60-day FRN

60-day notice 2022-21037.pdf

Crash Report Sampling System (CRSS)

60-day FRN

OMB: 2127-0714

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 28, 2022 / Notices
f. Vehicle company number and
power unit license plate State and
g. Number of individuals suffering
physical injury;
h. Number of fatalities;
i. The police-reported cause of the
j. Whether the driver was cited for
violation of any traffic laws, or motor
carrier safety regulations; and
k. The total driving time and the total
on-duty time of the CMV driver at the
time of the accident.
The FMCSA does not believe the CLP
holders covered by the exemptions will
experience any deterioration of their
safety record. However, should this
occur, FMCSA will take all steps
necessary to protect the public interest,
including revocation of these
exemptions. The FMCSA will
immediately revoke these exemptions
for failure to comply with the terms and
conditions set forth above.
Robin Hutcheson,
Deputy Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2022–20968 Filed 9–27–22; 8:45 am]

National Highway Traffic Safety
[Docket No. DOT–NHTSA–2922–0049]

Agency Information Collection
Activities; Notice and Request for
Comment; Crash Report Sampling
System (CRSS), Non-Traffic
Surveillance (NTS) and Special Studies
Data Collection
National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA),
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice and request for
comments on a request for extension
with modification of a currently
approved information collection.

NHTSA invites public
comments about our intention to request
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for an extension with
modification of a currently approved
information collection. Before a federal
agency can collect certain information
from the public, it must receive
approval from the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB). Under procedures
established by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995, before seeking OMB
approval, Federal agencies must solicit
public comment on proposed

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collections of information, including
extensions and reinstatement of
previously approved collections. This
document describes collections of
information for which NHTSA intends
to seek OMB approval that collect for
NHTSA’s Crash Report Sampling
System (CRSS), Non-Traffic
Surveillance (NTS), and special studies.
DATES: Written comments should be
submitted by November 28, 2022.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
[identified by Docket No. DOT–
NHTSA–20XX–XXXX] through one of
the following methods:
• Electronic Submissions: Go to the
Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
• Fax:1–202–493–2251
• Mail or Hand Delivery: Docket
Management Facility, U.S. Department
of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, West Building, Room W12–
140, Washington, DC 20590, between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except on Federal holidays. To
be sure someone is there to help you,
please call (202) 366–9322 before
Instructions: All submissions must
include the agency name and docket
number for this notice. Note that all
comments received will be posted
without change to http://
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided. Please
see the Privacy Act heading below.
Privacy Act: Anyone is able to search
the electronic form of all comments
received into any of our dockets by the
name of the individual submitting the
comment (or signing the comment, if
submitted on behalf of an association,
business, labor union, etc.). You may
review DOT’s complete Privacy Act
Statement in the Federal Register
published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR
19477–78) or you may visit https://
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to http://
www.regulations.gov or the street
address listed above. Follow the online
instructions for accessing the dockets
via internet.
additional information or access to
background documents, contact Jonae S.
Anderson, Office of Data Acquisition
(NSA–120), Room W53–470. (202) 366–
1028, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,
Washington, DC 20590, Please identify
the relevant collection of information by
referring to its OMB Control Number.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44

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U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), before an agency
submits a proposed collection of
information to OMB for approval, it
must first publish a document in the
Federal Register providing a 60-day
comment period and otherwise consult
with members of the public and affected
agencies concerning each proposed
collection of information. The OMB has
promulgated regulations describing
what must be included in such a
document. Under OMB’s regulation (at
5CFR 1320.8(d), an agency must ask for
public comment on the following: (a)
whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the proposed collection
of information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(c) how to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) how to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
the use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g. permitting electronic submission of
In compliance with these
requirements, NHTSA asks for public
comments on the following proposed
collections of information for which the
agency is seeking approval from OMB.
Title: Crash Report Sampling System
(CRSS), Non-Traffic Surveillance
System (NTS), and Special Studies.
OMB Control Number: 2127–0714.
Form Number(s): N/A.
Type of Request: Revision of a
currently approved collection of
Type of Review Requested: Regular.
Requested Expiration Date of
Approval: 3 years from date of approval.
Summary of the Collection of
Information: NHTSA is authorized by
49 U.S.C. 30182 and 23 U.S.C. 403 to
collect data on motor vehicle traffic
crashes to aid in the identification of
issues and the development,
implementation, and evaluation of
motor vehicle and highway safety
countermeasures to reduce fatalities and
the property damage associated with
motor vehicle crashes. Using this
authority, NHTSA established the Crash
Report Sampling System (CRSS), CRSS
related Special Studies and the NonTraffic Surveillance (NTS). Through
these efforts, NHTSA collects data on
motor vehicle crashes, including crashes
involving injuries and fatalities,
property damage only crashes, as well



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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 28, 2022 / Notices

as non-traffic crashes that involve
injuries and fatalities. NHTSA uses
information from these data collections
to support NHTSA’s mission to save
lives, prevent injuries, and reduce
economic losses resulting from motor
vehicle crashes.
Since late 1970s, NHTSA’s National
Center for Statistics and Analysis
(NCSA) has utilized a multidisciplinary
approach to meet the data needs of our
end users that leverages an efficient
combination of census, sample-based,
and existing State files to provide
information on traffic crashes on a
timely basis. Beginning in 2016, the
CRSS has been used to identify highway
safety problem areas and provide
general data trends. The Non-Traffic
Surveillance System (NTS) provides
data regarding fatalities and injuries that
occur in non-traffic crashes and noncrash incidents.
CRSS obtains data from a nationally
representative probability sample
selected from police reported motor
vehicle traffic crashes. Specifically,
CRSS collects data on crashes involving
at least one motor vehicle in transport
on a trafficway that resulted in property
damage, injury or a fatality will be
included in the CRSS sample. The crash
reports sampled will be chosen from
selected areas that reflect the geography,
population, miles driven, and the
number of crashes in the United States.
No additional data beyond the selected
crash reports will be collected. Once the
crash reports are received, they will be
coded and the data will be entered into
the CRSS Records Based Information
Solution (RBIS), the repository for CRSS
cases and reporting tools.
CRSS will acquire nationally
representative information on fatalities,
injuries and property damage directly
from existing State police crash reports.
The user population includes Federal
and State agencies, automobile
manufacturers, insurance companies,
and the private sector. Annual changes
in the sample parameters are minor in
terms of operation and method of data
collection, and do not affect the
reporting burden on respondents.
The Non-Traffic Surveillance (NTS) is
a data collection effort for collecting
information about counts and details
regarding fatalities and injuries that
occur in non-traffic crashes and noncrash incidents. Non-traffic crashes are
crashes that occur off a public trafficway
(e.g., private roads, parking lots, or
driveways), and non-crash incidents are
incidents involving motor vehicles but
do not involve a crash scenario, such as
carbon monoxide poisoning and hypo/
hyperthermia. NTS non-traffic crash
data are obtained through NHTSA’s data

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collection efforts for the Crash Report
Sampling System (CRSS), the Crash
Investigation Sampling System (CISS),1
and the Fatality Analysis Reporting
System (FARS) 2. NTS also includes
data outside of NHTSA’s own data
collections. NTS’ non-crash injury data
is based upon emergency department
records from a special study conducted
by the Consumer Product Safety
Commission’s National Electronic Injury
Surveillance System (NEISS) All Injury
Program. NTS non-crash fatality data is
derived from death certificate
information from the Centers for Disease
Control’s National Vital Statistics
For the NTS data collection this
notice only discusses for the non-traffic
crash portion that is collected using
methods for the CRSS data collection.
The non-traffic crash data that feed into
NTS from the FARS and CISS data
collection efforts are covered under
information collection clearances for
those data collection efforts. This is
done because the data is collected
differently under each of NHTSA’s three
data collection efforts. During the CRSS
and CISS sampling process, NTS
applicable crashes will be chosen from
the same sample sites. The FARS data
collection effort uncovers NTS
applicable reports received from the
State during their normal data collection
activities for FARS. Therefore, the
burden for NTS is included in each
study’s calculation. No additional data
will be collected beyond the NTS
applicable reports. Once the crash
reports are received, each case will be
coded and entered into the NTS RBIS
application. NHTSA uses NTS data to
estimate fatalities and injuries in nontraffic crashes, which are crashes which
occur off the trafficways such as
nonpublic roads, driveways, and
parking lots.
In addition to CRSS data collection,
NHTSA may require special studies to
further analyze motor vehicle crashes in
the CRSS jurisdictions. One type of
special study is the collection of data
from the non-sampled crashes from
CRSS Police Jurisdictions (PJs) by the
crash report Strata, NTS applicable, or
out of scope, to help assess the accuracy
of the PJ frame. Non-sample PJs are
defined as PJs that investigate motor
vehicle crashes within the CRSS PSU
boundaries but are not sampled through
the CRSS study.
1 NHTSA’s information collection for CISS is
covered by the ICR with OMB Control No. 2127–
2 NHTSA’s information collection for FARS is
covered by the ICR with OMB Control No. 2127–

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Another special study NHTSA may
require is the CRSS PJ frame evaluation.
The PJ frame is constantly changing:
new PJs start operating, existing PJs are
closed, multiple PJs are merged into one
PJ, or one PJ splits into multiple PJs.
The current CRSS PJ sample was
selected from the 2016 PJ frame and the
PJ weights were calculated accordingly.
If the PJ frame has changed dramatically
from the 2016 PJ frame, the CRSS PJ
weights are no longer correct and the
CRSS estimates may be biased. To
prevent this, NHTSA needs to evaluate
the current PJ frame to identify all PJs
that currently generate PCRs for the
sampled non-Electronic Data Transfer
(EDT) PSUs and collect 6 crash counts
(total crashes, fatal crashes, injury
crashes, pedestrian crashes, motorcycle
crashes, and commercial motor vehicle
crashes). The EDT is the nightly transfer
of crash data. EDT PSUs have been
collapsed into one PJ and sample crash
reports throughout the county. Thus, the
concern of completeness of the PJ frame
in EDT PSUs, isn’t an issue.
Additionally, this study is different
from the non-sample count special
study, because the six crash counts are
unrelated to CRSS or NTS applicability.
These crash counts will be used as PJ
measurement of size for PJ sample
selection or PJ weight adjustment if
NHTSA is seeking approval to modify
the existing information collection to (a)
reduce the burden hour estimates for
CRSS information collection to account
for previous inflated estimates and
current efficiencies and (b) add the nonsampled Special Study into this
package. The combined impact is an
increase of 7,000 burden hours to
NHTSA’s overall total.
Description of the Need for the
Information and Proposed Use of the
NHTSA’s mission is to save lives,
prevent injuries, and reduce economic
losses resulting from motor vehicle
crashes. In order to accomplish this
mission, NHTSA needs high-quality
data on motor vehicle crashes. The
CRSS supports this mission by
providing the agency with vital
information about a nationally
representative sample involving motor
vehicle traffic crashes that occur on our
nation’s roadways.
CRSS data is used extensively by all
the NHTSA program and research
offices, other DOT modes, States, and
local jurisdictions. The highway
research community uses the CRSS data
for trend analysis, problem
identification, and program evaluation.
Congress uses the CRSS data for making



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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 28, 2022 / Notices
decisions concerning safety programs.
The CRSS data is made publicly
available to anyone interested in
highway safety.
The NTS is a Congressionally
mandated data collection effort, which
provides counts and details regarding
injuries and fatalities that occur in nontraffic crashes and in non-crash
incidents. NTS annual data is used to
produce estimates for injuries and
fatalities in non-traffic crashes. The NTS
data is also made publicly available for
highway safety research purposes.
The special studies such as the nonsample count and PJ frame evaluation
are critical to assessing the quality of the
PJ frame of the CRSS PSUs to determine
PJ weights and measure of size for the
CRSS PJ sample selection. Without the
special studies, NHTSA may fail to
accurately assess the national crash
picture by missing pertinent crash data.
Affected Public: Various Police
Jurisdiction and State Agencies.
Local police jurisdictions (PJs) and
State agencies that collect and maintain
central databases of motor vehicle
crashes partner with NHTSA to provide
access to crash reports for the CRSS
sample sites on a routine basis. CRSS
collects data from sampled police
jurisdictions in order to collect a
nationally representative sample.
However, because CRSS only collects
information from police crash reports
for many jurisdictions, NHTSA is able
to collect the data directly from the
States. This is because States have been
moving toward more electronic and
centralized data collection systems.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
NHTSA estimates that approximately 28
States and 44 police jurisdictions will
provide crash data to support CRSS in
each of the next three years. Because the
portion of NTS data that comes from the
CRSS data collection relies on the CRSS
data collection methodologies, NHTSA
estimates that the same 72 respondents
will also provide data to NHTSA
through the CRSS data collection effort.
The estimated number of respondents
for the non-sample count special study
is approximately 136 PJs. The estimated
number of respondents for the PJ frame
evaluation is approximately 1,248 PJs.
Frequency: Varies. The frequency of
providing crash reports is established by
the local PJs and state agencies.
Typically, weekly, or bi-weekly access
to crash reports is provided.

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Estimated Number of Responses
Annually: NHTSA estimates 677,005
crash reports, which includes both the
CRSS and NTS crashes from the sample
PJs. However, of the 677,005 crashes, it
is estimated that 3,000 of those will be
NTS applicable crashes and thus
remainder could be CRSS applicable
crashes is 674,005. Additionally, it is
estimated that the non-sample special
studies will generate 247,110 crashes
from the non-sample PJs. The number of
crashes for the PJ frame evaluation will
be estimated at the total of crash reports
generated from combining the sample
and non-sample PJs to derive the six
crash counts. Thus, the number of
generated crash reports estimated is
677,005 + 247,110 = 1,410,551 crashes.
number of

CRSS ........................................
NTS ...........................................
Non-Sample Special Study ......
PJ Frame Evaluation Special
Study .....................................


Grand Total .......................


Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 42,680 Hours.
Within the 30 States or 60 CRSS
Primary Sampling Units (PSUs) there
are Police Jurisdictions (PJs), from
which a CRSS sampler must obtain
crash reports for listing, categorization,
and sampling. Currently, 50 PSUs
provide NHTSA data electronically—
through EDT, State website access, or
web service portal. For one State, the
crash reports are obtained through EDT
and manually since not all crashes are
reported through EDT. Therefore,
NHTSA counted that state more than
once due to the crash report acquisition
method. However, there is a total of 10
PSUs, or 21 local PJs, where crash
reports collection is conducted in the
field using a combination of electronic
and manual methods as dictated by the
sample PJ’s crash report collection
methods. These PJs required field
samplers which incur an increased
burden due to the labor-intensive
administrative practices and privacy
protections associated with manually
accessing the crash reports. The total
respondents doesn’t equal to 30 States
or 60 PSUs, due to the variation in
accessing crash reports throughout the

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The annual burden estimate detailed
in Table 1 is produced by identifying
the crash report access method for each
PSU and PJ and assigning the
appropriate burden hours for that
method as outlined below.
• EDT Maintenance—For PSUs
providing crash report through EDT, the
burden is estimated at 5 hours annually.
This accounts for yearly updates to
programming needed to successfully
transmit data, such as updating data
structures if new data elements are
added or any changes to the state made
to their crash report and/or databases.
• State Website—User Access Only:
For PSUs providing crash reports via a
state repository/website or database, the
burden is estimated at 10 hours
annually. This represents time to
process user account requests, establish
credentials, and routine maintenance of
the State’s data repositories.
• State Website—User Access and
Additional Administrative Functions:
For PSUs providing crash reports
directly to NHTSA via web service or
where the State employees provide user
access accounts in addition to regularly
searches for crash reports, compiles the
lists of crashes to send to NHTSA
monthly, the burden is estimated at 60
hours annually. This represents
implementation, data transfer
monitoring, and communications with
NHTSA and its contractors.
• For PSUs providing crash reports to
NHTSA via manual crash report access
methods (i.e., weekly physical visits to
a PJ, copying crash reports and mailing
them, and searching for recently
completed crash reports and uploading
crash reports to secure email links), the
burden is estimated at 470 hours
annually. This represents—but is not
limited to—maintaining a law
enforcement presence while the crash
reports are being reviewed, and/or
providing resources to the CRSS
sampler in order to access the crash
reports. This is the most labor extensive
access type due to the administrative
burden and the additional processes
required to protect PII. Other local
police jurisdictions may photocopy
crash reports and FedEx to the
contractors or download electronic
crash reports to submit electronically
via secure email or thumb drive




Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 28, 2022 / Notices

Hours per

Access method

Total hours

EDT (Maintenance) ......................................................................................................................
State Website (user access only) ................................................................................................
State Website (user access and additional administrative functions) .........................................
Web Service (user access and States query and compile info) .................................................
Mixed Manual ..............................................................................................................................




Grand Total ...........................................................................................................................




On an ad-hoc basis, NHTSA requests
a non-sample count special study to
assess the Police Jurisdiction (PJ) frame.
The non-sample count and the PJ Frame
evaluation studies are critical to
assessing the quality of the PJ frame of
the CRSS PSUs to determine PJ weights
and measure of size for the CRSS PJ
sample selection. Without the special
studies, NHTSA may fail to accurately
assess the national crash picture by
missing pertinent crash data.
Number of Respondents: 136 (NonSample Count Special Study).
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 21,307 (Non-Sample Count
Special Study).
The burden calculation for the nonsample count special study is difficult
to determine. Each burden calculation is

associated with the agreed upon crash
report access method for sample sites.
For non-sample PJs we have no
established relationship nor is it known
which type of access to crash report is
feasible. Most importantly, non-sample
count special studies are conducted on
an ad-hoc basis and not implemented
every year. Table 2 illustrates nonsample counts by access method in the
state for sample sites.
EDT has been removed from the table
because CRSS samples from the entire
county, there is no distinction between
the non-sample and sample PJs. This is
an added benefit to EDT
implementation as we get an accurate
assessment of the PSU frame by CRSS
strata. State websites with user access
have non-sample PJs however, there is

no added burden because the initial
access granted is at the state level. State
website with user access and additional
administrative functions provide
NHTSA data at the county level, which
includes both sample and non-sample
PJs, thus there is no additional burden
to the state. Webservice agreements also
provide data at the county level, thus
there is no additional burden to the
state. States noted as having manual
methods only account for the sample
PJs. Without established cooperation,
NHTSA can’t forecast individual PJs
access methods for the purposes of the
burden calculation. Thus, the maximum
burden for the non-sample count special
study’s estimated burden is 21,307 with
the possibility of reduction with
cooperative agreements finalized.

Hours per

Access method

Number of
(PJ) or states

Total hours

State Website (user access only) ................................................................................................
State Website (user access and additional administrative functions) .........................................
Web Service (user access and States query and compile info) .................................................
Manual .........................................................................................................................................



* 21,307 (470

Grand Total ...........................................................................................................................




Number of Respondents: 1,248 (PJ
Frame Evaluation Special Study).
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 333 (PJ Frame Evaluation Special
The activities associated with PJ
frame evaluation special study include

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Number of
(PJ) or states

identifying the in-scope PJs and
contacting the in-scope PJs for the 6
crash counts. NHTSA estimates there
are total 40 non-EDT PSUs and about
1,248 PJs in those non-EDT PSUs.
NHTSA estimates it would about 1
minute per PJ to confirm if any changes

to the PJ since the 2016. NHTSA
anticipates approximately 15 minutes
(0.25 hours) for each PJ to prepare the
6 crash counts. NHTSA estimates the
total number of hours of response
burden is about 333 hours.
Number of

PJ frame evaluation

Hours per jurisdiction

Manual ..........................................................................

16 Minutes ....................................................................


* 333 (16/60

Grand Total ...........................................................




This hourly burden was calculated
using the Bureau of Labor Statistics’

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mean hourly wage estimate for Court,
Municipal, and License Clerks

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Total hours

(Standard Occupational Classification



Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 28, 2022 / Notices
#43–4031) 3 from May 2021 of $21.57.
Therefore, NHTSA estimates the hourly
wage associated with the estimated
21,040 burden hours to be $453,832.80
(21,040 hours × $21.57 per hour). This
is a reduction of the previously reported
burden of 35,680 labor hours and
estimated costs of $705,036.80. The
efficiencies with the increased
implementation of the EDT and better
understanding of local and state crash
repositories contribute to the reduction
in burden labor hours and subsequent
costs. The Bureau of Labor Statistics
estimates that for State and local
government workers, wages represent
54.96% of total compensation.4
Therefore, the total cost of burden
associated with this collection is
estimated to be $825,751.09
The total burden hours are presented
in the table below but described for each

CRSS ............................................
NTS ...............................................
Non-Sample Special Study ..........
PJ Frame Evaluation Special
Study .........................................


Grand Total ...........................



lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1

Estimated Total Annual Burden Cost:
NHTSA estimates that there are no
costs associated with this information
collection other than labor costs
associated with burden hours. This is a
drastic decrease from the $1.7 M from
when NHTSA last sought approval for
this information collection. The
decrease in costs is a result of removing
labor costs associated with labor hours
that were included in response to
question 12, but unfortunately were
Public Comments Invited: You are
asked to comment on any aspect of this
information collection, including (a)
Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the
Department’s performance; (b) the
accuracy of the estimated burden; (c)
ways for the Department to enhance the
quality, utility and clarity of the
information collection; and (d) ways
that the burden could be minimized
3 See May 2021 National Industry-Specific
Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates, 43–
4031—Court, Municipal, and License Clerks,
available at https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/
oes434031.htm (accessed May 18, 2022).
4 See Table 1. Employer Costs for Employee
Compensation by ownership (Dec. 2021), available
at https://www.bls.gov/news.release/ecec.t01.htm
(accessed May 18, 2022).

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without reducing the quality of the
collected information. The agency will
summarize and/or include your
comments in the request for OMB’s
clearance of this information collection.
You are asked to comment on any
aspects of this information collection,
including (a) whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the Department, including
whether the information will have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
Department’s estimate of the burden of
the proposed information collection; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Authority: The Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995; 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, as
amended; 49 CFR 1.49; and DOT Order

Electronic Availability
The Specially Designated Nationals
and Blocked Persons List and additional
information concerning OFAC sanctions
programs are available on OFAC’s
website (www.treasury.gov/ofac).

Chou Lin Chen,
Associate Administrator, National Center for
Statistics and Analysis.


[FR Doc. 2022–21037 Filed 9–27–22; 8:45 am]

Notice of OFAC Action
On September 15, 2022, OFAC
updated the Specially Designated
Nationals and Blocked Persons List
entry for the following vessel, in which
a blocked person has an interest and
continues to be blocked pursuant to the
prohibitions in Executive Order 13726.
1. BONU 5 Malta flag; Vessel
Registration Identification 15411 (Malta)
(vessel) [LIBYA3] (Linked To: ANDREA
Dated: September 15, 2022.
Andrea M. Gacki,
Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control,
U.S. Department of the Treasury.
[FR Doc. 2022–20348 Filed 9–27–22; 8:45 am]

Office of Foreign Assets Control


Notice of OFAC Sanctions Actions
Office of Foreign Assets Control

Office of Foreign Assets
Control, Treasury.
ACTION: Notice.

The U.S. Department of the
Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets
Control (OFAC) is publishing the names
AGENCY: Office of Foreign Assets
of one or more persons that have been
Control, Treasury.
placed on OFAC’s Specially Designated
ACTION: Notice.
Nationals and Blocked Persons List
(SDN List) based on OFAC’s
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of the
determination that one or more
Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets
Control (OFAC) is publishing an update applicable legal criteria were satisfied.
All property and interests in property
to the identifying information of one
subject to U.S. jurisdiction of these
vessel currently included on the
persons are blocked, and U.S. persons
Specially Designated Nationals and
are generally prohibited from engaging
Blocked Persons List. The vessel
in transactions with them. Additionally,
remains the blocked property of a
OFAC is publishing updates to the
person who has an interest under the
identifying information of one person
relevant sanctions authority listed
currently included on the SDN List.
OFAC is further publishing the name of
one person that has been removed from
section for applicable date(s).
the SDN List.
OFAC: Andrea Gacki, Director, tel.: 202– section for effective date(s).
622–2490; Associate Director for Global FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
Targeting, tel.: 202–622–2420; Assistant OFAC: Andrea Gacki, Director, tel.:
Director for Sanctions Compliance &
202–622–2490; Associate Director for
Evaluation, tel.: 202–622–2490;
Global Targeting, tel.: 202–622–2420;
Assistant Director for Licensing, tel.:
Assistant Director for Licensing, tel.:
202–622–2480; or Assistant Director for 202–622–2480; Assistant Director for
Regulatory Affairs, tel. 202–622–4855.
Regulatory Affairs, tel.: 202–622–4855;
or the Assistant Director for Sanctions
Notice of OFAC Sanctions Actions

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File Modified2022-09-28
File Created2022-09-28

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