OMB Control No: 0970-0488
Expiration date: XX/XX/XXXX
Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance
Application for Modification of a Decision
( Article 10(1) e) Article10(1) f) Article 10(2) b) Article 10(2) c))
Personal data gathered or transmitted under the Convention shall be used only for the purposes for which it was gathered or transmitted. Any authority processing such information shall ensure its confidentiality, in accordance with the law of its State.
An authority shall not disclose or confirm information gathered or transmitted in application of this Convention if it determines that to do so could jeopardise the health, safety or liberty of a person in accordance with Article 40.
A determination of non-disclosure has been made by a Central Authority in accordance with Article 40. If this box is ticked, information under sections 2 d, e, f and g and 5 should only be provided in the Restricted Information on the Applicant page of this form.
Requesting Central Authority file reference number:
Particulars of the applicant
The applicant is:
The person for whom maintenance is sought or payable
The representative of the person for whom maintenance is sought or payable
The debtor
The representative of the debtor
Family name(s):
Given name(s):
Date of birth:1 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Telephone numbers:
Fax number:
Particulars of the person(s) for whom maintenance is sought or payable
Maintenance is sought or payable for the applicant named above Maintenance basis:
parentage in loco parentis or equivalent relationship
marriage analogous relationship to marriage
affinity (please identify):
grandparent sibling grandchild
PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13) STATEMENT OF PUBLIC BURDEN: The purpose of this information collection is to submit an application for the modification of a decision under the 2007 Hague Child Support Convention. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 0.5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. This is a mandatory collection of information per 45 CFR 303.7. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact the ACF Reports Clearance Officer by email at [email protected].
1 It is not necessary to provide a date of birth in the case of a representative.
Maintenance is sought or payable for the following child(ren)
Family name(s): Given name(s):
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Maintenance basis:
parentage in loco parentis or equivalent relationship
Family name(s): Given name(s):
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Maintenance basis:
parentage in loco parentis or equivalent relationship
Family name(s): Given name(s):
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Maintenance basis:
parentage in loco parentis or equivalent relationship
Maintenance is sought or payable for the following person
Family name(s): Given name(s):
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Maintenance basis:
marriage analogous relationship to marriage
affinity (please identify):
grandparent sibling grandchild
Maintenance is sought or payable for additional children or persons, additional particulars are attached
Particulars (if known) of the debtor
The person is the same as the applicant named above
Family name(s):
Given name(s):
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Residential address:
Postal address:
If the debtor is the applicant, particulars (if known and applicable) of the representative of the person(s) for whom maintenance is sought or payable
Family name(s):
Given name(s):
Telephone numbers:
Fax number:
Information that may assist with the location of the respondent
Personal identification number: (including name of country or territorial unit that issued the number)
Any other information that may assist with the location of the respondent
Details for electronic transfer of payments (if applicable)
Name of the bank: NBIC: 2
Account number: Name of account holder: Reference:4
Details for payments by cheques (if applicable)
Cheque payable to: Cheque to be sent to: (address)
The decision
Type of authority: judicial authority or administrative authority
Name and place of authority: (address if applicable)
6.4 |
Date of the decision: |
(dd/mm/yyyy) |
6.5 |
Date of effect of the decision: |
(dd/mm/yyyy) |
6.6 |
Reference number of the decision: |
6.7 |
Names of the parties: |
The following changes have occurred since the decision was made or last modified:
Change in the income of the creditor or its financial situation
Change in the income of the debtor or its financial situation
Change in the income or financial situation of the person who has care of the child
Change in circumstances of the person for whom maintenance is sought
Change in child care arrangements
Change in cost of living
Change of currency exchange rate
Decision was made by consent, and the amount ordered to be paid is no longer appropriate or adequate
Other. Please specify:
The following modifications are sought by the applicant:
Increasing the amount of maintenance
Please specify the new amount and currency:
Decreasing the amount of maintenance
Please specify the new amount and currency:
Modifying the frequency of payments, please specify:
week two weeks month 3 months 6 months
year other (specify):
Modifying the method of payment
Please specify:
Modifying the nature of payments
Please specify:
Reducing or cancelling arrears
Please specify reasons:
Terminating the maintenance obligation
Please specify reasons: Please specify termination date: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Other. Please specify:
The following documents are attached to establish the basis for modification of the maintenance decision and to assist in establishing, where necessary, the amount of the maintenance:
Complete text of the decision from the State of origin
Evidence establishing a change in income or other change in circumstances
Written agreement between the parties related to modification of the maintenance
Financial Circumstances Form
Written submissions in support of application
Other evidence in accordance with the law of the requested State
Please initiate enforcement measures once the decision is established
Other information:
If the applicant is the debtor in the case of an application under Article 10(2) c), please tick the applicable boxes:
The creditor is not habitually resident in the State of origin.
The creditor is habitually resident in the State of origin, but the following provision of Article 18 applies or may apply:
The parties agreed in writing to the jurisdiction of the requested State in accordance with Article 18(2) a) ( agreement attached);5
The creditor may submit to the jurisdiction of the requested State in accordance with Article 18(2) b);
The competent authority in the State of origin cannot, or refuses to, exercise jurisdiction in accordance with Article 18(2) c) ( decision attached); or,
The decision made in the State of origin cannot be recognized or declared enforceable in the Contracting State where proceedings for a new or modified decision are contemplated in accordance with Article 18(2) d) ( decision attached).
This application was completed by the applicant and reviewed by the requesting Central Authority
This application complies with the requirement of the Convention (Article 12(2)). The information contained in this application and the attached documents correspond to and are in conformity with the information and documents provided by the applicant to the requesting Central Authority. The application is forwarded by the Central Authority on behalf of and with the consent of the applicant
Name: (in block letters) Date: Authorised representative of the Central Authority (dd/mm/yyyy)
5 The first condition of Article 18(2) does not apply in disputes relating to maintenance obligations in respect of children.
Restricted Information on the Applicant
Application for Modification of a Decision
( Article 10(1) e) Article10(1) f) Article 10(2) b) Article 10(2) c))
N.B. The requesting Central Authority has determined that information under sections 2 d, e, f and g and 5 on this page shall not be disclosed or confirmed for the protection of the health, safety or liberty of a person. Such a determination shall according to Article 40(2) be taken into account by the requested Central Authority.
Requesting Central Authority file reference number:
Particulars of the applicant
Family name(s):
Given name(s):
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Telephone numbers:
Fax number:
Details for electronic transfer of payments (if applicable)
Name of the bank: NBIC:
Account number: Name of account holder: Reference:
Details for payments by cheques (if applicable)
Cheque payable to: Cheque to be sent to: (address)
This application was completed by the applicant and reviewed by the requesting Central Authority
This application complies with the requirement of the Convention (Article 12(2)). The information contained in this application and the attached documents correspond to and are in conformity with the information and documents provided by the applicant to the requesting Central Authority. The application is forwarded by the Central Authority on behalf of and with the consent of the applicant
Name: (in block letters) Date: Authorised representative of the Central Authority (dd/mm/yyyy)
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Annex D1 - Application for Modification of a Decision |
Subject | OMB 0970-0488 |
Author | Hague Conference |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-09-01 |