campaign to increase vaccine acceptance and reinforce basic
prevention measures
CET – Annotated Questionnaire (Wave 37)
Note: The questions below are the proposed questions for the thirty-sixth wave of the Weekly Current Events Tracker (CET). Questions highlighted in yellow will be asked every week; questions highlighted in blue will be rotated into the survey on a monthly basis; and questions highlighted in green are meant to be asked in Wave 37 only or are being asked again to update data on a variable of interest. We will be fielding questions about misinformation, the children vaccination question set, and holiday plans. |
Standard Questions
Modular Questions
One-Time or Repeat Questions Being Asked Again to Update Data
For the next section we would like to talk about current events.
// Page Break //
//BASE: All respondents//
Item #: Q1
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
beh1_cet_r. Have you received a COVID-19 vaccine?
Variable Label: beh1_cet_r: Vaccination behavior
Value |
Value Label |
0 |
No, I have not received a COVID-19 vaccine |
1 |
Yes, but I have only received one shot out of the two required shots |
2 |
Yes, I have received all of the required shots |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: beh1_cet_r =1 or 2//
Item #: Q2
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
vaccine_id. Which COVID-19 vaccine did you receive?
Variable Label: vaccine_id: Vaccine ID
Value |
Value Label |
2 |
Johnson & Johnson/Janssen |
3 |
Moderna |
4 |
Pfizer-BioNTech |
5 |
Other |
99 |
I do not remember |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: All respondents//
Item #: Q3
Question Type: Multi-punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
booster_options. Recently, the FDA and the CDC authorized the use of booster shots from the currently available group of COVID-19 vaccines. Which of these are authorized for use as booster shots? Select all that apply.
Variable Label: vaccine_id: Vaccine ID
Value |
Value Label |
2 |
Johnson & Johnson/Janssen |
3 |
Moderna |
4 |
Pfizer-BioNTech |
5 |
Other |
99 |
I do not remember |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: All respondents//
Item #: Q4
Question Type: Multi punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
booster_elig. Do any of the following conditions apply to you? Please select all that apply.
Variable Label: booster_elig: Current booster eligibility
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Age 65 years and older |
2 |
Age 18+ who lives or works in a long-term care setting (e.g., nursing home, assisted living facility, inpatient setting, section 811 HUD-assisted housing, etc.) |
3 |
Age 18+ with an underlying medical condition (e.g., cancer, chronic lung diseases, liver disease, overweight and obesity, current or former smoker, etc.) |
4 |
Age 18+ who lives or works in a high-risk setting (e.g., first responder, education staff, food and agricultural worker, corrections officer, grocery store worker, etc.) |
5 |
Age 18+ with a moderately or severely compromised immune system (e.g., receiving active cancer treatment, received an organ transplant, primary immunodeficiency, advanced or untreated HIV infection, etc.) |
6 |
None of the above [EXCLUSIVE] |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
//BASE: beh1_cet_r =2//
Item #: Q5
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
booster_uptake2. U.S. health officials and medical experts announced that COVID-19 vaccine booster shots are recommended for some groups of people to maintain full protection against the virus. Have you received a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot?
Variable Label: booster_uptake2: Booster uptake – September guidance
Value |
Value Label |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: (((booster_uptake2=0) & ((booster_elig=1-5 & vaccine_id=2-4) //
Item #: Q6
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
booster_elig_uptake. U.S. health officials and medical experts announced that COVID-19 vaccine booster shots are recommended for some groups of people to maintain full protection against the virus. You are currently eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot. What is the likelihood that you will get one?
Variable Label: booster_elig_uptake: Booster uptake likelihood – eligible adults
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Very unlikely |
2 |
Somewhat unlikely |
3 |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
4 |
Somewhat likely |
5 |
Very likely |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: (booster_uptake2=0 & booster_elig=6)//
Item #: Q7
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
booster_likely_v. U.S. health officials and medical experts announced that COVID-19 vaccine booster shots are recommended for some groups of people to maintain full protection against the virus. What is the likelihood that you will get a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot if eligible?
Variable Label: booster_likely_v: Booster uptake likelihood – vaccinated adults
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Very unlikely |
2 |
Somewhat unlikely |
3 |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
4 |
Somewhat likely |
5 |
Very likely |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: beh1_cet_r =0 OR -99//
Item #: Q8
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
beh2a_cet. What is the likelihood that you will get a COVID-19 vaccine?
Variable Label: beh2a: Intention to get vaccinated
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Very unlikely |
2 |
Somewhat unlikely |
3 |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
4 |
Somewhat likely |
5 |
Very likely |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: beh1_cet_r =1//
Item #: Q9
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
beh2b_cet. What is the likelihood that you will complete COVID-19 vaccination?
Variable Label: beh2b_cet: Intention to complete vaccination
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Very unlikely |
2 |
Somewhat unlikely |
3 |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
4 |
Somewhat likely |
5 |
Very likely |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: beh1_cet_r =0 OR -99//
Item #: Q10
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
beh3a_cet_r. How soon will you get vaccinated?
Variable Label: beh3a_cet_r: Wait to get vaccinated
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
I will get a vaccine as soon as I can |
2 |
I will wait to get a vaccine for one or more reasons |
3 |
I will never get a COVID-19 vaccine |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
// Page Break //
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: beh1_cet_r =1//
Item #: Q11
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
beh3b_cet_r. How soon will you get the second required dose?
Variable Label: beh3b_cet_r: Wait to complete vaccination
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
I will get the second required shot as soon as I can |
2 |
I will wait to get the second required shot for one or more reasons |
3 |
I will never get the second required COVID-19 shot |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: beh1_cet_r =0 OR -99//
Item #: Q12
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
booster_likely_un. U.S. health officials and medical experts announced that COVID-19 vaccine booster shots are recommended for some groups of people to maintain full protection against the virus. Does this make you more likely, less likely, or not affect whether you will get a COVID-19 vaccine?
Variable Label: booster_likely_un: Booster impact on vaccine uptake – unvaccinated
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Much less likely |
2 |
Somewhat less likely |
3 |
Not affect |
4 |
Somewhat more likely |
5 |
Much more likely |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: All respondents//
Item #: Q13
Question Type: Multi punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
parent. Are you the parent of a child or children in the following age groups?
Variable Label: parent: Parent of children in following age groups
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Younger than 6 months old |
2 |
6 months to <2 years old |
3 |
2 to 4 years old |
4 |
5 to 11 years old |
5 |
12 to 15 years old |
6 |
16 to 17 years old |
99 |
None of the above, I do not have children in those age groups [EXCLUSIVE] |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
//BASE: Parent= 5-6//
Item #: Q14
Question Type: Single punch grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
child_vaxxed_2. Has your child(ren) in the following age group(s) received a COVID-19 vaccine?
Note: If you have more than one child in the same age group, please answer for at least one of them.
Variable Label: child_vaxxed_2: Child vaccinated
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: PIPE 5 AND/OR 6 responses from parent//
Value |
Value Label |
child_vaxxed_2_5 |
12 to 15 years old |
child_vaxxed_5: 12 to 15 years old |
child_vaxxed_2_6 |
16 to 17 years old |
child_vaxxed_6: 16 to 17 years old |
Value |
Value Label |
0 |
No, has not received a COVID-19 vaccine |
1 |
Yes, but has only received one shot out of the two required shots |
2 |
Yes, has received all of the required shots |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: Parent= 1-6//
Item #: Q15-Q17
Question Type: Single punch grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
parent_trust. When it comes to COVID-19 and your child(ren), how much do you trust the following sources to provide you with accurate information?
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: RANDOMIZE variables in grid//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
parent_trust_1 |
State or local health officials |
parent_trust1: State or local health officials |
parent_trust_2 |
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) |
parent_trust2: HHS |
parent_trust_3 |
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |
parent_trust3: CDC |
parent_trust_4 |
State or local school officials |
parent_trust4: State or local school officials |
parent_trust_5 |
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) |
parent_trust5: FDA |
parent_trust_6 |
Your pediatrician |
parent_trust6: Pediatrician |
parent_trust_7 |
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) |
parent_trust7: AAP |
parent_trust_8 |
Federal health officials |
parent_trust8: Federal health officials |
parent_trust_9 |
Those in your immediate family |
parent_trust9: Immediate family |
parent_trust_10 |
Local or community leaders (e.g., religious leaders) |
parent_trust10: Local leaders |
parent_trust_11 |
American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) |
parent_trust11: AAFP |
parent_trust_12 |
Daycare providers |
parent_trust12: Daycare providers |
parent_trust_13 |
Afterschool or community program staff (e.g., YMCA, etc.) |
parent_trust13: Afterschool staff |
parent_trust_14 |
Your child(ren)’s teachers |
parent_trust14: Teachers |
parent_trust_15 |
Your child(ren)’s school nurse(s) |
parent_trust15: School nurse(s) |
parent_trust_16 |
Grandparents |
parent_trust16: Grandparents |
parent_trust_17 |
Friends |
parent_trust17: Friends |
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Not at all |
2 |
Not much |
3 |
A fair amount |
4 |
A great deal |
98 |
I am not familiar with this source |
99 |
Not applicable |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Parent=4; Split Sample: Half to see Q18a
Item #: Q18a
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
child_dose. If authorized, the COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11 will likely be a smaller dose and specially formulated for children. Does this make you more likely, less likely, or does it affect your decision at all to get a vaccine for your child when they are available?
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Much less likely |
2 |
Somewhat less likely |
3 |
No affect |
4 |
Somewhat more likely |
5 |
Much more likely |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Parent=4; Split Sample: Half to see Q18b
Item #: Q18b
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
child_dose. If authorized, the COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11 will likely be a smaller dose tailored for children. Does this make you more likely, less likely, or does it affect your decision at all to get a vaccine for your child when they are available?
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Much less likely |
2 |
Somewhat less likely |
3 |
No affect |
4 |
Somewhat more likely |
5 |
Much more likely |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: Parent= 4-6//
Item #: Q19
Question Type: Multi punch grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
child_vaxx_situ. Where would you prefer to get your child(ren) in the following age groups vaccinated? Even if your child(ren) has already been vaccinated, specify what your preferred location(s) would have been. Please select all that apply.
Note: If you have more than one child in the same age group, please answer for at least one of them.
Variable Label: child_vaxx_situ: Preferred situations for child vaccination
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: randomize variables in grid//
Value |
Value Label |
child_vaxx_situ_5to11 |
5 to 11 years old [Show if parent=4] |
child_vax_situ_5to11: Location of vaccination 5 to 11 years old |
child_vaxx_situ_12to17 |
12 to 17 years old [Show if parent=5-6] |
child_vaxx_situ_12to17: 16 to 17 years old |
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
During a normal wellness visit with my child(ren)’s pediatrician |
2 |
While my child(ren) gets other routine vaccinations (e.g., MMR, chickenpox, flu, etc.) |
3 |
At a pharmacy |
4 |
At school (e.g., from the school nurse) |
5 |
On-site at special events (e.g., festival, sporting event, concert, etc.) |
6 |
A community vaccination site |
7 |
Other (please specify) [ANCHOR] |
99 |
None of the above, I am not comfortable getting my child(ren) vaccinated in any situation [EXCLUSIVE] |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: All respondents//
Item #: Q20-Q22
Question Type: Single punch grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
misinform. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: RANDOMIZE misinform_1 to misinform_25. Split grid across four pages (every 5 questions) //
misinform_1 |
If someone has ever had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient in a COVID-19 vaccine, they should not get that specific vaccine. |
misinform_1: Vaccine allergies |
misinform_2 |
If someone gets COVID-19 and recovers, they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine. |
misinform_2: Already had COVID-19 |
misinform_3 |
Getting a COVID-19 vaccine can give you COVID-19. |
misinform_3: Give you COVID-19 |
misinform_5 |
In order to be authorized for use, the COVID-19 vaccines must go through extensive testing over three phases of clinical trials with thousands of participants. |
misinform_5: Vaccines extensively tested |
misinform_6 |
The COVID-19 vaccines include microchips used to track people. |
misinform_6: Microchips |
misinform_7 |
COVID-19 vaccines will alter my DNA. |
misinform_7: Alter DNA |
misinform_9 |
Natural immunity is healthier and more effective than vaccine-induced immunity. |
misinform_9: Natural immunity |
misinform_10 |
If everyone around me is immune, then I don't need to be vaccinated. |
misinform_10: Everyone is immune |
misinform_11 |
Vaccines can cause autism. |
misinform_11: Autism |
misinform_12 |
Once you receive the COVID-19 vaccine, you're immune for life. |
misinform_12: Immune for life |
misinform_13 |
If I got the flu shot this year, I don't need a COVID-19 vaccine. |
misinform_13: Flu shot |
misinform_14 |
COVID-19 vaccines can cause a short fever, headache, fatigue, sore arm or chills, especially after the second dose. Other reactions are extremely rare. |
misinform_14: Minor side effects |
misinform_15 |
The COVID-19 virus is mutating. Early research is finding that the current vaccines can still protect against most of the new COVID-19 strains or variants. |
misinform_15: Vaccines protect against variants |
misinform_17 |
Many people have died from the COVID-19 vaccines. |
misinform_17: Vaccine causes deaths |
misinform_18 |
COVID-19 vaccines can cause infertility. |
misinform_18: Infertility |
misinform_19 |
Getting a COVID-19 vaccine while pregnant can cause a miscarriage. |
misinform_19: Miscarriage |
misinform_20 |
COVID-19 vaccines can make people magnetic. |
misinform_20: Magnetic |
misinform_21 |
The federal government and the CDC cannot mandate or require anyone to get a COVID-19 vaccine. |
misinform_21: Government cannot mandate vaccines |
misinform_23 |
COVID-19 vaccines contain aborted human fetal tissue. |
misinform_23: Vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue |
misinform_25 |
Ivermectin can be used to prevent or treat COVID-19. |
misinform_25: Ivermectin can be used to treat or prevent covid |
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Strongly disagree |
2 |
Somewhat disagree |
3 |
Neither agree nor disagree |
4 |
Somewhat agree |
5 |
Strongly agree |
99 |
Don’t know |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
//BASE: All respondents//
Item #: Q23
Question Type: Single punch
//Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
cam8_1_siteaw. Before today, had you heard of the website
Variable Label: cam8_1_siteaw: Awareness of
Value |
Value Label |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
//BASE: All respondents//
Item #: Q24
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
holiday_plans. Thinking ahead to the upcoming Thanksgiving and winter holiday season, how much do you expect your plans to differ from pre-pandemic holiday years in the following ways?
Variable Label: holiday_plans: Expected differences in holiday plans
holiday_plans_1 |
Frequency of travel |
holiday_plans_1: Frequency of travel |
holiday_plans_2 |
Location(s) of travel |
holiday_plans_2: Location(s) of travel |
holiday_plans_3 |
Mode of travel (e.g., plane, car, etc.) |
holiday_plans_3: Mode of travel |
holiday_plans_4 |
Size and type of gatherings |
holiday_plans_4: Size and type of gatherings |
holiday_plans_5 |
People you gather with |
holiday_plans_5: People you gather with |
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Stay the same |
2 |
Differ slightly |
3 |
Differ somewhat |
4 |
Differ a great deal |
98 |
Not applicable |
99 |
I am not sure yet |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
#: Q25
Type: Single
punch grid
Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this
We are interested in your opinion of a few messages about COVID-19 vaccination.
For each of the below messages, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statement:
“I would share the information in the message with a friend or family member who wants to know more about COVID-19 vaccines.”
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: randomize variables in grid//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
ptn_w37_1 |
Unvaccinated adults with COVID-19 are 12 times more likely to be hospitalized compared with those who are fully vaccinated. |
ptn_w37_1: Unvaccinated adults more likely to face hospitalization |
ptn_w37_2 |
There’s no way to know how COVID-19 will affect your child, but vaccines can protect them from severe illness, hospitalization, and death from COVID. |
ptn_w37_2: Vaccines can protect children from severe illness |
ptn_w37_3 |
Certain people may need better protection against COVID-19, making them eligible for a booster shot. |
ptn_w37_3: Boosters provide additional protection for certain people |
ptn_w37_4 |
Pregnant people are at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19, but COVID vaccines are a safe way to reduce the risk of infection. |
ptn_w37_4: Vaccines safe for pregnant persons |
ptn_w37_5 |
There is no evidence that a COVID-19 vaccine affects your ability to conceive. |
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Strongly disagree |
2 |
Disagree |
3 |
Neither agree nor disagree |
4 |
Agree |
5 |
Strongly agree |
99 |
Refused |
internal communications only
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |