Elder Justice Victim Needs Assessment (Private Sector)

Elder Justice Victim Needs Assessment

1105-0NEW Elder Justice Survey

Elder Justice Victim Needs Assessment (Private Sector)

OMB: 1105-0111

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OMB Number 1105-0NEW Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX


Appendix A: National Survey of Elder Justice Professionals and Federal Staff

Recruitment/Sampling Screener

The following one-minute screener will be used to recruit elder justice professionals to participate in the survey and ensure sampling criteria is met.

  1. Please complete/confirm the following pieces of information for your organization. 

Agency Name

ZIP (Dropdown)

Is your organization located in an urban, suburban, or rural location?

  1. Please specify the catchment area served by your organization: (Select only one)

  • Statewide

  • Countywide (please specify): ____________

  • Multi-county (please specify): ____________

  • Citywide (please specify): ____________

  • Multi-city (please specify): ____________

  • Tribal (please specify): ____________

  • Not Listed (please specify): ____________

  1. Which of the following best describes the type of organization in which you work? (Select all that apply)

    • Community-Based

    • Criminal Justice Government Agency

    • Education

    • Faith-Based

    • Federal [Survey programmer add question: What is your agency’s primary area of focus regarding elder justice: Research, Regulator, Capacity Building, Public Outreach, Enforcement, Victim Services]

    • Human/Social Services

    • Health/Medical Services

    • Legal Services

    • Legislation/Policymaking

    • Non-Profit

    • Not Listed (please specify): __________

  1. Which of the following best describes how your organization is structured to provide services to victims of abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation (ANFE) aged 60 and over? 

  • Services or programming for victims of abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation aged 60 and over are one component of the larger organization (e.g., a hospital, university, community center, law enforcement agency, prosecutor’s office, corrections). 

  • The primary function of the organization is to provide services or programming for victims of abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation aged 60 and over.  

  • The organization does not provide direct services to victims of victims of abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation aged 60 and over.

  1. Which of the following best describes your primary role in your current position? (Select all that apply)

  • Advocate

  • Caregiver Support Staff

  • Case Manager

  • Counselor

  • Direct Service Delivery/Front Line Staff

  • Education and Training specialist

  • Information and Referral specialist

  • Legal Specialist

  • Management/Administrative Staff

  • Volunteer

    • Not Listed (please specify): ____________

  1. Which of the following best describes the number of years of experience you have working with victims of abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation aged 60 and over? (Select only one)

  • Less than 3 years

  • 3 to 5 years

  • 6 to 10 years

  • More than 10 years



Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey about the needs of individuals aged 60 or older who have experienced abuse, neglect, and/or financial exploitation (victims of ANFE aged 60+) and elder justice professionals. On behalf of Department of Justice (DOJ) Elder Justice Initiative (EJI), ICF (an independent research and consulting firm) is conducting a needs assessment of elder justice professionals and victims of ANFE aged 60+ throughout the United States. The purpose of the needs assessment is to: (1) better understand what services are available for victims of ANFE aged 60+ and how existing support shapes victim experiences; (2) document gaps in services, and 3) record the needs of victims of ANFE aged 60+ and elder justice professionals who serve them. The findings from this needs assessment will help the EJI to better understand the needs of both victims of ANFE aged 60+ and elder justice professionals, as well as develop strategies to address these needs across the country. EJI supports national, state, and local communities in their efforts to combat elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation through enforcement, training, education, outreach, and victim services.

Your input is important. Your participation in this survey is voluntary. There are no penalties or consequences to you or your organization for not participating. You can choose to stop the survey at any time, or not answer a question, for whatever reason. If you stop the survey, at your request, we will destroy the survey. You may ask any questions that you have before, during, or after you complete the survey.

The survey will take less than 20 minutes. Your personal identity will be kept confidential. The completed surveys will be kept secure and separate from any information that identifies you such as your name. Responses to survey questions will be aggregated and will never identify you or your organization. We will only report findings as a whole (e.g., what % of all service providers serve victims of ANFE aged 60+) and will NOT report information at the county, organization, or individual respondent level. If this study is published or presented at scientific meetings, names and other information that might identify you will not be used.

Benefits: You will receive a $5 gift card for taking this survey. Additionally, your input will help to provide a better understanding of the needs of victims of ANFE aged 60+ and elder justice professionals and developing strategies to address these needs.

Risks: This survey poses few, if any, risks to you and/or your organization.

Contact information: If you have any concerns about completing this survey or have any questions about the study, please contact the ICF Survey Administrator at [email protected] or by telephone at (703) 218-2508 or the chairperson of ICF’s Institutional Review Board, Christine Walrath, at [email protected] or by telephone at (646) 695-8154.

Please click the "I CONSENT" box below to proceed to the survey.



Your organization may provide other types of services (e.g., medical assistance, employment services) in addition to victims of ANFE aged 60+. Please respond to survey questions based only on the program(s) within your organization that are responsible for serving victims of ANFE aged 60+.

  1. Types of Services

  1. Which best describes the services provided by the organization/program in which you work related to victims of ANFE aged 60+? (Select all that apply)

  • 24-hour hotline

  • Case management services

  • Capacity assessment

  • Court accompaniment services

  • Coordinating multidisciplinary team(s) associated with victims of ANFE aged 60+

  • Criminal justice system advocacy/assistance

  • Crisis intervention

  • Education/training of professionals related to victims of ANFE aged 60+

  • Emergency financial assistance

  • Employment assistance

  • Financial fraud support

  • Financial management services

  • Forensic exam (exam conducted by a sexual assault nurse examiner or by a sexual assault forensic examiner)

  • Funding of programs

  • Guardianship/conservatorship services

  • Health care services/medical assistance

  • Housing Assistance

  • Immigration Assistance

  • Information and referrals

  • In-home caregiver services (e.g., chores, meals, repairs, hygiene)

  • Legal advocacy/assistance

  • Mental health services

  • Peer support

  • Protection and safety services

  • Services for caregivers (e.g., Adult Day Services, Respite Care)

  • Substance use services

  • Support for victims (e.g., telephone reassurance)

  • Transportation

  • Victim compensation application and claim assistance

  • None Listed (please specify) ______________

  1. For the services you identified in question 1, please choose the top five that are used most by your clients aged 60+ immediately following ANFE. [Note for Survey Programmer: Program question 2 to pre-load the respondent’s answers from question 1 and provide ranking options]

Most used service - #1: __________________

Second most used service - #2: __________________

Third most used service - #3: __________________

Fourth most used service - #4: __________________

Fifth most used service - #5: __________________

  1. For the services you identified in question 1, please choose the top five that are used most by your clients aged 60+ during criminal investigation following ANFE. [Note for Survey Programmer: Program question 3 to pre-load the respondent’s answers from question 1 and provide ranking options]

Most used service - #1: __________________

Second most used service - #2: __________________

Third most used service - #3: __________________

Fourth most used service - #4: __________________

Fifth most used service - #5: __________________

  1. For the services you identified in question 1, please choose the top five that are used most by your clients aged 60+ during trial following ANFE. [Note for Survey Programmer: Program question 4 to pre-load the respondent’s answers from question 1 and provide ranking options]

Most used service - #1: __________________

Second most used service - #2: __________________

Third most used service - #3: __________________

Fourth most used service - #4: __________________

Fifth most used service - #5: __________________

  1. For the services you identified in question 1, please choose the top five that are used most by your clients aged 60+ during long-term recovery following ANFE. [Note for Survey Programmer: Program question 5 to pre-load the respondent’s answers from question 1 and provide ranking options]

Most used service - #1: __________________

Second most used service - #2: __________________

Third most used service - #3: __________________

Fourth most used service - #4: __________________

Fifth most used service - #5: __________________

  1. Current Capacity and Service Delivery

  1. What is your organization’s capacity to meet current demand for services provided victims of ANFE aged 60+? (Select one):

  • We can serve more clients than we currently serve

  • We are at capacity

  • We have a waiting list

  • I don’t know

  1. In the last year, how many unique victims of ANFE aged 60+ received services at your organization? _______

  1. Out of the total victims of ANFE aged 60+ served in the last year, how many experienced the following types of victimization? Do not count an individual more than once for the same victimization type. An individual may be counted in more than one victimization type. Please enter ‘0’ if no victims of ANFE aged 60+ received services for that victimization type.

    • Physical Abuse ____

    • Sexual Abuse ____

    • Emotional or Psychological Abuse ____

    • Financial Exploitation ____

    • Neglect (including abandonment) ____

    • Financial Fraud ____

  • I don’t know ____

  1. Approximately what percentage of the victims of ANFE aged 60+ served by your organization are:

Gender Identity and Sexual Preference

  • Female: ____%

  • Male: ____%

  • Transgender: ____%

  • LGBTQIA2S+: ­­­____%


  • American Indian or Alaska Native: ____%

  • Asian or Asian American ____%

  • Black or African American: ____%

  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: ____%

  • White, non-Hispanic: ____%

  • Two or More Races: ____%

  • Hispanic/Latino/Latina/Latine: ____%

  • Not Listed (please specify): _____________ ____%


  • Adults 60-64: ____%

  • Adults 65-74: ____%

  • Adults 75-84 ____%

  • Adults 85 and older ____%

Other Select Population Groups (regardless of age)

  • People with a disability: ____%

  • People with Limited English Proficiency: ____%

  • People who are immigrants/

refugees/asylum seekers ____%

  • I don’t know

  1. Does your organization’s service program(s) for victims of ANFE aged 60+ focus on culturally specific population(s)?

  • Yes

  • No

If yes, please specify the culturally specific populations prioritized and reached: _____________________________________________________________


  1. Can your organization accommodate victims of ANFE aged 60+ with the following physical, mental, and/or emotional conditions? (Select all that apply)

  • Cognitive (serious difficulty in concentrating, remembering, or making decisions due to a physical, mental, or emotional condition)

  • Hearing (deafness or serious difficulty hearing)

  • Vision (blindness or serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses)

  • Ambulatory (mobility, difficulty walking or climbing stairs)

  • Self-care (a condition that causes difficulty dressing or bathing)

  • Independent living (physical, mental, or emotional condition that impedes doing errands alone, such as visiting a doctor or shopping).

  • Not Listed (please specify): ____________

  1. Challenges and Barriers to Service Delivery and Help Seeking

  1. What are the barriers your organization experiences in providing services to victims of ANFE aged 60+? (Select all that apply)

  • Difficulty reaching underserved victim populations

  • Eligibility restrictions (e.g., age, income, victimization type)

  • Lack of accessible services for persons with physical, mental, or emotional conditions

  • Lack of general public awareness regarding programs and services offered by your organization

  • Lack of interagency collaboration and coordination

  • Lack of interventions that are flexible

  • Lack of knowledge regarding other available services in the catchment area

  • Lack of knowledge regarding the needs of victims of ANFE aged 60+ with certain ANE types

  • Lack of language/culturally accessible services

  • Lack of receptivity on part of victims of ANFE aged 60+ to services

  • Lack of sufficient financial resources to meet demand for services

  • Lack of sufficient staff to meet demand for services

  • Lack of training and educational opportunities for staff and volunteers

  • Lack of transportation for victims of ANFE aged 60+ to access services

  • Safety concerns for staff

  • Not Listed (please specify): ________________________________________

  1. What are the barriers victims of ANFE aged 60+ experience in seeking services? (Select all that apply)

  • Feelings of shame or embarrassment

  • Fear of deportation

  • Lack of available services

  • Lack of awareness regarding available services

  • Lack of transportation for victims of ANFE aged 60+ to access services

  • Lack of trust in the system

  • Language barriers

  • Process for obtaining services is overly burdensome for victims of ANFE aged 60+

  • Victims of ANFE aged 60+ are unable to get basic needs met (e.g., housing, food, medical care), which stops them from seeking other services

  • Victims of ANFE aged 60+ do not meet income limitations or other eligibility requirements

  • Victims of ANFE aged 60+ have to go to many different agencies/organizations to receive services

  • Not Listed (please specify) ______________________________________________________

  1. Victims of ANFE aged 60+ Service Gaps/Needs

  1. What are the service-related gaps that exist for victims of ANFE aged 60+ in the catchment area served by your organization? (Select all that apply). )

  • 24-hour hotline

  • Case management services

  • Capacity assessment

  • Court accompaniment services

  • Coordinating multidisciplinary team(s) associated with victims of ANFE aged 60+

  • Criminal justice system advocacy/assistance

  • Crisis intervention

  • Education/training of professionals related to victims of ANFE aged 60+

  • Emergency financial assistance

  • Employment assistance

  • Financial fraud support

  • Financial management services

  • Forensic exam (exam conducted by a sexual assault nurse examiner or by a sexual assault forensic examiner)

  • Funding of programs

  • Guardianship/conservatorship services

  • Health care services/medical assistance

  • Housing Assistance

  • Immigration Assistance

  • Information and referrals

  • In-home caregiver services (e.g., chores, meals, repairs, hygiene)

  • Legal advocacy/assistance

  • Mental health services

  • Peer support

  • Protection and safety services

  • Services for caregivers (e.g., Adult Day Services, Respite Care)

  • Substance use services

  • Support for victims (e.g., telephone reassurance)

  • Transportation

  • Victim compensation application and claim assistance

  • None Listed (please specify) ______________

  1. For the gaps services you identified in question 14, please choose the top five that are the biggest gaps for your clients age 60+ immediately following ANFE. [Note for Survey Programmer: Program question 15 to pre-load the respondent’s answers from question 14 and provide ranking options]

Most used service - #1: __________________

Second most used service - #2: __________________

Third most used service - #3: __________________

Fourth most used service - #4: __________________

Fifth most used service - #5: __________________

  1. For the gaps services you identified in question 14, please choose the top five that are the biggest gaps for your clients age 60+ during criminal investigation following ANFE. [Note for Survey Programmer: Program question 16 to pre-load the respondent’s answers from question 14 and provide ranking options]

Most used service - #1: __________________

Second most used service - #2: __________________

Third most used service - #3: __________________

Fourth most used service - #4: __________________

Fifth most used service - #5: __________________

  1. For the gaps services you identified in question 14, please choose the top five that are the biggest gaps for your clients age 60+ during trial following ANFE. [Note for Survey Programmer: Program question 17 to pre-load the respondent’s answers from question 14 and provide ranking options]

Most used service - #1: __________________

Second most used service - #2: __________________

Third most used service - #3: __________________

Fourth most used service - #4: __________________

Fifth most used service - #5: __________________

  1. For the gaps services you identified in question 14, please choose the top five that are the biggest gaps for your clients age 60+ during long-term recovery following ANFE. [Note for Survey Programmer: Program question 18 to pre-load the respondent’s answers from question 14 and provide ranking options]

Most used service - #1: __________________

Second most used service - #2: __________________

Third most used service - #3: __________________

Fourth most used service - #4: __________________

Fifth most used service - #5: __________________

  1. What types of experts does your organization need (but do not currently employ) to serve victims of ANFE aged 60+, such as (Select all that apply):

  • Forensic Accountant

  • Medical Expertise (e.g., Geriatrician or Geriatric Nurse Practitioner)

  • Capacity Assessments (e.g., Psychologist/Geropsychiatrist/Neuropsychologist)

  • Not Listed (please specify) ____________

  1. What other services do victims of ANFE aged 60+, and their families express a need for that are currently lacking or unavailable in your catchment area? Please suggest innovative practices or approaches that would address existing needs. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Capacity Building and Training Needs

  1. Please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statements below:

My organization needs additional training and technical assistance related to:

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Awareness and prevention strategies for victims of ANFE aged 60+ (e.g., awareness campaigns, other marketing and outreach).

Identifying victims of ANFE aged 60+ (e.g., common risk factors, environmental indicators, screening).

Providing trauma-informed, survivor-informed, and age-appropriate approaches to victims of ANFE aged 60+.

Providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services to victims of ANFE aged 60+.

Preventing vicarious and secondary trauma among staff assisting victims of ANFE aged 60+.

Multidisciplinary approaches for collaboration to provide services to victims of ANFE aged 60+ (e.g., developing partnerships, building networks, sharing client information).

  1. Outreach and Awareness

  1. What outreach methods does your organization use to inform/notify older victims of your services? (Select all that apply)

  • Do not conduct outreach

  • Billboards

  • Brochures

  • Bulletin Boards

  • Networking/Coordination with Other Organizations

  • Newsletter

  • Newspaper (ads, story/column)

  • Promotional Items

  • Public Speaking Engagements

  • Radio Ads

  • Social Media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)

  • Television Ads

  • Trainings

  • Website

  • None Listed (please specify): ______

  1. What do you think could be done to improve your organization’s outreach efforts? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration

  1. Using the scale1 provided below, please rate the level of collaboration with other organizations serving victims of ANFE aged 60+.

Five Levels of Collaboration and Their Characteristics













Relationship Characteristics

No interaction at all

- Aware of organization

- Loosely defined roles

- Little communication

- All decisions are made independently

- Provide information to each other

- Somewhat defined roles

- Formal communication

- All decisions are made independently

- Share information and resources

- Defined roles

- Frequent communication

- Some shared decision-making

- Share ideas

- Share resource

- Frequent and prioritized communication

- All members have a vote in decision making

- Members belong to one system

- Frequent communication is characterized by mutual trust

- Consensus is reached on all decisions

Organization Type

Community-Based Victim Services Organizations

Government-Affiliated Victim Services

Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault

Aging Services (e.g., Area Agencies on Aging)

Adult Protective Services


Financial Institutions (e.g., for financial crimes)

Law Enforcement

Legal Services

Health Care

Mental Health Care


State, Local, and/or Tribal Governmental Services

Substance Use Treatment

Faith-based organizations

  1. Please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree that there is a history of collaboration and cooperation among organizations serving victims of ANFE aged 60+ in your catchment area.

  • Strongly Agree

  • Agree

  • Neither Agree nor Disagree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree

  1. Are you currently part of a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) supporting victims of ANFE aged 60+?

    • Yes

    • No

  1. [Survey programmer, add this question if the respondent answers “yes” to question 19] Do MDT case discussions include the client’s preferences/wishes?

  • Always

  • Most of the time

  • About half the time

  • Sometimes

  • Never

  1. [Survey programmer, add this question if the respondent answers “yes” to question 19] Please rate your level of agreement with this statement: Do you believe the MDT could do a better job of incorporating client/victim wishes into the case plan?

  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Neutral

  • Disagree

  • Strongly disagree

  1. How can agencies/organizations in your catchment area better coordinate to serve victims of ANFE aged 60+? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Future Directions

  1. What populations age 60 and over are currently underserved in your community (e.g., LGBTQIA2S+ victims, persons with disabilities, victims in rural areas)?


  1. Based on your knowledge and experience, what are three emerging or recognized trends or priority issues associated with services for victims of ANFE aged 60+ that you would like to see addressed through training, technical assistance, or resources for the field (e.g., civil legal assistance)?




  1. Do you have suggestions for improving the provision of services to victims of ANFE aged 60+ in your catchment area?

  1. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions?

  1. Follow-Up

As part of this needs assessment, ICF researchers are planning to conduct brief follow-up telephone interviews and/or focus groups with elder justice professionals in order to gather more in-depth information on services and needs for victims of ANFE aged 60+.

If you would be willing to participate in a brief follow-up interview and/or focus group, please provide your contact information below:

Name: _________________________

Email: _________________________

Phone: _________________________

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your responses are critical to ensuring that EJI’s programs are responsive to the needs of victims of ANFE aged 60+ and elder justice professionals.

As a reminder, if you have any questions or feedback regarding the survey, please contact the ICF Survey Administrator at [email protected].

Appendix B: National Survey of Individuals Aged 60 and Over who have Experienced Abuse, Neglect, and/or Financial Exploitation, Friends, and Family

Recruitment/Sampling Screener

The following one to two-minute screener will be used to recruit individuals aged 60 or older who have experienced abuse, neglect, and/or financial exploitation to participate in the survey and ensure sampling criteria is met.

  1. Which of the following best describes you? (Pick the best one)

  • Individual aged 60 or older who experienced abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation

  • Guardian of an individual aged 60 or older who experienced abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation

  • Family (non-guardian) of an individual aged 60 or older who experienced abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation

  • Friend of an individual aged 60 or older who experienced abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation

  • Not Listed (please describe): ________________________________________________

  1. Please select the state you live in. [Note for survey programmer: create dropdown menu]

  1. What is the zip code of the area you live in? [Note for survey programmer: create dropdown menu]

  1. Which best describes the area in which you live:

  • Urban

  • Suburban

  • Rural

  • Tribal

  1. What is your age? [Note for survey programmer: create dropdown menu]

  1. How do you currently describe yourself? (Select all that apply):

  • Female

  • Male

  • Transgender, non-binary, or another gender

  • Not Listed (if you would like to provide your gender identity, you can specify here):

  1. Which of the following best describes how you think of yourself? You can select as many as apply.

  • Bisexual

  • Gay or lesbian

  • Straight or heterosexual

  • I use a different term (if you would like to provide your sexual orientation, you can specify here):

  • I don’t know

  1. What are your living arrangements?

  • Alone

  • With spouse or partner

  • With family

  • Not Listed (please specify):

  1. Are you Hispanic or Latino:

  • No, not Hispanic or Latino

  • Yes, Hispanic or Latino

  1. Which of the following describes your race? (Select all that apply)

  • American Indian or Alaska Native

  • Asian or Asian American

  • Black or African American

  • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 

  • White 

  • Not Listed (if you would like to provide your race, you can specify here): _____________ 

  1. Education 

  • Some high school  

  • High school 

  • Some college 

  • Associate degree 

  • Bachelor’s degree  

  • Graduate/professional degree 

  1. Which of these categories best describes your total household income in 2023 before taxes?

  • Under $20,000

  • $20,000 - $39,999

  • $40,000 - $59,999

  • $60,000 - $79,999

  • $80,000 - $99,999

  • $100,000 or more

  1. Why did you seek victim services?

  • Physical Abuse/Assault (Someone hurt me and caused injury)

  • Sexual Abuse/Rape (Someone forced sexual acts on me)

  • Psychological Abuse (Someone hurt me emotionally or psychologically; threatened, scared, disrespected, or humiliated me)

  • Neglect (Someone who was supposed to take care of me did not meet my basic needs, like food, water, shelter, clothing, hygiene, and medical care)

  • Financial Exploitation (Someone used my money or property improperly or without my permission, including stealing money)

  • Financial Fraud (Someone lied or tricked me into giving them money)



Thank you for agreeing to take this survey about the needs of individuals aged 60 or older who have experienced abuse, neglect, and/or financial exploitation. On behalf of the Department of Justice (DOJ) Elder Justice Initiative (EJI), ICF (an independent research and consulting firm) is conducting research to: (1) understand what services are available for individuals aged 60 or older who have experienced abuse, neglect, and/or financial exploitation, (2) understand what it’s like trying to find and get services for abuse, neglect, and/or financial exploitation, and (3) find out which services people really need but are currently unavailable. The findings from this research will help the EJI better understand and develop strategies to address these needs across the country. EJI supports national, state, and local communities in their efforts to combat elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation through enforcement, training, education, outreach, and victim services.

Your input is important. Your participation in this survey is voluntary. There are no penalties or consequences to you for not participating. You can choose to stop the survey at any time, or not answer a question, for whatever reason. If you stop the survey, at your request, we will destroy the survey. You may ask any questions that you have before, during, or after you complete the survey.

The survey will take less than 10 minutes. Your personal identity will be kept confidential. The completed surveys will be kept secure and separate from any information that identifies you. Responses to survey questions will be summarized broadly and will never identify you. We will only report findings as a whole (for example, what percent of individuals surveyed said they need legal assistance) and will NOT report information about you personally. If this study is published or presented at scientific meetings, names and other information that might identify you will not be used.

Benefits: You will receive a $5 gift card for taking this survey. Additionally, your input will help us develop strategies that do a better job of meeting the needs of individuals who experience abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation.

Risks: This survey poses few, if any, risks to you.

Contact information: If you have any concerns about completing this survey or have any questions about the study, please contact the ICF Survey Administrator at [email protected] or by telephone at (703) 218-2508 or the chairperson of ICF’s Institutional Review Board, Christine Walrath, at [email protected] or by telephone at (646) 695-8154.

You may also visit the Elder Justice Initiative’s Find Help or Report Abuse webpage to locate help in your state (https://www.justice.gov/elderjustice/find-support-elder-abuse).

Please click the “I CONSENT” box below to proceed to the survey.



[For surveys administered to family and friends of the victim of crime, add “If you are filling this out on behalf of an individual aged 60 or older who experienced abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation (e.g., you are a guardian/family member/friend), please answer all questions as they relate to the individual’s experience.]

Service Access and Use

  1. Thinking about all the organizations where you got services, how did you learn about them?

    • Billboards

    • Brochures

    • Community Event

    • Family Member/Friend Recommendation

    • Newsletter

    • Newspaper (like ads, story/column)

    • Phone Hotline

    • Radio Ads

    • Referral from court system/prosecutor’s office

    • Referral from a legal assistance/aid organization

    • Referral from police/law enforcement

    • Referral from a victim services organization

    • Referral from another organization (doctor, religious organization, other social services)

    • Social Media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)

    • Television Ads

    • Website

    • Not Listed (please specify): ____________

  1. From the list below, please select the type of services you need or needed as a result of your experiences with abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation. (Check all that apply)

  • 24-hour hotline

  • Case management services

  • Capacity assessment

  • Court accompaniment services

  • Criminal justice system advocacy/assistance

  • Crisis intervention

  • Emergency financial assistance

  • Employment assistance

  • Financial fraud support

  • Financial management services

  • Forensic exam (exam conducted by a sexual assault nurse examiner or by a sexual assault forensic examiner)

  • Guardianship/conservatorship services

  • Health care services/medical assistance

  • Housing Assistance

  • Immigration Assistance

  • Information and referrals

  • In-home caregiver services (e.g., chores, meals, repairs, hygiene)

  • Legal advocacy/assistance

  • Mental health services

  • Peer support

  • Protection and safety services

  • Services for caregivers (e.g., Adult Day Services, Respite Care)

  • Substance use services

  • Support for victims (e.g., telephone reassurance)

  • Transportation

  • Victim compensation application and claim assistance

  • None Listed (please specify) ______________

  1. For the services you identified in question 2, please choose the top five that were most important to you/highest priority immediately following abuse, neglect, and/or financial exploitation. [Note for Survey Programmer: Program question 3 to pre-load the respondent’s answers from question 2]

Most used service - #1: __________________

Second most used service - #2: __________________

Third most used service - #3: __________________

Fourth most used service - #4: __________________

Fifth most used service - #5: __________________

  1. For the services you identified in question 2, please choose the top five that were most important to you/highest priority during criminal investigation following abuse, neglect, and/or financial exploitation. [Note for Survey Programmer: Program question 4 to pre-load the respondent’s answers from question 2]

  • I did not experience a criminal investigation.

Most used service - #1: __________________

Second most used service - #2: __________________

Third most used service - #3: __________________

Fourth most used service - #4: __________________

Fifth most used service - #5: __________________

  1. For the services you identified in question 2, please choose the top five that were most important to you/highest priority during trial following abuse, neglect, and/or financial exploitation. [Note for Survey Programmer: Program question 5 to pre-load the respondent’s answers from question 2]

  • I did not experience a trial.

Most used service - #1: __________________

Second most used service - #2: __________________

Third most used service - #3: __________________

Fourth most used service - #4: __________________

Fifth most used service - #5: __________________

  1. For the services you identified in question 2, please choose the top five that were most important to you/highest priority during long-term recovery following abuse, neglect, and/or financial exploitation. [Note for Survey Programmer: Program question 6 to pre-load the respondent’s answers from question 2]

Most used service - #1: __________________

Second most used service - #2: __________________

Third most used service - #3: __________________

Fourth most used service - #4: __________________

Fifth most used service - #5: __________________

  1. How long have you been receiving services? [Note for survey programmer: create dropdown menu]

  1. Did you need more help than you received? 

  • No, my needs were met 

  • Yes, I needed a little more help

  • Yes, I needed more help

  • Yes, I needed a lot more help

  1. I felt heard or respected by the organizations I was in contact with for help.

    • Strongly Disagree

    • Disagree

    • Neither Agree nor Disagree

    • Agree

    • Strongly Agree

    • Does not apply

  1. Accepting services required me to make an unwanted change in my life.

    • Strongly Disagree

    • Disagree

    • Neither Agree nor Disagree

    • Agree

    • Strongly Agree

    • Does not apply

  1. Thinking about your experiences receiving victim services as a whole, please mark how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. You can select “Does Not Apply” if you did not want or need help.

I had to go to many different organizations to get the help I needed.

Strongly disagree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Does Not Apply

I was not eligible for services (for example, did not meet income requirements).

Strongly disagree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Does Not Apply

I did not have transportation to reach services.

Strongly disagree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Does Not Apply

I was too embarrassed and/or ashamed to seek help.

Strongly disagree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Does Not Apply

The process for obtaining assistance was too burdensome.

Strongly disagree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Does Not Apply

I was unable to get my basic needs met (like housing, food, medical care), which stopped me from seeking other services.

Strongly disagree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Does Not Apply

I do not trust the victim service or criminal justice system.

Strongly disagree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Does Not Apply

I was not able to find services provided in my Native language.

Strongly disagree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Does Not Apply

  1. Was there anything you needed help with but didn't feel comfortable asking for (like shelter, appropriate protection, transportation, etc.) 

    • Yes

    • No

  1. [Survey programmer, if respondent answers “yes” to question 8 then add question #9] If yes, what type of service? What made you not want to ask for help?


  1. Do you have any recommendations for improving services for individuals aged 60 and older who experienced abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation?


Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your responses are critical to ensuring that EJI’s programs are responsive to the needs of individuals aged 60 and older who have experienced abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation. As a reminder, if you have any questions or feedback regarding the survey, please contact the ICF Survey Administrator at [email protected].

Appendix C: Focus Groups with Elder Justice Professionals and Federal Staff

Recruitment/Sampling Screener

The following one-minute screener will be used to recruit elder justice professionals to participate in the focus group and ensure sampling criteria is met.

  1. Please complete/confirm the following pieces of information for your organization. 

Agency Name

ZIP (Dropdown)

Is your organization located in an urban, suburban, or rural location?

  1. Please specify the catchment area served by your organization: (Select only one)

    • Statewide

    • Countywide (please specify): ____________

    • Multi-county (please specify): ____________

    • Citywide (please specify): ____________

    • Multi-city (please specify): ____________

    • Tribal (please specify): ____________

    • Not Listed (please specify): ____________

  1. Which of the following best describes the type of organization in which you work? (Select all that apply)

    • Community-Based

    • Criminal Justice Government Agency

    • Education

    • Faith-Based

    • Federal [Survey programmer add question: What is your agency’s primary area of focus regarding elder justice: Research, Regulator, Capacity Building, Public Outreach, Enforcement, Victim Services]

    • Human/Social Services

    • Health/Medical Services

    • Legal Services

    • Legislation/Policymaking

    • Non-Profit

    • Not Listed (please specify):__________

  1. Which of the following best describes how your organization is structured to provide services to victims of ANFE aged 60+? 

  • Services or programming for victims of ANFE aged 60+ are one component of the larger organization (e.g., a hospital, university, community center, law enforcement agency, prosecutor’s office, corrections). 

  • The primary function of the organization is to provide services or programming for victims of ANFE aged 60+.  

  • The organization does not provide direct services to victims of ANFE aged 60+.

  1. Which of the following best describes your primary role in your current position? (Select all that apply)

  • Advocate

  • Caregiver Support Staff

  • Case Manager

  • Counselor

  • Direct Service Delivery/Front Line Staff

  • Education and Training specialist

  • Information and Referral specialist

  • Legal Specialist

  • Management/Administrative Staff

  • Volunteer

    • Not Listed (please specify): ____________

  1. Which of the following best describes the number of years of experience you have working with victims of ANFE aged 60+? (Select only one)

  • Less than 3 years

  • 3 to 5 years

  • 6 to 10 years

  • More than 10 years

Focus Group Protocol

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this focus group. I’m [Insert name], and I will facilitate the focus group today. I am joined by [Insert support staff], and they will be taking notes.

On behalf of Department of Justice (DOJ) Elder Justice Initiative (EJI), ICF (an independent research and consulting firm) is conducting a needs assessment of elder justice professionals and victims of ANFE aged 60+ throughout the United States. The purpose of the needs assessment is to: (1) better understand what services are available for victims of ANFE aged 60+ and how existing support shapes victim experiences; (2) document gaps in services, and 3) record the needs of victims of ANFE aged 60+ and elder justice professionals who serve them. The findings from this needs assessment will help the EJI to better understand the needs of both victims of ANFE aged 60+ and elder justice professionals, as well as develop strategies to address these needs across the country. EJI supports national, state, and local communities in their efforts to combat elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation through enforcement, training, education, outreach, and victim services.

This focus group will last 60 to 90 minutes. Participating in this focus group is voluntary; you may end the focus group at any time and choose not to answer questions. We will protect the confidentiality of your responses using procedures we have in place, including aggregating responses so that no information is personally identifiable. Only members of the ICF Research Team have access to information that could identify respondents. Before we get started, do you have any questions about this focus group?

  1. Awareness of Services 

  1. How do you share information about victim services and resources your organization provides for individuals aged 60 and over? (e.g., law enforcement, D.A.’s Offices organization referral, court referral, family/peer, internet, printed advertisement, signage, others) 

  1. What are some effective methods for telling individuals aged 60 and over about available victim services and resources? 

  1. Service Access

  1. What are the most important victim services individuals aged 60 and over may need:

    • Immediately after experiencing a crime?

    • As they go through the criminal justice process (e.g., investigation, prosecution)?

    • In the long term?

  1. What victim services do individuals aged 60 and over express a need for that are currently lacking or unavailable in your community?

  1. What types of victim services are most difficult for individuals aged 60 and over to access? What makes it difficult to access those services (e.g., waitlists, lack of transportation, insurance, eligibility requirements)?

  1. Are there any victim services individuals aged 60 and over seem uncomfortable asking for? Why? What could make them more comfortable asking for those types of services?

  1. What could be done to address the barriers individuals aged 60 and over face in seeking victim services?

  1. Service Delivery

  1. What are the greatest challenges/barriers to providing victim services to individuals aged 60 and over?  

    • How are you currently addressing these challenges/barriers?

  1. What do elder justice professionals need to better serve individuals aged 60 and over who have experienced abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation? 

    • What types of experts does your organization need (but do not currently employ) to serve victims of ANFE aged 60+ aged 60 and over (e.g., forensic accountant, geriatric nurse practitioner, geriatrician, gero-psychiatrist, neuropsychologist)? Why?

    • What types of training or technical assistance would help you improve victim services for individuals aged 60 and over?

  1. How does your organization make sure you are providing culturally, linguistically, and age-appropriate victim services to individuals aged 60 and over?

  1. What other types of organizations do you collaborate/coordinate within your community to provide victim services to individuals aged 60 and over? [For federal agencies: What other agencies do you collaborate with to serve individuals aged 60 and over who experience abuse, neglect, and or financial exploitation?]

  1. Future Directions and Recommendations 

  1. Overall, what recommendations do you have for improving victim services for individuals aged 60 and over? 

  2. What could service providers do to be more inclusive? (e.g., culture, race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability)

  3. Are there any promising or innovative practices you can share?

  4. What is the most important thing for EJI to know about experiences with providing victim services for individuals aged 60 and over?

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this focus group. Your responses are critical to ensuring that EJI’s programs are responsive to the needs of individuals aged 60 and older who have experienced abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation. As a reminder, if you have any questions or feedback regarding the research study please contact the Principal Investigators Dr. Alana Henninger and Dr. Bhuvana Sukumar by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 410-539-4160 (Alana) and (404) 592-2122 (Bhuvana).

Appendix D: Focus Groups with Individuals Aged 60 and Over who have Experienced Abuse, Neglect, and/or Financial Exploitation, Family, and Friends

Recruitment/Sampling Screener

The following one-minute screener will be used to recruit individuals aged 60 or older who have experienced abuse, neglect, and/or financial exploitation to participate in the focus group and ensure sampling criteria is met.

      1. Which of the following best describes you? (Pick one)

  • Individual aged 60 or older who experienced abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation

  • Guardian of an individual aged 60 or older who experienced abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation

  • Family (non-guardian) of an individual aged 60 or older who experienced abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation

  • Friend of an individual aged 60 or older who experienced abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation

  • Not Listed (please describe): ________________________________________________

      1. Please select the state you live in. [Note for survey programmer: create dropdown menu]

      1. What is the zip code of the area you live in? [Note for survey programmer: create dropdown menu]

      1. Which best describes the area in which you live:

  • Urban

  • Suburban

  • Rural

  • Tribal

      1. What is your age? [Note for survey programmer: create dropdown menu]

      1. How do you currently describe yourself? (Select all that apply):

  • Female

  • Male

  • Transgender, non-binary, or another gender

  • Not Listed (if you would like to provide your gender identity, you can specify here):

      1. Which of the best describes how you think about yourself? You may select as many as apply.

  • Bisexual

  • Gay or lesbian

  • Straight or heterosexual

  • I use a different term (if you would like to provide your sexual orientation, you can specify here):

  • I don’t know

      1. What are your living arrangements?

  • Alone

  • With spouse or partner

  • With family

  • Not Listed (please specify):

      1. Are you Hispanic or Latino:

  • No, not Hispanic or Latino

  • Yes, Hispanic or Latino

      1. Which of the following describes your race? (Select all that apply)

  • American Indian or Alaska Native

  • Asian or Asian American

  • Black or African American

  • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 

  • White 

  • Not Listed (if you would like to provide your race, you can specify here): __________ 

      1. Education 

  • Some high school  

  • High school 

  • Some college 

  • Associate degree 

  • Bachelor’s degree  

  • Graduate/professional degree 

      1. Which of these categories best describes your total household income in 2023 before taxes?

  • Under $20,000

  • $20,000 - $39,999

  • $40,000 - $59,999

  • $60,000 - $79,999

  • $80,000 - $99,999

  • $100,000 or more

      1. Why did you seek victim services?

  • Physical Abuse/Assault (Someone hurt me and caused injury)

  • Sexual Abuse/Rape (Someone forced sexual acts on me)

  • Psychological Abuse (Someone hurt me emotionally or psychologically; threatened, scared, disrespected, or humiliated me)

  • Neglect (Someone who was supposed to take care of me did not meet my basic needs, like food, water, shelter, clothing, hygiene, and medical care)

  • Financial Exploitation (Someone used my money or property improperly or without my permission, including stealing money)

  • Financial Fraud (Someone lied or tricked me into giving them money)

Focus Group Protocol

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this focus group. I’m [Insert name], and I will facilitate the focus group today. I am joined by [Insert support staff], and they will be taking notes. On behalf of the Department of Justice (DOJ) Elder Justice Initiative (EJI), ICF (an independent research and consulting firm) is conducting research to: (1) understand what services are available for individuals age 60 or older who have experienced abuse, neglect, and/or financial exploitation, (2) understand what it’s like trying to find and get services for abuse, neglect, and/or financial exploitation, and (3) find out which services people really need but are currently unavailable. The findings from this research will help the EJI better understand and develop strategies to address these needs across the country. EJI supports national, state, and local communities in their efforts to combat elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation through enforcement, training, education, outreach, and victim services. This focus group will last 60 to 90 minutes. Participating in this focus group is voluntary; you may end the focus group at any time and choose not to answer questions. We will protect the confidentiality of your responses using procedures we have in place, including aggregating responses so that no information is personally identifiable. Only members of the ICF Research Team have access to information that could identify respondents. Before we get started, do you have any questions about this focus group?

    1. Awareness of Services 

      1. How did you learn about services and resources available to you for abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation? (e.g., law enforcement, D.A.’s Offices organization referral, court referral, family/peer, internet, printed advertisement, signage, others) 

      1. Do you believe that you were made aware of the variety of services and resources available to individuals over the age of 60 who have experienced abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation in your community?  What was missing?  

      1. Is there a better method for telling individuals over the age of 60 who have experienced abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation about available services and resources? And if so, what would that be? Looking back, how would you suggest that others like yourself be notified of services and resources? 

    1. Access to Services 

      1. Once you became aware of available services, were they easy to access (e.g., making connections, getting the services you were looking for)?  In what ways?

  • If not, what types of services were most difficult to access? And what were those difficulties? 

  • How long did it take you to get services? Were you placed on a waitlist?

  • Were there any services you were uncomfortable asking for? Why? What could make you more comfortable asking for those types of services?

      1. What difficulties have you experienced when trying to access victim services?  

      2. What would make it easier to access services? 

  1. Services Received 

      1. What type of services have you received? And by what agency(ies) or kinds of agencies? (i.e., family assistance, donations, shelters, emergency financial assistance, legal services, advocacy) 

    • How long have you been receiving services? 

    • Which services did you receive and how did these services help you:

      • Immediately

      • As you went through the criminal justice process (e.g., investigation, prosecution)

      • In the long term?

      • Were the services you received sensitive to your individual needs?

    • If yes, how so?  If no, in what way? For example, if you required a translator, had accessibility needs (e.g., transportation), cultural considerations, or other services customized to your needs; were service providers able to meet/understand your needs, empathetic? 

      1. In your opinion, were services provided in a way that made you feel comfortable/uncomfortable? In what ways?

      1. Did you have any needs that were not met? (e.g., family assistance, donations, shelters, emergency financial assistance, legal services)  

  • If yes, what types of services would have been helpful?  

      • Immediately

      • As you went through the criminal justice process (e.g., investigation, prosecution)

      • In the long term?

  • In your opinion, why were you not able to receive needed services? 

      1. How would you describe your overall experience with the services received? 

  1. Future Directions and Recommendations 

      1. Overall, what recommendations do you have for improving services for individuals over the age of 60 who have experienced abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation? 

    • Immediately

    • As you went through the criminal justice process (e.g., investigation, prosecution)

    • In the long term

      1. What could service providers do to be more inclusive? (e.g., culture, race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability)

  • What do you think is the most helpful service for individuals over the age of 60 who have experienced abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation? Why?  

  • What is the most important thing for service providers to know about experiences with services for individuals over the age of 60 who have experienced abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation?

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this focus group. Your responses are critical to ensuring that EJI’s programs are responsive to the needs of individuals aged 60 and older who have experienced abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation. As a reminder, if you have any questions or feedback regarding the research study please contact the Principal Investigators Dr. Alana Henninger and Dr. Bhuvana Sukumar by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 410-539-4160 (Alana) and (404) 592-2122 (Bhuvana).

PRA Public Burden Statement Victim, Friends and Family Survey

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control Number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 10 minutes, including time for reviewing instructions and completing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is voluntary. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Andy Mao, Project Coordinator and National Elder Justice Coordinator, US Department of Justice, at [email protected], or by mail at 175 N Street NE, Washington, DC, 20002, and reference the OMB Control Number-XXXX-XXXX. Note: Please do not return the completed XXXX to this address.

1 Frey, B., Lohmeier, J., Lee, S., & Tollefson, N. (2006). Measuring collaboration among grant partners. American Journal of Evaluation, 27, 383.

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AuthorJackson, Shelly L. (CIV)
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File Created2023-07-29

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