Student Experience Assessment (Spanish)

Student Experience Assessment of Job Corps Centers

30 day FRN Appendix A Student Experience Assessment (SEA) English Script for CEO

OMB: 1205-0543

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OMB Control Number: 1205-0543

OMB Expiration Date: 6/30/2023

Public Burden Statement - Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number which for this form is 1205-0543. Public reporting burden for this collection of information, which is required to obtain or retain benefits (29 USC 2881), is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and the completing and reviewing the collection of information. This information collection is for program management and Congressional reporting purposes. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Job Corps. Room N-4507, Washington, D.C. 20210 (Paperwork Reduction Project).

Student Experience Assessment (SEA)

A Student Satisfaction Survey


The National Office of Job Corps would like to hear from you. This survey asks questions about your experience at Job Corps. The survey is offered to Job Corps students four times a year. The survey is voluntary. We hope that you will take this survey to share your opinions about Job Corps. We will use this information to improve Job Corps. Center staff will see the survey results but not the names of the students who participate.

Please note:

  • We would like to hear your views about the center where you are currently receiving training.

  • If your center has changed since you enrolled (for example, added staff or changed the rules), please base your answers on your current experience.

  • This survey will take approximately 20 minutes.

  • Your participation is voluntary. You can choose to stop answering the survey questions at any time.

A1: Is this the first time you have taken this survey?

  • Yes

  • No

A2: Are you willing to complete the survey?

  • Yes

  • No (STOP)


Center Climate

The following questions are about the character or culture of your center. When answering questions about center staff, consider your experience with staff and anything staff have said or done.

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know / Does Not Apply

B1. Staff treat all students fairly (for example, well-liked students are treated the same as others).

B2. Staff encourage all students to succeed.

B3. This center is a welcoming place for people of all races, genders, sexual orientations, cultural backgrounds, religions, and viewpoints.

B4. I have not experienced or seen unfair treatment of students by my center staff, instructors, or leadership.


The following questions are about the food provided by your center and the staff who prepare, cook and serve your food on a regular basis.

B5. I eat at least one meal per day at my center’s cafeteria.

  • Yes (GO TO B6

  • No (CONTINUE TO B13)

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know / Does Not Apply

B6. All cafeteria staff treat me with respect.

B7. The cafeteria food tastes good to me.

B8. The cafeteria has healthy meal choices.

B9. The cafeteria food meets my needs. For example, if I do not eat pork or have a food allergy, there are other things to eat.

B10. The cafeteria is clean.

B11. The food in the cafeteria is well-cooked and fresh.

B12. I get enough food to eat.

Health and Wellness

Health and wellness staff include anyone who you visit on center regarding your health or well-being. This includes nurses, doctors, dentists, mental health professionals, or anyone helping students overcome addictions.

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know / Does Not Apply

B13. The health and wellness staff clearly explain available health services to me.

B14. The health and wellness staff help me understand my health care needs.

B15. All health and wellness staff treat me with respect.

B16. The health and wellness staff keep my personal health information private.

B17. The health and wellness staff provide health services and teach skills to help me manage my health.

B18. The health and wellness staff are available to students during the training day.

B19. Health services are available to students at night and on the weekends as needed.

B20. The health and wellness staff helped me get health services off center when needed.

Disability Services

Students receive disability services if they have a medically determined condition making it difficult to do one or more life activities. Students with disabilities may receive reasonable accommodations to help them participate in the Job Corps program. Each center has staff, called Center Disability Coordinators, who assist students with disabilities.

Examples of accommodations include:

  • Extended time on tests or assignments

  • Frequent breaks

  • Time out/break area

  • Checklists (for example, dorms tasks, daily tasks, and assignment tasks)

  • Adjusted schedule

  • Sign language interpreters

  • Allowing the use of technology to assist students (for example, permitting a student to use a calculator or laptop for word processing)

B21. Overall, this center is respectful of students with disabilities.

  • Strongly Agree

  • Agree

  • Neither Agree or Disagree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Do not know

B22. Have you asked for an accommodation related to a disability (for example, depression, anxiety, learning disabilities, ADHD, or diabetes)?

  • Yes (CONTINUE TO B23)

  • No (GO TO B26)

B23. After meeting with a Center Disability Coordinator, how long did it take to receive the accommodation?

  • Less than 1 week

  • 1–2 weeks

  • 3–4 weeks

  • 1-3 months

  • I asked for services less than a week ago and have not received them (GO TO B26)

  • I never received the services after I requested them (GO TO B26)

  • I do not have the required paperwork (GO TO B26)

B24. Have the accommodations been available wherever you needed them (for example, during academic and trade classes or in the dorm)?

  • Always

  • Usually

  • Sometimes

  • Never

B25. Receiving accommodations improved my ability to participate in Job Corps.

  • Strongly Agree

  • Agree

  • Neither Agree or Disagree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Do Not Know/Does Not Apply


The following section asks about your counselors at your center. Counselors are the people who help your plan your career path or help you handle personal problems. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know / Does Not Apply

B26. My counselors treat me with respect.

B27. My counselors help me plan and meet my goals.

B28. If I need someone to talk to about my problems, I could ask my counselors for help.

B29. My counselors respond quickly when I ask to meet with them.

B30. My counselors keep my personal information private, when possible.

Select one response per row.

Center Life

The following questions are about the day-to-day life and operation of your center. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know

B31. The center leadership (Center Director and other managers) treat me with respect.

B32. My center is well organized.

B33. Center staff keep me informed about important changes, such as rule or schedule changes.

B34. The buildings, including the classrooms and offices, are well maintained.

B35. The buildings, including the classrooms and offices, are clean.

B36. I can talk to center staff about my opinions and ideas for the center.

B37. The center staff shared the results of the last SEA survey.

B38. I am the caregiver of at least one child.

  • Yes (CONTINUE TO B39)


B39. When I have asked, the center has helped me arrange childcare for my child/children.

  • Strongly Agree

  • Agree

  • Neither Agree or Disagree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree


To enter Job Corps, you had to complete an application (the paperwork to enroll) with admissions staff. Often, these staff members are called Admissions Counselors or your recruiter. Please let us know about your experiences during this process. When answering questions about admissions staff, consider your experience with staff and anything staff have said or done.

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know/ Does Not Apply

C1. Enrolling in Job Corps was easy for me.

C2. My Admissions Counselors fully and clearly explained the Job Corps Student Conduct Policy (center rules). For example, no alcohol on center.

C3. My Admissions Counselors explained what was expected of me at Job Corps (for example, group participation, following the rules).

C4. My Admissions Counselors helped me complete my Job Corps application.

C5. My Admissions Counselors discussed career training options with me.

C6. My Admissions Counselors placed me in a center that had trades I wanted.

C7. I am satisfied with the length of time it took from starting the application (paperwork) to arriving at this center.

C8. Overall, how well did your Admissions Counselors explain the program to prepare you for life at Job Corps?

  • Did a great job

  • Did a good job

  • Did an OK job

  • Did a bad job


The next set of questions asks about your experiences during the Career Preparation Period (CPP) classes. These are the first classes students take at Job Corps. CPP classes are designed to introduce students to center life, teach employability skills, and prepare for training at Job Corps.

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know/ Does Not Apply

D1. My CPP instructors treat me with respect.

D2. My CPP instructors are helpful to me during class.

D3. My CPP instructors treat students fairly.

D4. My CPP instructors care about my success.

D5. The CPP classes are well-planned and organized.

D6. The CPP classes have working equipment (for example, access to working computers and printers).

D7. My CPP classes have helped me identify a trade that I can enjoy and do well.

D8. My CPP classes have helped prepare me for a job and the workplace.

D9. My CPP classes have prepared me to find a job.

D10. My CPP instructors reviewed the Student Standards of Conduct (center rules) with me.

SECTION E: ACADEMICS (Reading, Math, or TABE classes)

Test of Adult Basic Education, or TABE

The Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) is given to all students during their first 21 days on center. Based on the outcome and your career path, you may be placed in reading or math classes. You may also need to retake the TABE.

E1. I have taken the TABE at this center.

  • Yes

  • No (GO TO E3)

E2. The TABE testing room is a good place to take a test (for example, quiet, comfortable, clean, and well-lit).

  • Strongly Agree

  • Agree

  • Neither Agree or Disagree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Do Not Know/Does Not Apply

Reading Classes

E3. In the last month, I have taken at least one reading class.

  • Yes

  • No (GO TO E14)

E4. I am working on improving my ability to speak, read, and write in English.

  • Yes (CONTINUE TO E5)

  • No (GO TO E6)

E5. The teachers at my center are helping me improve my English skills.

  • Strongly Agree

  • Agree

  • Neither Agree or Disagree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know/ Does Not Apply

E6. My reading teachers treat me with respect.

E7. My reading teachers are helpful to me during class.

E8. My reading teachers treat students fairly.

E9. The reading classes are well-planned and organized.

E10. The reading classes have enough working equipment (for example, computers, books, or printers).

E11. My reading teachers care about me learning to read and write well.

E12. My reading teachers clearly describe the material covered in class.

E13. My reading teachers care about my success.

E14. The tools that help me learn in my reading classes are:

Select all that apply.

  • Reading worksheets/workbooks

  • Online practice tests

  • Small group instruction

  • Class lectures

  • Projects and presentations

  • Computer/online instruction

  • One-on-one instruction

  • Other. Please specify: _____________________________________________________

E15. What, if anything, makes it difficult to learn in reading class?

Select all that apply.

  • Nothing, there are no issues that make it difficult to learn in reading class

  • There are too many students in the class

  • There is no regular teacher, the teacher missed too many classes, teacher does not teach

  • Using online programs or videos

  • Help is not available when needed

  • Classroom is too noisy

  • Teacher covers material too slowly

  • Teacher covers material too quickly

  • Learning difficulties/no accommodations for learning difficulties

  • Lack of interest in topic/no motivation

  • No lesson plan/do not know what is supposed to be covered in class

  • Lessons are not individualized/lessons are not what I need to work on

  • Students disrespect the teacher

  • Students disrespect each other

  • Teacher disrespects the students

  • The teacher spends too much time dealing with problems (for example, students sleeping or students on their phones)

  • I am sent to do other activities too often (for example, clean-up duty)

  • Other. Please specify:_____________________________________________________

Math Classes

E16. In the last month, I have taken at least one math class.

  • Yes


How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know/ Does Not Apply

E17. My math teachers treat me with respect.

E18. My math teachers are helpful to me during class.

E19. My math teachers treat students fairly.

E20. The math classes are well-planned and organized.

E21. The math classes have working equipment (for example, computers, books, or printers).

E22. My math teachers care about me learning math well.

E23. My math teachers clearly describe the material covered in class.

E24. My math teachers care about my success.

E25. The tools that help me learn in my math classes are:

Select all that apply.

  • Math worksheets/workbooks

  • Online practice tests

  • Small group instruction

  • Class lectures

  • Projects and presentations

  • Computer/online instruction

  • One-on-one instruction

  • Other. Please specify: _____________________________________________________

E26. What, if anything, makes it difficult to learn in math class?

Select all that apply.

  • Nothing, there are no issues that make it difficult to learn in math class

  • There are too many students in the class

  • There is no regular teacher, the teacher missed too many classes, teacher does not teach

  • Using online programs or videos

  • Help is not available when needed

  • Classroom is too noisy

  • Teacher covers material too slowly

  • Teacher covers material too quickly

  • Learning difficulties/no accommodations for learning difficulties

  • Lack of interest in topic/no motivation

  • No lesson plan/do not know what is supposed to be covered in class

  • Lessons are not individualized/lessons are not what I need to work on

  • Students disrespect the teacher

  • Students disrespect each other

  • Teacher disrespects the students

  • The teacher spends too much time dealing with problems (for example, students sleeping or students on their phones)

  • I am sent to do other activities too often (for example, clean up duty)

  • Other. Please specify:_____________________________________________________


The next set of questions asks about your experiences with the high school classes you have taken or are taking at Job Corps.

F1. Are you taking traditional high school courses, online high school courses, or classes to prepare you for the GED or HiSET (your state’s high school equivalency exam)?

  • Yes (CONTINUE TO F2)


F2. I am making progress towards obtaining my high school diploma or equivalent (GED or HiSET).

  • Strongly Agree

  • Agree

  • Neither Agree or Disagree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree

F3. I am satisfied with the instruction I have received.

  • Strongly Agree

  • Agree

  • Neither Agree or Disagree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree

The next set of questions asks about your experiences taking high school classes at Job Corps. These classes can be for a high school diploma or to prepare you for the GED or HiSET (your state’s high school equivalency exam). Answer each item by selecting the best response from the following scale:

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know / Does Not Apply

F4. My high school teachers treat me with respect.

F5. My high school teachers are helpful to me during class.

F6. My high school teachers treat students fairly.

F7. The high school classes are well-planned and organized.

F8. The high school classes have enough working equipment (for example, computers, books, or printers).

F9. My high school teachers help me with my course work.

F10. My high school teachers care about my success.

F11. The high school classes are giving me the knowledge I need to graduate or pass the state test (GED or HiSET).

F12. The tools that help me learn in my high school classes are:

Select all that apply.

  • High school practice worksheets/workbooks

  • Online practice tests

  • Small group instruction

  • Class lectures

  • Projects and presentations

  • Computer/online instruction

  • One-on-one instruction

  • Other. Please specify: ________________________________________________________

F13. What, if anything, makes it difficult to learn in high school class?

Select all that apply.

  • Nothing; there are no issues that make it difficult to learn in high school class

  • There are too many students in the class

  • There is no regular teacher, the teacher missed too many classes, teacher does not teach

  • Help is not available when needed

  • Learning difficulties/no accommodations for learning difficulties

  • Using online programs or videos

  • I cannot complete the testing I need to finish my program

  • Classroom is too noisy

  • Students disrespect the teacher

  • Students disrespect each other

  • The teacher spends too much time dealing with problems (for example, students sleeping or students on their phones)

  • I am sent to do other activities too often (for example, clean up duty)

  • Other. Please specify:_____________________________________________________


The next section asks about your trade (CTT) classes. Please think only about your current trade classes as you answer the following questions.

G1. Are you taking classes or participating in activities related to your trade? This includes work-based learning (on- or off-center) and internships.

  • Yes


G2. When you consider all the trade choices at Job Corps, are you satisfied with your current trade?

  • Yes (GO TO G4)

  • No

G3. Why are you unsatisfied with your current trade?

Select all that apply.

  • I am taking a trade program I did not choose

  • I am no longer interested in the trade as a career

  • I do not like my trade instructor

  • The trade is too hard

  • The trade is too easy

  • The trade takes too long to finish

  • I am not interested in completing a trade; my goal is to complete high school

  • Other. Please specify: ________________________________________________________

The next set of questions asks about your experiences when learning your current trade. Answer each item by selecting the single best response from the following scale:

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know/ Does Not Apply

G4. My trade instructors treat me with respect.

G5. My trade instructors are helpful to me during class.

G6. My trade instructors treat students fairly.

G7. My trade instructors care about my success.

G8. My trade instructors’ lessons are well-planned and organized.

G9. My trade classes have working equipment that is up-to-date.

G10. My trade classes are teaching me the skills I need to perform a job in my field.

G11. My trade instructors clearly explain each skill.

G12. My trade instructors are experienced and willing to assist me.

G13. What, if anything, makes it difficult to learn in trade class?

Select all that apply.

  • Nothing; there are no issues that make it difficult to learn in trade class

  • There are too many students in the class

  • The tools, materials, or supplies are out of date

  • There are not enough tools and supplies for the class

  • It takes too long to get certified or complete certification testing

  • There is no regular instructor, the instructor missed too many classes, instructor does not teach

  • Classroom is too noisy

  • Instructor is busy doing other things

  • Using online programs or videos

  • Not enough hands-on time in class

  • No lesson plan/do not know what is supposed to be covered in class

  • Learning difficulties/no accommodations for learning difficulties

  • Students disrespect the instructor

  • Students disrespect each other

  • Instructor disrespects the students

  • The instructor does not spend enough time on each task

  • The instructor spends too much time on each task

  • The instructor spends too much time dealing with problems (for example, students sleeping or students on their phones).

  • I am sent to do other activities too often (for example, clean up duty)

  • Other. Please specify:__________________________________________________________

G14. Have you been involved in work-based learning on- or off-center, or at an internship program related to your trade? Work-based learning is using your trade skills in real life, somewhere other than in class.

  • Yes


G15. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Work-based learning has helped me gain the knowledge and skills needed for my trade.

  • Strongly Agree

  • Agree

  • Neither Agree or Disagree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Do Not Know


H1. I plan to graduate soon (in the next one or two months).

  • Yes


The next set of questions asks about your experience with classes that prepare you for getting a job after you graduate from Job Corps (CTR or Career Transition Readiness). These classes include activities such as writing your resume, practicing interviewing skills, and job searching.

H2. In the last month, have you attended classes at this center to help you prepare to graduate from Job Corps (for example, classes to work on your resume or prepare you for interviews)?

  • Yes

  • No (GO TO H7)

The next set of questions asks about your experiences at this center in preparing you to find a job or start an education program and live independently. Answer each item by selecting the single best response from the following scale:

Select one response per row.

At this center, I have learned…


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree

H3. How to be professional during a job interview.

H4. How to write a resume and complete an application.

H5. How to manage my money.

H6. How to live on my own.

The next questions ask you about your experience with your Career Transition Services (CTS) counselor (the person who will help you find a job after you leave Job Corps). CTS is the period that occurs after you graduate from Job Corps as you search for a job.

H7. Have you met with your CTS Counselor since enrollment at this center?

  • Yes


  • Do Not Know (END SECTION)

H8. Please select how much you agree with the following statement: Overall, my CTS Counselor has been helpful with my job search and preparing me for life after I graduate.

  • Strongly Agree

  • Agree

  • Neither Agree or Disagree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Do Not Know


The next set of questions asks about your experiences living at this center.

I1. How satisfied are you living at this center?

  • Extremely Satisfied

  • Satisfied

  • Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied

  • Dissatisfied

  • Extremely Dissatisfied

  • Do Not Know / Does Not Apply (GO TO I1_DK)

I1_DK. Do you currently live at this center?

  • Yes (GO TO I2)


Dorm Living

The next set of questions asks you about your level of satisfaction with different areas of residential living. Answer each item by selecting the single best response from ‘Extremely Satisfied’ to ‘Extremely Dissatisfied.’

Select one response per row.


Extremely Satisfied




Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied




Extremely Dissatisfied


Do Not Know / Does Not Apply

I2. Dorm rooms

I3. Bathrooms in dorms

I4. Shared dorm space (TV or study spaces)

I5. Laundry rooms (washers and dryers)

I6. Resident Advisor (RA) or dorm staff

I7. Access to computers

I8. Access to the internet

I9. Dorm safety

I10. Study spaces available after training hours

I11. Tutoring after training hours

I12. Center-provided transportation

I13. Dorm problems being fixed

I14. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Dorm clean-up duties and other clean-up duties are assigned to students fairly.

  • Strongly Agree

  • Agree

  • Neither Agree or Disagree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Do Not Know

I15. In the last month, have you encountered health or safety hazards in your dorm area?

Select all that apply.

  • None; the dorm is safe

  • Infestation or large number of insects in your living area (for example, bed bugs, cockroaches)

  • Rodents in your living area (for example, mice or rats)

  • Mold

  • Washing machines/dryers do not work

  • Heating system does not work

  • Air conditioning does not work

  • Locks/Lockers do not work

  • Emergency doors or alarm system does not work

  • Issues with the water (for example, no hot water, no access to drinking water, or issues with the drinking water)

  • Issues with the drainage/sewage system (for example, leaks)

  • Doors or windows that are missing or do not open or close easily, or are broken

  • Unsanitary or very unclean bathrooms or dorm rooms

  • Problems with electrical outlets (for example, loose outlets or sparks)

  • Living conditions that exposed you to illness (for example, overcrowding dorm room or COVID-19 related issues)

  • Other. Please specify:____________________________________________________________

Recreational Activities

Recreational activities are planned activities that happen on-center or off-center that you and your fellow students can do during leisure time. These activities can include sports, games, or movies. Recreational staff are the people assigned to supervise or organize these activities. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know/Does Not Apply

I16. All recreational staff treat me with respect.

I17. The recreational staff organize activities that I enjoy.

I18. There are recreational activities available after training hours.

I19. The equipment in the recreation area works and is clean.


The next set of questions asks about your experiences as a non-residential Job Corps student. Answer each item by selecting the single best response from the following scale:

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know / Does Not Apply

J1. The center staff help me get to center and back home every day.

J2. My center provides space for me to study on center after training hours.

J3. My center has a designated staff person to address my needs as a non-residential student.

J4. Center staff are helpful in explaining the leave policy.

J5. My teachers are willing to listen when I have concerns.

Recreational Activities

Recreational activities are planned activities that happen on-center or off-center that you and your fellow students can do during leisure time. These activities can include sports, games, or movies. Recreational staff are the people at your center assigned to supervise or organize these activities. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know/Does Not Apply

J6. All recreational staff treat me with respect.

J7. The recreational staff organize activities that I enjoy.

J8. The equipment in the recreation area works and is clean.

J9. The center staff encourage me to participate in recreational activities.


The next set of questions asks about your experiences as a Job Corps student. Answer each item by selecting the best response from the following scale:

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know/Does Not Apply

K1. The center staff make sure that I can get to center and back home safely every day.

K2. My center provides space for me to study on center.

K3. I am encouraged to participate in recreational activities.

K4. The center has recreational activities I enjoy.

K5. My teachers and instructors listen to me when I have concerns.


The next set of questions asks about your experiences as an Advanced Career Training (ACT) student. Answer each item by selecting the best response from the following scale:

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know/Does Not Apply

L1. I believe the ACT program will improve my career opportunities after Job Corps.

L2. The transportation my center provides for me to go to and from the ACT site is excellent.

L3. My center has prepared me to be successful in my ACT program.

L4. Center staff care about my needs as an ACT student.


The next set of questions asks about your experiences as an Advanced Training (AT) student. Answer each item by selecting the best response from the following scale:

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree


Do Not Know / Does Not Apply

M1. My Advanced Training instructors treat me with respect.

M2. My Advanced Training instructors are helpful to me during class.

M3. My Advanced Training instructors treat students fairly.

M4. The Advanced Training classes are well-planned and organized.

M5. My Advanced Training instructors clearly explain each skill.

M6. My Advanced Training instructors are experienced and able to assist me.

M7. The Advanced Training courses have added to what I learned in my basic trade program.

M8. I believe my Advanced Training program will improve my career options.


Think about your experience at Job Corps since you began. Answer each item by selecting the best response from the following scale:

Select one response per row.


Strongly Agree




Neither Agree or Disagree




Strongly Disagree

N1. Job Corps has been a positive experience.

N2. I would recommend Job Corps to a friend.

For the question below, check all that apply.

N3. Job Corps has improved my:

  • communication skills

  • confidence

  • self-worth/self-respect

  • attitude towards work

  • focus/motivation

  • outlook for the future

  • leadership skills

  • education/academic skills

  • ability to manage my money and finances

  • ability to live on my own

  • ability to search for a job

  • ability to use a computer

  • ability to apply for a job

  • ability to interview

  • ability to perform well at my job

  • ability to get along with other people

  • ability to be professional

  • knowledge of my health and well-being

  • None of the above

  • Other. Please specify: _______________

N4. If you have any additional comments about your center, describe in the comment box below.


Any threat of self-harm, harm to others, or illegal activity may be reported to center staff.

If you have safety concerns, please contact someone on your center or call 844-JC1-SAFE (844-521-7233).


This last set of questions is about how you identify yourself and how Job corps staff, instructors, or leadership respect you as a person.

O1. Race. Do you identify as:

  • White

  • Black or African American

  • American Indian or Alaska Native

  • Asian

  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

  • More than one race

  • Some other race

  • Decline to answer

O2. Ethnicity. Do you identify as:

  • Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish Origin

  • Not Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish Origin

  • Decline to answer

O3. What is your primary language or the first language you spoke?

  • English

  • Spanish

  • Portuguese

  • Haitian Creole

  • French

  • Some other language (please specify:_____)

  • Decline to answer

O4. Gender Identity. Do you identify as:

  • Male

  • Female

  • Transgender

  • Genderqueer or gender nonconforming

  • Something else (please specify:__________)

  • Don’t know

  • Decline to answer

O5. Do you identify as:

  • Straight or heterosexual

  • Lesbian or gay

  • Bisexual

  • Queer, pansexual, and/or questioning

  • Something else (please specify:___________)

  • Don’t know

  • Decline to answer


Thank you for your time. The National Office of Job Corps appreciates your answers. The results from all students will be used by the National Office of Job Corps, the Regional Offices of Job Corps, and your center to make decisions. Your name will not be used or shared with your center. If you have immediate concerns or issues regarding your safety or the safety of others, please report these to the Job Corps Hotline at 1-844-JC1-SAFE (1-844-521-7233).


We are sorry that you have chosen not to complete the survey at this time. If you change your mind, please contact us at [email protected]. If you have immediate concerns or issues regarding your safety or the safety of others, please report these to the Job Corps Hotline at 1-844-JC1-SAFE (1-844-521-7233).


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-12-14

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