Published 60-day FRN

1018-0022 60-day Published 05172022 87FR29872.pdf

Federal Fish and Wildlife Permit Applications and Reports--Migratory Birds; 50 CFR 10, 13, 20, 21

Published 60-day FRN

OMB: 1018-0022

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 95 / Tuesday, May 17, 2022 / Notices

Commissioner (Single Family Mortgage
Foreclosure Act of 1994).
OMB Control Number: 2510–0012.
Description of the need for the
information and proposed use: Under
the Single Family Mortgage Foreclosure
Act of 1994, HUD may exercise a
nonjudicial Power of Sale of single
family HUD-held mortgages and may

Members of affected public: Business
or Other For-Profit and Individuals or
Estimation of the total numbers of
hours needed to prepare the information
collection including number of
respondents, frequency of response, and
hours of response:

Number of

of response

Hours per

Total burden





Status of the proposed information
collection: Reinstatement of collection.
B. Solicitation of Public Comment
This notice is soliciting comments
from members of the public and affected
parties concerning the collection of
information described in Section A on
the following:
(1) Whether the proposed collection
of information is necessary for the
proper performance of the functions of
the agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) The accuracy of the agency’s
estimate of the burden of the proposed
collection of information;
(3) Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and
(4) Ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information on those
who are to respond; including through
the use of appropriate automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of responses.
HUD encourages interested parties to
submit comment in response to these
C. Authority
Section 3507 of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35.
Aaron Santa Anna,
Associate General Counsel for Legislation and
[FR Doc. 2022–10535 Filed 5–16–22; 8:45 am]
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES

appoint Foreclsoure Commissioners to
do this. HUD needs the Notice and
resulting applications for compliance
with the Act’s requirements that
commissioners be qualified. Most
respondents will be attorneys, but
anyone may apply.
Agency form numbers, if applicable:

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Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS–HQ–MB–2022–0056; FF09M21200–
223–FXMB1231099BPP0; OMB Control
Number 1018–0022]

Agency Information Collection
Activities; Federal Fish and Wildlife
Permit Applications and Reports—
Migratory Birds
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of information collection;
request for comment.

In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act, we, the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), are
proposing to renew an existing
information collection with revisions.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before July 18,
ADDRESSES: Send your comments on the
information collection request (ICR) by
one of the following methods (please
reference OMB Control Number ‘‘1018–
0022’’ in the subject line of your
• Internet (preferred): https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments
on Docket No. FWS–HQ–MB–2022–
• Email: [email protected].
• U.S. mail: Service Information
Collection Clearance Officer, U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, Docket No. FWS–
HQ–MB–2022–0056, 5275 Leesburg
Pike, MS: PRB (JAO/3W), Falls Church,
VA 22041–3803.
Madonna L. Baucum, Service
Information Collection Clearance
Officer, by email at [email protected],
or by telephone at (703) 358–2503.
Individuals in the United States who are
deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or have
a speech disability may dial 711 (TTY,
TDD, or TeleBraille) to access
telecommunications relay services.

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Individuals outside the United States
should use the relay services offered
within their country to make
international calls to the point-ofcontact in the United States.
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA; 44 U.S.C.
3501 et seq.) and its implementing
regulations in the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) at 5 CFR 1320, we
provide the general public and other
Federal agencies with an opportunity to
comment on new, proposed, revised,
and continuing collections of
information. This helps us assess the
impact of our information collection
requirements and minimize the public’s
reporting burden. It also helps the
public understand our information
collection requirements and provide the
requested data in the desired format.
As part of our continuing effort to
reduce paperwork and respondent
burdens, we are again soliciting
comments from the public and other
Federal agencies on the proposed ICR
that is described below. We are
especially interested in public comment
addressing the following:
(1) Whether or not the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether or not the
information will have practical utility;
(2) The accuracy of our estimate of the
burden for this collection of
information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(3) Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and
(4) How might the agency minimize
the burden of the collection of
information on those who are to
respond, including through the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of response.
Comments that you submit in
response to this notice are a matter of



khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES

Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 95 / Tuesday, May 17, 2022 / Notices
public record. Before including your
address, phone number, email address,
or other personal identifying
information in your comment, you
should be aware that your entire
comment—including your personal
identifying information—may be made
publicly available at any time. While
you can ask us in your comment to
withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Abstract: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service’s regional migratory bird permit
offices use information that we collect
on permit applications to determine the
eligibility of applicants for permits
requested in accordance with the
criteria in various Federal wildlife
conservation laws and international
treaties, including:
(1) Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16
U.S.C. 703 et seq.).
(2) Lacey Act (18 U.S.C. 42; 16 U.S.C.
3371 et seq.).
(3) Bald and Golden Eagle Protection
Act (16 U.S.C. 668 et seq.).
Service regulations implementing
these statutes and treaties are in chapter
I, subchapter B of title 50 of the Code
of Federal Regulations (CFR), parts 10,
13, 20, and 21. These regulations
stipulate general and specific
requirements that, when met, allow us
to issue permits to authorize activities
that are otherwise prohibited.
Generally, with the exception of forms
3–186 and 3–186a, all Service migratory
bird permit application and report forms
are in the 3–200 and 3–202 series of
forms, each tailored to a specific activity
based on the requirements for specific
types of permits. We collect standard
identifier information for all permits.
The information that we collect on
applications and reports is the
minimum necessary for us to determine
if the applicant meets/continues to meet
issuance requirements for the particular
In accordance with Federal
regulations at 50 CFR 13.12, we collect
standard identifier information for all
permit applications, such as:
• Applicant’s full name and address
(street address, city, county, State, and
zip code; and mailing address if
different from street address); home and
work telephone numbers; and a fax
number and email address (if available),
—If the applicant resides or is located
outside the United States, an address
in the United States, and, if the
applicant is applying for permission
to conduct commercial activities, the
name and address of his or her agent

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that is located in the United States;
—If the applicant is an individual, the
date of birth, occupation, and any
business, agency, organizational, or
institutional affiliation associated
with the wildlife or plants to be
covered by the license or permit; or
—If the applicant is a business,
corporation, public agency, or
institution, the tax identification
number; description of the business
type, corporation, agency, or
institution; and the name and title of
the person responsible for the permit
(such as president, principal officer,
or director);
• Location where the requested
permitted activity is to occur or be
• Certification containing the
following language:
—‘‘I hereby certify that I have read and
am familiar with the regulations
contained in title 50, part 13, of the
Code of Federal Regulations and the
other applicable parts in subchapter B
of chapter I of title 50, Code of Federal
Regulations, and I further certify that
the information submitted in this
application for a permit is complete
and accurate to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I understand
that any false statement herein may
subject me to suspension or
revocation of this permit and to the
criminal penalties of 18 U.S.C. 1001.’’
• Requested effective date of permit
(except where issuance date is fixed by
the part under which the permit is
• Current date;
• Signature of the applicant;
• Such other information as the
Director determines relevant to the
processing of the application, including
but not limited to
—Information on the environmental
effects of the activity consistent with
40 CFR 1506.5 and Departmental
procedures at 516 DM 6, appendix
1.3A; and
—Additional information required on
applications for other types of permits
may be found by referring to Table 1
to Paragraph (b) in 50 CFR 13.12.
Standardization of general
information common to the application
forms makes the filing of applications
easier for the public, as well as
expediting our review of applications.
The information that we collect on
applications and reports is the
minimum necessary for us to determine
if the applicant meets/continues to meet
issuance requirements for the particular

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Proposed Revisions to This Information
With this submission, we are
proposing the following revisions to the
existing information collection:
Revisions to Section E in Permit
In 2020, the Service implemented a
new automated permit application
called ePermits. The ePermits system
allowed the Service to move towards a
streamlined permitting process to
reduce the information collection
burden on the public, particularly small
businesses. Public burden reduction is a
priority for the Service; the Assistant
Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and
Parks; and senior leadership at the
Department of the Interior. The intent of
the ePermits system is to fully automate
the permitting process to improve the
customer experience and to reduce time
burden on respondents. This system
enhances the user experience by
allowing users to enter data from any
device that has internet access,
including personal computers, tablets,
and smartphones. It also links the
permit applicant to the system
for payment of the associated permit
application fee.
Users of the ePermits system register
for and use an account which will then
automatically populate the forms they
complete with the required
identification information. The system
eliminates the need for applicants to
enter their information multiple times
when they apply for separate permits
and reducing burden on the applicant.
The account registration process will
also provide private sector users an
opportunity to self-identify as a small
business which will enable the Service
to more accurately report burden
associated with information collection
requirements placed on them.
At this time, the ePermits system is
unable to fully automate Section E of
the permit application process. Section
E of each permit application is
customized based on the permit type.
We anticipate being able to begin
digitizing Section E on our forms in
calendar year 2022. As a result of
challenges with the development of
forms within the ePermits system, we
do not have a timeline for full
automation of Section E. We anticipate
beginning the digitization of the report
forms contained in this collection by
2023 and believe the digitization of
Section E on application forms should
be finalized by fiscal year 2024, as
funding and resources become available.
We do not anticipate changes to the
questions within Section E of each




Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 95 / Tuesday, May 17, 2022 / Notices

application form. We also do not plan
to make changes to the annual report
forms contained in this collection.
However, we do anticipate proposing
the following changes to certain permit
application forms contained in this
collection, to include:
• Applicants will be able to select the
type of business they manage (for-profit,
small business, farm, not-for-profit, or
government entity).
• Requesting businesses using
ePermits provide email addresses for
both the principal officer and the
• The signature block will be
replaced by with electronic submission
of the online applications.
• The ePermits system will also:
—Allow users to apply on behalf of
another individual or business as a
new way to identify if a consultant is
applying for a client.
—Ask for the name of the authorized
individual to include on the permit
and will allow a business to nickname
their applications.
—Ask the applicant to identify the
location where the majority of the
authorized activities will occur.
—Ask the applicant to identify the
physical address of the preparer of
—Ask the applicants to identify if they
are tax exempt.
—Prompt applicants to provide their
preferred contact method.
—Prompt the applicant to describe
changes associated with amendments
or renewals (with changes) of their
—Prompt applicants to opt in or out to
release their information for all
applications except migratory bird
rehabilitation permits (businesses are
automatically opted in).
—Prompt the applicant to provide a
parent permit number, which allows
the ePermits System to direct the user
to the correct version of their permit
for renewals or amendments to a

khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES

Falconry Program
We propose to modify FWS Form 3–
186A to update the field ‘‘USFWS Band
Number’’ to say ‘‘USFWS/State/Tribe/
Territory band number’’ and ’’USFWS
Permit Number’’ to ‘‘USFWS/State/
Tribe/Territory permit number.’’
Migratory Bird Permit Program Service
Manual Chapters
With this submission, we will seek
OMB approval of the Migratory Bird
Permit Program Handbook and
associated Service Manual chapters at
724 FW 1 (‘‘Migratory Bird Permits’’)
and 724 FW 2 (‘‘Migratory Bird

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Management’’), all of which contain
information collections. The Handbook
provides detailed procedures and other
operational information to implement
the Service Manual chapters in part 724
and more generally in part 720.
New and existing information
collections contained in the Handbook
requiring OMB approval include the
• Renewal procedures associated
with the reauthorization of an existing
permit (with or without changes to the
• Reinstatement procedures
associated with the reauthorization of
an existing permit (with or without
changes to the conditions);
• Discontinuance procedures at the
permittee’s request to discontinue a
valid permit;
• Solicitation of appropriate
documentation from entities authorized
to act on behalf of State, local, Tribal,
and Federal government agencies to
verify their exempt status for fee
exemption purposes;
• Fee waiver request process as
outlined in 50 CFR 13.11(d)(3)(iii);
• Requests for reconsideration of a
denial, partial denial, suspension, or
revocation of a permit (requiring
submission of a written request with the
required information in 50 CFR 13.29(b)
within 45 days after the permit
decision); and
• Appeals of reconsideration request
decisions (requiring the permittee
submit a written request to the Regional
Director (see 50 CFR 13.29(e)) within 45
days of the reconsideration decision).
The public may request copies of any
form or document contained in this
information collection by sending a
request to the Service Information
Collection Clearance Officer in
Title of Collection: Federal Fish and
Wildlife Permit Applications and
Reports—Migratory Birds; 50 CFR 10,
13, 20, and 21.
OMB Control Number: 1018–0022.
Form Numbers: FWS Forms 3–186, 3–
186A, 3–200–6 through 3–200–9, 3–
200–10a through 3–200–10c, 3–200–
10e, 3–200–10f, 3–200–12 through 3–
200–13, 3–200–67, 3–200–79, 3–200–81,
3–202–1 through 3–202–10, 3–202–12,
and 3–202–17.
Type of Review: Revision of an
existing information collection.
Respondents/Affected Public:
Individuals; private sector (including
zoological parks, museums, universities,
scientists, taxidermists, businesses, and
utilities); and State, local, Tribal, and
Federal governments.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Respondents: 27,980.

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Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 53,510.
Estimated Completion Time per
Response: Varies from 15 minutes to
260 hours, depending on activity.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 394,967.
Respondent’s Obligation: Required to
obtain or retain a benefit.
Frequency of Collection: On occasion
for applications; annually or on
occasion for reports.
Total Estimated Annual Nonhour
Burden Cost: $491,050 (primarily
associated with application processing
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor and a person is not required to
respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number.
The authority for this action is the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
Madonna Baucum,
Information Collection Clearance Officer, U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2022–10538 Filed 5–16–22; 8:45 am]

U.S. Geological Survey
[GX22WB12E6R03; OMB Control Number

Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission to the Office of
Management and Budget for Review
and Approval; Caribou Video Data
U.S. Geological Survey,
ACTION: Notice of information collection;
request for comment.

In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is
proposing a new information collection.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before June 16,
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function. Comments may also be
sent by mail to the U.S. Geological
Survey, Information Collections Officer,
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive MS 159,



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File Modified2022-05-17
File Created2022-05-17

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