campaign to increase vaccine acceptance and reinforce basic
prevention measures
CET – Annotated Questionnaire (Wave 45)
Note: The questions below are the proposed questions for the forty-fifth wave of the Weekly Current Events Tracker (CET). Questions highlighted in yellow will be asked every week; questions highlighted in blue will be rotated into the survey on a monthly basis; and questions highlighted in green are meant to be asked in Wave 45 only or are being asked again to update data on a variable of interest. We will be fielding questions about boosters, the Omicron variant, parents’ vaccination decisions, and recent experiences with COVID-19 testing. |
Standard Questions
Modular Questions
One-Time or Repeat Questions Being Asked Again to Update Data
For the next section we would like to talk about current events.
// Page Break //
//BASE: All respondents//
Item #: Q1
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
beh1_cet_r. Have you received a COVID-19 vaccine?
Variable Label: beh1_cet_r: Vaccination behavior
Value |
Value Label |
0 |
No, I have not received a COVID-19 vaccine |
1 |
Yes, but I have only received one shot out of the two required shots |
2 |
Yes, I have received all of the required shots |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
//BASE: beh1_cet_r=1 or 2//
Item #: Q2
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
vaccine_id. Which COVID-19 vaccine did you receive?
Variable Label: vaccine_id: Vaccine ID
Value |
Value Label |
2 |
Johnson & Johnson/Janssen |
3 |
Moderna |
4 |
Pfizer-BioNTech |
5 |
Other |
99 |
I do not remember |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: beh1_cet_r=2//
Item #: Q3
Question Type: Dropdown menu
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
fully_vacc_month. In which month were you considered fully vaccinated (i.e., two weeks after your final COVID-19 vaccine dose)? Final vaccine dose refers to either the second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or the single dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Please do not consider booster shots for this question. If you do not remember the specific month, give your best guess.
Variable Label: fully_vacc_month: Month of vaccination
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
December, 2020 |
2 |
January, 2021 |
3 |
February, 2021 |
4 |
March, 2021 |
5 |
April, 2021 |
6 |
May, 2021 |
7 |
June, 2021 |
8 |
July, 2021 |
9 |
August, 2021 |
10 |
September, 2021 |
11 |
October, 2021 |
12 |
November, 2021 |
13 |
December, 2021 |
14 |
January, 2022 |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
//BASE: All respondents//
Item #: Q4
Question Type: Open-ended
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
booster_oe_3. In your own words, what is a booster and what does it do?
Variable Label: booster_oe_3:
//BASE: beh1_cet_r=2//
Item #: Q5
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
booster_uptake3. U.S. health officials and medical experts now recommend COVID-19 vaccine booster shots for people 5 months after their second dose of an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) or 2 months after their dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Have you received a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot?
Variable Label: booster_uptake3: Booster uptake – September guidance
Value |
Value Label |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: booster_uptake3=1//
Item #: Q6
Question Type: Dropdown menu
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
booster_month. In which month did you receive a COVID-19 booster shot? If you do not remember the specific month, give your best guess.
Variable Label: booster_month: Month received booster shot
Value |
Value Label |
7 |
June, 2021 |
8 |
July, 2021 |
9 |
August, 2021 |
10 |
September, 2021 |
11 |
October, 2021 |
12 |
November, 2021 |
13 |
December, 2021 |
14 |
January, 2022 |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: (booster_uptake3=0 & vaccine_id=2 & fully_vacc_month=1-12) OR (booster_uptake3=0 & vaccine_id=3 & fully_vacc_month=1-8) OR (booster_uptake3=0 & vaccine_id=4 & fully_vacc_month=1-9) //
Item #: Q7
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
booster_elig_uptake3. You are currently eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot. What is the likelihood that you will get one?
Variable Label: booster_elig_uptake3: Booster uptake likelihood – eligible adults
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Very unlikely |
2 |
Somewhat unlikely |
3 |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
4 |
Somewhat likely |
5 |
Very likely |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: (booster_uptake3=0 & vaccine_id=2 & fully_vacc_month=13-14) OR (booster_uptake3=0 & vaccine_id=3 & fully_vacc_month=9-14) OR (booster_uptake3=0 & vaccine_id=4 & fully_vacc_month=10-14)//
Item #: Q8
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
booster_likely_v2. What is the likelihood that you will get a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot when eligible?
Variable Label: booster_likely_v2: Booster uptake likelihood – not yet eligible
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Very unlikely |
2 |
Somewhat unlikely |
3 |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
4 |
Somewhat likely |
5 |
Very likely |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: booster_elig_uptake3=4/5 OR booster_likely_v2=4/5//
Item #: Q9
Question Type: Multi punch, limit to three options
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
booster_y. Why are you likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot?
Please select up to three of your top reasons.
Variable Label: booster_y: Reasons likely to get a booster shot
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: randomize response options//
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
To protect myself from getting COVID-19. |
2 |
To protect myself from severe disease or death if I were to get COVID-19. |
3 |
To protect others from COVID-19. |
4 |
Because it is recommended by public health experts. |
5 |
For protection from COVID-19 variants. |
6 |
I am in a work or living situation that makes me at high risk of getting COVID-19. |
10 |
Other (please specify) [ANCHOR] |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: booster_elig_uptake3=1/3 OR booster_likely_v2=1/3//
Item #: Q10
Question Type: Multi punch, limit to three options
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
booster_n. Why are you unlikely to, or “neither likely nor unlikely,” to get a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot?
Please select up to three of your top reasons.
Variable Label: booster_n: Reasons unlikely to get a booster shot
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: randomize response options//
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
I am still debating whether I need to get it. |
2 |
I think it is unnecessary. |
3 |
I doubt that booster shots are effective. |
4 |
I am concerned about side effects. |
5 |
I do not want to get repeated doses. |
6 |
I think I am still protected from COVID-19 by the vaccine. |
7 |
I think I am still protected from COVID-19 because of natural immunity. |
8 |
I am healthy and not concerned about COVID-19. |
9 |
I do not trust the information I am getting from authorities about booster shots. |
10 |
I want to wait for more research to be conducted. |
11 |
Other (please specify) [ANCHOR] |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: beh1_cet_r=0 OR -99//
Item #: Q11
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
beh2a_cet. What is the likelihood that you will get a COVID-19 vaccine?
Variable Label: beh2a: Intention to get vaccinated
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Very unlikely |
2 |
Somewhat unlikely |
3 |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
4 |
Somewhat likely |
5 |
Very likely |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: beh1_cet_r=0 OR -99//
Item #: Q12
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
beh3a_cet_r. How soon will you get vaccinated?
Variable Label: beh3a_cet_r: Wait to get vaccinated
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
I will get a vaccine as soon as I can |
2 |
I will wait to get a vaccine for one or more reasons |
3 |
I will never get a COVID-19 vaccine |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
//BASE: All respondents//
Item #: Q13
Question Type: Multi punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
parent. Are you the parent of a child or children in the following age groups?
Variable Label: parent: Parent of children in following age groups
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Younger than 6 months old |
2 |
6 months to <2 years old |
3 |
2 to 4 years old |
4 |
5 to 11 years old |
5 |
12 to 15 years old |
6 |
16 to 17 years old |
99 |
None of the above, I do not have children in those age groups [EXCLUSIVE] |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
//BASE: Parent=1-6//
Item #: Q14
Question Type: Single punch grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
child_ped. Does your child(ren) in the following age group(s) currently have a pediatrician?
Note: If you have more than one child in the same age group, please answer for at least one of them.
Variable Label: child_ped: Child currently has pediatrician
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
child_ped_1 |
Younger than 6 months old [ONLY SHOW IF parent=1] |
child_ped_1: <6months has pediatrician |
child_ped_2 |
6 months to <2 years old [ONLY SHOW IF parent=2] |
child_ped_2: 6 months to <2yo has pediatrician |
child_ped_3 |
2 to 4 years old [ONLY SHOW IF parent=3] |
child_ped_3: 2-4yo has pediatrician |
child_ped_4 |
5 to 11 years old [ONLY SHOW IF parent=4] |
child_ped_4: 5-11yo has pediatrician |
child_ped_5 |
12 to 15 years old [ONLY SHOW IF parent=5] |
child_ped_5: 12-15yo has pediatrician |
child_ped_6 |
16 to 17 years old [ONLY SHOW IF parent=6] |
child_ped_6: 16-17yo has pediatrician |
Value |
Value Label |
0 |
No, this child does not currently have a pediatrician |
1 |
Yes, this child currently has a pediatrician |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
//BASE: Parent=3-6//
Item #: Q15
Question Type: Multi punch grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
child_vaxx_situ. Where would you prefer to get your child(ren) in the following age groups vaccinated? Even if your child(ren) has already been vaccinated, specify what your preferred location(s) would have been. Please select all that apply.
Note: If you have more than one child in the same age group, please answer for at least one of them.
Variable Label: child_vaxx_loc: Preferred location of child vaccination
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
child_vaxx_situ_2to4 |
2 to 4 years old [ONLY SHOW IF parent=3] |
child_vaxx_situ_2to4: 2 to 4 years old |
child_vaxx_situ_5to11 |
5 to 11 years old [ONLY SHOW IF parent=4] |
child_vaxx_situ_5to11: 5 to 11 years old |
child_vaxx_situ_12to17 |
12 to 17 years old [ONLY SHOW IF parent=5-6] |
child_vaxx_situ_12to17: 16 to 17 years old |
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
During a normal wellness visit with my child(ren)’s pediatrician |
2 |
While my child(ren) gets other routine vaccinations (e.g., MMR, chickenpox, flu, etc.) |
3 |
At a pharmacy |
4 |
At school (e.g., from the school nurse) |
5 |
On-site at special events (e.g., festival, sporting event, concert, etc.) |
6 |
A community vaccination site |
7 |
Other (please specify) [ANCHOR] |
99 |
None of the above, I am not comfortable getting my child(ren) vaccinated in any situation [EXCLUSIVE] |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: Parent=4-6//
Item #: Q16
Question Type: Single punch grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
child_vaxxed_2. Has your child(ren) in the following age group(s) received a COVID-19 vaccine?
Note: If you have more than one child in the same age group, please answer for at least one of them.
Variable Label: child_vaxxed_2: Child vaccinated
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
child_vaxxed_2_4 |
5 to 11 years old [ONLY SHOW IF parent=4] |
child_vaxxed_2_4: 5 to 11 years old |
child_vaxxed_2_5 |
12 to 15 years old [ONLY SHOW IF parent=5] |
child_vaxxed_2_5: 12 to 15 years old |
child_vaxxed_2_6 |
16 to 17 years old [ONLY SHOW IF parent=6] |
child_vaxxed_2_6: 16 to 17 years old |
Value |
Value Label |
0 |
No, has not received a COVID-19 vaccine |
1 |
Yes, but has only received one shot out of the two required shots |
2 |
Yes, has received all of the required shots |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: child_vaxxed_2_5=2 AND/OR child_vaxxed_2_6=2//
Item #: Q17
Question Type: Single punch grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
child_boosted. Has your child(ren) in the following age group(s) received a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot?
Note: If you have more than one child in the same age group, please answer for at least one of them.
Variable Label: child_boosted: Child boosted
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
child_boosted_5 |
12 to 15 years old [ONLY SHOW IF child_vaxxed_2_5=2] |
child_boosted_5: 12 to 15 years old |
child_boosted_6 |
16 to 17 years old [ONLY SHOW IF child_vaxxed_2_6=2] |
child_boosted_6: 16 to 17 years old |
Value |
Value Label |
0 |
No, has not received a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot |
1 |
Yes, has received a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: Parent=1-6//
Item #: Q18
Question Type: Single punch grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
child_covid_concern. How concerned are you about your child(ren) in the following age groups getting COVID-19?
Note: If you have more than one child in the same age group, please answer for at least one of them.
Variable Label: child_covid_concern: Concern about child(ren)’s COVID-19 risk
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: PIPE 1-6 responses from parent//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
child_covid_concern_1 |
Younger than 6 months old |
child_covid_concern_1: Younger than 6 months old |
child_covid_concern_2 |
6 months to <2 years old |
child_covid_concern_2: 6 months to <2 years old |
child_covid_concern_3 |
2 to 4 years old |
child_covid_concern_3: 2 to 4 years old |
child_covid_concern_4 |
5 to 11 years old |
child_covid_concern_4: 5 to 11 years old |
child_covid_concern_5 |
12 to 15 years old |
child_covid_concern_5: 12 to 15 years old |
child_covid_concern_6 |
16 to 17 years old |
child_covid_concern_6: 16 to 17 years old |
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Not concerned |
2 |
Slightly concerned |
3 |
Somewhat concerned |
4 |
Very concerned |
5 |
Child has already had COVID |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
//BASE: Parent=1-6//
Item #: Q19
Question Type: Single punch grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
vacc_child_parent. If a COVID-19 vaccine was authorized and available for children in the following age groups, how likely would you be to get your child(ren) vaccinated?
Note: COVID-19 vaccines have now been authorized and are available for use in children as young as 5 years old. If you have more than one child in the same age group, please answer for at least one of them.
Variable Label: vacc_child_parent: Parent likelihood to get child(ren) vaccinated
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: PIPE 1-6 responses from parent.//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
vacc_child_parent_6m |
Younger than 6 months old |
vacc_child_parent_6m: Younger than 6-months-old |
vacc_child_parent_6mto2 |
6 months to <2 years old |
vacc_child_parent_6mto2: 6 months- to 2-years-old |
vacc_child_parent_2to4 |
2 to 4 years old |
vacc_child_parent_2to4: 2- to 4-years-old |
vacc_child_parent_5to11 |
5 to 11 years old [ONLY SHOW IF child_vaxxed_2_4=0 or 99] |
vacc_child_parent_5to11: 5- to 11-years-old |
vacc_child_parent_12to15 |
12 to 15 years old [ONLY SHOW IF child_vaxxed_2_5=0 or 99] |
vacc_child_parent_12to15: 12- to 15-years-old |
vacc_child_parent_16to17 |
16 to 17 years old [ONLY SHOW IF child_vaxxed_2_6=0 or 99] |
vacc_child_parent_16to17: 16- to 17-years-old |
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Very unlikely |
2 |
Somewhat unlikely |
3 |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
4 |
Somewhat likely |
5 |
Very likely |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: Parent=1-6//
Item #: Q20
Question Type: Single punch grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
child_vaccine_concern. How concerned are you about your child(ren) in the following age groups having any side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine?
Note: If you have more than one child in the same age group, please answer for at least one of them.
Variable Label: child_vaccine_concern: Concern about child(ren)’s vaccine risk
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: PIPE 1-6 responses from parent//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
child_vaccine_concern_1 |
Younger than 6 months old |
child_vaccine_concern_1: Younger than 6 months old |
child_vaccine_concern_2 |
6 months to <2 years old |
child_vaccine_concern_2: 6 months to <2 years old |
child_vaccine_concern_3 |
2 to 4 years old |
child_vaccine_concern_3: 2 to 4 years old |
child_vaccine_concern_4 |
5 to 11 years old [ONLY SHOW IF child_vaxxed_2_4=0 or 99] |
child_vaccine_concern_4: 5 to 11 years old |
child_vaccine_concern_5 |
12 to 15 years old [ONLY SHOW IF child_vaxxed_2_5=0 or 99] |
child_vaccine_concern_5: 12 to 15 years old |
child_vaccine_concern_6 |
16 to 17 years old [ONLY SHOW IF child_vaxxed_2_6=0 or 99] |
child_vaccine_concern_6: 16 to 17 years old |
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Not concerned |
2 |
Slightly concerned |
3 |
Somewhat concerned |
4 |
Very concerned |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: (parent=4-6 AND child_vaxxed_2=0)//
Item #: Q21
Question Type: Open-ended
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
parent_vax_con_oe. COVID-19 vaccines have now been authorized and are available for use in children as young as 5 years old.
Please explain your reasoning for not getting a COVID-19 vaccine for your child(ren).
Note: If you have more than one child, please answer for at least one of them.
// Page Break //
//BASE: All respondents//
Item #: Q22
Question Type: Grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
cv_exp2. Since the beginning of the winter holidays (i.e., Thanksgiving week), have any of the following occurred?
Variable Label: cv_exp2: Holiday experiences with COVID-19
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: randomize options//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
cv_exp2_1 |
I tested positive for COVID-19. |
cv_exp2_1: Tested positive |
cv_exp2_2 |
I went to a health care provider, pharmacy, or testing site to get tested for COVID-19. |
cv_exp2_2: Got test at provider |
cv_exp2_8 |
I tried to get an at-home self-test but could not find one. |
cv_exp2_8: Could not find at-home test |
cv_exp2_9 |
I tried to get tested for COVID-19 at a health care provider, pharmacy, or testing site but could not get an appointment. |
cv_exp2_9: Could not get appointment |
cv_exp2_3 |
I used a COVID-19 at-home self-test. |
cv_exp2_3: Used self-test |
cv_exp2_4 |
I isolated/quarantined because I tested positive for COVID-19. |
cv_exp2_4: Isolated because of positive test |
cv_exp2_7 |
I isolated/quarantined because I suspected I had COVID-19 but was not confirmed by a COVID-19 test. |
cv_exp2_7: Isolated, suspected COVID-19 |
cv_exp2_6 |
I isolated/quarantined because I came in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. |
cv_exp2_6: Isolated, came in contact with COVID-positive person |
Value |
Value Label |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
//BASE All respondents//
Item #: Q23
Question Type: Single punch
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
omicron_con. How concerned are you about the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus?
Variable Label: omicron_con: Concern about Omicron variant
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Not at all concerned |
2 |
Slightly concerned |
3 |
Somewhat concerned |
4 |
Very concerned |
99 |
I am not familiar with this COVID-19 variant |
-99 |
Refused |
// Page Break //
//BASE: (booster_uptake3=0) OR (booster_uptake3=1 & booster_month=12-14) & (omicron_con=1-4)//
Item #: Q24
Question Type: Single punch grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
omicron_booster. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Variable Label: omicron_booster: Omicron’s effect on booster uptake
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: randomize variables in grid//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
omicron_booster_1 |
The new Omicron variant makes me more likely to get a COVID-19 booster shot. [Show if booster_uptake3=0] |
omicron_booster_1: Omicron increases booster uptake |
omicron_booster_5 |
I plan to get a COVID-19 booster shot because I am concerned about waning immunity to COVID-19. [Show if booster_uptake3=0] |
omicron_booster_5: Get booster because of waning immunity |
omicron_booster_3 |
I plan to wait to get a COVID-19 booster shot until more is known about the Omicron variant. [Show if booster_uptake3=0] |
omicron_booster_3: Wait to get booster until more is known about Omicron |
omicron_booster_4 |
I recently got a COVID-19 booster shot because I am concerned about the Omicron variant. [Show if booster_month=12-14] |
omicron_booster_4: Recently got booster because of Omicron |
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Strongly disagree |
2 |
Somewhat disagree |
3 |
Neither agree nor disagree |
4 |
Somewhat agree |
5 |
Strongly agree |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
// Page Break //
//BASE: omicron_con=1-4//
Item #: Q25
Question Type: Single punch grid
// Soft Prompt: “We would like your response to this question.” //
omicron_perc. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Variable Label: omicron_perc: Perceptions of Omicron
//PROGRAMMING NOTE: randomize variables in grid//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
omicron_perc_3 |
I am worried that the Omicron variant will lead to more severe cases of COVID-19. |
omicron_perc_3: Lead to more severe cases |
omicron_perc_4 |
I am worried that Omicron will spread more easily than previous COVID-19 variants. |
omicron_perc_4: Be more transmissible |
omicron_perc_5 |
I am worried that Omicron will have a greater impact on children than the original COVID-19 virus. |
omicron_perc_5: Greater impact on children |
omicron_perc_7 |
Bringing back restrictions such as masking and social distancing will be important for fighting the Omicron variant. |
omicron_perc_7: Reinstating restrictions |
omicron_perc_14 |
It is too early to tell whether the Omicron variant will be a serious public health threat. |
omicron_perc_14: Too early to tell |
omicron_perc_17 |
I intend to scale back travel plans or social events because of the Omicron variant. |
omicron_perc_17: Delay travel/event plans |
Value |
Value Label |
1 |
Strongly disagree |
2 |
Somewhat disagree |
3 |
Neither agree nor disagree |
4 |
Somewhat agree |
5 |
Strongly agree |
99 |
I don’t know |
-99 |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid skip |
internal communications only
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Lindsey Strausser |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-07-29 |