4. Qualitative Guide

NHTTAC Consultant and Evaluation Package

4. Qualitative Guide

OMB: 0970-0519

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OMB Number: 0970-0519

Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX


[Information for the interviewer(s)] The purpose of this interview/focus group/listening session is to learn more about how the Office on Trafficking in Person’s National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center (OTIP’s NHTTAC) can improve its services to better meet the needs of training and technical assistance (T/TA) providers and the field and improve services and outcomes for individuals who have experienced trafficking or who have increased risk factors for trafficking. This interview/focus group/listening session can be conducted virtually (online or via phone) or in person and can be tailored to specific topics, tools, resources, processes, or information needs. The information will be used to inform NHTTAC’s T/TA services.


T/TA: DATE(S): ______________________


Thank you for agreeing to participate in this interview/focus group/listening session. I’m [Insert name], and I will facilitate the interview/focus group/listening session today. I am joined by [Insert support staff], and they will be taking notes.

In order to help the Office on Trafficking in Person’s National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center (OTIP’s NHTTAC) better serve the field, we would like to obtain your feedback since receiving training and technical assistance (T/TA). Participating in this interview/focus group/listening session is voluntary; you may end the interview/focus group/listening session at any time and choose not to answer questions. We will protect the confidentiality of your responses using procedures we have in place, including aggregating responses so that no information is personally identifiable. Only members of the NHTTAC Evaluation Team have access to information that could identify respondents. Before we get started, do you have any questions about this interview/focus group/listening session?


  • What is the mission of your organization/agency?

  • What is your role in the organization/agency (e.g., frontline, case manager, mid-level, executive director, C-Suite)?

  • What are your responsibilities in this role?

  • What type of leadership structure does your organization/agency have?

  • What types of roles and responsibilities do other staff members have?

  • What types of clients/patients do you serve?

  • What services does your organization/agency provide for individuals who have experienced trafficking or who have increased risk factors for trafficking?

  • How would you define [Insert program/model/initiative]?

  • What does [Insert your/your organization’s/your agency’s/your program’s] involvement in [Insert initiative] entail?

  • What are your perceptions of [Insert program/initiative]?

  • What types of [Insert program type] are you most familiar with?

  • How are the following embedded into your organization’s/agency’s [Insert mission/vision/goals/ values/programs]?

    • Diversity, equity, and inclusion

    • Trauma-informed practices

    • Person-centered practices

    • Survivor-informed practices

    • Culturally and linguistically appropriate practices

    • Multidisciplinary approaches

    • Data-driven practices

Applying and Preparing for T/TA

  • Describe your experience with being selected to participate in this [Insert program, T/TA].

  • Did you have the information you needed to make an informed decision about your participation (e.g., materials provided in advance to ensure greater accessibility and equitable practices)?

  • What was your experience going through the [Insert application process, onboarding process]?

  • How helpful was the onboarding process (e.g., pre-interviews, prerequisite trainings)?

  • Did you feel prepared at the start of the T/TA?

  • Was there anything NHTTAC or you personally did that was helpful in preparing?

  • What planning occurred before the event(s) that made the response more effective?

  • Which organizations/individuals participated in the planning process? What roles did they play?

  • Who was missing from the planning process?

  • What was most beneficial and challenging about the planning process?

  • What would you recommend to others doing similar planning for [Insert topic, event]?

  • Is/was a needs assessment conducted to [Insert purpose]?

Satisfaction, Usefulness, Helpfulness, and Quality of T/TA

  • How satisfied were you with your overall OTIP/NHTTAC/SOAR experience?

  • How satisfied were you with the overall quality of support you received from [Insert NHTTAC/ staff/consultant]?

  • Were the training approaches/methods appropriate for the delivery of the content?

  • How has working with [NHTTAC] improved your [Insert type of skill(s) related to training/event/tool objectives]?

  • Was there anything not provided by [Insert T/TA] that would have been helpful in [Insert outcome]?

  • How did the provided T/TA stretch beyond your comfort zone?

  • What aspect(s) of the [Insert T/TA, tool, meeting, etc.] was most helpful to you, and why?

  • What aspect(s) of the [Insert T/TA, tool, meeting, etc.] was least helpful to you, and why?

  • How could [Reference answers from the previous question] be improved?

  • What were your expectations prior to [Insert T/TA activity]?

  • How well were these expectations met?

  • In what ways did [Insert T/TA activity] meet your educational and professional needs?

  • What barriers/challenges did you experience while participating in this T/TA?

  • How did these barriers impact your participation in [Insert T/TA activity]?

  • Was there enough time for the [Insert T/TA activity]?

  • How much time were you spending on the [Insert T/TA activity] in between [Insert seminars/sessions type]?

  • How well does [Insert T/TA, tool, meeting, etc.] align with the needs of your organization/community?

  • How did you create an environment of shared power with the people you were training?

  • How did you create an environment for humble and respectful reflection for the people you were training?

  • How did you create an environment for discussion of personal and professional experiences and multiple viewpoints?

  • How did you use diverse examples and facilitation strategies to ensure the content was relevant to participant interests, identities, and learning styles?

  • How did you encourage conversations exploring the roles of oppression and systemic inequity in trafficking prevention and intervention?

  • What impact has the [training/resource/XX] had on [Insert you, your organization/your agency]?

  • Would you recommend NHTTAC/SOAR trainings to others?

  • What additional T/TA is needed related to [Insert topic]?

  • What is important for NHTTAC to know about the field’s needs to address human trafficking?

  • What additional topics would you like to be covered in future human trafficking T/TA?


  • What short-term outcomes do you expect after completing this training (e.g., within the next 6 months)?

  • What long-term outcomes do you expect after completing this training (e.g., within the next 7+ months)?

  • [Provide definition of capacity building and T/TA] What types of T/TA have you participated in?

  • What are your perspectives on the multi-step capacity building process?

  • Was the process too much, not enough, or just right?

  • What additional T/TA would be helpful for [insert specified outcome, intended outcome, or action plan goal]?

Plans to Apply Skills Learned Through T/TA in the Future

  • Identify three things you [Insert plan to do or change] [did] as a result of the [Insert T/TA] you received. Please be as specific as you can (e.g., actions or changes in policy, practice, procedures, or programming).

  • In what ways do you anticipate using this T/TA to change how you serve patients/clients?

  • What barriers [do you anticipate facing] [have you experienced] in applying skills and knowledge learned through this T/TA at work? [Interviewer: Ask about the most commonly reported barriers if the respondent needs prompts.]

  • How did these barriers impact your next steps and using the skills/knowledge from [Insert T/TA]?

  • At the completion of [Insert T/TA], did you have specific action steps or a strategic plan?

  • How well did these action steps align with the needs you identified prior to the [Insert T/TA]?

  • How confident did you feel in your ability to implement these action steps?

  • How supported did you feel by NHTTAC staff in implementing these action steps?

  • How do you plan to work with the network you built through [Insert T/TA] in the future?

Application of Skills Learned Through T/TA (Follow up at 3, 6, etc., months later)

  • How has working with NHTTAC and participating in [Insert T/TA] improved your [Insert type of skill]?

  • In what ways have you implemented your action steps/strategic plan/recommendations?

  • What plans do you have to implement your action steps/strategic plan/recommendations?

  • How have you utilized/applied [Insert competencies/guiding principle]?

  • How are you currently working with the networks you built through [Insert T/TA]?

  • Reflecting back, what would have changed about your action steps/strategic plan/recommendations?

  • How do you think you will continue to apply what you have learned through this [Insert T/TA]?

  • Have [Insert you/your employee/your organization] changed any policies or programming at your organization? Any practices?

  • Have you attended any additional trainings or events related to the [Insert T/TA] you attended previously?

  • Have [Insert you/your employee/your organization] proposed or changed policies pertaining to human trafficking since [Insert T/TA]?

  • How has your professional networking or peer support changed since [Insert T/TA]?

  • Were there any changes in coordination, community response, or engaging multiple disciplines [insert others as needed]?

  • How has your access to resources on preventing and identifying human trafficking changed since [Insert T/TA]?


  • Would you recommend NHTTAC to others to be a consultant? Why or why not?

  • What about working with NHTTAC do you see as beneficial?

  • What are some of the challenges in working as a consultant with NHTTAC?

  • What are your areas of subject matter expertise? Did [Insert T/TA type] feel like a good fit for your expertise?

  • Are there other consultants you would recommend to NHTTAC to facilitate [Insert T/TA type]?

  • How often do you work as a NHTTAC consultant? What impacts how often you work as a NHTTAC consultant (e.g., schedule, interest, NHTTAC experience)?

  • What impact does serving as a NHTTAC consultant have on your professional development?

  • In what ways do you feel supported by NHTTAC to be a consultant?

  • What could NHTTAC do to better support consultants?

  • [Provide definition for shared power] How did OTIP/NHTTAC create an environment of shared power?

  • How did you create an environment of shared power with the people you were training?

  • How did you create an environment for humble and respectful reflection for the people you were training?

  • How did you create an environment for discussion of personal and professional experiences and multiple viewpoints?

  • How did you use diverse examples and facilitation strategies to ensure the content was relevant to participant interests, identities, and learning styles?

  • How did you encourage conversations exploring the roles of oppression and systemic inequity in trafficking prevention and intervention?

Equity and Inclusion

  • How was the structure of the curriculum balanced with the flexibility to accommodate unique group dynamics?

  • How did the background/group dynamics of the participants impact the flow and outcomes of the [fellowship]?

  • How did the facilitator demonstrate awareness of group power dynamics and create an environment of shared power?

  • How did the facilitator create an environment to ensure the psychological safety of participants to share views, experiences, and concerns?

  • How did the facilitator hold participants accountable for exclusive and insensitive behaviors?

  • How did the facilitator provide support, encouragement, and autonomy to apply learning in a safe environment?

  • Did you feel your background and identity were welcomed, valued, and appreciated during the [Insert T/TA activity]?

  • How did the facilitators create a space for discussing personal experiences and views as related to the material?

  • How did the facilitators provide opportunities, as needed, to explicitly link principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice to your/your organization’s mission/vision/values?

  • What opportunities were provided to think about your personal identity, position, and responsibilities to identify potential blind spots and explore new behaviors?

  • How did the facilitators use diverse examples and facilitation strategies to ensure the content was relevant to your interests, identity, and learning style?

  • How did the facilitators ensure trainees had an opportunity to actively participate in the learning process?

  • How did the facilitators ensure training content incorporated perspectives, data, and theories related to various identities rather than only mainstream perspectives?

  • How were the training materials and topic grounded in inclusive and equitable practices?

  • How did the T/TA integrate data to highlight the impact of bias, oppression, and structural racism?

  • How did the facilitators encourage trainees to explore inequities and discuss opportunities to disrupt the status quo?

  • How can NHTTAC improve equity and inclusion in their provision of T/TA?

  • Do you have recommendations for strategies to ensure the voices of those who have been marginalized and underserved are centered in [Insert type of anti-trafficking work]?

  • How did NHTTAC provide support and encouragement for consultants to set boundaries and practice self-care?

  • How did NHTTAC share power and offer opportunities for consultants to collaborate and contribute to decision-making?

  • How did NHTTAC support trainees in incorporating discussions around inclusivity, bias, racial equity, and cultural humility into [Insert T/TA work]?

  • Do you have recommendations for how NHTTAC can ensure policies and practices are clear, transparent, and foster equity?

  • During the course of your [Insert T/TA activity], have you felt uncomfortable, out of place, or taken less seriously due to your personal characteristics (e.g., gender identity, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, race)?

  • How did NHTTAC incorporate discussions about inclusivity, bias, racial equity, power, privilege, status, and cultural humility?

  • Was the facilitator/consultant prepared to address diverse perspectives or experiences? If yes, in what ways? If not, what improvements do you recommend?

  • Was the T/TA space easy to physically access? If not, what improvements do you recommend?

  • In what ways did the facilitator(s) provide an opportunity to reflect on current or recent events related to the political, economic, environmental, or cultural impact on anti-trafficking efforts?

Grant/Program Funding and Structure

  • What are your perceptions of the grant application process?

  • What are your perceptions (e.g., strengths and limitations) of the way [Insert grant type] funding is administered?

  • Was the grant process open and transparent? If yes, in what ways? If not, what were the challenges, and what are your recommendations for improvements?

  • In what ways does the funding source understand the conditions impacting the communities they wish to benefit?

  • What does it mean to have a trusting relationship and engage in power sharing with your funding source?

  • In what ways might the application, reporting, and evaluation process pose unintentional barriers for organizations/agencies led by individuals from marginalized groups?

  • What are your perceptions of the way the grant was structured?

  • Does the grant have requirements associated with hiring and supporting staff with lived experience? If so, in what ways (e.g., wellness, supervision, program evaluation, matching funds, partner organization composition)?

  • What are your perceptions of the regional structure of [Insert grant type] with multiple grantees who provide subawards for direct services to establish nationwide coverage? [If needed, briefly remind the interviewee about how the regional structure functions.]

  • What systems does your organization/agency use to manage grants?

  • What systems does your grant require you to use for reporting (e.g., Office for Victims of Crime Trafficking Information Management System, Office of Justice Programs Performance Management Tool)?

    • What types of support helped facilitate the reporting process?

    • What barriers/challenges did you experience during the reporting process?

    • What recommendations do you have for improving the reporting process?

  • What are your perceptions of the amount of T/TA required by the grant (e.g., too much, too little, just enough)?

  • What are your perceptions of the amount of funding provided to comply with all grant requirements, including T/TA (e.g., too little, just enough)?

  • What other federal funding do you use to support trafficking-relates services? What about to support efforts within the community or for other communities? Does that funding support other items or how does it work together/hinder your work under other funding streams?

  • What other non-federal funding do you use to support trafficking-related services? What about to support efforts within the community or for other communities? Does that funding support other items or how does it work together/hinder your work under other funding streams?

  • What are your perceptions of other funding models that offer specialized and comprehensive services to individuals who have experienced trafficking or who have increased risk factors for trafficking? [If no experience with other funding models for trafficking-related services, ask about experience with other funding models for other types of services.]

  • Based on your experiences with other funding models for other types of services (i.e., non-trafficking services), are there other funding structures with particular strengths or challenges you would like us to know about?

  • Has your organization/agency contacted [Insert OTIP, Administration for Children and Families (ACF)regional staff/Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH), other grantees] for information or resources related to the services your organization/agency provides? Were they useful? Why or why not?

  • What impact has your communication with [Insert OTIP, ACF regional staff/OASH, other grantees] had on your organization/agency?

  • If you were given the opportunity to restructure [Insert program], what would be your top three priorities?

  • In what ways do these funding models offer opportunities for honest input and feedback from grant applications and/or recipients?

  • How do the funding models reinforce trust with the grant recipients?

  • What kinds of assistance would you like the funder to offer?

  • How can the funding source facilitate collaborations and create useful connections?

  • In what ways should grant recipients and the community be offered the opportunity for more inclusive decision-making?

  • In what ways do these funding models integrate the following practices into operations?

    • Diversity, equity, and inclusion

    • Trauma-informed practices

    • Person-centered practices

    • Survivor-informed practices

    • Culturally and linguistically appropriate practices

    • Multidisciplinary approaches

    • Data-driven practices

Service Provision (Healthcare, Behavioral Health, and Human/Victim Services)

  • To what extent does your organization/agency serve [Insert specific population, like domestic victims of trafficking; foreign-born victims of trafficking; individuals who have experienced trafficking; victims who are pre-certified, certified, adults, or children; family members; people within a specific age range; people with a specific gender identity; citizenship; other major subpopulations your organization/agency serves]?

  • What qualities/guidelines/principles should be considered for [Insert program/role/profession]?

  • What are the anticipated outcomes of [Insert program/initiative]?

  • What changes have been made to allow for [Insert outcome/program/initiative]?

  • What elements of [Insert program type] have you found most helpful/least helpful?

  • To what extent do you think the [grant, program, model] allows you to meet the needs of individuals who have experienced trafficking or who have increased risk factors for trafficking? How so?

  • How does the [Insert grant, program, model] prioritize service to communities that are underserved by/with limited access to specific services and resources?

  • How does the [Insert grant, program, model] demonstrate commitment to community engagement and relationship building?

  • What, if any, gaps in services have your organization/agency faced because of the grant structure/model? How were these gaps in services addressed?

  • How does your organization/agency assess client/patient needs?

  • How does your organization/agency address unmet client/patient needs?

  • In what ways are clients/patients involved in identifying, prioritizing and meeting needs?

  • How would you define success for [Insert program/model/initiative]?

  • What would you do to make [Insert your, your group, your organization/agency] more “successful” at its work?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of leveraging the [Insert grant, program, model] to serve [Insert specific population]?

  • What challenges, if any, have you faced in providing services to clients/patients within grant-related time restrictions [e.g., 3 months, 12 months]? How did your organization/agency address these challenges?

  • How would you manage resources differently, if at all, with an unlimited time period to meet the needs of all clients/patients?

  • How does your organization/agency collect data from past clients/patients on short-, medium-, and long-term success?

  • How does your organization/agency collect data from past clients/patients on satisfaction with the program and ways to improve?

  • Is it important for organizations/agencies to tailor [Insert programs, practices, models] to individuals who have experienced both trafficking and [Insert specific issue, like other forms of exploitation, substance use, mental health, lack of housing]? Why or why not?

  • What types of [Insert programs, practices, models] has your organization/agency provided to individuals experiencing trafficking and [Insert specific issue, like substance use, mental health, lack of housing]? How? What went well? What kinds of challenges have you experienced with implementing this type of program?

  • What types of feedback do you collect from clients/patients or staff participating in the [program, practice, model]? How do you collect and use that feedback?

  • What type of training should an individual providing [Insert specific service] take?

  • How can organizations/agencies collaborate with [Insert specific groups, like peer support providers; federal, state, or local agencies; health care professionals] to provide better services to individuals who have experienced trafficking or who have increased risk factors for trafficking?

  • What services does your organization/agency provide to individuals who have experienced trafficking or who have increased risk factors for trafficking alongside [Insert specific type] programming?

  • What services could be provided to assist with the overall success of a [Insert program, practice, model]?

  • What components of a [Insert program, model, practice] are important for serving individuals who have experienced trafficking or who have increased risk factors for trafficking in [Insert specific setting, like residential or community-based]?

  • How can organizations/agencies ensure all individuals who have experienced trafficking or who have increased risk factors for trafficking are able to access services?

  • What might encourage an individual who has experienced trafficking or who has increased risk factors for trafficking to participate in [Insert program, service, model]? Why?

  • What might discourage an individual who has experienced trafficking or who has increased risk factors for trafficking to participate in [Insert program, service, model]? Why?

  • How can principles of multidisciplinary approaches be used most effectively with [Insert group]?

  • What inequities exist in service provision for individuals with lived experience of trafficking or who have increased risk factors for trafficking? Can you please explain if there are any differences among those groups?

  • In what ways do your organization's/agency’s goals and strategies (a) achieve explicit benefits for populations that are underserved by/with limited access to specific services and resources; (b) result in more equitable systems; and (c) affirm the authority and autonomy of individuals from populations that are underserved by/with limited access to specific services and resources to be an active part of the change process?

  • In what ways is your organizational/agency board/staff/leadership reflective of the communities you serve?

  • How does your organization/agency assess internal operations and processes with an equity lens?

  • How does your organization/agency conduct prevention [probe for examples at primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention levels]?

Cultural Responsiveness and Accessibility of Services

  • How does your organization/agency define culture and culturally responsive services and programs? [The interviewer will ask about the services most relevant to the T/TA.]

  • How can organizations/agencies seek and use knowledge about cultural beliefs and practices to provide culturally responsive services to their clients/patients?

  • What are some considerations for infusing cultural responsiveness into programming?

  • How can organizations/agencies overcome cultural barriers with sensitivity and respect?

  • How can organization/agency staff demonstrate the following to clients/patients from different cultures, nationalities, gender identities, sexual orientations, races, ethnic and religious groups, abilities, and geographic locations?

  • What types of cultural responsiveness training should organization/agency staff take?

  • How can organizations/agencies include culturally responsive behaviors in performance evaluations?

  • How can organizations/agencies implement a zero-tolerance approach to bias/discrimination toward clients/patients?

  • How can organizations/agencies establish a safe method in which staff, patients, and families can report concerns?

  • How can organizations/agencies develop and implement hiring plans at all levels that reflect diversity and representation from the local patient or client/patient population?

  • How can principles of cultural responsiveness be used most effectively with [Insert group]?

  • Do you have recommendations for strategies to ensure voices of populations that are underserved by/with limited access to specific services and resources are heard?

Lived Experience

  • Is it important to receive [Insert specific service] from an individual with lived experience? Why or why not?

  • What are the benefits/challenges of organization/agency staff and service recipients having similar lived experiences?

  • How does your organization/agency assess readiness for employment?

  • What is important for organizations/agencies with staff with trauma history to know about how to support their staff?

  • When shifting from client to staff, what processes/procedures must be in place to ensure the transition is ethical and confidential?

  • What is important for organizations/agengies to consider in order to protect the privacy of these individuals/staff members? What about if the staff person was a former client/patient?

  • How can organization/agency staff build trust and rapport with individuals who have experienced trafficking or who have increased risk factors for trafficking?

  • How can organizations/agencies use strategies to integrate client/patient input into all decisions for care?

  • How can organizations/agencies develop a strategy to ensure all programs, policies, and procedures are survivor informed?

  • How can organizations/agencies develop a strategy to prioritize the recruitment of experts with lived experience who have diverse experiences with trafficking (e.g., in leadership, direct service provision, peer support, and research)?

  • How can organizations/agencies engage client/patient feedback (through surveys, focus groups, advisory boards, etc.) about the needs of individuals who have increased risk factors for trafficking, policies/programs, and appropriate service delivery?

  • How can organizations/agencies use the findings from client/patient feedback to improve service delivery?

  • How can organizations/agencies conduct collaborative, community-based research in partnership with experts with lived experience?

  • How can survivor-informed care be used most effectively with [Insert group]?

  • What types of continued professional development should staff members with lived experience receive (e.g., related and not related to the anti-trafficking field)?

Trauma-Informed Care

  • How can organizations/agencies create a supportive environment and promote employee wellness?

  • How can organizations/agencies ensure staff feel they are working in a safe environment?

  • How can organizations/agencies integrate trauma-informed and bias-reduction approaches into intake/assessment/screening protocols?

  • How can organizations/agencies establish an agencywide commitment to trauma-informed care and its principles (i.e., safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration, voice, peer support, cultural/historical/gender identity issues)?

  • What types of outreach strategies can organizations/agencies use to gain access to individuals of all populations?

  • How can principles of trauma-informed care be used most effectively with [Insert group]?

  • How can principles of person-centered care be used most effectively with [Insert group]?

  • What are your organization’s/agency’s policies and procedures on clients/patients disclosing experiences with trafficking (e.g., requiring/encouraging disclosure to receive services, asking extensive details about history of exploitation)?

  • What types of barriers might patients, clients, and caregivers experience when deciding whether to disclose experiences with trafficking?

  • What training do staff receive to identify indicators of trafficking without requiring client/patient disclosure?

  • What screening processes can staff use to identify indicators of trafficking without requiring disclosure?

  • What strategies can organization/agency staff use to ensure their behavior during potential disclosure is trauma informed?

  • What types of barriers might patients, clients, and caregivers experience when deciding whether to disclose experiences with trafficking?

  • How do you ensure comprehensive and tailored care for patients/clients that have not disclosed? Are there differences in support without the disclosure?

Access to Services for Clients/Patients

  • Once you became aware of the available services, were they easy to access (e.g., making connections, getting the services you were looking for)? In what ways?

  • What types of services were most difficult to access? And what were those difficulties? 

  • What are the greatest barriers to accessing services [Insert personally, generally, or both]?  

  • What would make it easier to access services? 

Services Received by Clients/Patients

  • What type of services have you received? And by what organizations/agencies? 

  • Were the services you received sensitive to your individual needs? If yes, how so? If no, then how not? For example, if you required a translator, had accessibility needs, cultural considerations, or other individualized services, were service providers able to meet your needs? 

  • Are there certain types of providers/staff that you trust more than others? What makes you trust (or distrust) a provider/staff member?

  • Were services provided in a way that was welcoming and made you feel comfortable? In what ways?

  • Are you more comfortable receiving services from certain providers/staff than others? In what ways?

  • Have you received services from providers/staff from your own community/culture?

  • Have you tried to get services from providers/staff who specifically support your culture? Which services? Were you successful? If so, what made this possible for you? What barriers did you encounter?

  • How important are culturally specific services?

  • Did you have any needs that were not met? If yes, what types of services would have been helpful?

  • In your opinion, why were you not able to receive needed services? 

  • How would you describe your overall experience with the services received? 

  • Overall, what recommendations do you have for improving services at [Insert organization/agency]? What worked well?

  • What could providers/staff at [Insert organization/agency] do to be more inclusive (e.g., culture, race/ethnicity, gender, ability)?

  • What do you think is the most helpful service for individuals who have experienced trafficking or who have increased risk factors for trafficking? Why?

  • What is the most important thing for providers/staff to know about individuals who have experienced trafficking or who have increased risk factors for trafficking experiences in regard to the services/care provided?

Services Offered to Clients/Patients

  • What type of services have you offered that are culturally responsive or tailored to a specific community? For example, if you have a client/patient that requested a translator, had accessibility needs, cultural considerations, or other individualized services, how are you able to meet their needs? 

  • Are there other organizations that offer culturally responsive or tailored services for specific communities? 

  • What does it mean to have culturally responsive services or support? Can you describe what that may entail and the distinction among services/communities?

  • Are there certain types of culturally responsive providers/staff that you trust or refer to more than others? What makes you trust (or distrust) them or refer to them more than others?

  • What approaches or recommendations do you have for providing services that are welcoming and making patients/clients feel comfortable? 

  • Have patients/clients preferred certain providers/staff more than others? In what ways? What were some of the reasons patients/clients did not prefer certain culturally responsive providers/staff? For example, what factored into their decision between providers?

  • What culturally responsive services are missing from your organization or other providers/staff? Which community(s)/culture(s) are not supported in this way?

  • Has your organization or other providers tried to offer services to specifically support the culture(s)/community(s) you just shared? Which services? Were you successful? If so, what made this possible? What barriers were encountered?

  • How important are culturally responsive services?

  • What needs are not being met? For example, what types of services would have been helpful?

  • Overall, what recommendations do you have for improving culturally responsive services at [Insert organization/agency]? What advice do you have for others in the field?

  • What could providers/staff at [Insert organization/agency] do to be more inclusive (e.g., culture, race/ethnicity, gender, ability)?

  • What do you think is the most helpful service for individuals who have experienced trafficking or who have increased risk factors for trafficking? Why?

  • What is the most important thing for providers/staff to know about individuals who have experienced trafficking or who have increased risk factors for trafficking experiences in regard to the services/care provided?

Peer Support

  • What types of peer support have you received/offered (e.g., group, mentor, navigator)?

  • Why did you choose a peer support program?

  • What are some reasons why someone may choose not to participate in a peer support program?

  • Who do you consider to be a peer in peer support programs for [Insert specific issue, like substance use, mental health]?

  • What makes someone qualified to be a peer support person?

  • What circumstances or specific aspects of peer support are helpful for [Insert specific issue, like substance use, mental health]?

  • What circumstances or specific aspects of peer support are less helpful for [Insert specific issue, like substance use, mental health]?

  • Are there specific needs that peer support models do not meet for individuals who have experienced trafficking with [Insert specific issue, like substance use, mental health]?

  • What guidelines or principles are needed when implementing peer-led support groups for individuals who have experienced trafficking?

  • What types of peer support programming could be developed for individuals with/without lived experience who want to build their capacity to work in the anti-trafficking field?

Learning About Tools and Resources

  • Where did you learn about this tool/resource (training/conference/newsletter/website/word of mouth/journal article)? [If they mention anything specific, ask which one (e.g., which training, which conference, etc.).]

  • Where would you usually go to find this type of information, tool, or topic?

  • Once you heard about it, was this tool/resource easy to find? Is it accessible to everyone who might need it? If not, what should be changed?

  • Is there a place to put this tool/resource that users would find easier to locate?

  • Are there other places you already go to get this information? What do you like about them? What do you dislike about them?

Appropriateness/Comprehensiveness of Information/Content (May Ask About Tool, System, Website, T/TA


  • How well did the information/content align with your expectations about what you wanted to see or were looking for? What was missing?

  • Was the information/content too advanced/detailed or too basic?

  • How is the information/content applicable to your work?

  • Are there other topics that need [Insert tools, systems, websites, T/TA modules] similar to this one?

  • How well did [Insert tools, systems, websites, T/TA modules] address culturally and linguistically appropriate services?

  • What needs to be improved moving forward?

  • In what ways has attending [Insert tools, systems, websites, T/TA modules] impacted organizational culture related to:

    • Trauma-informed approaches

    • Survivor-informed practices

    • A multidisciplinary approach

    • Prevention efforts

    • Response to individuals who have experienced trafficking or who have increased risk factors for trafficking

    • The utilization of evidence-based or promising practices or research

    • Equity and inclusion

[Ask about each module, as needed — do they have experience with it? Is it appropriate? What were they expecting or looking for? Find out specific information about how it meets their needs or how it can be improved to do so.]

Ease of Use of Tools, Systems, Website

  • How do you feel about the way the information is displayed on [Insert tool, website, system]? What improvement(s) do you recommend?

  • If it was difficult to use, how so?

  • What would make it easier to use and understand?

  • What about the layout, length, format, and readability (e.g., reading level, plain language) of the [Insert tool, website, system]?

  • Is the level of interactivity of the tool appropriate?

  • Is the length of information suitable?

  • What do you think of the content layout (e.g., bullets vs. paragraphs)?

  • If instructions for [Insert tool, website, system] are provided, are they clear? Are they needed?

  • Was the [Insert tool, website, system] easy to understand and user-friendly? How so? If it was difficult to use, how so?

  • Should the [Insert tool, website, system] be translated into other languages? If so, which languages?

  • What future direction do you think we should take with this [Insert tool, website, system]?

[If there are specific aspects of the tool, website, system where feedback is needed, visit those aspects, and ask these questions for each aspect.]


  • Do you have any ideas for ways to support more information sharing between [Insert organizations/groups/


  • How well did [Insert organizations/groups/individuals] communicate in culturally appropriate and responsive ways (e.g., using your preferred language and method of communication)?

  • In what ways did communication promote authentic conversations and two-way dialogue?

  • In what ways did communication incorporate inclusive language and approaches?

  • In what ways did communication create an environment where you felt heard and valued?

  • In what ways was your input included in each stage of communication between yourself and NHTTAC?

  • Do you have a way to reach out to other [Insert organizations/groups/individuals] when you have questions or need resources?

  • How can communication be improved?

Use of Technology

  • What technological strategies/platforms were used to aid [Insert type of T/TA]?

  • What role does/did technology play in [Insert type of T/TA]?

  • What protocols are/were in place to support the use of [Insert type of technology, like Mural, Zoom, Learning Management System] for [Insert type of T/TA]?

  • What difficulties did you have accessing/using technological strategies/platforms?

  • What other types of technological strategies/platforms do you recommend to enhance the learning process?

  • Thinking about the integration of [Insert type of T/TA] into your organization’s learning management system:

    • How does your organization use the learning management system (e.g., training requirements/timing, recipients, tracking)?

    • What were some of the successes?

    • What were some of the challenges (e.g., cost to implement, leadership buy in)?

Lessons Learned, Best Practices, Guiding Principles, and Competencies

  • Overall, based on your experience with [Insert T/TA type], what were the greatest lessons learned (e.g., guiding principles, competencies)?

  • What would you consider as best/promising practices? Why?

  • What is the most important thing for other [Insert communities, organizations, individuals] to know about [Insert topic]?


  • Do you have any additional comments or suggestions that you would like to share about [Insert topic]?

  • Do you have any comments or suggestions for future NHTTAC/SOAR-related trainings?

This concludes our interview. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us and for helping to improve OTIP/NHTTAC/SOAR activities.

Do you have any questions or concerns about this interview and how this information will be used? If you have questions in the future, please contact [email protected].


PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13) STATEMENT OF PUBLIC BURDEN: The purpose of this information collection is to enable NHTTAC to collect recipient and stakeholder feedback to improve NHTTAC’s service delivery. The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1.5 hours per respondent, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. This is a voluntary collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact the NHTTAC Evaluation Team at [email protected] or 9300 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22031.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorField, Michael
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-08-25

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