
Annual Notice of Change and Evidence of Coverage for Applicable Integrated Plans in States that Require Integrated Materials (CMS-10824)


OMB: 0938-1444

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<Plan name>《會員手冊》

<Plan name>《會員手冊》

  • [Plans may add a front cover to the Member Handbook that contains information, such as the plan name, Member Handbook title, and contact information for Member Services. Plans may add a logo and/or photographs to the front cover as long as these elements do not make it difficult for members to read other information on the cover. If plans add a front cover, it must contain the Material ID.]

  • [Plans must use the state-specific name for Medicaid in references to “Medicaid” in any plan-customized language throughout the Member Handbook.]

  • [Plans may modify the language in the Member Handbook, as applicable, to address Medicaid benefits and cost-sharing for its dual eligible population.]

  • [Throughout the document plans should update language based on how the integrated program is described in the state as instructed by the state (i.e. one name for the plan or matching Medicare and Medicaid plans, etc.)]

  • [Where the Member Handbook uses “medical care”, “medical services”, or “health care services” to explain services provided, plans may revise and/or add references to long-term services and supports and/or home and community-based services as applicable.]

  • [Plans may change references to terms such as “member”, “customer”, “beneficiary”, “member services”, “health risk assessment”, “care coordinator”, “primary care provider”, “prior authorization (PA)”, “prior approval”, “nursing facility”, and “urgently needed care”, etc. as instructed by the state or based on plan preference and update them consistently throughout the Member Handbook.]

  • [Where the model material instructs inclusion of a phone number, plans must ensure it is a toll-free number and include a toll-free TTY number and days and hours of operation.]

  • [Throughout the Member Handbook, in addition to following all Medicare and Medicaid requirements in regulation and the Medicare Communications and Marketing Guidelines, plans must follow additional applicable style rules of the state, if any.]

  • [Plans should refer to other parts of the Member Handbook using the appropriate chapter number, section, and/or page number as appropriate. For example, “refer to Chapter 9, Section A, page 1.” An instruction [insert reference, as applicable] appears with many cross references throughout the Member Handbook. Plans may always include additional references to other sections, chapters, and/or member materials when helpful to the reader.]

  • [Wherever possible, plans are encouraged to adopt good formatting practices that make information easier for English-speaking and non-English-speaking enrollees to read and understand. The following are based on input from beneficiary interviews:

  • Format a section, chart, table, or block of text to fit onto a single page. In instances where plan-customized information causes an item or text to continue on the following page, enter a blank return before right aligning with clear indication that the item continues (for example, similar to the Benefits Chart in Chapter 4 of the Member Handbook, insert:本節下頁繼續).

  • Ensure plan-customized text is in plain language and complies with reading level requirements established in by the state.

  • Break up large blocks of plan-customized text into short paragraphs or bulleted lists and give a couple of plan-specific examples as applicable.

  • Spell out an acronym or abbreviation before its first use in a document or on a page (for example, long-term services and supports (LTSS) or low-income subsidy (LIS)). Plans may choose to spell out terms each time they are used.

  • Include the meaning of any plan-specific acronym, abbreviation, or key term with its first use.

  • Avoid separating a heading or subheading from the text that follows when paginating the model.

  • Use universal symbols or commonly understood pictorials.

  • Draft and format plan-customized text and terminology in translated models to be culturally and linguistically appropriate for non-English speakers.

  • Consider using regionally appropriate terms or common dialects in translated models.

  • Include instructions and navigational aids in translated models in the translated language rather than in English.]

<start date> – <end date>

您在<plan name>下的健康和藥物承保範圍

[Plans: Revise this language to reflect that the organization is providing both Medicaid and Medicare covered benefits, when applicable.]

[Optional: Insert member name.]

[Optional: Insert member address.]


《會員手冊》,也稱為《承保證明》,向您介紹了在本計畫下您於<end date>之前的承保範圍。它解釋了醫療保健服務[plans may add references to other behavioral health (mental health and substance use disorder) services, prescription drug coverage, and long-term services and supports, as needed]。關鍵術語及其定義按英文字母順序列於您《會員手冊》的第12章中。


當本《會員手冊》提及「我們」、「我們的」或「本計畫」時,它指的是[insert plan name]

[Plans that meet the 5% alternative language or Medicaid required language threshold insert:可免費獲取本文檔的[ insert the languages that meet the threshold]版本。]


[Plans also simply describe:

    • how they request a member’s preferred language other than English and/or alternate format,

    • how they keep the member’s information as a standing request for future mailings and communications, so the member does not need to make a separate request each time, and

    • how a member can change a standing request for preferred language and/or format.]

我們提供免費口譯服務來回答您可能對我們的健保或藥物計畫提出的任何問題。若需要口譯員,請致電[insert phone number]會有能夠說[insert language ]的人員協助您。這是一項免費服務。[This information must be included in the following languages: Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, French, Vietnamese, German, Korean ,Russian, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese, French Creole, Polish, Hindi, Japanese, and any additional languages required by the state.]

[Plans must include an overall Table of Contents for the Member Handbook after the Member Handbook Introduction and before the Member Handbook Disclaimers]


  • [Plans must include all applicable disclaimers as required in federal regulations (42 CFR Part 422, Subpart V, and Part 423, Subpart V), the Medicare Communications and Marketing Guidelines, and included in any state-specific guidance]

  • [Consistent with the formatting in this section, plans may insert additional bulleted disclaimers or state-required statements, including state-required disclaimer language, here.]

  • [insert plan name]下的承保範圍涵蓋的合格健康承保範圍稱為「最低基本承保範圍」。它可滿足《病患保護與平價醫療法案》(ACA) 的個人分擔責任要求。請造訪美國國稅局 (IRS),網站瞭解有關個人分擔責任要求的更多資訊。

1 章:會員入門


本章包括有關[insert plan name]的資訊(這是一項[insert description of the relationship such as covers or coordinates]您所有的Medicare[insert name of Medicaid program]的健保計畫)以及您的會員資格。它還告訴您預期會發生什麼以及您將從我們這裡獲得的其他資訊。關鍵術語及其定義按英文字母順序列於《會員手冊》的最後一章中。

[Plans must update the Table of Contents to this document to accurately reflect where the information is found on each page after plan adds plan-customized information to this template.]

  1. 歡迎您加入本計畫

[Insert language to describe the relationship between the Medicare and Medicaid services. For example:本計畫向有資格參加Medicare[insert name of Medicaid program]這兩個計畫的個人提供服務。本計畫包括醫生、醫院、藥房、長期服務與支持提供者、行為健康提供者以及其他提供者。我們還有護理協調員和護理團隊來幫助您管理您的提供者和服務。他們齊心協力為您提供所需的護理。]

[Plan can include language about itself.]

  1. 有關Medicare[Insert name of Medicaid Program]的資訊

B1. Medicare


  • 65歲或以上人士,

  • 有些65歲以下有某類殘疾的人士,以及

  • 患有終末期腎病(腎衰竭)的人士。

B2. [Insert name of Medicaid Program]

[Insert name of the Medicaid program][insert name of state] Medicaid 計畫的名稱。[Insert name of Medicaid program]由州政府管理,由州政府和聯邦政府支付費用。[Insert name of Medicaid program]幫助收入和資源有限的人士支付長期服務與支持 (LTSS) 以及醫療費用。它承保了Medicare未承保的額外服務和藥物。


  • 哪些可算作收入和資源,

  • 誰有資格,

  • 哪些服務受承保,以及

  • 服務的費用。


[Plans may revise this section to best reflect the coverage of the plan in the state.]Medicare[insert name of state]政府批准了本計畫。只要滿足以下條件,您就可以透過本計畫獲得Medicare[insert name of state Medicaid program]服務:

  • 我們選擇提供該計畫,並且

  • Medicare[insert name of state]政府允許我們繼續提供此計畫。

即使本計畫在未來停止運作,您享受Medicare[insert name of state program]服務的資格也不會受到任何影響。

  1. 本計畫的優勢

[Plans may revise this section to best reflect the coverage of the plan in the state.]您現在將從本計畫中獲得所有承保的Medicare[Insert name of Medicaid program]服務,包括處方藥。您無需支付額外費用即可加入此健保計畫。


  • 您可以與我們協作,滿足您絕大部分的醫療保健需求。

  • 您有一個由您幫助組建的護理團隊。您的護理團隊可能包括您自己、您的護理人員、醫生、護士、顧問或其他健康專業人士。

  • 您可以聯繫護理協調員。此人會與您、本計畫以及您的護理團隊一起幫助制定您的護理計畫。

  • 您可以在護理團隊和護理協調員的幫助下引導您自己的護理。

  • 您的護理團隊和護理協調員會與您一起制定旨在滿足您的健康需求的護理計畫。護理團隊會幫助協調您需要的服務。例如,這意味著您的護理團隊會確保:

  • 您的醫生知道您服用的所有藥物,因此他們可以確保您服用的是正確的藥物,並減少您可能因藥物而遭受的任何副作用。

  • 您的測試結果將酌情與您所有的醫生和其他提供者共用。

  1. 本計畫的服務地區

[Insert plan service area here or within an appendix. Include a map if one is available.

Use county name only if approved for entire county, for example:我們的服務地區包括<state>的這些縣:<counties>

For an approved partial county, use county name plus ZIP code(s) that are excluded, for example:我們的服務地區包括<county>的所有區域,但以下郵遞區號除外:<ZIP code(s)>

If needed, plans may insert a table with more than one row or a short, bulleted list to describe and illustrate their service area in a way that is easy to understand.]



  1. 成為計畫會員的資格條件


  • 居住於我們的服務地區(被监禁的個人不被视为居住於服务地區之内,即使他们实际上居于其中),並且

  • 同時擁有Medicare A部份和Medicare B部份,並且

  • 是美國公民或在美國合法居住,並且

  • 目前有資格獲得<insert name of state Medicaid program>並且

  • [Insert any Medicaid requirements]

如果您失去資格但有望在[Insert the time period for deemed continued eligibility in days or months. Plans may choose any length of time from one to six months for deeming continued eligibility, as long as they apply the criteria consistently across all members and fully inform members of the policy. States may specify the required length of deemed continued eligibility in the State Medicaid Agency Contract.]之内重獲資格,那麼您仍然有資格參加本計畫。


  1. 首次加入我們的健保計畫時會發生什麼

當您首次加入本計畫時,您會在您的投保生效日期之前或之後的90天內獲得一次健康風險評估 (HRA) [Plans adjust this language if the state requirement is more stringent]

我們必須為您完成健康風險評估 (HRA)。該HRA是制定您的護理計畫的基礎。它内含一系列問題,用於確定您的醫療、行為健康和功能需求[add additional areas covered by HRA]



[Plans may add additional language regarding information about joining the plans as directed by the state such as information about a continuity of care period or using doctors for a transition period.]

  1. 您的護理團隊和護理計畫

G1. 護理團隊



G2. 護理計畫

您的護理團隊會與您一起制定護理計畫。護理計畫會告訴您和您的醫生您需要哪些服務以及如何獲得這些服務。它包括您的醫療、行為健康和[Insert as applicable: LTSS or other services]需求。

您的護理計畫包括:[Update the description of the care plan and the process as outlined in your model of care (MOC)]

  • 您的醫療保健目標,以及

  • 獲得所需服務的時間表。


  1. 您每月的 [insert plan name] 費用

[Plans should revise this section to only include premium types that apply, delete the portions of Section H that are not applicable, and renumber any remaining portions of Section H as appropriate. If plan has no monthly premium revise section with “Our plan has no premium”.]


  • 計畫保費(第H1節)

  • 每月Medicare B部分保費(第H2節)

  • 可選的補充福利保費(第H3節)


[Insert as appropriate, depending on whether State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs (SPAPs) are discussed in Chapter 2:有些計畫可以幫助資源有限的人士支付藥物費用。其中包括「額外補助」和SPAPOR「額外補助」計畫可幫助資源有限的人士支付藥物費用。]2章的第H2節詳細介紹了[insert as applicable:這些計畫OR 本計畫。]如果您符合條件,加入該計畫可能會降低您的每月計畫保費。

如果您已投保並正在從其中一項計畫中獲得幫助,本《會員手冊》中有關保費的資訊[insert as applicable:可能OR]不適用於您。[If not applicable, omit information about the LIS Rider.]我們[insert as appropriate:已包含OR發送給您]一個稱為「獲處方藥費用額外補助的人員的承保證明附則」(也稱為「低收入補助附則」或「LIS附則」)的單獨插頁,它會告訴您有關您的藥物承保範圍的資訊。如果您沒有此插頁,請致電會員服務部並索要「LIS附則」。

H1. 計畫保費

[If applicable, plans should revise this section to indicate that the plan premium is paid on behalf of members (e.g. by “Extra Help”, Medicaid).]

作為計畫會員,您每月支付一筆計畫保費。[Select one of the following:2024年,[insert 2024 plan name]的每月保費是[insert monthly premium amount]]OR [insert 2024 plan name]的每月保費金額列於[describe attachment.][Plans may insert a list or table with the state/region and monthly plan premium amount for each area included within the EOC. Plans may also include premium(s) in an attachment to the EOC.]中。

[Plans with no premium should delete this section.]

H2. 每月Medicare B部分保費


[Plans that include a Medicare Part B premium reduction benefit may describe the benefit within this section.]

[Plans that do not have any members paying Medicare premiums or plans whose members must pay the full Medicare Part B premium should modify this section.]

[Plans with no monthly premium, omit:除了支付每月計畫保費外,]一些會員需要支付其他Medicare保費。如上文第E節所述,為了獲得投保我們計畫的資格,您必須保持您的Medicaid資格並同時擁有Medicare A部分和Medicare B部分。對於大多數[insert 2024 plan name]會員而言,Medicaid會支付您的Medicare A部分保費(如果您未自動獲得資格)和Medicare B部分保費。

如果Medicaid不為您支付Medicare保費,您必須繼續支付Medicare保費才能繼續成為該計畫的會員。這包括您的Medicare B部分的保費。它可能還包括Medicare A部分的保費,這會影響沒有資格享受免費Medicare A部分的會員。此外,請聯繫會員服務部或您的護理協調員並告知他們此變更。

H3. 可選的補充福利保費

如果您投保了額外福利,也稱為「可選的補充福利」,那麼您每個月都需要為這些額外福利支付額外的保費。相關詳情,請參閱第E節。[If the plan describes optional supplemental benefits within Chapter 4, then the plan must include the premium amounts for those benefits in this section.]

  1. 您的《會員手冊》

您的《會員手冊》是我們與您簽訂的合同的一部份。這意味著我們必須遵守此文件中的所有規則。如果您認為我們的行為違反了這些規則,您可以對我們的決定提出上訴。上訴相關資訊,請參閱《會員手冊》9 或致電1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227)

您可以撥打頁面底部的電話號碼聯繫會員服務部,索取《會員手冊》。您也可以參閱我們網站[insert web address if different than the one in the footer or insert:網址位於頁面底部)]上的會員手冊》

合同在您投保本計畫的月份期間有效:[insert start date][insert end date]

  1. 您可從我們這裡獲取的其他重要資訊

我們提供給您的其他重要資訊包括您的會員卡、[insert if applicable:如何獲取]醫療服務提供者與藥房名錄》[plans that limit DME brands and manufacturers insert:《耐用醫療器材清單》 (DME)]以及[insert if applicable:如何獲取]《承保藥物清單》(亦稱爲《處方集》)。

J1. 您的會員卡

受保本計畫時,您會擁有一張用於本計畫承保的Medicare[insert name of Medicaid program]的會員卡,包括長期服務與支持 (LTSS)、某些行為健康服務和處方藥。您在獲得任何服務或處方藥時請出示此卡。此圖為一張樣本會員卡:

[Insert picture of front and back of plan ID card. Mark it as a sample card (for example, by superimposing the word “sample” on the image of the card).]


只要您是本計畫的會員,您就不需要使用您的紅色、白色和藍色Medicare卡或您的[insert name of Medicaid program]卡來獲得大多數服務。將這些卡片保存在安全的地方,以備日後需要時使用。如果您出示Medicare卡而不是該會員卡,提供者可能會向Medicare而非本計畫開具帳單,您可能會因此收到帳單。請參閱您的《會員手冊》7,瞭解如果您從提供者處收到帳單時該怎麼做。

[If members must use a different card for any Medicaid services, include a description here.]

J2. 《醫療服務提供者與藥房名錄》


您可以撥打頁面底部的電話號碼聯繫會員服務部,索取《醫療服務提供者與藥房名錄》。您還可以參閱網上《醫療服務提供者與藥房名錄》[insert web address if different than the one in the footer or insert:網址位於頁面底部]

[Plans must add information describing the information available in the directory]

[Plans may add information describing the use of providers during a transition period as directed by the state.]


  • 我們的網路醫療服務提供者包括:

    • 您作為本計畫會員,可以使用的醫生、護士和其他醫療保健專業人士;

    • 在本計畫中提供健保服務的診所、醫院、護理設施和其他場所;

    • 長期服務與支持 (LTSS)、行為健康服務、家庭健康機構、耐用醫療器材 (DME) 供應商以及其他您透過MedicareMedicaid獲得的商品與服務的提供方。



  • 網絡藥房是同意為本計畫會員配藥的藥房。使用《醫療服務提供者與藥房名錄》查找您想要使用的網絡藥房。

  • 除急診情況之外,如果您希望本計畫[insert if applicable:幫助您]支付費用,您必須在我們的網絡藥房之一配藥。


[Plans that limit DME brands and manufacturers insert the following section (for more information about this requirement, refer to Chapter 4 of the Medicare Managed Care Manual):

《耐用醫療器材 (DME) 清單》

伴隨此《會員手冊》,我們還向您發送了我們的DME清單。此清單列出了我們承保的耐用醫療器材 (DME) 品牌和製造商。最新的品牌、製造商和供應商清單也可以在我們的網站上查閲,網址位於頁面底部。 請參閱《會員手冊》3章和第4章,瞭解有關耐用醫療器材 (DME) 的更多資訊。]

J3. 《承保藥物清單》



每年,我們都會向您發送[insert if applicable:相關資訊,告知如何獲取]藥物清單,但年內可能會發生一些變更。要獲取有關承保藥物的最新資訊,請致電會員服務部或造訪我們的網站,網址位於本頁底部。[Plans may insert information about Medicaid covered drugs.]

J4. 《福利說明》

當您使用您的Medicare D部份處方藥福利時,我們會向您發送一份摘要,以幫助您瞭解並跟蹤您的Medicare D部份處方藥付款。此摘要稱為《福利說明》(EOB)

EOB會告知您:您或代表您的其他人在您的Medicare D部份處方藥上花費的總金額,以及我們在當月為您的每一種Medicare D部份處方藥支付的總金額。此EOB不是帳單。EOB還有更多關於您服用的藥物的資訊[insert, as applicable:例如價格上漲以及其他可能可用的分攤費用較低的藥物。您可以與您的處方師討論這些費用較低的選擇]您的《會員手冊》6提供了有關EOB及其如何幫助您跟蹤藥物承保範圍的更多資訊。


[Plans may insert other methods for members to get their EOB.]

  1. 保持更新您的會員記錄

[In the Table of Contents, section heading, and text, plans substitute the name for this file if it differs from “membership record.”]




  • 有關您的姓名、地址或電話號碼的變更。

  • 任何其他健康保險的變更,例如您的雇主、您配偶的雇主或您同居伴侶的雇主提供的保險或工傷賠償;

  • 任何責任索賠,例如車禍索賠;

  • 入住療養院或醫院;

  • 醫院或急診室提供的護理,以及

  • 您的看護人(或對您負責的任何人)發生了變化。

  • 您參加了一項臨床研究。(注:您不需要告訴我們您參加或參與的臨床研究的具體情況,但我們鼓勵您這樣做。)


[Plans that allow members to update this information online may describe that option here.]

[Plans may add information regarding keeping their Medicaid information updated as directed by the state.]

K1. 個人健康資訊 (PHI) 隱私權

您的會員記錄中可能包含了個人健康資訊 (PHI)。聯邦和州法律要求我們將您的PHI保密。我們會保護您的PHI。有關我們如何保護您的PHI的更多詳情,請參閱您的《會員手冊》8

Shape2 如果您有任何疑問,請致電<plan name>,電話:<toll-free phone and TTY numbers><days and hours of operation>。通話是免費的。如需瞭解更多資訊,請造訪<web address> 1

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File Modified0000-00-00
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