2019 Individual Taxpayer Compliance (Post-Filing) Burden Survey

IRS Taxpayer Burden Surveys

2019 Individual Taxpayer Compliance (Post-Filing) Burden Survey

OMB: 1545-2212

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Taxpayer Compliance Burden Survey
Internal Revenue Service

Your experience matters to us.


Want to take the
survey on the web?
See the back cover
for instructions.

This survey is about your <> federal income tax return
What’s this survey about?
The purpose of this survey is to provide the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with accurate
estimates of the time and money you, your spouse (if you filed jointly), family members,
friends, or other unpaid volunteers spent to correct an issue with your already filed federal
income tax return, referred to as a post-filing issue.
Post-filing refers to when the IRS notifies you about an issue with your already filed federal
income tax return and ends with the issue being resolved. Post-filing activities may include
your or others’ interactions with various IRS divisions such as Collection, Examination
(Audits), and Appeals.
You won’t be asked about specific income or other financial information.
How will my answers be used?
We’ll use your responses for research purposes only. Your responses will help us understand
the amount of time and money taxpayers spend correcting an issue with an already-filed federal
income tax return. Participation is voluntary, but the information you provide will ensure that
experiences like yours are represented.
Who should complete this survey?
You or your spouse (if you filed jointly) should complete it. You may need to ask others who
helped you resolve your federal income tax return post-filing issue for input.
Should I send this to my tax professional?
No, this survey is about the time and money that you spent, not your tax professional.
How long will this survey take?
This survey should take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
Who can I contact with questions or concerns about the survey?
If you have questions about the content of this survey, please contact Willow Burns at Westat
at 855-847-2874, or email [email protected]. If you would like to contact
someone at the IRS, please email Clara Gant at [email protected].
To read the official IRS announcement about this survey, please visit

Si desea contestar la encuesta en español, por favor vaya a la contraportada para ver las instrucciones
de cómo contestar la encuesta por Internet. Si prefiere solicitar una encuesta impresa en español, puede
llamarnos al 855-847-2874 o enviarnos un correo electrónico a [email protected].


This survey is about your <> federal income tax return

Please use a black or blue pen.

to indicate your answer.

If you want to change your answer, darken the box

and mark the correct answer.

General Question about Your Post-Filing Issue

What did you do when you received the first notice about your federal income tax return?
Mark all that apply.

Opened the envelope and read the first notice
Took the first notice unopened to a paid or volunteer tax professional
Did not open the first IRS notice, but did open a subsequent notice
Did something else with the first notice. Please describe:

Form 14404-B (Rev. XX-2019)

Catalog Number 68057J



Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service


Reviewing and Gathering Tax-Related Materials
This survey is about your <> federal income tax return


Whether or not you used them, which of the following types of information did you review or
gather to resolve your post-filing issue?
Mark all that apply.
The federal income tax return for my post-filing issue
Such as forms 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ
Federal income tax return(s) from other years
Such as forms 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ from other tax years
Documentation of nonbusiness income
Such as W-2s, interest, dividends, sales of stock, royalties, rental income,
alimony received, IRA distributions, pension distributions
Documentation of nonbusiness deductions
Such as educator expenses, moving expenses, alimony paid, home mortgage interest,
property taxes, charitable contributions, casualty and theft losses,
unreimbursed employee expenses
Documentation of business income and expenses
Such as invoices, business bank account statements, partnership or S corporation income,
cancelled checks, taxes and licenses, advertising costs, depreciation
Documentation of credits
Such as the earned income tax credit (EITC), child tax credit, child and dependent care credit,
education credit
Other tax-related items, please describe:

Form 14404-B (Rev. 4-2019)

Catalog Number 68057J



Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service


Actions Taken to Resolve Your Post-Filing Issue
This survey is about your <> federal income tax return
The following questions ask about the actions you may have taken to resolve your post-filing issue.

Which of the following did you do to learn more about your post-filing issue?
Mark all that apply.
Called the IRS to get answers to tax questions
Sent tax-related documents to the IRS
Sent a letter to the IRS
Met face-to-face with an IRS employee
Got IRS forms and publications
Searched irs.gov
Searched a non-IRS website
Consulted friends or family members
Consulted a paid or volunteer tax professional
Other, please describe:

Not applicable, my tax professional handled all my post-filing matters

What did you do to resolve your post-filing issue?
Mark all that apply.
Gave someone power of attorney
Filed any federal income tax returns
Amended any federal income tax returns
Made a claim for a refund
Made a payment to the IRS
Requested a reduction of tax and/or penalty
Provided the IRS with financial information
Appealed an IRS decision
Other, please describe:

Form 14404-B (Rev. 4-2019)

Catalog Number 68057J



Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service


Working with a Tax Professional

This survey is about your <> federal income tax return

The following questions ask about working with a paid or volunteer tax professional to resolve
your post-filing issue.

Which of the following describes the paid or volunteer tax professional you used to resolve your
post-filing issue?
Mark only one.
Worked with the same tax professional that prepared my federal income tax return.
Worked with a different tax professional from the same firm or company as the one
that prepared my federal income tax return.
Worked with a tax professional from a different firm or company than the one that
prepared my federal income tax return.
Didn’t work with a tax professional to resolve my post-filing issue




Which of the following describes why you used a tax professional to resolve your
post-filing issue?
Mark all that apply.
Was unsure of how to proceed
Use a tax professional for all tax matters
Didn’t have time to resolve the issue on my own
The issue seemed too complex to resolve on my own
Thought a tax professional would get a quicker resolution
Thought a tax professional would get a more favorable resolution
Tried to resolve the issue on my own, but later decided to seek professional tax help
Other, please describe:

Form 14404-B (Rev. 4-2019)

Catalog Number 68057J



Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service



What services did your tax professional provide to resolve your post-filing issue?
Mark all that apply.
Filed an amended return
Wrote a response to the IRS notice
Explained relevant tax law
Other, please describe:


Which of the following best describes your tax professional’s fee for helping you to
resolve your post-filing issue?
Mark all that apply.
Flat fee
Hourly rate
Service was included with the preparation of my federal income tax return
Free services (Such as low income tax clinic or volunteer tax professional), please describe:

Other, please describe:

Don't know

Form 14404-B (Rev. 4-2019)

Catalog Number 68057J



Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service


Time Spent Resolving Your Post-Filing Issue
This survey is about your <> federal income tax return
The next questions focus on the time you, your family members, friends, or other unpaid
volunteers spent resolving your federal income tax return post-filing issue.
Please include time spent:

Please do not include time spent:

By you, family members, friends, or other unpaid
volunteers actively working to resolve your postfiling issue


Waiting on the IRS or your tax professional to
respond to you


Filing federal income tax returns not required to
resolve your post-filing issue
Filing any state income tax returns



By a paid tax professional who may have helped
you resolve your post-filing issue

How much time did you spend on the following activities to resolve your
post-filing issue? If you’re not sure, please provide an estimate.


Reviewing and gathering tax-related materials
Include time spent on activities such as:

Reading notices, instructions, or publications


Reviewing your federal income tax returns


Consulting with family members or friends
Obtaining or recreating tax-related documentation


Copying, printing, or scanning tax-related documents

No time spent


On the telephone or in face-to-face meetings with IRS employees


Visiting a local IRS office (include travel time)
Writing and submitting a letter to the IRS


: Minutes

No time spent


Searching irs.gov
Completing and submitting tax forms or documentation


Making payments to the IRS



: Minutes

Interacting with the IRS
Include time spent on activities such as:




Working with a tax professional
Include time spent on activities such as:



Searching for and selecting your tax professional


Meetings face to face with your tax professional (include travel time)


Telephone calls with your tax professional

No time spent


Exchanging emails with your tax professional

Did not use a tax



Other, please describe:



No time spent

Form 14404-B (Rev. 4-2019)

Catalog Number 68057J



Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service


Costs Associated with Resolving Your Post-Filing Issue
This survey is about your <> federal income tax return
The next questions ask about the costs associated with resolving your federal income tax return
post-filing issue.
Please include costs associated with:

Please do NOT include costs associated with:

Money you spent while actively working to
resolve your post-filing issue


Any tax, penalties, and interest related to your
post-filing issue


Filing any federal or state income tax returns not
required to resolve your <> post-filing issue

10. How much did you pay for the following products or services to resolve your
post-filing issue? ? If you’re not sure, please provide an estimate.

Paid tax preparation and advice



Include money paid to a tax professional to assist you in
resolving your post-filing issue.



No money spent
Did not use a tax

Postage, travel, and other related costs


Include money paid for:



Postage, envelopes, and other mail-related costs


Copy, faxing, or scanning of documents


Travel related to resolving your post-filing issue


Other products and services necessary to correct your post-filing issue


No money spent

Do NOT include costs of tax, penalties, and interest

Include money paid for:
Payment processing fees (e.g., a credit card convenience fee)


User fees (e.g., to set up an installment agreement or office
in compromise)


No money spent
Not applicable

Do NOT include costs of tax, penalties, and interest.



IRS processing and user fees

Other, please describe:




No money spent

Form 14404-B (Rev. 4-2019)

Catalog Number 68057J



Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service


Your Experience Resolving Your Post-Filing Issue
This survey is about your <> federal income tax return
11. When resolving your post-filing issue, how stressful was each of the following?
Not at all

A little



I did not
do this

A. Finding out what to do next
B. Finding out what would happen if
you didn't respond
C. Trying to understand IRS notices
D. Calling the IRS
E. Responding to the IRS in writing
F. Finding the tax information you
needed to resolve your post-filing
G. Finding out about payment options
H. Taking time off from your job
12. Overall, how stressful was your experience in resolving this post-filing issue?
Mark only one.
Not at all stressful
A little stressful
Somewhat stressful
Very stressful
13. The IRS now offers taxpayers the option of creating an online account. Which of the following
features would you find most useful?
Mark all that apply.
Personal profile that allows the IRS to send you information tailored to your tax filing situation
Ability to customize information on the IRS website that meets your interests
Access to prior-year tax returns
Online payment options
Access to tax payment history
Ability to upload supporting documentation when you file your return or respond to an IRS notice
Immediate error check when you file your taxes online
Other, please describe:

Form 14404-B (Rev. 4-2019)

Catalog Number 68057J



Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service


14. Please suggest how the IRS could improve taxpayer services or reduce the compliance burden of
resolving post-filing issues.

15. What was the most difficult part of resolving your post-filing issue?

Thank you for completing our survey.
Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice
Our authority for requesting information with this survey is 5 U.S.C. § 301, and 26 U.S.C.
§§ 7801, 7803, and 7805 and the Paperwork Reduction Act. The information you provide allows
the IRS to analyze the role of taxpayer burden in tax administration. This information is also
used to fulfil the IRS’ statutory obligations to the Office of Management and Budget and
Congress for information required by the Paperwork Reduction Act, and to provide tax policy
analysis support to the Office of Tax Analysis at the Department of the Treasury. This
information will also help us to better understand taxpayer needs and burden reduction
Data collected will be shared with IRS staff, but your responses will be used for research and
aggregate reporting purposes only and will not be used for other non-statistical or non-research
purposes such as direct enforcement activities. The information that you provide will be
protected as required by law. We estimate that it will take 15 minutes to complete this survey,
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering, and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
Providing the information is voluntary; not providing all or part of the information requested will
have no impact on you but may reduce our ability to address taxpayer concerns regarding
paperwork reduction.
We may not conduct or sponsor, and you are not required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a valid OMB control number The OMB number for this survey is
1545-2212. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection
of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: IRS, Special Services Section,
SE:W:CAR:MP:T:M:S, Room 6129, 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224

Form 14404-B (Rev. 4-2019)

Catalog Number 68057J



Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service

Web Survey Instructions
If you prefer, you can complete this survey on the web. Please follow the instructions
below. Web responses are processed more quickly, and you won’t receive follow-up


Go to the website.
Visit www.IRS-TCBSurvey.org to take the secure online survey.


Log in.
Use this PIN to access the survey: [PIN]

If you have any technical difficulties, including problems with the website, please
call 855-847-2874 or send an email to [email protected].

Instrucciones de la encuesta web
Si prefiere contestar la encuesta por Internet, puede hacerlo siguiendo las
instrucciones a continuación. Las respuestas en Internet se procesan más rápido y
ayudarán a asegurar que usted no reciba más comunicados.


Vaya a la página de Internet.
Para realizar la encuesta segura en línea visite: www.IRS-TCBSurvey.org


Ingrese a la encuesta.
Necesitará el siguiente PIN para acceder a la encuesta: [PIN]

Si tiene alguna dificultad técnica, incluyendo problemas con la página de
Internet, puede llamarnos al 855-847-2874 o enviarnos un correo electrónico a
[email protected].


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorHauser Lindsey
File Modified2019-08-28
File Created2019-08-15

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