8 LRP Application User Guide

NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program

NC LRP Application User Guide

OMB: 0915-0140

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BHW Management
Information System Solution
Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program
FY 2021 Online Application User Guide
December 2020

Created for: December 2020 Release
Last Revised: 03/11/21


List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Introduction: NCLRP Online Application User Guide .................................................................................... 5
Section 1: BHW Portal............................................................................................................................... 6
Section 2: Logging In ................................................................................................................................. 7
Section 3: Home Page (Application Status = “Not Started” or “In Progress”) .......................................... 9
Section 2: Eligibility ................................................................................................................................. 14
Section 3: Application Information ......................................................................................................... 17
Section 4: General Information .............................................................................................................. 19
Section 5: Employment ........................................................................................................................... 24
Section 6: Employment Verification ....................................................................................................... 34
Section 7: Qualifying Education .............................................................................................................. 39
Section 8: Loan Information ................................................................................................................... 44
Section 9: Loan Details ............................................................................................................................ 49
Section 10: Supporting Documents ........................................................................................................ 53
Section 11: Self-Certification .................................................................................................................. 56
Section 12: Review & Submit .................................................................................................................. 59
Section 13: Submitted Page .................................................................................................................... 61
Section 14: Application Withdraw .......................................................................................................... 64
Section 15: Edit Application .................................................................................................................... 67
Section 16: Resolving Issues ................................................................................................................... 68
Section 17: Resolving Issue Flow Chart................................................................................................... 70


List of Figures
Figure 1: BHW Portal ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2: Logging In ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3: Welcome Page 1............................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 4: Welcome Page 2........................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5: Welcome Page 3........................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 6: Welcome Page 4........................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 7: Status Page ................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 8: Eligibility Page .............................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 9: Ineligible Status ............................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 10: Application Information Page .................................................................................................... 18
Figure 11: General Information Page .......................................................................................................... 20
Figure 12: General Information Page 2 ....................................................................................................... 21
Figure 13: NPI Validation Message ............................................................................................................. 22
Figure 14: School Search Screen ................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 15: School Not Found ....................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 16: School Not Found confirmation pop-up .................................................................................... 25
Figure 17: Employment School Search Page ............................................................................................... 26
Figure 18: Employment Site Search ............................................................................................................ 28
Figure 19: Employment Site Search Page 2................................................................................................. 29
Figure 20: Site Results ................................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 21: Request to Program or Restart Search Message ....................................................................... 32
Figure 22: Already Sent Site-Not Found ...................................................................................................... 33
Figure 23: Cancel Site Not Found ................................................................................................................ 33
Figure 24: Employment Verification Page ................................................................................................... 35
Figure 25: Site POC EVF Nonprofit Question .............................................................................................. 36
Figure 26: New CSF Type: 'Small Rural Hospital' EVF .................................................................................. 37
Figure 27: NCLRP-NF Employment Verification Form ................................................................................. 38
Figure 28: School Details Page .................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 29: Degree Error Message ................................................................................................................ 40
Figure 30: School Documents ..................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 31: Qualifying Education Page ......................................................................................................... 42
Figure 32: Loan Information Page 1 ............................................................................................................ 45
Figure 33: Loan Information Page 2 ............................................................................................................ 46
Figure 34: Access National Student Loan Data System Account................................................................. 47
Figure 35: Remove Loans Message ............................................................................................................. 47
Figure 36: Manually Add Loans Message .................................................................................................... 48
Figure 37: Loan Details Page ....................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 38: Continue to Documents ............................................................................................................. 50
Figure 39: Loans Supporting Documents Screen ........................................................................................ 52
Figure 40: Supporting Documents Page ...................................................................................................... 54
Figure 41: Supporting Documents Landing Page ........................................................................................ 55
Figure 42: Self-Certification Page ................................................................................................................ 57

Figure 43: Self Certification Page 2 ............................................................................................................. 58
Figure 44: Review and Submit Page 1 ......................................................................................................... 59
Figure 45: Review and Submit Page 2 ......................................................................................................... 60
Figure 46: Review & Submit Landing Page-Ineligible 1 ............................................................................... 62
Figure 47: Review & Submit Landing Page-Ineligible 2 ............................................................................... 63
Figure 48: Withdraw Option ....................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 49: Application is withdrawn ........................................................................................................... 65
Figure 50: Edit Application Message ........................................................................................................... 67
Figure 51: Resolving Issues Flow Chart ....................................................................................................... 70


Introduction: NCLRP Online Application User Guide

Goal: The NCLRP online application user guide serves as the main tool for the Call Center to answer
applicant inquiries. In addition to this user guide, the call center analysts must be familiar with the
NCLRP Application Program & Guidance, as some of the questions will be program based and are not
discussed in this document. The primary intent for this user guide is to focus on the functionality
developed for the NCLRP online application.

Rules: There are no roles associated with the NCLRP online application, as any external user can apply.


Section 1: BHW Portal
The BHW Portal allows applicants to navigate to the NCLRP application.

Note: Applicant will skip this page if he/she links directly from the HRSA website.

1. Applicant selects “Applying for the Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program.”
2. System displays log in page (see Section 2)
3. Applicant can log in

Figure 1: BHW Portal


Section 2: Logging In

After an applicant activates their account, they will be able to log in (Figure 2). The applicant will enter
their email address (username) and password they used when creating their account in order to log in. If
the applicant forgets their password, they can reset the password by selecting the “forgot your
password?” link.

1. Applicant enters their email address and password.
2. Applicant selects “Login”
3. At first log in applicant is re-directed to the “Not Started” home page.

Figure 2: Logging In


Business Rules:


After selecting the activation link in the email, the system notifies the applicant that their
account is activated (this only happens on the initial log in).
At first log in, the applicant is directed to the “Not Started” home page which details the NCLRP
application. Once an applicant begins their application, they will not be directed to the NCLRP
Not Started home page on the next log in.
After the applicant’s second failed log in attempt, the applicant will be warned that their
account will be locked if the next log in attempt is incorrect.

The applicant’s account will be locked after the third failed log in attempt and they will
be required to go through the “Forgot your Password” process or contact the Call Center
to unlock their account.


Section 3: Home Page (Application Status = “Not Started” or “In Progress”)
The Not Started Home Page is the first page the applicant sees on their initial login. Once an applicant
begins their application, they will no longer be directed to the Not Started Home Page but will be
redirected to the NCLRP In Progress Home Page when logging in.

1. Applicant reads through the information displayed on the Not Started Home Page (Figures 3-6)
2. Applicant selects “Start My Application”.

Business Rules:

The APG, EVF FAQ and Funding Preference definition links will open in a new window when an
applicant clicks on the link
Once an applicant clicks ‘Start My application” they will no longer be directed to this page when
they log in

Figure 3: Welcome Page 1


Figure 4: Welcome Page 2


Figure 5: Welcome Page 3


Figure 6: Welcome Page 4

If the applicant has already started their NCLRP online application and logged off, upon logging back in,
they will be directed to the In Progress Home Page. The In Progress Home Page will display the “In
Progress” status, and the applicant will be able to select “Continue” or the desired section by selecting
the page name in the table.

Steps Continued:
1. Applicant reads information on status page (Figure 7).
2. Applicant navigates to a specific section by selecting the link to the desired page name in the
3. The page must already been completed or is in progress to select a specific section; or
4. If the applicant selects the system will direct the applicant to the first incomplete page

Business Rules Continued:

The system shall only link to pages that are in a “Complete” or “In Progress” status. The
applicant will not be able to jump to a page that is “Not Started.”
If the applicant selects “Continue,” the system shall direct them to the first incomplete page. For
example, if Eligibility is “Complete”, system shall direct applicant to General Information once
they log back into the application if they select ”Continue”.

Figure 7: Status Page


Section 2: Eligibility
The Eligibility page is used to ensure the applicant meets the qualification requirements to apply for an
NCLRP application. If the applicant is deemed eligible, they will be able to continue with the application.
If an individual does not pass the initial screening portion of the online application, they will not be able
to continue.

1. Applicant answers all required questions (Figure 8).
2. Applicant selects “Continue” once they has answered all the eligibility questions.
3. Applicant will be directed to General Information page if they are eligible.

Business Rules:

System shall require applicant to respond to all questions before they can continue
If the applicant answers “Yes” to question three, the system will display two sub-questions, each
is required.
If applicant indicates “Yes” for “Do you have an existing service obligation?” they will be
required to provide supporting documentation on the supporting documents page.
System shall direct user to ineligible landing page if one or more answer(s) is:
o Licensed Registered Nurse = No o Applicant Citizen or
National = No.
o Existing Service Obligation= Yes
 Completed before submission = No
 Uniformed service member = No
 Applicant Judgment Lien = Yes
 Applicant Defaulted Federal Debt = Yes
 Applicant CSF type/School Accreditation = No
 Minimum working hours/Working full-time = No


As of 2021, the system shall deem applicants and participants eligible for award if they select
either yes or no to question 6, “Do you work for a health care facility or school of nursing that is
Non-Profit or Public/Government owned?”


Note: The ineligible landing page will not give the specific reason that the applicant was deemed
ineligible, only several possible reasons for ineligibility from the Eligibility section will be
displayed (Figure 9).


If an applicant is logged in with an existing participant username and says no to having an
existing service obligation they will get an error message and will not be able to continue with


the application until they change their response to “Yes” to having an existing service obligation.

Figure 8: Eligibility Page


Figure 9: Ineligible Status


Section 3: Application Information
The Application Information page requires the applicant to identify which application type they would
like to be considered for.

1. Applicant will select Application Type (Figure 10).
a. If Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nurse Mid Wife or
Registered Nurse Anesthetist is selected system will display functional role question
which will be required
b. If Nurse Practitioner is selected system will also display dropdown options for specialty
types as a required question
i In year 2020, a new Nurse Practitioner specialty was added: Pediatric PsychBehavioral-Mental Health
2. Applicant answers required fields
a. Required fields denoted with an asterisk (*).
3. Applicant selects “Save & Continue” once they have answered all the required fields
4. Applicant will be directed to the General Information page if all required fields are entered

Business Rules:

Applicant must select and application type to continue to the General Information page.
Applicant must provide a response to any additional required questions displayed to continue to
the General Information page.
Applicant can navigate back to the Application Information page and change their response.
o Note: If application has initiated and Employment Verification they must first cancel that
request prior to changing their application type from full- time to half-time or vice versa.


Figure 10: Application Information Page


Section 4: General Information
The General Information page consists of questions about the applicant’s contact information. The
information under Full Name (such as First and Last Name, etc.) is pre-populated from the answers the
applicant supplied when creating their account. These fields are editable.

1. Applicant answers required fields (Figure 11-12)
a. Required fields denoted with an asterisk (*)
2. Applicant selects “Continue” once they have answered all the required fields
3. Applicant will be directed to Employment page if all required fields are entered.
a. If Nurse Faculty is selected applicant will be directed to the Employment School Search
b. If any other application type is selected applicant will be directed to the Critical Shortage
Facility Search

Business Rules:
• The following fields are populated from answers during the create account process:
o First Name
o Last Name
o Middle Initial
o Title
o Suffix


Figure 11: General Information Page


Figure 12: General Information Page 2


Figure 13: NPI Validation Message

Business Rules Continued:


If Nurse Faculty is selected, system will display tenured question which will be required
If applicant is not tenured system will prompt applicant to input Nurse Faculty appointment
The faculty appointment must be at least 9 months for applicant to be eligible and continue with
the application
If the applicant selects a Country other than the United States, the State/Province/Region field
transforms from a dropdown to a required text field and the Zip/Postal will be optional.
o Based on the SSN entered, the applicant may receive an error message with an error
 The code can be used to determine the issue with the SSN
System shall mask the SSN and require the user to enter it twice o Error message will request
the user re-enter their SSN if they do not match
Only the last four numbers of the applicant’s SSN will be displayed after saving the page (xxxxxx1245).
The applicant will not be able to move forward if the SSN they entered exists in another NCLRP
application account from any application cycle
If applicant selects that one of their phone numbers is non-U.S. number, the field transforms
from a U.S. phone format to a text field.
The applicant Birth Date must be prior to application cycle start date.
If applicant selects ‘Other’ for how did you hear about NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program,
system will display text box for applicant to enter information.
System requires applicant to answer the question, “Do you have an individual NPI number?”
System does not require the NPI number to be provided. The application can be submitted
without an NPI number
System shall display the NPI number if applicant provided it in a prior application. The NPI
number can be updated by the applicant
The system will store ONLY the most recent NPI number and record whether it is a full, partial,
or non-match, defined as:
o Full match: NPI number found + the first and last name match








o Partial match: NPI number found + the first and/or last name do not match
o Non-match: NPI number not found
System shall display an error message if the NPI number is a partial-match: “We were unable to
successfully validate the NPI number entered based on the first and last name provided. Below
please find the name associated with this NPI number. Note: This validation does not affect the
eligibility of or ability to submit your application. If you would like to make a change click ‘Go
back’ (Figure 13).
System shall display an error message if the NPI number is a non-match: “We were unable to
validate the NPI number entered.
o Note: This validation does not affect the eligibility of or ability to submit your
application. If you would like to make a change click ‘Go Back’.
System shall display an error message if the NPI number is associated with an organizational NPI,
instead of an individual person: “We are unable to validate the organization NPI number
entered. Please enter your individual NPI number.
o Note: This validation does not affect the eligibility of or ability to submit your
application. If you would like to make a change click ‘Go Back’. (See screenshot to left)
Once the applicant proceeds from the General Info page, the account settings will update with
the appropriate information
o Applicant home Preferred Mailing Address
o Applicant Primary Phone Number & Extension
o Applicant Alternate Phone Number & Extension
Demographic information is optional
If applicant is logged in with an existing application account, any basic information that is
changed on this page (such as SSN, name, address, etc.) will automatically be updated on all
existing accounts
o Note: this is only for existing application accounts (such as an applicant that has applied
to both NCLRP and NHSC LRP). This will not update any information on the participant
If an applicant wishes to change their application type after completing the Employment
Verification section, they must first cancel their Employment Verification if their Employment
Verification has been initiated.
System shall not allow applicant to change Date of Birth on the General Information page if
electronic loans are present.


Section 5: Employment
The Employment Information page captures the applicant’s current employment information.
Depending on the applicant type, a Critical Shortage Facility will be required for NCLRP applicants or a
school site will be required for NCLRP-NF applicants.


Applicant selects state in the drop down (Figure 14)
Applicant chooses a school from the drop down
Applicant selects “save & Continue” once they have answered all the required fields.
Applicant will be moved to Employment Verification section

Steps NCLRP-NF - School Not Found:
1. If the applicant cannot find their school, they will select “School Not Found” in school drop down
(Figure 15)
2. Applicant enters school information and selects “Enter School”
3. A popup will display, giving the applicant a choice of sending the request to Program or
restarting the search (Figure 16)
4. If the applicant sends the request to program, they will be returned to Employment School
Search Page and language will be displayed indicating that they has sent their school information
to Program (Figure 17)
5. Applicant will click continue and be directed to Qualifying Education page

Figure 14: School Search Screen


Figure 15: School Not Found

Figure 16: School Not Found confirmation pop-up


Figure 17: Employment School Search Page

Business Rules:


System shall limit school name field based on state selected
System shall only provide schools in the school dropdown that:
o Exist in BMISS o Are Accredited
o Have a status of non-profit/active

System shall enable option “School Not Found” during entire application cycle which can be
selected for any state
System shall populate the following fields and require user to complete them in order to
continue if applicant selects “School not Found” o School Name o School Address
System shall require applicant to confirm or cancel program communication upon selecting
“Enter School” if applicant does not see their school




If applicant selects “Restart Search” from the School Not Found Confirmation Pop Up, they will
be taken back to the employment search screen
System shall send communication to Program with the following information if applicant
confirms to send communication to Program
o Applicant first and last name
o Applicant email/username
o Applicant school name and address entered by applicant

System shall put applicant in “In Progress-Employment Not Found” status if applicant sends
school information to Program from the School Not Found pop up
System shall enable Qualified Education page if user is in the “In Progress- Employment Not
Found” status
The Employment Verification page will not be enabled in this situation
An analyst has the ability to make an applicant site “Eligible” or “Ineligible” from the Manage
Application Documents screen when an applicant is in the “In Progress- Employment Not Found”
If an applicant site is made ineligible by an analyst their status will be “Ineligible” and they will
be directed to the ineligible landing page after they refresh their screen or logs back in
If an applicant is made eligible by an analyst the applicant will receive an email and their school
will be added to BMISS
The applicant must repeat the steps outlined above to add their school of employment

Steps NCLRP:
1. Applicant is required to answer the following question (Figure 18):
o “Do you currently work at multiple CSF sites?”
2. If the applicant answers “Yes” to the question in step 1, they are required to answer the
following question:
o “Are you working at the same employer at all CSF sites?”
3. Applicant fills out the name and address of their Critical Shortage Facility
4. Applicant selects “Search”, and the system returns results
5. If applicant does not see their site, they can expand the search radius (max 10 miles) (Figure 20).
6. Applicant selects site they currently work at by clicking “Add Site” (Figure 20)
7. Applicant may answer questions about telehealth services (Figure 19)
8. Applicant views their added sites in a section titled “My Selected CSF sites”.
9. Applicant is required to indicate if all sites have been added or not by selecting one of the
following radio buttons
o “Yes, all of my sites have been added.”
o “No, some of my sites are not yet added.”
10. Applicant clicks “Save & Continue”
11. Applicant is taken to Employment Verification Page.


Figure 18: Employment Site Search


Figure 19: Employment Site Search Page 2


Figure 20: Site Results

Business Rules:

The applicant is required to indicate if they work at multiple CSF types under a single employer.
o The system shall display the following question and Yes/No radio button above the CSF site
search section:
 Do you currently work at multiple CSF sites? If the Yes radio button is selected for,
"Do you currently work at multiple CSF sites?" - the system shall dynamically populate
the following:
 Question Text: Are you working at the same employer at all CSF sites?  Yes/No
Radio buttons
If the user selects "No" to question 1, the system will hide the second question from view.

Note: If the applicant selects NCLRP-NF, both questions are hidden from view on the employment
search page
• The system shall allow the applicant to perform multiple site searches on the Critical Shortage
Facility (CSF) Search page of the NCLRP application.
• The system shall display all Nurse Corps CSF site search results on the Critical Shortage Facility (CSF)
Search page of the NCLRP application.
• The system shall allow the applicant to expand the search radius of the Nurse Corps CSF site search
results on the Critical Shortage Facility (CSF) Search page of the NCLRP application.
• The system shall display the applicant's selected CSF sites on the Critical Shortage Facility (CSF)
Search page of the NCLRP application.



The applicant may select multiple CSF sites from Nurse Corps CSF site search results on the Critical
Shortage Facility (CSF) Search page of the NCLRP application.
The applicant is required to indicate if they have listed all of the CSF sites on the Critical Shortage
Facility (CSF) Search page of the NCLRP application.
The system shall validate if the applicant is eligible to apply with multiple sites and the page has
been completed properly.
System shall allow applicant to change the radius of the search results. System shall only provide
sites in search results that:
o Exist in BMISS
o Have a Mental or Primary Care HPSA score as of the Jan 1 HPSA Lock
o Have a status of non-profit/active
System shall direct user to Employment Verification request page if user selects a site from the
search results and selects Continue
System shall require applicant to confirm or cancel program communication upon selecting “I do not
see my site listed” from the search results
If applicant selects “Restart Search” from the Site Not Found Confirmation Pop Up, they will be
taken back to the employment search screen
System shall send communication to Program with the following information if applicant confirms to
send communication to Program o Applicant first and last name o Applicant email/username o
Applicant site name and address entered by applicant

Steps NCLRP: Site Not Found:
1. If applicant does not see their site, they will click “I Don’t See My Site Here” at the bottom of the
search results (Figure 21).
2. A popup will display, giving the applicant the choice of sending the request to program or
restarting the search (Figure 22).
3. If the applicant sends the request to program they will be returned to Employment Site Search
Page and language will be displayed in a banner message indicating that they have sent their site
information to Program.
4. To continue with the application, the applicant must select “No, some of my sites have not yet
been added.” And l click Save and Continue.


Steps NCLRP: Cancel Site Not Found:
1. If applicant wishes to cancel a site not found request, they must be in “Employment not Found –
Pending Program Response”
2. Applicant selects “Yes, all of my sites have been added”
3. Applicant will click Save and Continue
4. System will present a pop-up stating “Warning - Cancel Site not Found?” (Figure 23).
5. To cancel, the user will select “continue” and the system shall update the application status back
to “In-progress” and be directed to Employment Verification page.

Business Rules:

The system shall allow the applicant to submit a site not found request
If the application status is "In progress" or "Employment not found - Pending Applicant
Response", the system shall display a popup
If an application has a "Employment Not Found - Pending Program Response" and the user
selects the "I don't see my site" link, the system shall display a popup with the following:
o Text:
 Already Sent
 The status of your application has been changed to "In Progress, Awaiting
Program Response." You will receive a message soon regarding the eligibility of
the site you entered. Please be aware that it can take the Nurse Corps LRP up to
two business days (noting business hours are from 9:00am to 5:30 PM) to
respond to site requests. Site Name: Address:”
o "Search again" button
When selected, the system closes the popup and directs the applicant to the
Employment search page.
The system shall notify users of a submitted Site not found request


Figure 21: Request to Program or Restart Search Message


Figure 22: Already Sent Site-Not Found

Figure 23: Cancel Site Not Found

Business Rules Continued:



System shall put applicant in “In Progress-Employment Not Found” status if applicant sends site
information to Program from the Site Not Found pop up
System shall enable Qualified Education page if user is in the “In Progress- Employment Not
Found” status
An analyst has the ability to make an applicant site “Eligible” from the Manage Application
Documents screen
An analyst has the ability to make an applicant site “Ineligible (multisite only)” from the Manage
Application Documents screen, returning the application status to “Employment not found –
pending applicant response”
If the applicant’s site is made ineligible by an analyst and they are a single site applicant, their
application status will update to “Ineligible,” and they will be directed to the ineligible landing
page after they refreshes their screen or logs back in
If an applicant is made eligible by an analyst the applicant will receive an email and their site will
be added to BMISS o The applicant must repeat the steps outlined above to add their site

Steps to remove a Site or School:
1. Applicant navigates to the employment page by clicking the Employment link at the top of the
2. Applicant clicks “Remove School” or “Remove Site”
3. Once previous site is removed applicant will have to repeat steps to add another site

Business Rules:
• If the applicant has an initiated or completed Employment Verification, they must cancel the
Employment Verification before they can remove their site

Section 6: Employment Verification
Within the Employment Verification section of the online application, employment sites are required to
answer questions regarding the applicant’s current employment information. Applicants will be able to
view the information submitted by the site’s Point of Contact upon submission of their application.
Based on the answers provided by the Employment Site, an applicant can be made ineligible upon
submission. If this occurs and the applicant believes it is incorrect, an applicant will be able to edit their
application, cancel the existing EV, and re-initiate a new one.

1. System will populate EV request for site added on Employment page (Figure 24)
2. Applicant can click site name to verify that the appropriate address, phone number and point of
contact are listed
3. Applicant can enter “Other POC Email” if the applicant does not see their correct POC in the site
information or if the site does not have a POC associated with it
4. The system displays a message (in bold text) for users to verify all information submitted by their
POC in the EV form
5. The user can view the submitted EV form by clicking the view link on this page
6. Applicant clicks “Initiate”
7. Applicant clicks “Save & Continue”
8. Applicant is taken to the Education section

Business Rules:



System shall populate an EV request for the site added on the Employment page
System shall display EV status as Not Started before applicant initiates a EV Request
System shall enable Cancel button if EV status is “In Progress,” “Complete”, or
System shall allow applicant to resend EV if EV status is “Returned-Unverified”
System shall allow applicant to continue to next section, Qualifying Education, if individual
EV Request is in any status.
System shall send an email to “Other” POC entered by applicant with instructions on how to
register a portal account
If an applicant wishes to change their application type (which can be done by navigating to
the General Information page), they must first cancel their Employment Verification if the
Employment Verification has been initiated
o If an applicant wishes to remove their site (which can be done by navigating to the
Employment page), they must first cancel their Employment Verification if the
Employment Verification has been imitated
As of 2021, after the applicant initiates the EV, the system shall now allow the Site POC to
select “Small Rural Hospital” as a Critical Shortage Facility Type in the Employment
Verification Form (EVF) (Figure 26)
As of 2021, upon application submission, the system shall not mark an applicant "ineligible"
if their site POC selects "No" for the question "Is this site nonprofit or public/government
owned?*" in the Employment Verification form (Figure 25)


AC2: The system shall not mark an EV as Invalid if Site POC selects "No" for ""Is this site
nonprofit or public/government owned?*"" on the Employment Verifications form
(Developer AC)

Figure 24: Employment Verification Page


Figure 25: Site POC EVF Nonprofit Question


Figure 26: New CSF Type: 'Small Rural Hospital' EVF

Steps to cancel EV:
1. Applicant navigates to Employment Verification page using the navigation links at the top of the
2. EV status will be displayed and can either be Initiated, Complete or Returned Unverified
3. Applicant selects “Cancel” if they wish to cancel the EV (Figure 24)
4. Applicant can re-initiate EV by clicking the “Initiate” button

Business Rules:

If the applicant wants to change Employment Site/School Site they must navigate to the
o Employment page and remove Employment Site/School after cancelling the EV

If the applicant would like to change their application type they must navigate to the
Employment page and remove Employment Site/School Site, then navigate to the General
Information Page to change their application type after cancelling the EV.


If an applicant changed their Employment Site/ School Site or their application type the
applicant must repeat the steps to add an Employment Site/School Site & initiate an EV


An applicant may cancel an EV and complete the rest of the application but will not be able to
submit their application until the Employment Verification has a status of “Complete”.


System will display at the bottom of the page a table of all EVs that have been cancelled called
the “Historical Requests” table.

Business Rules for NCLRP-NF EVF:

The text "disadvantaged backgrounds" should be a bolded, hyperlink to the official
Disadvantaged Definition for Nurse Faculty form (Figure 27)
In the upload documents section, the system shall ask the user to upload a Verification of
Disadvantaged Background form to verify that their school has at least 50% enrollment of
disadvantaged background students
o The text "Verification of Disadvantaged Background" should be a blue hyperlink to the
official Verification of Disadvantaged Background form; The user may download this form
and upload a completed version to the page

Figure 27: NCLRP-NF Employment Verification Form


Section 7: Qualifying Education
The Qualified Education page is used to collect information about the applicant’s nursing education




Applicant selects “Add New School”
Applicant is directed to the School Details page (Figure 28)
Applicant selects the state where the school is located
Applicant will select school based on list populated when state was selected
Applicant will select whether they received a degree from selected school, transferred from
selected school or attended selected school for nursing prerequisites
Applicant will enter the date they began and ended their education at selected school
a. Date format is mm/yyyy
If applicant indicated that they received a degree from the schools, the applicant will select type
of nursing degree(s) received and date(s) received from the school
a. Date format is mm/yyyy
If the user enters a degree date either after the current month and calendar year or after the
application deadline date, the system shall display the following message
a. The degree date you entered occurs in the future. Please verify the date entered is
correct. The system shall display the specific degree name in the error message. (Figure
Applicant selects “Continue”
Applicant is taken to the “School Documents” page (Figure 30)
Applicant has to upload an Official/Unofficial transcript to continue to the next section
Applicant has the option to upload unlimited Additional Supporting Documents


Figure 28: School Details Page

Figure 29: Degree Error Message


Figure 30: School Documents

Steps Continued:
12. After applicant uploads their documents they will select “Save” and be directed back to the
Qualifying Education landing page where they will see the school(s) added (Figure 31)
13. Applicant can add an additional school or edit existing school information
14. Applicant will select “Continue” after adding all schools and be directed to the Loan section


Figure 31: Qualifying Education Page

Business Rules:


System shall require user to answer required fields to be able to continue
System shall limit school name drop down based on state selected
System shall require user to enter in “Other School” information if “Other” is selected for NCLRP
School Name
System shall require user to check at least one:
o I received a nursing degree from this school
o I transferred from this school
o I attended this school for nursing prerequisites
o System shall not allow user to select both:
o I received a nursing degree from this school
o I attended this school for nursing prerequisites
System shall require user to add at least one school with a nursing degree selected to be able to
continue to the loan section.



System shall require user to answer “Date Received Degree” and if “I received a nursing degree
from this school” is selected.
System shall require that “School Start Date” is after Birth Date.
System shall require that School Start Date is prior to current date.
System shall require that “School Start Date” is before “School End Date”
System shall require that “School End Date” is on or before “Date Received Degree”.
System shall require that “School End Date” and “Date Received Degree” is on or before the
application submission date.
o This check will occur upon submission of the
System shall allow user to edit school added by clicking “Edit” in the table and the education
details will populate with information entered.
System shall require a transcript for each school added.
o System shall allow unlimited “Additional Education Supporting Document” to be
uploaded for each school added


Section 8: Loan Information

The Loan Information page (Figure 32-33) captures the loan data that an applicant will submit with their
NCLRP application. If an applicant has a National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) account, and wishes
to submit federal loans as part of their NCLRP application, they will have the option to retrieve and
submit their federal loans electronically. Applicants also have the option to manually add non-federal
loans to the NCLRP application, or to enter federal loan data manually as well. The steps to add loans
using an NSLDS login and/or to add loans manually are listed below.

Steps to Electronically Retrieve Loans:
2. Applicant is direct to the Department of Education's Federal Student Aid login page and logs in using
their FSA ID.
3. Applicant will be automatically redirected to their S2S LRP application after authentication.
4. If NSLDS authentication and retrieval is successful, the applicant’s loan(s) will display in the
“Electronically Imported from Your NSLDS Account” table
a. Applicant can view a read only version of their loan details by clicking the “View” button
next to each loan electronically retrieved.
b. The date and time of the last successful transaction with the NSLDS will be displayed for
c. Note: The social security number and date of birth entered in the General Information
section of the application must match the social security number and date of birth on
file with the Department of Education.
5. Applicant will answer “Yes” or “No” to “Do you have additional Loans that need to be added?”
a. Applicant answers “No,” the “Continue” button will become available and the applicant
will be directed to Supporting Documents section of the application.
b. If applicant answers “Yes” applicant will be directed to Loan Details page
6. As of 2021, the applicant may also access the NSLDS Homepage accessing the new link on the Loan
Information Page: https://studentaid.gov (Figure 32). This link will provide applicants with
information on the loans that they import.


Figure 32: Loan Information Page 1


Figure 33: Loan Information Page 2

Steps Continued:
6. Applicants may update loans previously retrieved from NSLDS by clicking the “Update Loans” button
a. Applicant will be required to re-authenticate with the Departments of Education using
their FSA ID.
7. Applicants can remove electronically retrieved loans by clicking the “Remove All Loans” button and
confirming selection on pop-window (Figure 35)
8. Applicants will be able to view a comprehensive report of all NSLDS federal loan data retrieved and
submitted with their application


Figure 34: Access National Student Loan Data System Account

Figure 35: Remove Loans Message


Steps to Manually Add Loans:
1. Applicant clicks on the “Don’t have a Federal Student Aid ID or want to enter loans Manually?” link
under the “Need Help?” heading (Figure 34)
2. Applicants will view a popup message with a link to Add Loans Manually.
3. Applicant will be directed to the Loan Details page when clicking the Add Loans Manually button.

Figure 36: Manually Add Loans Message

Business Rules:


System shall require at least one loan (Electronic or Manual) to be added to continue.
System shall not require applicant to retrieve loans electronically.
System shall check to see if applicant has already manually added federal loans and de-active
“Access your Loans” button.
System will deactivate the “Access your Loans” button and display a notice if the applicant is
using Internet Explorer version 9 or lower.
System shall redirect applicant to their application and prompt data exchange between HHS and
DoED when user successfully authenticates.
If the data exchange was not successful due to incomplete NSLDS data, the system shall display
the following message “Certain loan information needed to successfully transmit from the
NSLDS to your online application was incomplete. Please reach out to the NSLDS and try again OR - add your loans manually.
System shall display federal loans retrieved via web service under a table tiled “Electronically
Imported From Your NSLDS Account”


Section 9: Loan Details
The Loan Details page captures additional loan data that the applicant will submit for each manual loan
they will submit with the application (Figure 37).
Please note: If an applicant submits all loans using the NSLDS retrieval, and does not manually add any
loans to their application, they will not have access to the loan details page.

Figure 37: Loan Details Page


Steps to Manually Add Loans:
1. Applicant fills in all required fields to continue:
• Name of current servicing lender
• Loan account number
• Original date of the loan
• Original amount of the loan
• Current balance (Principal & Interest)
• Interest rate (Optional)
• Type of loan
• Is this loan in default
• Is this loan under Federal court judgment
• Is this a consolidated loan
2. After the applicant enters all required fields, they will click “Continue to Documents” and will be
taken to Loan Supporting Documents Page (Figure 38).
3. Applicant will upload necessary documents and click “Save” (Figure 39).
• Applicant can choose to add another loan. To add another loan, the applicant will click
the Add New Loan button and repeat the steps above.
4. If the applicant wants to edit or remove their loan, the applicant can click the check box to
Remove loan at the bottom of the Loan Details page.
5. If the applicant does not add another loan or edit their loan, they will click “Continue”.

Figure 38: Continue to Documents


Business Rules:




System shall allow account number to be alpha –numeric and allow special characters.
System shall not allow “Current Balance As of Date” to be prior to “Original Date of Loan”
System shall not allow user to enter a “Current Balance As of Date” more than 30 days prior to
current date. System shall not allow user to enter a “Current Balance As of Date” after the
present date.
If loan is not consolidated, System shall require that “Original Date of Loan” be:
o No more than 3 months prior to earliest education start date.
o No more than 3 months after latest education end date.
System shall require “Consolidated Loan Dates” to be :
o No more than 3 months prior to earliest education start date.
o No more than 3 months after latest education end date.
If loan is consolidated, “Original Date of Loan” must be prior to all “Original Date of Loan” for all
consolidated loans.
o If loan is in default/under court judgement “Original Date of Loan” must be prior to Date of
Court Judgment/Date of Default.

Business Rules Continued:


System shall require user to submit a Consolidated Loan Document, if “Yes” to Consolidated
System shall require user to submit an “Account Statement” for each loan.
System shall require user to submit a Disbursement Report for non-Federal loans only.
System shall require user to submit an Aid Summary Report for Federal loans only.
System shall allow user to continue to next section without uploading all or any required loan
documents. Loan page status will be “In Progress” until all required documents have been
uploaded for each loan. The applicant will not be able to submit their application until all
required loan documentation has been uploaded.
System should not allow applicant to manually enter a federal loan if loans have been
electronically retrieved via NSLDS.


Figure 39: Loans Supporting Documents Screen


Section 10: Supporting Documents

The Supporting Documents page (Figure 40) consists of all documents that an applicant must submit
with their NCLRP application. The documentation consists of required documents for NCLRP and
NCLRPNF applications.


Applicant selects the type of required document they will upload.
Applicant selects “Browse” to find the document they wishes to upload.
Applicant selects “Upload” when they selects the appropriate document.
Applicant repeats these steps for all of the required documents.
Applicant clicks on “Authorization to Release Information” to download the respective form.
Applicant will fill out and upload forms to their application.
Applicant clicks “Save & Continue” to proceed.

Business Rules:

System shall display the required supporting documents to submit application for each applicant
Each uploaded document will be linked for the applicant to view
System shall allow applicant to upload different types of documents – PDF, jpeg, text, doc
System shall allow applicant to upload document size up to 5 MB
System shall display a required transcript for each school submitted on Qualified Education
Information page


Figure 40: Supporting Documents Page


Business Rules Continued:

System shall display all loan documents uploaded for each manually added loan (Figure 41)
System shall require the “Existing Service Obligation” document to be upload if the applicant
answered “Yes” to having an existing service in the Eligibility section

Figure 41: Supporting Documents Landing Page


Section 11: Self-Certification
The purpose of the Certification page is for the applicant to confirm the statements regarding
debarment, suspension, disqualification and related matters. The applicant also gives authorization to
disclose financial information. The applicant will also agree to reading the Application Program Guidance
and that all information in the application is true. The applicant must agree to all certifications in order
to submit their.

1. Applicant reads each certification statement (Figures 42-43)
2. Applicant checks the box that certifies each statement.
3. Applicant selects “Continue”.

Business Rules:


System shall require the applicant to respond to each certification question to proceed.
System will clear Self Certification page if the applicant proceeds to the Review and Submit page
but then navigates to another section on the application to make any edits

o The applicant must complete the Self-Certification each time after editing.
The system shall display a checkbox for the user to certify that all information provided in the EV
form, including the annual base salary, is true.

The text ‘Employment Verification” is a hyperlink that will redirect users back to the EV
page where the applicant can verify their EV information


Figure 42: Self-Certification Page


Figure 43: Self Certification Page 2


Section 12: Review & Submit
The Review & Submit page is the last page of the application. The Review & Submit page displays a table
with each section and the corresponding section status. All sections must be in the “Complete” status
for the applicant to submit the application. The applicant can select the top navigation menu or a
particular section’s link in the table to view that page.

1. Applicant reviews the application and makes any necessary
edits (Figure 44-45)
2. Applicant enters password
3. Applicant selects “Submit”.

Business Rules:

Applicant can view and edit any page of the application by clicking on the page name before
Applicant will then be required to complete the Self- Certification section again
Applicant must enter in their correct password in order to submit their application.
All page statuses except for review and submit must be complete for applicant to submit their
System shall not allow the application to be submitted after the application deadline.
System shall update application status to a submitted status upon submission.

Figure 44: Review and Submit Page 1


Figure 45: Review and Submit Page 2


Section 13: Submitted Page
After the applicant submits their NCLRP application, they will be directed to the Submitted landing page
and the overall application status will change to either “Submitted” or “Submitted – Ineligible.” If any of
the responses on the online application deem an applicant ineligible, the status upon submission will be
“Submitted–Ineligible.” If the responses submitted deem the applicant, eligible the application status
will be “Submitted.” On the Submitted landing page, the applicant will have the ability to edit or
withdraw their application. The applicant will have the ability to edit their application until the
application deadline. The applicant may withdraw their application up until the applicant receives a
Confirmation of Interest (COI), if applicable.

Business Rules:


System shall update the application status to “Submitted- Ineligible” upon submission if (Figures
o Received degree date from education page is in the future
o Applicant has an existing BHW service that has an obligation end date in the future
(validated by SSN check) o The applicant does not meet the required work hours
per week to be eligible for an award (minimum 32hrs totaled across all sites)
o The EV submitted by the site's POC indicated that the applicant does not have a current,
full, unrestricted, and unencumbered license
o The EV submitted by the site's POC indicated that the applicants employment start date
is after their submission date
System shall disable the “Withdraw” button if/when applicant is sent Confirmation of Interest
System shall update applicant status to “In Progress” upon selecting Edit
System shall disable Edit when application cycle closes
System shall save most recent application status upon cycle close

(Example: If the applicant edits and never re-submits by the application close date, their final status
will be “In Progress”)

Business Rules Continued:


System shall allow applicant to select Undo Withdrawal after they has Withdrawn the
application if they wish to resubmit.
System shall link a copy of submitted application in PDF after application has been submitted.
The applicant will able to view the site POC’s EV responses within this document.
System shall display “Submitted-Ineligible” Landing Page content if applicant is deemed
ineligible upon submission (Edit and Withdraw functionalities will still be enabled until the
application deadline).
All documents uploaded by the applicant will be linked on the Submitted Landing Page.


Figure 46: Review & Submit Landing Page-Ineligible 1


Figure 47: Review & Submit Landing Page-Ineligible 2


Section 14: Application Withdraw
An applicant has the option to withdraw their application after submission. The applicant may withdraw
their application up until the applicant receives a COI, if that is an applicable. The applicant may
resubmit the current application by using the Undo Withdrawal button. However, the applicant must
resubmit their application by the application deadline to be considered for an award.

1. From the Submitted Home Page an applicant will click the “Withdraw” button (Figure 48)
2. The applicant will be directed to the “Withdraw Application” confirmation screen (Figure 49)
3. The applicant clicks and is directed to the Submitted Home page
• Note: The applicant will now have a status of “Withdrawn”
4. On the Submitted Home page the applicant can undo the withdraw by clicking “Undo Withdrawal”
5. If the applicant clicks “Undo Withdrawal” they will be directed to the In Progress Landing Page
6. The applicant will click “Continue “from In Progress application and will be directed to the Self
Certification Page
7. Applicant will follow steps to complete and submit application.
8. The applicant will read each certification
9. Applicant indicates that they agrees by selecting the checkbox.
10. Applicant selects ‘Save & Continue”


Figure 48: Withdraw Option

Figure 49: Application is withdrawn

Steps Continued:
11. Applicant is directed to the Review and Submit Page
12. Applicant reviews the application.
13. The Applicant enters their password
14. Applicant selects “Submit” and is directed to the Submitted Home Page.


Business Rules:

The ability to withdraw an application will be disabled when the applicant is sent to COI.
If an applicant wishes to re-submit their application, they must resubmit by the application
The system will save the most recent status once the application closes if applicant selects
An applicant may withdraw their application if their status is “Submitted” or “Submitted


Section 15: Edit Application
If an applicant would like to edit their application after submission, they may do so prior to the
application deadline. If an applicant edits their application, the applicant must re-submit their
application by the application deadline. If the applicant does not resubmit their application, the
applicant will not be considered for an NCLRP award.


The applicant clicks “Edit Application”.
The applicant clicks ‘Cancel” or “Edit Application” pop-up (below)
The applicant will be directed to the In Progress Landing Page
The applicant navigates to any section to make the necessary edits
The applicant clicks Save & Continue at the bottom of the page where edits were made in order
to save the edits
6. Once all edits are made and saved the applicant will navigate to the Self- Certification page
7. Applicant will follow steps to complete and resubmit application

Figure 50: Edit Application Message

Business Rules:

The applicant will not be able to edit their application after the application deadline.
An applicant must resubmit their application by the application deadline if they want to be
considered for an award.
The applicant will be directed to the In Progress landing page when selecting Edit.
The applicant’s status will be changed to “In-Progress” upon selecting Edit.
All business rules apply on each page if the applicant selects edit.


Section 16: Resolving Issues
Please follow the instructions to resolve any inquiries a NCLRP applicant might have:

For Technical Issues:

When a technical issue is encountered, e.g. Applicant cannot upload supporting documents, the
Call Center should log this issue in JIRA with the applicant’s contact information and a
description of the problem. At this point, the BMISS HyperCare Support Team would define and
resolve the issue as well as notify the Call Center analyst of the resolution.

Logging Issues: When logging issues in JIRA



Log issues as “CC>NCLRP Online App > Eligibility Page” o CC refers to call center
o Whichever page the issue is found on please indicate it after NCLRP Online App
 If the issue occurs on the General Information page please log the issue as
“CC>NCLRP Online App> General Info Page”
Attach a screenshot to the issue (if applicable) o Please do not include a screen shot
of the whoops error message
o Have the applicant take a screen shot of the page the problem was found on and attach
that to the bug
Include the following details in the Description section:
o Applicant information: Full name, last four of SSN, username, phone number, applicant
id, application id
o The exact Online Application screen the applicant was on when the issue occurred o
The Web Browser the applicant was using o The frequency of the issue


Detailed description on how to reproduce the issue o The time and date this issue
Include the priority and severity of the issue


For Program Related Issues:

If an applicant has a program question, the Call Center will try to answer the problem by
referring to the Application and Program Guidance. If the Call Center is unable to answer the
question then they must triage the question to the NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program.

Online Application Program Related Issues Contact: To escalate questions about the NCLRP
application, please submit inquires to the following email: [email protected].
Capturing Applicant Information: The following applicant information should be captured and as much
detail of the issue as possible:

First and Last Name
Email Address used to log into the application
Last four digits of SSN
Section of online application the user was on when they encountered the problem
Detailed summary of the problem
Supporting Document (If applicable)


Section 17: Resolving Issue Flow Chart

Figure 51: Resolving Issues Flow Chart


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleBHW Management Information System Solution (BMISS)
SubjectNurse Corps Loan Repayment Program (NCLRP)
AuthorMariah Fletcher
File Modified2021-03-11
File Created2021-03-11

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