
Rural Energy for America Program

OMB: 0570-0067

IC ID: 205327

Information Collection (IC) Details

View Information Collection (IC)

No Modified
Required to Obtain or Retain Benefits
7 CFR 4287 7 CFR 4280 7 CFR 4279

Document Type Form No. Form Name Instrument File URL Available Electronically? Can Be Submitted Electronically? Electronic Capability
Form RD 4280-3D Annual Outcome Project Performance Certification 4280-3D - Annual Outcome Proj Perf Cert.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form RD 1942-46 Letter of Intent to Meet Conditions RD 1942-46.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form RD 1940-1 Request for Obligation of Funds RD1940-1.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form RD 1924-9 Certificate of Contractors Release RD 1924-9.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form RD 1924-10 Release by Claimants RD 1924-10.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form RD 400-1 Equal Opportunity Agreement RD 400-1.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form RD 400-4 Assurance Agreement RD 400-4.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form RD 400-6 Compliance Statement RD 400-6.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form AD 1047 , Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters Primary Covered Transactions AD-1047.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form AD 1048 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions AD-1048.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form AD 1049 Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements (Grants) Alternative I - For Grantees Other Than Individuals AD-1049.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form RD 1940-Q Exhibit A1 Certifications for Contracts, Grants and Loans RD 1940-Q Exhb A-1 - Certification for Contracts, Grants and Loans.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form RD 4280-3A Application for Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvement Projects – Total Project Costs of $80,000 or Less 4280-3A_AEM_31623.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form RD 4280-3B Application for Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvement Projects – Total Project Costs of Less Than $200,000, But More Than $80,000 4280-3B_AEM_31623.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable
Form RD 4280-3C Application for Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvement Projects – Total Project Costs of $200,000 and Greater 4280-3C_AEM_031623.pdf Yes Yes Fillable Fileable

Economic Development Business and Industry Development


1,434 0
Private Sector Businesses or other for-profits, Farms, Not-for-profit institutions
   90 %

  Requested Program Change Due to New Statute Program Change Due to Agency Discretion Change Due to Adjustment in Agency Estimate Change Due to Potential Violation of the PRA Previously Approved
Annual Number of Responses for this IC 40,560 0 0 0 0 40,560
Annual IC Time Burden (Hours) 85,191 0 0 0 0 85,191
Annual IC Cost Burden (Dollars) 0 0 0 0 0 0

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            Blank fields in records indicate information that was not collected or not collected electronically prior to July 2006.

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