5100-127 Operating and Financial Summary (Sample web form)

Airports Grants Program


Airports Grants Program - Financial Management

OMB: 2120-0569

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, (CATS) Operating and Financial Summary Report 127 Ver: 2019.10.2

(CATS) Operating and Financial Summary Report 127

EXPIRATION DATE:  06/30/2023

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A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The collection of this information is addressed under OMB control number 2120-0569. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 8 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are required under 49 U.S.C. Section 47105 to retain a benefit and to meet the reporting requirements of 2 CFR 200. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, Federal Aviation Administration, 10101 Hillwood Parkway, Fort Worth, TX 76177-1524.

Airport 3 Digit ID Code:   ABI
If this is a consolidated report, list the 3 digit codes of other airports.
For Fiscal Year Ending:   09/30/2022
Date Filed or Revised:   3-29-2023

This Part 127 report cannot do year comparisons before the year 2009.

1.0 Passenger Airline Aeronautical Revenue   2022
1.1 Passenger airline landing fees  $88,787
1.2 Terminal arrival fees, rents, and utilities  $233,089
1.3 Terminal area apron charges/tiedowns  $0
1.4 Federal Inspection Fees  $0
1.5 Other passenger aeronautical fees  $0
1.6 Total  $321,876
2.0 Non-Passenger Aeronautical Revenue
2.1 Landing fees from cargo  $0
2.2 Landing fees from GA and military  $0
2.3 FBO revenue; contract or sponsor-operated  $0
2.4 Cargo and hangar rentals  $102,406
2.5 Aviation fuel tax retained for airport use  $0
2.6 Fuel sales net profit/loss or fuel flowage fees  $105,959
2.7 Security reimbursement from Federal Government  $0
2.8 Other non-passenger aeronautical revenue  $0
2.9 Total  $208,365
3.0 Total Aeronautical Revenue  $530,241
4.0 Non-Aeronautical Revenue
4.1 Land and non-terminal facility leases and revenues  $235,893
4.2 Terminal-food and beverage  $0
4.3 Terminal-retail stores and duty free  $0
4.4 Terminal-services and other  $21,755
4.5 Rental cars-excludes customer facility charges  $462,300
4.6 Parking and ground transportation  $571,767
4.7 Hotel  $0
4.8 Other  $0
4.9 Total  $1,291,715
5.0 Total Operating Revenue  $1,821,956
6.0 Operating Expenses
6.1 Personnel compensation and benefits  $1,513,834
6.2 Communications and utilities  $220,124
6.3 Supplies and materials  $134,590
6.4 Contractual services  $258,341
6.5 Insurance claims and settlements  $0
6.6 Other  $501,581
  (Office Furn. & Eq. Maint.:   $17)
  (Building Maintenance:   $82,595)
  (Outsourced Maintenance:   $48,127)
  (Land & Betterments Maint.:   $11,305)
  (Airport Pavement Maint.:   $2,195)
  (Traffic Sign Maint.:   $16,381)
  (Pavement Marking Maint. :   $9,527)
  (Pest Control Services:   $1,250)
  (Printing Costs:   $413)
  (Equipment Rental:   $537)
  (Mandated Fees and Charges:   $100)
  (Damages to City Property:   $4,518)
  (Employee Training:   $18,279)
  (Expense Allow/Mileage:   $2,643)
  (Non-Training Travel:   $5,951)
  (Dues, Subscriptions, & Cert.:   $13,514)
  (Security Badge Expense:   $7,163)
  (Employee Reception:   $670)
  (Advertising & Promotion:   $128,947)
  (Required Legal Notices:   $577)
  (Comm/Radar Maint.:   $7,503)
  (Fleet Fuel:   $16,379)
  (Fleet Maint.:   $28,720)
  (Equipment Replacement:   $47,020)
  (Liability Insurance Charges:   $47,250)
6.7 Subtotal  $2,628,470
6.8 Depreciation  $3,971,993
6.9 Total Operating Expenses  $6,600,463
7.0 Operating Income (Loss)  $-4,778,507
8.0 Non-Operating Revenue (Expenses) and Capital   2022
8.1 Interest Income - restricted and non-restricted.  $14,826
8.2 Interest expense (use minus sign)  $0
8.3 Grant receipts  $5,526,942
8.4 Passenger Facility Charges  $284,818
8.5 Capital Contributions (for withdraw use minus sign)  $40,656
8.6 Special items (loss)  $0
8.7 Other  $524,985
  (CFC Charges:   $184,731)
  (DCOA Contribution (BDM):   $205,638)
  (Indirect Cost Recovery:   $44,130)
  (Personnel Recoveries:   $64,010)
  (Misc. Recoveries:   $1,772)
  (Security Badge Charge:   $13,457)
  (Misc. Damage Claims:   $3,758)
  (Over/(Short) Revenue:   $-332)
  (Dispense Machine:   $7,821)
8.8 Total Non Operating Revenue (Expenses)  $6,392,227
9.0 Net Assets
9.1 Change in net assets  $1,613,720
9.2 Net assets (deficit) at beginning of year  $0
9.3 Net assets (deficit) at end of year  $0
10.0 Capital Expenditures and Construction in Progress
10.1 Airfield  $1,227,884
10.2 Terminal $88,593
10.3 Parking  $0
10.4 Roadways, rail, and transit  $0
10.5 Other  $2,947,276
  (Software:   $13,160)
  (ARFF Building Construction:   $2,904,620)
  (Land Use Planning Services:   $19,014)
  (ARFF Furniture & Equip.:   $10,482)
10.6 Total  $4,263,753
11.0 Indebtedness at End of Year
11.1 Long Term Bonds (GA, GARB, PFC, etc.)  $0
11.2 Loans and interim financing  $0
11.3 Special facility bonds  $0
11.4 Total Debt at End of Year  $0
12.0 Externally Restricted Assets
12.1 Externally Restricted Debt Reserves  $0
12.2 Other Externally Restricted Assets  $0
12.3 Total  $0
13.0 Unrestricted Cash and Investments  $0
14.0 Reporting Year Proceeds
14.1 Bond proceeds  $0
14.2 Proceeds from sale of property  $0
15.0 Debt Service
15.1 Debt service, excluding coverage  $471,155
15.2 Debt service, net of PFCs and Offsets  $471,155
16.0 Operating Statistics (* optional for airports having fewer than 25,000 enplanements in the preceding calendar year).
*Section 16.1 Enplanements 75,906
*Section 16.2 Landed weights in pounds 113,023,294 lbs
*Section 16.3 Signatory landing fee rate per 1,000 lbs $0.90
*Section 16.4 Annual aircraft operations 45,025
Section 16.5 Passenger Airline CPE (line 1.6/16.1) $4.24
*Section 16.6 Full time equivalent employees at end of year 22
Section 16.7 Security and law enforcement costs  $0
Section 16.8 ARFF costs  $836,691
Section 16.9 Repairs and maintenance  $206,370
Section 16.10 Marketing/Advertising/Promotions  $128,947

Unrestricted Cash and Investments are cash and investments that have no externally imposed restrictions on their use. Unrestricted cash and investments may be designated by airports for other commitments. To further understand unrestricted cash and investments, as well as other items in the Form 127, please refer to this entity's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report or contact the airport directly.

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