Individual Taxpayer Burden Survey - English (1)

IRS Taxpayer Burden Surveys

Individual Taxpayer Burden Survey - English (1)

OMB: 1545-2212

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Welcome to the IRS
Individual Taxpayer Burden Survey


Thank you for taking the time to provide us feedback. This survey is about your


2022 federal income tax return. At any time, you can leave the survey and come
back to complete it. The survey will pick up from the last page you completed.
If you have questions about the survey, you can call 240-613-5023 or send an email
to [email protected]. You can find a Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) document and copy of the full survey in links below. These links will be
available throughout the survey.

Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice for Taxpayer Burden Model Data Collection
Our authority for requesting information with this survey is 5 U.S.C. § 301, and 26 U.S.C. 7801, 7803, and 7805 and the
Paperwork Reduction Act. The information you provide allows the IRS to analyze the role of taxpayer burden in tax
administration. This information is also used to fulfil the IRS’s statutory obligations to the Office of Management and Budget and
Congress for information required by the Paperwork Reduction Act, and to provide tax policy analysis support to the Office of Tax
Analysis at the Department of the Treasury. This information will also help us to better understand taxpayer needs and burden
reduction opportunities. Data collected will be shared with IRS staff, but your responses will be used for research and aggregate
reporting purposes only and will not be used for other non-statistical or non-research purposes such as direct enforcement
activities. The information that you provide will be protected as required by law. We estimate that it will take 15 to 20 minutes to
complete this survey, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the
data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Providing the information is voluntary; not providing all
or part of the information requested will have no impact on you but may reduce our ability to address taxpayer concerns
regarding paperwork reduction. We may not conduct or sponsor, and you are not required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this survey is 1545-2212. Send comments
regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden



to: IRS, Special Services Section, SE:W:CAR:MP:T:M:S, Room 6129, 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224.

General Questions About Your Taxes



At any time, you can leave the survey and come back to complete it. The survey will
pick up from the last page you completed.


General Questions About Your Taxes
The questions below ask about the ways in which you completed your 2022 federal
income tax return.
How did you complete your 2022 federal income tax return?
Select all that apply
I did it myself using paper forms

I used a tax preparation website, software, or mobile app (e.g. TurboTax, TaxAct,
or H&R Block At Home)
I had expert assistance from someone such as a paid preparer, a paid
professional (e.g., a bookkeeper, enrolled agent, accountant, or lawyer), an
employee of my business, or an unpaid volunteer

Why did you choose this method for completing your 2022 federal income tax
Select all that apply
Ease of use
Familiarity with method


To ensure that my tax return was completed accurately
To reduce the risk of audit




To receive all of the deductions, credits, and refunds for which I was qualified



The following questions ask about the records, including forms you may have
received from your employer or financial institutions, as well as tax-related
documents you may have kept in order to prepare your 2022 federal income tax
Whether or not you used them, which of the following types of information did
you keep for your 2022 federal income tax return?
Select all that apply

Prior year federal income tax returns, including your 2021 Form 1040 federal
income tax return
Documentation of non-business income
Such as W-2s, interest, dividends, sales of stock, royalties, rental income alimony
received, IRA distributions, pension distributions
Documentation of non-business income and expenses
Such as educator expenses, moving expenses, alimony paid, home mortgage
interest, property taxes, charitable contributions, casualty and theft losses,
unreimbursed employee expenses


Documentation of business income and expenses
Such as invoices, business bank account statements, partnership or S
corporation income, canceled checks, taxes and licenses, advertising costs,


Other tax-related items


Documentation of credits
Such as the earned income tax credit (EITC), child tax credit, child and dependent
care credit, education credit

Thinking about all of the records you kept for your 2022 federal income tax
return, did you also keep them for other reasons, such as business or
personal reasons?

Tax Planning

Tax Planning

The following section asks about any tax-related planning you may have done for
your 2022 federal income tax return. Tax planning includes any strategies taxpayers
use to reduce the taxes they owe, such as participating in a retirement account,
making charitable donations, or buying or selling assets. 
Whether or not you did them, did you consider the tax implications of any of
the following as part of your overall planning for your 2022 federal income tax
Select all that apply


Buying or selling real estate, including purchasing a home to deduct real estate
taxes and mortgage interest
Participating in or maintaining a retirement account such as a 401(k), any type of
IRA, or a pension plan


Investing in non-retirement tax-exempt or tax preferred investments or plans such
as tax free bonds or education savings programs
Buying or selling other investments such as stocks, bonds, or other securities


Buying or disposing of assets such as equipment or supplies for a business,
including any decisions made for section 179 accelerated depreciation expenses
Structuring your business, such as deciding whether to form a partnership, LLC,
or corporation
Making charitable contributions

Making energy efficient improvements to your home in order to claim an energy
tax credit
Taking college or other educational classes in order to claim the American
opportunity tax credit

None of the above

Completing Your Tax Return

Completing Your Tax Return
Which, if any, of the following resources did you use when completing your
2022 federal income tax return?
Select all that apply
IRS website
IRS toll free tax assistance line
IRS walk-in site
IRS2GO mobile app
TV, newspapers, or magazines


IRS tax forms or publications from a library or post office

Internet search engines
Social media or blogs
Seminars or classes


None of the above


Tax preparation website, software, or mobile app

Who (if anyone) helped you, however briefly, with your 2022 federal income
tax return?
Select all that apply
My spouse

Other family members or friends
Employee of my business

Tax professional (paid or volunteer)

No one helped me

Which of the following best describes how you used IRS tax form instructions
when completing your 2022 federal income tax return?
Read most or all instructions
Read instructions as needed


Did not read instructions

If you used a paid or volunteer tax professional, how did you work with them


when completing your 2022 federal income tax return?
Select all that apply
Did not use a paid or volunteer tax professional


Completed a tax questionnaire or worksheet for my paid or volunteer professional
Provided records to my paid or volunteer professional
Met with my paid or volunteer professional in person
Communicated with my paid or volunteer professional by telephone or email
Completed and reviewed my tax return with my paid or volunteer professional

If you used a tax preparation website, software, or mobile app to complete
your 2022 federal income tax return, which of the following best describes
your use of the program?
Did not use a tax preparation website, software, or mobile app

Followed the entire step-by-step computer-guided instructions
Only used the step-by-step computer-guided instructions to address specific tax
Directly entered information into the tax forms without using the step-by-step
computer-guided instructions

When preparing your 2022 federal income tax return, did you or your preparer
be typed or entered by hand?
Select all that apply


electronically import any of the following information so that it did not have to

Did not electronically import any information


Data from last year's tax preparation software

Data from an accounting software package, such as Quicken, MSN Money or


Data from my W-2s

Data from my 1098s, 1099s, Schedule K-1s, or other information returns
Data from my bank, brokerage, or other financial accounts
Don't know

Was there anything that made completing your 2022 federal income tax return
more difficult than you expected?

Please describe:

Time Spent of Tax-Related Activities

Time Spent on Tax-Related Activities


The next questions ask about the time you spent on activities related to the


completion of your 2022 federal income tax return.
Please include time spent:
Please do NOT include time spent:
On state or local income tax returns
On anyone else's federal income tax
Responding to IRS notices or
Amending your 2022 federal income
tax return
On partnerships (Form 1065),
corporations (Form 1120 or 1120S),
estates (Form 706), gifts (Form 709),
trusts (Form 1041), employment tax
(Form 940, 941, 943, 944, 945), or
excise tax (Form 720)


On your federal income tax return,
including Form 1040, as well as any
associated forms, schedules, and
worksheets that you completed or
Throughout the tax year as well as
the tax filing season
By your family, friends, or business
employees, however briefly
Traveling to places such as the
library, post office, or a tax preparer's

How much time did you spend on the following activities for your 2022 federal
income tax return?
If you’re not sure, please provide your best estimate. If you did not spend any time
on the activity, enter 0.








A. Recordkeeping
Include time spent throughout the tax year on
activities such as:
Keeping track of tax-related information,
such as records or receipts
Collecting and organizing your taxrelated records

Do not include time spent on non-tax-related
business or personal recordkeeping.


B. Tax Planning
Include time spent throughout the tax year on
activities such as:


Making a special effort to obtain records
or receipts


Calculating or changing withholding or
estimated payments
Researching strategies to reduce the
taxes you owe such as
making charitable donations,
participating in a retirement
account, or buying or selling

Working with a tax professional (paid or
volunteer) on tax planning
Doing business tax planning related to
your personal tax situation




C. Gathering or purchasing materials
Include time spent on activities such as:







Gathering IRS tax forms, instructions, or
Selecting, buying, and installing tax
preparation software or mobile app
Selecting a tax preparation website


D. Completing and submitting your tax
Include time spent on activities such as:


Selecting a tax professional (paid or

Reading instructions and related


Obtaining answers to questions about
your return

Completing and reviewing tax forms or
worksheets, whether or not they were

Working with a tax professional (paid or
volunteer) to complete your tax return
Assembling and submitting your tax

Checking the status of your electronic
Checking that status of your refund




You reported spending a total of 0 hours and 0 minutes on activities for your
2022 federal income tax return. Would you like to review your answers?
Yes, I'd like to review my answers
No, I'd like to continue to the next question

How much time did you spend on the following activities for your 2022 federal
income tax return?







C. Gathering or purchasing materials




D. Completing and submitting your tax







B. Tax Planning


A. Recordkeeping

Did you spend any time on any of the following before realizing you did not
need to report on them?
Select all that apply
Itemized deductions

Child Tax Credit or Additional Child Tax Credit
Earned Income Tax Credit

Education deductions or credits

Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled
Quarterly estimated taxes
Unreimbursed business expenses
Alternative Minimum Tax
Depreciation or amortization




Of the 0 hour(s) and 0 minute(s) you spent completing your tax return, how
much of it did you spend on these tax provisions before realizing you did not
need to report on them?
If you're not sure, please provide your best estimate.






Time spent


Of the 0 hour(s) and 0 minute(s) you spent completing your tax return, how
much of it did you spend on these tax provisions before realizing you did not
need to report on them?
If you're not sure, please provide your best estimate.
Time spent






Costs of Completing Your Tax Return

Costs of Completing Your Tax Return
The next questions ask about the costs associated with the completion of your 2022
federal income tax return.

Please include time spent:

Please do NOT include time spent:
On state or local income tax returns
On anyone else's federal income tax
Responding to IRS notices or
Amending your 2022 federal income
tax return
On partnerships (Form 1065),
corporations (Form 1120 or 1120S),
estates (Form 706), gifts (Form 709),
trusts (Form 1041), employment tax
(Form 940, 941, 943, 944, 945), or
excise tax (Form 720)



Associated with your federal income
tax return, including Form 1040, as
well as any associated forms,
schedules, and worksheets that you
completed or filed
Incurred throughout the tax year as
well as the tax filing season

How much did you pay for the following products or services to complete


your 2022 federal income tax return?
If you're not sure, please provide your best estimate. If you did not spend any time
on the activity, enter 0.
A. Paid preparer services

Include tax preparation or tax planning advice









Do not include any fees for an early or immediate tax refund

B. Tax preparation website or software

Include the purchase price as well as live advice fees
Do not include any fees for an early or immediate tax refund
Do not include any general purpose accounting software,
such as Quicken, MSN Money, or QuickBooks

C. Fees for an early or immediate tax refund
Include any fees paid for an early or immediate tax refund,
such as a refund anticipation loan, check, or rapid refund
D. Tax books, Classes, or seminars

E. Postage, filing fees, or travel costs
Include costs associated with submitting your return, such as
electronic fiing fees, fees charged for paying your taxes by
credit card, postage, faxes, courier fees, or any travel costs





Paid preparer services are often paid as one fee. We know it may be difficult to
separate the cost for your 2022 federal income tax return from additional services



paid preparer services?
Select all that apply


Were any of the following services included in the cost you reported under

Did not pay a fee to a paid preparer


Prepared forms for a partnership, corporation, estate, gift, trust, employment tax,
or excise tax
Electronic filing fees

Prepared state, local, or city tax return
Amended previous year tax returns

Responded to IRS notices or an audit
Audit protection costs
Don't know

None of the above

Tell US About You

Tell Us About You
For which state(s) did you file a 2022 state income tax return?

Compared to other taxpayers, how would you rate your knowledge, skills, and
abilities in completing your 2022 federal income tax return?
Better than most taxpayers


Not as good as most taxpayers


About the same as most taxpayers

What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
Less than a high school diploma


High school graduate or GED

Some college or some technical school

Associate's degree or professional certificate
Bachelor's degree

Master's or doctorate degree

Tax forms may be difficult, especially if English is not your primary language.
Do you feel that you had any language limitations that made completing your
2022 federal income tax return more difficult?

When completing your 2022 federal income tax return, how stressful was each
of the following?
Gathering your tax records (e.g., W-2s, expense records)
Not at all stressful
A little stressful
Somewhat stressful
Very stressful



I did not do this activity

Selecting or using a tax preparation software
Not at all stressful
A little stressful


Somewhat stressful
Very stressful

I did not do this activity

Selecting or working with a tax professional
Not at all stressful
A little stressful

Somewhat stressful
Very stressful

I did not do this activity

Understanding IRS forms, instructions, and publications
Not at all stressful
A little stressful
Somewhat stressful
Very stressful
I did not do this activity


Filing your return
A little stressful
Somewhat stressful
Very stressful


I did not do this activity


Not at all stressful

Wondering if your return will be audited
Not at all stressful
A little stressful

Somewhat stressful
Very stressful

I did not do this activity

The IRS is considering providing a Direct File service that allows taxpayers to
prepare and file their federal income tax returns for free directly with the IRS.
Would you consider using this service?

Not sure

What features would be most important to you when considering whether to



use a free IRS Direct File service?


Please tell us why you would not use this service.

Please share any suggestions you have for how the IRS could improve
taxpayer services or make it easier for you to file and pay your taxes.

You reported spending a total of 0 hours and 0 minutes on activities for your 2022
federal income tax return. Please click next to proceed.

You have finished the survey. 
Please click on the "Next" button on the bottom right to submit your survey. 
Once the survey is submitted, you will not be able to return to the survey.


English preview
Spanish preview

Technical Assistance 1.240.613.5023 or [email protected]




English: Form 14231 (OS) (Rev 03-2023), Catalog Number 71318R OMB No. 1545-2212 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service

Español: Form 14231 (SP)(OS) (Rev 03-2023), Catalog Number 71319C OMB No. 1545-2212 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service


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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2023-05-25
File Created2023-05-24

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