
Higher Education Act (HEA) Title II Report Cards on State Teacher Credentialing and Preparation

State REport Card (SRC) 2023 (003)(8-3-23)

State Report Card

OMB: 1840-0744

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Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended in 2008 by the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEA)

HEA Title II


OMB Control Number:1840-0744

State Report Card on the Quality of Teacher Preparation and State Initial Teacher Assessment and Credentialing

Office of Postsecondary Education

U.S. Department of Education


This reporting system is a mechanism by which states meet the reporting requirements on teacher preparation, certification, and licensing mandated by Title II of the Higher Education Act, as amended in 2008. The Office of Postsecondary Education is responsible for assisting states in fulfilling the requirements and for issuing the annual report to Congress.

Section 205 of Title II of the Higher Education Opportunity Act mandates that the Department of Education collect data on state assessments, other requirements, and standards for teacher certification and licensure, as well as data on the performance of teacher preparation programs. The law requires the Secretary to use these data in submitting an annual report on the quality of teacher preparation to the Congress. Annual state reports to the Secretary are due on [date]. Data from institutions with teacher preparation programs are due to states annually, for use by states in preparing annual report cards to the Secretary.

OMB Control Number:

Paperwork Burden Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1840-0744. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 146 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is mandatory Public Law 110-305, section 205, Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended in 2008, and the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015 (PL 113-235). If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, application or survey, please contact U.S. Department of Education, Freddie Cross, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20202, [email protected] or (202) 453-7224 directly.

General Guidance

Quick Reference Links

  • A Glossary of Key Terms used in the State Report Card is available below, and is referenced throughout the report.

Glossary of Key Terms:

Academic major
The actual major(s) declared by the program completer.

Academic year
TA period of 12 consecutive months, starting September 1 and ending August 31.

Adjunct Faculty Supervising Clinical Experience
Teacher preparation provider staff (whether teachers or other educational leaders) who are engaged with the teacher-candidates during their supervised clinical experience, in terms of spending time observing or supervising candidates or discussing the clinical experience with candidates or other teacher preparation program faculty.

Alternative route to a teaching credential
A teacher preparation pathway that primarily serves candidates that are the teacher of record in a classroom while participating in the route. Alternative routes to a teaching credential are defined as such by the state.

Cooperating Teachers/PreK-12 Staff Supervising Clinical Experience
PreK-12 staff who teach in the classrooms in which candidates are placed for clinical experiences, who are engaged with teacher-candidates during their supervised clinical experience, in terms of observing or supervising candidates or discussing the clinical experience with candidates or other teacher preparation program faculty.

Enrolled student
An individual who has been admitted, enrolled, and registered in a teacher preparation program and participated in the program during the academic year. Participation may include taking a course, participating in clinical experience, or participating in other program activities. Individuals who were enrolled and completed the program during the academic year are counted in the total count of enrolled students as well as in the subset of program completers (see “program completer”).

Faculty supervising clinical experience
All persons whom the institution regards as having faculty status, who were assigned by the teacher preparation program to provide supervision and evaluation of student teaching and who have an administrative link or relationship to the teacher preparation program.

Full-time equivalent faculty
Each faculty member who is employed full-time by the IHE counts as 1. Each faculty member who is employed part-time by the IHE is counted in proportion with the amount of time the individual is employed (for example, a faculty member who is employed half-time is counted as .5).

Individualized education program team
The term `individualized education program team' or `IEP Team' means a group of individuals composed of the parents of a child with a disability; not less than one regular education teacher of such child (if the child is, or may be, participating in the regular education environment); not less than one special education teacher, or where appropriate, not less than one special education provider of such child; a representative of the local educational agency who is qualified to provide, or supervise the provision of, specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities; is knowledgeable about the general education curriculum; and is knowledgeable about the availability of resources of the local educational agency; an individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results, who may be a member of the team described above; at the discretion of the parent or the agency, other individuals who have knowledge or special expertise regarding the child, including related services personnel as appropriate; and whenever appropriate, the child with a disability.

IPEDS is the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. It is a system of interrelated surveys conducted annually by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). IPEDS gathers information from every college, university, and technical and vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs. Users who do not know their IPEDS ID may search for their institution at Teacher preparation providers that are not based in a college, university, or technical or vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs may not have an IPEDS ID, and can indicate that in the available text box.

Nonclinical coursework
Any course in the teacher preparation program curriculum that focuses on content, such as academic subject matter, and does not require students to participate in the activities of supervised clinical experience as described in the glossary definition may be counted as nonclinical coursework. The curriculum policies of each state and its institutions will identify coursework that is nonclinical or clinical. See supervised clinical experience.

Pass rate
The percentage of students who passed assessment(s) taken for an initial teaching credential in the field of preparation.

  • Single assessment pass rate: The percentage of students who passed the assessment among all who took the assessment.

  • Summary pass rate: The percentage of students who passed all tests they took for their area of specialization among those who took one or more tests in their specialization areas.

Program completer
A person who has met all the requirements of a state-approved teacher preparation program. Program completers include all those who are documented as having met such requirements. Documentation may take the form of a degree, institutional certificate, program credential, transcript or other written proof of having met the program’s requirements. In applying this definition, the fact that an individual has or has not been recommended to the state for an initial teaching credential may not be used as a criterion for determining who is a program completer.

Quantifiable goal
A quantifiable goal is a clear, specific milestone by which programs can measure progress towards increasing the number of prospective teachers in shortage areas. A specific, quantifiable goal must include a measurable value. For example, instead of “increase program enrollment,” which is not a specific, quantifiable goal, a program could set a goal to “increase program enrollment by five participants.”

Scaled score
A scaled score is a conversion of a student's raw score on a test or a version of the test to a common scale that allows for a numerical comparison between students. Because most major testing programs use multiple versions of a test, the scale is used to control slight variations from one version of a test to the next. Scaled scores are particularly useful for comparing test scores over time, such as measuring semester-to-semester and year-to-year growth of individual students or groups of students in a content area. However, within the same test, different content areas are typically on different scales, so a scaled score of 24 in Mathematics may not mean the same as a scaled score of 24 in Reading.

Supervised clinical experience
A series of supervised field experiences (including student teaching) with PK-12 students that occur as a sequenced, integral part of the preparation program prior to the candidate becoming the teacher of record. Please note that Title II, Section 202(d)(2) describes features of clinical experience. Courses in the curriculum that include the activities described in 202(d)(2) may be considered clinical coursework. The curriculum policies of each state and its institutions will identify coursework that is clinical and nonclinical.

Teacher credential assessment
A test or other structured method that measures the qualifications of prospective teachers, has a pass-fail outcome, and is used by the state for teacher credentialing.

Teacher preparation program
A program, whether traditional or alternative, offered by a teacher preparation provider that leads to a specific state teacher credential in a specific field.

Teacher preparation provider
An IHE or other organization that is authorized by the state to prepare teachers.

Universal design for learning
A scientifically valid framework for guiding educational practice that provides flexibility in the ways information is presented, in the ways students respond or demonstrate knowledge and skills, and in the ways students are engaged; and reduces barriers in instruction, provides appropriate accommodations, supports, and challenges, and maintains high achievement expectations for all students, including students with disabilities and students who are limited English proficient.

Contact Information

Key Terms: academic year

Title: ______________________________Name: ___________________________________

Job Title: ___________________________ Agency: ________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

State: _______________________

Telephone no.: ( ) __________ - __________ Fax no.: ( ) __________ - __________

Email: ___________________________________________________________________

Website: ________________________________________________________

Academic year: _______________________



Instructions: Please use this space to provide any additional information that provides context for the data included in this report card. You may also attach information to this report card.

Links to Related Web Sites

You may add links to related web sites to be included with your report card. Be sure to include the entire URL, beginning with the 'http://' or 'https://'. Add links in the order that you'd like them to appear.

Link Text


Section I: Program Information

List of Programs

Instructions: List each teacher preparation provider and program for an initial teaching credential offered in your state below and indicate whether it is offered at the Undergraduate level (UG), Postgraduate level (PG), or both. Indicate any at-risk or low-performing programs. (§205(b)(1)(H)), (§207(a))

Key Terms: teacher preparation program, teacher preparation provider

Note: This section is preloaded from Institution and Program Report Card (IPRC) data. States will indicate whether programs are classified as at-risk or low-performing, and if so, the date designated as such.

Totals (automatically calculated in the reporting system)

Program Type

Number of Providers

Number of Programs


Alternative, IHE-based

Alternative, not IHE-based

Teacher Preparation Provider Name and Type: ___________________ IPEDs ID, if applicable_________

CIP Code

Teacher Preparation Programs*

UG, PG, or Both

Indicate whether the program is classified as at-risk or low-performing, and if so, the date designated as such.

ex. 13.121

ex. Early Childhood Education

ex. PG

At risk ___

Low performing ___

If applicable, date designated ______________

ex. 13.1202

ex. Elementary Education

ex. Both

At risk ___

Low performing ___

If applicable, date designated ______________

ex. 13.1305

ex. Teacher Education - English/Language Arts

ex. UG

At risk ___

Low performing ___

If applicable, date designated ______________

*Teacher preparation program categories include: Special Education; Early Childhood Education; Elementary Education; Teacher Education – Agriculture; Teacher Education – Art; Teacher Education – Business; Teacher Education – English/Language Arts; Teacher Education – Foreign Language; Teacher Education – Health; Teacher Education – Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics; Teacher Education – Technology/Industrial Arts, Trade and Industrial; Teacher Education – Mathematics; Teacher Education – Music; Teacher Education – Physical Education and Coaching; Teacher Education – Reading; Teacher Education –General Science; Teacher Education – Biology; Teacher Education – Chemistry; Teacher Education – Physics; Teacher Education – Earth Science; Teacher Education – Social Studies and Social Sciences; Teacher Education – Computer Science; Teacher Education – Drama and Dance; Teacher Education – History; Teacher Education – Speech; Teacher Education – English as a Second Language; Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching, General Education (alternative programs/programs providing pedagogy only); and Other.

Total number of teacher preparation programs:

Entry/Exit and GPA Requirements

Instructions: For each teacher preparation provider, check the elements required for admission (entry) into and completion (exit) from the program. (§205(b)(1)(G)(i))

Note: This section is preloaded from Institution and Program Report Card (IPRC) data.

Teacher Preparation Provider Name and Type: ___________________ IPEDs ID, if applicable_________

Are there initial teacher certification programs at the undergraduate level?: ______________________________________





Fingerprint check

Background check

Minimum number of courses/credits/semester hours completed

Minimum GPA

Minimum GPA in content area coursework

Minimum GPA in professional education coursework

Minimum ACT score

Minimum SAT score

Minimum basic skills test score

Subject area/academic content test or other subject matter verification


Essay or personal statement


Other (Specify:______)

GPA Requirements

For each [program type] program listed below, enter the minimum GPA required for admission into the teacher preparation program, and the minimum GPA required to complete the program. If no programs are listed, you do not have any [program type] programs at the [program level] and no additional action is required.

Include all teaching credentials including initial, emergency, temporary, provisional, permanent, professional and master teacher licenses as well as any credentials given specifically to those participating in or completing alternative routes to certification or licensure. Do not include credentials for principals, administrators, social workers, guidance counselors, speech/language pathologists or any other school support personnel. (§205(b)(1)(A))


Is Minimum GPA Required for Admission?

Minimum GPA Required for Admission

Is Minimum GPA Required for Completion?

Minimum GPA Required for Completion

Supervised Clinical Experience

Instructions: Provide the following information about supervised clinical experience for each teacher preparation provider, as applicable. (§205(b)(1)(G)(iii), §205(b)(1)(G)(iv))

Key Terms: full-time equivalent faculty, faculty supervising clinical experience, adjunct faculty supervising clinical experience, cooperating teachers/preK-12 staff supervising clinical experience, supervised clinical experience

Note: This section is preloaded from Institution and Program Report Card (IPRC) data.


Programs with student teaching models (most traditional programs)

Programs in which candidates are the teacher of record in a classroom during the program (many alternative programs)

All Programs

Number of clock hours of supervised clinical experience required prior to student teaching

Number of clock hours required for student teaching

Number of clock hours of supervised clinical experience required prior to teaching as the teacher of record in a classroom

Years required of teaching as the teacher of record in a classroom

Number of full-time equivalent faculty supervising clinical experience during this academic year (IHE staff)

Number of adjunct faculty supervising clinical experience during this academic year (IHE staff)

Number of cooperating teachers/K-12 staff supervising clinical experience during this academic year

Number of students in supervised clinical experience during this academic year

Enrollment and Program Completers

Instructions: In each of the following categories, provide the total number of individuals enrolled in teacher preparation programs for an initial teaching credential and the subset of individuals enrolled who also completed the program during the academic year. (§205(b)(1)(G)(ii))

Key Terms: enrolled student, program completer

Note: This section is preloaded from Institution and Program Report Card (IPRC) data.

Total State Enrollment

Total enrolled

Subset of program completers

Total Enrollment by Program


Total enrolled

Subset of program completers

Total State Completion Rate

Total percentage of students who finish their program within the normal expected completion time (completion rate)

Total Completion Rate by Program


Total percentage of students who finish their program within the normal expected completion time (completion rate)

Enrollment: Gender

Instructions: In each of the following categories, provide the total number of individuals enrolled in teacher preparation programs for an initial teaching credential and the subset of individuals enrolled who also completed the program during the academic year. (§205(b)(1)(G)(ii))

Key Terms: enrolled student, program completer

Note: This section is preloaded from Institution and Program Report Card (IPRC) data.

Teacher Preparation Provider Name: ___________________


Total Enrolled

Subset of Program Completers




No Gender Reported


Enrollment: Race/Ethnicity

Instructions: In each of the following categories, provide the total number of individuals enrolled in teacher preparation programs for an initial teaching credential and the subset of individuals enrolled who also completed the program during the academic year. (§205(b)(1)(G)(ii))

Key Terms: enrolled student, program completer

Note: This section is preloaded from Institution and Program Report Card (IPRC) data.

Teacher Preparation Provider Name: ___________________


Total Enrolled

Subset of Program Completers

American Indian or Alaska Native


Black or African American

Hispanic/Latino of any race

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Two or more races

No Race/Ethnicity Reported


Teachers Prepared by Area of Credential

Instructions: Provide the number of program completers by area of credential for each teacher preparation provider. (§205(b)(1)(H)(i))

Note: States enter the data in this section of the report each year. Please select Update to confirm.

Teacher Preparation Provider Name: ___________________

Area of credential

Number prepared

Teachers Prepared by Subject Area

Instructions: Provide the number of program completers by subject area for each teacher preparation provider. “Subject area" refers to the subject area category in which the program completer is prepared to teach. An individual can be counted in more than one subject area. If no individuals were prepared in a particular subject area, please leave that cell blank. (§205(b)(1)(H)(iii))

Key Terms: academic major

Note: This section is preloaded from Institution and Program Report Card (IPRC) data.

Teacher Preparation Provider Name: ___________________

CIP Code

Subject Area

Number prepared

Special Education

Early Childhood Education

Elementary Education

Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching

Teacher Education - Agriculture

Teacher Education - Art

Teacher Education - Business

Teacher Education - English/Language Arts

Teacher Education - Foreign Language

Teacher Education - Health

Teacher Education - Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics

Teacher Education - Technology/Industrial Arts, Trade and Industrial

Teacher Education - Mathematics

Teacher Education - Music

Teacher Education - Physical Education and Coaching

Teacher Education - Reading

Teacher Education – General Science

Teacher Education – Biology

Teacher Education – Chemistry

Teacher Education – Physics

Teacher Education – Earth Science

Teacher Education - Social Studies and Social Sciences

Teacher Education - Computer Science

Teacher Education - Drama and Dance

Teacher Education - History

Teacher Education - Speech

Teacher Education - English as a Second Language

Education - Other (Specify:______)

Teachers Prepared by Academic Major

Instructions: Provide the number of program completers by academic major. “Academic major" refers to the actual major(s) declared by the program completer. An individual can be counted in more than one academic major. If no individuals were prepared in a particular academic major, please leave that cell blank. (§205(b)(1)(H)(ii))

Key Terms: academic major

Note: This section is preloaded from Institution and Program Report Card (IPRC) data.

Teacher Preparation Provider Name: ___________________

Academic major (education majors)

Number prepared

Special Education

Early Childhood Education

Elementary Education

Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching

Teacher Education - Agriculture

Teacher Education - Art

Teacher Education - Business

Teacher Education - English/Language Arts

Teacher Education - Foreign Language

Teacher Education - Health

Teacher Education - Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics

Teacher Education - Technology/Industrial Arts, Trade and Industrial

Teacher Education - Mathematics

Teacher Education - Music

Teacher Education - Physical Education and Coaching

Teacher Education - Reading

Teacher Education – General Science

Teacher Education – Biology

Teacher Education – Chemistry

Teacher Education – Physics

Teacher Education – Earth Science

Teacher Education - Social Studies and Social Sciences

Teacher Education - Computer Science

Teacher Education - Drama and Dance

Teacher Education - History

Teacher Education - Speech

Teacher Education - English as a Second Language

Education - Other (Specify:______)

Academic major (non-education majors)

Number prepared

Liberal Arts/Humanities


Social Sciences

Natural Resources and Conservation

Area, Ethnic, Cultural, and Gender Studies

Personal and Culinary Services

Technology Education/Industrial Arts

Legal Professions and Studies

Visual and Performing Arts


Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics

Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences

English Language/Literature

Philosophy and Religious Studies


Communication or Journalism


Biological and Biomedical Sciences

Mathematics and Statistics

Physical Sciences


Computer and Information Sciences

Philosophy and Religious Studies

Library Science

Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies

Science Technologies/Technicians

Public Administration and Social Service Professions

Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences

Mechanic and Repair Technologies


Other (Specify: ______________)_______________________

Program Assurances

Instructions: For each teacher preparation provider, respond to the following assurances. Note: Teacher preparation programs should be prepared to provide documentation and evidence, when requested, to support the following assurances. (§205(a)(1)(A)(iii), §206(b))

Note: This section is preloaded from Institution and Program Report Card (IPRC) data.

Teacher preparation provider name

Program preparation responds to the identified needs of the local educational agencies or States where the program completers are likely to teach, based on past hiring and recruitment trends.

Preparation is closely linked with the needs of schools and the instructional decisions new teachers face in the classroom.

Prospective special education teachers are prepared in core academic subjects and to instruct in core academic subjects.

Prospective general education teachers are prepared to provide instruction to students with disabilities.

Prospective general education teachers are prepared to provide instruction to limited English proficient students.

Prospective general education teachers are prepared to provide instruction to students from low-income families.

Prospective teachers are prepared to effectively teach in urban and rural schools, as applicable.


















































Describe your institution's most successful strategies in meeting the assurances listed above:

Section II: Program Performance

Instructions: Each state must conduct an assessment to identify low-performing teacher preparation programs, and must provide an annual list of low-performing programs and those at risk of being low performing (these programs are to be identified in Section I. List of Programs.) States are also required to describe the assessment to identify low-performing programs. In this section, describe the state criteria for assessing the performance of teacher preparation programs in the state. Include indicators of academic content knowledge and teaching skills of prospective teachers enrolled in such programs. (§205(b)(1)(F), §207(a))

Note: This section is preloaded from the state’s prior year State Report Card.

  1. Check each criterion your state uses to assess the performance of teacher preparation programs. Check all that apply.

Accreditation or State Review Rating

Pass rates on state assessments required for a teaching credential

Other indicators of program participants’ academic content knowledge

Indicators of program participants’ teaching skills (such as clinical practice evaluations)

Increasing professional development opportunities for teachers

Improving K-12 student academic achievement

Raising the standards for entry into the teaching profession

Other criteria. (If yes, describe_______________)

  1. Check each criterion your state uses to identify at-risk or low-performing teacher preparation programs, and provide applicable benchmarks or measures. Check all that apply.

If the state uses accreditation or state review ratings as a criterion, the state should only select other criteria if the state uses those criteria in addition to the accreditation or state review rating, and not to indicate those criteria are used within the accreditation or state review process.

Accreditation or State Review Rating

Provide the rating that results in an “at risk” designation: ex. Accreditation with Stipulations

Provide the rating that results in a “low-performing” designation: ex. Probation

Pass rates on state assessments required for a teaching credential

Provide the pass rate benchmark that results in an “at risk” designation: ex. Below 80%

Provide the pass rate benchmark that results in a “low-performing” designation: ex. Below 70%

Other indicators of program participants’ academic content knowledge

Provide the measures used: ex. GPA in content area coursework

Benchmark/data ex. Average GPA of 3.0

Indicators of program participants’ teaching skills (such as clinical practice evaluations)

Provide the measure used: ex. Student teaching evaluation scores.

Benchmark/data ex. Average score of 3/5

Increasing professional development opportunities for teachers

Provide the measure used: ex. Number of PD courses offered.

Benchmark/data ex. 5 courses

Improving K-12 student academic achievement

Provide the measure used: ex. Student growth on assessments

Benchmark/data ex. Average gain of 30 points

Raising the standards for entry into the teaching profession

Provide the measures used: ex. Required minimum GPA

Benchmark/data ex. Minimum GPA of 3.0

Other criteria? If yes, describe: _____________________________________

Section III: Teaching Credentials

Teachers Credentialed

Instructions: Provide the total number of persons receiving an initial teaching credential in the state, and the subset of those who completed their teacher preparation programs in another state. (§205(b)(1)(H))

Note: States enter the data in this section of the report each year.

Total number of persons receiving an initial teaching credential in the state

Subset of persons receiving an initial teaching credential in the state who completed their teacher preparation program in another state

Credential Requirements

Instructions: List each teaching credential (certificate, license, or other) currently issued by the state and answer the questions about each. Include all teaching credentials including initial, emergency, temporary, provisional, permanent, professional and master teacher licenses as well as any credentials given specifically to those participating in or completing alternative route programs. Do not include credentials for principals, administrators, social workers, guidance counselors, speech/language pathologists or any other school support personnel. Note that this section is intended to capture the types of credentials offered in each state, and not the subject areas of the credentials. (§205(b)(1)(B))

  1. Credential name:

  2. Is this an initial credential?

  3. Is this an emergency, temporary or provisional credential?

  4. Is this credential given only to alternative routes to teacher certification participants or completers?

  5. Is this credential given only to career/technical education teachers?

  6. Is this a permanent credential?

  7. Duration of credential (in years):

  8. Is this credential renewable? If yes:

    1. How many times?

    2. Renewal duration (in years)

    3. Renewal requirements: ­­­­­­­­­­­___________

  9. Is a bachelor’s degree required?

  10. Is a master’s degree or higher required?

  11. Is a bachelor’s degree in education required?

  12. Is this certificate granted at the elementary level? If yes:

    1. What is the grade span covered by this credential?

    2. Is a bachelor’s degree in a subject area or academic content area (other than elementary education) required?

  13. Is this credential granted at the middle school level? If yes:

    1. What is the grade span covered by this credential?

    2. Is a bachelor’s degree in a subject area or academic content area required?

  14. Is this credential granted at the secondary level? If yes:

    1. What is the grade span covered by this credential?

    2. Is a bachelor’s degree in a subject area or academic content area required?

  15. Will transcript analysis (for degrees from non-U.S. postsecondary institutions) be accepted?

  16. Is completion of a state-approved teacher education program required?

  17. Is there a credit hour requirement for pedagogy, professional knowledge and/or professional education coursework?

  18. Is there a grade point average (GPA) requirement for general and/or professional education coursework?

  19. Are tests or assessments required?

  20. Are performance assessment (such as portfolios) required?

  21. Is there a recency of credit requirement?

  22. Are passing state prescribed coursework and/or written assignments required?

  23. Is professional employment as a teacher required?

  24. Is passing National Board of Professional Teaching Standards required?

  25. Is completion of a supervised clinical experience required?

  26. Is participation in a mentoring program required?

  27. Is fingerprinting required?

  28. Is a background check required?

  29. Is a police record examination required?

  30. Are there any other requirements?

If yes, please describe: _____________________________________

Section IV: Standards and Criteria

Instructions: Complete the following questions regarding teacher standards and criteria for an initial teaching credential in your state. §205(b)(1)(B), §205(b)(1)(C))

Note: This section is preloaded from the state’s prior year State Report Card.

  1. Has the state developed standards that prospective teachers must meet in order to attain an initial teacher credential?

  2. Is there a unique, overarching set of teacher standards that currently applies to all teaching fields and grade levels?

  3. Are there distinct state teacher standards for early childhood education (birth through age 6)?

  4. Are there distinct state teacher standards for early elementary education (grades K-3)?

  5. Are there distinct state teacher standards for upper elementary education (grades 4-6)?

  6. Are there distinct state teacher standards for middle grades education?

  7. Are there distinct state teacher standards for secondary education?

  8. Were the standards of any national organizations used, modified or referenced in the development of the state teacher standards? If yes, check all that apply.

INTASC______ NCATE______ CAEP______ NNPTS______

Specialized Professional Associations (SPAs)_____ Other _____ (describe________________)

  1. Specify where there are state teacher standards for the following specific teaching fields and grade levels. (Add any additional teaching fields in your state at the bottom of the list.)

Teaching field

All levels

Grade-Specific Standards

Early childhood

Grades K-3

Grades 4-6

Middle grades

Secondary grades


Bilingual education, ESL



English/language arts

Foreign languages





Social studies

Special education

Technology in teaching

Vocational/technical education

Other (Specify:__________)

  1. Provide a description of the reliability and validity of the teacher certification and licensure assessments, and any other state certification and licensure requirements.


  1. Describe how the assessments and requirements described above aligned with the State’s challenging academic content standards required under section 1111(b)(1) of ESEA, and, as applicable, early learning standards for early childhood education programs.


Section V: Assessment information, pass rates, and scaled scores

Assessment Information

Note: If the information looks accurate, please mark the page as complete and save.

Program type

Assessment code


Test Company

Low Score

High Score

Cut Score

Assessment Pass Rates

Note: If the information looks accurate, please mark the page as complete and save.


Assessment code – Assessment name


Number taking tests

scaled score

Number passing tests

Pass rate

State average pass rate (%)

State average scaled score

All enrolled students who have completed all nonclinical coursework



Other enrolled students




All program completers (current year)




All program completers (prior year)




All program completers (second prior year)




Summary Pass Rates

Note: If the information looks accurate, please mark the page as complete and save.



Number taking tests

Number passing tests

Pass rate (%)

State average pass rate (%)

All program completers (current year)



All program completers (prior year)



All program completers (second prior year)



Section VI: Alternative Routes

Instructions: For all state-approved alternative routes to a teaching credential, including any such routes operated by entities that are not IHEs, list each alternative route and answer the questions about each route. (§205(b)(1)(E))

Key Terms: alternative route to a teaching credential

Note: This section is preloaded from the state’s prior year State Report Card.

  1. Alternative route name:

  2. Is this alternative route limited to teaching certain subject areas or grade levels? If yes, please specify.

  3. Is this alternative route designed to address critical shortage areas? If yes, please specify.

  4. Maximum number of years allowed to complete alternative route program:

  5. Is a teaching license issued to an individual participating in this route? If yes, please specify.

  6. Is a bachelor’s degree required?

Yes, a bachelor’s degree is required for entry into the alternative route.

Yes, a bachelor’s degree is required for alternative route completion.

No bachelor’s degree is required for the alternative route.

    1. If yes, is a bachelor’s degree in a subject area required?



Not applicable

  1. Are pedagogy or professional knowledge classes required?

  2. Is there a credit hour requirement for general and/or professional education coursework?

  3. Is there a grade point average (GPA) requirement for general and/or professional education coursework?

  4. Are tests or assessments required?

  5. Is professional employment as a teacher required during completion of the alternative route?

  6. Is completion of a supervised clinical experience required? If yes, please describe.

  7. Is professional development or continuing education experience required?

  8. Is participation in a mentoring program required?

  9. Is there a service requirement upon completion of this alternative route? If yes, please specify:

    1. Teaching in a high-needs school? If yes, how many years?

    2. Teaching in a critical shortage area? If yes, how many years?

  10. Who administers the alternative route?


Institution of higher education


Non-profit or private organization

Other (Specify:____________)

If the alternative route is administered by institutions of higher education, select the institutions offering this alternative route.

  1. Are there any other requirements? If yes, please specify.

  2. Website:___________________________

Section VII: Teacher Shortages and Teacher Preparation

Instructions: Answer the following questions about teacher shortages, preparation of teachers to teach students with disabilities, and preparation of teachers to teach students who are limited English proficient. (§205(b)(1)(I), §205(b)(1)(J), §205(b)(1)(L)).

Does your state have a shortage of teachers who meet the applicable state certification and licensure requirements, in any subject or grade level?



If your state has a shortage of teachers who meet the applicable state certification and licensure requirements, check the boxes indicating for which subject areas and grade levels there are shortages. Check all that apply.

Early childhood education (birth through age 6)

Elementary grades (K-6)

Middle grades

Secondary grades

English/Language Arts/Reading


General Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, or Computer Science

Social Studies/Social Sciences

Foreign Language

English as a Second Language

Special Education

Other - Specify

If your state has a shortage of teachers who meet the applicable state certification and licensure requirements, check the boxes indicating the activities in which your state is engaging to reduce the shortage of teachers. Check all that apply.

Changing standards for state approval of teacher preparation programs

Changing state standards for teacher preparation programs’ admission (entry) requirements

Changing state standards for teacher preparation programs’ completion (exit) requirements

Changing state standards for student teaching or other supervised clinical experience

Changing state standards for initial teacher certification or licensure

Changing state standards for employment as a teacher

Creating new pathways into the teaching profession (e.g., alternative teacher preparation programs)

Increasing teacher recruitment efforts

Recruiting teachers from other states

Recruiting teachers from other countries (outside the United States)

Increasing teacher pay

Implementing financial incentives other than higher pay (e.g., scholarships/grants for teacher preparation students or student loan forgiveness)

Other [Please describe]

Check the boxes indicating how teacher preparation programs in your state prepare teachers, including general and special education teachers, to teach students with disabilities effectively. Check all that apply.

Following state standards for preparing teachers to teach students with disabilities

Providing instruction or coursework about teaching students with disabilities

Providing clinical experience teaching students with disabilities

Providing training related to participation as a member of individualized education program teams

Assessing teacher preparation students’ performance in teaching students with disabilities

Other [Please describe]

Check the boxes indicating how teacher preparation programs in your state prepare teachers, including general and special education teachers, to effectively teach students who are limited English proficient. Check all that apply.

Following state standards for preparing teachers to teach students who are limited English proficient

Providing instruction or coursework about teaching students who are limited English proficient

Providing clinical experience teaching students who are limited English proficient

Assessing teacher preparation students’ performance in teaching students who are limited English proficient

Other [Please describe]

Links to Related Web Sites

You may add links to related web sites to be included with your report card. Be sure to include the entire URL, beginning with the 'http://' or 'https://'. Add links in the order that you'd like them to appear.

Link Text


Section VIII: Technology

Instructions: Answer the following questions regarding how teacher preparation programs in your state use technology. (§205(b)(1)(K))

Key Terms: universal design for learning

Note: This section is preloaded from the state’s prior year State Report Card.

Provide a description of the activities that prepare teachers to integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction, including activities consistent with the principles of universal design for learning; and use technology effectively to collect, manage, and analyze data to improve teaching and learning for the purpose of increasing student academic achievement. Include planning activities and timelines if these activities are not currently in place. Include both traditional programs and alternative routes to teacher certification or licensure, as applicable. (§205(b)(1)(K))


Links to Related Web Sites

You may add links to related web sites to be included with your report card. Be sure to include the entire URL, beginning with the 'http://' or 'https://'. Add links in the order that you'd like them to appear.

Link Text


Section IX: Improvement Efforts

Instructions: Describe your state’s efforts to improve the quality of the current and future teaching force. (§205(d)(2)(A))

Note: This section is preloaded from the state’s prior year State Report Card.

Check the activities and initiatives in which the state is engaging to improve the quality of the current and future teaching force. Check all that apply.

Implementing or strengthening educator standards

Implementing or strengthening teacher preparation program review and/or continuous improvement processes

Implementing or strengthening career ladders for educators

Implementing or strengthening educator recruitment efforts

Implementing or strengthening professional development opportunities and/or requirements

Providing technical assistance to teacher preparation programs

Creating collaborative networks for educators

Streamlining educator certification processes

Strengthening educator evaluation processes

Offering grant programs related to improving the teaching force


For any box checked above, describe the steps taken by the state to improve the quality of the current and future teaching force.


Check the activities and initiatives in which the state is engaging to improve the quality of teacher preparation programs that are low-performing or at risk of being low-performing. Check all that apply.

Tracking changes in performance of low-performing or at-risk programs over time

Providing technical assistance to low-performing or at-risk programs

Increasing funding for low-performing or at-risk programs

Implementing incentives for improvements in performance or for performance that meets certain standards

Implementing penalties for low performance


Shape6 For any box checked above, describe the steps taken by the state to improve the quality of the current and future teaching force.

Links to Related Web Sites

You may add links to related web sites to be included with your report card. Be sure to include the entire URL, beginning with the 'http://' or 'https://'. Add links in the order that you'd like them to appear.

Link Text


Section X: COVID-19

Instructions: Your state may have changed its teacher preparation and licensure policies because of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Below, we ask which policy changes your state made in academic years 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22. For each question, check only the changes that your state made in the specified year.

With regard to teacher preparation and licensure, what policy changes did your state make because of the COVID-19 pandemic in academic year 2019-20? Check all that apply and provide details in the open text boxes. List additional changes under the “Other” option.

Changed standards for state approval of teacher preparation programs [Please describe]

Changed state standards for teacher preparation programs’ admission (entry) requirements [Please describe]

Changed state standards for teacher preparation programs’ completion (exit) requirements [Please describe]

Changed state standards for student teaching or other supervised clinical experience [Please describe]

Allowed assessments for a teaching credential to be taken at home [Please describe]

Changed state standards for initial teacher certification or licensure [Please describe]

Changed state standards for employment as a teacher [Please describe]

Other [Please describe]

With regard to teacher preparation and licensure, what policy changes did your state make because of the COVID-19 pandemic in academic year 2020-21? Check all that apply and provide details in the open text boxes. List additional changes under the “Other” option.

Changed standards for state approval of teacher preparation programs [Please describe]

Changed state standards for teacher preparation programs’ admission (entry) requirements [Please describe]

Changed state standards for teacher preparation programs’ completion (exit) requirements [Please describe]

Changed state standards for student teaching or other supervised clinical experience [Please describe]

Allowed assessments for a teaching credential to be taken at home [Please describe]

Changed state standards for initial teacher certification or licensure [Please describe]

Changed state standards for employment as a teacher [Please describe]

Reversed changes that had been made because of COVID-19 [Please describe]

Other [Please describe]

With regard to teacher preparation and licensure, what policy changes did your state make because of the COVID-19 pandemic in academic year 2021-22? Check all that apply and provide details in the open text boxes. List additional changes under the “Other” option.

Changed standards for state approval of teacher preparation programs [Please describe]

Changed state standards for teacher preparation programs’ admission (entry) requirements [Please describe]

Changed state standards for teacher preparation programs’ completion (exit) requirements [Please describe]

Changed state standards for student teaching or other supervised clinical experience [Please describe]

Allowed assessments for a teaching credential to be taken at home [Please describe]

Changed state standards for initial teacher certification or licensure [Please describe]

Changed state standards for employment as a teacher [Please describe]

Reversed changes that had been made because of COVID-19 [Please describe]

Other [Please describe]

Section XI: Supplemental Information

Note: This section is preloaded from the state’s prior year State Report Card.


Instructions: Please use this space to provide any supplemental information.


Supporting Files

You may upload files to be included with your report card. You should only upload PDF or Microsoft Word or Excel files. These files will be listed as links in your report card. Upload files in the order that you'd like them to appear.

You may not upload any file larger than 4 MB. Please put any large files on your program's web server and provide links to them in Links to Related Web Sites below.

Link Text

Links to Related Web Sites

You may add links to related web sites to be included with your report card. Be sure to include the entire URL, beginning with the 'http://' or 'https://'. Add links in the order that you'd like them to appear.

Link Text


Report Card Certification

Please make sure your entire report card is complete and accurate before completing this section. Once your report card is certified you will not be able to edit your data.

Certification of submission

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information in this report, including information about low performing teacher preparation programs and programs at risk of being low performing, is accurate and complete and conforms to the definitions and instructions used in the Higher Education Opportunity Act, Title II: Reporting Reference and User Manual.

_____________________________ Name of responsible representative for the state

_____________________________ Title

Certification of review of submission

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information in this report, including information about low performing teacher preparation programs and programs at risk of being low performing, is accurate and complete and conforms to the definitions and instructions used in the Higher Education Opportunity Act, Title II: Reporting Reference and User Manual.

______________________________ Name of reviewer

______________________________ Title

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorHinz, Serena
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-08-18

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