Species Act will occur,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
as appropriate, when specific designs
to coordinate review of permitting and
have been selected, the scope of each
• Minimize the noise effects of
project has been refined, and impacts to
blasting by requiring the construction
federally listed bats can be properly
contractor to develop a blasting plan to
• Ensure that state-listed plant
include notifications to local officials,
species including the rigid sedge and
emergency departments, and
pale green orchid are not significantly
neighboring businesses and residents.
• Minimize noise impacts based on
impacted by designing the proposed
further analysis and/or modeling to
offsite transmission line to avoid the
determine offsite operational noise
species and their habitat to the greatest
impacts when designs for specific
extent possible. TVA transmission
reactor and cooling technologies are
engineers will consult with the TVA
botanist during design to ensure the
• Minimize the effect of construction
location of the habitat is considered
dewatering on groundwater levels in the early in the process.
areas surrounding any potential
• Pursue expansion of the Grassy
excavation and reduce the need for
Creek HPA by about 14 acres to provide
dewatering by appropriately blocking or additional protection to the state-listed
grouting fractures and cavities
rigid sedge and pale green orchid.
• Use site design to minimize and
transmitting large amounts of water. As
avoid impacts to streams and wetlands
appropriate, TVA will assess the effects
where feasible to lessen potential
of dewatering by monitoring
impacts to suitable habitat for the
groundwater levels surrounding the
southeastern shrew and other riparian
excavation and water levels in
potentially affected surface waterbodies. dependent rare species.
• Take steps to address localized
• Limit any new rail line construction
to the north side of the rail spur, thereby traffic congestion by staggering work
avoiding 100- and 500-year floodplains. shifts to avoid localized delays at key
• Minimize permanent and temporary intersections, installing traffic lights and
impacts to wetlands and other sensitive stop signs, and adding turning lanes as
appropriate to the level of traffic
resources during the design phase of
any reactor to be constructed on site. If

lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1

provided responses to these comments,
made appropriate minor revisions to the
Draft PEIS, and issued the Final PEIS.
The Notice of Availability for the
Final PEIS was published in the Federal
Register on July 29, 2022.

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• Equip mechanical draft cooling
towers with efficient drift eliminators
and/or other design attributes to reduce
particulate matter emissions.
• Maintain the grounds of the
Hensley Cemetery and avoid the
cemetery during construction, operation
and maintenance activities. The
cemetery would remain accessible to
those individuals with familial
connection to individuals buried at
Hensley Cemetery.
• Per the stipulations of the
Programmatic Agreement (PA) executed
between TVA, and the Tennessee State
Historic Preservation Officer with
concurring parties of the Eastern Band
of Cherokee Indians and the United
Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in
Oklahoma, TVA will seek ways to avoid
or minimize adverse project impacts on
NRHP-eligible archaeological sites, and
if avoidance or sufficient minimization
are not possible, TVA will mitigate the
adverse effects in accordance with the
stipulations of the PA. TVA will consult
with the Tennessee SHPO and federally
recognized tribes throughout the
Robert M. Deacy, Sr.,
Senior Vice President, Clinch River Project,
Tennessee Valley Authority.
[FR Doc. 2022–21319 Filed 9–30–22; 8:45 am]

Federal Aviation Administration
[Docket No. FAA–2022–1254]

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Requests for Comments;
Clearance of a Renewed Approval of
Information Collection: FAA Airport
Data and Information
In Notice document 2022–20598,
appearing on page 58178, in the issue of
Friday. September 23, 2022, make the
following correction:
On page 58178, in the second column,
in the DATES: section, in the second line,
‘‘September 23, 2022’’ is corrected to
read ‘‘November 22, 2022’’.
[FR Doc. C1–2022–20598 Filed 9–29–22; 2:00 pm]



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File Modified2022-10-01
File Created2022-10-01

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