Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)


Citizen Corps Council Registration

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)

OMB: 1660-0098

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Privacy Impact Assessment
for the

Department of Homeland Security
General Contact Lists
June 15, 2007
Reviewing Official
Hugo Teufel III
Chief Privacy Officer
Department of Homeland Security
(703) 235-0780

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Many Department of Homeland Security operations and projects collect a minimal
amount of contact information in order to distribute information and perform various other
administrative tasks. Department Headquarters has conducted this privacy impact
assessment because contact lists contain personally identifiable information.

The Department’s mission encompasses a wide variety of activities, including:
emergency response, law enforcement and intelligence, critical infrastructure protection,
immigration processing, and research and development of new technologies. In order to
facilitate the accomplishment of these activities the Department is in constant contact with
the public as well as partners in other federal, state, local, and international governmental
organizations (hereinafter known as “partners”). Part of the Department’s interaction with
the public and its partners involves the maintenance of very limited contact information. For
example, a member of the public may request mail or email updates regarding emergency
response procedures, or partners working on cross-agency project may need to be able to
contact their peers. These types of situations require the exchange of minimal contact
information in order to facilitate the Department’s operations and service to the public.
Accordingly, DHS collects limited contact information such as name, email address,
and mailing address. Many times names and phone numbers are not required for mass
distribution lists. Other times name and business affiliation, in addition to basic contact
information, will be collected in order to facilitate a working relationship between partners.
General information intake involves the following:
An individual person will contact the Department via phone, paper form, or
electronically (web or email) for the purpose of being added to an information distribution
list. In order to accommodate that request, the person will provide basic contact information
(depending on the circumstances) such as his or her name, mailing address, email address,
and phone number. DHS then places the contact information in a spreadsheet, database or
other type of information management tool. The Department then accesses the information
from its storage site and uses it to distribute information or contact users per the confines of
their interaction with DHS.
The authority to collect the information lies within each program or project’s
authorizing legislation.
Any program or project seeking to use this PIA as privacy documentation for its
contact list must meet the following requirements:
1. The contact information is limited to non-sensitive personally identifiable
information. An example of sensitive personally identifiable information is the social

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security number or date of birth.
2. The program or project must affirm that the document or database in which the
contact information is stored resides on a system that has received an Authority to
Operate from the Chief Information Security Officer.
3. The program or project must affirm that user access controls are in place governing
who may view or access the contact information. The contact information must not
be universally accessible.
4. The contact information must only be used for the purpose for which it originally was
collected, i.e., to contact individuals. Any additional sharing or use will require a
separate PIA.
Should a program or project feel its contact list meets these requirements, the
program or project is required to complete a Privacy Threshold Analysis (PTA) detailing how
it has met these requirements. Once the PTA is approved, the program or project’s name and
component will be added to Appendix B of this document as a qualifying program or project.

Section 1.0 Characterization of the Information
The following questions are intended to define the scope of the information requested
and/or collected as well as reasons for its collection as part of the program, system, rule, or
technology being developed.


What information is collected, used, disseminated, or
maintained in the system?

Contact lists generally include name, business affiliation, mailing address, phone
number, and email address. Sensitive personally identifying information such as a social
security number or date of birth are not covered under this PIA. Such collections are required
to conduct separate PIAs analyzing the risks associated with such sensitive collections.


What are the sources of the information in the system?

Information is collected directly from individuals seeking information from the
Department, or who are working collaboratively with the Department on various projects.
Individuals provide their information voluntarily.


Why is the information being collected, used,
disseminated, or maintained?

The information is collected to facilitate the dissemination of information regarding
the Department’s operations and to facilitate the collaboration of partners who are working
with the Department on various projects.


How is the information collected?

Information may be collected electronically, by paper form, or by telephone.

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How will the information be checked for accuracy?

Information is collected directly from individuals who volunteer information and is
assumed to be accurate. Depending on the context of the collection, the project or program
may conduct a certain degree of verification of information and follow up with an individual
if information is found to be inaccurate.


What specific legal authorities, arrangements, and/or
agreements defined the collection of information?

Programs are at a minimum authorized to collect and maintain contact information
by the Homeland Security Act of 2002. Specific legal authorities for this type of collection are
established based on each component and each program’s particular mission. Nonetheless,
some programs may operate under specific rules, regulations, treaties, or other statutes
pertinent to their field.


Privacy Impact Analysis: Given the amount and type of
data collected, discuss the privacy risks identified and how
they were mitigated.

The privacy risk presented by a basic contact list is that more information will be
collected than is necessary to distribute information. Contact information is limited to the
information necessary to perform the information distribution functions of the program or
project. All information is collected with the consent of the individual.

Section 2.0 Uses of the Information
The following questions are intended to delineate clearly the use of information and
the accuracy of the data being used.


Describe all the uses of information.

The Department uses the information to contact individuals.


What types of tools are used to analyze data and what type
of data may be produced?

Information is stored but is not manipulated in any way other than to, if necessary,
populate address fields for a mass email or paper mailing. Data may be input into databases
or electronic spreadsheets and accessed via the various data elements. For example, a query
may be conducted to locate all contacts in a certain state.

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If the system uses commercial or publicly available data
please explain why and how it is used.

Contact lists are not created, populated with, or verified with data collected from
commercial or publicly available sources.


Privacy Impact Analysis: Describe any types of controls
that may be in place to ensure that information is handled
in accordance with the above described uses.

The risk presented by the use of contact information is that the information would be
used in ways outside the scope intended by the initial collection. Per the System of Records
Notice DHS/All 002 (69 FR 70460, December 6, 2004) and the Privacy Act Statements given
prior to collection, information collected for contact lists is not to be used for any other
purpose than to contact individuals who have requested particular information.
Additionally, all Department employees and contractors are trained on the appropriate use
of personally identifiable information.

Section 3.0 Retention
The following questions are intended to outline how long information will be retained
after the initial collection.


How long is information retained?

The Department retains the information no longer than is useful for carrying out the
information dissemination or collaboration purposes for which it was originally collected.
Individuals may request their information be deleted if he or she is no longer interested in
receiving information from the Department, after which point their information will not be
retained. Absent a more restrictive retention period for a particular contact list, information
is retained per the requirements of General Records Schedule 14, Informational Services
Records (see Question 3.2).


Has the retention schedule been approved by the
component records officer and the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA)?

Records are retained and disposed of in accordance with the National Archives and
Records Administration's General Records Schedule 14. Files may be retained for up to six
years. For requests that result in litigation, the files related to that litigation will be retained
for three years after final court adjudication.

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Privacy Impact Analysis: Please discuss the risks
associated with the length of time data is retained and how
those risks are mitigated.

Information is retained for no more than six years after the last use. This minimizes
retention and security costs associated with maintaining contact lists. Additionally, any
individual may opt out of any distribution list at any time in order to have their information
expunged from the list, thereby eliminating any privacy risks posed by retention of their
contact information.

Section 4.0 Internal Sharing and Disclosure
The following questions are intended to define the scope of sharing within the
Department of Homeland Security.


With which internal organization(s) is the information
shared, what information is shared and for what purpose?

Contact information may be shared with internal DHS components inasmuch as they
are involved in distributing information or collaborating with partners within the
Department. However, DHS does not share contact information for any purpose beyond
which it was originally collected, i.e. contact information given by individuals for purpose x
will not be shared for use of purpose y at a later date.


How is the information transmitted or disclosed?

DHS may share information by electronic or paper means. If information is
transmitted electronically, proper security measures are taken, including encryption when


Privacy Impact Analysis: Considering the extent of internal
information sharing, discuss the privacy risks associated
with the sharing and how they were mitigated.

Inappropriate sharing is a risk inherent to any collection of personally identifiable
information. Department employees and contractors are trained on the appropriate use and
sharing of personally identifiable information. Further, any sharing of information must
align with the purpose of the initial collection as well as the System of Records Notice
DHS/All 002 (69 FR 70460, December 6, 2004) and the Privacy Act Statement provided at
the time of collection.

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Section 5.0 External Sharing and Disclosure
The following questions are intended to define the content, scope, and authority for
information sharing external to DHS which includes Federal, state and local government,
and the private sector.


With which external organization(s) is the information
shared, what information is shared, and for what purpose?

Contact information may be shared with external governmental entities inasmuch as
those entities are involved in distributing information or collaborating with partners within
the Department. Nonetheless, contact information is not shared for any purpose beyond
which it was originally collected, i.e. contact information given by individuals for purpose x
will not be shared for use of purpose y at a later date.


Is the sharing of personally identifiable information outside
the Department compatible with the original collection? If
so, is it covered by an appropriate routine use in a SORN?
If so, please describe. If not, please describe under what
legal mechanism the program or system is allowed to
share the personally identifiable information outside of

Yes. Per the System of Records Notice DHS/All 002 (69 FR 70460, December 6, 2004)
and the various notices provided when information is collected, uses of contact information
beyond the purposes for which it was originally collected is not acceptable.


How is the information shared outside the Department and
what security measures safeguard its transmission?

Any information shared with organizations outside the Department is required to be
appropriately secured per Office of Management and Budget Memorandums 06-15,
Safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information, and 06-16, Protection of Sensitive
Agency Information.


Privacy Impact Analysis: Given the external sharing,
explain the privacy risks identified and describe how they
were mitigated.

A risk is presented whenever the Department shares information it has initially
collected from agencies or individuals outside of the Department. If external sharing of
information would exceed the narrow purpose for which the contact information was
collected, then the information is not permitted to be shared. The System of Records Notice

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DHS/All 002 (69 FR 70460, December 6, 2004) outlines the specific instances where contact
information may be shared outside the Department. All Department employees and
contractors are trained on the appropriate use and sharing of information.

Section 6.0 Notice
The following questions are directed at notice to the individual of the scope of
information collected, the right to consent to uses of said information, and the right to decline
to provide information.


Was notice provided to the individual prior to collection of

Yes. This privacy impact assessment and the System of Records Notice DHS/All 002
(69 FR 70460, December 6, 2004) provide notice regarding the collection of contact
information by the Department. More appropriately, though, each collection of contact
information is immediately preceded by notice regarding the scope and purpose of the contact
information at the time of collection. These Privacy Act Statements (these notices are
required under 5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(3)) at the moment of collection provide individuals with
notice of the voluntary nature of the collection and the authority to collect the information.


Do individuals have the opportunity and/or right to decline
to provide information?

Yes. Individuals are not required to provide contact information. Nevertheless, if
contact information is not provided individuals may not receive information from the
Department or from partners in the Department.


Do individuals have the right to consent to particular uses
of the information? If so, how does the individual exercise
the right?

DHS will use the information only for the purposes for which it was collected, i.e.,
contacting individuals. Should an individual suspect information is being used beyond the
given scope of the collection, they are encouraged to write to the system managers listed in
Appendix A. The system managers are also listed in the System of Records Notice DHS/All
002 (69 FR 70460, December 6, 2004).


Privacy Impact Analysis: Describe how notice is provided
to individuals, and how the risks associated with
individuals being unaware of the collection are mitigated.

The privacy risk associated with notice in the collection of contact information is that
the individual is not aware of the purpose for which the information he or she submits may

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be used. This risk is primarily mitigated by limiting the use of contact information to what is
necessary for the purposes of contacting the person according to his or her voluntary
subscription or request. Additionally, the System of Records Notice DHS/All 002 (69 FR
70460, December 6, 2004) provides notice of the purpose of the collection, redress procedures
and the routine uses associated with the collection of contact information. Notice is always
provided prior to the collection of information, and consent is obtained by the individual prior
to his providing information.

Section 7.0 Access, Redress and Correction
The following questions are directed at an individual’s ability to ensure the accuracy
of the information collected about them.


What are the procedures that allow individuals to gain
access to their information?

Should individuals seek to remove their name from a contact list they should write or
call the program or project which initially collected the information. The program or project
is in the best position to remove, edit and/or provide access to the information held on an
individual. Access requests can also be directed to FOIA / PA D-3, The Privacy Office U.S.
Department of Homeland Security, 245 Murray Drive SW, Building 410, STOP-0550,
Washington, DC 20528-0550.
Additionally, the System of Records Notice DHS/All 002 (69 FR 70460, December 6, 2004)
details access provisions along with the names of officials designated to field such requests
within the Department.


What are the procedures for correcting inaccurate or
erroneous information?

The procedures are the same as those outlined in Question 7.1.The program or project
that initially collected the information is in the best position to correct any inaccurate
information. Any inquires for correction should be made to the initial collector.
Additionally, the System of Records Notice DHS/All 002 (69 FR 70460, December 6, 2004)
details access provisions along with the names of officials designated to field such requests
within the Department.


How are individuals notified of the procedures for
correcting their information?

Individuals are notified at collection that they may correct their information at any
time by the procedures outlined above.

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If no formal redress is provided, what alternatives are
available to the individual?

Appropriate redress is provided.


Privacy Impact Analysis: Please discuss the privacy risks
associated with the redress available to individuals and
how those risks are mitigated.

Individuals may correct their information at any time during which the Department
possesses and use their contact information. Any risks associated with correction of
information are thoroughly mitigated by the individual’s ability to opt out of the contact list
or correct their information via the same process by which they submitted information.

Section 8.0 Technical Access and Security
The following questions are intended to describe technical safeguards and security


What procedures are in place to determine which users
may access the system and are they documented?

Departmental physical and information security policies dictate who may access
Department computers and filing systems. Specifically, DHS Management Directive 4300A
outlines information technology procedures for granting access to Department computers,
which is where the majority of contact information is stored. Access to contact information
is strictly limited by access controls to those who require it for completion of their official


Will Department contractors have access to the system?

Yes, depending on the project or program. Many times contractors are tasked with
information distribution and other outreach tasks. Contractors are required to have the same
level of security clearance in order to access Department computers as all other DHS


Describe what privacy training is provided to users either
generally or specifically relevant to the program or

All Department employees and contractors are required to receive annual privacy and
security training to ensure their understanding of proper handling and securing of personally
identifiable information such as what is contained in contact lists.

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Has Certification & Accreditation been completed for the
system or systems supporting the program?

Most simple contact lists are stored on spreadsheets or similar formats that do not
qualify as an information technology system requiring a Certification and Accreditation
(C&A) pursuant to the review processes established by the Chief Information Security
Officer; however, these documents are stored on secure Department networks which have
completed C&As. Other contact lists which are part of more robust functionalities reside on
information technology systems that are required to receive a C&A.


What auditing measures and technical safeguards are in
place to prevent misuse of data?

All Department information systems are audited regularly to ensure appropriate use
and access to information. Specifically related to contact information, such lists residing on
a local area network’s shared drive are restricted by access controls to those who require it
for completion of their official duties. Folders within shared drives are privilege-protected.


Privacy Impact Analysis: Given the sensitivity and scope of
the information collected, as well as any information
sharing conducted on the system, what privacy risks were
identified and how do the security controls mitigate them?

The risk of unauthorized access exists with any information technology system or
document. The Department conducts thorough background checks on every employee and
contractor. Access to the systems and networks which store the contact information are
protected pursuant to established Departmental procedures (see 8.4).
All Department employees and contractors are trained on security procedures,
specifically as they relate to personally identifiable information.

Section 9.0 Technology
The following questions are directed at critically analyzing the selection process for
any technologies utilized by the system, including system hardware, RFID, biometrics and
other technology.


What type of project is the program or system?

This assessment covers contact lists developed by a program or project involved in
outreach efforts or collaboration efforts within or outside of the Department.

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What stage of development is the system in and what
project development lifecycle was used?

The program or projects detailed here are not necessarily involved in a specific
lifecycle. Complete information technology systems are in the operational phase and have
completed C&A documentation. Individual contact information lists do not have a
development cycle.


Does the project employ technology which may raise
privacy concerns? If so please discuss their

If a particular technology used in the collection or handling of information in
connection with the types of contact lists addressed in this PIA raises specific and/or
heightened privacy concerns, the implementation of the technology will be required to
conduct a separate PIA.

Approval Signature Page

Original signed and on file with the DHS Privacy Office.
Hugo Teufel III
Chief Privacy Officer
Department of Homeland Security

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Appendix A
I. For Headquarters components of the Department of Homeland Security, the System
Manager is the Director of Departmental Disclosure, U.S. Department of Homeland
Security, Washington, DC 20528.
II. For operational components that comprise the U.S. Department of Homeland Security,
the System Managers are as follows:
United States Coast Guard, FOIA Officer/PA System Manager, Commandant, CG-611, U.S.
Coast Guard, 2100 2nd Street, SW., Washington, DC 20593-0001
United States Secret Service, FOIA Officer/PA System Manager Suite 3000, 950 H Street,
NW., Washington, DC 20223
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, ATTN: Records Services Branch
(FOIA/PA), 111 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20529
National Protection and Programs Directorate, FOIA Office, 3801 Nebraska Ave., NW,
Nebraska Avenue Complex, Washington DC 20528
United States Customs and Border Protection, FOIA Officer/PA System Manager,
Disclosure Law Branch, Office of Regulations & Rulings, Ronald Reagan Building, 1300
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW (Mint Annex)., Washington, DC 20229
United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, FOIA Officer/PA System Manager,
Office of Investigation, Chester Arthur Building (CAB), 425 I Street, NW., Room 4038,
Washington, DC 20538
Transportation Security Administration, FOIA Officer/PA System Manager, Office of
Security, West Building, 4th Floor, Room 432-N, TSA-20, 601 South 12th Street, Arlington,
VA 22202-4220
Federal Protective Service, FOIA Officer/PA System Manager, 1800 F Street, NW., Suite
2341, Washington, DC 20405
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Disclosure Officer, 1131 Chapel Crossing Road,
Building 94, Glynco, GA 31524
Under Secretary for Science & Technology, FOIA Officer/PA System Manager, Washington,
DC 20528
Office of Intelligence and Analysis, 3801 Nebraska Ave., NW, Nebraska Avenue Complex,
Washington DC 20528

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Under Secretary for Management, FOIA Officer/PA System Manager, 7th and D Streets,
SW., Room 4082, Washington, DC 20472
Office of Inspector General, Records Management Officer, Washington, DC 20528

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Appendix B
For more information on additional programs that fall under this PIA, see below or reach
out to the appropriate Component Privacy Office with any questions.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP): [email protected]


Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA):
[email protected]


Department-wide Programs (DHS) or other Components or offices not
listed: [email protected]


Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): [email protected]


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): [email protected]


Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A): [email protected]


Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate: [email protected]


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS):
[email protected]


U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): [email protected]


U.S. Secret Service (USSS): [email protected]


Transportation Security Administration (TSA): [email protected]

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Qualifying Programs or Projects (ordered by component by date)
Customs and Border Protection (CBP):
CBP Program Management and Reporting System (PMRS)
PMRS is a prototype lifecycle management system used by the Office of Finance to track real estate,
facilities, maintenance, and project & portfolio management for personal and real property. Please note that
the DHS/ALL-010 DHS Asset Management Records SORN, 80 FR 58280 (September 28, 2015) covers
this collection. (January 5, 2011)
CBP Situation Management System (SMS)

The Situation Management System (SMS) shares incident information in real time through
message boards that transmit data about emergencies amongst CBP authorized personnel, as well
as between CBP and Federal, state, local, tribal, and international agencies through the Joint
Operations Directorate Incident Command Center. (June 28, 2013)

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) (formerly National Protection and
Programs Directorate (NPPD))
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act of 2018 was signed by President Trump on
11/16/18, renaming NPPD to CISA. All previous NPPD entries are now under CISA.
1670-NEW SAFECOM Membership Questionnaire
The purpose of the SAFECOM Expertise and Experience Questionnaire is to obtain actionable and critical
data that drives emergency communication policies, programs, and funding. SAFECOM works with federal
and emergency response stakeholders to improve providers’ communications and interoperability. (July 7,
2020 Vulnerability Management Technical Exchange (2020 VM TE)
The purpose of the 2020 Vulnerability Management Technical Exchange (2020 VM TE) is to promote the
VM mission and collaboration against cyberattacks. The 2020 VM TE will (1) advance knowledge sharing
with the public and private VM community, (2) discuss future VM capabilities and (3) improve awareness
of CISA services. (June 29, 2020)
DHS/CISA Annual National Cybersecurity Summit
The Annual National Cybersecurity Summit is voluntary; there is no charge to register or attend; and the
event where government, academia, and industry partners gather to protect critical infrastructure.
Registration is through Eventbrite and CISA collects information at the time of registration to thank
attendees, answer questions, and/or inquire about future CISA events. Eventbrite will collect the registrant’s
information, only CISA will use the disclosed information, and will deleted the registrant’s information
from the database at the conclusion of the event.
NRMC Elections Security Initiative and Countering Foreign Influence Product Focus Groups

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The purpose of the National Risk Management Center (NRMC) Elections Security Initiative (ESI) and
Countering Foreign Influence (CFI) Product Focus Groups is to enhance public awareness of risks to the
nation’s critical function, one of which is the elections. The NRMC is an organization within CISA, ESI
and CFI are within NRMC, and the focus group involves a CISA information collection (July 13, 2020)

The President’s Cup Cybersecurity Competition
The purpose of The President’s Cup Cybersecurity Competition is aimed to identify, recognize, and reward
the best cybersecurity talent in the federal executive workforce. The President's Cup is open to all individual
Federal Executive Branch cybersecurity practitioners, including the Department of Defense (DoD) and
Uniformed Services as well as teams of up to five members within each department, agency, or uniformed
service. Government contractors are not eligible to participate in the President's Cup. (June 25, 2020)
Tardis is an incident management system that streamlines internal and external communication. The data
within Tardis can only accessed by CISA\Threat Hunting, customers do not access, and customers can only
provide information that goes into it. Tardis does not distribute information and information about one
customer is not directly provided to another. (July 28, 2020)

US-CERT Website
The purpose of the Forms.US-CERT.GOV website is to support US-CERTs mission by serving as a
communication channel to disseminate technical details of Internet threats. This vehicle allows both the
government, public, and private sector to report suspicious activity. (January 2, 2010)
NPPD Chemical Sector Security Summit
DHS and the Chemical Sector Coordinating Council are co-sponsoring the annual Chemical Sector Security
Summit. This Summit is designed for industry professionals throughout the entire chemical sector involved
with corporate and facility security; environment, health and safety; and the transportation and distribution
of chemical products. (April 26, 2019)
NPPD Next Generation network (NGN) Priority Service Program
Next Generation Network Priority Service Program (NGN PTS) collects information to verify the existence
and approval of a priority user access request or the identity of an authorized user so that support (in the
form of information about NGN PTS) can be provided, and collaboration (between NGN PTS and priority
users impacted by the transition) can be enhanced. (April 19, 2010)

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NPPD Master Station Log
The primary purpose of the Master Station Log is to provide the Watch Analysts of the National
Coordinating Center (NCC) with the capability to gather and retain historic reference of communication
(phone, email, and verbal) between National Coordinating Center Communications Information Sharing
Analysis Center (COMM-ISAC) members. The MSL provides continuing records of the Watch’s daily
operation as well as serve as a tracking device for the demands and requests placed on the Watch. (May
27, 2010)
NPPD Technical Assistance Request and Evaluation (TARE)
In order for the Office of Emergency Communications to assess the value of the services it provides through
technical assistance, an evaluation form is also requested of those receiving technical assistance. (October
20, 2010)
NPPD Priority Telecommunications Service (PTS) Program
The Priority Telecommunications Service Program leverages commercially owned networks to provide
specially designed telecommunications services to National Security and Emergency Preparedness users
during natural or man-made disasters when conventional communications services are ineffective. General
contact information is collected for users and then used to provide service notification and programmatic
information to the POCs. (December 9, 2010)
NPPD Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) Web
The TSP Web enables the TSP PO to manage TSP user access, generate notices and reports, schedule and
execute batch procedures for TSP Web data processing, create and execute SQL queries, maintain
Telecommunications Service Priority Authorization Codes, Federal Information Processing Standards
(FIPS) Codes, maintain point of contact and organization information, perform TSP database administrative
tasks, and fulfill Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reporting requirements. (June 14, 2011)
NPPD Share Resources High Frequency Program
The purpose of SHARES is to provide a single, interagency emergency message handling system by
bringing together existing HF radio resources of Federal, state and industry organizations when normal
communications are destroyed or unavailable for the transmission of national security and emergency
preparedness information. The SHARES program is a coordination of activities, not an IT system. (March
29, 2012)

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NPPD Sector Outreach Activities Contact Lists.
The Office of Infrastructure Protection, Sector Outreach and Programs Division (SOPD) oversees the
Department's support of partnership councils, education and outreach, planning and preparedness
exercises, and information sharing related to critical infrastructure protection and resilience. SOPD will
collect and maintain contact information from other Federal, state, local, tribal and territorial entities, and
public and private owners and operators of critical infrastructures to distribute sector-related information
and newsletters to stakeholders, as well as to register participants for exercises, webinars, trainings, and
meetings, including Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council meetings and events. (October
21, 2013).
Interagency Security Committee Compliance System (ISC-CS).
The ISC-CS offers Federal departments and agencies a centralized, secure database that provides an
analytical capability, allowing authorized ISC-CS users to query the database based on selected criteria
and produce reports that provide insight into compliance of participating Federal facilities. The ISC-CS
system provides a dashboard capability to visualize the results of analytics about key risk features and
status of Federal Facilities against these features. ISC-CS creates contact lists from the collection of
name, email address, phone number, Department/Agency, and Bureau provided by the requestor to verify
the accuracy of information on form submissions and helpdesk inquiries. ISC-CS uses the Office of
Management and Budget’s (OMB) MAX Authentication Services, and the attributes passed back from
OMB MAX during authentication will not be stored in a method that allows the information to be
retrieved by personal identifiers. (November 29, 2018)

Department-wide Programs (DHS):
DHS Sunflower Asset Management System (SAMS)
SAMS is an asset management system used for tracking the personal property of the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS). (March 13, 2012)
DHS Headquarters Avaya PBX Systems (DAPS)
The purpose of the DHS Avaya PBX Systems (DAPS) is to provide DHS end users with telephone and
voicemail services. The PBX bestows incoming and outgoing call processing for various DHS locations.
(November 4, 2009)
DHS Advance Acquisition Plan/Acquisition Forecast System
The Advance Acquisition Plan/Acquisition Forecast system will facilitate the collection, review, approval
and management of Advance Acquisition Plans in accordance with the FAR, HSAR, and HSAM. In
addition, it will provide the acquisition forecast that supports the Office of the Small and Disadvantaged
Business Utilization in its efforts to help publish business opportunities available to small businesses. (April
28, 2010)
DHS Recovery Act Data Warehouse

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The DHS Recovery Act Data Warehouse will be a repository used to fulfill a number of reporting
requirements on all DHS associated Recover Act Grants awarded. (July 27, 2010)
DHS National Information Exchange Model (NIEM)
The purpose of the NIEM project is to provide a customer relationship management platform that enables
the program management office the ability to perform and integrate contact management, stakeholder
management, event registration, helpdesk issue tracking and project tracking functions. (November 2, 2010)
DHS Service Catalog
The DHS Service Catalog will provide a ‘One Button’ shopping experience from selecting, ordering,
fulfillment, and provisioning of products and services. The Enterprise Service Catalog will focus on
identifying products and services associated with Enterprise Licenses, IT Services & Hardware catalog
developed by the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO), and provide the Office of the Chief
Procurement Officer (OCPO), Strategic Sourcing with an automated solution that allows users throughout
DHS to search and acquire commodities in the DHS environment. (February 17, 2011)

Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO):
DNDO Bids/Small Business Innovative Research (DNDOBids/SBIR)
DNDOBids/SBIR is a proposal management support system that provides a facility through which vendors
may submit whitepapers and proposals to DNDO for evaluation. DNDO collects contact information from
vendors including names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and organizational affiliation
for the purposes of contacting vendors and their representatives regarding their submissions through
DNDOBids/SBIR. Please note that the DHS/ALL-021 Department of Homeland Security Contractors and
Consultants SORN, October 23, 2008, 73 FR 63179 covers this collection. (January 18, 2011)

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA):
FEMA Hub of Philanthropic Engagement Service Provider Questionnaire
The FEMA Hub of Philanthropic Engagement is a public/private partnership initiated to help meet needs
caused by 2017 hurricanes in Puerto Rico. The Hub works across Puerto Rico to connect philanthropies
and community-based service providers to bridge gaps in recovery funding, technical resources, and
material goods. The purpose of the questionnaire is to collect information about service provider
organizations and build a database of non-profit organizations across all sectors working on recovery in
Puerto Rico. (November, 2018)
FEMA Debris Removal Contractor Registry
The Debris Contractor Registry (DCR) is a tool for local governmental entities to more easily identify and
contact debris removal contractor resources for pre‐planning or post‐disaster response purposes. The
objectives of the DCR system are to allow debris contactors to register online and to allow the public to
search through the registry of debris contractors. (April 17, 2007)

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FEMA National Fire Academy Long-Term Evaluation
The National Fire Academy regularly surveys students and their supervisors on the long term impacts of
NFA training on Fire and EMS departments and organizations. This voluntary survey (O.M.B. No. 16600039), formerly paper-based, will now be conducted through the U.S. Fire Administration Web site. (June
19, 2008)
FEMA IMSG Port Security Grant Program
The overall purpose of the PSG is to provide a single point‐of‐entry for the Office of Grants & Training
(G&T) grantees (state and local jurisdictions) and grantors (G&T staff) of grant expenditures. The PSG is
a web‐based solution providing grantees the ability to report on their grant funding allocations and, where
applicable, their performance metrics. (June 20, 2008)
The USFA Web Farm is a website application using Microsoft, Cold Fusion Oracle solution that is
integrated into the public web server architecture The application directly
supports the dissemination and availability of information for the general public to protect lives and
property from fire related hazards. (September 17, 2009)
FEMA National Fire Department Census
The National Fire Department Census project seeks to identify fire departments in the U.S. and their various
characteristics regarding demographics, capabilities, and activities.The database will be used to guide
programmatic decisions and provide information to the public. (October 7, 2009)
FEMA Application for Surplus Federal Real Property
The Support Services and Facilities Management Division (SSFMD) uses FEMA Form 60‐25 (currently
titled, (Excess Real Property Application for Public Benefit Conveyances) in the collection of data to
process applications for Public Benefit Conveyance (PBC) and Base Realignment And Closure (BRAC)
programs whereby approved State and Local government applicants may acquire Federal property to use
for emergency management purposes. (November 17, 2009)
NETC Learning Resource Center (NETCLRC)
The mission of the Learning Resource Center is to support the instructional activities of the National
Emergency Training Center (NETC) with exemplary library and information services. Since the LRC is
organizationally positioned in the US Fire Administration National Fire Data Center, the LRC emphasizes
its services to the National Fire Academy students and our Nations fire service personnel. (April 5, 2010)
FEMA Private Sector Division Professional Contact Information Lists
The PSDPCIL system conducts outreach to the private sector and works with internal DHS and FEMA
partners to coordinate private sector outreach efforts.The system retaines internal and external professional
contact information. (August 20, 2010)

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FEMA Logistics Information Management System (LIMS)
LIMS is FEMA’s single property management system. The system manages maintenance and material
supporting Mobile Emergency Response Support (MERS) teams. Additionally, LIMS tracks all FEMA
property, property custodians, and physical location of stored proerty. Please note that the DHS/ALL-010
Department of Homeland Security Asset Management Records SORN, 80 FR 58280 (September 28, 2015)
covers this collection. (January 27, 2011)
FEMA Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP) Evaluation and Customer
Satisfaction Survey
The Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP) is one facet of the multi-hazard
readiness program dealing with the potential of chemical spills or releases into the communities surrounding
the seven U.S. chemical stockpiles (known as CSEPP sites). The program's goal is to improve preparedness
to protect the people of these communities in the unlikely event of an accident involving this country's
stockpiles of obsolete chemical munitions. FEMA collects the evaluation data through telephone surveys.
The questions are aimed at assessing public knowledge of emergency preparedness and response actions in
the event of a chemical emergency affecting any of the seven CSEPP sites. (July 6, 2011)
FEMA Federal Assistance for Offsite Radiological Emergency Planning
Pursuant to 44 CFR 352.5 FEMA is required to respond to any Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
licensee that may request use of FEMA-owned/managed resources during a Radiological Emergency
Preparedness (REP) exercise. The licensee must submit their request for resources in written statement to
the host FEMA Regional Office. (November 23, 2011)
FEMA Form 516-0-1 Federal Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Declaration Form
FEMA United States Fire Administration uses FEMA Form 516-0-1, The Federal Hotel and Motel Fire
Safety Declaration Form, to collect basic information on life-safety systems related directly to fire-safety
in hotels, motels, and similar places of accommodation applying for inclusion on the National Master List
(NML). The form requests specific responses from applicants as to the installation of smoke detectors in
all guestrooms of properties submitted for listing on the NML. (January 24, 2012)
FEMA Building Code Adoption Tracking Losses Avoided Studies/Hazus
The Building Science Branch of FEMA’s Mitigation Branch is performing a study of the effect of building
code adoption and enforcement on the losses avoided in some select communities around the nation in order
to compare, contrast, and evaluate the effectiveness of communities’ efforts. These pilot studies can help
to develop a general methodological approach to quantifying the losse4s avoided through building code
adoption and enforcement. (March 28, 2012)
FEMA Industry Liaison Program (ILP) - Vendor Information Collection
FEMA’s ILP – Vendor Information Collection is the point of entry for vendors seeking to do business with
FEMA. During disasters, vendor request to work with FEMA may quadruple, negatively impacting FEMAs
capacity tom immediately respond to such inquiries related to the provision of disaster-related services. To
address this issue, FEMA has created its FEMA Form 516-0-0-3, “Industry Liaison Program Vendor

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Profile,” to facilitate appropriate meeting opportunities with FEMA wherein the vendors present their
capabilities to FEMA programs. (March 29, 2012)
FEMA Total Records Information Management (TRIM)
TRIM is an electronic records management system operated by the Mitigation Directorate within the
Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA). TRIM stores records/documents limited to
specific FIMA program areas and do not include all FIMA records. There are existing Systems of Records
Notices and Routine Uses, which cover the records maintained with the TRIM system. (May 3, 2012)
FEMA National Business Emergency Operations Center (NBEOC)
The NBEOC Contacts List maintains the basic contact information of FEMA’s private sector/business
community stakeholders. The NBEOC Contacts List will facilitate DHS to community communication as
well as facilitate consent to share with others to enhance disaster response and recovery operations. (May
18, 2012)
FEMA National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)-Community Information System (CIS)
The CIS, as the database system is commonly called, provides information about floodplain management,
mapping and insurance for the NFIP participating communities. The CIS includes demographic,
engineering, insurance and community specific information for jurisdictions in the United States that are
identified as flood prone. CIS is an integrated application that is comprised of discrete modules and standard
reports. (May 24, 2012)
FEMA All Hazards Position Specific Instructor Website
The National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident Command System (ICS) All-Hazards Position
Specific training program located at FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI)/National Emergency
Training Center (NETC) currently maintains a website as required to support the program. In addition to
introductory program information, the site contains links to class schedules, course materials, a training
video, and a listing of qualified instructors (name and contact information) used by federal, state, and local
officials for the selection of instructors for various courses. (June 8, 2012)
FEMA GovDelivery Content Subscription Service
The GovDelivery service allows the public to opt-in for email notifications from FEMA. It is an automated
system that uses e-mail to notify the public on the specific topics they have opted to receive emails about.
Upon registration users are taken to an external site hosted by the GovDelivery company that manages the
subscription list. Individuals are then asked to provide their email address, select how they would like to
receive emails (immediately, daily digests, or weekly digests), an optional password for managing their
subscriptions, their selection of issues and topics they are interested in learning about, and an optional zip
code. (June 8, 2012)
FEMA and
The primary objective of the and its Spanish language version is to provide the public
with information concerning current disasters and emergency preparedness. The website is
comprised of read-only, static content that is updated on a regular basis. is a national public

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service advertising (PSA) campaign designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare for and
respond to emergencies including natural and man-made disasters. The goal of is to foster public
involvement and ultimately increase the level of basic preparedness across the nation. Individuals have the
option to submit their email addresses to receive a monthly newsletter or email updates. (May 17, 2013)

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE):
ICE IMAGE Information Request & Membership Application Form
The ICE Mutual Agreement between Government and Employers (IMAGE) program is the outreach and
education component of the Office of Investigations (OI) worksite enforcement (WSE) program. Under
this program, ICE will partner with businesses representing a broad cross‐section of industries. Businesses
must adhere to a series of best practices, enroll in E‐Verify, and complete an IMAGE Membership
Application form. (January 8, 2010)
Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Business Process System (O-BPS)
O-BPS is a SharePoint application that automates OCIO’s task management process. O-BPS manages the
receipt, creation, distribution, tracking, archival, and disposition of tasks across OCIO. O-BPS also manages
the OCIO Workforce Management Division (WMD) hiring process, including tracking staffing needs,
managing position announcements, and managing the direct hire and incentives process. O-BPS collects
and maintains general, business contact information about individuals submitting tasks/requests and ICE
employees and contractors assigned tasks. The information is only used within ICE OCIO. (September 21,

Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A):
I&A Customer Feedback Program
DHS I&A collects feedback from its customers through an electronic questionnaire attached to each of its
products. The OMB-approved questionnaire, DHS Form 6001, is designed to elicit voluntary feedback on
the impact and relevance of, as well as ways to improve, the intelligence product for our customers. (May
19, 2010)
I&A Information Sharing and Collaboration Stakeholder Database
The IS&C (Information Sharing and Collaboration) Stakeholder Database assists branch staff in increasing
the consistency of interaction with key stakeholders of the Information Sharing Environment, to include
DHS staff, other federal, state, and local entities, and private sector individuals. (October 5, 2010)
I&A Communications Security (COMSEC) Program
I&A’s COMSEC Program manages COMSEC material and equipment issued to DHS employees,
contractors, state/local/tribal law enforcement and private sector. I&A collects minimal contact information
to identify who and where the asset is assigned (name, office location and phone number). Please note that

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the DHS/ALL-010 - DHS Asset Management Records SORN, 80 FR 58280 (September 28, 2015) covers
this collection. (December 28, 2010)
I&A Foreign Disclosure Log
I&A maintains a record of all requests for release of DHS intelligence information to and by foreign
partners. In support of this requirement I&A has established an Access Database entitled Foreign Disclosure
Log (Log). The Log contains contact information (name, work phone number, work e-mail address) of the
DHS staff member requesting the information release and the contact information and country of the
recipient. (February 8, 2011)
I&A Interagency Remote Sensing Coordination Cell
The Interagency Remote Sensing Coordination Cell Executive Secretariat maintains a contact list to fulfill
an advisory function and coordinate with various U.S. Government points of contact to support remote
sensing-related homeland security missions. (February 8, 2011)
I&A Intelligence Training Branch Mission Liaison Data Files
I&A maintains official points of contact within State and Local Fusion Centers responsible for coordinating
the nomination and follow-through with eligible State and Local Fusion Center staff candidates for I&Aprovided training activities. (February 25, 2011)
I&A Intelligence Training Branch Student Data Files
I&A provides, as appropriate, training to authorized individuals external to DHS. Students include federal,
state, local, and foreign national officials. Students provide contact information to allow for the coordination
of training activities. (February 25, 2011)

Management (MGMT):
Infrastructure DHS Interactive
The purpose of the Department of Homeland Security Interactive Portal (DHSI) is to provide a public facing
Internet portal that is used to disseminate and coordinate information with other external organizations that
work closely with DHS in planning and conducting Homeland Security activities. The system also provides
access to private areas that can be used in all phases of an emergency or disaster including access to
references, plans, and collaboration tools. (July 21, 2009)

Office of the Chief Security Officer (OCSO):
Succession Planning Tool
It is a stand-alone database used to maintain a roster of all OCSO personnel. (May 28, 2014)

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Office of Health Affairs (OHA):
OHA Email Distribution Lists
The project will allow recipients of emails through the OHA Distribution List to limit the emails they
receive from OHA to only DHS related matters, only OHA‐related matters, or to completely opt out of
receiving any future correspondence from OHA. This is intended to ensure that OHA sends information to
only those individuals who wish to receive it. (January 7, 2010)
BioWatch Database
BioWatch is an early detection system designed to provide, maintain, and support a continuous bio-aerosol
threat monitoring capability in selected metropolitan areas. The BioWatch database contains contact
information of individuals on the federal and local level working on the BioWatch program. (June 3, 2011)
Chemical Defense Demonstration Projects

DHS OHA, Health Threats Resilience Division (HTR), Chemical Defense Program (CDP) will initiate,
fund, and manage two chemical defense demonstration projects in selected state, local, territorial, or
tribal (SLTT) venues. The Congressional Report for the FY 2012 Appropriations Act providing funds
for the demonstration projects requires that OHA competitively select the demonstration project sites.
As the demonstration projects will not be funded through contract or grant/cooperative agreement
mechanisms, there is not an established method of determining interested and appropriate SLTT
venues. Therefore, OHA will issue a Notice Requesting Expressions of Interest in the Federal Register
that will allow SLTT agencies and venues to express and detail their interest in participating in the
demonstration projects. In providing a submission in response to the Notice, SLTT agencies and venues
will need to provide contact information as well as an explanation of their interest and details as to why
the specific venue meets the requirements for the demonstration project. (June 28, 2012)

Office of Operations Coordination and Planning (OPS):
DHS NOC S&L Support Desk
The NOC S&L Support Desk monitors state and local homeland security incidents and works closely with
the NOC, I&A and IGA to coordinate issues of significance to their constituencies. It receives, tracks, and
responds to requests (by telephone and email) directed to DHS from those elected or appointed officials in
accordance with the existing I&A Single Point of Service (SPS) process. (July 26, 2010)
DHS Red Phone Database
The DHS Red Phone Database enables the DHS Private Sector Office (PSO) to collaborate with private
sector entities by obtaining updated contact information for the timely sharing of in-depth, concise, and

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tailored information during an emergency incident. The provision of contact information is voluntary and
private sector partners my opt-out at any time. (June 29, 2011)

OPS Detailee Affairs Program (DAP) Database
The OPS Detailee Affairs Program (DAP) Database is used to continuously monitor the status of inbound,
outbound, and on-site detailees for OPS. The contact information contained in the OPS DAP Database will
ensure effective in-processing and out-processing of such detailees and is the sole repository for information
for the Quarterly Congressional Detailee Report. (September 29, 2011)
OPS Support Request (SR) Database
The SR Database is a central repository that allows the OPS SR project team to collect, compile, and store
DHS support requests and track their status from Department of Defense (DOD) Joint Task Force North
(JTF-N) and the National Guard Bureau (NGB). The database collects the name and office phone number
from DHS POCs at CBP, ICE, and USCG, and from DOD/NGB POCs. The PIA allows for collection of
information for distribution purposes, and to perform various other administrative tasks. PII is collected
from DHS employees as well as anyone considered to be a DHS “partner,” which includes other federal
organizations such as DOD and NGB. (March 19, 2013)

Office of Policy (PLCY)
Operations Directorate Personnel/COOP Database
It is a stand-alone database used to prepare and maintain a roster of personnel needed to ensure a minimum
level of performance of the organization’s essential functions. (October 31, 2007)
Private Sector Engagement: Human Trafficking
PSO toolkit is used to discuss the issue of human trafficking and introduces private sector partners to the
Blue Campaign, DHS’s coordinated effort to combat trafficking in persons. Companies are invited to
submit an email request for more information on human trafficking or report suspected instances. (June 4,

Science & Technology (S&T):
S&T Technical Evaluation System for Safety Act
TESSA is a legacy system that has recently been replaced by the SAFETY Act Management System
(SAMS). TESSA is being retained for historical data validation purposes. The SAFETY Act allows
companies and individuals from the private sector to apply for insurance liability protection for antiterrorism products and services. (January 19, 2010)
S&T This Week in Science and Technology (TWIST)

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This Week in Science and Technology (TWIST) registration provides DHS personnel (employees and
contractors) with access to a weekly one hour live webcast and chat room discussing scientific initiatives
and programs from S&T. (July 9, 2010)

S&T Treaty Compliance Database
Database compiling DHS‐sponsored biological and chemical defense programs. The purpose of the
database is to store comprehensive information on each program (types of select agents, toxins, chemicals
used; technical approach; description of research, etc.). (November 23, 2010)
S&T Defense Technology Experimental Research (DETER)
The S&T Cyber Security Division sponsors the DETER testbed for conducting research and
experimentation of malicious Internet software (malware). The testbed facilitates scientific experimentation
and validation against established baselines of attack behavior and supports innovative approaches that
involve breaking the network infrastructure. (April 7, 2011)
S&T Attendance Lists
S&T staff regularly hold meetings, conferences, working groups, and workshops on topics related to
homeland security. In order to plan conferences, S&T employees and contractors create and maintain
attendance lists. (April 29, 2011)
S&T Cyber Security Research and Development Center Web Site
The Cyber Security R&D Center (CSRDC) is a government industry partnership to protect the information
security of the U.S. critical infrastructure, the vast majority of which is in the private sector. The Center is
the primary vehicle through which the DHS Science and Technology Directorate plans and executes its
cyber security R&D programs. (June 14, 2011)
DHS Supported Student Data Collection Initiative
The DHS S&T Office of University Programs (OUP) currently administers several programs and initiatives
that assist in increasing the Homeland Security (HS) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
workforce. Collectively, these programs and initiatives are intended to inspire, engage, educate and
ultimately direct academically high performing individuals toward choosing HS-STEM related careers. In
attempt to better evaluate the success of our programs we would like to pursue a project to collect
information on students supported through grants and individual awards from DHS S&T Office University
Programs (OUP). (March 22, 2012)
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
The DHS S&T SBIR-BAA is a web based that publishes DHS Science and Technology (S&T) Small
Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) solicitations. The system
allows companies to download solicitation documentation, as well as submit proposals online in response
to those solicitations. S&T uses the system to conduct reviews and evaluate proposals. (October 20, 2009)
S&T Laboratory Network (LabNet)

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The LabNet General Support System (GSS) provides a Research & Development focused network that
allows greater freedom for researchers and scientists by limiting restrictions with regard to systems and
software. While LabNet is more open than DHS-managed networks, there are also controls, policies and
procedures in place to provide an adequate level of information assurance. The LabNet GSS contains
redundant Active Directory servers that store limited PII, including: username, password, location, email
address, job role, and phone number. LabNet also collects audit and log information for the LabNet Wireless
Guest VLAN Collaboration Workspace and LabNet GSS. This information is monitored by the LabNet
Security Operations Center (SOC) and includes username (first name.last name). This information is also
used to generate reports. For annual training requirements a user’s first name, last names, and title
(government / contractor) are extracted from Active Directory to identify all active users on the LabNet
S&T Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program (P25 CAP)
The P25 CAP is a formal, independent process for ensuring communications equipment declared by the
supplier actually is interoperable with other compliant devices, regardless of manufacturer. Specifically,
this voluntary program provides public safety agencies with evidence that the communications equipment
they purchase is tested against and complies with the P25 standards for performance, conformance, and
interoperability. Compliance testing concludes with official Summary Test Reports and Suppliers’
Declaration of Compliance documents. These documents are submitted to DHS via email. P25 requests full
name, work email, work phone number, and a signature for the manufacturer point of contact. Once the
SDOC is posted, the manufacturer point of contact’s name, work email, work phone number, and signature
are available through the website. (October 23, 2018)
S&T Incident Management Information Sharing (IMIS) Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
The IMIS CMM is an assessment framework for determining a First Responder organization’s level of
information sharing capability (Assessment). Assessments are conducted via an online web-application in
the assessment taker’s web browser. Assessments are performed at the entity level, not the personnel
level. The data from the aggregated assessments will be used to help the Government understand national
trends in information sharing capabilities and help aid federal grant making agencies in developing their
programs and priorities. IMIS CMM collects the email addresses of the assessors. (October 31, 2018)
S&T Transportation Security Lab (TSL) Summer Intern and Visiting Scientist Program (SI/VSP)
DHS S&T established the Transportation Security Lab (TSL) Summer Intern and Visiting Scientist
Program (SI/VSP) to enable students (summer interns), postdoctoral scientists and engineers, and visiting
professors (visiting scientists) to work temporarily at the TSL on funded research and development
programs. The TSL works with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge Institute for Science and
Education (ORISE), a DOE institute managed and operated by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU),
a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. S&T and DOE entered into a specific interagency agreement for
ORISE assistance in staffing the TSL SI/VSP. (July 9, 2020)
FIND Mobile Application and FIND Software
DHS S&T funded dbS Productions to develop the FIND Mobile Application, a commercial mobile
application that allows first responders involved with ground search and rescue operations to visualize

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where a lost person is likely located. The mobile application, designed to operate on a mobile smartphone,
tablet, or Android device, will be made available to the public via retail mobile software distribution
platforms. Prior to the mobile application’s commercialization, DHS S&T and dbS Productions will sponsor
a series of mock search and rescue exercises for volunteer first responders to evaluate the mobile application
and requires the collection of business contact information for logistical purposes. Although the app was
developed with funding from DHS S&T, no information collected, used, or stored by the mobile application
will be shared with DHS S&T for any purpose. (July 31, 2020)

Transportation Security Administration (TSA):
TSA Security Training Programs for Surface Mode Employees
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) proposes employee security training program
requirements for surface modes of transportation. These include freight railroad carriers, public
transportation agencies (including rail mass transit and bus systems), passenger railroad carriers, over the
road bus operators, and motor carriers transporting Highway Security Sensitive Materials (HSSM).
(November 24, 2009)
TSA Blog
This blog is sponsored by the Transportation Security Administration to facilitate an ongoing dialogue on
innovations in security, technology and the checkpoint screening process. (December 2, 2009)
TSA Performance Information Management System (PIMS)
PIMS allows TSA to meet its missions through the generation of timely, thorough performance measures,
metrics, and operational reports. This is primarily an internal TSA system used to track and analyze
operational data, but it also occasionally houses public contact information on those who are seeking
recovery of lost and found items. (January 8, 2010)
TSA Enterprise Performance Management Platform (EPMP) PMIS/PIMS
This is primarily an internal TSA system used to track and analyze operational data. PMIS is an Internet‐
based tool designed to primarily collect, report, and perform analyses on transportation security status and
progress, beginning with data on security, equipment, and screening activities from TSA’s aviation security
activities. (May 27, 2010)
TSA Inquiry Management System (IMS)
IMS is a web-based application that tracks and manages call inquiries received by the CRC that includes
inquirer contact information and inquiry details. (August 10, 2010)

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TSA Liaisons Divisions Database
This is a database containing the names, phone numbers, mailing address and email addresses of law
enforcement, air carrier, and international transportation security stakeholders that the Liaison Division
interacts with or may interact with concerning TSA/Office of Law Enforcement matters. (September 7,
TSA Ad Hoc Reporting
The Ad Hoc Reporting tool is a data-driven technology available to TSA applications residing on the
HTMLDB that allows TSA application administrators/users to tailor reports of the data contained in their
specific application. (September 8, 2010)
TSA Security Manager/Coordinator Contact Lists
Security Manager/Coordinator Contact Lists collect contact information for security managers or
coordinators at facilities across the United States, and in some instances, foreign countries. The provision
of contact information is sometimes requested by regulation, but the information may also be provided
informally for day-to-day ease of use between TSA and its stakeholders. (December 20, 2010)
TSA BlackBerry Executive Contact List (ECL)
This generates a contact list to which executives have access on their blackberries. (May 18, 2011)
TSA Can I Bring (CIB)
Can I Bring (CIB) contains a list of items that passengers can carry on, check in, or cannot bring to the
airport. (May 18, 2011)
TSA Certified Cargo Screening Facilities Tracker (CCSFT)
This program prepares and certifies Certified Cargo Screening Facilities (CCSFs), which are industry
facilities responsible for securing all cargo traveling on passenger aircraft. (May 18, 2011)

TSA Commercial Airlines FAQ (COMAIR_FAQ)
This provides a central database to manage DHS/TSA employee frequently asked questions and their
answers for the Transportation Security Network Management (TSNM) Commercial Airlines division
(May 18, 2011)
TSA Commercial Airlines PSI Reporting Database (PSI)
The "PSI" tool will serve as TSA's Commercial Airports tracker to record Principal Security Inspector (TSA
employees & contractors) and aircraft operator security-related activities. (May 18, 2011)
TSA Configuration Management Automation System (CMAS)
CMAS was designed for the Office of Human Capital as a central system to organize change requests and
to support configuration management of their HR software applications. (May 18, 2011)

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TSA Daily Awareness Report (DAR)
This provides a single location to provide project status updates to Office of Information Technology (OIT)
leadership. (May 18, 2011)
TSA DNS Registry (DNS_Registry)
This stores requests for new web addresses which, if approved, could become entries in the TSANET
DNS servers. (May 18, 2011)
TSA Enhanced Staffing Model (ESM)
This is a web-based application that will allow TSA its users to perform the following functions: Model the
number of TSA staffers needed to accomplish the screening workload at checkpoints and bag zones for a
given airport configuration, compute the optimal number of staff (full time, part-time) needed to meet a
given demand forecast for each airport terminal, and generate reports that display the various statistics
generated during the modeling process (such as average and maximum delays, wait times, performance
times). (May 18, 2011)
TSA Everything Database on .NET (EDB.NET)
This is an application developed to create simple web-based database applications quickly. (May 18,
TSA Freight Rail Contacts (FRC)
This manages a list of Security Coordinator contacts in the Freight Rail industry. (May 18, 2011)
TSA General Aviation 12-5 Profile Maintenance (TFSSP)
This manages profile information for GA Aviation Operator Security Coordinators (AOSC) for general
aviation aircraft over 12,500 pound (12-5). (May 18, 2011)

TSA HQ Parking (HQ Parking)
HQ Parking processes individual headquarter parking payments for TSA employees and contractors. The
process can relate to an individual as it handles parker information, information about their cars, as well as
payment information. (May 18, 2011)
TSA IdeaFactory (IdeaFactory)
IdeaFactory (IdeaFactory) is an application that is part of the MOP_Apps system. Ideafactory is TSA's web
site for employee collaboration on TSA's most important issues. (May 18, 2011)
TSA JobSwap (JobSwap)
JobSwap is a web-based application that allows Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) to
collaboratively organize a voluntary job transfer. (May 18, 2011)

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TSA Law Enforcement Officers Flying Armed (LEOFA)
The LEOFA application was developed to process and record armed Law Enforcement Officers (LEO)
requests for access to a sterile area of an airport in order to board a flight. (May 18, 2011)
TSA OASIS Time Tracker (OASIS_Time)
OASIS TimeTracker provides a system for contractors to enter their hours worked against a defined set of
projects and applications. (May 18, 2011)
TSA Peer Review (PEERREV)
The Peer Review Program (PRP), under the Office of Human Capital (OHC) of TSA, provides covered
employees - Transportation Security Officers (including master and expert TSOs), Leads, and Supervisors
with an alternative option to TSA’s existing grievance and appeal processes. (May 18, 2011)
TSA Revenue Division Airline Contact Log (Revenue)
The Revenue application supports the Revenue division to track interactions with their stakeholders. (May
18, 2011)
TSA Screening Procedures Branch FAQ (SPB_FAQ)
Screening Procedures Branch FAQ (SPB_FAQ) provides a central database to manage TSA employee
frequently asked questions and their answers for the OSO Screening Procedures division. (May 18, 2011)
TSA SIG Asset Management (SIGAM)
This application allows Office of Information Technology (OIT) to manage assignment of government
information technology resources to individual employees and contractors. (May 18, 2011)
TSA SPOT Base Rate Study (SPOT_BRS)
Pilot program that is part of the Screening of Passengers by Observation Techniques (SPOT) Program
designed to test the feasibility of adding new observation criteria to the SPOT_TDC application. (May 18,

TSA Unsolicited Proposal (ACQUP)
This application tracks Unsolicited Proposals submitted by individuals, companies, or organizations
wishing to conduct business with TSA. (May 18, 2011)
TSA National Deployment Office (NDO) - Deployment Management System (DMS)
Deployment operations are planned and executed through the use of the NDO-DMS in support of numerous
domestic airports and other venues based on seasonal demands, special events, local hiring shortfalls, or
other circumstances requiring more staffing resources than are locally available. (May 18, 2011)

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TSA OSO National Transfer (OSONVT)
OSONVT will provide a web-based application that includes new reporting, tracking and accountability
requirements of the TSO National Voluntary Transfer Pilot Program. (May 18, 2011)
TSA FAMS Amber Alert Dissemination System (AmberAlerts)
This program is a voluntary partnership between law-enforcement agencies, broadcasters, and
transportation agencies to activate an urgent bulletin in the most serious child-abduction cases. (May 18,
TSA Claims Management System (CMS) Status (CMS_Status)
Claims Management System is a public-facing website that allows claimants to search for the status of a
pending claim. (May 18, 2011)
TSA Contact Us (ContactUs)
Contact Us is a web site that allows end users to fill out a form and submit it to a specific office via email.
Forms are maintained by an admin group, and they can be created, deleted and changed dynamically by
members of this group. (May 18, 2011)
TSA MyTSA Mobile Web Service (MyTSA_Mobile)
This application is designed to keep users with mobile devices such as an iPhone, or Blackberry up-to-date
about airport delays, security checkpoint wait times. (May 18, 2011)
TSA Pay.Gov OCI Handler (Pay.Gov)
Pay.Gov is designed to facilitate a common method to make secure electronic payments to US Federal
Government Agencies. This application is the TSA method to use the Pay.Gov system. (May 18, 2011)
Talk To TSA (formerly “Got Feedback” is a public-facing web application (App) that collects feedback
from the traveling public and emails it to the Office of Strategic Communications and Public Affairs. (May
18, 2011)
TSA Vovici (Vovici)
Vovici Survey Workbench is a commercial product that allows licensed TSA personnel to create and
execute surveys. (May 18, 2011)
TSA Liaison Division Databases -Law Enforcement Section - Air Carrier Section - International
This is a database containing the names, phone numbers, mailing address and email addresses of law
enforcement, air carrier, and international transportation security stakeholders that the Liaison Division
interacts with or may interact with concerning TSA/Office of Law Enforcement matters. (May 18, 2011)

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TSA Sensitive Security Information Branch Phoenix Database
The TSA SSI Branch Phoenix Database serves as the repository for all information associated with
document reviews undertaken by the SSI Branch. (May 18, 2011)
TSA Security Manager/Coordinator Contact Lists
TSA's security mission covers several modes of the transportation sector. In each mode, TSA regularly
collects contact information for security managers or coordinators at facilities across the United States and
in some instances foreign countries. (May 18, 2011)
TSA Highway Baseline Assessments for Security Enhancements (HWY BASE) System
The HWY BASE System provides TSA’s Highway and Motor Carrier (HMC) Branch with an
understanding of surface transportation stakeholders’ (e.g., school bus owners/operators) ability to protect
its critical assets. As part of conducting a transportation security review, TSA interviews individuals
associated with private and commercial entities, who voluntarily provide limited business contact
information so that TSA may collaborate and share with those points of contact the review results. TSA
may also share management reports, including the contact information, with other federal agencies that
participate in this process (e.g., Department of Transportation). (October 18, 2012)
TSA Pipeline Security Guidelines
As part of the risk-based plan in the Pipeline Security Guidelines, TSA recommends that natural gas and
hazardous liquid pipeline owners and operators voluntarily provide TSA with 24/7 contact information of
the primary and alternate security manager, and the telephone number of the company's security
operations or control center. TSA uses this information, including the name, telephone number, and email
address, to contact such personnel in the event of a change in security threat indicators and/or security
incidents involving the pipeline. (October 18, 2012)
TSA Contact Center
The TSA Contact Center (TCC) v3 manages all agency inquiries from the public and TSA employees and
contractors. The TCC allows individuals to provide comments to TSA through a web form or call into the
TCC. A valid email address is required; however, any other information provided, including names, is
voluntary. (December 10, 2012)
TSA TV Studio
Employees and contractors of TSA, DHS, and other federal agencies use TV Studio to produce and
broadcast various multimedia events. TSA collects names and work phone numbers and email addresses,
as well as consent forms from individuals who participate in these events. (May 29, 2014)
United States Coast Guard (USCG):
USCG List Server (CGLS)
CGLS is a mailing list manager, which allows elements within the USCG to send notices via electronic
mail (e-mail) out to a one-way mailing list, available for subscription to the public. (March 27, 2009)
USCG Navigation Systems Information Dissemination Network (NSIDN)

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The purpose of the General support System (GSS) Navigation Systems Information Dissemination Network
(NSIDN) is to disseminate navigation safety information to the public via the Internet. (August 17, 2010)
USCG List Server (CGLS)
CGLS is a mailing list manager, which allows elements within the USCG to send notices via electronic
mail (e-mail) out to a one-way mailing list, available for subscription to by the public. CGLS collects and
maintains email addresses for those subscribed to the email lists available. The lists currently available
include such subjects as policy and regulation changes for various USCG elements, USCG NavCen
information for the public (i.e. daily GPS info). Information originates from list owners as an email that is
sent to the appropriate list, which is then disseminated to the subscribed email addresses. (September 6,
USCG Integrated Aids to Navigation Information System (I-ATONIS)
There are five components of I-ATONIS used to collect personal information: Private Aid to Navigation
Owner Contact Information, Wreck Owner Contact Information, Oil Rig Owner Contact Information,
Private Property Owner Contact Information, and U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Member Contact
Information. I-ATONIS stores information which allows the Coast Guard to contact owners of wrecks, oil
rigs, private aids to navigation, private property owners on which an aid to navigation is located, and
operators of oil rigs. If the owner designates another individual as the point of contact for the Coast Guard
with respect to the wreck, oil rig, private aid, or leased property, the point of contact information is retained
as well. (February 17, 2012)
USCG Proceedings Magazine Online Subscription Request Form
In support of the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety and Security Council and as a service to its potential
subscribers, Proceedings of the Marine Safety and Security Council, the Coast Guard Journal of Safety and
Security at Sea, seeks to add an online subscription request form to its website. (March 6, 2012)
USCG Citizen’s Action Network
The Citizen’s Action Network was designed to create a database of volunteers who live near navigable
waterways that can be called upon to help the Coast Guard investigate cases such as flare sightings or
mayday calls in their area. (March 6, 2012)
Navigation Systems Information Dissemination Network (NSIDN)
The NSIDN disseminates navigation safety information to the public via the Internet. Website users may
also register to receive products and notifications via email. (September 17, 2012)

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS):
USCIS Enterprise Portal
The Enterprise Portal system will serve as the conduit for customers to interact with USCIS. The USCIS
Enterprise Portal will, upon completion, and over several phases, encompass all existing Web sites
providing information under the purview of USCIS, and will continually expand to include any new E‐

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Government information or services provided by USCIS (e.g., e‐filing and other paperwork reduction act
(PRA) initiatives). (October 19, 2006)
USCIS Customer Service Portal
The Customer Service Web Portal (CSWP) serves as USCIS’s primary information vehicle on the Internet.
The purpose of CSWP is to simplify customer access to USCIS information and services through a
consolidated and integrated service website. This web service provides customers the ability to find changes
in USCIS policies and procedures, learn how to submit an application or petition, and obtain information
about field offices. CSWP now consolidates information collected from,, the
Forms by Mail application, the FOIA Web Status Check, and the Congressional Website. (November 23,
USCIS Edify System
The USCIS Northeast Regional Office uses the Edify application to manage incoming calls requesting
forms from USCIS. The Edify application records incoming calls and an operator transcribes the message
and saves the full name, address, and forms requested to a database for fulfillment and tracking purposes.
This enables the operator to print the name and address on an envelope to send USCIS forms to the
requestor. (September 2, 2010)
USCIS Japan Tsunami Incident Management Group (IMG)
The USCIS Japan Tsunami IMG is an email distribution list that was created in response to the Japan
Tsunami disaster as an efficient and effective tool to coordinate responses by USCIS to official DHS
requests for information related to the disaster. (June 15, 2011)
USCIS Form N-660, Application for Recognition as an American Institution of Research and Form
N-660A, Notification of Material Changes
Form N-660 and N-660A allow organizations to apply for and maintain recognition as an
American institution of research (AIR). These forms collect limited contact information from organization
representatives to assist in the AIR recognition approval process. (December 20, 2012)
USCIS BIA Recognition & Accreditation Tracker
USCIS provides recommendations to the Department of Justice on Board of Immigration Appeals
recognized organization and accredited representative applications. USCIS maintains limited contact
information on organization representatives to assist in the recommendation process. (January 31, 2014)

USCIS Civics and Citizenship Toolkit Registration Form
USCIS provides one free Civics and Citizenship Toolkit to organizations that assist immigrants. The
Toolkit contains a variety of educational materials designed to help permanent residents learn more about
the United States and prepare for the naturalization process. This online registration form (at

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Page 37 is used to collect information on the organization’s eligibility and their
shipping address. (August 2, 2016)
USCIS Form G-1190, Free Training for Civics and Citizenship Teachers of Adults
The USCIS Office of Citizenship conducts teacher training events for adult citizenship instructors to
enhance the skills needed to prepare immigrants for U.S. citizenship. To register for a training opportunity
in an area, individuals complete and submit G-1190 to USCIS. USCIS uses the information to register the
individual for the training. The information may also be used to share additional citizenship-related
products, resources, and training opportunities from USCIS. USCIS provides individuals with the
opportunity to opt out of receiving this additional information. (September 26, 2017)
USCIS Form G-1482, Citizenship and Integration Grant Program, Notice of Funding Opportunity
USCIS Citizenship and Integration Grant Program provides citizenship preparation resources, support, and
information to immigrants and immigrant-serving organizations. Recipients of the Grant are public or
private nonprofit organizations with recent experience providing citizenship instruction and naturalization
application services to eligible permanent residents. Applicants to the Citizenship and Integration Grant
Program are required to submit responses to G-1482. (September 21, 2016)
USCIS Field Operations Directorate Link (FODLink)
FODLink is a mobile application that provides an executive dashboard for use on mobile devices. FODLink
accesses USCIS SharePoint sites to provide data access in real time. One of FODLink’s functionalities is
the Emergency Contact Module. FODLink provides emergency contact information for field officers and
senior management, which includes employee contact information and work schedule. In case of a disaster
or unfortunate event, managers have the emergency contact list available to them if they need to contact
their employees. (January 3, 2018)
USCIS Form G-1109A, Request for Approval to Accept Award and/or Gift From Outside Sources
The Office of Human Capital and Training (HCT) will use Form G-1109A to screen organizations and
employees for potential conflicts of interest in the solicitation of external awards from non-Federal entities.
This is to ensure the solicitations are not from for-profit businesses, contractors, or any entity that could
benefit financially from DHS. In order to effectively screen and clear any USCIS award nomination from
a non-Federal entity award program, HCT must collect information about the award, entity, underwriters,
and the employee being nominated for the award. (April 25, 2018)
USCIS Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) Map
The Federal government recognizes MSIs as valuable resources to the nation. MSIs are institutions of
higher education that serve minority populations. These include Historically Black Colleges and
Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Asian Americans and Native
American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions, and Predominantly Black Institutions. USCIS supports
MSIs in the form of grants, services, and computer equipment donations. The MSI Map is an interactive
map of the United States showing all MSIs and USCIS offices for the USCIS Office of Equal Opportunity
and Inclusion. The MSI map has a searching capability of all domestic MSIs and the business contact
information of points of contact at the MSI. (April 25, 2018)

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U.S. Secret Service (USSS):
USSS CPNI Reporting
The CPNIReporting Web site is co‐sponsored and managed by the United States Secret Service (USSS)
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The web site is a tool for telecommunications carriers to
report a breach of its customer’s CPNI (customer proprietary network information) to law enforcement.
(November 29, 2007)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDHS/ALL/PIA-006 Department of Homeland Security General Contact Lists
File Modified2020-08-28
File Created2020-08-28

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