Screen Shots for the epermits system VS 17-129

Importation of Live Poultry, Poultry meat, and other Poultry Products from Specified Regions

Screen Shots for the epermits system VS 17-129

OMB: 0579-0228

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Instructions to Importers for
Completing and Submitting an Online Application
in ePermits (VS 17-129)

The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is pleased to announce that
ePermits is now available for public use by applicants seeking import or transit permits for live
animals regulated by APHIS. Users must have a current eAuthentication Level 2 authorization
to access the ePermits system. To obtain this authorization, please see this link for further
An import or transit permit is required for many APHIS-regulated live animals, and their
germplasm (oocytes, embryos or semen), in order to enter or move through the United States to
another country. Some APHIS-regulated animals of Canadian or Mexican origin that are
entering the U.S. though land border ports may not need to be accompanied by an import permit;
however appointments must be made and confirmed in advance with the APHIS port
veterinarians at such locations. Additional general information about live animal and germplasm
import requirements may be found at:
APHIS Veterinary Services (VS) uses the ePermits system to process applications and generate
import or transit permits for live animals and their germplasm. Applicants (referred to as ‘users’
in this document) must complete a VS Form 17-129 (Application for Import or In-transit
Permit) in order to receive the actual permit (VS Form 17-135, Permit to Import). Users with
internet access and an existing eAuthentication level 2 can now access ePermits and create, pay
for, and submit a completed application for an import or transit permit for APHIS-regulated live
animals (or their germplasm).
To access ePermits, please click on this link:
At this website, users are asked to agree to certain security conditions regarding ePermits. The
next screen asks users to provide their eAuthentication log-in information, consisting of a User
Name and Password. Providing this information will allow users to be directed to the ePermits
The first page that might appear in ePermits to users is a page for any system-wide
announcements (Figure 1). If this page appears, users should review any ePermits
announcements that may apply (e.g. contact information for technical issues, etc.) and select the
‘Continue to ePermits’ button to be directed to the application Home Page.


Figure 1. System Announcements (if applicable)

1. Home Page
From the Home Page (Figure 2), ePermits users should navigate through the remainder of the
application process using the following step-by-step instructions. The ‘Home’ link on the leftside menu of each subsequent page will re-direct a user to back to the Home Page screen at any
step in the process. Users wishing to go forward from page to page should use the ‘Continue’
buttons; users wishing to go back to a previous screen can use the reverse arrow on the upper
toolbar, or can right-click and select ‘Back’.
Users wishing to create and submit a new application for an import permit should select the
‘Create an Application’ link from the Home Page list on the left side in Figure 2 (see arrow).
Once the application process has been started, users can log off at any point and the application
will be saved in the step that was last completed. A list of submitted and unsubmitted
applications will appear on the Home Page under the ‘Summary’ bar.
In addition, any previous applications that a user has completed and submitted are stored in
ePermits (visible on the Home Page under the ‘My Applications’ section), and can be copied into
a new application. The Copy function is useful if a user is seeking an import permit on a routine
basis, where only the arrival dates or number of animals may change form shipment to shipment.
See further instructions in Section 12 regarding copying existing applications.


Figure 2: Home Page

2. Create Application—Choose Program Office
From the next screen that appears (Figure 3), users who are applying for a live animals or
germplasm import or transit permit should select the ‘Veterinary Services’ radio button and click


Figure 3: Create Application—Choose Program Office

3. Create Application - Choose Application Type for VS
From the next screen (Figure 4), users applying for a live animals or germplasm import/transit
permit should select the ‘VS Form 17-129 Application’ radio button and click ‘Continue’.


Figure 4 : Create Application - Choose Application Type for VS


4. Specify: New or Amendment Application
The ‘Specify: New or Amendment Application’ screen (Figure 5) is used to specify whether the
application is for a new permit or a permit amendment.
To create a new VS 17-129 application, users should select the ‘New Application’ button and
click ‘Continue’.


Figure 5: Specify: New or Amendment Application

At this point, users creating a new application will enter a workflow process involving a series of
steps that can be followed progressively using the ’Continue’ button on each page, or which can
be alternatively accessed through the use of the workflow map near the top of each page. The
‘subway-stop’ -style workflow map at the top of each page allows users to navigate from step to
step in the workflow process easily to access, review or change information on a specific page.
The last step in the application process (‘Certify and Pay’) involves payment, which must be
made before an application can be submitted to an APHIS permit processor for further
processing in ePermits. The ‘Certify and Pay’ step should not be selected before all other steps
have been successfully completed and reviewed for accuracy. Payment for an application is
processed through Pay.Gov, a separate and secure system that is linked to ePermits. Payment for
an application is non-refundable. The payment process is further explained in Section 12.
To request an amendment (change) to an existing permit whose expiration date has not yet been
reached, please select the ‘Amendment Application’ radio button, specify the permit number to
be amended, and enter the date that permit was issued. Permits to import APHIS-regulated live
animals or germplasm are valid for a limited period of time (generally between 14 and 30 days,
depending on species), as indicated in Box 12 of the permit. Permits that have already expired
may not be amended; a new application must be requested for such permits.

When amending an application, the ‘Permit Number’ and ‘Date Issued’ are required fields. If
either of the required fields is not entered, or contains invalid information, an error message is
displayed notifying the user of which field is missing or incorrect. Users seeking to amend an
existing, unexpired permit will be directed to the screen shown in Figure 6 in the following
section. Amendment fees will apply for any changes made to an existing, unexpired permit; see
Section 13 for additional information on processing fees.

5. Shipper Information
The ‘Shipper Information’ page (Figure 6) requires the user to enter the consignment shipper’s
information. Drop-down menus are provided for some fields on this and other pages in the
workflow process. The user must either enter the Shipper’s Organization or the First and Last
Name of the Shipper, along with the location address. If the mailing address of the Shipper
differs from the location address, this information must also be entered.
‘Address Book/Look Up’: the ePermits system doesn’t allows public users to store shipper
Information to be used on future applications. Users who routinely deal with the same shippers
can copy existing applications, which will transfer information for a given shipper’s information
provided in a previous application. See Section 12 below for further details.



Figure 6: Shipper Information - Default

6. Importer Information
Specific information about the Importer goes on this page. (Figure 7).



Figure 7: Importer Information
The Importer of Record may be an organization, or an individual (who might be the applicant,
or an agent or broker), but the user should enter the name and U.S. phone number of a person in
the United States who may be contacted by APHIS for any questions arising with respect to the
application or permit itself, or in the event of any difficulties encountered during the importation
or transit process. The importer’s location address (street address should be used; not a PO Box)
and a mailing address must be entered. An email address is not required, but if one is available it

may be entered and used for communications between APHIS and the Importer. Entering an
email address also facilitates transmission of the completed permit to the designated parties
wishing to receive an import permit. After this information is entered, click the ‘Continue’

7. Purpose
The Purpose page (Figure 8) allows the user to enter the purpose of the importation and identify
whether the application is for Import (which involves entry to the United States) or In-Transit
(movement through the United States to another country, without entry).
A drop-down selection list of commonly used reasons for importation (i.e., Breeding,
Competition, Pet, etc…) is provided for the ‘Purpose of Importation’ field. If ‘Other’ is
selected, a free-text description must be entered in the box provided. If the application is for a
transit permit, select ‘Transit’ in this field.


Figure 8: Purpose - Default


A drop-down list of commonly used categories for import or in-transit is provided (Figure 9).
The category selected in this field determines which quarantine facilities (if applicable for
commodities required to undergo an import quarantine) are available for selection on the
Remarks page of the application. ‘Other’ is not an available option for this field.
The ‘Returning U.S. birds’ check box on the Purpose page is an optional field that can be used
for noting that U.S.-origin pet birds are returning from another country.
After the ‘Purpose’ information is entered, click ‘Continue’.


Figure 9: Partial Drop-Down list for Import or In-Transit Category

8. Mode of Transportation
The transportation details, which include the mode (method) of transportation, all foreign ports
or countries in which the shipment stops prior to arrival in the U.S., the proposed shipping date,
and the proposed arrival date, are entered on this page (Figures 15-18). NOTE: The following
fields are not populated by users: ‘Port of Embarkation’ (field 3), ‘Country From Which
Shipped’ (field 4), and the ‘United States Port of Entry’. These fields are automatically
populated and updated based on the entries made by the user in the ‘Route of Travel Including
All Carrier Stops Enroute’ table in field 7 (see below in Figure 10).

For field 5 (‘Mode of Transportation’), select the most applicable option. For shipments
traveling to the US by more than one mode through a given country (e.g. moving first by air to
Toronto, Canada , then by truck to the US border), both ‘air’ and ‘land’ can be selected by
clicking on each category while holding down the Ctrl button on the computer. Airline flight
information should be entered in the appropriate box (any updated flight information can be
provided by importers as part of the inspection coordination process, when confirming the
arrival information with an APHIS port veterinarian 72 hours prior to arrival).

Figure 10: Mode of Transportation - Default

Under field 7 (‘Route of Travel’, Figure 11), users should select the intended port of presentation
for entry under ‘U.S. Port’ field. In addition, all international stops along the way from the
point of a shipment’s consignment until it arrives in the U.S. must be included. To add an
international stop to the list, select a country from the associated drop-down list and then enter
an International Port Name in the text box provided. For multiple stops along the route to the
U.S., click the ‘Add Stop to Route’ button after the first port name has been entered, and repeat
this step.


Figure 11: Route of Travel - Original Order

The ‘Order’ column indicates the route of travel starting with the port in the country of origin
and finishing with the port of entry in the United States. The order may be changed by entering
new position numbers in the ‘Sort’ column, and clicking ‘Sort’ (Figures 12 and 13). The
‘Delete’ icon enables users to delete entries (rows) from the table.



Figure 12: Route of Travel - Values Entered for Sorting Order


Figure 13: Route of Travel – New Sorted Order

Only valid numeric entries within the sorting range are permitted in the sort-order boxes; all
other entries are ignored. An error message is displayed if mismatching (duplicate) sort-order
values are entered.
The ‘Port of Embarkation’ button is used to designate the last port where the shipment will stop
prior to arriving in the U.S. A foreign port is required to be entered as the Port of Embarkation.
The designation as Port of Embarkation defaults to whatever foreign port is first in the list, but
this should be changed by sorting/ordering as needed. If the Port of Embarkation is missing, not
selected, or the port selected is not a foreign port, an error message alerting the user of the error
is displayed.
For transit shipments moving through the U.S. to another country: other U.S. ports that are
involved in the transportation may be selected in addition to the first port the shipment arrives at
in the U.S. These should be appropriately ordered to reflect the actual route being followed
while in the U.S.

9. Summary: Animals, Animal Semen, Animal Embryos, Birds, Poultry or
Hatching Eggs
The animal (or other items, such as germplasm) to be imported is identified on the ‘Summary’
page (Figure 14), with the default page being blank. The user adds entries to the table by
clicking the ‘Add Entry to Table’ button. This page also allows entries to be edited using the
‘Edit’ icon and deleted using the ‘Delete’ icon.  



Figure 14: Animals Summary--Default

After clicking the ‘Add Entry to Table’ button on the Summary page, the ‘Summary: Animals,
Animal Semen, Animal Embryos, Birds, Poultry or Hatching Eggs’ page is displayed (Figure
15), requiring the user to enter detailed information about the types and numbers of commodities
in the shipment.



Figure 15: Animals, Animal Semen, Animal Embryos, Birds, Poultry or Hatching Eggs


Both the ‘Number (quantity)’ and ‘Unit of Measure’ are required fields. Only numeric values are
accepted in the ‘Number (quantity)’ field. If an invalid value is entered in the ‘Number
(quantity)’ field, an error message is displayed. The ‘Unit of Measure’ field is selected from a
drop down list that includes ‘number’ (applicable for most types of live animal shipments);
‘dozen’ (applicable for hatching egg shipments); and ‘doses’ or ‘straws’, which apply for
shipments of germplasm. Other quantity descriptors may be selected if applicable.
On the ‘Animals’ screen, the ‘Import or In-Transit Category’ field is automatically populated
and protected from editing. The category displayed is the same that was entered on the
‘Purpose’ screen.
The ‘Species’ and ‘Breed’ are required fields, and are selected from a drop down list. The
values in the ‘Species’ drop-down vary, based on the ‘Import or In-Transit Category’ selected.
The values in the ‘Breed’ drop-down vary, based on the Species chosen. If the breed is not
listed, ‘Other’ is selected as a default. A description for ‘other’ breeds should be entered (if
applicable; this information is required only for a limited number of species or breeds, as
indicated on the page) in the associated text box provided. A drop-down list is also available to
enter the gender of animals in the shipment, if this is known (‘Gender’ is not a required field,
unless specified in a message the user will see).
Based on the ‘Import or In-Transit Category’ selected, some of the optional fields may become
required. Error messages are displayed in such situations if any required fields are not populated.
When all data has been entered, click the ‘Done with Changes’ button to save the entries and
click ‘Continue’. If the user bypasses this page without making any entries by clicking the
‘Done with Changes’ button, an error message is displayed on the ‘Certify & Pay’ page
indicating that no information regarding Animals, Animal Semen, Animal Embryos, Birds,
Poultry or Hatching Eggs has been entered.

10.  Delivery
The ‘Delivery’ page (Figure 16) requires the user to enter the name and address of the person to
whom the delivery will be made. If an import quarantine is required, the delivery is made after
the quarantine period. If the importer is the same person / organization to whom the delivery
will be made, the user can copy the Importer information (see Step 6 above) onto the ‘Delivery’
page by clicking the appropriate check box. If the ‘Location of Place’ where the delivery will be
made is the same as the ‘Delivery Address’, that information can be copied by clicking the
appropriate check box.
A U.S. state name and Zip code must be provided for deliveries that are made in the U.S.
The optional ‘Premises ID’ field is for including a National Premises ID number that may have
been assigned to a receiving entity (the Importer, or other entity at the location of delivery) by

the APHIS Veterinary Services area office. It identifies the actual location where the shipment
will be delivered.


Figure 16: Delivery

11. Remarks
The ‘Remarks’ page (Figure 17) provides the user an optional means of entering additional
information for the APHIS staff person reviewing and further processing the application.
For animals that are required to undergo a USDA quarantine at the time of importation, the name
of the quarantine facility may be selected (if known) on this page, using a drop-down list. The
available values in the drop-down list for the ‘Quarantine Facility’ will vary, based on the
‘Import or In-Transit Category’ identified on the ‘Purpose’ page, as well as by species.
Additional required documents may be attached on this page. The attachment types currently
accepted in ePermits are: txt, html, htm, doc, wp, wpd, xls, pdf, gif, jpeg, jpg, bmp, vsd, docx,
and docm. The document type is validated by clicking the ‘Attach’ button .

The Remarks page can be bypassed by the user if there is no additional information to be


Figure 17: Remarks

12. Copying an Existing Application into a New Application
Under the ‘My Applications’ link on the left side of the Home Page (or under that same section
on the right side), users can see a list of all their applications (Figure 18) by clicking on the ‘All
saved applications’ link. This link will allow users to access and continue working on
uncompleted applications, or withdraw/delete applications of any status. In addition, there is a
‘Copy’ icon on the right side of this page that allows a user to select a given application and copy
all of its information into a new application template. Changes can be made to dates, numbers of
animals, or other fields that are different. The same process described in Section 13 below
applies to certifying and paying for a copied application.

Figure 18: My Applications

13. Certify & Pay
The ‘Certify & Pay’ page (Figure 19) provides a means for the user to certify the application
after reviewing it to be sure that the information is correct, and to pay the required processing
If any required information is missing from the application, users will receive an error message
saying ‘the application is incomplete’, and listing the specific sections that need to be completed
or revised.
Information about the current processing fees for the VS 17-129 used for live animals or
germplasm may be found at this web link: , in a table that
summarizes section 130.4 of Title 9, Code of Federal regulations. The Certify and Pay page will
default to the most current fee amount that applies for either a new application or an amended
one, depending on what type of application has been selected by the user.
In order for the application to be submitted, the user must agree to the terms and conditions of a
resulting permit, and check the ‘’I certify’ box on the Certification screen.
In the Payment box, the system displays the ‘Request Type (New Application or Amendment
Application)’, and the associated Processing Fee required by APHIS. The available payment
options include Credit Card, Check, Money Order, and APHIS User Account. Because APHIS
staff members also can enter information on VS 17-129 applications, the options of ‘No Charge’
or ‘Applicant Did Not Provide Payment’ are also available, but may not be selected by public
users. An error message will appear if these are selected.
For payment types of ‘Mail-in-Check’, ‘Money Order’, or ‘APHIS User Account’, the
corresponding check, money order or APHIS User account number are required fields. NOTE:
APHIS permit processing staff will not begin reviewing a submitted application until APHIS

receives the payment of all required fees. For APHIS User accounts, further processing will be
made by APHIS after the application has been submitted to determine that sufficient funds are
available. If checks or Money Orders are submitted, users should allow appropriate time for
payment to be received before further processing takes place.

Once the ‘I certify’ box has been checked, the payment type has been selected, and the associated
information has been entered, the application can then be submitted. For all payment types
other than credit card, the ‘Application Submitted’ page will then be displayed.

[The current processing fee will be displayed here]


Figure 19: Certify & Pay

Credit Card Payment
If the ‘Payment Type’ selected was On-Line Credit Card, the user is brought to the ‘Credit Card
Payment’ screen (Figure 20). When the applicant clicks the ‘Pay Now’ button, the user is no
longer in ePermits but is now in the Pay.Gov system. Pay.Gov is a secure system that allows
electronic payments to be made to Federal Government Agencies.


Figure 20: Credit Card Payment

The user should enter the required fields, as indicated by an asterisk (*) on the Pay.Gov page
(Figure 21). The Account Holder Name, Payment Amount, Billing Address, City, State, and
ZIP Code will be populated with the data obtained from ePermits. Users have the option of
changing the Account Holder Name, Billing Address, City, State, and ZIP Code, but are not
permitted to change the Payment Amount.



Figure 21: On-line Credit Card Payment Screen from Pay.Gov

If the payment was unsuccessful, Pay.Gov will return the applicant to the ePermits ‘Certify &
Pay’ page to re-enter the payment type. If the payment was successful, Pay.Gov will return the
user to the ePermits ‘Application Submitted’ page.   

14. Application Submitted
After all payment information has been entered and the application has been successfully
submitted, users will be returned to ePermits. If payment is being made with a Check or Money
Order, the ‘Application Submitted’ page (Figure 22) is displayed with instruction to print the
page and include it with payment to APHIS, Veterinary Services. This page also provides the
ability to view or print the submitted application by clicking the ‘View/Print Application’ link.
As noted above, APHIS permit processing staff will not begin reviewing a submitted application
until APHIS receives or confirms the payment of all required fees.



Figure 22: Application Submitted
(Check or Money Order Payment)


If the application is being submitted with a Credit Card payment, no additional steps are
required. The ‘Application Submitted’ page for credit card payments (Figure 23) will indicate
that the application has been submitted successfully, and provides a means for the user to view
or print the submitted application. An APHIS 81 receipt can also be generated at this point.


Figure 23: Application Submitted (Credit Cards) 

15. APHIS processing actions for submitted applications
Applications are reviewed and processed by APHIS on a prioritized basis, depending on the
listed shipping and entry dates. Incomplete or erroneous applications will be returned by APHIS
processing staff to a user for any further information that may be required, along with a
description of any problems or issues that need resolving.
Once a VS 17-129 online application has been successfully submitted for APHIS review
(meaning the application is complete, payment has been received, and no additional information
is needed by an APHIS reviewer), ePermits users should allow up to 5 business days to receive a
completed import permit. If specified, completed import permits will be sent electronically to
the email address that is provided in the Importer Information step above.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - Online Application Instructions VS 17-129 in ePermits.docx
File Modified2011-11-09
File Created2011-11-09

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